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City Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 01/05/1999
YMYWr..wur.....w.....,................................................................ ...._....._.,. .........................«...........».«,..,...,.... __..... _ _.................._................. .: Colty of Kent Colt Council MeetingY Agenda CITY OF - T2 i I I� en�',• �u C4 �1 ta"' I Mayor Jim White Counci/members �. Leona Orr, President r Sandy Amodt Connie Epperly f Tom Brotherton Judy Woods Tim Clark Rico Yingling January 5, 1999 Office of the City Clerk ........... ....... ..........._ ........ . CITY OF J_Q„���J.,S SUMMARY AGENDA KENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 5, 1999 Vis"Cv. Council Chambers Mayor Jim White 7 : 00 p.m. MAYOR: Jim White COUNCILMEMBERS : Leona Orr, President Sandy Amodt Tom Brotherton Tim Clark Connie Epperly Judy Woods Rico Yingling 1 . CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE 2 . ROLL CALL 3 . CHANGES TO AGENDA A. FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF B. FROM THE PUBLIC 4 . PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Police Department Accreditation Presentation B . Employee of the Month C. Introduction of Mayor' s Reappointee 5 . PUBLIC HEARINGS None 6 . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes B. Approval of Bills C . Interagency Agreement Regarding 277th Corridor - Authorization D. Ketola Regulatory Review Zoning Code Amendment - Ordinance 3 `f E. Kay Preliminary Plat - Set Meeting Date F . Erin Glade Preliminary Plat - Set Meeting Date G. TM Investment , Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Amendments - Ordinances -:R 4 13 L, tea- :3 H. Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Reappointment - Confirmation I . S . 200th Street Green River Bridge - Accept as Complete J. Fox Ridge Addition No. 1 - Bill of Sale K. Creekside Public Storage - Bill of Sale 7 . OTHER BUSINESS A. E-Mail Design and Implementation Contract g. Kerttvievl 8 . BIDS A. West Hill Skate Park B. Russell Road Park Bleachers 9 . REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES AND STAFF (continued next page) ..... . 4 SUMMARY AGENDA CONTINUED 10 . REPORTS FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEES 11 . CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS 12 EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Property Acquisition B. Labor Negotiations 13 . ADJOURNMENT NOTE : A copy of the full agenda packet is available for perusal in the City Clerk' s Office and the Kent Library. An explanation of the agenda format is given on the back of this page . Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City in advance for more information. For TDD relay service call 1-800-635-9993 or the City of Kent (253) 854-6587 . .................. . .. ..... CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Citizens wishing to address the Council will , at this time, make known the subject of interest, so all may be properly heard. A) FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF B) FROM THE PUBLIC -w. .. ...._.... ._............ ..... PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A) POLICE DEPARTMENT ACCREDITATION PRESENTATION B) EMPLOYEE QOF THE M/LONTH C) INTRODUCTION OF MAYOR' S REAPPOINTEE i i i PUBLIC COMMUNICATION Kent City Council January 5, 1999 KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT SEEKS RE-ACCREDITATION The Kent Police Department is scheduled for an on-site assessment as part of a program to achieve accreditation by verifying it meets professional standards. Administered by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA), the accreditation program requires agencies to comply with state-of-the-art standards in four basic areas: policy and procedures, administration, operation, and support services. As a part of the on-site assessment, agency employees and members of the community are invited to offer comments at a public information session January 25, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. The session will be conducted in the city Council Chambers located at City Hall, 220 4t` Ave. South, Kent, Washington. Agency employees and the public are also invited to offer comments by calling (253) 520-5302 on January 26d between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Comments will be taken by the assessment team. Telephone comments as well as appearance at the public information session are limited to 10 minutes and must address the agency's ability to comply with CALEA's standards. A copy of the standards is available at the Kent Police Department. Local contact is Officer Susan Tourtlotte at (253) 859- 3315. Anyone wishing to submit written comments about the Kent Police Department's ability to comply wit the standards for accreditation may send them to the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement, Inc. (CALEA), 10306 Eaton Place, Suite 320, Fairfax, Virginia, 22030-2201. ............ .. ............... . . a l CONSENT CALENDAR v 6 . City Council Action: Councilmember &AA- moves, Councilmember seconds that Consent Calendar Items A through K be approved. Discussion Action 6A. Approval of Minutes . Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of December 8 , 1998 . 6B. Approval of Bills . No information available due to cancellation of the December 15, 1998 Operations Committee meeting. Council Agenda Item No. 6 A-B Kent , Washington December 8 , 1998 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White . Present : Councilmembers Amodt , Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods, and Yingling, Fire Chief Angelo, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Finance Director Miller, Parks Director Hodgson, and Employee Services Director Viseth. Approximately 45 people were at the meeting. CHANGES TO City Attorney Lubovich asked that an Executive THE AGENDA Session be held dealing with pending litigation, and that Item 7H (TM Investment Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code Amendment) be discussed after the Executive Session. He also requested that Item 8A be added regarding the purchase of carpeting for the Centennial Center. (Kentview) Terry Bowman, 20827 144th Avenue SE, asked that the Kentview P.U.D. be added to the agenda . He explained that the Seattle Motorcycle Club is being displaced by the development and that they would like to stay within the city limits . He also said that the property which has been approved is the last buffer between the old dump and the Cedar River and that toxic waste settles on this and properties near their motocross track. He said he has reason to believe that there are in excess of fifty dump truck loads of a toxic slag which was dumped by Bethlehem Steel Mills in the 1950s . Bowman said the motorcycle club has provided one of the only spots in the state where inner city youth and other groups can participate in an outdoor activity called "Ready to Ride" . He pointed out that their races and hill climbs draw over 1, 000 visitors to the area. Mayor White suggested that Bowman speak with Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom regarding his concerns . Rick HagHster, 4453 S . 170th, SeaTac, agreed that the area needs to be investigated. Orr requested that staff report to Council on this issue. Later in the meeting, ,Tim Anderson said he has questions about Kentview and the reconsideration process . He was referred to Planning Director 1 .......... Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 (Kentview) Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. The City Attorney offered to speak with Anderson after the meeting. PUBLIC Drinking Driver Task Force Presentation. Nancy COMMUNICATIONS Mathews, Drinking Driver Task Force Coordinator, expressed appreciation to the Mayor and Council for their continued support, and introduced members Kevin Ruoff, Rod Blalock, Richard Manoli, and Mary Loll Becvar. She stated that the steering committee recently adopted a letter of recommit- ment . Mike Buckingham then noted that the Task Force has reduced deaths and injuries from impaired driving, and has increased awareness all across South King County. He invited Council- members and the public to attend their conference for youth on December 14, 15 and 16, and added that they have begun equipping officers with knowledge on how to apprehend DUIs . Mayor White said the Task Force is recognized state-wide as a leader in this field. Introduction of Mayor' s Appointees. Mayor White announced his appointments and introduced those in attendance . Employ ew of the Month. Mayor White announced that Jim Vinzant of the Planning Department has been chosen as Employee of the Month for December. He noted that Vinzant knows the intricacies of the federally funded Home Repair Program, and instills a true sense of confidence in the ability of the program. Planning Director Harris said Vinzant is a "can do" person and he appreciates his good attitude and hard work. Home Repair Coordinator Jerri Broeffle said Vinzant has grown as a force in Kent and that many home owners have commended him for his attention to detail, safety and quality of work, as well as his caring attitude. Mayor White presented Vinzant with the Employee of the Month plaque, and expressed appreciation for his hard work. 2 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 CONSENT ORR MOVED for approval of Items A through X, CALENDAR with the exception of Item J which was removed. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of November 17 , 1998 . SEWERS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6U) Kent-Meridian Hiah School Sanitary Sewer Repair. ACCEPT the Kent Meridian High School Sanitary Sewer Repair contract as complete and release retainage to Insituform West, Inc . upon standard releases from the State and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original contract amount was $53 , 855 . 83 . The final construction cost was $46, 481 . 18 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6V) LID 349, S. 223rd Strut Sanitary Sewer. ACCEPT the LID 349 - S . 223rd Street Sanitary Sewer contract as complete and release retainage to Laser Underground upon standard releases from the State and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original contract amount was $284 , 456 . 96 . The final construction cost was $282 , 121 . 55 . PLANNING (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7E) Pacific Heights Final Plat.FSU-96-22 . A final plat application was submitted by Pacific Industries, for the Pacific Heights Final Plat . The City Council approved the preliminary plat with conditions on February 17, 1998 . CLARK MOVED to approve the staff ' s recommendation of approval with conditions of the Pacific Heights Final Plat and authorize the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7F) �.d Mixed Use Development CPA-98-3/ZCA-98-5. In July the Planning Department and the Land Use and Planning Board were asked by the Mayor and City 3 ...... ..... Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 PLANNING Council to consider amendments to mixed use zoning with regard to multi-family residential development in the GC zoning district . The Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing on October 26, and are recommending no change to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code relating to multi-family residential development in mixed use areas . Clark pointed out that there is no recommendation from staff and suggested referring this item to the Public Works and Planning Committee . There was no objection and it was so ordered. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7G) Ketola Regulatory Review ZCA-98-6 . The Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing on November 23 , 1998 , and recommended that the M-2 zoning district be amended to allow dart playing facilities as principally permitted uses . CLARK MOVED to approve the Land Use and Planning Board' s recommendation that the M-2 zoning district be amended to allow dart playing as a principally permitted use and direct the Attorney' s Office to prepare an ordinance . Woods seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7I) T•&Ud Use Fee aghad".a Revisions. The Operations Committee has recommended approval of an updated fee schedule for land use permits and other planning reviews and approvals . The matter was reviewed by the Operations Committee at their November 17 and December 1, 1998, meetings . Diana Nelson of the Planning Department explained that land use fees were first established in 1979 and that the last significant revision to the current fee schedule took place twelve years ago. She added that in March, 1993 , the zoning permit fee was increased from $25 to $32 . She pointed out that the City does not currently charge for a number of permits and services provided to property owners, citizens and developers which 4 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 PLANNING other cities charge for, and said that if the permit applicant does not pay the full cost of processing the permit, local taxpayers pay the remainder of those costs through their taxes . She noted that the Planning Department has studied the costs and time required for processing of permits and fees, and concluded that the current fees do not cover the administrative portion of processing costs, and sometimes not even expenditures for advertising, mailing and Hearing Examiner fees . She explained amendments approved by the Operations Committee to address affordable housing and mixed use buildings . Upon Clark' s question, Nelson explained that advertising of most applications is required by law. She pointed out that advertising can cost up to $1200 each and that the application fee is $500 . She also noted that although costs continue to rise, the fees have not been changed. Brotherton spoke in favor of raising fees to cover costs . Nelson noted for him that the proposed fee schedule will not be 100% fee- supporting on all applications, and that in fact a decision was made to subsidize certain kinds of development such as lot line adjustments and variances for single-family homeowners . She added that in some cases estimates must be made . Upon Brotherton' s question, she stated that the impact on a building permit for a single-family dwelling would be minimal , and that the impact would be in the preliminary plat stages which would increase considerably due to the processing time . Mayor White suggested a yearly update to committees regarding fees . CLARK MOVED to adopt Ordinance No 3434 repealing and revising Section 11 . 03 . 730 of the Kent City Code and repealing Ordinance Nos . 2171, 2178, 2249, 2403 , 2667 and 3098 relating to land use application fees and adopting Resolution No 1524 establishing a new fee schedule for planning and land use applications filed with the City of Kent . Woods seconded. 5 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 PLANNING Amodt said the increases will impact everyone in Kent and will discourage small developers . She urged Councilmembers not to impose the full increase, but to do incremental increases over time, saying that a five-fold increase at one time is not acceptable . She expressed hope that the added staff will expedite the processes for developers who are initially paying for the services and passing the costs along to buyers . Clark said the intent of the proposed ordinance is to bring into alignment what is being done with the cost of doing it . He added that the proposed fee schedule encourages certain types of development , such as those buying a start-up home. He noted that as densities grow greater, a new type of development must be looked at, which this fee schedule does . He urged the Council to support the resolution. Yingling spoke in support of the revisions, _ . noting that a slow permit process can cost thousands of dollars and that developers would not mind paying a little more in fees to save time in the permit process . He said they have found very little negativity from builders on raising the fees if the performance is improved. He was opposed to incremental fees . Upon Epperly' s question, Mayor White noted that an audit is currently being done in the building permit area and recommendations will be made in January. He also noted that three of the positions proposed in the budget are contingent upon this funding mechanism, and that an average of $13 , 000, 000 a month in building permits is being processed. Orr stated that one of the biggest complaints she hears is that the City does not process permits fast enough and that it costs money when projects are delayed, and that during the committee process she did not hear any complaints from developers . She said that processing permits in a timely manner would probably save them money. She spoke in favor of reviewing the fees annually. The motion then carried with Amodt opposed. 