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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 04/18/2000 tm. �'®RTPi�I€F9 uau_:�.w�cw. ....mwmmn�e�cnurcm.�•++ms.ny N L 6 $p City ek Kent City y 6 k Meetir] (IL 111 r,wpj '.. '% 6 4 7 Agenda , u � d iiMAL, a � l OOIFI 5 g q d I Mayor VVI-lite L -Iona Orr, pres;r'c a P ,.dy �w 4 e im 1 ,.'�a !- r n�Hle R R qg9 9 gg p 0 April 18 , 2000 g Office of Itir. City Clerk SUMMARY AGENDA 40 KENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING K EN T April 18 , 2000 WASHINGTON Council Chambers 7 : 00 p.m. MAYOR: Jim White COUNCILMEMBERS : Leona Orr, President Sandy Amodt Tom Brotherton Tim Clark Connie Epperly Judy Woods Rico Yingling 1 . CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE 2 . ROLL CALL 3 . CHANGES TO AGENDA A. FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF B. FROM THE PUBLIC 4 . PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Introduction of Appointee B. Norway Sister City Presentation 5 . PUBLIC HEARINGS None 6 . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes - Approval B. Bills - Approval C. Reappointment to Public Development Authority - Confirm D. Brass Oxygen Regulators Grant - Accept E. King County Training Services Agreement - Approve F. 2000 IAC Grant Applications, Submittal of Resolutions - Approve - p G. King County Public Cultural Facilities Program Grant - Accept and Amend Neely Soame Home Budget 7 . OTHER BUSINESS A. Kent Memorial Park Reclamation Art - Deaccession of Artwork �. 776 4a,,t 8 . BIDS None 0� 9 . REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES AND STAFF ejq cc 10 . REPORTS FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEES 11 . CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A 12�taa ` 12 EXECUTIVE SESSIONS None 13 . ADJOURNMENT NOTE: A copy of the full agenda packet is available for perusal in the City Clerk's Office and the Kent Library. An explanation of the agenda format is given on the back of this page. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office in advance at(253) 856-5725. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Citizens wishing to address the Council will, at this time, make known the subject of interest, so all may be properly heard. A) FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF B) FROM THE PUBLIC PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A) INTRODUCTION OF APPOINTEE B) NORWAY SISTER CITY PRESENTATION CONSENT CALENDAR 6 . City Council Action: Councilmember OJyv moves, Councilmember seconds that Consent Calendar Items A through G be approved. Discussion Action C GA. Approval of Minutes . Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of April 4 , 2000 . 6B. Approval of Bills . Approval of payment of the bills received through March 31 and paid on March 31 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 3/31/00 232316-232738 $ 720, 792 . 86 3/31/00 232739-233258 2 , 408 , 246 . 65 $3 , 129, 039 . 51 Approval of checks issued for payroll for March 31 and paid on March 5, 2000 : Date Check Numbers Amount 4/5/00 Checks 242820-243146 $ 267, 907 . 59 4/5/00 Advices 93311-93973 879, 658 . 25 $1, 147, 565 . 84 Council Agenda Item No. 6 A-B Kent, Washington April 4, 2000 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p .m. by Mayor White . Present : Councilmembers Amodt, Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods and Yingling, Police Chief Crawford, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director Miller. Approximately SO people were at the meeting. CHANGES TO Mayor White added Public Communications Items 4D THE AGENDA and 4E. PUBLIC Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced that COMMUNICATIONS Cyndi Wilbur, Capital Projects Analyst in the Finance Department, has been selected as Employee of the Month for April . He noted that Ms . Wilbur did exceptional and professional work in perform- ing the Riverbend Golf Course audit and accounting transition to City management . He added that her dedication is phenomenal . Finance Director Miller noted that Wilbur has a passion for doing the job right and thanked her for her efforts . She was presented with the Employee of the Month plaque. World Health Day. The Mayor read a proclamation noting that the World Health Organization has established the goal of a safe and adequate blood supply for all countries of the world, and pro- claimed April 7, 2000 , as World Health Day in the City of Kent . He encouraged all citizens to support efforts to improve the safety and adequacy of the blood supply, and presented the proclama- tion to Ms . Shade of the Puget Sound Blood Center. She expressed thanks and urged citizens to parti- cipate in community blood drives . Prepare Because You Care. Mayor White noted that the City of Kent has experienced natural and man- made disasters in the past, and that scientific evidence indicates that the City remains vulner- able in the future, and that citizens and City employees need to be prepared. He proclaimed April 2000 as Prepare Because You Care Month and encouraged all citizens to increase their knowledge, awareness and preparedness measures to follow before, during and after a natural or man- made disaster. The proclamation was accepted by 1 Kent City Council Minutes April 4, 2000 PUBLIC Assistant Fire Chief Willits, who thanked the COMMUNICATIONS Mayor, Council, City employees and citizens who have helped prepare for a disaster. He reminded all of the earthquake drill to be held on Thursday. Introduction of Aonointees . Mayor White announced that Ron Banister, Eric Robertson and Connie Epperly are new appointees or reappointees, and introduced those in attendance . State Legislators. Mayor White welcomed Kent ' s State Legislative delegation to the meeting, and noted that both the City and the Chamber have worked very hard with them during this legislative session. He expressed his personal appreciation to each of them for their responsiveness and for being active and powerful advocates for Kent . Barbara Ivanov, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, thanked the delegates and congratulated them on their work relating to transportation and health care reform. City Intergovernmental Affairs Manager Dena Laurent thanked the legislators for their success in reallocating resources to protect public health and public services after Initiative 695, in passing House Bill 2505 regarding high density and multi-use housing downtown, and in transportation funding. Mayor White and Councilmembers Clark, Orr and Yingling also expressed their thanks . The legislators were then presented with Kent baseball caps as tokens of thanks . Senators Julia Patterson and Stephen Johnson, and House members Karen Keiser, Michael Stensen, Jack Cairnes, Christopher Hurst and Phil Fortunato expressed appreciation for the input, support and communication provided by the City and it ' s citizens, and for this recognition. CONSENT ORR MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through J CALENDAR be approved. Woods seconded and the motion carried. 