HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/03/1930 "'' 359
Kent , 7ashin,ton , Feb. 3 , 1930.
Regular meeting of the City Council; present =ayor Murker and
Councilmen Boundy , ]toucher, Doyker. , ?Dunbar , Johnson , Leach and
Wooden .
TIinutes of the meeting; of January 20th. last , read and anrroved .
'`'olice report for January presented and filed .
Fir Committee reported nerr tires for fire truck baur-;ht and inst-
Finance Committee reported reported lot 9 , block 16 , m.C. I .Co . ,
rented to the Columbia Lumber Co. till June 16th. next , with opt-
ion to purchase at $1000 .00} and upon motion the action of the
Finance Committee teas adopted and anproved .
THE FOLLO'F'ING RESOLUTION authorizing the sale of lot 10, block
4, Clarks Second Addition to Lent , -as read and adopted:
RESOLVED by the City Council of be Citi, of bent , that a i-arrent
'be issued in favor of King County , for taxes due on lot 10 , in
Block 4, Clarks Second Addition to dent , amount without interest ,
and that a deed be issued to Irving C. Clark and wife , of said
property, that the Mayor and City Clerk be and are hereby authori-
zed to execute said deed. That said and -rarrent be delivered to
Clark upon payment to the city of the full amount due as above
stated of $384.43.
Upon motion it `7as decided to build a sidei alk, on east Titus
street as soon as weather conditions n^rmit .
A netition was read requesting; the removal of the old rurnt
garage on S. Railroad Avenue , in clock 10; matter taken under
advisement .
Iiatter of awnings over sidewalks -as refered to the Street
and Ligllt Committies for investigation .
P. S . P. & L. Co. Lighting $ 215.90
Fyr-Fyter Sales Co . Fire Dent . 10.00
Standard Oil Co . Fuel Oil 43.68
Reynolds Transfer 1"ood 6.50
Gonnason Brothers Fire Truck Exp. 131.67
L. E. Price Office Exp . 7.05
Kent Elect . Co . Labor & "`aterial 14.80
Colemans Service Station Fire Dent . 15.44
H. L. Morrill Sal . 33.35
F. M. Imhoff Sal. 1 5.00
71. J. Naller Sal. 150.00
T. W. Bassett Sal . 33.35
G. M. I4acGregor Sal . 15.00
Fire Department Sal. 100.00
Cgas . Bridges Sal . 135.00
Anna Fisher Sal . 35.00
Margart Berlin Sal . 60.00
L. E. Price Sal . 200.00
• V"illiam Thoris Sal . 15.00
Valley Garage CaIR & Oil & Lab. ` 6.45
C. P,,!attini Snl . 5.00
J. R. Randall Sal . 125.00
T. Jensen 1,a.1-,or 100.00
S . W. Lvons Labor 0?.00
Joe I]endrickson Lal,or 104.00
S . J. Pinkerton Lal,or 95.00
Chas . VT. Hinton Ind . Ins 14.35
Seattle Plumb . Sun . Co . Curnlies 1.2 .08
Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber ?5.10
Trick & yurr,ay Sunp1ies 15.20
J. G. Matson Tools & Retid . ].�.10
G. 0. Diggs Rebate on Rent 14.00
Page Letter Co. Coart Costs 150 .00
Advertiser-Journal Printing 28 .81
E. F. Hansen Tools & Pops . 4.55
King County Taxes 42.29
A comunication from the Miller Engineering Co. , setting fourth
agreement for engineering 1rork on the ner transmission lines ryas
read and upon motion the engineering; work was a—a.rded to the Miller
Eng. Co . as per, their agreement on .file , by unanimous vote . �
No further business apl)earing the iii.eeting, upon motion , did
then a d j urn.
city Clr.k.