6 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 TELECOMMUNI- (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6J) CATIONS (REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK) TCI Meraer with AT&T. The Operations Committee has recommended passage of a resolution approving the proposed merger of TCI and AT&T subject to certain conditions, specifically the AT&T agree- ment that all its cable operations purchased from TCI within the City of Kent will remain subject to the City' s franchise agreement . Clark explained that this merger may result in the expansion of telecommunications services and that the city must be prepared to regulate them. HE THEN MOVED to approve the Operations Committee ' s recommendation to pass Resolution No . 1523 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. LODGING TAX (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6K) Lodcrina Tax. ADOPTION of Ordinance No 3426 levying a special excise tax of one percent (IC for lodging for the purpose of paying all or part of the cost of tourism promotion or tourism- related facilities . PARKS & (BIDS - ITEM 8A) RECREATION Caxmer Purchase for Centennial Center. Through the State Bid Contract, Facilities staff secured pricing from three vendors to purchase replacement carpet for City space in the Centennial Center. DuPont Flooring Systems was the low bidder at $67, 945 . 59 for carpeting and $44 , 393 . 99 for installation, (plus WSST) . Staff is requesting immediate action so that all necessary materials can be ordered for installation in February, 1999 . Parks Director Hodgson explained that the carpeting will be in squares, which are more easily replaced when damaged. WOODS MOVED to authorize entering into agreement with DuPont Flooring Systems for the purchase and installation of carpet for the Centennial Center in the amount of $121, 914 . 45 , including 7 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 PARKS & Washington State Sales Tax. Orr seconded and the RECREATION motion carried. NEWSLETTER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM GE) Kent Reporter/City Newsletter Contract. APPROVAL of and authorization for the Mayor to sign the 1999 Kent Reporter contract for the publication of a monthly City newsletter. At its December 1 , 1998 meeting, the City Council Operations Committee unanimously recommended approval of the contract to publish a one page monthly City newsletter in the Kent Reporter. The newsletter content and layout would be completed in-house . Distribution would be to all Kent households in the incorporated boundary. The expenditure includes the Kent Reporter contract as well operating funds for additional graphics production work and materials . PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6N) .. RECREATION 1999 City Art Plan And Five-Year City Art Plan. ACCEPTANCE of the 1999 City Art Plan and Five- Year City Art Plan for 1999-2003 . In compliance with the general procedures of the City Art Program, Ordinance No. 2552, Kent Arts Commission budgets for all City art program pro- jects are compiled annually. Proposed projects are for 1999-2003 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 60) Arts Commission Membershiv. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3428 amending Section 4 . 02 . 030 of the Kent City Code relating to membership in the City Arts Commission, establishing certain requirements for appointment . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6P) Pets In Parks. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3429 regarding removal of pet waste in City parks . City staff received numerous complaints from citizens relating to dogs off leash and animal feces in parks and on trails . City staff proposes changes to Kent City Code 8 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 PARKS & Section 8 . 03 . 030 requiring pet owners to have RECREATION their pets on a leash and requiring them to clean up after their pets . POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6W) Consolidated Food Management Contract. APPROVAL of and authorization to extend the Consolidated Food Management Contract through December 31 , 1999, as recommended by the Public Safety Committee . The City of Kent Corrections Facility contracts for food services with Consolidated Food Management , Inc . This contract is due to expire on December 31, 1998 . Pursuant to the renewal option, as outlined in Section 11 . 01 of the contract, both parties request to extend the contract for an additional year. The Corrections Facility has been very pleased with the services provided by Consolidated Food Management, Inc. and its staff . There are no wording or payment schedule changes associated with this request and the extension covers the period from January 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999 . (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7J) Bureau of Justice Administration Grant A=lication. In order to receive approximately $250 , 000 in grant application funds, the Kent City Council must first authorize the Police Department to apply for the grant . The deadline for the grant application is December 15, 1998 . EPPERLY MOVED to authorize the Police Department to apply for the Bureau of Justice Administration grant application. Orr seconded and the motion carried. INFORMATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) SERVICES Software Maintenance Contract. APPROVAL of and authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract with CIS for the maintenance of the City' s Finance, Payroll, and Production Management Systems, subject to City Attorney approval of contract documents, as recommended by the Operations Committee . 9 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 INFORMATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) SERVICES Wide Area Network Ecuivment Purchase. APPROVAL of and authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract with Cisco Systems for the purchase of network hardware for wide area networking, subject to City Attorney approval of contract documents, as recommended by the Operations Committee . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) PC Purchase. ACCEPTANCE of the quote of $157, 629 . 90 from Technology Express for the purchase of eighty-seven Hewlett-Packard Pentium II personal computers, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents to complete the purchase, as recommended by the Operations Committee . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) Parks System Software Purchase. APPROVAL of and authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract with Escom Software Services Limited for the purchase of a Parks and Recreation System and Services, subject to City Attorney approval of contract documents, as recommended by the Operations Committee . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through November 16 and paid on November 16 after auditing by the Operations Committee on November 17, 1998 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 11/16/98 208494-208776 $ 675, 309 . 85 11/16/98 208777-209144 2 , 435, 108_.49 $3 , 110, 418 .34 Approval of payment of the bills received through November 30 and paid on November 30 after auditing by the Operations Committee on December 1, 1998 . 10 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date_ Check Numbers Amount 11/30/98 209145-209382 $ 850 , 105 . 30 11/30/98 209383 -209751 1 , 894 , 884 . 32 $2 , 744 , 989 . 62 Approval of checks issued for payroll for November 1 through November 15 and paid on November 20 , 1998 : Date Check Numbers Amount 11/20/98 Checks 231725-232040 $ 246, 381 . 01 11/20/98 Advices 72671-73221 797 , 387 . 49 $1 , 043 , 768 . 50 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) Accounts Receivable Write-Offs. APPROVAL of the write-offs for 1997 past due accounts receivables of $19, 122 . 80, as recommended by the Operations Committee. S%wi (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) Patty Cash/Chance Fund Amendment. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3425 transferring $1, 500 from the Change Fund to the Petty Cash Fund, as recom- mended by the Operations Committee . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6L) Tenant/Facilitylmrovement Budget. APPROVAL of and authorization of tenant improvement budgets totaling $1, 291, 000 with "intent to bond" and reimburse expenditures in Spring of 1999, for Centennial, City Hall and other City facilities, as recommended by the Operations Committee on December 1, 1998 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6M) 1998 Budget Adiustment, ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3427 for the July to December 1998 budget adjustments totaling $16, 729, 927, approval of a line of credit up to $200, 000 to cover housing and community development costs at year-end until they are reimbursed by King County and a line of credit up to $250, 000 to the Riverbend Golf 11 Kent City Council Minutes December 8, 1998 FINANCE Complex as approved by Council on November 3 , 1998 , and as recommended by the Operations Committee at their December 1, 1998 meeting. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEMS 7A-7D) 1999 Budget and Tax Ordinances. City Attorney Lubovich explained that Other Business Item A, the tax levy capacity protection ordinance, preserves the City' s right to make adjustments for urgent need in the future, and that Items B, C & D are interconnected with each other. Finance Director Miller further explained the ordinances . She noted that this is the largest annual budget ever adopted, and it has the smallest property tax increase. She added that the budget contains 47 . 6 new full-time positions, keeping the level at 10 .4%, with a focus on public safety with 6 police positions and 7 fire positions . She noted that if citizens see an increase in their property taxes, it is due to an increase in their assessed valuation or to increases from the school district, county or state. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) 1999 Tax Lew CARacitY Protection. The Operations Committee recommended adoption of an ordinance which states the Council ' s intent to levy an amount equal to inflation as measured by the implicit price deflator of 0 . 85%, but to protect the Council ' s future right to levy the maximum allowable, authorizes a limit factor of 6% over last year' s highest allowable levy. This ordinance requires passage by a supermajority of Council . WOODS MOVED to approve Ordinance No. 3430 protecting the future right of the Council to levy the maximum amount by authorizing a limit factor of 6% over the last year' s highest allowable levy. Epperly seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 12 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 FINANCE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7B) 1999 Tax Increase for Inflation. The Operations Committee has recommended adoption of an ordinance establishing the actual increase in the regular tax levy at a rate equal to inflation as measured by the implicit price deflator, which is 0 . 85% . The amount of the tax increase is $129, 123 in addition to the amounts added for new construction, any increase in state assessed property, annexations, and the refund fund levy. WOODS MOVED to approve Ordinance No . 3431 establishing the regular property tax increase to an amount of $129, 123 , which is equal to the rate of inflation as measured by the implicit price deflator of 0 . 85% . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7C) 1999 Tax Lew. The Operations Committee has recommended adoption of a traditional tax levy ordinance which establishes the actual tax levy in dollar amounts . They recommend a levy of $17, 175, 994 for the General fund levy, and $1, 832, 413 for the Debt Service Funds . WOODS MOVED to approve Ordinance No. 3432 establishing the regular property tax levy of $17, 175, 994 for the General fund and $1, 832 , 413 for the Debt Service funds . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7D) 1999 Budget. The Operations Committee has recommended adoption of the 1999 Operating and Capital Budget . The budget is the Preliminary Budget document plus the technical corrections approved at the December 1, 1998 Operations Committee meeting. The Budget is in balance and includes a 10 percent General Fund reserve of $5, 354 , 412 . WOODS MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3433 adopting the Final 1999 Operating and Capital Budget . Epperly seconded. 13 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 FINANCE Orr thanked the Operations Committee for their efforts and expressed appreciation for the Economic Division Coordinator and 2 additional police officers . Miller explained for her that 3 police officers will be hired in January, 1 in May and 1 in September, and that 2 fire positions will be hired in January, 2 in April and 3 in May. She explained that the dates are coordinated with entry into the Academy. She also explained that the Budget Analyst and Economic Division Coordinator will be hired in January. Orr pointed out that Council has approved a real estate excise tax and urged councilmembers to try to keep a hold-the-line attitude regarding taxes . She said she is generally pleased with the budget, especially the fund to begin acquiring development rights to agricultural land. Yingling thanked Miller and the Finance Department for a readable document, and thanked City staff for creating a pro-family and pro-business budget . Woods also commended all departments for a wonderful job. Mayor White thanked the Council for their work and cooperation. The motion then carried. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6Q) Land Uae And Planainc Board Reavvointments. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s reappointment of Brad Bell, Steve Dowell, and Ron Harmon to continue serving as members of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board. Their new terms will continue until 12/31/2001 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6R) Hum.., Services Cossaission Reavoointments_And A=ointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s re- appointments of Pastor John Jendresen and Melvin Tate to continue serving as members of the Kent Human Services Commission. Their new terms will continue until 1/1/2002 . CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Edna White to serve as a member of the Commission. Ms . White is a long time Kent resident . She is active in Kent Soroptimists and is a past presi- dent . She is a member of the Kent Performing 14 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 APPOINTMENTS Arts Center Board of Directors, serves as a member of the Board of the Southcenter Merchants Association, and is a member of the Kent Chamber of Commerce . Ms . White will replace Dee Moschel , whose term has expired, and she will represent the Service Clubs category. Her new term will continue until 1/1/2002 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6S) Drinking Driver Task Force Reappointments And Appointments. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s re- appointment of Rod Blalock and Peter Mourer to continue serving as members of the Kent Drinking Driver Task Force . Their new terms will continue until 1/1/2002 . CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Richard Manoli to serve as a Task Force member. Mr. Manoli is employed by the Washington State Liquor Control Board and is Acting Director of the Kent office . He will replace Jim Sawyers whose term expired. Mr. Manoli ' s new term will continue until 1/1/2002 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6T) Regional Justice Center Citizens Advisory Committee Reappoint=nt. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s reappointment of Don Villeneuve to continue serving as a member of the RJC Citizens Advisory Committee . His new term will continue until 1/1/2001 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6X) Bicycle Board Anointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s reappointment of Robert Hoffman and Steve Babbitt to continue serving as members of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board. Their new terms will continue until 12/31/2000 . REPORTS Council President. Orr thanked citizens for their participation, staff for their support, and her colleagues for making her first year as Council President an enjoyable one . She wished everyone a happy holiday season. 