HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 05/15/2001 City of Kent City Council Meeting Agenda \SS7 KEN T W A S H I N G T O N Mayor Jim White Councilmembers Leona Orr, President Sandy Amodt Connie Epperly Tom Brotherton Judy Woods Tim Clark Rico Yingling May 15, 2001 Office of the City Clerk SUMMARY AGENDA �� KENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING `� KENT May 15, 2001 W RSXINOTON Council Chambers 7 : 00 p.m. MAYOR: Jim White COUNCILMEMBERS : Leona Orr, President Sandy Amodt Tom Brotherton Tim Clark Connie Epperly Judy Woods Rico Yingling ******************************************************************* 1 . CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE 2 . ROLL CALL 3 . CHANGES TO AGENDA A. FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF B. FROM THE PUBLIC 4 . PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Fire Department Citizen Award Presentations B. Proclamation - Emergency Medical Services Week C. Proclamation - Mental Health Month D. Proclamation - Public Works Week E. Proclamation - Senior Center Week 5 . CLOSED RECORD APPEAL HEARING A. Kent Commuter Rail Station Garage Conditional Use Permit - Appeal 6 . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes - Approval B. Bills - Approval C. 2001 Replacement Computers - Authorize D. Telephone System Maintenance Contract - Authorize E. Year 2002 Community Development Block Grant Funding - Approve F. Kronisch Park Easement to US West - Accept and Amend et G. BgGrant Application Program - Resolutionsl5�� '�U Of IACC H. Service Club Ballfields Donations - Accept and Amend Budget I . LID 354 , N. Washington Avenue and W. Meeker Street Improvement Bids - Reject J. Hillside Manor Water Latecomer Agreement - Authorize K. Hillside Manor Sewer Latecomer Agreement - Authorize L. Transportation Improvement Board Grant, Meeker Street , Washington Avenue to 64th Avenue South - Accept M. Transportation Improvement Board Grant, Washington Avenue HOV Lanes - Accept N. King County Signal Grant, SR 99 - Accept O. King County Signal Grant, West Valley Highway - Accept (continued next page) SUMMARY AGENDA CONTINUED P . Washington State Department of Transportation Grant, S . 277th Street, Freight Mobility Funds - Accept Q. Washington State Department of Transportation Grant, S . 277th Street, Highways and Local Programs - Accept R. Two-Hour Parking Ordinance - Adopt 3 SS(o S . Lake Fenwick Road Watermain Extension - Bill of Sale T. Interagency Agreement with Department of General Administration, Energy Savings Plan - Authorize 7 . OTHER BUSINESS A. Kentview Pod H Comprehensive Plan Amendment 8 . BIDS A. LID 350 - Big K Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Replacement 9 . REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES AND STAFF 10 . REPORTS FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEES 11 . CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS 12 . EXECUTIVE SESSION None 13 . ADJOURNMENT NOTE : A copy of the full agenda packet is available for perusal in the City Clerk' s Office and the Kent Library. The Agenda Summary page is on the City of Kent web site at www. ci .kent .wa.us . An explanation of the agenda format is given on the back of this page . Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk' s Office in advance at (253) 856-5725 . For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388 . CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Citizens wishing to address the Council will, at this time, make known the subject of interest, so all may be properly heard. A) FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF B) FROM THE PUBLIC PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A) FIRE DEPARTMENT CITIZEN AWARD PRESENTATIONS B) PROCLAMATION - EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK C) PROCLAMATION - MENTAL HEALTH MONTH D) PROCLAMATION - PUBLIC WORKS WEEK E) PROCLAMATION - SENIOR CENTER WEEK Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Hearing 1 . SUBJECT: KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPEAL (#CE-2000-9) 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: This is a closed record appeal hearing of the decision of the Hearing Examiner, approving a conditional use permit for the Kent Commuter Rail Station Garage applied for by the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority. The Hearing Examiner' s Findings were issued January 24, 2001 . Mr. Don B. Shaffer requested a Reconsideration of the Findings and the Hearing Examiner issued a Decision on the Request for Reconsideration on March 15, 2001 . 3 . EXHIBITS: Complete copy of Hearing Examiner record and Mr. Don Shaffer' s request for appeal are contained in a separate binder 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Hearing Examiner (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: A. Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds to close the public hearing. B. Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds to sustain/reverse/remand findings and conclusions of the Hearing Examiner. DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 5A Z% CONSENT CALENDAR 6 . City Council Action: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds to approve Consent Calendar Items A through T. Discussion Action 6A. Approval of Minutes . Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of May 1, 2001 . 6B. Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received through April 30 and paid on April 30 after auditing by the Operations Committee on May 1 , 2001 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 4/30/01 511974-512206 $ 599, 774 . 86 4/30/01 512207-512715 2 , 612 , 098 . 83 $3 , 211 , 873 . 69 Approval of checks issued for payroll for April 1 through April 15 and paid on April 20 , 2001 : Date Check Numbers Amount 4/20/01 Checks 251228-251569 $ 272 , 446 . 15 4/20/01 Advices 110218-110875 1 , 028 , 449 . 61 $1, 300 , 895 . 76 Council Agenda Item No. 6 A-B Kent, Washington May 1 , 2001 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p .m. by Mayor White . Councilmembers present : Amodt , Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods and Yingling. Others present : Chief Administrative Officer McFall , City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief Crawford, Fire Chief Angelo, Deputy Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Martin, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Planning Manager Satterstrom, Finance Director Miller, Information Technology Director Mulholland, and Employee Services Director Viseth. Approximately 35 people were at the meeting . CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Woods requested that Item Q be removed from the Consent Calendar and sent to the Parks Committee meeting on May 8th. McFall requested the addition of pending and potential litigation to tonight ' s Executive Session, noting that action may be taken afterward. Wickstrom requested that Item 8B be removed from Bids and deferred to the next Council meeting . Ted Kogita, 25227 Reith Road, requested the addition of City taxes . There was no objection to the addition and removal of these items . City taxes was added as Continued Communications Item 11A. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Service Club Ball Field Recognition. Lori Flemm of the Parks Department noted that the service clubs in Kent have joined together to raise funds to provide ball fields, and that they were able to obtain a $500 , 000 grant from the state to help construct them. She expressed thanks to the service club representatives in attendance , representatives from the Rotary Club-Sunrise presented a check for $4 , 500 and Lions expressed thanks for the opportunity to make Kent a better place to live . Highline Community College Strategic Plan. The President of Highline Community College, Dr. Priscilla Bell, distributed brochures and a questionnaire to the Mayor and Council and explained some of things going on at Highline which are relevant to issues coming before the City Council . She noted that if funding comes through, a partnership with CWU will open in 2005 . She offered to provide Councilmembers with a copy of the 1996 Strategic Plan, and added that the new Plan will be more specific . 1 Kent City Council Minutes May 1, 2001 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced that Michelle Hale of the Emergency Management Unit has been selected as Employee of the Month for May. He noted that Ms . Hale provides training in preparation for disasters, and that she helped us all through the recent terrifying earthquake . He extended congratulations to her. Rachel ' s Day. Mayor White read a proclamation noting that children today face stresses unknown to previous generations and that mentors are needed to provide love, strength and stability. He proclaimed May 6, 2001, as Rachel ' s Day in the City of Kent and encouraged citizens to educate themselves on the issues affecting youth. Louise Lee accepted the proclamation and commended the service clubs , colleges, mail carriers and City staff for their help . Day of Prayer. Mayor White read a proclamation noting that historically our greatest leaders have turned to prayer in times of crisis and thanksgiving, and pro- claimed May 3 , 2001, as Day of Prayer in the City of Kent . He urged all citizens to join in this special observance . Pastor John Jendresen accepted proclamation and said the praying community is thrilled to have a day set aside not only by Congress but by the City of Kent as a day of prayer. He told the Council they are prayed for daily by name and that it is a privilege to do so . Arson Awareness Week. The Mayor read a proclamation declaring the week of May 6-12 , 2001 , as Arson Awareness Week in the City of Kent , and noting that many people are injured annually in the City of Kent and that over a million dollars worth of property is destroyed due to arson. He encouraged citizens and employees to be aware, report suspicious activity, and endeavor to reduce the incidence of arson in neighborhoods, businesses, and schools . Fire Chief Angelo expressed thanks for the proclamation and commended fire investigators for their work. Letter Carriers Food Drive. The Mayor read a pro- clamation noting that the National Association of Letter Carriers will sponsor their 9th Annual nationwide food 2 Kent City Council Minutes May 1 , 2001 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS drive on Saturday, May 12 , 2001 . He proclaimed May 12 , 2001 as Letter Carrier ' s Food Drive Day in the City of Kent and urged citizens to aid those in need by participating in the drive . Karen Kirkmever-Wilson accepted the proclamation, explained how the drive works, and thanked the City for their support . National Softball Association Outstanding Park Award. Lori Flemm of the Parks Department announced that the City of Kent received the award for the best softball complex in the state, which is Russell Road Park. She commended the recreation staff and maintenance staff for their efforts . Mayor White stated that the award is a great reflection of the City' s park system. WRPA Outstanding Facility and Park Award. Lori Flemm announced that the Award of Merit was presented to the City of Kent for the Linda Heights Park Renovation project . She noted that the Parks Department worked with the Public Works Department and the neighbors in the area on this project, and presented the award to Mayor White . CONSENT CALENDAR ORR MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through U, with the exception of Item Q which was removed by Councilmember Woods . Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of April 17 , 2001 , and approval of a correction to the minutes of April 3 , 2001 , remov- ing the words EXECUTIVE SESSION from the top of page 11 . BILLS OF SALE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6R) Swan Court II Bill of Sale. ACCEPT the Bill of Sale for Swan Court 2 submitted by Dan Swanson for continuous operation and maintenance of 200 feet of watermain, 225 feet of sanitary sewers, 754 feet of street improvements and 391 feet of storm sewers and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public 3 Kent City Council Minutes May 1, 2001 BILLS OF SALE Works Director. The project is located at 112th Avenue S .E . and S .E. 240th Street . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6S) Hillside Manor Bill of Sale. ACCEPT the Bill of Sale for Hillside Manor submitted by Ellenswood Corporation for continuous operation and maintenance of 1, 266 feet of watermain, 1, 996 feet of sanitary sewers, 800 feet of street improvements and 1 , 003 feet of storm sewers and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recom- mended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 24411 98th Avenue South. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6T) Brossard Short Plat Bill of Sale. ACCEPT the Bill of Sale for Brossard Short Plat submitted by Robinson Homes for continuous operation and maintenance of 180 feet of watermain, 444 feet of sanitary sewers, 500 feet of street improvements and 350 feet of storm sewers and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recom- mended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 124th Avenue S .E . & S .E . 276th Street . WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) Tacoma Second Supply Project Amendment to Design Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Tacoma Second Supply Project, Amendment to Design Agreement subject to, 1) the terms and conditions of the agreement meet with the approval of the Public Works Director and City Attorney and, 2) the Habitat Conservation Plan and the Incidental Take permit have been issued and, 3) that the MOA on the water right issue with DOE be executed or the assurances to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director that it will be executed, 4) confirmation by the Public Works Director that there are no unforeseen issues raised by the Muckleshoot per Kent and CWD moving ahead with the construction of this pipe segment, and, 5) that CWD is an equal financial partner per construction of this pipe segment, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . 4 Kent City Council Minutes May 1, 2001 PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) Verizon Wireless Access and Utilities Easement. AUTHORIZATION to grant a 30 day revocable license to Verizon Wireless to install antennas on a BP tower on the City' s Clark Springs property subject to the terms and conditions thereof by the Public Works Director, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . (BIDS - ITEM 8B) LID 350 - Big K Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Replacement. This item was removed from the agenda and deferred to the Council meeting of May 15 , 2001 . STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6K) 132nd Avenue SE & SE 240th Street Condemnation. ADOPTION of condemnation Ordinance No . 3555 for the pur- pose of acquiring a portion of 132nd Ave SE, north of SE 240th Street associated with the Upper Meridian Valley Creek Improvement project, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . This project includes the replacement and/or restoration of culverts and a section of the creek to relieve flooding and restore fish passage . (BIDS - ITEM 8A) South 277th Street Improvement Project . The bid opening for this project was held on April 12th with six (6) bids received. The low bid was submitted by Mid-Mountain Contractors, Inc . in the amount of $24 , 801 , 423 . 01 . The Engineer ' s estimate was $30 , 261 , 899 . 86 The Public Works Director recommends awarding this project to Mid-Mountain Contractors upon the condition that the Auburn City Council also approve the project award. Wickstrom explained that the contract between Kent and Auburn requires their concurrence . CLARK MOVED that the South 277th Street Improvement contract be awarded to Mid Mountain Contractors, Inc . in the amount of $24 , 801 , 423 . 01 upon the condition that the Auburn City Council also approve the project award. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. 5 Kent City Council Minutes May 1, 2001 STREET VACATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6J) 127th Avenue SE Street Vacation. PASSAGE of Resolution No . 1588 setting a public hearing date of June 19th to consider an application for a street vacation of unimproved right-of-way at 127th Avenue Southeast, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . TRAFFIC (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6L) Interagency Signal Agreement, Military Road South & S . 272nd Street. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Interagency Agreement for the Traffic Signal at the intersection of Military Road South and South 272nd Street upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6M) Interagency Signal Agreement, 40th Avenue South & S. 272nd Street. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Interagency Agreement for the Traffic Signal at the intersection of 40th Avenue South and South 272nd Street upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6N) Interagency Signal Agreement, Orillia Road & S . 200th Street. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Interagency Agreement for the Traffic Signal at the intersection of Orillia Road and South 200th Street , upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . SURPLUS VEHICLES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) Sale of Surplus Vehicles . AUTHORIZATION to declare certain vehicles no longer needed by the City as surplus and authorize the sale thereof at the next public auction, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . 6 Kent City Council Minutes May 1, 2001 PLAT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6U) Burkhardt Heights Final Plat (#FSU-98-19/KIVA #2010577) . APPROVAL of Staffs recommendation of approval with conditions of the Burkhardt Heights Final Subdivision and authorization for the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. This final plat application was submitted by Harry Singh for the Burkhardt Heights Final Subdivision. The Hearing Examiner issued the Findings with conditions on the preliminary plat on September 15 , 1999 . PLANNING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) Multifamily Tax Exemption. PASSAGE of Resolution No . 1586 setting a public hearing for June 5, 2001 to consider designation of Residential Targeted Areas for limited property tax exemption, as recommended by the Planning Committee on April 16, 2001 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) Comprehensive Plan Amendment. PASSAGE of Resolution No . 1587 declaring an emergency and directing the staff and the Land Use and Planning Board to initiate a comprehensive plan amendment to effectuate a policy for agricultural lands, as recommended by the Planning Committee . FIRE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) King County Basic Life Support Services Contract Amendment For 2001 . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the contract amendment with King County EMS allowing the City to receive funds per the EMS Levy. The amount to be received for year 2001 is $682 , 787 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 60) Fire Department Medical Physicals Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the service contract with Virginia Mason Occupational Medicine to conduct medical physicals for the Fire Department . 7 Kent City Council Minutes May 1 , 2001 PARKING GARAGE (HEARING - ITEM 5A) Kent Commuter Rail Station Garage Conditional Use Permit Appeal . This is a closed record appeal hearing of the decision of the Hearing Examiner approving a conditional use permit for the Kent Commuter Rail State Garage applied for by the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority. City Attorney Lubovich stated that the appellant has requested that the appeal be continued to the May 15th Council meeting, and that Sound Transit and City staff have agreed to do so subject to Council approval . Upon the Attorney' s recommendation, CLARK MOVED to make a letter dated April 26, 2001, from Mr. Don Shaffer requesting the continuance, a letter dated April 30 , 2001 from the Legal Department stating that the decision on continuance will be made by the City Council at this meeting, and a letter dated May 1, 2001 , from the Legal Department to Mr. Shaffer regarding the City and Sound Transit concurring to the continuance, a part of the public record. Woods seconded and the motion carried. CLARK MOVED to continue this issue to the May 15th City Council meeting . Woods seconded and the motion carried. PARKS , RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6P) East Hill Youth Sports Facility Master Plan. ACCEPTANCE of the East Hill Youth Sports Complex proposed Master Plan, as recommended by the Parks Director. In 1998 the City bought the 10 . 19 acre property for the purpose of constructing a youth ballfield complex. Two public meetings were held to gather input . The master plan including public comments were reviewed at the Parks Committee Meeting. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6Q) Kronisch Park US West Easement . This, item was removed from the agenda and sent to the Parks Committee of May 8th. 8 Kent City Council Minutes May 1 , 2001 MAINTENANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) Laundry Services Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a three year contract with Cintas as the City' s laundry service vendor, pending approval of contract language by the legal department, as recommended by the Operations Committee . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through April 16 and paid on April 16, 2001 after auditing by the Operations Committee on April 17 , 2001 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 4/16/01 511290-511594 $1 , 521 , 991 . 62 4/16/01 511595-511973 1 , 843 , 775 . 98 - $3 , 365 , 767 . 60 Approval of checks issued for pavroll for March 16 through March 31 and paid on April 3 , 2001 : Date Check Numbers Amount 4/3/01 Checks 25C921-251227 $ 264 , 368 . 66 4/3/01 Advices 109513-110217 978 , 731 . 21 $1 , 243 , 099 . 87 (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 11A) (ADDED ITEM) Citv Taxes . Ted Koaita said that from the Washington Institute Foundation, Kent has not been honest about their taxes in the year 2000 . He said Kent is fifth in the state and that the cost of living went up 2% and Kent ' s property tax in 1999 was 5 . 9% and in 2000 it was 5 . 95% . He said Kent Ordinance No . 3532 knowingly raised taxes to exceed the cost of living by two to three times . He said part of that money was spent promoting the arts center, and hiring an arts director for two years . He expressed concern that Brotherton' s temporary 9 Kent City Council Minutes May 1, 2001 FINANCE structure tax will be brought up after the election. He said the South County Journal on November 24 , 1999, said that Finance Director Miller told the Council that the $3 . 00 rate would cut $1 . 3 million from the general fund, which is enough to pay 24 employees . He said Council- members approved the proposal for 3 . 2 per one thousand and now the City has gained approximately $1, 000 , 000 and that Amodt was the only Councilmember who spoke up to protect the citizens of Kent . He said numbers do not lie, liars make numbers . McFall responded that the City' s tax rate has in fact gone down every year for the past six years . He said the Mayor and Council have been entirely responsible and entirely within the law with respect to property taxes . He said one has to look far beyond just property taxes and look at the entire tax picture in order to make comparisons with other cities . He pointed out that the City of Kent does not levy any business and occupation tax, as other cities do, and that Kent levies far less than the allowable legal maximum for utility taxes . He said that for this Council to be subjected to accusa- tions regarding its taxing policy, when the law has been followed to the letter, is irresponsible . He said that the City had seen the dubious studies two years ago and discredited them at that time . McFall said he does not know where Mr . Kogita gets his continued references to a temporary structures tax, and that there is no such thing in the State of Washington. He said it is his understanding that Mr. Brotherton ' s discussion was on whether or not the city needed to engage in further regulation of certain types of temporary structures, and that that matter was with- drawn for the time being. He said that has nothing whatsoever to do with any taxing authority at any time . Mayor White stated that the tax levy rate in the City of Kent is the lowest that it has been in ten years , and that that is documented, not pulled out of thin air. REPORTS Council President. Orr expressed thanks to Mr. McFall for his help and guidance over the years . 10 Kent City Council Minutes May 1, 2001 REPORTS Operations Committee. Yingling thanked McFall for the input he brought to the Operations Committee and wished him well . Public Safety Committee. Epperly thanked McFall and wished him good luck. Public Works Committee. Clark noted that his own personal growth on the Council is due to Mr. McFall ' s advice and thanked him for that . Planning Committee. Erotherton thanked McFall for his advice on many issues . He noted that the date of the next Planning Committee meeting is uncertain, but it will be on either May 22nd or 24th. He added that the Ke `view Pod H issue will be on the next Council agenda . Pa:: .s Committee. Woods noted that the next committee meeting will be on Monday, May Sth at 4 : 00 p .m. She said the Council has become dependent upon McFall ' s advice and vision and professionalism, and thanked him also for his friendship . Administrative Reports . McFall reminded Councilmembers of an executive session with the possibility of Council action regarding land acquisition and pending and potential litigation. McFall then said that his service to the City of Kent has been one of the great joys of his life . He said that the phenomenal progress the City has made in the past seven years is attributable to extraordinary leadership on the part of the Mayor and Council and extraordinary performance by a tremendously dedicated staff . McFall went on to say that the decisions and actions of the City Council and Mayor have been guided by what they truly believe to be in the best interest of this com- munity, and that Councilmembers do not advance their personal agendas, but the agenda for the City of Kent . He concluded by expressing thanks for the opportunity to serve . 11 Kent City Council Minutes May 1, 2001 REPORTS Mayor White told McFall that it had been an honor to work with him over the years . EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting recessed to executive session at 7 : 55 p.m. and reconvened at 8 : 20 . LAND ACQUISITION Purchase and Sale Agreement. WOODS MOVED to authorize the Mayor to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement in an amount of $399, 950 from the Youth Utility Capital fund for the Haak Property for an East Hill Youth Skate Park; to authorize the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary to close the sale; and amend the East Hill Skate Park budget with the balance of funds in the amount of $151, 018 . 55 from the Youth Teen Capital Tax Revenues . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. POTENTIAL LITIGATION Olympic Pipeline Company. CLARK MOVED to authorize the _ City Attorney to file a lawsuit or take other appro- priate action against Olympic Pipeline Company for operating a pipeline within the City right-of-way without a franchise agreement . Woods seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT At 8 : 22 p .m. ORR MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Brenda Jacode ,�MCA City Clerk 12 Kent City Council Meeting Date Date May 15 , 2001 Category Hearing 1 . SUBJECT: KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPEAL (#CE-2000-9) 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: This is a closed record appeal hearing of the decision of the Hearing Examiner, approving a conditional use permit for the Kent Commuter Rail Station Garage applied for by the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority. The Hearing Examiner' s Findings were issued January 24, 2001 . Mr. Don B. Shaffer requested a Reconsideration of the Findings and the Hearing Examiner issued a Decision on the Request for Reconsideration on March 15, 2001 . 3 . EXHIBITS: Complete copy of Hearing Examiner record and Mr. Don Shaffer' s request for appeal are contained in a separate binder 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Hearing Examiner (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: A. Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds to close the public hearing. B. Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds to sustain/reverse/remand findings and conclusions of the Hearing Examiner. DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 5A )b Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: 2001 REPLACEMENT COMPUTERS - AUTHORIZE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorize the Mayor to sign purchase orders for replacement computers, payable to Washington State Department of Information Service, not to exceed $167, 000, as recommended by the Operations Committee. 3 . EXHIBITS: Memo to Operations Committee and purchaser information 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Operations Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No . 6C T Date: April 19, 2001 WASMINGTON To: Council Operations Committee From: Joseph Lorenz, Technical Services Ma Cc: Marty Mulholland INFORMATION- TECHNOLOGY Re: 2001 Replacement PC's Marty Mulholland Director Phone.253-856-4600 Background: Fax:253-856-4700 By using the City's inventory software, 109 Personal Computers (PC's) have been identified for the 2001 refresh program. 28 of the PC's are 166Mhz models purchased 220 Fourth Ave.S. in August of 1996 and the remaining 81 computers are 200Mhz purchased in Kent,WA 98032-5895 November, 1997. The computers are the oldest computers in use at the City and no longer meet the minimum system requirements required by the City's new business applications. Process: Members of the Information Technology staff conducted several Tech Team meetings to discuss the next three years of computing for the City. The group included all of the Information Technology Managers and staff involved in the daily setup and configuration of the equipment. During the meetings, the group discussed industry trends, past experiences, suggested computer configurations and how these items may impact the computing needs of the City during the next 3 to 4 years. Recommendation: The City has identified an existing state and local government agency agreement with the Washington State Department of Information Services (DIS) for the purchase of the City standard HP Vectra. The agreement meets the City's and State's competitive bidding requirements for purchases. Using the DIS Technology Brokering program allows the City the ability to obtain special discount pricing normally available only to very large corporate customers. It is the staff s recommendation to allow the City to purchase 109 computers using the Washington State Department of Information Services HP Contract number T00-TSD- 314. Cost breakdown Computer Cost 51,236.76 Additional:Memory 580.00: Shipping 516.50 Sub-Total '- T,33 ;26 Tax Calculated at 8.8% S 117.33 Total for 109 Computers $158,114.31 *Cbntfngenay-Fuiiding6f5%- 5-7,905.00 Total Approval Amount SI-66,019.31 *It is possible for the total purchase price to vary slightly as computer speeds are phased in and out. We may also be subject to higher shipping costs as fuel prices continue to rise. HP Personal Computer Program Page I of 3 am in.1lf Department of Information `: Services ChPJ 'Computers. M ' . Il Business Desktops • r I n v e n t Purchaser Information DIS / Hewlett Packard (HP) Personal Computer and Hardcopy (Printer) Product Optional Use Contract #T00-TSD-314 The Department of Information Services has entered into an agreement with Edge Systems that enables state and local government organizations to take advantage of greatly discounted pricing for Hewlett Packard Personal Computer and Hardcopy (Printer) Products. Introducing the DIS/ HP Contract The DIS / HP Optional Use Contract has been established to reduce the costs associated with acquiring, maintaining and managing HP Personal Computer and Hardcopy Hardware. Through this program, the DIS Technology Brokering Services section can offer state and local government organizations the benefits of special discount pricing normally available only to very large corporate customers. In addition, purchasers enjoy the benefits of favorable pricing while ordering products on an "as-needed" basis rather than having to commit to large-quantity transactions. What is the Term of the Agreement? The initial term of the current HP Optional Use Contract is one year, commencing November 18, 2000 and ending November 17, 2001. There is an option to extend the Agreement for four (4) additional one (1) year increments. What Products are Available? Hewlett Packard Personal Computer and Hardcopy Products are available for purchase. Different discounts apply for different categories. Contact your TBS Representative or call the number below for pricing information. Is the HP Contract a Statewide Master Agreement? Although similar in some ways, THE HEWLETT PACKARD CONTRACT IS NOT A STATEWIDE MASTER AGREEMENT. Because of certain record-keeping and other requirements of the agreement, all orders for HP products must be placed through the DIS Technology Brokering Services section rather than directly with a vendor. This approach also ensures the greatest possible discounts. Do Purchases Made Through the DIS / HP Contract Satisfy the State's Competitive Acquisition Requirements? _ Yes. HP products will be supplied through a HP-authorized "Reseller" who was selected through the competitive acquisition process. HP Contract Enrollment Steps • There is no official enrollment requirements to purchase off of the DIS / HP Contract. • Agencies/Organizations must be an existing customer of DIS Technology Brokering Services (TBS). • Agencies/Organizations that are not currently DIS TBS customers can call 902-0300 to set up an account. How to Place an Order Orders for HP Products can be placed via FAX or U.S. Mail to: Department of Information Services P.O. Box 42445 Olympia, WA 98504-2445 Mail Stop 42445 FAX. (360) 753-1673 HP Product orders can be submitted on-purchase order forms or other similar forms used by the purchasing organization. Orders should include the HP part number, description, quantity and expected purchase price. Current part numbers, descriptions and prices can be obtained by either visiting the TBS Website or HP Personal Computer Program Page 3 of 3 contacting your TBS Account Representative. How Orders are Filled. When an order for HP Products is received from an existing DIS customer, DIS will in turn submit an order to the HP reseller. The HP reseller will fulfill the order by sending the ordered equipment to DIS Technology Brokering Services where it will be checked for accuracy. When the order is complete, including any non HP product included on the order, DIS TBS will then call the customer for pick up or ship the equipment directly to the location specified on the purchase order. How Orders are Billed Orders for all HP Products will be billed on a monthly basis. Where to Call with Questions For questions about the DIS / HP Contract, call your TBS Account Representative or (360) 902-0300. 