2 Kent City Council Minutes April 4, 2000 MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) Approval of the Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of March 21 , 2000 . HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6J) SANITATION Seven Oaks Addition. ACCEPT the Bill of Sale for Seven Oaks Addition submitted by Northwest Cougar Mountain Construction, Inc . for continuous opera- tion and maintenance of 410 feet of sanitary sewer line, 1, 168 feet of storm sewer, 465 feet of street improvements and release bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 124th Avenue SE & SE 263rd Street . STREETS (BIDS - ITEM 83) S . 196th Street Corridor Street Improvements, West Valley Hicrhwav to East Valley Highway. The bid opening was held on March 28, 2000 , with four bids received. The apparent low bid was submitted by Scarsella Bros . in the amount of $3 , 732 , 572 . 74 . The Engineer' s estimate was $4 , 051, 226 . The Public Works Director recommends that upon his concurrence, the Mayor be authorized to award this contract to the most satisfactory responsible bidder. Wickstrom explained that TIB approval was received today, and pointed out that this is a milestone project . He agreed to prepare a report as to how much money the TIB has put into the City in the last five years . CLARK MOVED that upon the Public Works Director' s concurrence, the Mayor be authorized to award the S . 196th Street Corridor, West Valley Highway to East Valley Highway, con- tract to the most satisfactory responsible bidder. Yingling seconded and the motion carried. SURPLUS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) VEHICLES Surplus Vehicles . DECLARE designated Equipment Rental vehicles as surplus and authorize the sale thereof at the next public auction, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . 3 Kent City Council Minutes April 4, 2000 ZONING CODE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) AMENDMENT Single Family Density in Multifamily Zones (ZCA-2000-1) . The Land Use and Planning Board reviewed the proposal to modify the permitted density of single family development in multiple family zoning districts . Following a public hearing on February 28 , 2000 , the Board voted to recommend an increase in the density of single family development to the same level permitted for multiple family developments . Satterstrom noted that there are six or fewer areas available to be affected. BROTHERTON MOVED to approve the Land Use and Planning Board' s recommendation for ZCA-2000-1 regarding single family density in multiple family zones, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Ron Harmon, 20627 95th Avenue South, member of the Land Use and Planning Board, clarified that he is in favor of affordable housing in Kent . ANNEXATION (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7B) Nelson Annexation, 10% Petition (AN-99-1) . The Nelson Annexation was postponed at the January 18 , 2000 Council meeting at the request of the petitioner and was rescheduled for tonight . This is the result of a Notice of Intention to Commence Proceedings from owners of not less than 10 percent in value of property adjacent to Kent . The proposed 23-acre annexation is located between the Union Pacific and the Burlington Northern- Santa Fe Railroads and north of S . 277th Street . Jack Nelson spoke on behalf of the petitioners and asked that this item be tabled. He explained that they would like to continue their discussions with King County, which may result in withdrawal of the petition. BROTHERTON MOVED to table the Nelson Annexation petition. Woods seconded and the motion carried. PARKS (BIDS - ITEM 8A) Kent Downtown Rotary Basketball Court. The bid opening on March 24, 2000 for the Kent Rotary 4 e t Kent City Council Minutes April 4 , 2000 PARKS Downtown Basketball Court project resulted in eight bids . Mer-Con, Inc . was the low bidder at $39, 566, plus Washington State Sales Tax. The Engineer' s estimate was $75 , 000 . The Parks Director recommends awarding the contract to Mer- Con, Inc . WOODS MOVED to accept the bid from Mer- Con, Inc . for $39, 566, plus Washington State Sales Tax, for the Downtown Rotary Basketball Court project and to enter into a contract . Orr seconded and the motion carried. Mayor White thanked the Rotary Club for their contribution. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) Bureau Of Justice Assistance Block Grant. ACCEPT Bureau of Justice Assistance Block Grant funds, and authorize the establishment of a budget for the funds . The Police Department has received notification from the Bureau of Justice that its grant appli- cation has been approved for funding. This grant supports the Family Violence Unit and the purchase of equipment to investigate computer-related crimes and presentation equipment for training. The grant total is $81 , 910 . The award amount is $73 , 719 and the City' s required 10 percent match amount is $8, 191 . FIRE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) King County Inspection Agreement, 2000 . AUTHORIZE the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Kent and King County for inspections for the year 2000 . This agreement with King County covers the inspec- tion of all occupancies in Fire District #37, with the exception of single family residences and miscellaneous structures . It is part of a series of continuing agreements which have been signed for the last several years, and provides a tool used by the Fire Department to alleviate serious _ fire hazards in the District ' s commercial build- ings . This is for the first inspection and one 5 Kent City Council Minutes April 4 , 2000 FIRE re-inspection only. Any follow up work after the first re-inspection is the responsibility of the King County Fire Marshal . From a financial standpoint, the County will reimburse the City at the rate of $100 per hour for travel, research time and inspections per- formed on any permit application within the City' s jurisdictional boundaries . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) King County Basic Life Support Services Contract Amendment, 2000 . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the King County Basic Life Support Services Amendment with King County EMS, allowing the City to receive funds per the EMS Levy. In 1998 an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) levy was passed for a three-year period, beginning in 1999 . The City has signed a contract with King County EMS since 1981 to receive EMS funding. A contract amendment is received annually to adjust the payment amount that the City of Kent will receive . The amount to be received for year 2000 is $682 , 787 which is the same amount as was received in 1999 . The proposed amendment changes the contract period to cover the year 2000 and updates the section which covers Basic Life Support Standards . APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) Civil Service Reappointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s reappointment of Ron Banister to continue serving as a member of the Kent Civil Service Commission. His new term will continue until 4/30/2006 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) Drinking Driver Task Force Reappointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s reappointment of Capt . Eric Robertson to continue serving as a member of the Kent Drinking Driver Task Force . Capt . Robertson' s new term will continue until 1/1/2003 . 6 Kent City Council Minutes April 4 , 2000 APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) Kent Disability Board Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Councilmember Connie Epperly to serve as a Council representative to the Kent Disability Board. Her new term will continue until 12/31/2001 . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through March 15 and paid on March 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on March 21, 2000 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 3/15/00 231595-231838 $ 892 , 182 . 11 3/15/00 231839-232315 1 , 235 , 390 . 66 $2 , 127, 572 . 77 Approval of checks issued for payroll of March 15 and paid on March 20 , 2000 : Date Check Numbers Amount 3/20/00 Checks 242513-242819 $ 271 , 587 . 16 3/20/00 Advices 92700-93310 912 , 119 . 77 $1, 183 , 706 . 93 REPORTS Council President. Orr stated that the six-month time period to conduct a traffic study the effec- (Gate at tiveness of the street closure at 256th and 29th 256th and Avenue has concluded; however the City is defer- 29th Avenue) ring any further consideration on this matter until resolution of a related pending complaint filed against the City, therefore the gate will remain in place until such time . Operations Committee. Yingling noted that the next meeting will be at 4 : 00 p.m. on April 18 . Public Safety Committee. Epperly noted that the next meeting will be on April 11 at 5 : 00 p.m. She announced that Firefighter Brian Dodge was presented 2nd place in the State Outstanding Firefighter Awards and offered congratulations . 7 Kent City Council Minutes April 4 , 2000 REPORTS Public Works Con¢nittee. Clark reminded Councilmembers of the hearing on 272ad at 1 : 00 p.m. on April 12 . Planning Committee. Brotherton noted that the next meeting will be held on May 1 at 5 : 00 p .m. and the topic will be urban separators . Parks Committee. Woods noted that the next meeting will be on April 11 at 4 : 00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7 :45 p.m. Brenda Jacob CIMC City Clerk 8 Kent City Council Meeting Date April 18 , 2000 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: REAPPOINTMENT TO PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY - CONFIRM 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Confirmation of the Mayor' s reappoint- ment of Stephanie Klappenbach to continue serving as a member of the Kent Downtown Public Market Development Authority Board. Ms . Klappenbach' s new term will continue until 5/31/2004 . 3 . EXHIBITS: Memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor White (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6C MEMORANDUM TO: LEONA ORR, CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY COUNCILMEMrBERS FROM: JIM WHITE, MAYOR; DATE: APRIL 10, 2000 SUBJECT: REAPPOINTMENT TO PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD I have reappointed Stephanie Klappenbach to continue serving as a member of the Kent Downtown Public Market Development Authority Board. Ms. Klappenbach's new term will continue until 5/31/2004. I submit this for your confirmation. jb X/1 Kent City Council Meeting Date April 18 , 2000 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: BRASS OXYGEN REGULATORS GRANT - ACCEPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the grant funds received from the State of Washington and authorize the Fire Department to apply said funds towards the purchase of brass oxygen regulators. The City has received a $1, 200 grant from the State of Washington "for the purposes of the state trauma care system" . As stated in the attached letter from Janet Griffith, Director of the Office of Emergency Medical & Trauma Protection, these funds may be used for trauma equipment . The Fire Department proposes to use these funds to purchase brass oxygen regulators . 