15 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 REPORTS Operations Committee. Woods noted that the next meeting will be on January 5 , 1999, at 3 : 30 p .m. Public Safety Committee. Epperly announced that there will not be a committee meeting this month and that timing will be reviewed in January. She noted that donations are still being accepted for Senior Cheer baskets at the Police station and Toys for Joy at the Fire stations . Public Works/Planning Committee. Clark announced that the committee will not meet again in December, and that the second meeting in January will be held on Wednesday, January 20th due to the holiday on the 18th. He also noted that a letter from six of the councilmembers regarding the National Bible Week proclamation is being forwarded to the press, and that the letter states that the Mayor' s actions do not reflect the position of the City Council and the Council does not believe it is the job of the City to promote any particular religious text . Amodt later stated that she did not sign the letter because the Bible is not a church and is therefore not in conflict with the separation of church and state. She supported the Mayor in proclaiming Bible Week. Parks Committee. Woods noted that the committee will meet at 4 : 30 p.m. on January 19, 1999 . EXECUTIVE At 8 : 32 p.m. , City Attorney Lubovich reminded SESSION the Council of an executive session of approximately 10-15 minutes . The meeting then recessed. The meeting reconvened at 8 : 50 p.m. PLANNING (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7H) TM Investment Commrohensive Plan and Zoning amendment. The Land Use and Planning Board approved a comprehensive plan and zoning amendment for TM Investment during its 1997 annual comprehensive plan and zone amendment process . The approval was granted on the condition that the owner deed a portion of the 16 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 PLANNING property as a public right-of-way for the widening and improvement of 116th Avenue SE and Kent-Kangley Road. On January 20 , 1998 , the City Council approved the Land Use and Planning Board' s recommendation subject to adoption of the necessary ordinances; however, on February 3 , 1998 , at the request of the applicant, this matter was pulled from the ordinances with the understanding that it would be submitted to the Council at a later date following fulfillment of the condition to approval . As of this date, the condition has not been fulfilled. Staff is asking that the City Council consider and deem the application expired for failure to fulfill the condition of approval . CLARK MOVED to confirm the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezone requested by TM Investments, Inc . (CPA-97-3 (E) and CPZ-97-5) , so long as the owner files with an escrow agent suitable to both parties by 3 : 00 p.m. on December 14 , 1998 , a fully executed Quitclaim Deed that will transfer all necessary property on the TM Investment property for use as City Right-of-Way; but the selected escrow agent shall be given instructions to record the Quitclaim Deed upon passage of the ordinance finalizing the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezone; however, should TM Investments, Inc. fail to provide the fully executed original deed to the escrow agent by the time stated above, then TM Investments, Inc . ' s Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezone shall be deemed expired and fully terminated; AND to authorize the City Attorney to execute a stipulated dismissal of its eminent domain proceeding against TM Investments, Inc . that includes the following conditions : 1 . The City will obtain a lot line adjustment acceptable to the parties that combines that portion of lots 59 and 60 of the subdivision of Lindental , (King County Recording #9112241094 , recorded on December 24, 1991, in volume 159 of 17 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 PLANNING Plats at pages 33 through 40) lying north of the centerline of the Natural Growth Protection Easement with all of lot 62 of that same Lindental subdivision, subject to necessary slope and utility easements for the City' s South 277th Street Corridor right-of-way, and all subject to a final legal description satisfactory to both parties . 2 . TM Investments will pay the City Thirty Thousand dollars upon completion of the City' s lot line adjustment upon the condition that the City quitclaim all its interest in the above- described property to TM Investments , Inc . 3 . The City will allow construction of driveways with attendant lane-turning movements on the site as previously discussed, subject to the agreement of both parties . 4 . Without limiting the discretionary functions of the Land Use and Planning Board or the City Council, the Public Works Department is authorized to support the rezone of the above- described property to a Neighborhood Community Commercial zoning designation. Woods seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8 : 55 p.m. Brenda J r, CMC City Clerk 18 ....._ . Kent City Council Meeting Date January S . 1999 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT REGARDING 277TH CORRIDOR - AUTHORIZATION 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorize the Mayor to sign the proposed interagency agreement with Auburn regarding the 277th Corridor Project . This agreement clarifies and allocates the various obligations between the cities of Auburn and Kent for the remainder of Kent ' s 277th Corridor Project and for Auburn' s proposed 277th St . Project (Auburn Way North to West Valley Highway) . The Agreement addresses environmental and future development impacts and mitigation, controls future access to the projects, specifies boundaries to integrate and control traffic signalization, allocates obligations for future roadway expansion, and establishes payment responsibility. 3 . EXHIBITS: Agreement 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works/Planning Committee and Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT• NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6C INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT REGARDING 277TH CORRIDOR ROADWAY THIS INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT is entered into between the City of Kent, a Washington Municipal Corporation, located and doing business at 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032 ("Kent")and the City of Auburn, a Washington Municipal Corporation, located and doing business at 25 West Main Street, Auburn, Washington 98001 ("Auburn"). RECITALS 277TH STREET CORRIDOR CONSTRUCTION AND FUNDING ISSUES WHEREAS, Kent is in the process of designing and constructing a roadway improvement project, commonly known as the SE 277th Corridor Project, which commences generally from the intersection of SE 277th Street and 83rd Avenue S. (a/k/a East Valley Road or Central Avenue or Auburn Way North) and runs generally east across the Green River,then along SE 274th Street in Kent, and then north along 116th Avenue SE and terminating at Kent-Kangley Road in Kent; and WHEREAS, the City has taken substantial steps to complete this 277th Corridor Project, including thorough environmental review under the State Environmental Policy Act("SEPA"),with mitigating conditions,together with further review from the Army Corps of Engineers, the State's Shoreline Management Act, and the Metropolitan King County Council (for right-of-way establishment); and WHEREAS, Kent is now completing its final design for this project and has made significant progress toward completion of construction of the project's Green River Bridge, 108' Avenue SE Bridge, and all planned road grading; and WHEREAS,upon completion,Kent intends to open this roadway as a three-lane arterial with curb, gutter, sidewalks, street lighting,landscaping and storm drainage,together with a bicycle path, all of which is also designed for subsequent expansion to a five-lane arterial,complemented with the same facilities; and L.! 277TH AUBURN/KENT INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT--Page 1 of 9 WHEREAS, Auburn similarly intends to construct an extension of the 277th Street Corridor Project from the westerly terminus of the City's project west over both railroad mainlines, over SR 167, and then to terminate at SR 181 (wk/a West Valley Highway); and WHEREAS, Auburn has commenced environmental review and design on its project; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent,as the lead agency on its SE 277th Street Corridor Project,will be responsible to obtain funding and to construct its project; and WHEREAS, Auburn, as the lead agency on its project will be responsible to obtain funding and to construct its project; and WHEREAS, both cities desire to work together for the mutual and overall benefit of these 277th Street road improvement projects; and WHEREAS, that portion of Kent's project that lies between 83rd Avenue South and the Green River abuts, along its southerly margin, properties located within Auburn's corporate boundaries; and WHEREAS, portions of Auburn's project abut properties located within Kent's corporate boundaries; and WHEREAS, because certain property owners who may annex to Kent in the future will benefit from Auburn's construction of its project and because certain property owners in Auburn will benefit from Kent's construction of its project, it is appropriate for both cities to cooperate with each other to create a funding device, either through a Local Improvement District ("LID"), direct contribution, or other payback method, to require those property owners in each jurisdiction that benefit from the other jurisdiction's road improvements to compensate these cities for the benefits they receive; and WHEREAS,Kent, in cooperation with Auburn, desires to form an LID or other development payback agreement to assess those property owners who may annex to Kent in the future and who will benefit from Auburn's construction of its 277th Street Corridor Project, with the intention to pass through that income to Auburn so that Auburn can fully and fairly fund its roadway project; and WHEREAS, Auburn, in cooperation with Kent, desires to form an LID, direct contribution program, or development payback agreement to assess those property owners in Auburn who will benefit from Kent's construction of its 277th Street Corridor Project,and to pass through that income 277TH AUBURN/KENT INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT--Page 2 of 9 to Kent so that Kent can fully and fairly fund its roadway project; and r✓ NOW, THEREFORE, Kent and Auburn hereby agree as follows: AGREEMENT A. KENT'S 277TH STREET CORRIDOR PROJECT 1. The City of Kent will continue to obtain permits,to design,and to build its proposed 277th Street Corridor Project as a three-lane arterial (designed for expansion to a five-lane arterial) with curb, gutter, sidewalks, storm drainage, landscaping, street lighting and bicycle path facilities. 2. From Auburn Way North to a point 500 feet west of the Green River, Kent's initial three-lane construction shall lie across the northerly three lanes of the proposed five-lane roadway system. 3. Kent will remain responsible for the overall design, construction and completion of its project as the lead agency. 4. Kent will obtain all necessary funding for the entire cost of constructing its portion of the 277th Street Corridor Project from a point 500 feet west of the Green River east to its current terminus at SR 516(Kent-Kangley Road), including the cost of constructing a five-lane bridge over the Green River, the cost of two ramps connecting 108' Avenue SE, and the cost of a separate pedestrian trail bridge over the Green River. 5. Of the five lanes planned for Kent's 277th roadway Corridor Project, Kent will be responsible to obtain funding for the northerly three lanes, including pertinent facilities, from a point 500 feet west of the west bank of the Green River and continuing to the Project's western terminus at Auburn Way North. 6. Of the five lanes planned for Kent's final 277th Corridor Project, Auburn will fund Kent's construction cost through an LID,developer agreement, or by directly funding the southerly two lanes of Kent's 277th Corridor Project, including curb, gutter, storm drainage, street lighting, sidewalk,bicycle trail,utilities and other necessary improvements, from a point 500 feet west of the west bank of the Green River and west to the roadway's intersection with Auburn Way North. <✓ 277TH AUBURN/KENT INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT--Page 3 of 9 7. Since Kent's 277th Corridor Project shall initially be constructed as a three-lane roadway in the Green River Valley portion, Kent will include interim intersection improvements to the existing Auburn Way North intersection to accommodate Kent's improvements and the Auburn construction phase (which will include the full intersection improvement). 8. Since this project is intended as an east/west arterial corridor, future roadway connections from Auburn will be limited to "I" Street NE and "D" Street NE. Existing driveways (such as the drive-in theater access) would be allowed to continue as, essentially, legal nonconforming uses until the properties are redeveloped. Upon redevelopment, Auburn will require that these driveway accesses be eliminated. If the new development along these properties requires signal improvements to "I" and "D" Streets,Auburn shall require that the development costs of these signal improvements be born by the developers. 9. Local, county, and state Growth Management Policies currently encourage annexation of the areas north of Kent and Auburn's 277th Corridor Projects to the City of Kent. If this occurs, Kent and Auburn will cooperate to place the north edge of the road alignment west of the future I Street NE intersection as Kent's southern corporate boundary and to place the entire road alignment west of the future I Street NE intersection within Auburn!s northern boundary. The area `y east of the future I Street NE intersection and north of the South 277' Street boundary shall be placed within Kent's planned future corporate boundary. The I Street NE full intersection shall be within Auburn's corporate boundary. B. AUBURN'S 277TH STREET CORRIDOR PROJECT 1. The City of Auburn will continue to obtain permits, to design, and to construct its proposed 277th Street Corridor Project with curb, gutter, sidewalks, storm drainage, landscaping, street lighting and bicycle path facilities. 2. Auburn will fund the entire cost of constructing its 277th Street Corridor Project, which shall extend from the western terminus of Kent's corridor project, at the east edge of the intersection of SE 277th Street and 83rd Avenue South(a/k/a East Valley Road or Auburn Way N. or Central Avenue), then west over the Union Pacific and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad 277TH AUBURN/KENT INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT—Page 4 of 9 ` mainlines , then over SR 167 to terminate at the intersection with SR 181 (West Valley Highway). Auburn's project will also include, at Auburn's cost, permanent intersection improvements for the five-lane roadway at Auburn Way North. 3. Auburn will remain responsible for the overall construction of its project as the lead agency. 4. Of the five lanes planned for Auburn's final 277th Corridor Project, Auburn will be responsible to obtain funding for all roadway improvements, including pertinent facilities, storm drainage, and the bicycle trail. 5. If the land area between the Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad mainline right-of-ways, which is currently part of unincorporated King County and is zoned for agricultural use, becomes annexed to Kent and is upzoned from its present agricultural zoning designation,then Kent will only allow the development proposed for that property to connect to the relocated 78' Avenue South. 6. Since Auburn's project is also intended as an east/west arterial corridor, future roadway connections from Kent will be limited. Existing driveways would be allowed to continue as, essentially, legal nonconforming uses until the properties are redeveloped. Upon redevelopment, Kent will require that these driveway accesses be eliminated. C. 277TH STREET CORRIDOR PROJECT FUND CONTRIBUTION FROM ADJOINING JURISDICTION 1. The City of Auburn, shall be responsible, either through an LID, direct contribution or other development payback method, for funding the south two lanes of Kent's proposed 277th Street Corridor five-lane facility between a point 500 feet west of the west bank of the Green River on the east and the intersection with Auburn Way on the west. The total amount shall include funding for all appurtenant facilities including curb, gutter,sidewalks,street lighting,storm drainage, bicycle path and, if applicable, water, sewer and other utilities. 