's3i�as� psi. We welcome comments,suggestions and questions about our site. tiWaShiflyt0ll Send an e-mail to Department of Information Services EMall Webmaster Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: TELEPHONE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE CONTRACT - AUTHORIZE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Qwest Communications for telephone system maintenance subject to City Attorney review and approval, as recommended by the Operations Committee. 3 . EXHIBITS: Memo to Operations Committee and report 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Operations Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6D • KE O T Date: April 19, 2001 WASNIHGTOH To: Council Operations Committee INFORMATION From: Joseph Lorenz,Technical Services Mana TECHNOLOGY Cc: Marty Mulholland Marty Mulholland Director Re: Telephone System Maintenance Phone:253-856-4600 Fax:253-856-4700 220 Fourth Ave. S. Background: Kent,WA 98032-5895 The City replaced their aging phone switch during March 1999 with a Nortel Option 81 located in City Hall, and a Nortel Option 61 located at Fire Station 74. The initial purchase included one and one-half years of maintenance. Process: With the assistance from the telephony expertise at the TMC Group the City issued a comprehensive Request for Proposal (RFP) on February 14, 2001. RFP Issued February 14, 2001 Pre-Proposal Conference @ 1:00 PM February 28, 2001 Deadline for Questions March 9, 2001 Proposals Due ' 11:00 AM March 21, 2001 Declaration of_ ,arent Successful Vendor March 27, 2001 The RFP addressed the cost of services over a three year-period, response times, 24x7 coverage, quality and quantity of certified technicians assigned locaily and the quality of performance on similar contracts, to highlight a few areas. The City received 3 responses, from the following vendors: MCI WorldCom, Verizon and Qwest Communication. Recommendation: It is TMC's opinion that the RFP submitted by Qwest Communications is the superior responr e in terms of service and price. It is the recommendation of TMC, and the (. ity, to award the.City's Telephone Maintenance RFP to Qwest Communications in the amount of$54,960.00 annually not to exceed three years. Enclosures: Recommendation Report from TMC. TMC's assessment of the received proposals. Copy of Qwest Communications response. RECOMMENDATION REPORT CITY OF KENT _ TELEPHONE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE April 18, 2000 Recommendation Summary Based on a superior response to the City's RFP, TMC Group recommends acceptance of the Qwest proposal for telephone equipment maintenance. Qwest's proposal offers the best combination of quality service and cost. It will be necessary to negotiate several items related to the contractual terms and conditions. The annual maintenance cost will be approximately $55,000. At the end of the one-year term, the City will have two options to renew the agreement for two additional one-year terms (three years total). Background The City of Kent issued an RFP to telephone system vendors on February 14, 2001. The RFP was available for download from the City's web site. It described the City's current locations, equipment, and configurations. The RFP defined various vendor requirements and it clearly outlined the City's need for a highly qualified firm with specific ability to support the City's Nortel PBX and related equipment. A maintenance vendor is required due to the expiration of the warranty period with Williams Communications, the original Nortel vendor who sold and installed the system for the City. The City also experienced an unsatisfactory level of service from Williams during the warranty period. A maintenance contract is necessary because of the high cost of replacement components should they fail, and the City's reliance upon quality telephone system services. Vendors also provide priority service to clients under a maintenance contract, which is important during any service problems or outages. In addition, a maintenance contract allows the City to negotiate favorable terms and conditions, while establishing clear parameters for the vendor's performance. RFP Response Summary The City's RFP specifically detailed the need for manufacturer certified technicians and full support from Nortel. This narrowed the field of potential vendors to approximately seven local firms. Three firms submitted proposals on time: Qwest, Verizon, and Worldcom. Williams elected not to submit a proposal. United Communications submitted a bid well after the deadline (it was returned unopened). Shared Technologies Fairchild and Staples did not bid, and the City did not hear from any other potential vendors. TMC WC Group Page ! RFP Response Analysis The proposals received from Qwest and Verizon were professional, responsive, and clearly detailed their ability to meet the City's performance expectations. The Worldcom proposal was informal, lacked some details, and was somewhat non-responsive. In comparing the answers to the most critical questions, it is clear that both Qwest and Verizon have better references, more technicians, and a better ability to meet the City's requirements. Even before the cost analysis, Worldcom was not considered to be the equal of the other two. An attached spreadsheet lists comparable information from the three vendors. Two pricing options were requested. Because the vendors often charge a significant amount to include the telephone sets under maintenance, the City asked the vendors to price the cost of including the sets separately. If the cost of the sets is unreasonably high, then the City has the option to purchase several sets as spares, replacing telephones when needed. A comparison of the three vendor's proposed costs follows: Option 1, System Hardware and Software only: Vendor Monthly Annual Qwest $4,367 $52,404 Verizon $4,825 $57,900 Worldcom $3,945 $47,340 Option 2, Includes Telephones Sets (with System Hardware and Software): Vendor Monthlv Annual Qwest $4,580 $54,960 Verizon $8,229 $98,748 Worldcom $5,522 $66,264 From the above, it is easy to see the most advantageous option is the full (Option 2) package from Qwest. This avoids the need to purchase and stock maintenance spares for the telephone sets, while the cost is much less than the other two proposals. With a quality response, excellent references, and the best price, Qwest is the clear favorite on the basis of the technical evaluation. The remaining issue is the contract. Qwest provided a large number of suggested Changes to the terms and conditions requested by the City. Some of the items are minor, but a few are significant enough to require a strong stance by the City during negotiations. The Qwest salesperson stated the RFP response was prepared following "standard guidelines" by their contracts people, and that the Qwest attorneys would be open to discussing the disputed items. Based upon the issues, covered in a memo attached to this report, we recommend proceeding with contract negotiations prior to submitting a recommendation to the City Council. TMC TMC Group Page 2 r.�,,,'*W � .=etC ca }r��+�� "k- v9`�y�ir s- - GK>Y•L� � C�lty of `en -•KFT �` °�. : r�ri ofi{entlTointeuancc P•E-alguadmt, F alof? Y�M:_"rF?' vonzon _ ".R��ina.—__. `Owes: ' ' ' Rann9. - o He •i Rut.r.•� si,�;4 NORTEL? :�::r :'18 - #bfSystems .a - ;150. 16 - 17. chifilciarin CeRife�d on:NQRTEL - - - Option 61/81 15 - z :24 - 'i.Certifed oh°S. niposium " - .- .-3 , 7 4 Cedified;on Call:Pilot 7 :4 - -:' 7 5, - - ---Ratio PBX'to'Tech. 3 Res onse Timer '-1 A: - '- 20%Trunks 20%stations- 20/ Trunks 40/ stations 20q Trunks,20P/o MAJOR ALARM:8-5 M-F : . and/or Ports.2 hours -.Stations 2 hours -_ MINOR ALARM 8'6.M=F=-: . ,24'hours `- -:',24"hours ' ;,: .:`-.- 1-24h5urs S stem Mrinitonng24X7 - `- :Yes' Yes.,.--.r ._ M/A7C, b Business days Business,da_.s;,.� .. _' -±5 Busrne-ss`da' Training -I. - Ongoing On bin ---.;.. _, -..:On oin References Issaquah School District I =PiePce Coun --`r' : ,-HO Campus/18ellevLe - SnohomishPUDlEverett ::-KiB coun'`.:-j;- _ ',.;.: 'a +Rosetta/:KirklanE ': ,. Catholic Health :ham ps S Inrtiativeslfacoina Ci -o(Auburn Pi ei,Jaffre /Seattle a - IHavas=lnteractive/Bellevue Bellevue`.School.Distnct „=ADIC/BbII0,iue ; .. - ._ Maintenance'Pricin - -" -' - - switches is y'mpdsium call pilot - $4,1125.43 per month. � ' $4367.00per month $3947.90 R month 2616 sets - - 1 - '. $4'00 per set - -`$.25 per -$1.85 er set 2008 sets - -" -I -'1 .$4.00 Per set Add-on Modules -' -'- I " 'Included Nd Breakoown .:IncluHed" - - " Manufacturer- Software patches and Only to,fix:a problem Only to alleviate; required upgrades :. upgrades included otherwise T&M will applyproblems in software - onl Payments - - - NET45 - 'I - NET 45 ` NET 30 ` Contracts/A reements - - Proof of Liability.Insurance Yes Yes No response Agrees/ComplySection 4 Yes - Yes No response I _ Manna by trained - manufacturer certified "Manned by Tier I&II '� Did not respond Technicians and Technicians certified to this section Technical En ineers. on NORTEL ade-uatel Ouest1od3ao ask:What technicians work on the referenced accounts and what tech.Would you assign to thisaccount. -- - City of K Nortel Networks PBX Main ten an ce Services March 30, 2001 xH 4$ li N tk: q..y.,.. .. 'A ride the light Q we st. Respectfully submitted by: Mike Suelzle Account Manager 1600 7"Avenue,suite 2000 (206)224-1161 msuelzl@qwest.com e or sure of data tained on City of Kent his sheets is o subject to the nrestriction on the Title Page of this document Table- of Contents Section 1. Introduction. This includes the Title Page and a Proposal Overview. Section 2. Requirements / Information. This includes: 1. Vendor Background Information 2. Service and Maintenance Levels of Performance 3. Sub-contractor Information, if applicable 4. Manufacturer support, remote capabilities. 5. Customer References 6. Technician List Section 3. Service Pricine. Section 4. Contracts / Aereements. City Contract Section 5. Attachments. Qwest Standard Maintenance Contract. Section 6. Bid Forms: Signature and Title Page City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services - March 30,2001 t ride the li t . Qwe. Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent o a sheet is of �nt.t to coon on the Title Pagee o of this docvn[. Executive Summary U S WEST is now Qwest, making our new company stronger, faster, and more powerful to compete and succeed in the global marketplace. The combined company will take the nation's fastest, most reliable advanced fiber-optic network and link it directly to 29 million customers. What this means for City of Kent is that we have even more added resources and solutions for the City to choose from. We are pleased to respond to the City's Request for Proposal, and look forward to providing quality maintenance and service on the Nortel Meridian telecommunications systems. Our strategic relationship with Nortel Networks has also strengthened since the merger. Qwest is proud to announce the addition of Nortel Networks' Data, Internet, and Optical product portfolios. Prior to the Qwest merger our distributor agreement only included PBX and traditional voice product portfolio. The account team, including account managers, system engineers, product managers and Nortel technical support, are all excited to have the opportunity to work with the City of Kent. Qwest believes that our relationship with City of Kent requires delivery of more than quality products at competitive prices. Service and support are the basis for a strong business relationship. We are committed to excellence and the highest standards of performance in all that we do. Qwest provides a service structure that is unique in our industry for its comprehensive quality and efficient manner. We back our state-of-the-art communication systems with an elite team of experienced professionals who are the best in the industry. Each project brings with it, a broad base of technical, legal, business, and operational experience specifically targeted to meet the needs of City of Kent. One of the major benefits of doing business with Qwest is the confidence of knowing that you have an experienced, competent service organization to support you. Qwest combines a certified, experienced technical staff with a strong service heritage as the leading supplier and service organization for advanced telecommunications. Through innovation, responsiveness, and professionalism, our people carry these ideals to the business community. Qwest has approximately$2 million in products inventory and prepared to respond quickly to any situation. Qwest perform a Nortel quality audit on all new maintenance customers before entering into maintenance agreements. Qwest believes that preventative maintenance begins during the installation process. Problems with environmental or power can create ongoing problems impacting reliability and longevity of your system. One benefit of utilizing Qwest as your maintenance provider is our certified Nortel Quality Auditors. The audit process performs a very detailed audit on Nortel systems making sure all proper procedures were followed during the installation process. Any irregularities found will need to be corrected prior to Qwest taking over maintenance. Qwest will work with City of Kent and mutually establish a plan to correct any issues found during the audit. Qwest will perform the Nortel quality audit at no additional cost to City of Kent if a maintenance agreement is established. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 1 ride th@I' t . Qwest. Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent on sheet is subject to he restriction on the Title Page of this document- SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION AND PROCEDURES 1.1 Purpose and Scope TMC, the consulting firm retained by the City of Kent (City), prepared the following Request For Proposal (RFP) document for the procurement of maintenance services. The RFP covers equipment to be serviced including a Nortel Option 81 PBX, a Nortel Option 61 PBX, a Call Pilot voice mail system, and two Symposium ACDs. A complete list of City locations and equipment is attached in Section 3. The City seeks a quality vendor with commitment to providing appropriate technical resources, timely response, and offsite monitoring. This RFP sets forth: 1. The process whereby invited parties may respond. 2. Instructions regarding the required form and content of vendor proposals. 3. The performance criteria for all levels of maintenance. Upon completion of the RFP process, the City of Kent may contract with selected vendor(s) to provide all maintenance for all equipment. The successful response will include solutions for the proper management, maintenance and monitoring of the system. Vendors will be evaluated, in part, based on their response times, number of certified technicians on the applicable equipment, cost of service, full coverage availability (7x24) and definition of major and minor alarm. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.2 Schedule of Events The estimated schedule of events through initial implementation is outlined below. RFP Issued February 14, 2001 Pre-Proposal Conference @ 1:00 PM February 27, 2001 Deadline for Questions March 2, 2001 Proposals Due @ 11:00 AM March 14, 2001 Declaration of Apparent Successful Vendor March 20, 2001 Council Approval of Contract April 5, 2001 Maintenance Contract Begins April 7, 2001 ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services , March 30,2001 2 ride the fig t Qwest Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent the sheet is subject the ric on on the Title Page of this d document.nt. 1.3 Maintenance Agreement Requirements 1.3.1 Three Year Pricinti. Vendor's pricing must be guaranteed for three years. The City will enter into three consecutive one-year initial agreements. At the end of each one-year maintenance period, the City of Kent will have the option to renew the agreement for another one-year term at the prices quoted in the proposal. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.3.2 All-Inclusive Pricinti. All pricing is to include all off hours time at no additional charge. This includes all travel time, extended hours service, technician overtime, weekend time, etc. It is not intended to include separately requested move/add/change orders. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.3.3 Service Chanties. The Vendor guarantees to provide the same rates and terms as listed in the proposal should the City relocate or add a new site within or near its City boundaries during the term of this Agreement. The City also reserves the right to disconnect a site or remove a site from maintenance coverage, with the maintenance cost reduced according to the rates established in the proposal. r Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.3.4 Move/Add/Change Labor Rates. For any non-maintenance service work classified as move/add/change, the City would like to fix the labor rate of such work. Please quote both your standard rates and the rates proposed while the City is under a maintenance agreement. i Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.4 Communications Regarding RFP 1.4.1 Proposal Response Deadline and Delivery. Vendors shall provide one signed original and three copies of the proposal. Proposals must be received at the following address no later March 14, 200, at 11:00 AM. Vendors are solely responsible for ensuring that proposals are delivered on time. Delays caused by any delivery service, including the US Postal Service, will not be grounds for an extension of the deadline. Proposals submitted City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services March 30,2001 3 fide the fig t Qwest �- Use or disclosure of data coined on City of Kent this sheet is subject to the restriction on the Tide Page of this document. after the deadline may be rejected. Electronic proposal _ copies, such as fax or e-mail, will not be accepted. All proposals must be delivered to: City of Kent City Clerk - Second Floor 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.4.2 Contacts. Upon release of this RFP all vendor communications concerning this acquisition shall be directed to: Chris Coughran TMC Group 3100 S. 176'h St., Suite 203 SeaTac, Washington 98188 Phone: (206) 988-5432 Fax: (206) 988-5415 E-mail:chrisc@tmcgroup.com Vendors who seek information, clarification, or interpretations from City of Kent employees are advised that such material is used at the vendor's own risk and the City shall not be bound by any such representations. i Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.4.3 Pre-Proposal Conference and Site Visit. Vendors are invited to attend a non-mandatory pre-proposal conference to review this RFP on February 27, 2001, at 1:00 PM. The purpose of this conference is to provide the opportunity for clarifications and respond to questions regarding the RFP. A site inspection will be conducted for interested vendors immediately following the pre-proposal meeting. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Kent City Hall, 220.Fourth Avenue South, Kent, Washington. Attendance is recommended. i Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.4.4 Vendor Clarifications and Ouestions. Specific vendor questions concerning the RFP must be submitted in writing (may be faxed or sent via E-mail) in advance of the RFP due date. The deadline for questions is March 2, 2001. Copies of questions that may impact an RFP response will be distributed to all participating vendors. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 4 ' ride the fig t, Qwest �. Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is subject to the restriction on the Title Page of this docunent. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.4.5 RFP Changes or Amendments. Any revisions to the RFP will be issued in the form of an addendum and will be distributed to all vendors who have downloaded a copy from the City of Kent web site (htto://www.ci.kent.wa.us) or have signed for a copy of the RFP documents at the City Clerk's office prior to the Response Due Date. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.4.6 Clarifications. The City of Kent reserves the right to obtain clarification of any point in a vendor's proposal or to obtain additional information necessary to properly evaluate a proposal. Failure of a vendor to respond to such a request for additional information or clarification may result in rejection of the vendor's proposal. The City's retention of this right shall in no way reduce the responsibility of vendors to submit complete, accurate and clear proposals. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.4.7 Vendor Contact. The proposal must include the name of the specific individual who will act as the primary contact for the vendor during proposal evaluation. The proposal must identify the contact's position in the organization,telephone number, fax number, and E- mail address, if available. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.5 General RFP Procedures 1.5.1 Rieht of Selection/Rejection of Proposals. The City of Kent reserves the right to select a proposal for telecommunications maintenance services through competitive negotiations. The City of Kent reserves the right to select or reject any or all proposals for any reason, to waive any informality in the proposals received, and to waive deviations from the specifications. Selection of a service provider shall not be construed as an award of a contract, but as the commencement of contract drafting, discussions and negotiations. The City may award a contract on the basis of information in addition to that received in a proposal. It is emphasized that all quotes should be complete and submitted with the most favorable financial terms. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services March 30.2001 5 fide the fig t Qwest Use or disclosrae of dam contained on City of Kent this sheet is subject to the on on the Title Page of this document. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.5.2 Incorporation of RFP and Proposal in the Final Agreement. This RFP and the Vendor's response, including all promises, warranties, commitments and representations made in the successful proposal, shall be binding and incorporated by reference into the City's contract with the Vendor. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.5.3 Errors in Proposals. Vendors are responsible for all errors or omissions in their proposals, and any such errors or omissions will not serve to diminish their obligations to the City of Kent. Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.5.4 Cost of Development of Proposals. All expenses incurred by vendors related to the proposal or the selection process will be borne by the vendor. No claim for reimbursement of time, material, or travel expenses shall be made by the vendor against the City of Kent, regardless of the results of the selection process. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.5.5 Vendor Prime Contractor Responsibility. If a vendor's proposal includes services to be supplied by entities other than itself, it is mandatory for the proposing vendor to act as prime contractor for the procurement of all services proposed to meet this RFP. The vendor acting as the prime contractor must be the sole point of contact with regard to contract stipulations including payment of any and all charges resulting from the provision of services. Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.5.6 Period of Validity, of Proposal The Vendor must certify that its proposal will remain in effect for 120 days after the proposal due date. The City may request an extension beyond the 120 days. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. City of Kent Nome!PBX Maintenance Services Much 30,2001 6 ride the fig t Qwest -- Use a disclosure of data contained on City of Kent the sheet is subject to the on d on the Title Page of this documentnt. 1.5.7 Alternate Proposals. The vendor has an opportunity to provide alternate proposals designed around different terms and conditions. State clearly what the differences are between the proposals and provide an additional sheet in the same format for quotes on alternate terms and conditions. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.5.8 Proprietary Material. The City of Kent will attempt to protect legitimate trade secrets of any vendor. Any proprietary information contained in the proposal must be designated clearly and should be separately bound and labeled with the words 'Proprietary Information." Marking the entire proposal proprietary may result in the rejection of the proposal. Vendors should be aware that the City is required by law to make its records available for public inspection, with certain exceptions. It is the City's belief that this legal obligation would not require the disclosure of proprietary, descriptive literature that contains valuable designs, drawings, or documentation. However, the vendor, by submission of materials marked 'Proprietary Information," acknowledges and agrees that the City will have no obligation or liability to the vendor in the event that either must disclose these materials. Vendors agree, by submitting a proposal, not to make any public document requests from the City for any other proposals on this project, whether or not deemed "proprietary" by City or Vendor. Response: Qwest has read and understands. 1.5.9 Proposal Disposition. All materials submitted in response to this RFP shall become the property of the City of Kent. Response: Qwest has read and understands. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services March 30.2001 7 ride the Jig t Qwest Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is subject to the con on the Title Page of this document. 1.6 Proposal Format It is essential that the City of Kent be able to easily match a vendor's response with this RFP's requirements for information. This RFP and its format must be incorporated into the actual response, using an electronic form of this RFP to organize the proposal. Where asked, indicate compliance and/or note any exceptions to the requirements and provide responses to any questions that follow. Proposals must be bound and submitted on 8%2 by 11 inch paper. Foldouts for charts, tables, spreadsheets, and single line diagrams are acceptable. Pre-printed materials may be included. Section 1. Introduction. This includes the Title Page and a Proposal Overview, not to exceed two pages, identifying the primary reasons why the proposal will best meet the needs of the City of Kent. Section 2. Requirements /Information. This includes: 1. Vendor Background Information 3. Service and Maintenance Levels of Performance 3. Sub-contractor Information, if applicable 5. Manufacturer support, remote capabilities. 5. Customer References 7. Technician List Section 3. Service Pricire. Provide monthly maintenance pricing on the form enclosed, guaranteed for a three-year period. Section 4. Contracts /Agreements. Submit a copy of any standard maintenance agreements in this section. Also, submit any language changes suggested for the City of Kent Terms and Conditions as shown starting on page 15. If the Vendor does not submit any suggested changes or identify any issues with the City's language, it is deemed the Vendor has accepted the City's Terms and Conditions as stated. Section 5. Attachments. Use this section for any other information. d rz \l,R4r. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 8 ride the f t Qwest Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is subject to the nt. con on the Tide Page of this document. 1.7 Evaluation Criteria The City will initially evaluate the proposals for requirements compliance and technical merit. Proposals deemed acceptable will be reviewed for references. The City will then select a group of vendor finalists, typically three, that will be asked to answer questions and demonstrate their commitment to the services included in their proposal. A contract shall be awarded to the most responsible and responsive vendor based in part upon, but not limited to, the following criteria: 1. The cost for service over a three-year period. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 2. Guaranteed and actual response Times. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 3. Coverage available 24 x 7. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 4. Definition of major and minor alarm. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 5. The quality and quantity of certified technicians assigned locally. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 6. The ability, capacity and skill of the vendor to provide the services required. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 7. The ability of the vendor to provide alternative resources, when required. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 8. The character, integrity, reputation,judgment, experience and efficiency of the vendor. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 9 ride the fig t - Qwest Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent the sheet is subject to theurr restriction on the Title Page of this document. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 9. The quality of performance on similar contracts. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. 10. Such other information as may be secured and having a bearing on the decision to award the contract. ➢ Response: Qwest has read and understands. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 10 ride the fry t QweSt Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is subject the r r c¢on on the Title Page of this d document.t. SECTION 2 - VENDOR REQUIREMENTS / INFORMATION 2.1 Vendor Background Information Please provide the following information: A. Parent Company (if applicable): ➢ Response : Qwest Communications International, Inc. B. Name and title of top local executive: ➢ Response: Kirk R. Nelson Vice President - Washington C. Organizational Type/Structure: ➢ Response: Qwest Executive Organization Chart Joseph P. Nacchio Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Peter Manetti Lew Wilks Stephen M. Jacobsen Afshin Mohebbi President EVP Internet Business EVP Global President Wireless Development & Business Markets Worldwide Operations Chief Strategy Officer James Smith Ross Lau Drake Tempest Cliff Dodd EVP Small Business & EVP & President EVP General EVP & CIO Consumer Markets International Counsel & Chief Administrative Officer Robin Szeliga Marc Weisberg David Woodrow Ian Ziskin Sr. VP Finance & EVP President & CEO EVP Interim Chief Officer Corporate Development Digital Media Chief Human Resources Officer City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 1 ride the fig t Qwest City of Kent Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the resmction on the Title Page of this document- D. Vendor Experience: 1. Years company in business in Puget Sound area: ➢ Response: Qwest, as a part of its U S WEST legacy, has over 100 years of telecommunications experience in the Puget Sound area. 2. Number of factory trained technicians for Nortel Option 61/81 PBX systems: ➢ Response: Qwest currently has 24 Nortel factory certified technicians in the Puget Sound Area. 3. Number of factory trained technicians for Call Pilot: > Response: Qwest currently has 7 Call Pilot certified technicians and several scheduled for training in 2001. 4. Number of factory trained technicians for Symposium: > Response: Qwest currently has 7 Symposium server technicians and several scheduled for training in 2001. 5. Years firm has represented Nortel: > Response: Qwest has represented Nortel equipment for eleven years (since July 1989). 6. Number of Nortel 61/81 systems serviced locally: > Response: Qwest has approximately 60 Nortel Option 61C/81C systems currently on maintenance in the Puget Sound area. 7. Ratio of PBX systems to PBX trained technicians: ➢ Response: Qwest currently has three Nortel Option 61/81 systems under maintenance per technician. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 2 ride the fig t Qwest Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent on sheet is subject to he ncdon on the Title Page of this document.nt. D. Additional background information: ➢ Response: Provided bellow is background on Qwest service center and escalation procedures. Service Center Qwest's 24-hour dispatch and alarm monitoring center is located locally in Bellevue, Washington. Service representatives are also co-located with our Tier H technical support team. The flow chart bellow represents Qwest's repair procedures for both emergency and non-emergency or routine repair calls. When a customer calls for service our Tier I technician initiates a trouble ticket, remotely examines the reported problem, and resolves remotely, if possible. If the trouble cannot be resolved remotely, a technician is dispatched for on-site trouble resolution. Critical to the closure of the repair calls is notification back to the customer that the trouble has been cleared and what the disposition of the trouble was. This ensures that City of Kent is satisfied with the progress and resolution before Qwest considers the trouble resolved and closed. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services , Much 30,2001 3 ride the fig t n2 Qwest City of Kent Use or et is sub s of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the Title Page of this docutnent CUSTOMER PROVIDED EQUIPMENT (CPE) T . REPAIR PROCEDURES Routine and Emergency Service: 24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week Washington Customer Service Center (425) 453-0342 Toll Free (800) 421-2271 Customer reports trouble to Service Center Technician remotely interrogates customer system Technician remotely cleared Site visitation required Customer EMERGENCY ROUTINE notified Technician dispatched technician dispatched to site within 2 hours to site within 24 hours Trouble cleared Qwest's escalation procedures are designed to ensure a proper level of attention and resources are directed towards resolution of service problems in a timely manner. Our escalation policies and procedures allow for escalation to be invoked at any time deemed necessary by City of Kent, by Qwest field technicians or Qwest local in-house Tier II technical support. The escalation procedures for business hours as well as non-business hours are outlined as follows: Escalation Procedures—Business Hours In a major failure situation, Qwest will exceed the City's expectation with immediate escalation to the first line Service Supervisor, with additional escalation if a major failure is not resolved within two hours. Following are the escalation steps. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services March 30,2001 4 ride the fig Qwest Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent the sheet is subject tothe r con on the Tide Page of this document. • Tier I Technicians take repair requests at Qwest's Western Washington Customer Service Center at 1-800-421-2271. • If the City indicates that it is a major alarm situation, the Tier I Technician will perform initial analysis and attempt to clear the service issue remotely before dispatching the ticket to a field technician. • At that point, the Tier I Technician will generate a phone call to the local CPE Field Operations Manager. This will inform the CPE Field Operations Manager of the situation so that immediate action can be taken to respond to the repair situation. • If the trouble is not resolved within two hours, the technician will escalate the problem to Qwest's local Tier II support group. Depending on the circumstances, a joint decision is made regarding the need to contact Novel's ETAS Center. The local Service Center Manager, Steve Oliver at 206-224-8950 is consulted by the local technician, and will provide customer status. • After an additional two hours has elapsed, the Service Manager dedicated to City of Kent, Kathey Miller at 206-224-1077 and CPE Field Operations Manager, Matt Perkovich at 206-224-8960. will be advised of the current status. • If the trouble remains unresolved. Qwest's Regional Director of Sales and Service,Mike Stepan at (503) 425-3366, and Regional Field Operation Director Dan Montemayor at 206-224-8914 will be notified. In the event that a minor alarm condition is not resolved within twenty-four hours, Tier I Technicians will escalate to the local CPE Field Operations Manager for resolution. Escalation Procedures —Non-Business Hours • The repair is taken at Qwest's Washington Customer Service Center by a Tier I Technician at 1- 800-421-2271. • The Tier I Technician will enter the trouble ticket and contact dispatch, which then pages the on- call PBX technician. • The PBX technician on call contacts the customer. • The trouble is analyzed by the technician and cleared remotely, if possible. If the trouble is not cleared remotely the technician will go to the site. • If the technician resolves the trouble, it is cleared with dispatch and the City is notified of the status of the repair. • If the problem cannot be resolved within the allotted time frame, the technician begins the escalation procedure by notifying the Qwest Duty Manager. who notifies the Service Manager assigned to the City of Kent account. At this point, the standard escalation procedure begins as previously noted. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 5 dde the fig t Qwest. City Of KG Use or disclosureof data contained on issub this sheet is subject too the restriction on the Title Page of this document. Qwest Communications CPE (Customer Provided Equipment) Escalation Procedures Customer Trouble Reporting Numbers: 800-421-2271 425-453-0342 COVERAGE: 24-hours - 7 days per week. Service Center Manager Steve Oliver 206-224-8950 Responsible for:Management of Service Center employees who are the single point of contact for customer equipment and network trouble reports. These employees also schedule and process the final paperwork for MAC (Move, Add, Change), and installation orders. Western Washington Field Operations Manager Matt Perkovich 206-224-8960 Responsible for:Management and scheduling of the daily activities for all CPE technicians in Western Washington. CPE Manager Russ Christensen 206-224-8913 Responsible for:Management of special projects and departmentalliaison. Field Operations Director Dan Montemayor 206-224-8914 Responsible for:Management of service, installation, MAC (Move, Add, Change) employees for Western Region. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services March 30,2001 6 ride the ' t Qwest City of Kent Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the Title Page of this document. r 2.2 Vendor Service Capabilities The Vendor represents and warrants that it shall maintain the systems, and all related equipment in the systems, in working order twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, and shall provide emergency telephone numbers where emergency service can be obtained. The Vendor must be capable of providing priority response during the term of this contract for ongoing maintenance. 2.2.1 Technician Certification. The Vendor must have manufacturer-certified technicians for the equipment it is servicing. The Vendor shall have, as a minimum, two certified maintenance technicians and shall provide a list of all such employees and their level of certification. (See Form at 2.x) 2.2.2 ➢ Response: Qwest/NORTEL Trained Technicians Profile Cliff Barcelo NT Meridian 1 Opt. 21E-81C I&M 09/08/97 Years experience: 5 NT X11 Database Administration 12/11/97 Years experience NTI: NT Xl1 Station Moves, Adds &Changes 01/01/98 3 Dispatch Location NT Elect. Switched Network 03/16/99 Kent NT X11 Release 25 IDL 10/28/99 NT Meridian 1 Rel. 24 ACD A-C2 Feature 03/13/00 Administration NT Call Pilot I&M 1/8/01 NT Symposium Call Center 1115101 NT Symposium Tapi and Symp. Agent 2/19/01 John Clark NT Meridian Opt. 81/61C 61/03/94 Years experience: 30 NT Meridian 1 Opt. 21-81 Maintenance CBT 01/01/97 Years experience NTI: NT Xl1 Database Administration 02/20/97 7 { City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services Much 30,2001 7 dde the ' t Qwest City O ^ T'n»� Use or duct sub of data contained on Jt KG,I� this shoe[ is subject to the restriction on the Title Page of this document Dispatch Location NT Meridian 1 Opt. 21E-81E I&M 04/07/97 Auburn NT Meridian ACD A-C2 Feature 03/23/98 John Clark Cont. NT MAT Release 6.1 Familiarization 05/17/99 NT MAT Rel. 6.1 Call Acct. Conf. 06/24/99 NT overview of Fiber Network CBT 12/31/00 NT DTI/PRI I&M Rel. 25 10/20/00 NT ITG Line 2.0 I2004 Internet Telephone 12/14/00 Forrest Coleman NT SL-1 Database and Feature Administration 10/21/88 Years experience: 14 NT SL-1 BARS 12/19/90 Years experience NTI: NT SL-1 XT I&M 02/23/89 13 Dispatch Location NT Meridian Mail Options O&M 12/11/92 ` Spanaway Octel ASPEN/MAXUM I&M 06/00/94 NT Meridian 1 ACD A-C2 NT Meridian 11-81 Meridian MAX NT Meridian MAX I&M NT Meridian 21-81C Upgrade 04/21/97 NT Meridian ISDN PRI I&M 10/17/97 NT X11 Rel. 25 IDL 10/28/99 NT CALLPILOT System I&M 12/13/99 NT CALL PILOT Admin. & Applications 01/10/00 NT Symposium I&M 10/02/00 NT Symposium Admin and Mgmt 10/09/00 NT Symposium Scripting Rel 3.0 10/16/00 NT Symposium Config. Tool Overview 01/01/01 City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services March 30,2001 8 ride the ' t Qwest. OJ//..Kn��T� Use or disclosure of data contained on Cityl�, r /� this sheet is subject to the restriction on the Title Page of this document. Andrew Cummins NT Meridian 1 Opt.21E-81C I&M Ol/04/99 Years experience: NT X11 Rel. 23 Database Administration 01/21/99 Years experience NTI: NT Meridian Mail Rel. 12 System 02/15/99 2 Administration Dispatch Location NT Meridian Re. 24 ACD A-C2 System 03/13/00 Administration Kent NT DTI/PRI I&M 07/24/00 NT Symposium I&M 1/02/00 NT Symposium Admin and Mgmt 10/09/00 NT Symposium Scripting Rel 3.0 10/16/00 Business Comm. Manager 01/19/01 George Deitering NT Meridian 1 Opt. 21E-81C I&M 11/21/97. Years experience: 4 NT Meridian Opt. 21E-81C I&M 03/03/97 Years experience NTI: NT X11 Rel. 23 Database Administration 05/01/97 4 Dispatch Location NT Meridian ACD A-C2 Feature 03/23/98 Administration Bothell NT Meridian Mail Rel. 13 System 02/21/00 Administration NT Meridian Mail Rel. 13 I&M 02/28/00 City of Kent Nortel PBX Mainte7ce services March 30,2001 9 ride the ' t Q vv Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent the sheet is subject to the restriction on the Title Page of this document. Doug Dennison NT SL-1 I&R 11/30/81 Years experience: 20 NT SL-I Maintenance Engineering 03/15/82 Years experience NTI: NT SL-1 M I&R 10/11/82 20 Dispatch Location NT DTI/CPI(Digital Trunldng) 01/10/85 Seattle NT SL-1 IVDS I&M 04/06/85 NT Meridian Lanstar BanyanNines 06/03/88 NT ISDN O&M 07/29/88 NT Banyan System Administration Training 09/22/88 NT PTE I&M 10/05/88 NT Meridian Mail MP & Installation 11/15/88 NT Meridian 1 I&M Update 02/01/90 Octel System I&M 02/26/90 $z`, NT Meridian 1 Update 10/17/90 V NT Meridian Mail Network Messaging 12/04/90 NT Meridian Mail Network Messaging Service 12/05/90 NT BARS 05/22/91 NT Meridian Mail Options I&M 06/26/91 NT XI I Rel. 17 Feature Administration 08/21/92 NT Installation Quality Auditor 11/22/91 NT Power Tek 02/23/93 City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 10 ride the f t Qwest Use or disclosuie of dam contained on City of Kent on sheet rs -subject to the con on the Title Page of this document.nt. YIN Doug Dennison NT ACD A-C2 Feature Administration 05/14/93 (cont.) NT Meridian Link I, O&M 07/14/93 NT CCR Installation, Operation and Maintenanc 07/16/93 NT CCR Scripting 07/21/93 NT Meridian MAX 08/27/93 NT Option 81 Upgrade 10/07/93 NT Meridian 1 Applications Engineering Semin 11/10/93 NT X11 Seminar Update Rel 16-Cur. 04/19/94 NT Meridian IVR 08/15/94 NT Meridian 1 Global XI 1 Update 02/06/95 NT NARS 03/10/95 Octel ASPEN/MAXUM Recertification Rel. 4.0 06/14/95 NT Meridian 1x11 Rel IDL 09/28/95 NT Meridian PBX ETAS ISDN 12//00/95 NT Companion I&M 02/23/96 NT Meridian 1 ETAS Meridian Mail 04/00/96 NT Advanced BUG, AUD & ERR 03/12/97 ? — NT MAT 5 Common Services 09/23/97 NT MAT 5 Applications 09/26/97 NT Meridian MAX for Technicians 03/06/98 NT CALLPILOT System Administration 01/20/99 NT CALLPILOT I&M 02/05/99 NT XI Rel. 24 IDL 06/20/99 NT RE: CALLPILOT 1.07 (Tech.) Transfer j 02/18/00 Networking for Messaging Systems 05/09/00 Barry Johnson NT Meridian 1 Opt. 21-81 Familiarization 01/01/96 Years experience: NT Meridian Opt. 21E-SIC Enhanced I&M 01/10/00 CBT Years experience NTI: NT XI Rel. 24 Database Administration 02/24/00 4 Dispatch Location NT Meridian 1 ACD A-C2 Feature 06/26/00 Administration Kent NT DTUPRI I&M Re125 3/26/01 City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 11 ride the 1 f Q'YV Use or disclosfue of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is subject to the reuncticn on the Title Page of this dnCntnent. u I.? Date Name Training Cerfified Ellis Lark NT ACD A-C2 ACD Years experience: 19 NT SL-1 I&R 11/06/81 Years experience NTI: NT SL-IM I&R 05/27/83 19 Dispatch Location NT/SL-1 Maintenance 07/19/85 Mt. Vernon Introduction to Data Cotnmunications 05/21/86 NT Meridian Mail 08/31/90 NT Meridian 1 Update 11/02/90 Octel Advanced I&M 07/01/91 NT Option 11 I&M 07/12/91 Octel I&M 09/23/91 NT Digital Interface Equipment Octel Sierra/XC1000 System I&M 07/12/93 Aspen/Maxum Recert. Rel. 4.0 CBT 07/16/95 NT Meridian lxll Rel. IDL 09/28/95 Octel Overture 250 I&M CBT Rel. 1.1 01/31/96 Octel Overture 350 I&M CBT Rel. 1.1 01/31/96 NT Meridian 1 Opt. 11-81C Meridian MAX 10/10/97 NT Meridian MAX Installation Operation and 11/12/97 Maintenance NT DTI/PRI I&M 07/24/00 . zi City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 12 dde the f t Owest Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent the sheet is subject to the r ctlon on the Title Page of this document. Ron Mahar NT SL-1 XT Installation 04/21/88 Years experience: 14 NT SL-1 XT Maintenance Years experience NTI: NT X11 Feature Administration 10/28/88 14 Dispatch Location NT Meridian 1 Update Seattle ( NT BARS/NARS/CDP 01/30/91 NT Meridian Mail I&M 06/11/91 NT Meridian Mail 06/20/91 NT Option 11 I&M 07/12/91 NT SL-1 ST I&M Octel System I&M 04/19/93 NT ACD AC-2 Feature Administration 04/26/93 Octel System Manager 06/28/93 Octel System Operation and Maintenance 09/27/93 r} NT BARS 11/08/93 s — NT Meridian SL-1 Digital Interface 02/22/94 NT Meridian 1/SL-1 ISDN PRI I&M 02/28/94 NT Meridian XI I Update Seminar 04/13/94 NT NARS j 06/20/94 NT Meridian Mail Rel. 9 12/19/94 NT Meridian 1 Global XI 1 Update 02/06/95 NT Meridian 1 Option Upgrade 04/03/95 NT Meridian 1 SU-1 ISDN 05/01/95 NT Meridian Companion 10/12/95 NT Option 11E I&M 03/04/96 NT ETAS Patch 03/11/96 NT Meridian PBX ETAS ISDN 04/22/96 NT Traffic Analysis 05/23/00 City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 13 1 dde the 1' t Qwest Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is subject to the con on the Title Page of this documentnt. q.. Tracy Marbut NT Meridian 1 Option 21-81 I&M 07/22/94 Years experience: 14 NT Xl1 Basic Database Administration 02/24/95 Years experience NTI: Octel Overture PC V 1.0 09/29/95 7 Dispatch Location Octel Aspen/Maxum I&M Bothell NT Meridian 1 ACD A-C2 Feature Administrati 12/08/95 NT Meridian Mail System Administration 11/14/97 NT Meridian Mail I&M 12/10/97 NT Symposium Call Center 1.5 I&M 12/03/99 NT MAT 6.6 Familiarization 06/12/00 NT MAT 6.6 Call Accounting 06/19/00 NT MAT I&M 07/17/00 NT Symposium Admin and Mgmt 12/01/00 NT Symposium Scripting Rel 4.0 12/08/00 NT Call Pilot I&M 01/08/01 NT Call Pilot System Admin 01/15/01 James McHugh NT X I I Administration Years experience: 24 NT SL-1 XT I&M Years experience NTI: NT Meridian SL-1XT I, O&M 05/26/88 12 Dispatch Location NT X11 Feature Administration 01/27/89 North Bend NT Meridian 1 Update 10/17/90 NT Meridian Mail Option I, O&M 07/12/91 NT Meridian Option 11 I&M 07/12/91 City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 14 ride the f t Qwest. Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent o s sheet is subject the con on the Title Page of this d documentnt. NT Meridian X11 Update Seminar 09/30/91 James McHugh NT ACD 11/04/91 I (coat.) NT Meridian Mail Option Feature 04/12/93 Administration Octel 500D Data Module I&M 05/17/93 Octel Sierra/XC1000 07/20/91 NT Meridian Mail I&M 09/27/93 Meridian MAX I&M 09/27/93 NT Meridian SL-1 Digital Interface 02/22/94 NT Meridian Link I, O&M 04/18/94 NT Meridian 1 Options 51C, 6 1 C and 81 NT ISDN PRI Application and Feature 03/17/95 Administration Octel Aspen/Maxum Rec. Rel. 4.0 CBT 06/28/95 NT Meridian lxl1 REL. IDL 09/28/95 NT Option 81/61C Maintenance 7 Upgrades 10/19/95 Octel Overture 250 I&M CBT Rel. 1.1 01/10/96 Octel Overture 350 I&M CBT Rel. 1.1 01/11/96 Octel System Oper. &Management 04/22/96 NT Meridian X11 Rel. 22 for Technicians 10/25/96 NT MAT 5 03/24/97 NT MAT 5 Applications 03/28/97 NT CCR 04/08/97 NT X11 Rel. 23 Overview 12/04/97 NT XI I Rel. 24IDL 06/10/99 NT Passport O&M 07/02/99 NT Symposium Call Center 5 I&M 12/03/99 NT Symposium Admin anc it Rel 3.0 5/12/00 NT Symp �sium Scripting R .0 5/19/00 NT Symposium Express I&M 8/23/00 NT Symposium Express Admin/Super 8/25/00 NT ITG Line 2.0 I2004 internet Telephone 12/14/00 Call Pilot I&M Rel 1.07 2/09/01 Call pilot Admin & Apps Rel 1.07 2/16/01 NT Symposium Tapi and Symp. Agent 2/19/01 City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 15 ride the f t Qwest Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is subject to the restriction on the Title Page of this document. James McMullen NT Meridian Opt. 21-81 I&M 03/31/95 Years experience: 13 NT Meridian Opt. 21-82 Data for Technicians 04/14/95 Years experience NTI: 5 Dispatch Location Kent Matt Miranda NT Familiarization I&M CBT 01/01/93 Years experience: 7 NT Meridian Opt. 21-81 I&M 02/11/94 Years experience NTI: NT X11 Database Administration 05/13/94 7 Dispatch Location NT Meridian Digital Inter. Prod. 11/28/95 Kent NT Meridian 1/SL-1 ISDN PRI I&M 12/O1/95 '✓ NT Meridian ACD A-C2 Feature Administration 03/27/98 _ Craig Nutter NT Meridian Opt. 21E-81C Enhanced I&M CB 01/01/00 Years experience: 10 NT X11 Rel. 24 Database Administration 02/11/00 Years experience NTI: NT Meridian 1 Opt 21-81 Rel 24 engineering 4/17/00 Dispatch Location Meridian Ref 25 ACD A-C2 Fea. Admin 9/15/00 Kent City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services March 30,2001 16 ride the li t Qwest n T� Use or disclosure of data contained on City o Kent on sheet is subject d the restriction �\ `,' J 11G,4 on the Title Page of this document. John Redifer NT Familiarization CB T 01/01/93 Years experience: NT Meridian Opt. 21-71 I&M 02/25/94 Years experience NTI: NT XI1 Basic Database Administration 05/11/94 7 Dispatch Location Meridian Rel 25 ACD A-C2 Fea Admin j 9/15/00 Kent Chuck Rudorfer NT Familiarization VR CBT 12/31/98 Years experience: 12 NT Meridian Opt. 21E-81C I&M 03/13/98 Years experience NTI: NT Xl 1 Rel. 24 Database for Technicians 12/17/99 1 Dispatch Location NT Meridian I Rel. 24 AC- A-C2 Feature Adm' 03/06/00 Kent Name rraini Certified Bryan Running NT Meridian 1 Update 11/02/90 Years experience: 15 NT Meridian Mail I&M 10/22/91 Years experience NTI: NT Meridian Option 11 I&M 07/12/91 15 Dispatch Location NTXIIUpdate j 11/15/91 Seattle NT ACD Feature Administration NT ACD Installation NT Meridian SL-1 Lanstar j NT Introduction to Data Octel I&M NT BARS 03/29/93 NT Meridian MAX Install, Op &Maintenance 05/12/93 City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services March 30,2001 17 nde the I' t Qwest Use or i isclostae of data contained on City of Kent thus sheet is subject to the restriction on the Title Page of this document. IIEPN Bryan Running NT NARS 06/14/93 (cont.) NT Meridian ISDN PRI I&M 07/26/93 NT Meridian MAX NT Meridian X11 Update Seminar 04/18/94 NT Meridian 1 Global X11 Update 02/06/95 NT MAT 02/22/95 NT Meridian Option 51C, 61C & 8 1 C 02/15/96 TRA-Understanding ATM 09/17/96 NT Meridian 1 X11 Rel. 22 10/25/96 NT Meridian Passport Install 01/27/97 NT MAT 394 06/09/97 NT MAT-395 06/11/97 NT CCR 11/10/97 NT MAT Call Accounting Conf. 05/28/98 NT Meridian PBX Engineering 06/15/98 =' NT Advanced BUG, AUD. & ERR 10/14/98 NT Meridian Integrated Pilot 01/15/99 Nortel Symposium Call Center 1.1 I&M 02/11/99 Nortel Symposium Call Center Admin. 02/19/99 X11 Release 24IDL 06/10/99 Nortel Symposium Server Scripting 08/20/99 Nortel Symposium Express 09/00/99 Symposium Exp. Tech. Suppt. Knowledge Tran 04/25/00 Call Pilot Admin. Apps. 06/05/00 Call Pilot I&M 06/26/00 Optivity Telephony Manager 2/7/01 Optivity Telephony Manager Basics 1/12/01 NT Symposium Tapi and Symp Agent 2/19/01 City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services Much 30,2001 18 ride the ' t QVy ' Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent o d m s sheet is subject the can on the Title Page of this docuent.nt. rv�\ Paul Splattstoesser NT SL-1 I&M 11/19/82 Years experience: 17 NT SL-1 MS/S I&M 05/24/85 Years experience NT SL-1 N/XN Maintenance 11/04/85 NTI: 17 Dispatch Location NT Meridian 1 Update Roy NT BARS 02/28/90 NT Meridian Mail SP I&M 08/06/90 NT Trunk and Transmission Test NT ISDN NT DTI NT Introduction to Voice and Data Switching NT Option 11 I&M 07/12/91 NT X11 Feature Administration NT Lanstar NT M/NT Maintenance Octel Aspen/Maxum I&M 01/25/93 NT Meridian Mail I&M NT ACD A-CZ NT ACD AC-2 Feature Administration 04/26/93 Octel Data Module I&M 04/11/94 j Octel Aspen/Maxum Rec. Rel. 4.0 CBT 07/16/95 Octel Overture 250 I&M CBT Rel 1.1 01/17/96 Octel Overture 350 I&M 04/08/96 NT Meridian MAX Rel. 9 Installation 04/10/00 v: City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 19 ride the ' t Qwest - - Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is subject to the restriction on the Title Page of this docunpnt `ad Cassandra West NT SL-1 S&MS I&M 02/27/85 Years experience: 16 NT Meridian SL-1 I&M 07/31/85 Years experience NTI: NT Introduction to Data 05/23/86 14 Dispatch Location NT Meridian 1 Update 10/15/90 Puyallup NT X11 Feature Administration NT Meridian A BARS/NARS CDP 02/04/91 NT Lanstar NT ACD A-C2 Feature Administration 04/21/91 NT Meridian XI Update Seminar 09/30/91 Octel I&M Octel Advanced Maintenance NT Power and Grounding NT Option 11 I&M - NT Meridian MAX I&M (with NTPs) 01/28/92 PowerTek 02/23/93 Bellcore DC-ISDN 04/13/93 NT Certified Quality Auditor 11/00/93 NT Option 81 Upgrades 11/15/91 NT Rel. 20 System Features 02/06/95 NT Rel. 20 Station Features 02/07/95 NT Rel 20 Network Features 02/08/95 NT Rel. 20 Hardware 02/09/95 NT Meridian 1 Global Xl1 Rel. Octel Aspen/Maxum Rec. Rel. 4.0 CBT 06/28/95 Octel Overture 250 I&M CBT Rel. 1.1 01/15/96 Octel Overture 350 I&M CBT Rel. 1.1 01/15/96 NT Meridian Option I IE-81C Meridian MAX 06/21/96 NT Meridian MAX IPE Rel. 7 I, O&M 06/26/96 r City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services Marcb 30,2001 20 Ede the f t QVV s City Of KentUse or disclosure of data rated on this sheet is subject to thea restriction on the Tide Page of this document. r Cassandra West NT Meridian XI I Rel 22 Overview 10/25/96 (cont.) NT CCR 05/02/97 NT MAT 5 05/19/97 NT MAT 5 Applications 05/23/97 NT X11 Rel. 23 Overview 12/04/97 NT X11 Rel. 24IDL 06/10/99 NT Xl1 Rel. 25 IDL 10/28/99 NT Call Pilot I&M 1/8/01 NT Symposium Tapi and Symp Agent 2/19/01 Qwest has seven Nortel factory-trained System Design Specialists in Washington. The System Design Specialists also provide all training on Nortel equipment. The following is a list of those System Design Specialists along with the training classes they have attended and the completion dates. Qwest/NORTEL Trained System Design Specialist Profile Date Name rraining Certified Deborah Harkson Norstar Modular& Startalk 05/12/97 Years experience: 6 Nortel System Administration Norstar Model VM CINPHONY ACD M. Kelly Hays Meridian 1 Options 11-81 61/16/95 Years experience: 6 XI Basic Database Administration =01/16/95 Norstar Voice Mail Installation 01/22/96 City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services Much 30,2001 21 ride the ' t Qwest. Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent on sheet is subject to the res ric on on the Tine Page of this document Meridian Administration 03/25/96 Nortel BARS 04/09/96 X11 Rel. 24IDL 06/10/99 Meridian 1 Rel. 24 ACD 09/13/99 Xll Rel. 25 IDL 10/26/99 Meridian Mail System Administration 04/03/00 Nortel NARS Nortel System Feature Administration Nortel ACD Nortel MAT(Station Administration Norstar&Norstar Startalk- CINPHONY ACD Shannon Kepler XI Feature Administration 09/17/90 Years experience: 16 Meridian Manager 04/21/92 Imin Debra Mitchell Norstar-Plus Modular ICS 06/16/99 Years as an SDS: 18 Nortel System Feature Administration Jenva Kuzmin Meridian 1 Options 11-81C 09/29/97 Years experience: 5 X11 Basic Database Administration 10/02/97 Meridian Mail System Administration 10/27/97 Meridian IVR Rel. 2.0 Integration 11/10/97 Symposium Open IVR Rel. 4 07/19/99 Symposium Call Center Scripting 01/24/00 Administration Call Pilot System Administration 02/22/00 r Symposium Call Center Express City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services March 30,2001 22 ride the f t Q VT t Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent on sheet is subject to he restriction on the Tile Page of this docutrent.n[. Norte1 System Feature Administration Nortel BARS Teresa Mayorga X11 Feature Administration 02/18/91 Years experience: 10 Norstar j Robert Steen Men ian 1 Options 11-81 01/25/95 Years experience: 24 Xl1 Basic Database Administration 02/16/95 BARS 05/16/95 Norstar Voicemail Installation 01/22/96 j Meridian 1 ACD A-C2 Feature Administration j 05/12/97 MAT Rel. 4 station Administration Traffic 05/19/97 Analysis Meridian Mail System 12/02/97 Meridian 1 Option 11-81C 03/09/98 NARS 03/16/98 MAT Common Services 03/30/98 Xl1 Rel. 24IDL 06/10/99 XlI Ref. 25 IDL 10/26/99 Meridian Link 5 & CCR 1, O&M 05/01/00 City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 23 ride the lj t Qwest Use or disclostire of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is subject to the restriction on the Title Page of this doCUmC11L 2.2.2 Response Commitments. The Vendor must be capable of providing priority response to a major alarm condition. Acceptable response shall be remote access by a trained technician via a modem connected to the system, if the problem can be resolved remotely, or dispatch of a technician to the site. A. What is your contractual definition of a major alarm and a minor alarm; for the PBX systems, the ACDs, and the voice mail? ➢ Response: Emergency Procedure: An "Emergency" is defined as a MAJOR alarm or malfunction, which shall consist of one or more of the following conditions: 1. Complete failure of the system; a. No incoming or outgoing cornmunication to or from Customer's premise; or b. No internal communications within the system. 2. Failure of a critical subsystem; a. Inoperative attendant console; b. Inoperative Message or Accounting system; c. 40% of all telephones out-of-service; or d. 20% of all trunk circuits out-of-service. Non-Emergencv Procedure: "Non-Emergency" is defined as a minor malfunction consisting of any failure other than a major malfunction as defined above. Qwest agrees to make every reasonable effort to have maintenance personnel respond within twenty-four (24) hours of notice of a Non-Emergency malfunction or next workday when notice immediately precedes a weekend or holiday. Qwest Standard Service Hours are defined for the purpose of this Agreement as 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Local time, Monday through Friday, except Qwest observed holidays B. State your guaranteed service response time for: Major Alarm: i Response: Notice of an Emergency: The TRAC (Tactical Remote Alarm Center) receives (Major Alarm) a Tier I technician remotely accesses the system diagnoses alarm conditions and clears remotely. If the alarm can not-be cleared remotely Qwest agrees to make every reasonable effort to have maintenance personnel respond City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 24 ride the fig t Qwest. Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent a s sheet is Page this to the t. rc on on We Title Page of this docutrent. within two (2) hours of said notice during Qwest Standard Service Hours. If customer has selected Extended Service Hours, when notice of an Emergency is received during hours other than Qwest Standard Service Hours, Qwest agrees to make every reasonable effort to have maintenance personnel respond within four (4) hours of said notice, twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days a week. Minor Alarm: ➢ Response: Non-Emergency Procedure: "Minor Alarm" is defined as a minor malfunction consisting of any failure other than a major malfunction as defined above. Qwest agrees to make every reasonable effort to have maintenance personnel respond within twenty-four (24) hours of notice of a Non-Emergency malfunction or next workday when notice immediately precedes a weekend or holiday. Qwest Standard Service Hours are defined for the purpose of this Agreement as 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Iocal time, Monday through Friday, except Qwest observed holidays Standard Service Request: Response: Standard Service Request: MAC (Move, Add or Change) are completed within five business day's of receipt. If customer has a special requirement requests can be completed in shorter intervals. 2.2.3 Remote Monitorine and Service. The City of Kent prefers to work with a vendor that can provide remote system access, including automatic system monitoring. A. Describe any remote maintenance/troubleshooting operations supported. Response: Remote Maintenance/Product Support Qwest's remote maintenance and product support center located in Bellevue provides on-line support for both customers and Qwest field technicians. This center is staffed 240 with our Tier I or Tier II technicians who are fully trained and manufacturer certified on the Nortel product line. By committing resources and expertise entirely for remote maintenance activities, we believe this center adds value to the products and services offered to City of Kent. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services March 30,2001 25 ride the fig t n2 Qwest wi- Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent the 7i is subject to the restriction on the Titlde Page of this document. B. Can the systems be equipped with a device that automatically alerts the vendor when alarms have occurred? Please describe fully. ➢ Response: Alarm Monitoring Qwest uses Sentinel modems for 24-hour alarm monitoring. If City of Kent does not currently have Sentinel modems Qwest will offer the modems at cost without markup. The 24-hour alarm monitoring is offered to all maintenance customers as a value-added service. Detailed description of Qwest alarm monitoring services is provided below. Qwest's service product offering for PBX and Voice Mail Alarm monitoring, TRAC (Tactical Remote Alarm Center). TRAC has been implemented to help customers reduce maintenance costs and improve service levels through the use of a centralized, real time, remote PBX alarm monitoring system. Digital PBXs, stand alone voice mail systems, and various data devices, run complete self-diagnostic checks and produce detailed alarm records of the results. TRAC captures these records and routes service effecting critical or potentially critical conditions to the local Bellevue 24 hour TRAC monitoring center. Problems can be detected before they become serious enough to disrupt communication. The centralized collection of historical data allows performance evaluation of the PBX network by screening for repeat error conditions and vendor specific faults. System Overview PBX and Voice Mail Alarm Monitoring employs a 1FB phone line to ensure that. in the event of a complete system failure, the on site collection unit (Sentinel 2000) can still report critical alarm conditions to the TRAC system. With this service, there is no need for the PBX to supply dial tone for the purpose of outward dialing. PBX and Voice Mail diagnostic output is analyzed. If a major alarm condition exists, the Sentinel 2000 places a call to the TRAC system, where the alarm is processed and stored. A trouble ticket is immediately generated at the 24 hour Technical Support Center in Bellevue for appropriate action. Each unit calls the TRAC System daily, performs a diagnostic check and automatically receives any programming updates. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services Much 30,2001 26 ride the lig t n2 Qwest Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is subject to the restriction on the Title Page of this doCUITInL The Sentinel 2000 combines Remote Access &Network Management via Intelligent Agent Approach (Figure 1). Gateway ® •Reduces Line Cost ,ataCDR Capture .Dial up Asyve ,MWB port aaesa Data Capture .ISDN *Modem sharing ."Black Box" Ethernet LAN .Lonl Async s0fQ ,Covmet Closures ZVI •Humidity .Secures maintenance ports •Temperature ® Meridian i m alars Merdianav 1,SLI00, •33.6k BPS PCS(CIA modem NEAR 2400 Octel .Ethernet LAN connection ValeeMaa,MI M.d Figure 1: Remote Access & Network Management via Intelligent Agent Approach Equipment Overview The monitoring system has two principle components: The on-site intelligent Sentinel 2000 data collection device (Figure 2), and the centralized Manager 2000 monitoring software (Figure 3). s � � C a i 1 Figure 2: Sentinel 2000 Data Collection Device City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services March 30.2001 27 ride the fig t n2 Qwest. Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is subject to the restriction On the Title Page of this document The Sentinel 2000 performs the following functions: 1. Scriptable Emulation -allows the Sentinel 2000 to work with a variety of PBXs, voice mail, and data devices. Emulation programming allows the Sentinel 2000 to communicate and comprehend the complex diagnostic output for the monitored equipment. 2. Data Collection - stores and maintains the activity history of the monitored systems. The unit can store all standard diagnostic output. Data will be transmitted regularly or polled, as programmed, for archiving 3. Alarm Notification- occurs when a temperature range is exceeded or any diagnostic record previously defined as critical by Qwest,is detected. When detected, a call is placed via a 1FB to an 800 number and is connected to the Manager 2000 software. A trouble ticket with the alarm description is generated and appropriate action is taken. If transmission is not completed due to some technical difficulty, the Sentinel 2000 will try again or escalate to an alternate center. In addition to notifying the 24-hour Seattle Technical Support Center, the system can also notify a pager. 4. Maintenance Transparency- allows Qwest service and support associates to access multiple systems through the Sentinel 2000. In this manner, the Sentinel 2000 serves as a remote access modem. 5. Port Security_- security management limits port access to authorized personnel. Sentinel 2000 supports a variety of authentication technologies including ID/password, callback. and hardware/software tokens. All activity is logged and tampering is instantly reported as an alarm _ condition. Manager 2000 u Mf 101 OAC R I WO Figure 3: Sentinel 2000 Remote Site Manager The Manager 2000 software performs the following functions: 1. Manager 2000 - is an intelligent help desk application which performs alarm monitoring. data base administration,alarm designation. down loading, site polling, and modem control functions and repair escalation. 2. Security Gateway System (SeGaSys) - allows centralized administration of all Qwest access to customer equipment. All equipment access, including local on site terminals, can be routed through the Sentinel 2000. City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 28 ride the fig t Qwest Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is ftt to restriction on the Title Pagee of of this document.[. Operation Overview PBX and Voice Mail diagnostic output is sent to the Sentinel 2000 connected to a PBX or Voice Mail serial port. Each diagnostic record is read and matched to an internal database of Qwest defined critical alarms. All records are stored in the buffer of the Sentinel 2000. When a diagnostic record matches a critical alarm designation, the Sentinel 2000 requests dial tone from it's connected 1FB and dials the 800 number associated with the TRAC system. The Manager 2000 software application on the TRAC Server detects the incoming call, answers the call, and communicates with the Sentinel 2000. Manager 2000 matches the received site ID with it's internal data base and adds customer specific information to the alarm record (customer name, contact number, location. etc.) as well as a history of similar faults along with possible corrective actions. A " plain English" text is added and the trouble ticket is passed to the most qualified TRAC operator logged on with responsibility for that PBX. Manager 2000 provides complete "help desk" functionality and will insure that action is taken or escalated as required. When a trouble ticket arrives at the 24 hour Bellevue Technical Support Center, the system is interrogated remotely by a certified technician to attempt to clear the problem and if necessary a technician is dispatched. Remote Alarm Monitoring O.t. N.tem.r SH. Colkmbn YMHMng Sy.tun U.. 1F9 eoo s publk okp.mH Imernod9l Network Local HaTS CPE sup"n 9r.n.h str.b9k Rcc°um. C.m.r Figure 4: Remote Alarm Monitoring City of Kent Nortei PBX Maintenance services March 30,2001 29 ride the light . Qwest � - Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is a of subject to the rit. con on the Title Page of this document. C. Is there a 24x7 group available to receive, diagnose, and attempt software fixes for problems detected? Is this group staffed with trained manufacturer certified technicians? Does the Vendor or the Manufacturer operate this group? ➢ Response: Qwest TRAC (Tactical Remote Alarm Center) is operated 24x7 to receive and diagnose remote alarms. The center is staff with Qwest certified Tier I Nortel technicians with access to field and Tier II on-call technicians. D. Does the proposal cost include any of the services detailed above? Please identify. ➢ Response: The customer is required to have Sentinel 2000 modem, dedicated phone line and one available SDI port per system. There is no additional monthly cost to maintenance customers for remote alarm monitoring service. 2.2.4 Software Patches and Up ades. Does your maintenance include the installation of software releases to fix problems in the software discovered by the manufacturer? Are new software releases included in warranty and maintenance support? Response: The Tier II technicians are certified by Nortel Networks to implement system patches written by Nortel engineers. If a customer is experiencing software or hardware related issues not resolved by normal trouble shooting techniques Qwest will work with Nortel to develop system patches or hardware retrofits. Qwest will implement system software updates if recommended by Nortel Networks. This service is provided to maintenance customers at no additional cost. TSD-TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION OF Qwest The TSD (Technical Services Division) of Qwest performs technically related support in three areas: • Tier III Technical Support • Product Evaluation and Interface Testins • Sales Engineering Support City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services March 30,2001 30 ride the fig t np Qwest Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is subject to the restriction on the Title Page of this docutrent.t. Tier III Technical Support - Well-trained, highly skilled product engineers perform TSD's primary function of telephone technical support to the CPE Operations Service Field Technicians. TSD associates provide telephone trouble resolution, fault duplication, vendor coordination, and if required, visits to the customer site in support of field personnel. The communications equipment lab allows engineers to duplicate a problem, isolate the cause, and develop a corrective action without severe impact to the customer's equipment and communications. Product Evaluation and Interface Testing_- Working with the Product Management organization, TSD engineers perform a technical evaluation of new products considered for addition to the Approved Product List. Testing insures that the new product meets Qwest standards, satisfies customer needs and is compatible with other products offered. Recommendations for modifications, training or special service requirements are passed on to Product Management. Special installation instructions or situations requiring extraordinary support are passed to the field in the form of a TSD Product Bulletin. — 2.3 Sub-contractor Information Provide a list of any sub-contractors who will have responsibilities for work related to this project. Describe the services they will be providing. 