HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/05/1931 384 Kent , .Washington, January 5, 1931 . Regular' meeting of the City Council; present Mayor Murker & Council- men Boundy, Boucher , Boyker, Dunbar , .Leach and Wooden. Minutes of the meeting of December 15, last , read and approved. Police report for the month of December presented and filed. Upon motion the work of building a partition across the auditorium was let to Mr. Barnes. The petition for paving Shinn street , from -Fourth to First , not having enough signers , was tabled for the present. A blanket insurance was ordered taken out on the members of the Fire Department at a cost of $55.00 per year. The City Attorney was directed to prepar and present an ordinance fixing a penality for malicious destruction of city property and offer- ing an award of $25.00 for information leading to the arrest and convic- tion of any one so destroying city property. Ordinance No. 617 , fixing the speed of ralroad trains , was read and upon motion placed upon its final passage and carried by the unani- mous vote of all of the Councilmen present. Upon motion the final payment of the American Concrete Pipe Co. was allowed after being- checked by the Finance Committee and the Engineer. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Crane Co. - Supplies $ 193.46 W. J. Bouldron Fixing Street 4.00 Buffellen Wood Pipe Cow Pipe 920.21 Seattle Pllmbing Sup. Co . Pipe & Fittings 113.33 F. L. Taylor Labor & Supplies 25.75 Grennell Company Fittings - 18.03 Sal. List Sal . for December 916.30 E. F. Hansen Tools & Reps. 6.25 Time Sheet Labor, Reg. Crew 523.00 Chas . W. Hinton Ind. Ins. 23.72 Geo. 0 . Hallock Car, & Truck Exp. 22.43 Valley Garage Gass & Oil 62•75 Time Sheet Labor, Ext. Crew 700.00 Stewart Kingman Park Labor 20.00 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lighting 356.25 Special Police Oct. 30, two men 8.00 J. H. Snyder Paint Sign 2.50 Trick & Murray Print. Bonds 46.69 W. W. Watters Office Exp. 4.75 Packer-Scott Co. . Janitor Sup. 4.00 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber 18.90 L. E.Price School Boy Patrol 30.00 Geo. 0. Hallock Police Car 610.00 T. W. Bassett Expense 32.00 J . A. Fallgreen Inspection ' 9.00 Franklin Thrift Grocery Janitors Supplies 1.90 J. G. Watson Tools & Reps. 14.40 Berlin Hdwe. Co. Supplies 20.40 No further Business appearing the meeting, upon motion , did then adjurn. r L. E. Price , City Clerk.