2. Auburn will require those persons or entities applying to develop properties adjacent to the southern margin of Kent's 277th Corridor Project lying west of the Green River to dedicate the necessary right-of-way for roadway and bicycle path improvements as a condition of development of those properties. ., ,/ 277TH AUBURN/KENT INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT—Page 5 of 9 3. If the property between the Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Railroads north of 2771h is annexed into Kent, Kent will require those persons or entities applying to develop w properties adjacent to the northern margin of Auburn's 277th Corridor Project to dedicate the necessary right-of-way for roadway and, if applicable, bicycle path improvements as a condition of development of those properties. Any assessments or payments for the 277`h roadway project that could be issued against these properties, either via an LID or SEPA mitigation agreement, will be paid to Auburn. D. AUBURN AND KENT'S OBLIGATIONS REGARDING PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION OF NECESSARY RIGHT OF WAY. 1. Auburn shall attempt to purchase all of the remaining right of way needed for the South 277'h Street project from I Street NE west, including right of way that is within the City of Kent. 2. Auburn shall work with the affected property owners to maintain a cooperative spirit in the negotiations for right of way acquisition. 3. Auburn shall follow all applicable state and federal guidelines for acquiring right of way. 4. Auburn shall notify Kent of each offer made to property owners within the Kent city limits. 5. Auburn shall make, at a minimum,three written offers to any property owner within Kent's city limits whose property is necessary for the project. Auburn shall, at its own discretion, make additional offers beyond this third offer if Auburn determines that doing so is in the best interests of Auburn. 6. Auburn shall notify Kent in writing after their final pre-condemnation offer has been rejected by any property owner within Kent's city limits. This notification shall include: (a) Documentation of all offers made to the property owner; (b) Appraisals of the property; (c) A copy of the King County right of way establishment documentation; and 277TH AUBURN/KENT INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT--Page 6 of 9 (d) Upon request from Kent, Auburn shall furnish any other project documentation necessary to support Kent's condemnation of this property in an expeditious manner. 7. Upon receipt of a notice that Auburn's final pre-condemnation offer to a property owner within Kent's city limits has been rejected, Kent will expeditiously commence condemnation procedures on Auburn's behalf. 8. Concurrent with sending Kent the notice that the final pre-condemnation offer has been rejected by the property owner, Auburn shall deliver to the property owner a final offer, which will not be less than the final pre-condemnation offer, and which will remain in effect throughout the condemnation procedure. Auburn will immediately inform Kent of any action taken by the property owner accepting this offer. 9. Once condemnation procedures are commenced against any property owner, Auburn will discontinue direct communication with the property owners involved, unless authorized to do so by Kent. 10. Once condemnation procedures are commenced,Kent shall expeditiously pursue such condemnation without delay. Kent shall only discontinue such condemnation procedures at the request of Auburn, and such request will be made for only one of two reasons: that the property owner accepts Auburn's final offer or the project is cancelled. E. MISCELLANEOUS i. Termination. This agreement shall terminate on the date that the parties have completed construction of each of their 277th Corridor Projects, including construction of the sewer facility referenced in this agreement, if the affected parties determine that constructing the sewer facility is appropriate. 2. Governing Law. This agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If any dispute arises between the cities under any of the provisions of this agreement, resolution of that dispute shall be available only through the jurisdiction, venue and rules of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington. 111..d 277TH AUBURN/KENT INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT--Page 7 of 9 ............ . 3. Modification. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of each city. 4. Severability. If any one or more sections, subsections or sentences of this agreement are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, that decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this agreement and the remainder shall remain in full force and effect. 5. Entire Aueement. Written provisions and terms of this agreement, together with any attached exhibits, supersede all prior verbal statements by any representative of either city, and those statements shall not be construed as forming a part of or altering in any manner this agreement. This agreement and any attached exhibits contain the entire agreement between the parties. Should any language in any exhibit to this agreement conflict with any language contained in this agreement, the terms of this agreement shall prevail THE CITY OF KENT THE CITY OF AUBURN JIM WHITE, MAYOR CHARLES BOOTH,MAYOR APPROVED BY KENT CITY COUNCIL MOTION ON , 199_ APPROVED BY AUBURN CITY COUNCIL MOTION ON 199_ ATTEST: ATTEST: (SEAL) (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER DANIELLE DASKUM KENT CITY CLERK AUBURN CITY CLERK 277TH AUBURN/KENT INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT—Page 8 of 9 APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH MICHAEL J. REYNOLDS KENT CITY ATTORNEY AUBURN CITY ATTORNEY P:\Civil\FILES\0307\277THAGR.K&A2.dm `r0 �+ 277TH AUBURN/KENT INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT--Page 9 of 9 -io I iiff�`l Oki mmmrsr oclkllkilllc�, %� —li A I im ac CIO Kent City Council Meeting Date January 5 , 1999 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KETOLA REGULATORY REVIEW ZONING CODE AMENDMENT ZCA-98-6 - ORDINANCE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adoption of Ordinance No. '3436' amending the M-2 zoning district to allow dart playing facilities as principally permitted uses, as approved by the Council on December 8 , 1998 . 3 . EXHIBITS: Ordinance 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: City Council (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6D ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Chapter 15.04 of the Kent City Code to allow dart playing facilities in the M-2 (limited industrial) zoning district. I WHEREAS, on November 1, 1998, an applicant submitted a request for a zoning code amendment to authorize the use of dart playing facilities in the M-2 (limited industrial) zoning district; and WHEREAS, on November 23, 1998, the Land Use& Planning Board held a public hearing on Regulatory Review Request No. ZCA-98-6; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing,the Land Use&Planning Board voted to recommend amendment to Chapter 15.04 of the Kent Zoning Code to authorize dart playing facilities in the M-2 zoning district; and WHEREAS, on December 8, 1998, the Kent City Council considered the recommendation of the Land Use & Planning Board and voted to approve the same;NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON,DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 15.04.110 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.04.110. Cultural,Entertainment and Recreation Land Uses. Zonarg Owliets Key P■PrineipsPy Permitted Uses S■Special Uses = C■Conditional Uses A!Accessory Uses 5S U C T m C" W WI W a 5 5 N n Q G y y N y l�/I L i Z U G 8 U U CUD 0 AR WAWke and WAIN P P(i) P P P P P P(1) Hlalork sad mono me t eNr P P N&mnwA*prdaarp worts hrdltlr; P P(!) P P P P P P(2) C aver;NNOwh ae ad WhIOorr hak, d o*q rWW crrurrunay dubs;adrklc ekes;norrlbn canters;Nuatars (eedadhrg sehoel hellNeal Publo sesso y lauldork Fdrgmunds P P and aeanrsesrt pert;tsrrk comb; WAsse NMda;a iomm set go-cart Win;dde►MtbsaMe 11G Opus*mow Csmetafr,Arks, C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C P(3) P P C C C C C C C C C C phggreesds,gslteewar snd agar C C C rersagoe IWIMIss,kbkrdkq buN I - or MOM b"bysereereaWnsraes L A A A A Prlsab dribs,Mlrnal bdgse,ata C C C C I C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Reaesdoed whlde parfa I C P Aeerrry ear mfi holdings A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A aalenrarey apprnMeant to a psnnNtsd we RMUtiMd tarMM In MHP A SECTION 2. - Severabilitv. If any one or more sections, subsections, or �► sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after the date of passage and publication as provided by law. JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of ) 1999. APPROVED: day of 21999. PUBLISHED: day of , 1999. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P'.\CivilWrdinw"\dw ord.dw ............... .. i Kent City Council Meeting Date January 5 , 1999 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KAY PRELIMINARY PLAT SU-98-10 - SET MEETING DATE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Set January 19, 1999, as the date for a public meeting to consider the Hearing Examiner ' s recommenda- tion of approval with conditions for the application of Kay Preliminary Plat by Tom O' Connor. 3 . EXHIBITS• None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Hearing Examiner (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6E .......... .... !I Kent City Council Meeting r; Date January 5 , 1999 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: ERIN GLADE PRELIMINARY PLAT SU-98-6 - SET MEETING DATE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Set January 19, 1999, as the date for a public meeting to consider the Hearing Examiner ' s recommenda- tion of approval with conditions for the application of Erin Glade Preliminary Plat by Shamrock Development Corp. 3 . EXHIBITS• None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Hearing Examiner (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6F ..Y... ..................._.... ....... . .. �............._ . _.._. e Kent City Council Meeting ` . Date January 5 , 1999 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: TM INVESTMENT, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING AMENDMENTS - ORDINANCES 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adoption of Ordinance No. 37b and ial relating to TM Investment Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Amendments, as approved by Council motion at its last regular meeting. The Applicant has met the condition for rezone (dedicating necessary right-of-way) , so it is now appropriate to complete the comprehensive plan amendments and rezone approved by the Land Use Planing Board and Council . v 3 . EXHIBITS: Ordinances 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Land Use Planning Board Council 12/8/98 (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT• NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6G ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan to change the plan's land use map designation on property located at 11605 Kent-Kangley Road from SF-6(single-family, 6 units per acre)to a land use plan designation of C (commercial) (CPA-97-3(E)): WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act ("GMA") requires internal consistency among comprehensive plan elements in the zoning map; and WHEREA%to assure that comprehensive plans remain relevant and up-to- date,the GMA requires each jurisdiction to establish procedures whereby amendments to the plan are considered by the City Council(RCW 36.70A.130(2)), and limits amendments to once each year unless an emergency exists; and WHEREAS,the City of Kent has established a procedure for amending the comprehensive plan set forth in Chapter 12.02 of the Kent City Code which sets a deadline of September 1 of each year for acceptance of comprehensive plan amendments; and WHEREAS,by September 1, 1997,the City received applications to amend e comprehensive plan's land use plan map designation;and WHEREAS, on November 24, 1997, the Land Use & Planning Board approved a comprehensive plan and zoning amendment for the applicant TM Investment during its annual comprehensive plan and zone amendment process(CPA 97-3(E)); and `„„► 1 WHEREAS,the approval was granted on the condition that the owner deed a portion of the property as a public right of way for the widening and improvement of 116'b Avenue SE and Kent-Kangley Road; and WHEREAS,on January 20, 1998,the City Council approved the Land Use & Planning Board's recommendation subject to adoption of the necessary ordinances; and WHEREAS,on February 3, 1998,at the next regular city council meeting, the applicant requested that the matter be pulled from the ordinances adopting the 1997 annual comprehensive plan and zoning map amendments with the understanding that the matter would be submitted to the City Council at a later date following fulfillment of the condition of approval to rezone(i.e., dedication of the necessary public right-of-way); and WHEREAS,the matter was unresolved for nearly a year until December 8, 1998, at which time a fully executed quit claim deed was submitted transferring all the necessary property for use as City right-of-way in fulfillment of the condition of rezone; and WHEREAS, on December 8, 1998, the City Council for the City of Kent approved the Land Use&Planning Board's 1997 recommendation on comprehensive plan amendment CPA-97-3(E)to amend the comprehensive plan designation of property located at 11605 Kent-Kangley Road from an existing plan designation of SF-6 (single-family,six units per acre) to a comprehensive plan designation of C (commercial); NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON,DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ,SECTION 1. The City of Kent comprehensive plan adopted by Ordinance o. 3222,as subsequently amended,is hereby amended to establish a new plan designation 2 '. for the following parcel: For the property consisting of approximately 2.08 acres at 11605 Kent-Kangley Road,Kent, Washington from a plan designation of SF-6 (single-family, 6 units per acre)to a new plan designation of C(commercial)as depicted in the map attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. (CPA-97-3(E)). SECTION 2. -Severabilitv. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five(5)days from and after the date of passage and publication as provided by law. JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of ) 1999. PROVED: day of 91999. PUBLISHED: day of _, 1999. <...� 3 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P-.Wj%j l3n inw4eNcomp PiN tm invaLord.doc A7 \V' 4 a ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Zoning Code to change the zoning designation for property located at 11605 Kent-Kangley Road from a zoning designation of SR-6 (single-family, 6.05 units per acre)to a zoning designation of NCC (neighborhood convenience commercial) (CPZ-97-5). WHEREAS, pursuant to the Washington Growth Management Act ("GMA"),the City of Kent accepts applications for comprehensive plan amendments once each year; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent received application no CPZ-97-5 in September of 1997 as part of its annual comprehensive plan and zoning amendments; and WHEREAS, application CPZ-97-5 requested an amendment from an existing zoning designation of SR-6 (single-family residential, 6.05 units per acre) to a zoning designation of NCC (neighborhood convenience commercial) and to correspondingly amend the zoning map designation of said parcel; and WHEREAS, on November 24, 1997, the Land Use&Planning Board held a public hearing on the proposed comprehensive plan and zoning map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent Land Use and Planning Board reviewed the proposed amendment, took public testimony, and moved to recommend approval of the comprehensive plan amendment CPA-97-3(E) and the corresponding zoning map amendment CPZ-97-5 subject to the condition that the owner deed a portion of the property � 1 as public right-of-way for widening and improvement of the 116" Avenue SE and Kent Kangley Road; and WHEREAS, on January 20, 1998, the City Council approved the Land Use & Planning Board's recommendation subject to adoption of the necessary ordinance; and WHEREAS, on February 3, 1998, at the next regular city council meeting, the applicant requested that the matter be pulled from the 1997 annual comprehensive plan and zoning map amendments with the understanding that it would be submitted to the City Council at a later date following fulfillment of the condition of approval to rezone; and WHEREAS,the condition was not fulfilled until December 8, 1998;NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON,DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City of Kent zoning map is hereby amended to establish a new zoning map designation for the property consisting of approximately 2.08 acres located at 11605 Kent-Kangley Road,Kent, Washington from a zoning designation of SR-6 (single-family residential, 6.05 units per acre) to NCC (neighborhood convenience commercial) and as depicted in the attached Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference (CPZ-97-5). SECTION Z - Severability. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in �,,.✓ force five (5)days from and after the date of passage and publication as provided by law. JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST: I BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK t APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of , 1999. APPROVED: day of . 1999. PUBLISHED: day of 1999. `✓ I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P kCivil\Ordinu� zc ning map mvm ord.d= ti, , 3 City of Kent - Planning Department IU Em .0013 ` C3 yj�y�'9r ST. s r•� J: J \ 'tJ ' 1.6 ~ , J APPLICATION NAME: T.M. Investments NUMBER: #CPZ-97-5 DATE: November 24, 1997 REQUEST: Comprehensive Plan Zoning LEGEND /�► Application site IV - Zoning boundary City limits rrrTrrrr- Kent City Council Meeting Date January 5 , 1999 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KENT BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD REAPPOINTMENT - CONFIRMATION 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Confirmation of the Mayor' s reappoint- ment of Robert Brehm to continue serving as a member of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board. His new term will continue until 12/31/2000 . y, 3 . EXHIBITS: Memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor White (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6H a✓ MEMORANDUM TO: LEONA ORR, CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: MAYOR JIM WHIT DATE: DECEMBER 21, 1998 SUBJECT: REAPPOINTMENT TO KENT BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD I have reappointed Robert Brehm to continue serving as a member of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board. His new term will continue until 12/31/2000. I submit this for your confirmation. r..� JW:jb Kent City Council Meeting Date January 5 , 1999 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: S . 200TH STREET GREEN RIVER BRIDGE - ACCEPT AS COMPLETE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Director, accept the S . 200th Street Green River Bridge contract as complete and release retainage to Mowat Construction upon standard releases from the State, and release of any liens . The original contract amount was $2 , 698, 855 . 77 . The final construction cost was $2 , 685, 628 . 11 . 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT• NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6I I IMMYYYyY.x.,......................... .. Kent City Council Meeting Date January 5 , 1999 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: FOX RIDGE ADDITION NO. 1 - BILL OF SALE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Director, acceptance of the bill of sale for Fox Ridge Addition #1 submitted by Lakeridge Development Inc . for continuous operation and maintenance of 310 feet of watermain, 292 feet of sanitary sewer, 320 feet of street improvements and 333 feet of storm sewers, and release of bonds after expiration period. The project is located at 119th Avenue Southeast & Southeast 269th Street . 3 . EXHIBITS: Vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT• NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: u' ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6J Ln to rA4 H16Et s €€ Y HOET f^r +tx Rua HLM FE C%l W 9tz �� 3S AV eisct '3s AY HL9CT c9 r CVJ < ^IV i N FF Lai MMi�fI {/1 '+Nf70 Vl N 3S y A bN w 3S aft "" m �g " 15ictN Yr s , *� }}finn 35 AYd b t ti U uezt as AV v�`ri2Gi Hl�ZR AV SE 6y G 35 AV H18ZI bt Lc et LL �� SE dr ' t tz6 " LL Z ti 'b ti g' l 5E is �Ia O F 3n0 AA{y�351d�p1Z[ _ Lt�11�iy,, y h00OtZ t of 1�HL ZI AY IBII it flY RLY[.L v~i t ; 35 tx fi t. rtl u 2 W NRa AV Zt 3s AV ONEzr� r2 r st «.� p N r Ae cc 3s Id lstzt 3s 3s a $ s b 3S AY eai eat N W id b) a lL 3 AY KWIT to C a y N id N H 3S ic t �{ kK N AY HILTT u 3S Id t w T 3S' ld H19TT W io tH H; AY' HLM 3S AY t 0 3 liY As ! 3s y Hattt �� 1�1�N5� o Hl t S� 5E atot 3S AV IEt 3S AY KOT s A 3S � A f1L�80i `35 Y HLO DT N 3S AY "OT N LO fo s OW •sag sewoyl L86t* —W Fox Ridge Addition #1 .r -_ .................._ ................. _ . 'ill Kent City Council Meeting Date January 5 , 1999 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: CREEKSIDE PUBLIC STORAGE - BILL OF SALE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Director, acceptance of the bill of sale for Creekside Public Storage submitted by Public Storage Inc . for continuous operation and maintenance of 650 feet of watermain, 230 feet of street improvements and 15 feet of storm sewers, and release of bonds after expiration period. The project is located at 7421 S . 180th Street . 3 . EXHIBITS: Vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: �.. ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6K I� N } 5 4 8 LM Y "M . CO in F N Y ; i t : iyw IN 't E 5 ` F- viN N Ooi ! Q Z S ± a Ad A cn � S a l'' W xY.. HLU9 N. y. S AYE N tn CL CD F n rf V HILL �+ H F} Id HJSL "' 76TM AV ff'� ai L ) S AM W x ' LA N AY � I ve lee rA N 4 .yy]FY Ye t E I Sd s Av t; iAV H V9 s eyy 'sajg sewoyl 16640 �'—�—� Creeks i de Public Storage IT" ""... ................. . . Kent City Council Meeting -- Date January 5 , 1999 Category Other Business 1 . SUBJECT: E-MAIL DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION CONTRACT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: One of the objectives of the Technology Plan was to provide the City with a modern e-mail system. The purpose of this contract is to retain the services of a consulting firm to design and implement a new e-mail system for the city. 3 . EXHIBITS: Memo from Director of Information Services to Operations Committee; memo to OPS Committee and contract sample 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $201, 600 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Technology Plan 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember 0"4b moves, Councilmember SAlyl seconds authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Sarcom (Novagres) for the design and implementation of Microsoft Exchange . DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 7A Date: December 22, 1999 To: Council Operations Committee From: Marty Mulholland, Director of Information Services�V CC: Brent McFall, Director of Operations Re: Request: E-mail Contract to Full Council January Vh The attached materials will be coming to you as part of the January 51" Council Operations Committee. We in I.S. had hoped to deploy a new e-mail system by the I" Quarter of 1999. All departments (and Council) truly need the functionality of a more modem e-mail system with the ability to communicate to other agencies. Regretfully, when we discussed our targeted timeline with the vendors who responded to our RFP, each of the vendors indicated that our timelines were overly optimistic. Here is a summary of the project and its phases. The first phase of the e-mail system project will be the design phase, and that will entail a detailed evaluation of many technical and non-technical issues. As a result of the design phase, the hardware requirements will be specified. As you know, the purchase of hardware in our competitive process can easily consume 6 weeks or more, depending on the expected total acquisition cost. Only after the hardware is installed and configured can the implementation, testing, deployment, and training begin. We are proposing to work with a company called Sarcom/Novaquest to do our E-mail system design and implementation. We would very much like to begin work with them as soon as possible so that we can determine our hardware requirements, begin the hardware acquisition, and continue on with the remainder of the project. Until we begin the process,we will be unable to establish target dates for delivering a new e-mail system to the City. Since it appears at the outset that we behind schedule for delivery of an e-mail system, we are requesting to take this item to Operations on January e, and on to Council under Other Business on the same night Joe Lorenz, our Network Manager, has been leading the project. He and I arP available to answer your questions. Joe can be reached at 859-3197, and my number is 869-3326. Thank you. 1%✓ Date: December 22, 1998 To: Council Operations Committee AA From: Marty Mulholland, Director of Inf ion ServicesT 10 1�L� 1 Prepared By: Joseph Lorenz, Network Manager. Re: Contract for Design and Implementation of Microsoft Exchange Messaging. Background: The need for a new electronic mail (e-mail) system was a clear objective of the Technology Plan. The e-mail system would support today's new business systems, in addition to day-to-day communication and scheduling needs of the City. It will allow files to be shared between departments and external organizations when appropriate. Current Situation: The City has been using a terminal based e-mail system from Hewlett-Packard for the past 10 years. A logical upgrade is not available. The new City standard will be the Microsoft Exchange e-mail system. Microsoft Exchange is one of the leaders in the e-mail systems market and will provide excellent integration with the Microsoft product suite currently in use on the PCs in the City. As we developed the Technology Plan earlier this year, we in I.S. were advised by many peer agencies to utilize consultants when deploying the Microsoft Exhange e-mail system. Process: Information Services developed and issued a Request for Proposal for the Design and Implementation of Microsoft Exchange and Messaging in October. Employees from the Network and Business Systems divisions of I.S. forrned a panel to review the responses. We received 5 responses to the RFP and after internal evaluations we identified 3 finalists: Excel Data Corporation, Sarcom/NovaQuest, and FOCI Technologies. All were priced comparably and each vendor had substantial experience in executing similar projects. After a lengthy structured interview with each of the finalists, the panel review board unanimously decided that Sarcom/NovaQuest was the vendor of choice. Their work plan and technical experience most closely matched the City's objectives. ... ........... Budget: The budget in the Technology Plan for 1998 and 1999, which was to include design, hardware, r"✓ software, implementation and training was $220,000. This contract breakdown for the design and implementation portion of the project is as follows: $ 47,600 Design $136,000 System Implementation (Estimated; Final costs determined as a result of Design Phase) $ 18,000 Contingency $201,600 Total As you can see from the above numbers, we will be over budget on this project and will have to utilize Tech Plan contingency funds to pay for shortfalls in terms of hardware, software and training. We will attempt to reduce the implementation costs but we will not be certain of final costs until after the design phase is complete. Recommendation Action: Although this project will exceed our budgetary estimates, we believe the best course is to proceed and utilize Tech Plan contingency funds where necessary. We believe that a solid design for our e-mail system is vital to the project's success and it would be in the City's best interest to continue as planned and to utilize the services of an experienced contractor to design and deploy our e-mail system. Motion: Authorize the Mayor to a sign a contract, subject to City Attorney approval, with Sarcom/NovaQuest consulting services for the Design and Implementation of Microsoft Exchange and Messaging. Contract for Microsoft Exchange Design and Implementation Services. THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the City of Kent, a Washington Municipal Corporation ("CITY") and Sarcom/NovaQuest, a Columbus Ohio Corporation ("VENDOR"). 1.0 RESPONSIBILITIES VENDOR will provide the Products and Services as outlined in Exhibit 1, SCHEDULE. These hardware and software products and services shall be accompanied by appropriate documentation, including the Software Documentation and System Administration Manual as described in Section 12.0, and will include program specifications that describe the program design, setup, operation, and maintenance. 2.0 TERMS OF AGREEMENT The CITY reserves the right to add terms and conditions during contract negotiations. These terms and conditions will be within the scope of the RFP and will not affect the proposal evaluations. 3.0 FINANCIAL PROVISIONS 3.1 CITY shall pay VENDOR for designs products, documentation, software, hardware, structures, and functions provided for in this agreement according to the SCHEDULE attached as Exhibit 1, which exhibit is incorporated into this agreement. The costs and terms of all items listed in the Exhibit 1 SCHEDULE shall be in effect until April 2, 2000, or one year from the date of final acceptance, whichever occurs later. 3.2 Payment shall be made in U.S. Dollars within forty-five (45) days of invoice, so long as the CITY has accepted and approved the products and services listed on the invoice. 3.3 Should either party terminate this agreement prior to the expiration of its term, the CITY will compensate vendor for its products and services delivered to the CITY by the termination notice date, subject to withholding reasonable amounts for any claims or conflicts. 4.0 CONTRACT APPROVAL The CITY's obligation will commence when the contract is approved by the City Council, AND executed by the Mayor, and Information Services Director. Upon written notice to the VENDOR, the CITY may set a different starting date for the contract, and all warranty and price guarantees, and other time sensitive conditions will be adjusted accordingly. The CITY will not be responsible for any work done by the VENDOR, even work done in good faith, if it occurs prior to the contract start date set by the CITY. 1 of 14 Contract for Microsoft Exchange Design and Implementation Services. 5.0 YEAR 2000 COMPLIANCE �✓ Vendor guarantees that its internal systems will meet the following Year 1999 and 2000 compliance standards. Further, Vendor also guarantees that its suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants and subconsultants ("Suppliers") will also comply with these standards to the extent it may impact Vendor's ability to achieve these compliance standards. 1. Computer and computer-related systems that will be used prior to, during, and after calendar Year 1999 and 2000 will operate without error relating to date data. 2. Software and applications will not abnormally end or provide materially invalid or incorrect results because of date data, especially between centuries. 3. No valid value for current date will cause material interruptions in desired operations. 4. All manipulations of time-related data (dates, duration, days of the week, etc.) will produce the desired results for all date values. 5. -Date elements in interfaces and data storage will permit specifying century to eliminate date ambiguity. Alternatively, ' for any date element represented without century, the correct century:will be unambiguous for all manipulations involving that element. For the purposes of this section, a "material interruption" or a "materially invalid or incorrect result" shall mean an interruption or result that causes the City (a) to lose revenues disproportionate to the goods or services provided by Vendor, (b) to expend significant amounts (i.e., more than four (4) hours per employee) of unplanned City staff time, (c) to substantially impair the speed, performance or outcome of the City's computer and computer-related systems, or (d) to cause more than a minimal delay in the provision of the goods or services contemplated in this agreement. By making this guarantee, Vendor acknowledges that its indemnification provided in this agreement specifically applies to Vendor's guarantees and obligations established in this section, and Vendor further waives and releases the City from any claim of whatsoever kind or nature, specifically including, without limitation, claims for delay, lost profits, additional costs, and home or onsite overhead, whether those claims are brought by Vendor or its Suppliers. 