2.4 Customer References The City of Kent is specifically interested in the Vendor's experience and responsibilities in servicing and maintaining Nortel PBX systems. The Vendor must submit a minimum of four (maximum of ten) relevant references of customers where the Vendor currently provides maintenance service for clients of the same general size and the same model of equipment. The following information is required for each reference: i Response City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance services March 30,2001 31 ride the fig t n9 Qwest Use or disclostue of data conned on City of Kent on contained sheet isubf this to restriction on the Title Page of this document. S O Pierce County ' Dan Tchobanoff Director Telecommunications Ca erg 253-798-7492 ai F . • • 930 Tacoma Ave South 253-798-3700 s e rsio s e ize to •a e ci ,at os 1 - Option 81C Rls 25 2000 1995 2004 2- Option 61C Rls 25 3000 1995 2004 12-Option 11 C Rls 25 2000 1995 2004 King County Mark Peterson Telecommunications Manager - p � 206-296-0675 31 f- 700 5 Ave, Suite 1800, Seattle, WA 98104 206-296-0126 s sto • =to e •a e 3 - Option 61C Rls 24 3100 1995 2003 21 - Option 11C . Rls 23 2200 1995 2003 _ S O. :e •fi'e City of Auburn 2 Lorne M. Rempher Finance Manager 253-288-3160 8t t 25 West Main Street, Auburn,WA 98001 F gr 253-288-3132 s o e = m ersiord = ste ize artdate nd ate 111PARM 1 - Option 61C Rls 24 1800 1995 2003 4-Mini Carrier Rls 24 300 1999 2003 Remotes City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 32 - ride the ' t Qwest Y Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is subject the restriction d m on the Title Page of this docuent.nt. r Custo :'erc e ,3riil'e. Bellevue School District eke C^ a Steve Davis Telecommunications Manager P 0 e of 425-456-4660 al I'ril. .a• +re 12241 Main Street,Building 4,Bellevue,WA 98009 der 425-456-4657 s o tze ' stem erslon em Me. QMJ date o'rts _ 1 - Option 81C Rls 24 2000 1997 2003 25 -Option 11C Rls 24 1200 1998 2003 ,µM City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services March 30,2001 33 hde the 1' t Qwest. _ Use or disclosure of'6ia contained on City of Kent this sheet is subleci to the restriction on the Title Page of ails document. SECTION 3 - CURRENT SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 3.1 Current City Locations and Equipment Type The following information summarizes the City of Kent's service locations: Name Address Current Service City Hall 220 - 4 h Avenue South Option 81 (w/ Call Pilot) Fire Admin. 24611 - 116d'Avenue SE Option 61 City Shops 5821 South 240d' Street MCR Corrections (Jail) 1230 South Central MCR Senior Center 600 East Smith MCR Resource Center 315 East Meeker MCR Golf Course 2019 West Meeker MCR Fire Stations #71 504 West Crow MCR #72 25620 - 140d' Avenue SE MCR #73 26512 Military Road S. MCR #75 15635 Southeast 272nd MCR #76 20676 - 72 d Avenue MCR #77 21006 - 132nd Avenue SE MCR The following locations are directly cabled to, and part of, the City Hall Option 81 —creating a campus environment: Centennial (400 W. Gowe), Police (232 - 4d' Ave. S.), Police Annex (407 W. Gowe), Kent Commons (525 - 4d'Ave. N.), IS Automation (302 W. Gowe). 3.2 Equipment Detail Attachments Attached to this RFP is the following system configuration information, representing the quantity of maintenance requested as part of this RFP. Attachment 1 —Option 81 Bayface Layout (City Hall) Attachment 2 —Option 61 Bayface Layout (Fire Administration) Attachment 3 —MCR Configurations Attachment 4—Peripheral Equipment Inventory (including set counts) © Copyright 2001, TMC Group, L.L.C., All Rights Reserved 34 C�I(� O� B t 3 Main enanee Pnau�g 1>°,a �'�'� ® = �: Monthly wy ' Extentleii Srte Name Qty. Unit Price : ric Pe' x . City HiW Option 81 � Digital Ports T528 ;z $2 00 $1 056.00 Analog Ports 224 $2 00 $448 00 . s � ._ . Unro,Trunks Ports 40 T 1 Cards fi 4 $24 00 $96 00 # ' Maintenance Terminal 1 $10 00 Maintenance Punter 1 $10 00 $1'0'00 - CitY Hall Call Not 1 '$500 00 . $500 00 City Hall 'Symposium r 1 '$333 00 $33300 M(`nthly Total $2 533:00' — 12'Month#Total . $30 396 00 4rw Free A"dmm Option 61 } Digital 'o'rts 112 $2 00 $224,,00 =A Ian lan og P.ort Uriiv Trunks Ports 24 $2 00 $48 00' T 1-Cards 2 "'.`$24 00 $48;00 ;Maintenance Terminal 1 $10 00 ; $10:00 ; :. - Maint6n nce Printer 1 K$10 00 y$10 00 Fire Admm Symposmm 1 $166 00 $166:00 Monthly Total $5533�ft, Shops MCR Digital Ports 64 $2:00 $12800 - Analog Ports 16 $2.00 $32 00 Univ Trunks 8 $2.00. $16:00 Monthly Total $176.00 12 Month Total $2,112.00 - Corrections MCR — - Digital Ports 32 $2.00 $64.00 Analog Ports 16 $2.00 $32.00 Univ Trunks 16 $2.00 . $32.00 Monthly Total $128.00 12 Month,Total $1,536.00 Senior Center MCR Digital,Ports 32 $2.00 $64.00 0; Analog Ports 16 $2.00 $32.00 Univ Trunks 16 $2.00 $3200 ., �r Monthly Total $128.00 A:! 12 Month Total $1,536.00 City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services QWeSt ComMunicatlons March 30,2001 Confidential of` Maintenance lGjS! Resource Center MCR Digital Ports 32 $2.00 $64;00 Analog Ports 16 $2.00 $32.00 Univ Trunks 8 $2.00 $16.00 Monthly Total $112.00 12 Month Total §1,344.00 Golf Course MCR Digttal Ports 32 $2.00 $6400 Analog Ports 32 $2.00 $64:00 t< Univ Trunks 8 $2.00 $16.00 Monthly Total $144.00 12 Month'Total $1,726.06 Fire-Station 71 MC_ R Digital Ports 32 $2.00 $6400 Analog Ports 16 $2.00 $32.00 UnivTrunks 8 $2.00 $16.00 Monthly Total $112.00 12 Month Total $1,344.00 Fire Station 73 MCR Digital Ports 32 $2.00 $64.00 Analog Ports 16 $2.00 $32.00 Univ Trunks 8 $2.00 $16.00 , Monthly Total $112:00 _ 12 Month Total $1,344.00 Fire-Station 75 MCR Digital Ports 32 $2.00 $64.00 Analog Ports 16 $2.00 $32.00 Univ Trunks 8 $2.00 $16.00 Monthly Total $112.00 12 Month Total $1,344.00 Fire Station 76 MCR Digital Ports 32 $2.00 $64.00 Analog Ports 16 $2.00 $32.00 Univ Trunks 8 $2.00 $16.00 Monthly Total $112.00 12 Month Total $1,344.00 Fire Station 72 MCR Digital Ports 16 $2.00 $32.00 Analog Ports 16 $2.00 $32.00 Univ Trunks 8 $2.00 $16.00 Monthly Total $80.00 1 12 Month Total $960.00 City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services Qwest Communications March 30,2001 Confidential Ril a 'rs ' •y... -t45 r � �iiW + w}-.+s }ir'�C+s csc' 2-� :2 a•3. 'v Y �'^ 'c .•G .i D T ry y r F '3 �� kyYF. FrreStationMCR - Dlgdal Ports W � - $32 00 .Analog Ports 16 $2 00 32 00 r. Unly Trunks 8 '= $2 00 1 $16 00 Monthly Total $80 00 4: 12 Month Total $960.00 To Annua tall Maintenance $52,404.00 _ �. l. r Op'lronal Telephone Set IlAamtenance ` } g'M } Telephone Set Type Qty Monthly Rate 1a� d 3r•, 26 for so;al 1 $190 00 ' n � k 1 " I='::i'1 2 rp �'. S!C C - $22 75-_ _ n - V-^ithly Telephone'Maintenance rn p rt ountsh I"bc truc`d'nji atnnriaCy'.a� r zh rt ting per po rate smm SbFv -•d Call Pilot mill be incrc?stannually:` Pticmg Is based:oii pier: counts providing I rur,�orner. - iy S Move/Add/Change Labor Ratc x .: St��aard labor M' for non-marntenance customers r , I ra o $ c CO P Nut $114 00-Per our a lip,�ila_jV $4500 -Per trip - ' a sa' ` yeul g` y{ Speclal labor rate-for maintenance custorilers. L .: Regular 8 5 Mon F.n rate: $65.00 Per Hour Overtime Rate: $97,50 Per Hour ` Trip Charge $45.00 Pertrip yy City of Kent Nortel PBX Maintenance Services QWest COmmUrllCatlOflS Mardi 36,2oot Confidential _ Use or disclosure of data contained on City of Kent this sheet is ' of ' the nestriction on the Title Page o of this document RFP RESPONSE FORM - TITLE PAGE The undersigned agrees to furnish the services at the price stated, subject to the conditions and requirements of this proposal. The proposal must be signed by someone with the authority to legally bind the Vendor. Bidder Identification and Authorized Signature: Firm Name: Qwest Communication Services Address: 1600 7`�Ave Suite 2000 Seattle WA 98191 Signed Byt2 C1rze,� Printed Name: Patty Winckler Title: Senior National Account Manager Date: March 29, 2001 Please indicate person to be contacted by the City of Kent or TMC concerning any part of this RFP or the proposal: Name: Mike Suelzle Title: Account Manager Telephone: 206-224-1161 Fax Number: 206-224-1161 E-Mail: msuelzl@qwest.com Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: YEAR 2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING - APPROVE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Parks Committee, accept the Year 2002 CDBG Pass Through Funds and authorize the Mayor to sign the CDBG agreement allocating the City' s maximum available CDBG funds for human services program planning and administration. Capital Funding for the City' s Home Repair Program and partial construction costs for the Lutheran Social Service Child Care Facility is proposed, as well as partial funds for acquisition of Kent ' s One Stop Human Service Center and KCHA Southwood Square Apartments . 3 . EXHIBITS: Staff analysis of proposed 2002 CDBG program and projects 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff and Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $583 , 151 . 00 SOURCE OF FUNDS : CDBG 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6E CITY OF RENT PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES PARKS (253) 856-5070 John Hodgson Director MEMORANDUM Phone:253-856-5100 MAY 1, 2001 Fax: 253-856-6050 MEMO TO: JUDY WOODS, CHAIR AND PARKS COMMITTEE MEMBERS 220 Fourth Ave. S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 FROM: KATHERIN JOHNSON, HL.MAN SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT: YEAR 2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDING LEVELS BACKGROUND Recently the City received from King County its estimates of Community Development Block Grant Pass through funds for 2002. The estimate of S583,151 is approximately S62,231 less than the City received for the 2001 program. The estimate at this time is based on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) proposed year 2002 budget. The estimated amount may increase or decrease due to changes in the program income and recaptured funds. The City Council needs to take three actions: 1. Receipt of Funds The City of Kent needs to inform the County whether it elects to receive and administer the Pass through funds for 2002. By accepting the Pass through the City will be assured of continued HUD funding. The Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department recommends that the City accept the Pass through funds to: 1) Maximize local discretion in allocating the funds; 2) Guarantee a minimum funding level; 3) Eliminate competition with other King County and small cities projects. If the City does not elect to take the Pass through funds, Kent is not guaranteed any CDBG funds and would have to compete for all funds. 2. Public (Human) Services Funding If the City chooses to accept Pass through fiords, it can reserve the maximum of its fair share of public service dollars. If the City does not reserve the right to use this amount of funding for human services, another city can request the use of any unreserved ceilings. In order to retain the maximum of flexibility in the use of its CDBG funds, and to continue in its present support for human services,the Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department recommends that the City of Kent notify the County that it wishes to reser-a the maximum dollars for human services. The estimated year 2002 Community Development Block Grant funding for human services is $94,437. 2002 Community Development Block Grant Program(CDBG)Funding Levels May 1,2001 Page 2 3. Planning & Administration Funds As with human services, the City has a maximum of its CDBG funds that can be spent for Planning & Administration. In 2001 the City reserved the maximum amount available. The Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department recommends allocating the maximum amount available in year 2002 to continue to fund salaries and other activities associated with the administration of the CDBG program. The maximum amount of 2002 CDBG funds estimated to be available for Planning&Administration is $76,733. The remaining $411,981 would be used for capital projects. The City traditionally funds the Home Repair Program out of this category and also any additional capital project requests that Council approves. RECOMMENDED ACTION I. Approval to accept the 2002 Pass through CDBG funds. 2. Allocate the City's maximum available 2002 CDBG funds for Public (Human) Services ($94,437). 3. Allocate the City's maximum available 2002 CDBG funds for Planning & Administration ($76,733). 4. Forward this recommendation to the full City Council for consideration at its May 15, 2001 meeting authorizing the Mayor to sign the County form indicating the City's desire for distribution of 2002 CDBG funds. cc: John M. Hodgson,Parks,Recreation&Community Services Director Judy Bennett,Planner 3 Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KRONISCH PARK EASEMENT TO US WEST - ACCEPT AND AMEND BUDGET 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Parks Committee, approve the easement to Kronisch Park and accept the $1, 500 . 00 from U. S . West, amending the Land Acquisition budget . U.S . West has requested an additional easement at Kronisch Park for a cabinet located adjacent to the easement granted in January 2000 . U. S . West has offered to pay $1 , 500 . 00 for the additional easement . 3 . EXHIBITS: Easement detail of Kronisch Park property 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff and Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: Revenue of $1 , 500 . 00 SOURCE OF FUNDS : U. S . West 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6F t i Semi Tan en( 1 ; M�litc,J �octcQ e= o•ai a5- 76a.00, o , C, �D r m 1z m 1 till ni - �Mr j 1 �o 0 Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: IAC GRANT APPLICATION PROGRAM RESOLUTIONS 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Parks Committee, approval of the Interagency for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) grant applications by the adoption of Resolution Nos and in the form of resolutions for acquisition of property at Turnkey Park, Service Club Ballfields and East Hill Extreme Park. 3 . EXHIBITS: Drafts of IAC grant resolutions 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff and Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: If awarded, revenue of : $205, 300 Turnkey Park $399, 950 East Hill Extreme Park $650, 000 Service Club Ballfields SOURCE OF FUNDS : IAC grants 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6G RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, authorizing application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) for funding assistance pursuant to the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program as provided for in Ch. 43.98A RCW. WHEREAS, the Cit tent has approved a comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan for the area that includes the East Hill Extreme Park Acquisition; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program, state and federal funding assistance has been requested to aid in financing the cost of land and facilities for local public bodies; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent considers it in the best public interest to acquire an East Hill Skate Park; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON. HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: I. The Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services is authorized to make formal application to IAC for funding assistance. 1 IAC Resolution —East Hill Extreme Park Acquisition 2. Any fund assistance received will be used for the acquisition of East Hill Skate Park property. 3. The City of Kent anticipates that its share of project funding will be derived from Capital Improvement Program funds. 4. The City of Kent acknowledges it must support all non-cash commitments to the local share should they not materialize. 5. The City of Kent acknowledges that any property acquired or facility developed with LAC financial aid must be placed in use as an outdoor recreation facility or habitat conservation area and be retained in such use in perpetuity unless otherwise provided and agreed to by the City of Kent, IAC, and any affected federal agency. 6. This resolution may become part of a formal application to LAC. 7. The City of Kent will provide appropriate opportunity for public comment on this application. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this day of 12001. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this day of , 2001. JIM WHITE, MAYOR 2 1AC Resolution —East Hill Extreme Park Acquisition ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the day of 12001. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P.1Cir ill ResoluuavlUC res I a doc 3 1AC Resolution —East Hill Extreme Park Acquisition RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, authorizing application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) for funding assistance pursuant to the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program as provided for in Ch. 43.93A RCW. WHEREAS, the City of Kent has approved a comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan for the area that includes the Service Club Ballfield Acquisition; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program, state and federal funding assistance has been requested to aid in financing the cost of land and facilities for local public bodies; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent considers it in the best public interest to acquire the Service Club Ballfield Expansion; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: I. The Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services is authorized to make formal application to IAC for funding assistance. 1 -1AC Resolution —Service Club Ballfield Acquisition 2. Any fund assistance received will be used for the acquisition of Service Club Ballfield property. 3. The City of Kent anticipates that its share of project funding will be derived from Capital Improvement Program funds. 4. The City of Kent acknowledges it must support all non-cash commitments to the local share should they not materialize. 5. The City of Kent acknowledges that any property acquired or facility developed with IAC financial aid must be placed in use as an outdoor recreation facility or habitat conservation area and be retained in such use in perpetuity unless otherwise provided and agreed to by the City of Kent, LAC, and any affected federal agency. 6. This resolution may become part of a formal application to IAC 7. The City of Kent will provide appropriate opportunity for public comment on this application. Passed at a re,-uls meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this day of 12001. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this day of . 2001. JIM WHITE, MAYOR 2 IA C Resolution —Service Club Ballfield Acquisition ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORDS: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the day of 12001. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P-Ci.ii RcW1ution`IAC resl5 doc 3 IA C Resolution —Service Club Ballfeld Acquisition —. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, authorizing application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) for funding assistance pursuant to the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program as provided for in Ch. 43.98A RCW. WHEREAS, the City of Kent has approved a comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan for the area that includes the Turnkey Park Acquisition; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program, state and federal funding assistance has been requested to aid in Financing the cost of land and facilities for local public bodies; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent considers it in the best public interest to acquire Turnkey Park Expansion; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON. HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: I. The Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services is authorized to make formal application to IAC for funding assistance. I IA Resolution — Turnkey Park Acquisition 2. Any fund assistance received will be used for the acquisition of Turnkey Park Expansion. 3. The City of Kent anticipates that its share of project funding will be derived from Capital Improvement Program funds. 4. The City of Kent acknowledges it must support all non-cash commitments to the local share should they not materialize. 5. The City of Kent acknowledges that any property acquired or facility developed with IAC financial aid must be placed in use as an outdoor recreation facility or habitat conservation area and be retained in such use in perpetuity unless otherwise provided and agreed to by the City of Kent, IAC, and any affected federal agency. 6. This resolution may become part of a formal application to IAC. i. The City of Kent will provide appropriate opportunity for public comment on this application. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this day of 2001. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this day of 2001. JIM WHITE, MAYOR 2 IAC Resolution — Turnkey Park Acquisition ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the day of 12001. _ (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P C-&R[eoluvon 1AC res16 do< 3 IA Resolution - - Turnkey Park Acquisition Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: SERVICE CLUB BALLFIELDS DONATION - ACCEPT AND AMEND BUDGET 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Parks Committee, accept a $4, 500 . 00 donation from Kent Sunrise Rotary Club and amend the Service Club Ballfield budget . 3 . EXHIBITS: Copy of Rotary Club check 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff and Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $4 , 500 . 00 SOURCE OF FUNDS : Kent Sunrise Rotary Club donation 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6H � )t � ! ■ G G — �. ° � Ln E. 0 ) 0 ; \ x -E cr A!° r q f r` � A § A_ � � o � §\ m�G & � »! ! * E \ _ \ § m % : w - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - < � \ \ / — k k [ . bc J } > % � / z k J ( cc ( § ❑ ` ; . LLI 0 � 2 \ ^ 9 § \ \ )\ )\ § q El ) q ) Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: LID 354 , N. WASHINGTON AVENUE AND W. MEEKER STREET IMPROVEMENT BIDS - CONFIRM REJECTION 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Confirm rejection of all bids received on the LID 354, N. Washington Avenue and W. Meeker Street Improvement project . All bids for this project were rejected by the Public Works Director due to the bid amounts greatly exceeding the Engineer' s Cost Estimate and the fact that only two bids were received. The City is in the process of re- evaluating the project components and intends to re-bid it in the near future . 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6I Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: HILLSIDE MANOR WATER LATECOMER AGREEMENT - AUTHORIZE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for the Public Works Director to execute a Water Latecomer Agreement with the Ellenswood Corporation for the plat of Hillside Manor. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6J COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director T Phone:Fax: 253-856-6500 WASMINGTOia Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: May 4, 2001 To: Public_Works Committee i From: Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director Regarding: Water Latecomer Agreement Hillside Manor The Ellenswood Corporation has developed the plat of Hillside Manor and extended 490 feet of watermain, which has the potential of providing service to 21 lots. The total cost for this extension was $23,062.50 or, $1098.21 per lot. The Public Works Director requests authorization to enter into a latecomer agreement with this developer. MOTION: Recommend Council authorization for the Public Works Director to execute a Water Latecomer Agreement for the Hillside Manor plat. 1801 mp 1,EGEINIU ]f 1 I L REBEPVOIR ff 1/[9EClSON LINE R 01 11 r NAT FA FPANc11I6E BOLRIOARV i 111 III 1 P1 PVIIP STATION -� TRANSNIES ION MIN I W1ff5SSC X.GO.VRINP9 NDT PEPHITI'EDI O 'IATEP TY'IR 111 VALVE C CITY".ANT I1t [11 Ill 1 Ilf 1 1 �-- PRESSURE REOVEE0.VALVE O PR VATE XYpRAM ArV 11�—1 If 1 f 1l1 lil f[I131 e Ir II 1 AIR VAC rrrl .�Illill 0 1. pr (.I. llflrl ,Yl rl rirl! 1t1 Ill ll0 111 I 0 111 III •�� BIAM OFf rr it rr i,r r,r,r.,,,,,ur ril ,ir ir.. ,•r., i„r 618SE [STELL .I I f " r-7 1� 't II Gii e Flu nl IT -I , O I� SCI00( 1JI I I V�— •1 i I I r u s 1 141 1 :I I 1A, i - - - - I If I - -1 n — _ II sn 14.AT 7[ 0 _ 3t.aa _ � X I �� i/i'. . fl•III _ � _� _ I II [[F • ' I I I Pc.. sv[et �--• — _— icru f lu - U-r 4-��° n z. oll d — I.�iJ zwV—, Y C 62 SEe' WATER SYSTEM FACILITY MAP -- ----- -- �� sate : t = Sao reinTeo of /ac/oo I AA NE 19 - 22 - 05 S11EET 6 2 2 N E Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: HILLSIDE MANOR SEWER LATECOMER AGREEMENT - AUTHORIZE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for the Public Works Director to execute a Sewer Latecomer Agreement with the Ellenswood Corporation for the plat of Hillside Manor. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6K COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director Phone:253-856-5500 K E N T Fax: 253-856-6500 Wn5HiNGTON Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: May.4, 2001 To: Public W rks Committee From: Do kstrom, Public Works Director Regarding: Sanitary Sewer Latecomer Agreement Hillside Manor The Ellenswood Corporation has developed the plat of Hillside Manor and extended 1,290 feet of sanitary sewer, which has the potential of providing service to 34 lots. The total cost for this extension was $218,148.86 or, $6,416.14 per lot. The Public Works Director requests authorization to enter into a latecomer agreement with this developer. MOTION: Recommend Council authorization for the Public Works Director to execute a Sanitary Sewer Latecomer Agreement for the Hillside Manor plat. 1901 mp jt ( r LOT 2 6° x Bi[x TR. 3 J BL y.f2E. L 0 �76 �SQ I _ r TK. 4 - .I n 7' I 4-is'.43 645. 3 3da___._—. N.6vat-zeE ne3.o) ,. .. 1. h N i 3 KC SP 97604CREV LOT - 79 0 7190 6 75 m or m e� g n:. 3 . 'YM J.0).53 61 r LOT 2 w oTl r 50 -1�1 � F iI< 246 fH P" L - <r.;.<••:..I 0E—_ CSC -ti t �-^ A Dy 5-za5 rrl L. T11'"', 214 ISi.+ ,rtn 2 .[. _nrc /� - SU/ `%'B [STD .�I � E0:7•+vi-.SSE�aO25 Aa ec.S_i ^o"Z ��^ 39�'1.5�_i4B.4'_ __ _ _J SI B R 5 2 40T11 tie I : >—�t Imo'"—fl.'�—`�L1�i ....�.,•n �� ___� ' — _,._t_ 1 ® Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD GRANT, MEEKER STREET, WASHINGTON AVENUE TO 64TH AVENUE SOUTH - ACCEPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for the Mayor to sign the TIB grant agreement, authorize staff to accept the grant ($728, 334) and establish a budget for the funds to be spent within said road improvement project . 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum and grant agreement #8-1-106- (026) -1 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6L COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _ Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director Phone:253-856-5500 K E N T Fax: 253-856-6500 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 Date: May 4, 2001 To: Public Works (Committee From: Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director Regarding: T.I.B. Grant - #8-1-106(026)-1 Meeker Street [Washington Avenue to 64`h Avenue South] We are in receipt of a TIB Grant Agreement for the construction phase of Meeker Street [Washington Avenue to 64`h Avenue South]. At this time we are requesting authorization for the Mayor to sign the grant agreement, direct staff to accept the grant and establish a budget for the funds to be spent Within said road improvement project. MOTION: Recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the TIB grant agreement, authorize staff to accept the grant and establish a budget for the funds to be spent within said road improvement project. 0901mp / Arterial Improvement Program (AIP) Construction Phase Project Agreement Lead Agency City of Kent Project Number 8-1-106(026)-1 Project Title& Description Meeker St Washington Ave to 64th Ave S Total Amount Authorized Authorization to Proceed Effective From $728,334 April 18, 2001 In consideration of the allocation by the Transportation Improvement Board of TIB funds to the project and in the amount set out above, the agency hereby agrees that as condition precedent to payment of any TIB funds allocated at any time to the above referenced project, it accepts and will comply with the terms of this agreement, including the terms and conditions set forth in RCW 47.26; the applicable rules and regulations of the Transportation Improvement Board, and all representations made to the Transportation Improvement Board upon which the fund allocation was based; all of which are familiar to and within the knowledge of the agency and incorporated herein and made a part of this agreement, although not attached. The officer of the agency, by the signature below hereby certifies on behalf of the agency that local matching funds and other funds represented to be committed to the project will be available as necessary to implement the projected development of the project as set forth in the CONSTRUCTION PROSPECTUS, acknowledges that funds hereby authorized are for the development of the construction proposal as defined by Chapter 167, Laws of 1988. If the costs of the project exceed the amount of TIB funds authorized by the Transportation Improvement Board, set forth above, and the required local matching funds represented by the local agency to be committed to the project, the local agency will pay all additional costs necessary to complete the project as submitted to the board. This shall not prevent the local agency from requesting an increase in the amount of trust funds pursuant to applicable rules of the Board. Projects in clean air non-attainment areas are subject to air quality conformity requirements as specified in RCW 70.94.The lead agency certifies that the project meets all applicable clean air act requirements. In consideration of the promises and performance of the stated conditions by the agency, the transportation improvement board hereby agrees to reimburse the agency from allocated TIB funds and not otherwise, for its reimbursable costs not to exceed the amount specified. Such obligation to reimburse TIB funds extends only to project costs incurred after the date of the board's allocation of funds and authorization to proceed with the project. CITY OF KENT TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD Agency Designee Date Executive Director Date Kent City Council Meeting - Date MaV 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD GRANT, WASHINGTON AVENUE HOV LANES - ACCEPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for the Mayor to sign the TIB grant agreement, authorize staff to accept the grant ($384, 000) and establish a budget for the funds to be spent within said road improvement project . 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum and grant agreement #8-1-106- (025) -1 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6M COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director 14000!000M"*' 40 Phone: 253-856-5500 K E N T Fax: 253-856-6500 W ASHINGTGn Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: May 4, 2001 To: Pub Works Committee From: Do kstrom, Public Works Director Regarding: T.I.B. Grant - #8-1-106-(025)-1 Washington Avenue HOV Lanes [Harrison St to Green River Bridge] $384,000 We are in receipt of a TIB Grant Agreement for the construction phase of Washington Avenue HOV Lanes [Harrison Street to Green River Bridge]. At this time we are requesting authorization for the Mayor to sign the grant agreement, direct staff to accept the gi nt and establish a budget for the funds to be spent within said road improvement project. MOTION: Recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the TIB grant agreement, authorize staff to accept the grant and establish a budget for the funds to be spent Within said road improvement project. 2201 mp ' Arterial Improvement Program (AIP) ' Construction Phase Project Agreement Lead Agency City of Kent Project Number 8-1-106(025)-1 Project Title&Description Washington Ave HOV Lanes Harrison St to Green River Bridge Total Amount Authorized Authorization to Proceed Effective From $384,000 April 18, 2001 In consideration of the allocation by the Transportation Improvement Board of TIB funds to the project and in the amount set out above, the agency hereby agrees that as condition precedent to payment of any TIB funds allocated at any time to the above referenced project, it accepts and will comply with the terms of this agreement, including the terms and conditions set forth in RCW 47.26; the applicable rules and regulations of the Transportation Improvement Board, and all representations made to the Transportation Improvement Board upon which the fund allocation was based; all of which are familiar to and within the knowledge of the agency and incorporated herein and made a part of this agreement, although not attached. The officer of the agency, by the signature below hereby certifies on behalf of the agency that local matching funds and other funds represented to be committed to the project will be available as necessary to implement the projected development of the project as set forth in the CONSTRUCTION PROSPECTUS, acknowledges that funds hereby authorized are for the development of the construction proposal as defined by Chapter 167, Laws of 1988. If the costs of the project exceed the amount of TIB funds authorized by the Transportation Improvement Board, set forth above, and the required local matching funds represented by the local agency to be committed to the project, the local agency will pay all additional costs necessary to complete the project as submitted to the board. This shall not prevent the local agency from requesting an increase in the amount of trust funds pursuant to applicable rules of the Board. Projects in clean air non-attainment areas are subject to air quality conformity requirements as specified in RCW 70,94.The lead agency certifies that the project meets all applicable clean air act requirements. in consideration of the promises and performance of the stated conditions by the agency, the transportation improvement board hereby agrees to reimburse the agency from allocated TIB funds and not otherwise, for its reimbursable costs not to exceed the amount specified. Such obligation to reimburse TIB funds extends only to project costs incurred after the date of the board's allocation of funds and authorization to proceed with the project. CITY OF KENT TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD 5 �24 )A_,t. 1 Agency Designee Date Executive " c Date i Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KING COUNTY SIGNAL GRANT, SR 99 - ACCEPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for the Mayor or his designee to sign the King County Grant agreement, authorize staff to accept the grant ($25 , 000) and establish a budget for the funds to be spent within said road improvement project . 