3 . EXHIBITS: Letter from Janet Griffith, Director Office of Emergency Medical & Trauma Prevention 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Chief Angelo & Public Safety Committee (3-0) (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: Grant monies of $1 , 200 SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6D - RZ.6 SS�Tt O. Oy RECEIVED STATE OF WASHINGTON YOY 0 3 1999 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SENT ;RE ✓EDT Office of Emergency Medical and Trauma Prevention Post Office Box 47853 • Olympia, Washington 98504-7853 November 2, 1999 TO: All Verified EMS Prehospital Services State of Washington FROM: Janet Griffith, Director Office of Emergency Medical and Trauma Prevention SUBJECT: Prehospital Trauma Participation Grants The purpose of this memorandum is to inform you about the availability of the prehospital participation grant for FY 00. As an active verified prehospital service in Washington's EMS and Trauma Care system during this fiscal year, you are entitled to receive a participation grant of$1,200 for FY 00. These funds are to help you meet requirements to provide trauma care services as a verified EMS and Trauma prehospital service. How to Receive Funds: To receive these funds, please complete the attached survey form and the shaded areas on the Invoice Voucher, A19-2A form and return it to the Office of Emergency Medical and Trauma Prevention no later than March 31, 2000 at the address provided on the form. If your service does NOT wish to receive this grant, please acknowledge by completing the attached rejection form and return it to our office by March 31, 2000. Background: As part of the Trauma Care Act of 1990, the Department of Health was required to conduct a study of traunia care reimbursement fur Washington EMS and Trauma providers. The study conducted by consulting firm Arthur Andersen projected uncompensated prehospital trauma care costs of$2 million per biennium. The Trauma Fund Act of 1997 provides for state funds of 75% of this amount. The prehospital participation grant is one method of helping prehospital providers meet verification requirements to provide trauma care. Kent City Council Meeting Date April 18 , 2000 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KING COUNTY TRAINING SERVICES AGREEMENT - APPROVE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorization for the Mayor to sign the King County Training Services Agreement on behalf of the City and authorize the Fire Department an additional Lieutenant ' s position in their budget to be funded by revenue from this agreement . Both the City and the District recognize the significant long term value of a joint operational training agreement and the higher level/quality of emergency services that can be attained through the synergistic benefits of this agreement . The City will provide, through the Fire Department, suppression training and related administrative services to Fire District #40 . King County Fire District #40 will cover any additional costs, both operational and one time capital costs, which result from entering into this contract . This agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney' s Office. 3 . EXHIBITS: Agreement 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Chief Angelo & Public Safety Committee (3-0) (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6E r- AGREEMENT FOR TRAINING SERVICES AND JOINT OPERATION OF FACILITIES This agreement is entered into, between the CITY OF KENT, a municipal corporation,hereafter referred to as "City" and KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 40, a municipal corporation, hereafter referred to as 'District" as follows; 1. Basis For Agreement A. The City and the District recognize the significant long term value (tangible and non-tangible) of a joint operational training agreement, and the higher level/quality of emergency services that can be attained through the synergistic benefits of this agreement. B. In light of the existing mutual aid and automatic aid agreements between the City and the District and the similarity in their training needs it is in the best interest of both parties to train together. C. By this agreement the District contracts with the City for the City to provide, through their Fire Department, suppression training and related administrative services to the District. The training will not include Emergency Medical Subjects (CME) at this time. However, through mutual agreement by the respective Fire Chiefs CME and other subjects may be added to the agreement. Such added agreements will be in a separate appendix and delineate subject matters and needed resources, If there are additional costs required the appendixes will be reviewed and approved by the respective governing bodies prior to being added to the contract. JATC programs will be merged to allow for common evaluations and apprenticeship training. Where practical training will be uniform, In cases such as hose evolutions, similar formats will be used but the evolutions will be tailored to the respective departments needs and equipment. D. This agreement is entered into by the City under the authority of RCW 35A.11.040 and the District under the authority of RCW 52.12.031 and in conformity with RCW 39.34, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, E. It is the purpose of this agreement to provide the terms and conditions under which the City will provide services to the District. F. The training philosophy of both departments is the same—that is the primary responsibility for training line personnel rests with the Company Officer and Shift Commander. The purpose of the Training Division is to coordinate, facilitate, plan and evaluate the level of training. The Training Division also provides specialized training such as Chiefs Training and hosting specialized classes and drills. Specific services will be dynamic to meet changing needs. 1 FPR. :2.20aa 16:22GM KEN7 FIRE DEFT N0.543 P.2/6 • j 2. Services to be Provided by City A. The City agrees to furnish, through the Fire Department, training services to the District uniformed staff. The City shall also famish personnel required to perform the services. In the event that the training position, funded by the District, becomes vacant and no acceptable personnel in Kent volunteers to fill the position, this contract will be reopened to consider the mutual acceptability of placing a District Lieutenant in that role. B. The District Commissioners and District agree that the Kent Director of Training shall have the same staff authority with respect to the training of District staff that the Director has with Kent staff. District 40 agrees that their personnel will abide by and support the Kent Police/Fire Training Center Policies & Procedures. C. Such authority shall include, but not be limited to scheduling in conjunction with the District 40's representative classes, OBT, evaluation sessions and maintaining performance standards participation and records to the level agreed upon by the Fire Chiefs of both Departments. D. The Director of Training will coordinate training records of District personnel through a mutually agreed upon RMS computer system in cooperation with the District's Training Liaison. E. The District authorizes the Director of Training to direct District 40 personnel to abide by safety requirements. 