6.0 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The CITY is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work for the CITY shall comply with the regulations of the CITY's equal employment opportunity policies. The following conditions specifically identify the CITY's contractor, subcontractor and supplier adherence requirements. The VENDOR must comply with each of the following conditions for this agreement to be valid and binding. If VENDOR or any of 2of14 Contract for Microsoft Exchange Design and Implementation Services. VENDOR's subcontractors or suppliers willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the outlined directives, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the CITY's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the contract. VENDOR must comply with the following conditions: 1. VENDOR must have read the City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2 attached as Exhibit 2 of this agreement. 2. During the time of this agreement VENDOR will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability. 3. During the time of this agreement VENDOR will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 4. During the time of this agreement VENDOR will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities. 5. The requirements outlined in this adherence statement shall be complied with prior to the execution of any agreement VENDOR and the CITY. 7.0 SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION (When selected as an option) 7.1 For each Software Product, VENDOR will deliver to CITY certain Documentation, entitled "Microsoft Outlook User Manual," that will provide CITY's product users complete and thorough written documentation on the VENDOR products and systems that are the subject of this agreement. The User Manual may be updated by VENDOR from time to time, during the initial one-year warranty period, any updates issued by VENDOR will be provided to CITY at no charge. These "User Manuals" are in addition to any documentation provided as part of the software system such as an online help system. 7.2 For each Software Product, VENDOR will deliver to CITY certain Documentation, entitled "System Administration Manual," that will provide CITY's system administrators complete and thorough written documentation on the design, setup and maintenance of VENDOR products and systems that are the subject of this agreement. The System Administration Manual may be updated by VENDOR from time to time, during the initial one-year warranty period, any updates issued by VENDOR will be provided to CITY at no charge. These "System Administration Manuals" are in addition to any documentation provided as part of the software system such as an online help system. 3of14 Contract for Microsoft Exchange Design and Implementation Services. 7.3 For each Software Product, VENDOR will deliver to CITY certain Documentation entitled "Microsoft Outlook Training Manual," that will provide CITY's users a complete 7 hour training program on Exchange e- mail and Schedule+ using said manuals. The Microsoft Outlook Training Manual may be updated by VENDOR from time to time, during the initial one-year warranty period, any updates issued by VENDOR will be provided to CITY at no charge. 7.4 For each Software Product, VENDOR will deliver to CITY certain Documentation entitled "Microsoft Outlook Disaster Recovery," that will provide CITY's administrators a complete program for recovering the Messaging System. The Microsoft Outlook Disaster Recovery Manual may be updated by VENDOR from time to time, during the initial one-year warranty period, any updates issued by VENDOR will be provided to CITY at no charge. 8.0 PRODUCT FUNCTIONALITY 8.1 The VENDOR's design shall meet or exceed the following functionality standards: a) Functionality documented in the VENDOR's response to RFP. b) Functionality documented in any amendments to VENDOR's response to RFP. c) Functionality demonstrated during the product demonstrations as described in the CITY's RFP. d) Functionality documented in the VENDOR'S software documentation. e) Functionality documented as part of this contract. 8.2 In the course of updating or enhancing the design, the VENDOR may alter the applications functionality. However, the VENDOR shall not eliminate or substantially alter any functionality, as described in Section 12.1, without the express written permission of the CITY. 9.0 WARRANTY 9.1 VENDOR represents and warrants that, for a period of one year from the date that the Design and Implementation are complete and the CITY has issued its Final Acceptance of the Design, Implementation, and Documentation. The Design, Implementation, and Documentation will be merchantable, will be fit for the particular purposes established in CITY's RFP and VENDOR's response to CITY's RFP, and will further conform to the performance capabilities, specifications, functions, and other descriptions and standards, specifically including ail specifications ti..r 4 of 14 Contract for Microsoft Exchange Design and Implementation Services. established in the User Manual, System Administration Manual and elsewhere by VENDOR. 9.2 VENDOR shall perform its services in a timely and professional manner by qualified technicians familiar with the hardware and software products and their operation, and the services shall conform, at a minimum, to the standards generally observed in the industry for similar services; however, VENDOR will have an opportunity to make repeated efforts within a reasonable time, generally not to exceed 30 calendar days, to correct operational errors. 9.3 During the one-year Warranty Period, VENDOR will correct all defects to the extent those defects originate from the acts or omissions of VENDOR's products or personnel. 10.0 INDEMNIFICATION, LIMITATION OF REMEDIES AND DAMAGES 10.1 VENDOR agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the CITY, its officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers from any and all claims, actions, judgments, losses, costs, (including personnel related costs, reasonable attorney's fees and all other claim related expenses) and damages whatsoever, whether made by the CITY or third parties, including, but not limited to, claims made upon the CITY arising (a) by reason of accident, injury, or death to any person, to VENDOR or to VENDOR's agents, employees, servants and all subcontractors, or (b) by reason of injury to property arising out of or in connection with work performed under the agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the CITY's negligence. This promise of indemnity shall specifically apply in the case of injuries to VENDOR's own employees. 10.2 VENDOR's indemnification shall apply to all damages incurred by the CITY or third parties, whether direct, indirect, actual, consequential or incidental. 10.3 VENDOR SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY WAIVES ANY IMMUNITY THAT MAY BE GRANTED IT UNDER THE WASHINGTON STATE INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE ACT, TITLE 51, RCW. Further, this indemnification obligation under this contract shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or for any third party under worker's compensation acts, disability benefits acts, or other employee benefit acts. 11.0 FINAL ACCEPTANCE Without limiting Vendor's representations and obligations, before the City issues its Final Acceptance notice to Vendor, the Vendors Products, Services and Related Systems must meet the following requirements: 11.1 Design has met City criteria as established in the RFP. 5of14 Contract for Microsoft Exchange Design and Implementation Services. 11.2 Messaging File Servers operate consistently without abnormal termination. (Blue Screen of Death, Application Errors or Hardware Failures). 11.3 Servers are centrally located. 11.4 Messaging agents deliver mail consistently and reliably. 11.5 Accurate and complete administration of messaging accounts from Novell NDS. 11.6 Group meeting scheduling works as described in the design and subsequent documented conversations. 11.7 List Servers distribute messages accurately and reliably. 11.8 List Server information is able to be updated easily. 11.9 Disaster recovery procedures are documented and tested by City's Administrator. For Optional Items provided to City Additionally, and without limiting Vendor's representations and obligations, before the City issues its Final Acceptance notice of Optional Items to Vendor , the Vendors Products, Services and Related Systems must meet the following requirements: 11.10 Microsoft Outlook User Manual is provided, accurate, complete and useful as described in the proposal. 11.11 System Administration Manual is provided, accurate, complete and useful as described in the proposal. 11.12 Microsoft Outlook Training Manual is provided, accurate, complete, and useful as described in the proposal. 11.13 Technical Administrator Support is available, accurate, timely and useful as described in the proposal. 12.0 PROJECT RESPONSIBILITIES. 12.1 The CITY will be responsible for providing meeting rooms, providing access to the City's existing computer facilities and equipment, responding to VENDOR requests for approvals and other requests related to CITY business in a timely manner, and coordinating CITY staffing related to the project. 12.2 VENDOR will be responsible for all other items relating to implementation including system installation, construction where necessary, providing 6of14 Contract for Microsoft Exchange Design and Implementation Services. technical and user training to CITY staff, and providing adequate system documentation. VENDOR will provide all services and implementation in a timely manner. 12.3 Both the CITY and VENDOR will be responsible for working in a cooperative manner to meet or exceed the following implementation timelines: Contract Execution January 12, 1999 System Design January 12, - February 1999 System Hardware and Software March, 1999 Procurement Installation Aril — May 1999 System Goes "Live" IJune, 1999 Any delays to the schedule shall be pre-approved by the CITY and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 12.4 Responsibility for conversion of any existing CITY data files will be a negotiable item. 13.0 CONFIDENTIALITY 13.1 VENDOR agrees that it will not permit the disclosure or duplication of any information received from the CITY or stored on CITY systems unless such disclosure or duplication is specifically authorized in writing by the CITY. 13.2 The CITY agrees that it will not disclose or duplicate any information designated in advance by VENDOR as "Confidential/Proprietary" information to any person (other than CITY personnel who must have access to such information) unless such duplication, use or disclosure is specifically authorized in writing by VENDOR or is required by law. The term "Confidential/Proprietary" does not include ideas, techniques, or concepts that are in the public domain. 14.0 INSURANCE. 14.1 VENDOR shall procure and maintain for the duration of this agreement insurance of the types and in the amounts described below against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by VENDOR, its agents, representatives, employees, subconsultants, or subcontractors. VENDOR shall provide a CertlAcate of Insumnce evidencing: Automobile Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage; and 7 of14 Contract for Microsoft Exchange Design and Implementation Services. Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than $2,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and in the aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury, and property damage. Coverage shall include but not be limited to: blanket contractual; products/completed operations/broad form property damage; explosion, and employer's liability. 14.2 Any payment of deductible or self-insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of VENDOR. 14.3 Prior to contract execution, the CITY, its officers, officials, employees, agents, and volunteers shall be named as an additional insured on the insurance policy, as respects work performed by or on behalf of VENDOR and a copy of the endorsement naming the CITY as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. Copies of such documents shall be provided to the CITY prior to contract execution. 14.4 VENDOR's insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. 14.5 VENDOR's insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, and the CITY shall be given thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. 14.6 A failure to provide insurance coverage and written acceptance of the tendered policy shall be deemed to constitute a material breach of contract by VENDOR. The CITY reserves the right to then award the contract to another bidder. In order to protect the public interest and notwithstanding any provisions herein to the contrary, VENDOR's failure to comply with any provision in this Section 17 shall subject the contract to immediate termination without notice and without recourse by any person. 15.0 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The parties intend that an independent contractor-employer relationship will be created by their relationship. The CITY is interested only in the results to be achieved, and conduct and control of the work will lie solely with VENDOR. VENDOR is not to be considered an agent or employee of the CITY for any purpose, and the employees of VENDOR are not entitled to any of the benefits that the CITY provides for its employees. VENDOR understands that the CITY does not intend to use the VENDOR's services exclusively. 16.0 ROYALTIES AND PATENTS VENDOR shall pay royalties and license fees and defend all suits resulting from claims regarding same on all software and materials purchased outright from VENDOR and installed according to the specifications of the CITY. `�✓ 17.0 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT 8of14 Contract for Microsoft Exchange Design and Implementation Services. VENDOR shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations and ordinances prohibiting discrimination in employment with regard to age, sex, race, color, creed, national origin, or mental handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification. 18.0 SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE (When Optionally Selected.) 18.1 Term for Sugtgrt and Maintenance and Commencement of VENDOR Support agreement. VENDOR will provide all support and maintenance services to CITY throughout the VENDOR's warranty period for VENDORS Design, Construct or Installed products at no additional cost to CITY. VENDOR's Support agreement shall commence at the end of the warranty period at the cost established in this agreement. 18.2 ReSl2onse Procedures. CITY may notify VENDOR of a problem, question or concern by means of voice telephone, facsimile, or e-mail sent to holtt .novanuest.com. When CITY so notifies VENDOR, CITY will at that time determine one of the following four priority levels: Level Code Description Critical C CITY is unable to process work due to a VENDOR software problem High H CITY is unable to use a portion of the VENDOR system but is still able to process work for the most part Medium M CITY is able to work, but is inconvenienced by the work-around process Low L Appearance problem or pop up message problem but doesn't affect the processing of work. Immediately, upon receipt of CITY's problem notice, VENDOR will acknowledge receipt of the notice. For Priority Level C, VENDOR will respond immediately, but never later than the same day, will be on-site by the next calendar day, if necessary. For Priority Level H, VENDOR will respond within three calendar days. For Priority Level M or L, VENDOR will respond within seven calendar days. VENDOR will work on a Priority Level C matter continuously, until it is resolved. The response for the other priority levels will include an expected delivery date for the solution. Issues and functions that are part of the standard product offering and their corresponding documentation will be corrected at the earliest time possible if they are not functioning properly. Issues and functions that go beyond the standard product offering will be proposed as system enhancements and will be subject to the CITY's prior written approval. CITY will use its best efforts to be objective and accurate in submitting Priority Levels. 9of14 Contract for Microsoft Exchange Design and Implementation Services. 