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum and grant agreement #SS2001 . 7 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6N COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director K E N T Phone:253-856-5500 W.s.. .... Fax: 253-856-6500 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: May 4, 2001 To: Public Works`C�o'nl'nuttee From: Don Wickstro3ft; public Works Director Regarding: King County Signal Synchronization Grant SR 99 Pacific Highway South Between S. 240`n & S. 272"d $25,000.00 We are in receipt of a Grant Agreement from the King County Dept of Transportation for the signal synchronization along Pacific Highway South between S. 240`h St and S. 272"d St. At this time we are requesting authorization for the Mayor or his designee to sign the grant agreement, direct staff to accept the grant and establish a budget for the funds to be spent within said road improvement project. MOTION: Recommend authorizing the Mayor or his designee to sign the King County Dept of Transportation grant agreement, authorize staff to accept the grant and establish a budget for the funds to be spent within said road improvement project. 1201 mp No: SS2001.6 Agreement between The City of Kent and King County For the Signal Synchronization Project on Pacific Highway South between S. 240`h Street and S. 2721d Street THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this_ day of 2001, by and between King County, hereinafter called the "County," and the City of Kent, hereinafter called the "City," both of which entities may be collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Parties." WHEREAS, the King County Council has established a System-Wide Signal Improvement Program for King County through the adopted budget for 2001 for King County; WHEREAS, as part of the System-wide Signal Improvement Program, a new Signal Synchronization Project has been created that enables King County to make financial grants to other public agencies within King County for the purpose of optimizing signal settings along key transit corridors; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent and King County jointly acknowledge the value and importance of efficient signal operations for all modes of travel along these key transit corridors; WHEREAS, the City of Kent has applied for a grant from King County to optimize signal operations on Pacific Highway South between S. 240t' Street and S. 272d Street; and r WHEREAS, the City and the County share a common goal to improve signal operations along this corridor; WHEREAS, the County has awarded the City a grant of$ 25,000 for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the City and the County now desire to establish the terms under which the County will provide these funds and other related services to the City. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties, the Parties agree to the following: 1.0 SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 Under this Agreement, 5 signals, as shown in Attachment B-1, will be re-timed in an effort to improve and/or create synchronized signal operation. 1.2 The tasks of the signal re-timing effort are as follows: Project Management; Data Collection; Development of New Signal Timing Plans; Implementation,Testing and Acceptance of New Signal Timing Plans; and Completion of a Before and After Study. A detailed description of the required work elements for each of these five tasks is outlined in Attachment B-2, as attached. Interagency Agreement 1 Pacific Highway South -City of Kent No: SS2001.6 1.3 The Parties agree to share all technical data, findings, and reports that are produced under this Agreement. The Parties agree to participate in regional traffic forums that will be organized by the County with assistance from participating Cities to review and report on results and to develop suggestions for future improvement. 1.4 The Parties agree to report on the results of the signal synchronization projects with a Before and After Study using the format, as outlined in Attachment B-3. 1.5 The Before and After Study prepared for this Agreement will be compiled by the County with the results of all the other Before and After Studies from all of the signal re-timing projects that are funded by the King County Signal Synchronization Project for 2001. The overall results of the King County Signal Synchronization Project for 2001 will then be shared throughout the region, both with local elected officials as well as technical staff. 2.0 SCHEDULE 2.1 Data Collection will be completed on or before May 31, 2001. The Party responsible for Data Collection agrees to make a copy of the data collected for this Agreement available to the other Party. 2.2 The development of signal timing plans will be completed on or before August 31, 2001. If the City prepares these plans, they will make a copy available to County. If the County prepares these plans, the City will first review them and then at its discretion, the City may accept or modify the County plans for any of the City's signals. The City will document and provide to the County the final signal timing plans that City has authorized for installation. 2.3 New signal timing plans must be installed, tested and field accepted on or before October 31, 2001 by the City. The City commits to document all field adjustments that it makes during installation and to update the signal timing plans accordingly. These field adjustments shall be reported in the Before and Uter Study. 2. 1'he final Before and After Study Report must be issued by December 28, 2001. The Party responsible for preparing the Before and After Study agrees to make a draft copy available to the other party for review and comment by December 4, 2001. 3.0 CITY RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The City will be responsible for the following tasks, as described in Attachment B-2, for all the signals in the project scope (Check all that apply): 3.1.1 Project Management 3.1.2 Data Collection 3.1.3 Development of Signal Timing by Time of Day 3.1.4 Implementation of Signal Timing 3.1.5 Completion of Before and After Study interagency Agreement 2 Pacific Highway South -City of Kent No: SS2001.6 3.2 The City agrees to complete its tasks according to the schedule shown in Section 2.0. 3.3 The City agrees to work cooperatively to with the County to insure that the terms and intent of the Agreement are met. 3.4 The City is legally responsible for the operation of its signal system. Only the City or its authorized maintenance agent is legally authorized to set and approve the signal settings for its signals. Any technical recommendations or comments for signal timings prepared by the County are advisory only. They are not binding on the City and the County incurs no liability for offering them to the City for the City's consideration. 4.0 COUNTY RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The County will be responsible for the following tasks, as described in Attachment B-2, for all the signals in the project scope (check all that apply): 4.1.1 Project Management ❑ 4.1.2 Data Collection ❑ 4.1.3 Development of Signal Timing by Time of Day ❑ 4.1.4 Completion of Before and After Study C3 4.2 The County agrees to complete its tasks according to the schedule shown in Section 2.0 4.3 The County will work cooperatively with the City to insure that the intent of this Agreement is satisfied. 5.0 COUNTY PAYMENT TO CITY 5.1 The County agrees to pay the City of Kent a maximum of$ 25,000 for services described in Section 3. 5.2 The County will pay the City $ 14,000 upon successful completion of the following scope element(s): Data Collection and Development of Signal Timing by Time of Day. 5.3 The County will pay the City the remainder balance of$ 11,000 upon successful of the following scope element(s): Project Management, Signal Timing Implementation, and Before and After Study. 6.0 COUNTY IN-KIND SERVICES 6.1 None 7.0 LEGAL RELATIONS 7.1 It is understood that the Agreement is solely for the benefit of the Parties hereto and gives no right to any other party. No joint-venture or partnership is formed as result of this Agreement. No employees or agents of one Party or any of its ' Interagency Agreement 3 Pacific Highway South -City of Kent No: SS2001.6 contractors or subcontractors shall be deemed, or represent themselves to be, employees of the other Party. 7.2 To the maximum extent permitted by law, each Party shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the other Party and all of its officials, employees, principals, and agents from all claims, demands, suits, actions and liability of any kind, including injuries to persons or damages to property, that arise out of, are connected with, or are due to any negligent act or omission of the indemnifying party or any of its contractors, and/or employees, agents and representatives. under this Agreement; provided, however, that if(and only if) RCW 4.24.115 applies and any such damages and injuries to persons or property are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of both Parties to this Agreement, or any of their employees, agents and representatives, then in such instance each Party's obligation hereunder applies only to the extent of the negligence of such party or its officials, employees or agents. Each Party specifically assumes potential liability for actions brought by its own employees against the other Party and for that purpose only each Party specifically waives, as to the other Party only, any immunity under the Worker's Compensation Act, RCW Title 51; and the Parties recognize that this waiver was the subject of mutual negotiation and specifically entered into pursuant to the provision of RCW 4.24.115 7.3 In the event any Party incurs attorney's fees, costs or other legal expenses to enforce provisions of this section against another Party, all such fees, costs, and expenses shall be recoverable by the prevailing Party. 7.4 This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington in effect on the date of execution of this Agreement. The Superior Court of King County, Washington shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue over any legal action arising under this Agreement. 7.5 The provisions of this Section 7 shall survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement. 8.0 DURATION, EXTENSION AND TERMINATION 8.1 This Agreement shall take effect upon execution by both parties and shall expire on December 31, 2001 unless extended by mutual agreement of the parties. 8.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement for its convenience and without cause by providing written notice of such termination via certified mail to the other parties not less than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of termination. If the City terminates, it must reimburse the County for any cash payments that it has received from the County and for the value of any in-kind services the County has rendered on its behalf, up to the maximum allowed by Section 6, and consistent with the scope as outlined in Section 4. If the County terminates, it must reimburse the City for any work it has performed under the Agreement up to the maximum amounts allowed by Section 5.0 and consistent with scope outlined in Section 4.0. 9.0 IDENTIFICATION OF CONTACTS AT CITY AND COUNTY Interagency Agreement 4 Pacific Highway South -City of Kent No: SS2001.6 9.1 The City and the County each agree to appoint a project manager who will be assigned to work collaboratively to implement this Agreement. 9.2 All official communication concerning this Agreement should be directed to the following parties: City: County: Jim Storment Ms. Ellen Bevington City of Kent Supervisor, Speed and Reliability Program 220 4`h Ave S King County Department of Transportation Kent, WA 98032 201 S Jackson Street, MS KSC-TR-0411 Seattle, Washington 98104-3856 9.3 Any changes in agency contacts from those noted above may be communicated by facsimile or e-mail and must be verified in writing to the other party. 10 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 10.1 This document contains all terms, conditions and provisions agreed upon by the parties hereto, and shall not be modified except by written amendment of the parties. 11 SEVERABILITY 11.1 If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby if such remainder would then continue to serve the purposes and objectives originally contemplated by the parties IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT this day of 2001. The City of Kent By Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director Date King County Ric . Walsh, G neral Manager Date King C my Metro Transit Division Interagency Agreement 5 Pacific Highway South -City of Kent Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KING COUNTY SIGNAL GRANT, WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY - ACCEPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for the Mayor or his designee to sign the King County Grant agreement, authorize staff to accept the grant ($55, 000) and establish a budget for the funds to be spent within said road improvement project . 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum and grant agreement #SS2001 . 7 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 60 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: May 4, 2001 To: Public Works C mmittee 1 From: Don Wickstro , Public Works Director Regarding: King County Signal Synchronization Grant West Valley Highway $55,000.00 We are in receipt of a Grant Agreement from the King County Dept of Transportation for the signal synchronization along West Valley Highway between Kent-Des Moines Road and Todd Blvd. At this time we are requesting authorization for the Mavor or his designee to sign the grant agreement, direct staff to accept the grant and establish a budget for the funds to be spent within said project. MOTION: Recommend authorizing the Mayor or his designee to sign the King County Dept of Transportation grant agreement, authorize staff to accept the grant and establish a budget for the funds to be spent within said road improvement project. 1601mp No: SS2001.7 Agreement between The City of Kent and King County For the Signal Synchronization Project on West Valley Highway between Kent-Des Moines Road and Todd Blvd THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _day of 2001, by and between King County, hereinafter called the "County," and the City of Kent, hereinafter called the "City," both of which entities may be collectively referred to hereinafter as the' "Parties." WHEREAS, the King County Council has established a System-Wide Signal Improvement Program for King County through the adopted budget for 2001 for King County; WHEREAS, as part of the System-wide Signal Improvement Program, a new Signal Synchronization Project has been created that enables King County to make financial grants to other public agencies within King County for the purpose of optimizing signal settings along key transit corridors; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent and King County jointly acknowledge the value and importance of efficient signal operations for all modes of travel along these key transit corridors; WHEREAS, the City of Kent has applied for a grant from King County to optimize signal operations on West Valley Highway between Kent-Des Moines Road and Todd Blvd; and WHEREAS, the City and the County share a common goal to improve signal operations along this corridor; WHEREAS, the County has awarded the City a grant of$ 55,000 for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the City and the County now desire to establish the terms under which the County will provide these funds and other related services to the City. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties, the Parties agree to the following: 1.0 SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 Under this Agreement, 11 signals, as shown in Attachment B-1, will be re-timed in an effort to improve and/or create synchronized signal operation. 1.2 The tasks of the signal re-timing effort are as follows: Project Management; Data Collection; Development of New Signal Timing Plans; Implementation, Testing and Acceptance of New Signal Timing Plans; and Completion of a Before and After Study. A detailed description of the required work elements for each of these five tasks is outlined in Attachment B-2, as attached. Interagency Agreement 1 West Valley Highway-City of Kent No: SS2001.7 1.3 The Parties agree to share all technical data, findings, and reports that are produced under this Agreement. The Parties agree to participate in regional traffic forums that will be organized by the County with assistance from participating Cities to review and report on results and to develop suggestions for future improvement. 1.4 The Parties agree to report on the results of the signal synchronization projects with a Before and After Study using the format, as outlined in Attachment B-3. 1.5 The Before and After Study prepared for this Agreement will be compiled by the County with the results of all the other Before and After Studies from all of the signal re-timing projects that are funded by the King County Signal Synchronization Project for 2001. The overall results of the King County Signal Synchronization Project for 2001 will then be shared throughout the region, both with local elected officials as well as technical staff. 2.0 SCHEDULE 2.1 Data Collection will be completed on or before May 31, 2001. The Party responsible for Data Collection agrees to make a copy of the data collected for this Agreement available to the other Party. 2.2 The development of signal timing plans will be completed on or before August 31, 2001. If the City prepares these plans, they will make a copy available to County. If the County prepares these plans, the City will first review them and then at its discretion, the City may accept or modify the County plans for any of the City's signals. The City will document and provide to the County the final signal timing plans that City has authorized for installation. 2.3 New signal timing plans must be installed, tested and field accepted on or before October 31, 2001 by the City. The City commits to document all field adjustments that it makes during installation and to update the signal timing plans accordingly. These field adjustments shall be reported in the Before and After Study. 2.4 The final Before and After Study Report must be issued by December 28, 2001. The Party responsible for preparing the Before and After Study agrees to make a draft copy available to the other party for review and comment by December 4, 2001. 3.0 CITY RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The City will be responsible for the following tasks, as described in Attachment B-2, for all the signals in the project scope (Check all that apply): 3.1.1 Project Management 3.1.2 Data Collection 3.1.3 Development of Signal Timing by Time of Day 3.1.4 Implementation of Signal Timing 1 ` 3.1.5 Completion of Before and After Study Interagency Agreement 2 West Valley Highway-City of Kent No: SS2001.7 3.2 The City agrees to complete its tasks according to the schedule shown in Section 2.0. 3.3 The City agrees to work cooperatively to with the County to insure that the terms and intent of the Agreement are met. 3.4 The City is legally responsible for the operation of its signal system. Only the City or its authorized maintenance agent is legally authorized to set and approve the signal settings for its signals. Any technical recommendations or comments for signal timings prepared by the County are advisory only. They are not binding on the City and the County incurs no liability for offering them to the City for the City's consideration. 4.0 COUNTY RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The County will be responsible for the following tasks, as described in Attachment B-2, for all the signals in the project scope (check all that apply): 4.1.1 Project Management ❑ 4.1.2 Data Collection ❑ 4.1.3 Development of Signal Timing by Time of Day ❑ 4.1.4 Completion of Before and After Study ❑ 4.2 The County agrees to complete its tasks according to the schedule shown in Section 2.0 4.3 The County will work cooperatively with the City to insure that the intent of this Agreement is satisfied. 5.0 COUNTY PAYMENT TO CITY 5.1 The County agrees to pay the City of Kent a maximum of$ 55,000 for services described in Section 3. 5.2 The County will pay the City $ 30,800 upon successful completion of the following scope element(s): Data Collection and Development of Signal Timing by Time of Day. 5.3 The County will pay the City the remainder balance of$ 24,200 upon successful of the following scope element(s): Project Management, Signal Timing Implementation, and Before and After Study. 6.0 COUNTY IN-KIND SERVICES 6.1 None. 7.0 LEGAL RELATIONS 7.1 It is understood that the Agreement is solely for the benefit of the Parties hereto and gives no right to any other party. No joint venture or partnership is formed as result of this Agreement. No employees or agents of one Party or any of its Interagency Agreement 3 West Valley Highway-City of Kent No:SS2001.7 contractors or subcontractors shall be deemed, or represent themselves to be, employees of the other Party. 7.2 To the maximum extent permitted by law, each Party shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the other Party and all of its officials, employees, principals, and agents from all claims, demands, suits, actions and liability of any kind, including injuries to persons or damages to property, that arise out of, are connected with, or are due to any negligent act or omission of the indemnifying party or any of its contractors, and/or employees, agents and representatives. under this Agreement; provided, however, that if(and only if) RCW 4.24.115 applies and any such damages and injuries to persons or property are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of both Parties to this Agreement, or any of their employees, agents and representatives, then in such instance each Party's obligation hereunder applies only to the extent of the negligence of such party or its officials, employees or agents. Each Party specifically assumes potential liability for actions brought by its own employees against the other Party and for that purpose only each Party specifically waives, as to the other Party only, any immunity under the Worker's Compensation Act, RCW Title 51; and the Parties recognize that this waiver was the subject of mutual negotiation and specifically entered into pursuant to the provision of RCW 4.24.115 7.3 In the event any Party incurs attorney's fees, costs or other legal expenses to enforce provisions of this section against another Party, all such fees, costs, and expenses shall be recoverable by the prevailing Party. 7.4 This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington in effect on the date of execution of this Agreement. The Superior Court of King County, Washington shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue over any legal action arising under this Agreement. 7.5 The provisions of this Section 7 shall survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement. 8.0 DURATION, EXTENSION AND TERMINATION 8.1 This Agreement shall take effect upon execution by both parties and shall expire on December 31, 2001 unless extended by mutual agreement of the parties. 8.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement for its convenience and without cause by providing written notice of such termination via certified mail to the other parties not less than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of termination. If the City terminates, it must reimburse the County for any cash payments that it has received from the County and for the value of any in-kind services the County has rendered on its behalf, up to the maximum allowed by Section 6, and consistent with the scope as outlined in Section 4. If the County terminates, it must reimburse the City for any work it has performed under the Agreement up to the maximum amounts allowed by Section 5.0 and consistent with scope outlined in Section 4.0. 9.0 IDENTIFICATION OF CONTACTS AT CITY AND COUNTY Interagency Agreement 4 West Valley Highway-City of Kent No: SS2001.7 9.1 The City and the County each agree to appoint a project manager who will be assigned to work collaboratively to implement this Agreement. 9.2 All official communication concerning this Agreement should be directed to the _ following parties: City: County: Jim Storment Ms. Ellen Bevington City of Kent Supervisor, Speed and Reliability Program 220 4 h Ave S King County Department of Transportation Kent, WA 98032 201 S Jackson Street, MS KSC-TR-0411 Seattle,Washington 98104-3856 9.3 Any changes in agency contacts from those noted above may be communicated by facsimile or e-mail and must be verified in writing to the other party. 10 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 10.1 This document contains all terms, conditions and provisions agreed upon by the parties hereto, and shall not be modified except by written amendment of the parties. 11 SEVERABILITY 11.1 If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby if such — remainder would then continue to serve the purposes and objectives originally contemplated by the parties IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT this day of 2001. The City of Kent By Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director Date King County IOL % "ck C. Wal h, General Mana /m'� Date King County Metro Transit Division Interagency Agreement 5 West Valley Highway-City of Kent ` `®g xvr i Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT, S . 277TH STREET, FREIGHT MOBILITY FUNDS - ACCEPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for staff to accept the grant ($13 , 800, 000 . 00) and establish a budget for the funds to be spent within said road project . 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum and grant agreement #FMSIB-FM00 (002) 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) S . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6P COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director Phone:253-856-5500 K E N T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASHINGTON Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 Date: May 4, 2001 To: Public Works (Committee From: Don Wickstrom' , ublic Works Director Regarding: WSDOT Grant — South 277`' Street Reconstruction FMSIB-FM00(002) $13,800,000.00 We are in receipt of a Grant Agreement from the Washington State Dept of Transportation for the construction of the South 2771h Street Reconstruction project. At this time we are requesting that staff be directed to accept the grant monies, establish a budget therefore and spend the money within said road improvement project. MOTION: Recommend directing staff to accept the grant monies, establish a budget therefore and spend the money within said road improvement project. 1001 mp ® Washington State MPDepartment Of Transportation 4^F 17a�5 nization and Address Highways and Local Programs 1r FMSIB Funding Agreement City of Kent Work by Public and Private Non-Profit 220 Fourth Ave. S. Agencies-Actual Cost Kent, WA 98032 Agreement Number Maximum Amount Authorized Location and Description of Work (See also Exhibit"A") $ 13,800,000.00 South 277N Street Reconstruction Project- iA482 8 Reconstruct 2-lane roadway to 4 lanes,with left-tum lanes at intersections and Class I bicycle facilities. Also Participating Percentage Project Number includes grade separations at UP and BNSF railroad crossings. Two new bridge structures, intersecting road 38% relocation/regrading,floodplain/wetland mitigation, and F91b M-F MOO L002 utility relocation are other associated items of work. This AGREEMENT,made and entered into this day of MAR 0 5 2001 between the STATE OF WASHINGTON,Department of Transportation,acting by and through the Secretary of Transportation,hereinafter called the"STATE," and the above named organization,hereinafter called the"AGENCY"." WHEREAS,the AGENCY is planning the work shown above,and in connection therewith,the AGENCY has requested financial assistance from the Feight Mobility Strategic Investment Board(FMSIB)for the project or program,and WHEREAS,the AGENCY has requested funds for the above shown project or program,and WHEREAS,the FMSIB has determined that the AGENCY's project or program is eligible for assistance if and when funds become available,and WHEREAS,the parties desire to set forth the terms that will govern the distribution and use of funds if and when the AGENCY's project or program is selected for funding. NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the terms,conditions,covenants,and performances contained herein,or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof,IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Estimate of Funding Type of Work (1) (2) (3) Total Project Funds i Agency Funds FMSIB Funds PE a.Agency Work 220,000 220,000 b. Other 5,626,869 5,626,869 c. State Services 9,000 j 9,000 d.Total PE Cost Estimate (a+b+c) 5,855,869 5,855,869 Right of Way e.Agency Work 40,000 40,000 j f. Other 5,108,533 5,108,533 g. State Services 5,000 i 5,000 h.Total R/W Cost Estimate (e+f+g) 5,153,533 5,153,533 Construction I. Contract 23,120,719 11,443,141 11,677,578 j. Other(PSE and Railroad Work) 1,520,393 752,491 767,902 k. Other 42,625 42,625 I. Other m.Total Contract Costs (i+j+k+l) 24,683,737 j 12,238,257 1 12,445,480 Construction Engineering n.Agency Work 2,660,765 1,316,895 1,343,870 o. Other 1,156 1.156 p. State Forces 25,o0o 14,350 10,650 q.Total Construction Engineering (n+o+p) 2,686,921 1.332,401 1,354,520 r.Total Construction Cost Estimate(m+q) 27,370,658 13,570,658 13,800,000 s.Total Project Cost Estimate(d+h+r) 38,380,060 24,580,060 1 13,800,000 DOT Farm 140-088F 212000 I IV General Legal Relations The AGENCY, agrees to perform the above Described Work, in No liability shall attach to the AGENCY or the STATE by reason of accordance with the Project Prospectus attached hereto as "Exhibit A" entering into this AGREEMENT except as expressly provided herein. and made a part of this AGREEMENT. Plans, specifications, and cost estimates shall be prepared by the V AGENCY in accordance with the current State of Washington Standard Nondiscrimination Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction and adopted design standards, unless otherwise noted. The AGENCY will incorporate The AGENCY agrees to comply with all STATE and Federal laws, rules, the plans and specifications into the AGENCY's project and thereafter and regulations pertaining to nondiscrimination and agrees to require the advertise the resulting project for bid and, assuming bids are received same of all subcontractors providing services or performing any work and a contract is awarded,administer the contract,or if the project is of a using funds provided under this AGREEMENT. size which the AGENCY is authorized to perform with its own forces , under the laws of the State of Washington the AGENCY may proceed V1 with its own forces. All work performed under this AGREEMENT shall comply with the Venue applicable provisions of State and Federal Law. For the convenience of the parties to this AGREEMENT, it is agreed that II any claims and/or causes of action which the AGENCY has against the STATE, growing out of this AGREEMENT or the project or program with Payment which it is concerned, shall be brought only in the Superior Court for The STATE, in consideration of the faithful performance of the work to be Thurston County. performed by the AGENCY, agrees to reimburse the AGENCY for the VII percentage of the actual direct and related indirect cost of the work shown above,up to the"MAXIMUM AMOUNT AUTHORIZED". Termination Partial payments shall be made by the STATE, upon request of the The Secretary of the Department of Transportation may terminate this AGENCY, to cover costs incurred. These payments are not to be more AGREEMENT if the funding becomes unavailable or if the Secretary frequent than one (1) per month. It is agreed that any such partial determines that it is in the best interest of the STATE. payment will not constitute agreement as to the appropriateness of any item and that,at the time of the final audit,all required adjustments will be VIII made and reflected in a final payment. Final Report and Final Inspection The AGENCY agrees to submit a final bill to the STATE within forty-five (45)days after the AGENCY has completed work. Within ninety (90) days following the completion of the project and submission of the final billing for the project, a final report and/or final The AGENCY agrees that all costs in excess of the amount authorized inspection shall be submitted to the Assistant Secretary for TransAld and the AGENCY's matching funds shall be the responsibility of the containing the following information: AGENCY. III Non-Capital Projects Audit The AGENCY agrees that an audit may be conducted by the STATE. 1. A description of the project or program. During the progress of the work and for a period not less than three (3) 2. A summary of actual costs of the project or program. years from the date of final payment to the AGENCY, the records and 3. An evaluation of the project or program. This should address accounts pertaining to the work and accounting thereof are to be kept aspects such as transportation and/or other benefits to the public. available for inspection and audit by the STATE and copies of all records, accounts, documents, or other data pertaining to the project will be Capital Projects furnished upon request. If any litigation, claim, or audit is commenced, the records and accounts along with supporting documentation shall be 1. Afnal inspection is required. retained until all litigation, claim, or audit finding has been resolved even though such litigation, claim, or audit continues past the three-year retention period. The execution of this Agreement is not a commitment of funding by the FMSIB. This agreement will become operative only at such time that(1)the FMSIB determines, in its sole discretion,that adequate funds are available and not required for other projects or programs to provide the assistance requested by the AGENCY in connection with this Agreement, and (2)notifies the AGENCY in writing that funding is available to make the agreement operative. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the day and year last written below. AGENCY / STATE By: V "VNIIIIQ^� By: �� ���� s ant S reta� ghways and Local Programs Title:l(.y.�U - Date: P) l 2 l l Date: DOT Form 140-068 EF 2J2000 LA 4828 Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT, S . 277TH STREET, HIGHWAY AND LOCAL PROGRAMS - ACCEPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for staff to accept the grant ($1, 942 , 119 . 00) and establish a budget for the funds to be spent within said road project . 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum and grant agreement #HLP-CC00 (004) 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6Q COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -- Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director one: 253-856-5500 — IcFNT PhFax: 253-856-6500 WASHINGTON Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: May 4, 2001 To: Public Works C ornittee From: Don Wickstrolic Works Director Regarding: WSDOT Grant — South 277`' Street Reconstruction HLP-CC00(004) $1,942,119.00 We are in receipt of a Grant Agreement from the Washington State Dept of Transportation for the construction of the South 277`h Street Reconstruction project. At this time we are requesting that staff be directed to accept the grant monies, establish a budget therefore and spend the money within said road improvement project. MOTION: Recommend directing staff to accept the grant monies, establish a budget therefore and spend the monies within said road improvement project. 