3. Payment by District A. The District will be invoiced by the Kent Fire Department on a monthly basis for services provided in the previous month. B. The District agrees to process payment to the City of Kent within 30 days of the District receiving the City's invoice. C. The District agrees to pay the operational costs identified in Appendix A of this agreement. The appendix will be modified annually during the month of September to provide increased costs as a result of inflation or other contractual obligations of Kent Fire Department. D. The District agrees to pay for the one time casts identified in Appendix B of this agreement In the event this service agreement is dissolved the capital equipment (vehicle with equipment, workstation and air pack) will be returned to the District unless the City pays the District for the equipment Such payment shall be based upon the remaining value of the depreciated capital equipment. The depreciated value will be straight line life cycle based. 2 E. The District further agrees to pay any one time costs for outlays requested by the District for it's specific training benefit. The District and Kent Fire Department may agree to jointly sponsor specialized training. Equitable cost and/or revenue sharing will be determined and submitted for approval to the respective Fire Chiefs prior to the class. F. The District agrees to discuss programs, capital outlays,jointly applied for grants for the mutual benefit of both departments. Each specific agreement from such discussion shall identify the costs to each of the respective departments. Such agreements shall also reflect the understanding of the disposition of capital equipment or reimbursement should the overall service agreement be dissolved. 4. Insurance The City, and where appropriate Fire District No. 40, shall provide insurance "dollar" limits and coverage as described below: A. Property Coverage: The District shall provide coverage to ensure all Fire District No, 40 apparatus and equipment utilized by District 40 and the City of Kent on behalf of Fire District No, 40 as it relates to providing services under this agreement. Unless the City is negligent and as such directly contributes to the damage, the District shall cover the deductibles. — B, Liability Coverage: Recognizing that the City is self insured, the City of Kent shall provide general liability insurance to include errors, omissions coverage and coverage to insure the City of Kent and Fire District No. 40 with regards to any and all operations by the City of Kent and it's personnel on behalf of Fire District No. 40. The limits of coverage to be provided by the City of Kent shall be equivalent to the highest per occurrence and total coverage, which is provided for the City of Kent Fire Department. The City of Kent shall provide evidence of insurance to the District in writing when requested by the District in writing. C. District 40 shall maintain insurance coverage equivalent to it's overall level of insurance for Fire District Operations and will name the City of Kent as co- insured as it relates to services provided under this agreement. The District shall insure its personnel and equipment for any incidents resulting from actions of District personnel under this agreement. 5. Property Ownership Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, all property acquired by the City to enable it to perform the services required under this agreement, shall remain the property of the City in the event of the termination of this agreement. 6. Proeram Evaluations The Chiefs of the Departments shall meet at least twice a year. One meeting shall be prior to October to support the Districts budget process and to _ review program issues, concerns and costs. The other meeting shall be prior to the end of the year to review the following years goals, schedules and any concerns. In the event of 3 APR. 12.2000 10:23AM KENT FIRE DEPT N0.943 :: P.4i6 concerns or issues regarding the training performance of District personnel,the Director of Training and the District representative will meet in a timely manner to review personnel concerns. In the event they can not resolve the matter to their satisfaction the issue will be referred to a joint meeting of the fire Chiefs of the departments. 7. Personnel Assignment The City Fire Department Administration shall maintain the agreed upon levels of personnel assigned to staff the Training Division. In the event the City shall desire to make any permanent changes in any such staffing of Training, the City shall submit a proposal for review to the District Board of Commissioners. If the District is providing funding for such resources they shall not be changed without written approval from the District Board of Commissioners. 8. Liabili The City shall, at all tunes, be solely responsible and liable for the acts or the failure to act of its personnel that occur or arise in any way out of the performance of this contract by its personnel. The City agrees to save and hold the District, District personnel and officials harmless, and cover all costs, expenses, losses and damages, including costs of defense, incurred as a result of any sole acts or omissions of City personnel relating to the performance of this contract. The District shall, at all times, be solely responsible and liable for the acts or the failure to act of its personnel that occur or arise in any way out of the performance of this contract by its personnel. The District agrees to save and hold the City, City personnel and officials harmless, and cover all costs, expenses, losses and damages, including costs of defense, incurred as a result of any sole acts or omissions of District personnel relating to the performance of this contract. 9. Term This Agreement shall be effective on execution, and shall continue until either party shall give to the other 24 months written notice of termination on or before January 1 of any year. The 24-month period shall commence on January 1 of the year following written notification, This 24-month period is deemed necessary by the parties to develop a plan for the orderly transfer of services and to provide for the continuity of public safety, In recognition of unforeseen fiscal impacts,this agreement may be terminated sooner by mutual consent of the City and the District. 