18.3 The VENDOR will provide the following Telephone Consultation Support services during the CITY's business hours (8am to 5pm PT) when the CITY calls VENDOR's Customer Support Line: (a) Problem determination and/or preparation of documentation for program defect support; (b) Program maintenance, either via telephone consultation or maintenance distribution media at VENDOR's option; (c) Program improvements or modifications. 18.3.1 In responding to each service call, VENDOR will instruct the CITY in proper use of the licensed program(s), engage in problem determination and resolution, and keep the program(s) maintained and functioning. 19.0 ACTS OF INSOLVENCY. Without waiving any other rights granted to CITY in this agreement, the CITY may terminate this agreement between VENDOR and the CITY by written notice if VENDOR makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, suffers or permits an appointment of a receiver for its business assets, becomes subject to any proceeding �-' under any bankruptcy or insolvency law whether domestic or foreign, or has wound up or liquidated its business, voluntarily or otherwise. 20.0 TERMINATION ON DEFAULT. 20.1 This agreement may be terminated by either party if the other party is in default of any provisions of this agreement, so long as the default is not corrected within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of written notice of the default from the non-defaulting party. For the purposes of this Section "default" shall include any failure to abide by the terms or conditions of this agreement including the CITY's RFP and VENDOR's Response to RFP. This written notice must particularly describe the alleged default or material breach. 20.2 Any claim for damages incurred by either party resulting from breach of this agreement by the other party shall survive termination. The remedies provided herein shall not be deemed exclusive but shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to all other remedies provided by law and equity. No delay or omission in the exercise of any remedy herein provided or otherwise available to VENDOR shall impair or affect its right to exercise the same. 21.0 SURVIVAL BEYOND TERMINATION. 10 of 14 Contract for Microsoft Exchange Design and Implementation Services. The provisions of Sections 9, 10, 11, 13, 19, 25, 26, and 27 shall survive the termination of this agreement. Any remedies for the breach of this agreement and each parry's duties, obligations, covenants and representations contained in this agreement shall survive the termination of this agreement. 22.0 ATTORNEYS' FEES. Subject to the limitation of VENDOR's liability as set forth in this agreement, if any action or suit is brought with respect to a matter or matters covered by this agreement, each party shall be responsible for all its own costs and expenses incident to such proceedings, including reasonable attomeys' fees. 23.0 SECTION HEADINGS. The section headings used in this agreement are inserted only for convenience and are in no way to be construed as part of such sections or as a limitation on the scope of the particular section to which they refer. 24.0 USE OF PRONOUNS. Whenever the context may require, any pronouns used herein shall include the corresponding masculine, feminine or neuter form, and the singular form of nouns, pronouns and verbs shall include the plural and vice-versa. 25.0 GOVERNING LAW. The construction and performance of this agreement shall be governed by the ~' Washington State Uniform Commercial Code, Title 62A Revised Code of Washington, and other laws of the State of Washington without regard to the conflict of laws provisions thereof. Vendor hereby consents to the venue, jurisdiction and rules of the King County Superior Court, located in the King County Regional Justice Center in Kent, Washington with respect to any right of action arising under this agreement. 26.0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This agreement, together with CITY's RFP and VENDOR's Response to RFP constitutes the entire agreement between VENDOR and CITY and shall not be modified or rescinded except in writing, signed by both parties. In the case of inconsistencies or disputes among this agreement, the CITY's RFP, and the VENDOR's Response to RFP, the following order of precedence shall prevail: a) This agreement and any written and fully signed amendments thereto. b) The CITY's RFP and any written amendments thereto. c) The VENDOR's response to RFP and any authorized written amendments or clarifications thereto. If any terms or conditions of this agreement are invalid under any applicable statute or rule of law, they are to that extent to be deemed omitted and the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. 27.0 NOTICE. .� 11 of 14 Contract for Microsoft Exchange Design and Implementation Services. Any notice required or permitted to be made or given pursuant to this agreement shall �..✓ be sufficiently made or given on the date of mailing if sent to the other party by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the other parry at the address set forth below. CITY AND VENDOR ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING ALL PRINTED AND INSERTED LANGUAGE, UNDERSTANDS IT, AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND FURTHER AGREES THAT IT IS THE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE STATEMENT OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS AGREEMENT. IN WITNESS, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed and effective on the last date written below. CITY: LICENSOR: City of Kent [Sarcom NovaQuest] 220 4"' Avenue South [Vendor Address] Kent, WA 98032 Signed: Signed: Jim White, Mayor Name & Title: Date Date Signed: Signed: Marty Mulholland, Information Name & Title: Services Director Date Date 12 of 14 EXHIBIT 1 PAYMENT SCHEDULE Daacr otr _ C*ost; Tens Notos System Design $47,600 80% As last draft is reviewed by City. 20% upon final acceptance by CITY, as defined in section 11.0. System Implementation " $136,000 25% End of System Configuration and Percentages are (Estimate) Installation. based on actual 25% End of Production Implementation'. implementation 50% Project Handoff and Knowledge costs determined xfer.(Completion of Project) in the System Design phase. 8 DECLINED $7,562 DECLINED iG e $38;722 ° DECLINE:MS Backoffice, NDS for NT, Exchange Server Seat Liscense. �e $3,925 ° DECLINED. To be Determined i Design. WA State Tax 8.6% Upon Completion when applicable. * Implementation costs will likely be adjusted down as a result of the System Design phase. " Production Implementation consists of the City's install base including wide area network locations. 13 of 14 EXHIBIT 2 U CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY: Jim White, Mayor POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding contracts with the City amounting to $10,000, or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps: 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. ``F1'`hy contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the contract. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state, and local laws, policies, and guidelines. 14 of 14 INFO SYSTEMS RLi��to RpreR for Pftwam I Oc"w 27,1885 MS"C JMe ►6& SaWDULDW DESIGN& IMPLEMENTATION CITY OF KENT City Clerk 220 4'" Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 e. Somm Your Syat+ m y lwte/rreb�P� 28M J5r St,SN6e 2W BeNwo e,ww JIM7 (SW W"273 (4257 46b8$0 W w+vM.nwayotstc»w� s I N PO SYSTEMS Non- deWfm SbgmMWt 77w City of Kent, WA, is the sok Rec#rient of this NovaQ mst WaSystems proposal. The contents of this document ape furptished to the Recirlent exclusively for the purpose of evaluating NovaQuest InfoSystenn and this proposal. NovaQuest InfoSystam, its trademark, and the contents of d*document are proprietary. All rights are mserwed. No part of the contents of this pr+opmail may be dbciwped,reproduced,or tradsmitttd In any form or by any means, ekctronic or nwA*mtical, bcltdkq photocopymg, reeordbtg,or by any inforrmWim storage or retrieval system, without written permission ftom NovaQuest In fobystems. Requests for release of infornatlon contacted herein should be addressed to: IVOYAQ&wrCmrAGr Terry Hayden Account Executive Direct PINN (42S) 4"-3352 �-% Fax (425) 466-33SS P ON fW#0 Oar Of XNA � III IN PO SYSTEMS Table of Contents 1. flint. L~N... ........../NN.INNNIN/NII/I/III..IINNINI..»NIIN.N..ININI//INI»IINI/NNINIII.I.IIII..NNN.I..».N./� -_ II 1��.N.NNNNIIN/./I/./.I»I.IIIIN..INNN/NIN/NNII.NNIN.IN..M.INI/NNI.N/.N/II.NNNNM».NNN.IINM/NI»I.N/S INVWNI@r Qn/01&TlOA'OM 4 AWAW .M ........I.......N».....N..N.../NNM....»NNN.N.»N».N..N.. (I 3.1 Vendor QuaiNirations 6 3.1.1 NovoaQwesft Services 6 r 3.12 N ovwQwesft Business Soittion Partners 7 32 References 9 32.1 Reference#1: PREMERA 9 322 Reference#2:WASHINIGTON DENTAL SERVICE 10 32.3 Reference#3:CONOVER INSURANCE 11 IV. Ker51d1 QuolAWCA VOM...N..N...N................../..».».....................»N.N.NN.NNN.N.N..»........N.....».12 4.1 Stan Member#1: 12 42 Stan Member#2: 13 f" 4.3 Stan Member#3: 14 V.Mahowi n w E A 15 5.1 Support Services Personnel. 15 52 Maintenance Process 16 N. year /�I nt/.I.....»...NN/.NNN.N».N..»...NNNIN..NNININ..NN.NIN»INN».NNNN.17 ' WE Vendor »«NN./N..IN.N.//I.NNNI/.MN.IN.NNIMIIN.IIMM.MNNNNIM.NNNI/.NIN.N/I.II.W.M..1.�� V111. InIp"IrerrN-wW. i N.N.V..N/.I.MNININIMININ.N.NNNN.MI../N/N.N/NNMN/ M.M.N/N.N.INNNIINNNY12� &I Regni°ed btfonnation 24 &2 System Design (Requi+cd) 24 r &3 System bnpiementation (Requi+ed) 24 &4 System Administration Training(Op Onal) 25 &5Develop User Training Program (OptfonW) 25 &6 So ft*w e*(Optional) 26 /� &7 Proposed Required Hardware*((Optional) 26 (A. JEOW1 BWA"WNW #, ( .IN».NI..NIN.M.NIM»/.II...... INNMIN/.WNIM.N./NII.� xAMbd>rnenlslNNN/WIIIMINNNNNNNNNN..NNN.NINMMNWN/N.1.»N.N.NN C L L \. • • i ;2 1. Cover Letter INFOSYSTEMS October 27, 1998 Terry Hayden Account Executive NoveQuest InfoSystems 2800 156&Ave SE#200 Bellevue, WA 98007 Dear Mr. Lorenz Please find enclosed our response to the City of Kent's Request for Proposal(RFP)for the Design and Implementation ofMicrosoft Excluinge and Messaging operating in a Metropolitan Environment and related services dated October 4, 1998. We have reviewed the RFP and responded to all sections as directed in the RFP. We look forward to the opportunity to demonstrate our product to the selection committee and provide an excellent Microsoft Messaging sohrtion to the City of Kent. v Sincerely, Terry Hayden Account Executive Ph. 425-468-3355 Fax 425-468-3355 Hndentfte vaumtcom Enclosures iNFosrsTEMs qqqq A Title Page L I, Lee Kirby, certify that NovaQuest hifoSystems has reviewed the City ofKew's Request for Proposal for design and Implementation of Microsoft Messaging and related services dated October 4, 1998, and responded to all required sections as directed in the RFP. This proposal constitutes NovaQuest InfoSystems response to the City of Kent's RFP. I fiuther certify that I am authorized to negotiate for and contractually bind NovaQuest InfoSystems in all discussions with the City of Kent regarding Design and Implementation of Microsoft Messaging systems and related services. All contact with NovaQuest InfoSystems should be directed to: Name: Terry Hayden Title: Account Executive Address: 2800 156*Ave SE#200 Bellevue,WA 98007 Telephone 425-468-3352 Fax 425-468-3355 Email haydew@novaquest.com Signed: Date: Title: Corporate Seal L L C C L C N O sr ST E M s II/. Vendor Qual ficOfions & References 3.1 Vl NWR QUAMCAMONS 3.1.1 MovaQueses Services NovaQuest InfoS)Wems is a Minority Owned, lffl'service computer integration company. We offer a comprehensive assortment of professional services and advanced procurement systems to buihd, manage,and enhance personal computer network infrastructures. We help companies better manage their distributed computing environment, thereby. ♦ Reducing their total cost of ownership. ♦ Increasing end user productivity. ♦ Reducing the risks of migrating to new technologies. Our long history of netwoork integration expertise,and our in-depth knowledge of today's business environment, has placed NovaQuest at the lorlefhomt of the tech i~sevices marketplace. We consistently deliver the highest kevwl of results thorough proper application of customized soketbns. We offer highly trained technical personnnel,automated systems,strategic alliances,and proven, repeatable processes. �•✓ Non aQuest irfoSystemas'tec)unoln gy offfer6ngs iecindW ♦ profbetiomW Services GMW(PSG)—ofibrs CWWW p W and project nunagemew for a woe range of state-of-the-art hardware a-*jononearA n,software devrbpwnn4 systems and network inteeraton. NovaQuest's PSG specializes in: o Entet prtae Services 4 EWWRSEPRojEcTMANAGEkwvr. large-scale deployments,techwhW migratims, software des4FL 4 MESSAGRVG SYS7ZW& Microsoft Exchange,Novell GrornpWise,Netscape Messaging Server. 4. THPi cLwvr ncmvoLOGxs- Microsoft Terminal Servler, CHM Win f hamne,NCD, Wyse- 4 YEm 20W READINESS: WHO,Neoware. 4 NETw ORIK Tools: Security Dynamics, Checkpoint,Raptor,Mamage pint Network Management consoles. 4 UNIX Sun,Hewlett Parkas DWW F4w* neat Corporation Enterprise Class Systems. HSM,H/A and File Systemm Veriws, Quaft and Legato 4 LAN/WAN/Rwom AccEss SOLUTIONS: Cisco, 3Com,Ascend r No�aflu�f M�foSyrror ---- %go 6 of 29 CLIENT SERVER APPucATTONs. Microsoft Access, SQL, Outlook '98, and Exchange. Technical Services Project Implementation: deployment of networked computers, printers and peripherals. Campus Support: remedial maintenance and installation services. Procurement. fast, efficient fulfillment of all Tier 1 hardware products with WEBtropolis ORDERnet"; our on-line ordering system. • Network Management Group(NMG) — develops and implements enterprise network management systems with the best industry-leading tools to provide expert 'intelligently reactive"and proactive management. Monitor and configure your WAN, Frame Relay, LAN, Server and applications with maximum effectiveness NMG integrates and customizes top products like: HP OpenView Seagate NerveCenter Concord Network Health Micromuse Netcool Peregrine ServiceCenter • ATMLink —offers the fastest Internet Access available in the world NovaQuest is one of .r only 20 providers in the WORLD implementing 155Mbps Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology for mission-critical, international business applications, including: Synchronized data, video, and voice communications over the same circuit: Fully meshed redundant links and bandwidth-on-demand capabilities up to OC-48 (2.5Gbps). Advanced Network Operations Center(NOC) monitoring and control systems. Remote disaster recovery, ofpsite backups, and circuit emulation. 3.1.2 NovaQuest's Business Solution Partners Following is a representative fist of NovaQuest's corporate business/service partners and authorizations: • Apple Authorized Reseller • Apple Network Systems Authorized • Banyan Authorized Network Integrator and Certified Reseller • Compaq Authorized Services Center • Compaq Accredited Systems Engineers • Digital Equipment Corporation NovaQuor Inioiystllns =-q*7 of 2F Printed 10/27/98 • Hewlett-Packard Full Line Authorized Dealer • Hewlett-Packard UNIX Authorized `r'` • IBM Premier Dealer with OS/2 and LAN Server • IBM Reseller and Strategic Partner ♦ Ingram Micro + Intelligent Electronics'Advanced Engineering Support Program • Intelligent Systems Group (ISG) member, Intelligent Electronics Kingston Technology • Lotus ♦ Microsoft Authorized Training Center ♦ Microsoft Large Account Reseller • Microsoft Solution Provider Partner • NEC + Novell Platinum Reseller • Premier Microsoft Windows NT Dealer + Solaris UNIX Operating Systems Authorized Dealer ♦ Sun Microsystems �"' ♦ Tektronix • Texas Instruments • Toshiba ♦ Unisys NovaGwast InfoSvoems --age 8 of 2? Pnntod 10/27/98 3.2 REFERENCES 3.2.1 Reference #1: PREMERA Organization: Premera Name: Paul Gordon Title: InfornwMon Technology Address: 7001 200*ST SW Moumlake Terrace,WA 98043 Telephone: 425-670-4282 Fax: 425-670-4249 Population: 1500 Installation Date: August 1988- Present(Pilot completed October 1998) NT Account Administration From Novell's NDS. N Exchange Account Management from NovelPs N NDS. Facility Scheduling Y Discussion Groups Y Messaging Y Forums Y fJovcQvo t InfoSrsims %qe 9 of 29 Primed 10/27/98 3.2.2 Reference #2: WASHINGTON DENTAL SERVICE Organization: Washington Dental Service Name: Don Smith Title: MIS Director Address: 9706 4*Ave N6 So_ e,WA 98125 Telephone: 206-528-2358 Fax: 206-517-6330 Population: 1000 Installation Date: April 1998-_May 1998 r Ti' ICA110111r 'r ONti, NT Account Administration from Novell's NDS. N Exchange Account Management from Novell's N NDS. Facility Scheduling Y Discussion Groups Y Messaging Y `..