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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/04/1931392 Kent, 7'ashindon, May 4th. 1931. Regular meeting of the City Council; present Mayor Murker and Coun- cilmen Boundy, Boucher, Boyker, Dunbar & Wooden. Minutes of the Meeting of April 20th. , last, read and approved. Roport of the Police Dept. for the month of April presented & filed. Councilman Boyker was instructed to investigate and have figures submitted for a new oil burner for the furnace room. Mr. Fallgren and Mr. Clark reported on a trip to the springs and recomended that the springs be cleaned and more dirt and gravel placed over the spring bacon, rhich recomendation wan adopted. CLAIMS Win, M PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Olympic Foundry Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co., Geo. 0. na.11ock Standard Oil Co. Time Sheet Chas. w. Hinton, State Treas. Thomas A. Bow Library Board Sal. List P. S. P L. Co. Park Time Sheet Kent Valley News Kane & Harcus Kent Electric Co. Trick & Murray Columbia Lumber Co. Bessie "ender Berlin Motor Co. L. E. Price J. G. Watson County Treasurer Meter Boxes $ 32.50 Plater Syst. Supplies 209.28 Truck Exp. 11.72 Gass & oil 12.34 Labor for April 632.00 Med. Aid & Ind. Ins. 15.15. Gass & Oil 34.65 . Books & Supplies 24,01 Salaries for April, 963.70 Lighting 355.36 Park Labor 28.00 Printing 2.50 Office Supplies 9.19 Police Suppliewr 1.45 Office Supplies, 8.47 Lumber 19.60 Attorney Expense 12.50 Car Expense 5.96 Office Expense 10.20 Tools & Reps. 24.25 D. D. Taxes 49.80 No further Business appearing the meeting,, upon motion, did then adjure. L. F. Price, City Clerk.