10. Modification This instrument constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements. No modification or amendment shall be valid unless evidenced in writing,properly agreed to and signed by both parties. In the event that either of the parties shall desire to renegotiate any of the provisions of this agreement, such party shall notify the other party in writing of its intent. Such request to renegotiate shall not be considered a notice of termination as provided for in paragraph 12. 11. Sever-ability If any provision of this agreement or its application is held invalid, the remainder of the agreement or the application of the remainder of the agreement shall remain valid and in full force and effect. 4 12. Benefits This agreement is entered into for the benefit of the parties to the agreement only and shall confer no benefits, direct or implied, on any third persons. Dated: CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT N0, 40 BY BY Mayor Chairman of the Board Approved As To Form: Approved As To Form: Roger Lubovich, City Attorney District Attorney 1\74\UM-MF•IItE,ADMIN\PUBLICA\ADMMDoaDise.040TIST 40\rms conmt.doc 5 PPR. 12.2996 10:24RM KENT FIRE DEPT N0.943 P.6i6 APPENDIX A TRAINING OFFICER &ASSOCIATED COSTS 8 MONTHS OF ONGOING COSTS $46,912 YEARLY SALARY-TRNG OFFICER+4% (2000 CONTRACT) S11,728 YEARLY APPROX. BENEFITS @25% $1,300 YEARLY -APPROX APP RESERVE FUND $930 YEARLY-APPROX MAINT. FUND $400 YEARLY-APPROX FUEL $1,333 ONGOING APPROX YEARLY COST OF UNIFORMS $433 ONGOING YEARLY APPROX. COST OF CEL AIR TIME $333 ONGOING YEARLY COST OF TRAINING $8,676 ONGOING APPROX YEARLY COST OF SUPPLIES/OPERATING COSTS (2000 TRNG BUDGET DIVIDED BY#OF KENT CAREER PERSONNEL TIMES#OF DIST. 40 CAREER PERSONNEL) DOES NOT INCLUDE WAGES, BENEFITS, SUBSISTENCE, TRAVEL, REGISTRATION OR UNIFORMS. $64,621 DIVIDED BY 144=448.75 X 29 $533 ONGOING YEARLY COST OF PHYSICAL EXAM $2,687 ONGOING YEARLY COST OF SYMTRON BURN PROP MAINT CONTRACT $24,000 DIVIDED BY 173 TOTAL PERSONNEL= $139 X 29=$4,031 $75,265 �Vw Kent City Council Meeting Date April 18 , 2000 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: 2000 IAC GRANT APPLICATIONS, SUBMITTAL OF RESOLUTIONS - APPROVE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by The Parks Committee, the Parks Director requests that Council approve the submittal of five grant applications to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, per the attached resolutions . The Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) is accepting applications for acquisition and development of park land. Staff has identified the following top-priority projects that are eligible for statewide grant funds : 1 . Green River Greenbelt Gateway - Acquire and develop property 2 . Canterbury Neighborhood Park - Acquire and develop property _ 3 . Clark Lake Park - Acquire and develop property 4 . East Hill Youth Sports Complex #1 - Acquire and develop property 5 . Lake Fenwick Park Boat Launch - Develop property 3 . EXHIBITS: Resolutions 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff and Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6F CITY OF KENT - RESOLUTION # A resolution authorizing application(s) for funding assistance for a Washington Wildlife and Recreation project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) as provided in Chapter 43.98A RCW. WHEREAS, City of Kent has approved a comprehensive Park and Recreation plan for the area that includes the Green River Greenbelt; WHEREAS, under the provisions of Washington Wildlife and Recreation program, state and federal funding assistance has been requested to aid in financing the cost of land and facilities for local public bodies; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent considers it in the best public interest to acquire and develop the Green River Greenbelt Gateway project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Kent of Washington, 1. That the mayor be authorized to make formal application to IAC for funding assistance. 2. That any fund assistance received be used for the development of the Green River Greenbelt Gateway project. 3. That City of Kent anticipates its share of project funding will be derived from donated property from the Boeing Company. 4. City of Kent acknowledges that they must support all non-cash commitments to the local share should they not materialize. 5. City of Kent acknowledges that any property acquired or facility developed with IAC financial aid must be placed in use as an outdoor recreation facility or habitat conservation area and be retained in such use in perpetuity unless otherwise provided and agreed to by City of Kent, IAC, and any affected federal agency. 6. That this resolution becomes part of a formal application to IAC. 7. That City of Kent provided appropriated opportunity for public comment on this application. Adopted by the City of Kent of 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032-5895 at its regular meeting held April 4, 2000. Signed and approved by the Mayor of City of Kent (date) Signed: Attest: Approved as to form: CITY OF KENT - RESOLUTION # A resolution authorizing application(s) for funding assistance for a Washington Wildlife and Recreation project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) as provided in Chapter 43.98A RCW. WHEREAS, City of Kent has approved a comprehensive Park and Recreation plan for the area that includes the East Hill Youth Sports Complex#1; WHEREAS, under the provisions of Washington Wildlife and Recreation program, state and federal funding assistance has been requested to aid in financing the cost of land and facilities for local public bodies; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent considers it in the best public interest to develop the youth ballfields at the East Hill Youth Sports Complex #1 project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Kent of Washington, 1. That the mayor be authorized to make formal application to IAC for funding assistance. 2. That any fund assistance received be used for the development of the East Hill Youth Sports Complex #1 youth ballfield project. 