1101mp Adilk Washington State q Department Of Transportation c�'V,C, T'A- I-f5Z Ivil— Highways and Local Programs Or inizationandAddress State Funding Agreement City of Kent Work by Public and Private Non-Profit 220 Fourth Ave. S. Agencies -Actual Cost Kent, WA 98032 Agreement Number Maximum Amount Authorized Location and Description of Work(See also Exhibit"A") 48 2 7 $ 1,942,119.00 South 277th Street Reconstruction Project- Reconstruct 2-lane roadway to 4 lanes,with left-tum lanes at intersections and Class I bicycle facilities. Also Participating Percentage Project Number includes grade separations at UP and BNSF railroad crossings. Two new bridge structures,intersecting road 7.1% $6369 4- relocation/regrading,floodplain/wetland mitigation, and NAP-GL 00 004 utility relocation are other associated items of work. This AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of MAR 0 6 2N between the STATE OF WASHINGTON, Department of Transportation, acting by and through the Secretary of Transportation, hereinafter called the"STATE,"and the above named organization, hereinafter called the"AGENCY"." WHEREAS,the AGENCY is planning the work shown above, and in connection therewith, the AGENCY has requested financial assistance for the project or program, and WHEREAS,the AGENCY has requested funds for the above shown project or program which has been selected by the STATE for funding assistance. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performances contained herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Estimate of Funding Type of Work (1) (2) (3) Total Project Funds ! Agency Funds State Funds p a.Agency Work 220,000 220,000 b. Other 5,626,869 5,626,869 c. State Services 9,000 9,000 J.Total PE Cost Estimate (a+b+c) 5,855,869 5,855,869 fly e.Agency Work 40,000 40,000 - �Z.4Z f. Other 5,108,533 5,108,533 - g. State Services 5,000 5,000 h.Total R/W Cost Estimate (e+f+g) 5,153,533 1 5,153,533 - -c4fen i. Contract 23,120,719 21,476,268 li 1,644,451 C IJ j. Other 1,520,393 ', 1,412,256 108,137 k. Other 42,625 42,625 I. Other - -M.Total Contract Costs (i+j+k+l) 24,683,737 i 22,931,14$ 1,752,589 Construction Engineering I CE n.Agency Work 2,660,765I 2,471,519 189,246 o. Other 1.156 1,156 - p. State Forces 25,000 24,716 284 q.Total Construction Engineering (n+o+p) 2,686,921 2,497,391 189,530 r.Total Construction Cost Estimate(m+q) 27,370,658 25,428,539 1,942,118 s. Total Project Cost Estimate(d+h+r) 38,380,060 36,437,941 1,942,118 DOT Fom 140-087F Revised 9/99 I IV General Legal Relations The AGENCY, agrees to perform the above Described Work, in No liability shall attach to the AGENCY or the STATE by reason of accordance with the Project Prospectus attached hereto as "Exhibit A" entering into this AGREEMENT except as expressly provided herein. and made a part of this AGREEMENT. Plans, specifications, and cost estimates shall be prepared by the V AGENCY in accordance with the current State of Washington Standard Nondiscrimination Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction and adopted The AGENCY agrees to comply with all STATE and Federal laws, rules, design standards, unless otherwise noted. The AGENCY will incorporate the plans and specifications into the AGENCY's project and thereafter and regulations pertaining to nondiscrimination and agrees to require the advertise the resulting project for bid and, assuming bids are received same of all subcontractors providing services or performing any work and a contract is awarded, administer the contract,or if the project is of a using funds provided under this AGREEMENT. size which the AGENCY is authorized to perform with its own forces under the laws of the State of Washington the AGENCY may proceed VI with its own forces. Venue All work performed under this AGREEMENT shall comply with the applicable provisions of State and Federal Law. For the convenience of the parties to this AGREEMENT, it is agreed that any claims and/or causes of action which the AGENCY has against the II STATE, growing out of this AGREEMENT or the project or program with Payment which it is concerned, shall be brought only in the Superior Court for Thurston County. The STATE, in consideration of the faithful performance of the work to be VI( performed by the AGENCY, agrees to reimburse the AGENCY for the percentage of the actual direct and related indirect cost of the work Termination shown above,up to the"MAXIMUM AMOUNT AUTHORIZED". The Secretary of the Department of Transportation may terminate this Partial payments shall be made by the STATE, upon request of the AGREEMENT if the funding becomes unavailable or if the Secretary AGENCY, to cover costs incurred. These payments are not to be more determines that it is in the best interest of the STATE. frequent than one (1) per month. It is agreed that any such partial payment will not constitute agreement as to the appropriateness of any Vill item and that,at the time of the final audit,all required adjustments will be Final Report and Final Inspection made and reflected in a final payment. Within ninety (90) days following the completion of the project and The AGENCY agrees to submit a final bill to the STATE within forty-five submission of the final billing for the project, a final report and/or final (45)days after the AGENCY has completed work. inspection shall be submitted to the Assistant Secretary for TransAid The AGENCY agrees that all costs in excess of the amount authorized containing the following information: _ and the AGENCY's matching funds shall be the responsibility of the Non-Capital Protects AGENCY. III 1. A description of the project or program. Audit 2. A summary of actual costs of the project or program. The AGENCY agrees that an audit may be conducted by the STATE. 3. An evaluation of the project or program. This should address During the progress of the work and for a period not less than three (3) aspects such as transportation and/or other benefits to the public. years from the date of final payment to the AGENCY, the records and accounts pertaining to the work and accounting thereof are to be kept Capital Projects available for inspection and audit by the STATE and copies of all records, accounts, documents, or other data pertaining to the project will be 1. A final inspection is required. furnished upon request. If any litigation, claim, or audit is commenced, the records and accounts along with supporting documentation shall be retained until all litigation, claim, or audit finding has been resolved even though such litigation, claim, or audit continues past the three-year retention period. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the day and year last written below. AGENCY STATE By: By: (7� Q/1NM r ssi ant Secretary fo�`/' Title: Date: f{ I Date: Z !12 `O DOT Form 140-087 EF 6,98 4827 i Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: TWO-HOUR PARKING ORDINANCE - ADOPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, adoption of Ordinance No. imposing two new two-hour parking zones to additional locations at 316 Second Avenue South and the entire span of Railroad Avenue from Meeker Street to Gowe Street . The City of Kent has received concerns from local businesses regarding the lack of parking for its customers on Second Avenue South and Railroad Avenue. In order to assist these local businesses, the Public Works Committee has recommended that two (2) parking stalls located directly in front of Dobson Muller Certified Public Accountants, 316 Second Avenue South, and the entire span of Railroad Avenue from Meeker Street to Gowe Street be limited to parking in no more than two (2) hour increments . In order to effectuate these new parking limita- tions, it is necessary to amend section 9 . 38 . 060 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Two (2) hour parking zones, " by adding these two (2) new locations . 3 . EXHIBITS: Ordinance 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6R COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 Fax: 253-856-6500 WASHINGTON Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: May 7, 2001 To: Public Works Corr mittee From: Don Wickstro ublie Works Director Regarding: Two (2) Hour Parking Zones - Ordinance The City of Kent has received concerns from local businesses regarding the lack of parking for its customers on Second Avenue South and Railroad Avenue. In order to assist these local businesses, staff has recommended that two parking stalls located directly in front of Dobson Muller Certified Public Accountants, 316 Second Avenue South, and the entire span of Railroad Avenue from Meeker Street to Gowe Street be limited to parking in no more than two hour increments. In order to effectuate these new parking limitations, it is necessary to amend section 9.38.060 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Two (2) hour parking zones", by adding these two new locations. MOTION: Recommend passage of Ordinance # imposing two new two hour parking zones to additional locations on Second Avenue South and Railroad Avenue. 2101mp ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 9.38.060 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Two (2) hour parking zones," to add two additional locations. WHEREAS, the City of Kent has received concerns from local businesses regarding the lack of parking for its customers on Second Avenue South and Railroad Avenue; and WHEREAS, in order to assist these local businesses, staff has recommended that two (2) parking stalls located directly in front of Dobson Muller Certified Public Accountants, 316 Second Avenue South, and the entire span of Railroad Avenue from Meeker Street to Gowe Street be limited to parking in no more than two (2) hour increments; and WHEREAS, in order to effectuate these new parking limitations, it is necessary to amend section 9.38.060 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Two (2) hour parking zones," by adding these two (2) new locations; NOW THEREFORE, 1 Two Hour Parking Locations THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 9.38.060 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Two (2) hour parking zones" is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 9.38.060. Two (2) hour parking zones. A. Except for KCC 9.38.070 and permits issued by the city facilities manager under KCC 9.38.170, at such times as the director of public works or designee shall place the appropriate sign, it shall be illegal to park any motor or other vehicle for an uninterrupted period in excess of two (2) hours between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on either side of, unless otherwise indicated, the following streets, public parking lots, public parking garages or portions thereof: 1. Harrison Street (Fourth Avenue to Second Avenue). 2. Meeker Street (Fourth Avenue to State Avenue). 3. Gowe Street (Fourth Avenue to Central Avenue). 4. Titus Street (Second Avenue to First Avenue). 5. First Avenue (from a point two hundred (200) feet north of Meeker Street to Titus Street). 6. Second Avenue (Smith Street to Titus Street and two (2) marked parking stalls on the eastside of Titus Street). 7. Railroad Avenue (Smith Street to Meeker Street, eastside only and Meeker Street to Gowe Street, both sides). 8. State Avenue (Smith Street to Meeker Street). 9. Centennial Parking Garage: That portion of the first floor as posted. 10. City Hall parking lot (between City Hall and the Centennial Building): All parking stalls unless otherwise posted. Provided that this section shall not apply on Sundays or holidays. 2 Two Hour Parking Locations SECTION?. —Se.,erability. If anyone or more section, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. — E({ective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after passage as provided by law. JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of 2001. APPROVED: day of 2001. PUBLISHED: day of 12001. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK 3 Two Hour Parking Locations Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: LAKE FENWICK ROAD WATERMAIN EXTENSION - BILL OF SALE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Director, accept the Bill of Sale for Lake Fenwick Road Watermain Extension submitted by Half, LLC for continuous operation and maintenance of 2700 feet of watermain, and release of bonds after the expiration period. The project is located at 26707 Lake Fenwick Road South. 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6S Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT WITH DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION - AUTHORIZE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Operations Committee and subject to City Attorney review and approval, authorize the Mayor to sign the Interagency Agreement with the Department of General Administration to implement and maintain a successful energy savings plan for the City. 3 . EXHIBITS: Copy of Interagency Agreement including Attachments : A-Scope of Services, B-Project Management Fees, and C-Reimbursement Costs for Monitoring Projects 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff and Operations Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: to be determined when service contract is executed SOURCE OF FUNDS : Utility grants, Energy Service Companies, Capital funds State Treasurer' s office Lease/purchase program, or third party financing with reimbursement features 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6T Interagency Agreement Department of General Administration Date:April 23. 2001 Interagency Agreement No: 2001-542 Interagency Agreement Between the Department of General Administration and the City of Kent This Agreement, pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW, is made and entered into by and between General Administration, Engineering & Architectural Services, hereinafter referred to as "GA", and the City of Kent, hereinafter referred to as the "City". It is the purpose of this Agreement to provide Energy Conservation Project Management Services. Now therefore, in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein, or attached and incorporated by reference and made a part hereof, the above-named parties mutually agree as follows: 1. Statement of Work GA shall furnish the necessary personnel and services and otherwise do all things necessary for or incidental to the performance of the work set forth in Attachment "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Unless otherwise specified. GA shall be responsible for performing all fiscal and program responsibilities as set forth in Attachment "A." 2. Terms and Conditions All rights and obligations of the parties to this Agreement shall be subject to and governed by the terms and conditions contained in the te:,t of this Agreement. 3. Period of Performance Subject to its other provisions. the period of performance of this Agreement shall commence SNhen this Agreement is properly signed, and be compieted on .iune 30, 2003 unless terminated sooner as pro :d<u 1,_r n. �. C_ns'.3er:!tion For Project Management Services provided by GA under Attachment "A" of this Agreement. the City will make payments :or the project n3,zu wi the .c.al Project value. (See Attachment "B".) . Payments will be incorporated by an amendment to this Agreement. For Monitoring Services provided:;y C,'. LndCr Attaclunent "C" of this .vgreement, the City will make payments annually for :`.e ,c= of.his .Agreement based on Attachment "C." Payments will be incorporated by an A—mendment to this Agreement. Interagency Agreement No.2001-542 Page 1 of 5. Billing Procedure The City will reimburse GA upon receipt of properly executed vouchers. Each voucher will _ indicate clearly that it is for the services rendered in performance under this Agreement and shall reflect this Agreement number. Claims for payment submitted by GA to the City for costs due and payable under this Agreement that were incurred before the expiration date shall be paid by the City if received by the City within 120 days after the expiration date. 6. Non-Discrimination In the performance of this Agreement, GA shall comply with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 200d), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 794), and Chapter 49.60 RCW, as now or hereafter amended. GA shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, nationall origin, sex, religion, marital status, age, creed, Vietnam-Era and Disabled Veterans status, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability in: a) Any terms or conditions of employment to include taking affirmative action necessary to accomplish the objectives of this part and b) Denying an individual the opportunity to participate in any program provided by this Agreement through the provision of services, or otherwise afforded others. ,n L:ic event of GA's non-compliance or refusal to comply with the above provisions, this Agreement may be rescinded, canceled, or terminated in whole or in pan. and GA declared ineligible for further Agreement with the City. GA shall. however, be given a reasonable time in which to cure this noncompiiance. Any dispute may be resolved in accordance with the "Disputes" procedure set forth therein. 7. Pecords Maiatznance The Cite ird GA shall ach maintain books. records, documents. and other evidence that sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs expended by either party in the performance of tiie services described herein. These records shall be subject to inspection, review, or audit by persc.- .zl ;,'both parties. other personnel duly authorized by either party, the Office of the State Auditor, and :;deral officials so authorized by law. GA wiii retain all books. records. =-_1 .___....a_ .e. vant to this agreement for five }ears after expiration: and the Office f State Auditor, federal auditors, and any persons duly authorized by the parties shall nave 4ill access 2nd 'he �+rtht to examine any of these materials during this period. J_. 8. Contract "laaagement a. The City Project Manager on this contract shail be: Charlie Lindsey, Facilities Superintendent 220 4 h Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Telepnone 253-856-5081 Interagency A.-reement No.2UOI-542 Pale 2 of I The Project Manager shall be responsible for monitoring the performance of GA, approving the actions by GA, approving for payment, billings, and expenses submitted by GA, and accepting any reports from GA. b. The GA representative on this contract shall be: Art Arneson, P.E., Energy Engineer Department of General Administration Division of Engineering & Architectural Services PO Box 41012 Olympia, WA 98504-1012 (360) 902-7261 e-mail address aamesof@gama.eov Art Arneson will be the contact person for all communications regarding the conduct of work under this contract. 9. Hold Harmless Each party shall defend, protect and hold harmless the other party from and against all claims, suits. and/or actions arising from any negligent or intentional act or omission of that parry's employees, agents, and/or authorized subcontractor(s) while performing this contract. 10. Agreement Aiterations and Amendments The City and GA may mutually amend iiiis Agreement. Such Amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind the Cu;: and. (-,A nr their -effective delegates. L'. Termination Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, either party may terminate :::is Agreement ^^n : � (30) days written notification. If this Agreement is so terminated. the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of this Agreement for Performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination. 12. Disputes .::pute arises under this Agreement, it shall be determined in the following manner: the City shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Diro..t 1J1 e' Dispute Board. The City and GA shall jointly appoint a third member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be rinal ana binding on the parties hereto, unless one of the parties requests intervention by the Governor as provided oy RCW 43.17.330. ,.___agency Agreement No. 2001-542 Page 3 of 13. Order of Precedence In the event of an inconsistency in this Agreement, unless otherwise provided herein, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: a) Applicable Federal and State Statutes and Regulations b) Terms and Conditions c) Attachment "A," Statement of Work; Attachments `B" and "C", Management & Monitoring Fees and d) Any other provisions of the contract whether incorporated by reference or otherwise. 14. All Writings Contained Herein This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED Agreed to and signed by: The City of Kent Department of General Administration Engineering.: ?retii*e^_tural Services 6ignature Signature Clint Lou�heed Name Name Energy Program ` Ianc,e:- Title Titie Date Date The Department of General Administration provides equal access for aii people without regard to race, creed, color. religion, national origin, age, gender, sex, ma.::--: --,;-Lus, or ;.,,uuact information is available in alternative formats. For more information, please cal', ;"L 'w LULC aL �.�ov) 90?-71-42. Interagency Agreement No. 2001-542 ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF WORK ENERGY SERVICES STATEWIDE ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACT PROJECT NO. 98-248 GA will provide the following project management services for the City of Dent: 1. Assist the Director of Maintenance/Operations in the selection of an Energy Service Company (ESCO) consistent with the requirements of 39.35A RCW. cc.-servation measures and appromimaie cost savin_s. Identify potential utility 3. Negotiate scope and tee for LSCO audit of the facilitv(s). 4. lden-,if: appropriate pr ;ect funding sources and assist witn ootauung project funding. 5. Review and approve ESCO audits and technicai studies. 6. Assist in negotiating the technical, financial W.d legal Issues associated with the ESCO's innergy Services Proposal. 7. .vimiage the design, construction and commissioning process. 8. Assist with final project acceptance. 9. Provide other services as required to compiete a su,.-- contract. Attachmem A-B-C 98-248 Ui-03.tloc 1AA 2OU1-542 ATTACHMENT B 2001-03 Interagency Reimbursement Costs for Project Management Fees to Administer Energy/Utility Conservation Projects PROJECT TOTAL PROJECT VALUE MANAGEMENT FEE TERMINATION $5;000.000 - or more Negotiate Negotiate Below 5,000,000 $63,850 S25,500 4,000.000 58,950 23,600 " 3,000.000 54.200 21,700 2'000.000 48.900 19.600 1,500,000 42.800 17,150 1,000.000 40,350 16,150 900.000 37,650 15.000 800.000 34,900 L3,950 00.000 32,000 12,800 600.000 28,650 i 11 .500 500.000 25.200 10.100 400.000 22.000 300,000 18300 7300 200.000 Hourly Cost Hourly Cost ` .,TES. _.a nagemem Zenerg lin/conservation proiects where funding comes from utilin, sTants. Fier-y Stn i- ...Yanies (ESCO), State Treasurer's Office Lease/Purchase program. capital funds. third ^7, Fnancing or any combination thereof: 2. The Energy Section of the Division of Engineering and^.rc:.i t.:c.sral Services wiii assist in: identifying appropriate cost effective enerrrt- cnnce—;— ^- identifying appropriate funding sources; obtaining project fmancing; selecting and contracting for ESCO ScryiC", a*uLu mng technical studies which meet the approval of fundine agencies: and. managing the des:- construction and commissioning processes. 3. Termination fee- cover the selec or. and project management costs associated with managnmg the ESCO's technical study that ;denti$eq r.nst effective energy conservation measures yet the client decides not to proceed with the project. Attachment A-BC 98-248 01-03 doc to A 2001-542 ATTACHMENT C Interagency Reimbursement Costs for Monitoring Energy Conservation Projects RANGE OF ANNUAL SAVINGS % FEE RANGE OF ANNUAL FEE $150.000 - and over 5.00% $8,250 - upward 125,000 - 149,999 5.50% 7,500 - 8,250 100,000 - 124,999 6.00% 6.500 - 7.500 90.000 - 99.999 6.50% 6300 - 6.500 80,000 - 89,999 7.00% 6,000 - 6,300 70,000 - 79,999 7.50% 5,600 - 6,000 60,000 - 69,999 8.00% 5,100 - 5,600 30,000 - 59,999 8.50% 4,500 - 5.100 40,000 - 49,999 9.00% 3,800 - 4,500 30,000 - 39,999 9.50% 3.000 - 1800 20,000 - 29,999 10.00% 2.000 - 1000 Under =0.00n 2.000 -2,000 Crone of Work for Monitoring Energy Conservatioii Projoc.s: 1. Monitor actual energy use and dollar costs, with the ESCO's annual savings report and any ESCO guarantee, resolve differences, if needed, and approve any vouchers for payment or any estimates for income. operations including any changes in operating hours, changes in souare footage. additional energy consuming equipment and negotiate changes in baseline energy Ilse which may impact energy savings. :. Negotiate change orders to an ESCO or Grant Agreement for the acquisition of additional equipment nr gerv;res. 4. Manage and coordinate any ESCO and/or facility efforts in maintaining and operating the installed equipment. 5. Oversee training programs to ensure that the facility operating rrrsonnel sc ade-lu- �l�- trained in the operation and maintenance of the enern systems installed. 6. Provide annual letter report describing the ESCO's performance, equipment performance and operation, energy savings and additional opportunities, f any, to reduce energy costs. AtMchmcnt.-. --"- -4801-03.doc IAA 2001-542 /4y Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Other Business 1 . SUBJECT: KENTVIEW POD H COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (#CPA-2000-2 (A) /#CPZ-2000-1) 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: On February 20, 2001, the City Council tabled consideration of Kentview Pod H pending completion of a study of agricultural lands . At their April 3rd meeting, the City Council removed the matter from the table and sent it to the Land Use and Planning Board for further consideration. At their April 23rd meeting, the Land Use and Planning Board passed a motion of "No Action" on this issue, and it is being returned to the City Council for consideration. 3 . EXHIBITS: Current staff memo dated May 8, 2001 with attach- ments; April 13 , 2001 Land Use and Planning Board minutes; April 24, 2001 letter from Polygon Northwest Company; April 3 , 2001 City Council minutes; March 29, 2001 letter from Polygon Northwest Company; March 27, 2001 letter from Core Design, March 27, 2001 letter from The Transpo Group; February 20, 2001 City Council minutes, February 13, 2001 memo; February 5, 2001 Planning Committee minutes; February 5, 2001 letter from Polygon Northwest Company; January 22 , 2001 letter from Polygon Northwest Company; November 27, 2000 Land Use and Planning Board minutes 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds to approve/modify/deny amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Zoning Maps of SF-3 and SR-3 (Single Family Residential 3 . 63 single family dwelling units per acre) respectively for Kentview Pod H and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 7A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer PLANNING SERVICES KETI T Fred N. Satterstrom,AICP, Manager W. "'"°`°" Phone:253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 May 8, 2001 TO: MAYOR JIM WHITE, COUNCIL PRESIDENT LEONA ORR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CHARLENE ANDERSON, AICP, SENIOR PLANNER RE: KENTVIEW (POD H) AMENDMENT TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE & ZONING MAPS #CPA-2000-2(A)/#CPZ-2000-1 Introduction On February 20, 2001, the City Council tabled consideration of Kentview Pod H pending completion of a study of agricultural lands. At their April 3`d meeting, the City Council removed the matter from the table and sent it to the Land Use and Planning Board for further consideration. Subsequent to that action, Eric Wells of Polygon Northwest Company submitted a letter to the City requesting that the Land Use and Planning Board table review of the amendments until the agricultural lands policy is completed. At their April 23rd meeting, the Land Use and Planning Board passed a motion of "No Action" on this issue, and it is being returned to the City Council for consideration. Background The original proposal by the applicant was to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Agricultural and Single Family Residential 3 units per acre to Single Family Residential 6 units per acre, with a corresponding change of the zoning map to SR-6, Single Family Residential 6.05 units per acre. The property is located at 21800 Frager Road/22002 Riverview Boulevard. At their November 27, 2000 public hearing, the Land Use and Planning Board recommended denial of that proposal. In a letter dated February 5, 2001 to the City Council Planning Committee, Gary Young of Polygon Northwest Company amended the proposal to request a change of the zoning map to SR-4.5 rather than SR-6. Subsequently, an April 24, 2001 letter to Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom from Eric Wells of Polygon states, "I believe we can develop Pod "H" with a rezone to SR-3, allowing 3.63 units/acre." A March 29, 2001 letter from Aron Golden of Polygon stated 11. 'here is more than adequate infrastructure to accommodate 52 homes on Pod "H"..." All th- -e letters are included in the Council packet. City Council Meeting 5/15/01 Page 2 The Kentview Master Planned Unit Development that was approved by the City Council on October 6, 1998 portrayed Pod H as a potential school site and/or recreation area. With this consideration, Pod H subsequently was filled via an Excavation and Grading Permit issued by the City on April 12, 2000, effectively removing the area from potential agricultural use. Furthermore, the Kent School District has indicated to City of Kent Administration that the Pod H site is not suitable for construction of a school. Preliminary review of the site as part of the ongoing study of agricultural lands also has favored a staff recommendation for removal of the site from agricultural zoning, for the above reasons. Recommendation Staff recommends a motion to approve amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Zoning Maps of SF-3 and SR-3 (Single Family Residential 3.63 single family dwelling units per acre) respectively for Kentview Pod H #CPA-2000-2(A)/#CPZ-2000-1. CA\pm :S:\Pemit\Plan\CompPlanAmdments\2000\2003192-2000-2c.DOC Enclosure cc: Mike H.Martin,Deputy Chief Adnunistmtive Officer Fred N.Satterstrom,Planning Manager Project File#CPA-2000-2(ANCPZ-2000-1 r v LC4 9 w m N C t/� °i n e6 o� 3C d M x '�° d w m ° m z °° c G� CD " c o •o Q C a m' 3 " Y <i a Y V C9 ss� \ ' r. 11 ` {:. ':::::.•....Y,l',�•... — t :: In fi` a Nil NJ INj ry / �a: ��''�S: .w":��. � .✓����� ��/%%L'R�i-/ilt ',� /� \\\ate , !./^�J O: /. ..:ram � � a -�. � �C ��r � z�s,�+"«:ti � ` • J{ / '�nx ��'� r3(�.1! ���� a.� S :gar` L�y-if f '/� �•\ I /•/ YA J_ r `��i'�...._+�`ti.ra�$�•' � ."fir:: .�, i' o IL T7 om d o •p ° m Y = e a >,IL to c N V in m IL aci a Y C) 12 ` Y .....:......... . Id n •. y� v COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer PLANNING SERVICES • Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Manager K E N T Phone: 253-856-5454 WASHINGTON Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES PUBLIC MEETING April 23, 2001 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair,Terry Zimmerman at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 23, 2001 in Council Chambers of Kent City Hall. LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS PRESENT Terry Zimmerman, Chair Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Mgr. Brad Bell Charlene Anderson, AICP, Senior Planner Steve Dowell Pamela Mottram, Administrative Secretary Ron Harmon Jon Johnson David Malik LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Sharon Woodford, Vice Chair(Excused) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ron Harmon MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to approve the minutes of March 26, 2001. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None COMMUNICATIONS Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom stated that planning staff has ordered new zoning code books for the Board members. NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS None #ICPA-2000-2(AYCPZ-2000-1 ICRN'I'VIEW PODHAMENDMENI'TOLANDUSE&ZONINGMAP Senior Planner, Charlene Anderson stated that the Land Use and Planning Board reviewed this amendment at their November 27, 2000 public hearing. She stated that the Board members recommended denial of this application in light of a study planning staff would initiate to Land Use and Planning Board Minutes April 23,2001 Page 2 implement agricultural land policies. The City Council considered the Board recommendation and decided to table the amendment rather than deny it. Ms. Anderson stated that at their April 3rd meeting the City Council removed Pod H from the table and sent this amendment back to the Board for consideration. Ms. Anderson stated that the applicant then submitted a letter requesting that the Board table his application until the agricultural land issues are resolved. In response to Ron Harmon, Ms. Anderson stated that a public hearing could be held as early as June 2001 on the agricultural land policy, depending on the Board's direction at tonight's workshop. Mr. Satterstrom stated that by honoring the applicant's request to table the Pod H application until deliberations on agricultural policy issues are resolved, the application remains active. At the appropriate time, Council would have the opportunity to deny or approve the original application. If the City Council denied the Kentview Pod H amendment rather than table it, the applicant would have to reapply through the annual application cycle. Brad Bell and David Malik stated that they believed that this meeting was published as a public meeting and therefore, public testimony should be allowed. Mr. Satterstrom stated that this meeting was not published as a public hearing. He stated that Charlene Anderson spoke with the city attorney who verified that if the Board considered options other then tabling, this would necessitate an advertised public hearing in order to take public testimony. Chair Zimmerman read the Board comments from the November 27th meeting where they voted to recommend denial of the Pod H amendment. She stated that the Board has two considerations before them. • The Council has referred a matter to us and we need to answer the Council • The applicant has forwarded a letter to the Board, which needs to be responded to. Chair Zimmerman stated that it is the overall consensus of the Board to recommend that the city create an agricultural policy prior to their reconsideration of the Kentview Pod H application. Brad Bell MOVED and Jon Johnson SECONDED that the Board take no action on the City Council's request that the Board reconsider CPA-2000-2(A)/CPZ-2000-1 Kentview Pod H Amendment. Motion CARRIED unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Ron Hannon MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to close the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP,Planning Manager Secretary \\EARTH FS\SDATA\Pemtit\Plan\LUPB@OOIMinutes\010423=.dm POLYGON n NORTHWEST COMPANY �D April 24, 2001 Fred Satterstrom City of Kent 220 4th Avenue South Kent,WA 98032-5895 RE: Pod "H"Rezone Dear Fred: This letter is to clarify the zoning and density for the Pod"H"proposed development. Pod "H" is approximately 21.80 acres currently zoned agricultural, and we have submitted a request to rezone to residential. I believe we can develop Pod "H"with a rezone to SR-3, allowing 3.63 units/acre. The city will need to then reduce the 3.63 density number by 1 unit/acre to account for the agricultural zone density previously used. Pod "H" could then be developed utilizing the remaining 2.63 units/acre x 21.8 acres, allowing 57.3 residential units on Pod"H". If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 586-7700 so we may discuss them. Sincerely, G.