3_ That City of Kent anticipates its share of project funding will be derived from Capital Improvement Program funds, donations, and other local grant programs. 4. City of Kent acknowledges that they must support all non-cash commitments to the local share should they not materialize. 5. City of Kent acknowledges that any property acquired or facility developed with IAC financial aid must be placed in use as an outdoor recreation facility or habitat conservation area and be retained in such use in perpetuity unless otherwise provided and agreed to by City of Kent, IAC, and any affected federal agency. 6. That this resolution becomes part of a formal application to IAC. 7. That City of Kent provided appropriated opportunity for public comment on this application. Adopted by the City of Kent of 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032-5895 at its regular meeting held April 4, 2000. Signed and approved by the Mayor of City of Kent (date) Signed: Attest: Approved as to form: CITY OF KENT RESOLUTION # A resolution authorizing application(s) for funding assistance for a Washington Wildlife and Recreation program project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) as provided in Chapter 43.98A RCW. WHEREAS, City of Kent has approved a Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan for the area that includes Canterbury Neighborhood Park; WHEREAS, under the provisions of Washington Wildlife and Recreation, state and federal funding assistance has been requested to aid in financing the cost of land and facilities for local public bodies; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent considers it in the best public interest to acquire and develop the Canterbury Neighborhood Park area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Kent of Washington, 1. That the mayor be authorized to make formal application to IAC for funding assistance. 2. That any fund assistance received be used for the acquisition and development of the Canterbury Neighborhood Park project. 3. That City of Kent anticipates its share of project funding will be derived from Capital Improvement Program funds. 4. City of Kent acknowledges that they must support all non-cash commitments to the local share should they not materialize. 5. City of Kent acknowledges that any property acquired or facility developed with IAC financial aid must be placed in use as an outdoor recreation facility or habitat conservation area and be retained in such use in perpetuity unless otherwise provided and agreed to by City of Kent, IAC, and any affected federal agency. 6. That this resolution becomes part of a formal application to IAC. 7. That City of Kent provided appropriate opportunity for public comment on this application. Adopted by City of Kent of 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032-5895 at its regular meeting held April 4, 2000. Signed and approved by the Mayor of City of Kent (date) Signed: Attest: Approved as to form: CITY OF KENT - RESOLUTION # A resolution authorizing application(s) for funding assistance for a Washington Wildlife and Recreation project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) as provided in Chapter 43.98A RCW. WHEREAS, City of Kent has approved a comprehensive Park and Recreation plan for the area that includes the Lake Fenwick Park; WHEREAS, under the provisions of Washington Wildlife and Recreation program, state and federal funding assistance has been requested to aid in financing the cost of land and facilities for local public bodies; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent considers it in the best public interest to develop the Lake Fenwick Park boat launch project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Kent of Washington, 1. That the mayor be authorized to make formal application to IAC for funding assistance. 2. That any fund assistance received be used for the development of the Lake Fenwick Park boat launch project. 3. That City of Kent anticipates its share of project funding will be derived from the Gunther Family Trust Donation of Property. 4. City of Kent acknowledges that they must support all non-cash commitments to the local share should they not materialize. 5. City of Kent acknowledges that any property acquired or facility developed with IAC financial aid must be placed in use as an outdoor recreation facility or habitat conservation area and be retained in such use in perpetuity unless otherwise provided and agreed to by City of Kent, IAC, and any affected federal agency. 6. That this resolution becomes part of a formal application to IAC. 7. That City of Kent provided appropriated opportunity for public comment on this application. Adopted by the City of Kent of 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032-5895 at its regular meeting held April 4, 2000. Signed and approved by the Mayor of City of Kent (date) Signed: Attest: Approved as to form: CITY OF KENT - RESOLUTION # _ A resolution authorizing application(s) for funding assistance for Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) as provided in Chapter 43.98A RCW. WHEREAS, City of Kent has approved a Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan for the area that includes Clark Lake Park; WHEREAS, under the provisions of the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program, state and federal funding assistance has been requested to aid in financing the cost of land and facilities for local public bodies; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent considers it in the best public interest to acquire the forty-acre Mordhorst property to further develop the Clark Lake Park area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Kent of Washington, 1. That the mayor be authorized to make formal application to IAC for funding assistance. 2. That any fund assistance received be used for the acquisition of Clark Lake project (Mordhorst property). 3. That City of Kent anticipates its share of project funding will be derived from Capital Improvement Program funds. 4. City of Kent acknowledges that they must support all non-cash commitments to the local share should they not materialize. 5. City of Kent acknowledges that any property acquired or facility developed with IAC financial aid must be placed in use as an outdoor recreation facility or habitat conservation area and be retained in such use in perpetuity unless otherwise provided and agreed to be City of Kent, IAC, and any affected federal agency. 6. That this resolution becomes part of a formal application to IAC. 7. That City of Kent provided appropriate opportunity for public comment on this application. Adopted by the City of Kent of 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032-5895 at its regular meeting held April 4, 2000. Signed and approved by the Mayor of City of Kent: (date) Signed: Attest: Approved as to form: �1/111 W9 Kent City Council Meeting Date April 18 , 2000 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KING COUNTY PUBLIC CULTURAL FACILITIES PROGRAM GRANT - ACCEPT AND AMEND NEELY SOAME HOME BUDGET 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Parks Committee, the Parks Director requests that Council accept the King County Public Art Program Grant and amend the Neely Soames Home budget . Parks Planning and Development staff applied for and received a $38, 000 grant from King County Office of Cultural Resources, Landmarks and Heritage Commission, Public Art Program. The grant will be used to fund the Neely Soames House and Garden Project . 3 . EXHIBITS: Letter of award from King County Office of Cultural Resources 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6G King County Office of Cultural Resources Arts Commission Landmarks and Heritage Program Public An Program 506 Second Avenue,Room 200 Seattle,NA 98103-23 0 7 (206)296-7580 March 28 2000 (206)296-8629 FAX (206)296-7580 V(rDD John M. Hodgson, Parks and Recreation Director City of Kent Parks and Recreation Department 220 4th Avenue S Kent, WA, 98032 Dear Mr. Hodgson: Thank you for applying to the King County Cultural Facilities Program. I am pleased to inform you that the King County Landmarks and Heritage Commission has recommended that the City of Kent Parks and Recreation Department be awarded $38,000 to support the restoration of the Neely Soames House and Garden. This letter serves as preliminary notification only. The Landmarks and Heritage Commission has forwarded its funding recommendations to the King County Council for review and approval. The County Council is expected to act on the recommendation in the next few months. Please refrain from publicly announcing this award until after the Council reviews and approves the recommendations. Once the King County Council approves the project recommendations, you will receive a letter from Executive Ron Sims. At that point, Clo Copass, Heritage Facilities Coordinator will work with you to develop a contract. If you have any questions about the recommendation or the contracting process, please feel free to call Ms. Copass at (206) 296-8682 or by e-mail at On behalf of the King County Landmarks and Heritage Commission, I would like to thank you for the City of Kent Parks and Recreation Department's work as a steward of King County's heritage. By providing opportunities for King County residents and visitors to experience this region's rich history, the City of Kent Parks and Recreation Department contributes much to the cultural vitality of the County, Since Julie . Koler Hist ric Preservation Officer °vY ,° Kent City Council Meeting - Date: April 18 , 2000 Other Business 1 . SUBJECT: Kent Memorial Park Reclamation Art - De-Assess 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The Kent Memorial Park picnic shelter needs to be replaced because it is not seismically sound. The artwork on the walls of the shelter may not be saved. Staff reviewed options to preserve or replace the artwork at the Parks Committee meeting on April 11, 2000 . As recommended by the Parks Committee, the Parks Director requests Council approval to de-assess and direct staff to preserve the artwork on the picnic shelter at Kent Memorial Park, or make an appropriate visual recognition of the project . 3 . EXHIBITS: Pictures will be displayed at the meeting. 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff, Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: YES x NO 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: Unknown at this time SOURCE OF FUNDS: Unknown at this time 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Move to de-assess the reclamation art project at Kent Memorial Park and direct staff to preserve the artwork, or make an appropriate visual recognition of the project . 8 . Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. Kent City Council Meeting Date Aoril 18 , 2000 Category Other Business 1 . SUBJECT: KENT MEMORIAL PARK RECLAMATION ART - DEACCESSION OF ARTWORK 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The Kent Memorial Park picnic shelter needs to be replaced because it is not seismically sound. The artwork on the walls of the shelter may not be saved. Staff reviewed options to preserve or replace the artwork at the Parks Committee meeting on April 11, 2000 . 3 . EXHIBITS: Pictures will be displayed at the meeting 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff and Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds to authorize deaccession of the Rec amation Art Project, accession number 1995 . 13 , at Kent emorial Park. DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 7A i Memo �N w To: Mayor & City Council From: Don Wickstrom Subject: Pacific Highway TIB Grant This item was heard yesterday by the Public Works committee for which they concurred therewith. At that meeting we asked that it also be added to the agenda tonight. We did so because the monies are federal monies and as I mentioned at your retreat the State's obligation authority for same is quickly approaching its cap. Thus by executing this grant agreement as soon as possible assures the money for this project. MOTION: TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE TIB AGREEMENT, AND TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ACCEPT THE GRANT AND ESTABLISH A BUDGET FOR THE FUNDS TO BE SPENT WITHIN SAID ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES AND STAFF A. COUNCIL PRESIDENT B . OPERATIONS COMMITTEE C. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE D. PUBLIC WORKS E. PLANNING COMMITTEE F. PARKS COMMITTEE G. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS REPORTS FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEES CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A. EXECUTIVE SESSION