«< /�c t/ Eric H.G. Wells Vice President of Operations RECEIVED MAY U 2 aau i CITY OF KENT PLANNING SERVICES 11624 S,E.5th Street,Suite 200, Bellevue,Washington 98005 (425)586-7700 Fax(425)688-0500 Kent City Council Minutes April 3, 2001 PLAT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6K) Pacific Parke Final Plat (FSU-98-13/KIVA #2003099) APPROVAL of Staff's recommendation of approval with conditions of the Pacific Parke Final Subdivision and authorization for the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. This application was submitted by Pacific Industries. The Hearing Examiner issued the Findings with conditions on the preliminary plat on July 31, 1999 . ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6T) DeMarcq_Annexation (AN-2000-1) . ACCEPTANCE of the annexation petition for the proposed DeMarco Annexation, which has been signed by the owners of at least 60% of the assessed valuation of the proposed annexation area and direction to staff to prepare and file a "Notice of Intent" for the proposed DeMarco Annexation with the County Boundary Review Board. On November 21, 2000, the Council received a valid notice of intent to form the annexation area, which was signed by owners of not less than 10% of the assessed property valuation within the proposed DeMarco Annexation area. As with other City annexations, the proposed annexation area will be subject to assumption of its proportionate share of the City's existing indebtedness. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7B) (ADDED ITEM) Kentview (Pod H) Co=reheneive Plan & Zoning Amendments CPA-2000-2 (A) /CPZ-2000-1. McFall explained that Pod H was tabled at a previous Council meeting pending review of the City's agricultural land use plan and policy. He said the Land Use and Planning Board has requested more time to analyze the overall policy and staff recommends that the Kentview Pod H plan amendment application be removed from the table and referred to the Land Use and Planning Board for a recommendation. BROTHERTON MOVED to remove the matter of Pod H from the table and send it to the Land Use and Planning Board for further 6 Kent City Council Minutes April 3 , 2001 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN consideration at its earliest possible time . Woods seconded. Brotherton said that the owners of the land have changed their proposal, and that the land is currently unusable for agriculture . His motion then carried. TECHNOLOGY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) Document Management System Storage Devices Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign agreements with FYI Image for the purchase of a High Performance Disk System and Magneto-Optical Jukebox, subject to City Attorney approval of the documents, as recommended by the Operations Committee. On February 21, 2001, the Information Technology Department released a Request for Quotes (RFQ) for a High Performance Disk System and Magneto-Optical Jukebox. The City received four responses to the RFQ. However, only one response included all of the specified components. After reviewing the quotes, the Information Technology Department recommends awarding the RFQ for a High Performance Disk System and Magneto-Optical Jukebox to F.Y.I . Image in the amount of $71, 154 .58 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) Coder Uvarades in Print Shoo. AUTHORIZATION to execute lease/rental agreements for new and upgraded copiers in the print shop. These copiers will increase flexibility, speed and service to customers and are within the current operating budget . PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6L) interlocal Agreement for Water Fowl Management AUTHORIZATION for the Parks Director to enter into an Interlocal Agreement for waterfowl (Canada Goose) management to reduce/alleviate property damage and human health and safety concerns including contamination of potable water and recreational areas in King County. Wildlife Services will provide a damage control program, which will include technical assistance, population monitoring and control . 7 POLYGON n NORTHWEST COMPANY March 29,2001 Gloria Gould-Wessen,GIS Coordinator/Planner City of Kent Planning Department 400 West Gowe Street Kent,Washington 98032 RE: Pod H Infrastructure Dear Gloria: We are writing this letter to confirm that there is more than adequate infrastructure to accommodate 52 homes on Pod "H" and have summarized this assessment as follows, together with back up information from our consultants Sanitary Sewer • The sanitary sewer system improvements were designed and have been constructed to accommodate development of Pod H as a 750 student school and meet requirements for 52 single family homes. Our Civil engineer has confirmed this. Storm Water • The storm water system capacity for Kentview was also designed to accommodate development of Pod H with a water quality facility provided within the Pod boundaries. The difference in impact between school construction and the proposed 52 residences is minimal. The attached letter from Core Design - the Civil Engineer for Riverview — confirms more than adequate infrastructure capacity for Pod H development. Traffic • Traffic improvements described in the attached memorandum from The Transpo Group include intersection improvements with a traffic signal, a roundabout, construction of Riverview Boulevard and upgrading and widening of existing streets. These improvements exceed what would be required to accommodate development of 52 homes on Pod"H." • Access to Pod H is from Riverview Boulevard only. Frager road is a recreational road without access to and from Pod H. Thank you for your time. Please call me if you have any questions or comments. S' cer Aron Go en Development Project Manager cc: Encls. 11624 S.E.5th Street,Suite 200, Bellevue,Washington 98005 (425)586-7700 Fax(425)688-0500 4205 148th Ave.N.E.Suite 200 CARE Bellevue,Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fox 425.885.7963 C�DE E-mail:office@deionline.com March 27, 2001 CORE Project No. 00136 Mr.Aron Golden Polygon Northwest Co. 11524 S.E. 5 h Street Bellevue,WA 98005 Subject: Pod H—Utility Adequacy Dear Aron: Per your request,I have reviewed the storm drainage and sanitary sewer analyses for Pod H at Riverview. Specifically,I considered the impacts of the proposed rezone,which would result in 52 single family homes in place of the previously planned school. For storm drainage,the only impact would be on detention volume, since any development on the site will require a water quality facility to treat runoff. If 52 units are built on the site,which is approximately 7 acres in buildable area,the impervious area on the site will increase over the original design by 1.0 acres. The resulting difference in runoff volume for the 100-year,7-day storm would be less than 0.4 acre-feet. Wetlands A,B,and C provide the storage for Pod H,and they have a combined surface area of 10.9 acres. For the increase of 0.4 ac-ft,the water surface would rise less than %:inch. There are several feet of storage still available in the wetlands so this small rise is insignificant. The sanitary sewer lift station calcs currently estimate a design flow 698 gpm for the entire basin. The Pod H rezone would increase this flow rate to 711 gpm,or approximately 1.9%. This minor increase does not affect the pump sizing or any other lift station component. The conveyance system has a capacity of 1710 gpm,which is more than adequate to handle the expected flows. Water will be provided by Highline Water District and I understand that you already have an availability letter in hand. In summary,the utilities previously designed to support a school on the Pod H site,are adequate to support a single-family development on the same site. Please call me if you need any additional information. Sincerely, CORE DESIGN,INC. � Gary R. Shambroich,P.E. Project Manager ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING 00136-1,1-polygon.doc Transportation and Traffic Engineering - PLANNING • DESIGN The Transpo MEMORANDUM Group TO: Mr. Aron Golden DATE: March 27, 2001 Polygon Northwest Company FROM: Michelle M. Brown OV TG: 00299.00 The Transpo Group, Inc. SUBJECT: KENTVIEW L.L.C. - POD H DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY Thank you for asking The Transpo Group to assist you with your development of the Kentview Residential project within the City of Kent. As you have indicated, Kentview originally was to have 680 residential units constructed by 2004, including single-family and multi-family land uses. (The development is separated into phases: Phase I (Pods A, B, and C), Phase II (Pods D, E, and F), and Phase III (Pods G, H, and I).] Originally Pod H was proposed to be developed as a school. Per your request, we conducted an evaluation for developing Pod H with single- family residential units instead of a school and how this alternative would affect the off-site mitigation measures already agreed upon between Kentview L.L.C. and the City of Kent for the Kentview development. Per the City's issuance of the MDNS for Kentview, the following off-site traffic improvements are to be constructed by Polygon Northwest: • A traffic signal installed at the Orilla Road S/S 212w Street/42nd Avenue S intersection. • A roundabout installed at the S 216w Street/42nd Avenue S intersection. • Upgrading of 42nd Avenue S between Orilla Road S and S 216th Street to current City standards with street lighting and a bicycle lane/sidewalk on east side of the street. • Widening and improving 40th Avenue S (aka 4151 Avenue S) and S 37th Place. • Construction of a boulevard between S 216w Street and S 228w Street. Based on our evaluation, it is concluded that these measures will be sufficient to accommodate either of the full buildout alternatives (680 units or 732 units with Pod H as residential). It should be noted, the analysis was based on all lots in the development constructed as single-family dwelling units. In actuality, the development may have approximately 70 percent multi-family land uses on the site,which will generate less traffic than the single-family land use used in this evaluation. Thus, when the Kentview development is constructed by 2004, the actual operating levels at the intersections listed above will likely be better than what is documented in our analysis. Our results show that these intersections will operate at level of service (LOS) C or better during the PM peak hours. Pod H is currently proposed to be developed with 52 single-family homes and our evaluation indicates that the agreed upon mitigation would be sufficient to accommodate the added traffic associated with this development. If you have any questions please give me a call. Mmb/m.w a2amvmwo2aaMa.00c The TRANSPO Group,Inc. 11730118th Avenue N,E.,Suite 600 Kirkland,Washington 98034-7120 FAX:425/825.8434 4251821.3665 Kent City Council Minutes February 20, 2001 ZONING AMENDMENTS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) Downtown Zoning Map and Text Amendments Changing DLM to DCE. The proposed ordinance rezones the Downtown Commercial Limited Manufacturing (DLM) zoning district to Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE) . The Land Use and Planning Board held a hearing on January 22, 2001, and made a recommendation to rezone all properties which are presently zoned DLM to DCE in the downtown area. This ordinance implements the first of several recom- mendations of the Downtown Action Plan and Commuter Rail Station Area Study. It also makes minor technical amendments to the Zoning Code to change the reference from Planning Director to Planning Manager. Senior Planner Charlene Anderson displayed a map showing the area and noted that the DCE allows the mix of uses which is envisioned by the Commuter Rail Station Area Study and the Downtown Plan, and that the DLM district would be entirely eliminated from the Zoning Code. BROTHERTON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3543 to eliminate the Downtown Commercial Limited Manufacturing (DLM) zoning district; to rezone all existing properties that are presently zoned DLM to Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE) ; and to make other related amendments to Title 15 of the Kent City Code. Woods seconded and the motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7B) 2000 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments . On January 16, 2001, the City Council sent the annual 2000 Comprehensive Plan amendments to the City Council Planning Committee for review. By ordinance, amendments to the Kent Comprehensive Plan are processed collec- tively once every year. Applications for seven plan amendments were received by September 1, 2000; two were withdrawn. The Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing on November 27, 2000 . The Planning Committee considered the amendments on February 5, 2001 and their recommendations are outlined in the staff memo . 4 Kent City Council Minutes February 20, 2001 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS Senior Planner Charlene Anderson explained each of the following proposals and the recommendation for each: Proposal A - Kentview Pod H #CPA-2000-2 (A) /#CPZ-2000-1 - Table until Agricultural Lands Study is completed. Proposal B - Nguyen #CPA-2000-2 (B) /#CPZ-2000-2 - Approve land use designation of commercial and zoning designation of CC, Community Commercial Proposal C - Coblentz #CPA-2000-2 (C) /#CPZ-2000-3 - Approve land use designation of Low Density Multifamily and zoning designation of SR-8 Single Family Residential 8 dwelling units per acre Proposal D - Gray #CPA-2000-2 (D) /#CPZ-2000-4 - Withdrawn Proposal E - Ranniger #CPA-2000-2 (E) /#CPZ-2000-5 - Withdrawn Proposal F - Kent and Federal Way School Districts #CPA-2000-2 (F) - Approval Capital Facilities Plan Proposal G - City of Kent Capital Facilities Plan #CPA-2000-2 (G) - Approval Capital Facilities Plan Amendment BROTHERTON MOVED to approve the Planning Committee ' s recommendation on the proposed 2000 Annual Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Amendments including tabling Kentview Pod H until an Agricultural Lands Policy update is completed, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance (s) . Woods seconded. Dana Mower, DBM Consulting Engineers, 502 16th Street NE, Auburn, representing the applicant for Proposal C, noted that there was quite a bit of discussion before the Land Use Board regarding what is appropriate for 5 Kent City Council Minutes February 20, 2001 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS this property and asked the Council to consider allowing not just a low density multifamily designation on the Comp Plan, but allowing an MRG zone on the property. He said a townhouse zone is not appropriate on this site because of the high noise levels and the preponderance of multifamily in the area. Betty Coblentz, property owner and real estate agent/broker, 22320 Beth Avenue South, said the noise level has been an issue since 1995 and that it is too high for a residential area. She said that she could not sell a townhouse in that area because of the noise and requested MRG zoning. Mower added that a noise study has been done and that there has been no opposition to his request from surrounding properties . Brotherton responded that the Land Use and Planning Board has looked at this, considered the noise issue, and discussed it thoroughly. His motion then carried. COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) Excused Absence For Councilmember Yingling. APPROVAL of an excused absence from tonight ' s meeting for Councilmember Rico Yingling, who is unable to attend. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6Q) (ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL PRESIDENT ORR) Council Absence. Approval of an excused absence from tonight ' s meeting for Councilmember Amodt, who cannot attend. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6R) (ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF MAYOR WHITE) Diversity Board. Confirmation of the Mayor' s appoint- ment of Charlene Shaw to serve as a member of the Kent Diversity Advisory Board. Ms. Shaw is a long-time Kent resident and has been employed by King County for more than 20 years. She is very active with the Castlereagh Sister City Committee and currently serves as chair. She has been a volunteer with Hospice in Seattle and has also volunteered time at the Pediatric Interim Care Center. 6 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer • PLANNING SERVICES KEN T Fred N. Satterstrom,AICP,Manager W•a H I w G T o. Phone:253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032.5895 FEBRUARY 13,2001 TO: MAYOR JIM WHITE, COUNCIL PRESIDENT LEONA ORR, AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CHARLENE ANDERSON,AICP, SENIOR PLANNER RE: YEAR 2000 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN&ZONING AMENDMENTS #CPA-2000-2 (A-G)/#CPZ-2000-(1-5) At their February 5, 2001 meeting, the Planning Committee considered the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Amendments for 2000. The Land Use and Planning Board had held the public hearing on November 27, 2000. On January 16, 2001 the City Council had referred the Board recommendations to the Planning Committee for further discussion. The City received seven (7) applications for amendments to the comprehensive plan. Five of the requests involve changes to both the Land Use Plan Map and Zoning Map. One request, the Gray Amendment, was withdrawn prior to the public hearing with the Land Use and Planning Board. Another request, the Ranniger Amendment,was withdrawn prior to the Planning Committee meeting. Furthermore, Kentview Pod H was amended by the applicant to request SR-4.5 zoning rather than SR-6 zoning. The City Council Planning Committee made the following recommendations: Proposal A— Kentview Pod H#CPA-2000-2(A)/#CPZ-2000-1 —Table until Agricultural Lands Study is completed ProposalB— Nguyen #CPA-2000-2(B)/#CPZ-2000-2 — Approve land use designation of Commercial and zoning designation of CC, Community Commercial ProposalC— Coblentz #CPA-2000-2(C)/#CPZ-2000-3 — Approve land use designation of Low Density Multifamily and zoning designation of SR-8 Single Family Residential 8 dwelling units per acre Proposal D— Gray#CPA-2000-2(D)/#CPZ-20004—Withdrawn Proposal E - Ranniger#CPA-2000-2(E)/#CPZ-2000-5—Withdrawn Proposal F— Kent and Federal Way School Districts #CPA-2000-2(F)—Approve Capital Facilities Pans Proposal G— City of Kent Capital Facilities Plan #CPA2000-2(G) — Approve Capital Facilities Plan Amendment Staff will be available at the City Council meeting to answer questions. CA:\\EARTH FS\SDATA\Permit\Plan\CompPlanAndm ts\2000\2003192-205-207-223.225-226cc.DOC — PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES �- FEBRUARY 5, 2001 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Tom Brotherton, Judy Woods, Tim Clark STAFF PRESENT: Fred Satterstrom, Charlene Anderson, Mike Martin, Roger Lubovich, Jackie Bicknell PUBLIC PRESENT: Lloyd F. Weller, Betty Coblentz, Mike Coblentz, Gavin Miles, Geraldine Miles, Rita Bailie, Carl Bloom, Ken Koss, Alan Stuckey, Bob Nelson, Huy H.Nguyen, Barbara Clasen, Donald Clasen, Dan Moberly, Joe Miles, Don Shaffer, Louise Lee, Eric Wells, Gary Young The meeting was called to order by Chair Tom Brotherton at 4:03 PM. ; Approval of Minutes of January 8, 2001 Committee Member Judy Woods moved to approve the minutes of January 8, 2001. The motion was seconded by Committee Member Tim Clark and passed 3-0. Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Senior Planner Charlene Anderson said seven Comp Plan Amendments had been received. Two applications were withdrawn, and out of the five left, three were comp plan and zoning code amendments and two were capital facilities plan amendments. Ms. Anderson described the amendments: Proposal A: Kentview Pod H is a mixture of AG and SR-3 zoning. The proposal is for SR- 4.5 which is a revision from the original application of a proposed 6 units per acre, along with a similar comp plan designation. Staff and the Land Use and Planning Board both recommend denial of the request pending a study of the Agricultural Lands and the Kentview project. The Agricultural Lands Policy will go to a Land Use and Planning Board workshop in March with a hearing in April. Ms. Anderson made reference to a letter Polygon had distributed to Committee members at that day'.s meeting detailing their proposal, and mentioned that a copy of a site plan was attached to the letter. Ms. Anderson said a comp plan and zoning amendment were not related to the site plan itself. ■ Proposal B, the Nguyen comp plan amendment, is for property located off of Kent-Kangley Road in Low Density Multi Family and MRG zoning. The lot has an existing house that would be used for a beauty salon. Staff and the Board recommend approval of the amendment. ■ Proposal C: the Coblentz property is a mixture of CM-1 (Commercial Manufacturing 1) located along SR167, and some SR-6 zoning in the back. The proposal is to designate the area multi family, and the Board and staff recommend that the Comp Plan be Low Density Multi Family and the zoning SR-8. SR-8 zoning would allow an amendment in the future for either multi family zoning or townhouse zoning MRT. I Planning Committee,2/5101 2 ■ Proposal F, Capital Facilities Plans: the Board typically holds a public hearing but doesn't make a recommendation on Capital Facilities Plans, leaving the flexibility of a decision up to the City Council. Each year the Kent and Federal Way School Districts have to submit a Capital Facilities Plan designating what their current inventory is, what the projected enrollment is, and what the construction needs are so impact fees can be established. • Proposal G: the Capital Facilities Plan for the City of Kent was included in the budget that was passed in December, but the actual official approval is not completed until a public hearing process is done with the Board and the Plan is then passed on to the Council. Judy Woods moved to approve Proposals B, F, and G. The motion was seconded by Tim Clark and passed 3-0. Tim Clark remarked that staff's presentation had pointed out advantages in regards to the Coblentz property of adopting the designation of Low Density Multi Family on the Comp Plan map and Single Family 8 units per acre (or SR-8) on the zone map. Tom Brotherton said he was in favor of preserving the townhouse option. Mr. Clark moved approval of the land use designation to Low Density Multi Family and Single Family SR-8 on the zoning map for the Coblentz property. The motion was seconded by Judy Woods and passed 3-0. Tom Brotherton said the Land Use and Planning Board had unanimously recommended denial of the Pod H request and staff had concurred with the recommendation. Tim Clark moved to recommend denial of the Pod H recommendation. The motion was seconded by Judy Woods. In further discussion, Tim Clark said that lack of available land space for the school district, particularly on the valley floor, had been a problem for some time. Although Polygon has made every effort to accommodate the City's Master Plan in that particular area by establishing housing that would meet a variety of needs with a combination of apartments, condominiums, single family residences, and townhouses, the lovely planned community still adds 700 units of housing and presents the problem of dealing with a variety of needs such as access to shopping and the establishment of a public school to service that size of community. Polygon has a valid complaint in that the school district did not move forward aggressively, and after renovating the land, Polygon is trying to get some return on their money. However, if the request is approved, it would put a stress on the infrastructure on the valley floor to which there is no solution. Judy Woods stated that she values what Polygon has contributed to the community, and the City has had a very good working relationship with them. She noted, however, that she didn't feel comfortable going ahead until the Agricultural Lands Policy had been examined and the Land Use and Planning Board had made a recommendation on that policy. The Land Use and Planning Board voted strongly to deny the Pod H request after spending a lot of time in public hearing on the issue. Ms. Wood stated she was troubled that the City had given a fill permit for the land prior to working out all the details as to whether the school district would want to use the property or to see what other kinds of uses there might be for the property. Planning Committee,2/5/01 3 Tom Brotherton pointed out that Polygon had been very responsive to the neighbor's complaints about visual pollution, had reduced the number of lots and eliminated access onto Frager Road, .and had put in berms and plantings around the periphery of the development to minimize the ipact. Mr. Brotherton said he would favor the amendment except for the AG Lands Policy. Eric Wells, Polygon Northwest Company, summarized the letter he had earlier presented to the Committee which outlined the conditions that had changed since the initial application,went before the Land Use and Planning Board and was subsequently denied. The site,which has split zoning, is unique and unlike any other land in the City of Kent that has straight agricultural zoning. It is inside an approved PUD and Master Planned Community, which also makes it a unique piece rather than just AG land. The City did grant the fill and grade permit under the intention that Council had approved the site for development, whether for a school site or something else. Since there are less than 8 acres of buildable land and because of the geometry, it does not appear that the land would be suitable for a school site,however Polygon would continue to work with the school district if the school district should decide the site would work. Nevertheless, if the school district goes away, Polygon doesn't want to be penalized by having to go back through the process and thus incur additional time delays. A whole building season could be lost. Polygon proposes to move forward with an additional buffer of almost an acre of land, which combined with the BMX Park(given to the Parks Committee last month),provides almost 1'/4 i acres along Frager Road and preserves the recreational corridor there. The different changes over the last month has allowed Polygon's request to be a little different application than what originally went before the Board, but with lowering the density, providing buffers, meeting with -she neighbors, the school district's having taken a position that the site may not fit a school .Cility, and providing additional parks along the Green River, Polygon had hoped this would be an application that would receive the Committee's and Council's support at this time rather than to have additional delays. Mr. Wells said that because of the uniqueness of the property and it's being in a Master Plan and having split zoning, it did not really fit in with the AG Policy and wasn't productive AG land. City Attorney Roger Lubovich commented that a modified presentation at the Committee level was a problem as the concept or information was a new addition to what was presented to the Land Use &Planning Board. Acting on the new information would be inappropriate without going back to a hearing process so other people would have an opportunity to discuss it. The Committee could change its recommendations based on the existing information, but not if nformation was added after the hearing and other people had not had an opportunity to discuss the new options. Eric Wells said Polygon had listened to the input from the public hearing process and modified the Pod H plan according to that input. Tom Brotherton stated that the description and parameters of the land had not changed,but Polygon's had adapted their proposal to better fit the concerns of the neighbors and the environment of the land by adding buffers, reducing the density, and changing the access so it didn't come out on Frager Road. The original request was to rezone the land so they could build houses and that is still the same concept. Fred Satterstrom said the Land Use and Planning Board did not consider a specific site plan, and the question is whether or not the property would Planning Committee,215/01 4 be an agricultural piece of land or a residential piece of land. The site plan is a.conceptual drawing and useful information but not necessarily relevant to a policy level decision because it's not about a contract rezone. There would be no requirement that Polygon build pursuant to _ the site plan. The proposal changed in terms of density after the Land Use and Planning Board had reviewed the matter, listened to public testimony and then forwarded their recommendation to committee. Polygon has modified their proposal downward to a lesser density from SR-6 to SR-4.5, and may also be representing a viewpoint of the school district that could be different from what the Land Use and Planning Board had considered. Tom Brotherton asked if the Pod H application could be tabled until after the Agricultural Policy discussion. Roger Lubovich said a recommendation could be made to the Council to table the matter without remanding it back to the Land Use & Planning Board. Tim Clark retracted his former motion. He moved to table the Pod H application until there was further information on the AG Land. The motion was seconded by Judy Woods and passed 3-0. Urban Separator Framework Policy Judy Woods moved to reconsider the January 18, 2001 Planning Committee recommendation on Urban Separator Framework Policy, #CPA-2000-1. The motion was seconded by Tim Clark and passed 3-0. The meeting adjourned at 4:30 PM. Jackie Bicknell City Council Secretary POLYGON n NOR IE W E51 _Uivlrt-iIN r February 5, 2001 Planning Committee Kent City Council 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 RE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Pod"H" #CPA-2000-2(A) /#CPZ-2000-1 Dear Planning Committee Members: The following events have occurred since the Land Use Planning Board Meeting held November 27, 2000 to review proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments. 1. Reduction in density and revision to land use designation for Pod "H" to R4.5. A letter was submitted January 22, 2001 to clarify that the applicant requests a reduced density designation of R-4.5 from a designation of R-6. This designation reflects the actual density proposed for the property culminating in 52 single-family homes. At the time of the Land Use Planning Board Meeting, some members believed that there was a potential for over 90 homes. Subsequent to the meeting a detailed site plan was prepared, confirming the maximum number of homes as 52. 2. School District Meeting During the week of January 26, 2001,Kent School District expressed interest in reconsidering Pod "H". The District's concern is the size and shape of the parcel. Originally the overall site was 22 acres and the developable area was expected to be over 13 acres. Due to the proximity of the Green River,there are additional set back and buffering requirements. The actual buildable area is in a non-rectangular pan- handle shape of less than 8 acres that does not easily accommodate an elementary school design, if one could be built at all on the property. Based on communication we received from the School District today,Monday February 5, 2001, it is our understanding that for these reasons, this site is not feasible for construction of a school facility. 11624 S.E.5th Street,Suite 200, Bellevue,Washington 98005 (425)586-7700 Fax(425)688-0500 3. Meetings with Neighbors Two groups of neighbors attended the Land Use Planning Board Meeting on November 27, 2000. a. The first group included the Sanctuary homeowners who live approximately ''/1 mile north of the subject property. Their main concerns were preservation of farming and the visual impact of development along Frager Road. There continues to be confusion about farming on Pod"H". The factual information clearly shows that Pod"H" has not been farmed for over 11 years and, as part of the Kentview PUD, has been filled with structural fill for construction. It has no existing or potential agricultural use. Regarding the second concern, subsequent to the Planning Board meeting the applicant took significant measures to address the neighbors concerns and has provided a substantial buffer,both along the north side of the property and, more importantly, along Frager Road. The Frager Road buffer is 80 feet deep in the form of a berm and pathway that extends the park corridor along Frager Road. It provides a pedestrian and bicycle link to the new pedestrian bridge over the Green River and keeps pedestrian traffic from the Kentview (Riverview)PUD off Frager Road and in a safe location on the trail. This is a very attractive solution and provides much more visual separation. Our exhibit previously submitted shows cross sections to illustrate this separation. b. The second neighbor who lives across the Green River from the property has seen the proposed berm plan and is pleased with this solution, as long as it gets built. 4. Parks Committee Meeting—Tuesday,January 9,2001. The applicant presented to the Parks Committee the above-mentioned Pod"H"park corridor proposed along Frager Road and received unanimous support for the buffer which provides substantial landscaping and berming to screen the residential area from Frager Road. It is important to note that there is no vehicular access (other than possible emergency vehicles) to Frager Road. At this meeting the BMX Bike Park which is adjacent to Pod"H",which was donated by the applicant as a non- requirement for the PUD, was confirmed as being over 80% complete with plans to complete by early summer this year. Conclusion The most important point is that this application before the City of Kent is a request to allow single family homes on property that is designated agricultural,but that has absolutely no agricultural potential use and it also has already been designated for development under a city-issued grade and fill permit. The filling of the site is complete. The sewer lift station is complete. The access road is graded and awaiting final construction. The applicant has spent substantial funds and is very simply requesting that if a school or park is not built on the property, that allowance be made for low-density single family condominium homes. The Parks Department has said it does not want the entire Pod"H" site and is very supportive of the park buffer along Frager Road. The School District will most likely find a much better alternative site than Pod"H" which, we understand is now too small to work for the District. As we have already spent two years in this process, all we are asking is that the City of Kent give us the option to provide additional housing on non-agricultural land. This is purely a land-use issue in a Planned Unit Development. We have provided substantial park land, mitigated the requests of our neighbors to the best that it can be done, and the result will be more affordable housing that is critically needed. We look forward to receiving Council approval of the R-4.5 designation for Pod"H". Sincerely, 11_�/ / Gary A. Young Sr. Vice President cc: Fre atterstrom azlene Anderson Kent City Council i U o w �zw/ 3 6R •N - s i j x �' y � ay l u ¢s •E WEVN t�u oQ • 3= Y V f N I r �� I N M I T • • I n I n ( •y. r p I I 2 1 n Y4Y f mayy.. I 3 1 � 5 ' P I • W ; !�•la 7 UaT7 � YI �Z 6< Yg�=Xt�a �I l p2 W j0 5 R <i z °.-a:x - .... � 5,,4 ,✓ �� 3�till / N 1 2 �y fN Z � N nY P0LYGOx%4 ►�NORTHWEST COMPANY RECEIVED JAN 2 5 2001 January 22, 2001 CITY OF KENT. PLANNING SERVICES Leona Orr, City Council President City of Kent. 400 West Gowe Street Kent,Washington 98032 RE: Pod H Rezone Dear Councilperson Orr: We would like to follow up with you regarding our Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Pod H. Our current application proposes a change to SR 6 zoning. Through . conversations with Planning Staff we have decided that we should really state the Comprehensive Plan Amendment be SR 6, bu: the Zoning R 4.5, since this zoning reflects the actual density proposed for the propery culminating in 52 units. Would you please make sure the Planning Commission understands this change to SR 4.5 and its 52 unit result. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this issue and I look forward to working with you. Sincerely, gono den Development Project Manager cc: Fred Satterstrom,Planning Manager 11624 S.E.5th Street Suite 200, Bellevue,Washington 98005 (425)586-7700 Fax(425)68USCO - PLANNING SERVICES Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Manager Phone:253-856-5454 K EN T Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing November 27, 2000 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair Jon Johnson at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 27, 2000 in Council Chambers of Kent City Hall. LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS PRESENT Jon Johnson, Chair Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Mgr. Ron Harmon, Vice Chair Charlene Anderson,AICP, Sr. Planner Brad Bell Diana Nelson,AICP, Planner Steve Dowell Pat Fitzpatrick,Asst. City Attorney David Malik Pamela Mottram,Administrative Secretary Sharon Woodford Terry Zimmerman APPROVAL OF MINUTES Terry Zimmerman MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to approve the minutes of the October 16 and 23 meeting. Motion carved. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None COMMUNICATIONS None NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Planning Manager, Fred Satterstrom stated that the Board's recommendation for CPA-2000-1 Urban Separators would be brought before the City Council at their December 12 meeting. CPA-2000-2(A)/CPZ-2000-1 KENTVIEW POD H AMENDMENT Planner, Diana Nelson stated that the property is located at 21800 Frager Road and 22002 Riverview Boulevard. She stated that the existing plan designation for the property is Agricultural for approximately 15 acres of the parcel and (SF-3) Single Family, 3 units per acre on the western portion of the property comprised of approximately 7.5 acres. Ms. Nelson stated that the existing zoning is (A-1) Agricultural, 1 unit per acre and (SR-3) Single Family Residential, 3.63 units per acre. Ms. Nelson stated that the proposed plan designation is (SF-6) Single Family, 6 units per acre for all of the parcel and the proposed zoning is (SR-6) Single Family Residential, 6.05 units per acre. The subject property is a 22.5 acre parcel composed of three tax lots that were formerly designated as tracts H, K and L of the Kentview Planned Unit Development(PUD). Ms. Nelson stated that the subject property was set aside for development as a school and park site, as well as the placement of a sewer lift station. She stated that the wetlands in this area are being enhanced with additional plants that are used for storm water retention for the Kentview PUD. Ms. Nelson stated that the western leg of the site fronts on the recently constructed Riverview Boulevard within the PUD and primary access to this site would be from Riverview Boulevard. Ms. Nelson stated that Frager Road is designated as a scenic byway and no direct vehicular access to the site will be approved from the eastern side of the site. She stated that primary access to the property is from the 42nd Avenue south corridor and the proposed level of density will add up to approximately 1350 additional daily and 135 p.m. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 27,2000 Page 2 peak hour trips to the local street system. Ms.Nelson noted an error in the staff report that says "13,500" and tld be corrected to read 1350 daily trips. Ms. Nelson stated that during the development of the Kentview PUD, the development rights for residential density on this 22.5 acre parcel of property (approximately 42 units based on the zoning), were transferred within the PUD to allow increased density in other areas of this development. Ms. Nelson stated that the applicant is requesting a land use designation and zoning classification that would allow the development of approximately 94 additional dwelling units on this property. She stated that the City of Kent has not yet adequately studied the appropriate pattern and intensity of development on or near agricultural lands. Ms.Nelson stated that the City of Kent is in the process of updating their comprehensive plan. She stated that an analysis of present and future uses of agricultural lands concerning the City's land use pattern and growth . needs would be a part of this study. She stated that the land use element of the comprehensive plan currently has several goals and policies directly relating to the protection of agricultural lands and the regulation of adjacent development. These include Land Use Goal 27 which states "ensure the conservation and enhancement of productive agricultural land via regulation, acquisition and other methods". Ms. Nelson stated that Policy LU-27.2 under that goal states "Discourage incompatible land uses adjacent to agricultural lands" and Policy LU-27.3 states "Mitigate development in order to minimize impacts on viable agricultural lands". Ms. Nelson stated that this property before the fill activity by the applicant was composed of soils that were the best agricultural soils found in King County. This property is adjacent to currently cultivated property. Therefore, the development on this property can have impacts on continued economic viability both on �'jacent and surrounding lands. Ms. Nelson stated that Planning Services staff is currently reviewing the agricultural lands. Staff feels that it is premature at this time to change the zoning and land use designation. Therefore, staff recommends DENIAL. Ms. Nelson stated in response to Ms. Zimmerman that the additional 42 units were allocated and built elsewhere within the PUD. Ms. Nelson stated that land has been cultivated with row crops in several fields north of this property, Ms. Nelson stated that through discussions with the Kent School District and the City of Kent Parks Department, she was informed that the school district was offered approximately 13.5 acres of land to be set aside for an intended school site. Ms.Nelson stated that the developer is creating a one acre BMX Park to be given to the City of Kent. Ms. Nelson stated that she was not aware of any specific conditions or requirements of approval that would mandate the applicant to sell, donate or otherwise develop the land. Ms. Nelson stated that this property has been filled with gravel and other types of material, so that this soil can no longer be considered as Class 2 Agricultural soils. Ms. Nelson stated that the City of Kent issued a permit for the fill as part of the PUD with the understanding that this property was set aside for development as a park or school. Chair Jon Johnson declared the Public Hearing open. John Green, 21839 Framer Rd., Kent, OVA 98032 stated that the Cruz Johnson Farm is located directly north of the property requesting a rezone. He stated that this farm has been a productive farm for many years, ?roducing the best sweet cam in the valley as well as producing other vegetables which they offer for sale through a road side stand. Mr. Green stated that his neighborhood contacted the Project Manager, Mr. Gary Young of Polygon three years ago to inquire about the proposed plans for the Riverview development. He stated that after this call,he Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 27, 2000 Page 3 r hosted two community meetings at his home inviting Polygon to meet with the neighbors to look at their ` — maps and plans. Mr. Green stated that throughout the duration of developing this PUD, this particular area in question has been shown as A-1 zoned, a future school site, to be offered to the city or alternatively for a park or recreational use such as a baseball or soccer field. Mr. Green stated that when asked, Polygon repeatedly stated that this property would not be rezoned for residential use. Mr. Green stated that his community believes that playground or park usage fits in better with the City of Kent and King County's commitment to retain the west side of the river as a greenbelt and for agricultural usage. He stated that he would like the Board to deny this rezoning request. Jacque Davis, 4815 S. 216th, Kent, WA stated that she resides north of the property requesting a rezone. She would like this property preserved for agricultural, greenbelt areas and recreational land uses. Ms. Davis submitted a copy of City of Kent Ordinance No. 2489 for the record as Exhibit #S encouraging the preservation of agricultural lands. Ms. Davis submitted copies of King County's Ordinance No's. 6853, 6946 and 6650 for the record as Exhibit #6 in support of preserving this land for agricultural purposes. Ms. Davis stated that she and her neighbors have complied with the A-1 zoning requirements by preserving their properties with pasture lands, gardens, orchards and evergreen tree areas. She stated that the residents have constructed their driveways and load-bearing roads with packed gravel rather than asphalt so that the roadways would be permeable. Ms. Davis stated that approval of this rezone would erode the agricultural environment of the area and she encouraged the Board to deny the rezone request. Steve Hansen, 21847 Frager Road, Kent,WA stated that there is a large demand for the produce generated by the Cruz Johnson Farm. The broad variety of produce grown in this area provides economic activity and is irreplaceable. He encouraged the Board to retain the agricultural zoning and deny the applicant's request for j a rezone. Brian Nicholson, 21831 Frager Road, Kent, WA stated that he supports the City's recommendations to cant' out further research on development and long range planning. He stated that the applicant's desire to change the zoning of this section of property is occurring too soon. Mr. Nicholson stated that the extent of impact to the surrounding agricultural lands, traffic and the Valley would not be realized until the Kentview PUD is complete and all homes are occupied. Mr. Nicholson supported staffs recommendation to deny the rezone request. Gary Young, Polygon Northwest Company, 11624 SE 5th St., Suite 200, Bellevue, WA stated that the Pod H property was purposely set-aside specifically for a school facility development or park use. He stated that both the Kent School District and the City of Kent Parks Department declined to purchase this property. Mr. Young stated that Polygon has invested in the installation of a lift station facility constructed on the eastern comer of the property with a gravel access road, which is an extension of the main access to Pod H from within the community. He stated that this road runs along the northern boundary of Pod H and separates this property from the Dela Cruz Farm property. Mr. Young stated that Polygon placed gravel fill on this property under permits issued by the City of Kent with the intention of developing Pod H. The fill altered this property so that it is no longer productive farmland. He stated that Polygon has invested funds to provide for roads and other infrastructure to this property and feels committed to recover their cost and provide additional low-density single family housing on this property. Mr. Young stated that single family housing would be the most compatible use adjacent to the agricultural land area. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 27,2000 Page 4 Mr. Young emphasized that the King County area has seen phenomenal job formation without providing sing to meet those needs. He stated that development of this property would provide the opportunity to t,.,cgrate both the needs for housing and at the same time develop a nice community. Mr. Young stated that there would not be access to Frager Road from the Pod H development. However, if the City of Kent Public Works or Fire Departments desired a fire access road, this could be created using restrictive measures so that only the Fire Department could gain access to this property from Frager Road. Mr. Young stated that Polygon would like to complete development of Pod H in .concert with the development underway,rather than wait several years to work through policy changes. He asked the Board to consider all the factors presented. Mr. Young, in response to Ms. Zimmerman, stated that it was Polygon's intent to recover their cost through the sale of Pod H to either the school district or the City of Kent. Mr. Young, in response to Mr. Harmon, stated that the original master plan for build-out of the PUD indicates 680 units; approximately half of these units are constructed. He stated that he could not determine if Polygon would reach their 680-unit goal at final build-out based on a number of requirement restrictions. Mr. Young stated that Pod H has the potential build-out for ninety homes but believes that this figure would decrease due to wetland constraints, the construction of the BMX Bike Park and the lift station. Kimberly Voss, 22274 Russell Road, Kent, WA 98032 stated that she resides on the west side of the river, across from Pod H. She stated that she has a small orchard and favors retaining the agricultural zoning of this area. She voiced her support of staff s recommendation to deny this rezone request. Dan Moberly, 12033 SE 256th, Kent,WA 98031 stated that he is the Superintendent for Business Services I-r the Kent School District. He stated that he supports staff s recommendation to deny this rezone request. Mr. Moberly stated that Mr. Young approached the Kent School District in 1997 and 1999 after the school district bond failed. He stated that failure of the bond placed the school in a position where they were unable to consider appraisal of the land nor negotiations towards purchase of the property. Mr. Moberly stated that he believes that Polygon behaved in the best interest of the school district with the fill used on this site. Mr. Moberly voiced concern over the number of students generated with the initial development of 685 units. He stated that the addition of 94 units on Pod H could c-gate concerns as to where these students would be housed as time goes on. Mr. Moberly voiced his concern that this property might not be developable as a school site due to the existing wetlands and based on the endangered species act. However, he stated that the School District would like: the option in the future to be able to consider this property for a school site. Eric Wells, 11624 SE Sth Street, Suite 200,Bellevue, WA submitted a letter dated November 27, 2000 and signed by Gary Young for the record as Exhibit #7. He stated that he worked with the City of Kent Parks Department in an attempt to reach an agreement with the City to purchase Pod H for a park. Mr. Wells stated that concurrently, the results of the I-695 proposal left the City without available funds for purchasing the. land, Mr. Wells reiterated many of Gary Young's concerns. He stated that one concern included mitigating the financial impacts encountered through the infrastructure that Polygon has already provided on this site. He stated that neither the School district nor the City of Kent Parks Department is purchasing this land. He stated that as there is the potential that Polygon may not be able to reach their original build-out estimate of 680 mits, it would be feasible to transfer the building of some of those units to Pod H. Mr. Wells reiterated that constructing single family homes on Pod H would allow for viable use of the land with the least impact for the area. He stated that 100 acres has been preserved within the PUD as open space and cannot be developed. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 27, 2000 Page 5 Mr. Wells spoke about the road improvements relevant to the PUD on 42nd Avenue, 212th and 216th with a traffic signal being installed at 42nd Avenue and 212th to mitigate some of the traffic impacts in the area. He stated that a pedestrian bridge has been installed to provide a pedestrian link to the recreational corridors. Mr. Wells stated that sewer, water and all the dry utilities are installed to the site. Debbie Nicholson, 21831 Frager Road, Kent,WA voiced her concern over the traffic that will be generated with the development of Kentview. She stated that the existing road system is deficient for the homes that Kentview is already going to place in this PUD let alone adding additional homes. Ms. Nelson spoke to Polygon's economic arguments on recouping their costs on Pod H. Ms. Nelson questioned how much of the residential value of the land should be assumed by the School District, provided they purchased the land. She stated that Polygon has already used a portion of this land if not all of the value of this property for residential purposes. Ms. Nelson said that although Mr. Young stated that Polygon is asking for the lowest single family density, they are actually requesting the second highest single family density of(SR-6) 6.05 units per acre. She stated that none of the adjacent properties has a density of 6 units per acre but rather have densities of one or three units per acre as well as single family residential zones of A-1, SR-1, SR-2 and SR-3. Ms. Nelson stated that if the Board were to recommend approval, staff is recommending that the Board choose one of the lower density zones for this area to retain the character of the surrounding area along Frager Road. Mr. Bell asked Diana to clarify her statement where she indicated that the School District and the City of Kent would purchase the property if the price were low enough. She stated that the correct interpretation should have been that either the School District or the City of Kent would be interested in investigating the property if the price is right. In response to Mr. Dowell, Diana stated that there are still productive farms in the valley and they are generally smaller than they used to be. Mr. Dowell indicated that the Board's recommendation could have a far-reaching affect on the future of those agriculturally zoned areas. Diana concurred with Mr. Dowell. She stated that any decisions dealing with agricultural zoned properties and properties adjacent to agricultural zoned property need to have a comprehensive city strategy so as not to create a ripple affect. Terry Zimmerman MOVED and Ron Harmon SECONDED to close the Public Hearing. Motion Carried. Sharon Woodford stated that she would like the agricultural lands to remain and said that if homes are built on this property it could lead to the disappearance of much of the Valley's agricultural lands in the future. Therefore, until the City has a set policy on agricultural lands, she voiced her concurrence with staffs recommendation to deny this request. Steve Dowell concurred with Ms. Woodford and voiced his support of staffs recommendation to deny this request. Terry Zimmerman stated that Polygon's build-out would not be affected as a result of leaving Pod H alone. She stated that the school district would be interested in the land should money become available and the same could be said for the City of Kent in their search for funding sources for future park development. Ms. Zimmerman stated that the neighbors have objected strongly. She stated that the neighbors want the land left the way it is as they value their life styles and the farming land is a benefit to the community. She said that the City of Kent needs to formulate an agricultural policy. Ms. Zimmerman agreed with staffs recommendation to deny this request. Ron Harmon concurred that the City of Kent needs to set a policy before deciding to apply spot zoning. He stated that he takes exception with the City of Kent for issuing a fill permit to fill agricultural with disregard to LU-27.2 and 3. Mr. Harmon stated that alternative land use options need to remain open and voiced support of staff s recommendation to deny this application. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 27,2000 Page 6 Brad Bell stated that although Polygon met some of the LU-27 policy requirements, in his opinion, they did )t meet the requirements of LU-27.3 to "mitigate development in order to minimize impacts on viable agricultural lands." Mr.Bell voiced support of staffs recommendation to deny this request. David Malik stated that traffic impacts on the two lane 42nd Avenue will become severe with the addition of the current PUD of 650 houses, let alone the development of additional houses on the Pod H property. He reiterated concurrence with the other Board members statements and voiced support of staffs recommendation to deny this request. Jon Johnson stated that he concurs with the Board members to support staffs recommendation of DENIAL. Ron Harmon MOVED and Brad Bell SECONDED to accept staffs recommendation to DENY the application request for CPA-2000-2A/CPZ-2000-1 Kentview Pod H Amendment. Motion CARRIED. CPA-2000-2B/CPZ-2000-2 NGUYEN AMENDMENT Diana Nelson stated that this property is located at 12819 Kent Kangley Road. The existing plan designation is Low-Density Multifamily and the proposed plan designation is commercial. The existing zoning is MR-G Low-Density Multifamily Residential, 16 units per acre. Ms. Nelson stated that the proposed zoning is CC, Community Commercial. She stated that the property is one tax parcel of.35 acres configured in a triangular shape with public roads on two sides. A vacant single family residence currently occupies the site. Ms. Nelson stated that properties north and east of the site are zoned Community Commercial and developed with the Meridian Plaza Shopping Center, Value Village and office buildings. She stated that vacant property west of the subject property is zoned Professional and Office. Ms. Nelson stated that property directly south of the site is zoned MR-G and developed with a series of single family detached residences. She stated that _ the Springwood Apartment complex is beyond these residences, and directly east of the apartment complex a sew Safeway store, gas station and several retail buildings are in the process of obtaining building permits. Ms. Nelson stated that there are no known sensitive areas located on the.subject property. She stated that primary and current access from the property is 128th Place Southeast with future access from Kent Kangley Road being unlikely as it is a state highway and further access points would impede traffic flow. Ms. Nelson stated :hat a similar request to change the land use designation to commercial was submitted in 1998 and denied due to concerns regarding vehicular trip generation and safety. Ms. Nelson stated that in September and October 2000, the Washington Department of Transportation constructed road improvements on Kent Kangley at the intersection of 128th. The improvements included a meridian barrier between the east and west bound lanes with a channel left turn lane for westbound traffic to rum onto 128th. Ms.Nelson stated that the new road configuration allows: a right turn onto 128th from the eastbound lanes of Kent Kangley, a restricted left turn access from the westbound lanes to 128th Place, and a right turn exit from 128th into the eastbound lanes of Kent Kangley. Ms. Nelson stated that left turns from 128th into the westbound lanes of Kent Kangley are no longer permitted. Ms. Nelson stated that the site is located in an area of transition. Development and increased retail and commercial activity in the area surrounding the subject property are changing the nature of the neighborhood. She stated that the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan has several goals and policies directly relating to the development of existing commercial areas including: Goal LU-12 - "Promote orderly and efcient commercial growth within the existing commercial districts in order to maintain and strengthen existing commercial districts, to minimize costs associated with the extension of facilities, and allow businesses to benefit from their proximity to one another"and LUPB Public Hearing 11/27/00 2000 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 3 YEAR 2000 HEARING PROCESS ( — At the November 27, 2000 public hearing, staff will be presenting all of the above items, numbered #CPA-2000-2(A-G). This memorandum will present information about each of these proposed amendments. Maps have been prepared, and are attached, for each area that will be affected by the proposed changes to the Land Use Plan Map and zoning map. Each proposed amendment will be analyzed and staffs recommendation will be noted. STANDARDS OF REVIEW Section 12.02.050 of the Kent City Code outlines the standards of review, which must be used by staff and the City Council in analyzing any proposed comprehensive plan amendments. Proposed amendments are to be examined based on the following criteria: 1. The amendment will not result in development that will adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare; 2. The amendment is based upon new information that was not available at the time of adoption of the comprehensive plan, or that circumstances have changed since the adoption of the plan that warrant an amendment to the plan; and 3. The amendment is consistent with other goals and policies of the comprehensive plan, and that the amendment will maintain concurrency between the land use, transportation, and capital facilities elements of the plan. The proposed plan amendments have been analyzed based on these criteria. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Proposal A - #CPA-2000-2(A)l CPZ-2000-1 Kentview Pod H Amendment: Change in Land Use Plan Map and zoning for property located at 21800 Frager Road/22002 Riverview Boulevard Applicant: Polygon Northwest Company Existing Plan Designation: Agricultural and Proposed Plan Designation: SF-3, Single Family SF-6, Single Family 3 units/acre 6 units/acre Existing Zoning: Al, Agricultural Proposed Zoning: 1 unitlacre and SR-6, Single Family Residential SR-3, Single Family 6.05 units/acre Residential 3.63 units/acre Background The subject property is a 22.5-acre parcel, composed of three tax lots, which were formerly designated as Tracts H, K and L of the Kentview Planned Unit Development (PUD). The site currently has dual zoning and land use designations. The western portion of the site is zoned SR-3 Single Family Residential, 3.63 units per acre with a Land Use Designation of SF-3 Single Family Residential. The central and eastern portions of the property, approximately 15 acres, are zoned Al, Agricultural, 1 unit per acre, with a Land Use Designation of Agricultural. The LUP, B Public Hearing 11/27/00 2000 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 4 residential density associated with these three tracts was transferred to another area of the PUD and this area was set aside for development as a school and a park site as well as for placement of the sewer lift station. The site was offered for sale to the school district and the F ^ Parks Department, but neither has chosen to purchase the property to date. The applicant is Discussing donating an acre in one comer of the subject property to the city for a BMX bike park. There is an inventoried wetland located on the site. The wetlands in this area are being enhanced with additional wetland plants and are to be used for stormwater detention for the Kentview PUD. A recently constructed sewer lift station is located in the northeast corner of Pod H. The site slopes gently down.from lower slopes of the west hill to the valley floor near the Green River. The site was filled as part of the PUD development. Prior to filling of the site, it was predominately composed of Briscot silt loam , Puyallup fine sand loam and Woodinville silt loam, all of which are classified as Class II agricultural soils. On the eastern portion of the parcel, in the area that is already zoned SR-3 for residential use, there was some inclusion of Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes, which has a Class VI agricultural capability rating, ; i The western leg of this site fronts on the recently constructed Riverview Boulevard. Primary j access to this site will be from Riverview Boulevard. Frager Road is designated as a scenic byway, and no direct vehicular access to the site will be approved from the eastern side of the site. Emergency access might be approved if the fire department requires an additional access to the PUD. However, a gate, bollards or other access management technique would be required to limit non-emergency traffic on the road to pedestrians and cyclists. The site is located within the Valley Floor area of the city, and will take its primary access from the 42 Id Avenue South Corridor. The 42nd Avenue South Corridor is classified as a Residential Collector Arterial Street upon the City's Master Plan of Roadways. The current average daily traffic (ADT) r ,,g the 42nd Avenue South Corridor is unknown. The proposed level of density will add up to ai, estimated 13,500 daily and 135 PM peak hour trips to the local street system and will cause significant and/or additional congestion at several surrounding intersections. Analysis Prior to inclusion in the Kentview PUD, the subject property would have been permitted to be i developed with approximately 42 single family dwelling units, approximately 15 units on the land zoned Al and approximately 27 units on the land zoned SR-3. During the development of the i PUD, the development rights for these allowed residential units were transferred within the PUD to allow increased density in other areas of the development. The site was designated on the PUD map as a school or park site. The applicant filled the property as part of the PUD development, but without having a purchaser for the site or a specific development project planned for the site. The applicant states that the site is no longer useable for agricultural purposes and the school district does not want the site. Therefore, unless this rezone is granted, they are being denied economically viable use of their property. The applicant is requesting a land use designation and zoning classification that could allow the development of i approximately 94 more dwelling units on this property beyond the approximately 42 units already permitted as part of the PUD project. Although the applicant offered to sell the property to the Kent School District and the Kent Parks Department, neither party has actually purchased the property or entered into an agreement to do so. I LUPB Public Hearing 11/27/00 2000 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 5 In addition to the PUD issues regarding this property, is the question of the appropriate pattern and intensity of development on or near agricultural lands. The City has not yet undertaken a comprehensive analysis of the costs and benefits of the development of agricultural lands and/or the preservation of open space within the city limits. Prior to the fill activity by the applicant, the property was composed of soils that are among the best agricultural soils found in King County and the site is located adjacent to properties currently under active agricultural production. Development of property adjacent to agricultural lands can have wide-ranging impacts on the continuing economic viability of those farms. The land use element of the comprehensive plan has several goals and policies relating directly to the protection of agricultural land and regulation of adjacent development including: Goal LU-27 - Ensure the conservation and enhancement of productive agricultural land via regulation, acquisition, or other methods. Policy LU-27.2 -Discourage incompatible land uses adjacent to agricultural lands. Policy LU-27.3 - Mitigate development in order to minimize impacts on viable agricultural lands. Rezoning individual parcels without an inclusive city strategy for the appropriate future use of agricultural land and properties bordering agricultural land and/or the development of criteria by which individual requests to rezone agricultural property can be evaluated, will allow development of these lands to occur in a piece-meal manner that may not be in the City's best interests. The City is currently working on an update of the 1995 Comprehensive Plan. An analysis of the present.and futures uses of agricultural lands in relation to the city's land use pattern, growth needs and land availability will be an integral element of this update. Examination of the appropriate use of the subject property and the surrounding area is already planned as part of the comprehensive plan update process. It may be premature to change the land use designation and zoning classification at this time, before a widespread and thorough analysis of this entire area can be completed. Recommendation: Staff recommends DENIAL of this request. Proposal B - #CPA-2000-2(B)/CPZ-2000-2 Nguyen Amendment: Change in Land Use Plan Map and zoning map for property located at 12819 Kent-Kangley Road Applicant: Huy and Long Khanh Thi Nguyen Consultant: DBM Consulting Engineers Existing Plan Designation: Low Density Multifamily Proposed Plan Designation: Commercial Existing Zoning: MR-G Low DerrsityWd6familyResidenlial Proposed Zoning: 16 units/acre CC, Community Commercial Kent City Council Meeting Date May 15 , 2001 Category Bids 1 . SUBJECT: LID 350 - BIG K SANITARY SEWER & WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The bid opening for this project was held on April 18th with eight (8) bids received. The low bid was submitted by R.L. Alia Company in the amount of $1, 246, 183 .45 . The Engineer' s estimate was $2 , 028, 124 .48 . The Public Works Director recommends awarding this project to R.L. Alia Company. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $1 , 246 , 183 . 45 SOURCE OF FUNDS : Multiple Sources W40 . D20 & D26 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds that the LID 350 Big K Sanitary Sewer & Watermain contract be awarded to R.L. Alia Company in the amount of $1, 246, 183 . 45 . DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 8A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS May 9, 2001 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director SUBJECT: LID 350 - Big K Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Bid opening for this project was held on April 18th with 8 bids received. The low bid was submitted by R. L. Alia Co. in the amount of $1, 246, 183 .45 . The Engineer' s estimate was $2 , 028, 124 . 48 . The Public Works Director recommends award of this project to R. L. Alia Co. Bid Summary R. L. Alia Co. $1, 246, 183 .45 Laser Underground $1, 335, 006 .47 C.A. Goodman Construction $1, 452 , 893 .44 Katspan $1, 456, 848 . 33 Mid-Mountain Contractors $1, 466, 502 . 15 Debco Construction $1, 607, 219 . 71 Olalla Hills $1, 716, 531 . 91 Tydico $1, 871, 360 . 00 Engineer' s Estimate $2 , 028, 124 .48 MOTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds that LID 350 Big K Sanitary Sewer & Watermain contract be awarded to R. L. Alia Co. for the bid amount of $1, 246, 183 . 45 . Expenditures: $1,246,83.45 Source of Funds; D26C355510 bidletter REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES AND STAFF A. COUNCIL PRESIDENT B. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE C. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE D. PUBLIC WORKS E. PLANNING COMMITTEE F. PARKS COMMITTEE G. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS REPORTS FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEES CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A. EXECUTIVE SESSION