� Forums y f lov Quest Iniosystems Po"10 ai:9 Pnnted 10/27/98 3.2.3 Reference #3. CONOVER INSURANCE Organization: Conover Insurance Name: Brad Green Title: Owner Address: 1500 Me 8' Street Suit#►1580 Bellevue,WA 98004 Telephone: 425-453-3200 Fax 425-452-6100 Population: 150+ (3 cities, remote users) Installation Date: August- September 1998 %s , — cis ...ra ,,,q, {•«r,..�,.. NTAccount Administration from Novell's NDS N Exchange Account Management from Novell"s N NDS. Facility Scheduling Y Discussion Groups Y Messaging Y Forums Y -- Nav Quest InfoSymnis PC" I 1 or_? Printed 10/27/98 � i 1 N RO SYSTEM S Ohba N. Key Staff Qualifications 4.1 STAFF MEMBER #1: Name Glenn Naves Title: Solutions ArcWteet/ ►roiee Mwmger Address: 2800 156* Avenue SE Suite 200 Bellevue,WA 98007 Telephone: 425-641-5650 Fax: 425-468-3355 Email• Noll Orrwaauestcom 4.ia Qualfflcations Glenn holds the Microsoft Certyled System Engineer certification as well as the Master Certified NetWare Engbteer Certf flcadon. Glenn has approximately 15 years experience in the cot gmUng industry with a breadth of experience ranging from PC desktops to LAN/WAN design and implementation. Glenn has been dbecdy responsible for three recent Microsoft Exchange 5.5 designs and implementations in corporate environments of similar size to the City of Kent. NamOuw W SNw m 12 of 29 4.2 STAFF MEMBER #2: Name Shawn Olsen e. Title: SysMm Engineer Address: 2800 156*Avenue SE Suite 200 Bellevue,WA 98007 Telephone: 425-"1-5650 Fax 425-468-3355 Emaik Hohi®novaguest.com 4.2.1 Qualifications Shawn holds the Microsoft Certified System Engineer certification as well as the Microsoft Certified Trainer certification. Shawn is currently involved in a Microsoft Exchange 5.5 design, implementation, and migration project at a corporation with approximately 1500 users that is also using Noveirs NDS. Shawn has worked extensively with the Microsoft Outlook 97 client and understands the issues regarding deployment and configuration. ;dovaQuest Infojvstems Page 13 or'_9 Printed 10/27/98 4.3 STAFF MEMBER #3: Name: Dave Bossini Title: System Engineer Address: 2800 156d'Avenue SE Suite 200 Bellevue,WA 98007 Telephone: 425-641-5650 Fax 425-468-3355 Email: HoM@novaquest.com 4.3.1 Qualifications Dave holds the Microsoft Certified System Engineer certification. Dave is currently involved in a Microsoft Exchange 5.5 design, implementation, and migration project at a corporation with approximately 1500 users. Dave has had recent exposure to NT account management from NoveIl's NDS as well as Exchange account management from Novell's NDS. rJowC�uar Inio�Ystems ?«p 14 or Printed 10/27/98 IN PO SYSTEMS V. Maintenance & Enhancements S.1 SUPPORT SERVICES PBtSOMEL Nano: Tiw Robkom Tkk: TochnaW Services Eegh~ Address: 2800 156*Avenue SE Suite 200 Bellevue,WA 98007 Telephone: 425-641-5650 Fax 425-4684355 EmmL• H hl@novoquoo com Name: Dave Curvlla Tick TochnwW Somce Engineer Address: 2800 156*Avenue SE Suite 200 BeHower WA 90007 Tekpho 425-641-5650 Fax 425-4684US EnaWb Hohl@novagwWA-om Name Pam Taaaeen Tltk: Tedu kol Sorvieas Mum"W Addrem.. 2900 1566 Avenue SE Suite 200 Bellevue,WA 98007 Tekphop 425-641-5650 Pax 425-468-=S EnzWk .ean Now0umt Wo$pftm Pogo 15 of 29 5.2 MAINTENANCE PROCESS Describe your support services process. RESPONSE: In order to ensure that expectations met or exceeded, NovaQuest service managers work with the customer to clearly identify service level requirements. These requirements are documented in a formal agreement and processes are established to ensure service level management and customer satisfaction. The rigor of tracking and managing to these expectations provides a professional service,which increases end user productivity and overall customer satisfaction with NovaQuest. An example of a generic service level agreement is attached for your review. Describe your emergency response process. RESPONSE: As a valued customer of NovaQuest InfoSystems, The City of Kent would have a NovaQuest InfoSystems response team assembled for them. This response team would be responsible for meeting or exceeding criteria established in a Service Level Agreement (Attachment A). This team may be responsible for, phone support, pager service, on-site service, etc. Criteria for level agreements are determined after a discovery process of the City of Kent's needs. NovaQuest and The City of Kent would then establish and mutually agree upon response times,fix times and other items contained in the Service Level Agreement. NovaQuest Info]ymms Po"1 b of 29 Pnnted 10/27/98 .I ON 0 1 s Fa SYSTEMS Vl. Year 2000 Compliance Sfvfement 1; Lee Kirby,certify that all systems and services proposed In this response to the City of Kent's Request for Proposal for the Design and Implementation of Microsoft Messaging and related services dated October 26, 1998, are Year 2000 comspd t as deser&ed in the following de fbdtion. The computer hardware,software and embedded systems wi8 accurately store,process and report data before, during and beyond the year 2000. The standards by which this compliance is judged include: ♦ Century CompllanC The system will accurately process data and perform calculations based on dates. Common calculations bncbsde subtraction,sorting, and comparative operations. ♦ Leap Year Compliant. The system will accurately process data and perform calculations based of all valid kap yams. February 29, 20006 is a rave century kAw year,and all systems will recognize and correctly process this date. ♦ Interface Compliant: Connected systems wig accurately shame data with other systems as designed. Common formats and protocols will be Implemented between connected systems to ensure all data is processed including dates. ♦ Projections and AnahWc The system will correctly perform all processes across the year 2000 boundary in both directions. This means that all functions and reports will perform correctly looking forward for protections as wieli as backward for ftmctions such as trend analysis. signed Darr: TWL. NOVAQUE3T POSITION: Certain products provMed by NovaQuest infoSystems to the customer are obtained from Original Equipment Mannufocttmer (OW),diffusers and otter third pasties in an "as is" form and are not verified or we at by NeveQuest Inbiihtems prior to distribution or shipment to the customer. NovaQuest I dolly ton has used a0 reasonable dforts to obtain assurances from such third parties that the products are Year 2000 compliant and shall provide the customer with the original equipment manufacturer's warranty for said products on a pass-through bask omit NovaQuest Infotystams cannot and does net rep mom that the products are Year 2000 compliant and shall not be 1Mbie or responsible for any dentages directly or indirectly caused by date error in these products. The customer agrees that its aWusiw remedy for non-Your 2000 compliant products lies with the Original Equipment Manufacturer providing the products to NovaQuest Infollystoms. NOMQW"t NioS"*WW 17 of 29 book i N F O SYSTEMS Vll. Vendor Questionnaire For Questions 1 - 5 please describe your experience with: 1. Hardware design and conr4wration to support a Mlcmwft EwJ mtge i nplementation7 Rupamm: NovaQuest coesullarft and engineers have several years of experience providing fully integrated solutions for the Microsoft BackOffice suite. NovaQuest staff combine their MCSE certification with their advanced hardware certifications to augment their many years experience of designing, implementing and support MS Exchange. Our designs provide an integrated solution spanning hardware, operating system,software and administration and support. 2. Microsoft Exchange design for mufti-site environment supporting over 500 risers? Rmomn: NovaQuest staff have lead or participated in Exchange projects which range from small (ISO user, 3 locations) to very large (26A00+ users,many locations worldwide) offorts and are characterized by their reliability,scaiabiE#ty and per Fa no*characteristics. NovaQuest ensures the quality and consistency of Its projects by adhering to a rigorous methodology that is a collection of best practices call eead throughout the Industry to include Microsoft Frameworla ntMiwdologyc Requirements of our methodology ensure that as an organization we learn from every engagemem by conducting pest project reviews and distributing the information gained from this aMvhy throughout the company as well as to our customer. We also onsure that a thorough knowledge trvnsfer Is conducted with all appropriate customer support staff and that quality deNwerables are left with the customer to help guide them in the admisdo atlion and maintenance of the environment implemented. This ensures that any knewbdge gab - during the project is passed on to the staff who will be dtmged.with supporting the praduclbn onviranmont and eliminates an ongoing dependence on our project staff so that they may be utilized to implement other projects. 3. Lb nitMg downtime to accomonoda t 7x24 access riequir enrents7 RtsPOmse: In order to prowdde an "enterprise quaNW environment,we design the optimal hardware and software redundancies to satisfy the moat aggressive service levels and ensure 7X24 availabiltp This Is acawnrpfished by understanding rstandin g your service level requirements and hweraging the latest capabliltles of the hardware,operating system and software. Standard as widarationn include but are not Nwrite Ito: hot swappable drives, mirrored configuration for the pip eealhg sysia ,RAVGIIli configuration for the data stores for Exchange, redundant het swappabie power supply.UPS,clustered server configuration for fail over(Exchange is a cluster aware appileation), distant fail over capabilities,automated alerts as part of a systematic monitoring configuration. 4. Adding Noveft AIDS plu bw to manage Microsoft Exehalge Accounts. REsroNst: Though we have many Maxtor CNEs and CNEs on staff,we have not had any customer ask or require us to designed a solution by which you manage Exchange with N"Q~Wo%i m. As"18 of 29 _ Novell's NDS plug-ins. If however the requirements of our customer necessitate this configuration, the appropriate resources would be employed in order to provide the optimal solution. Our dose working relatiensNp with Mkresott Consulting Services and Novell _ provides us access to industry experts in areas not normally requested by customers. 5. Working with the current release of Microsoft Exchange. RESPONSE: As beta testers for Microsoft software, NovaQuest consultants and engineers become intimately familiar with a product prior to general release. NovoQuest staff have designed and implemented the latest version of Exchange for three customers in the Northwest (Washington Dental Service, Conover Insurance and Promera Blue Cross). 6. What hours, in Pacific Time, is your customer service function open and available to resolve problems and answer questions? 2ESPONSE: In order to ensure that expectations met or exceeded, NovaQuest service managers work with the customer to clearly identify service level requirements. These requirements are documented in a formal agreement and processes are established to ensure service level management and customer satisfaction. The rigor of tracking and managing to these expectations provides a professional service,which increases end user productivity and overall customer satisfaction with No- Quest. An example of a generic service.level agreement(Attachment A) has been provided for your review. 7. Do you have an 800 number for customer service? Yeses No-. Do you offer technical assistance over the Internet? Yes_-,_No X. How quickly do you require customer service staff to respond to an initial telephone call? RESPONSE: NavaQuest and our customer create a farnwl agreement with documented processes and contact Information of how to respond to an initial service call. When customer Service,Level Agreements and response times have been established, NovaQuest service managers,the customer response team, and the customer work closely to ensure that Service Level agreements are being met or exceeded. In order to ensure that expectations met or exceeded, NovaQuost hells regularly scheduled meetings to review statistics and continually improve processes. An example of a generic service level agreement(Attachment A) has been provided for your review. 8. How many full-time staff do you have dedicated to your customer service function (not including any staff that performs other duties as well)? RESPONSE: NovaQuest has over ISO engineers In the Professional Services Group,which continues to grow by roughly 10%a month. Of that group approximately 25%are dedicated to customer service. Most of our consultants maintain rolatlonships with customers following implementation to provide ongoing architectural guidance as technology changes occur in the industry and the in the customer's environment. This proactive approach addresses problems by avoiding them rather than reacting to them. 9. What is the turnover ratio for your staff in the last 12 months? RESPONSE: 5% 10. The City intends to be live on all of its applications by March, 1999. If you were selected by rgowQvea IniosvSterns PC"19 or:9 Printed 10/27/98 December 4, 1998, and expected to provide all implementation assistance for the City of Kent, would you be able to accomplish the system integration by March 1, 1999?If not, please outline alternatives for the City. RESPONSE: NovaQuest InfaSystems has applied its professional experience in estimating the time required to achleve the City of Kent's requirements of an Exchange design and implementation. Though the timeline from mid December to the end of February is very aggressive, it can be achieved provided the following dependencies are true: *The City of Kent's automated software distribution system is fully functional for the Outlook 97 deployment. eThe hardware specified for the Exchange system is readily available for delivery to the City of Kent. .Access to all necessary City of Kent staff, systems, facilities, and environmental information is timely and efficient. 11. How many email/messaging/scheduling system designs has your company completed? How many designs has your company completed using Microsoft Exchange? RESPONSE: NovaQuest consultants have designed 11 email/messaging/scheduling solutions to include such systems as Lotus Notes, CC-mail and Netscape. NovaQuest Consultants have designed 10 Microsoft Exchange solutions. I How many email/messaging/scheduling systems has your company successfully implemented? How many systems has your company successfully implemented using Microsoft Exchange? RESPONSE: NovaQuest Engineers have successfully implemented 11 email/messaging/scheduling solutions to include such systems as Lotus Notes, CC-mail and Netscape. NovaQuest Engineers have successfully implemented 10 Microsoft Exchange solutions. 13.Please attach or include any relevant additional information here. RESPONSE: NovaQuest InfoSystems (NQI) believes a process, or methodology, is simply a measurable and repeatable blueprint for success on which successful technology solutions are built. Successful IT projects, like any complex efhrt, need a solid foundation from which to build and include Weil-defined processes that are clearly understood by project participants. Project Managers and/or Consultants develop plans documenting how a project will be managed over the course of the project, then they implement procedures for measuring,tracking, and communicating the progress of this plan. If issues arise, pro- defined escalation processes are utilized. NQI focuses on leveraging the experience of seasoned technologists and solution providers with a disciplined methodology creates a powerful synergy that results in technology solutions which truly add value and are characterized by their scalability and reliability. We recognize that the business needs of each cliont are unique and complex in this age of heterogeneous and multi-platform computing. Many other organizations have spent vast amounts of time, money, and effort implementing information systems that have fallen short of expectations and the promises of lower costs, better services, or improved quality. rlowQwat InioSvsteme Page 20 of 2r Pnnted 10/27/98 Although the use of strategic and emerging technologies should result in faster, more functional, and more flexible software applications, hrtplem*nting complex technology solutions presents major challenges. NQI is experienced in integrating new systems solutions to minimize cost, maximize effici*ncy, and allow for technological change and growth. We listen to our clients to gain understanding so that we can deliver quality solutions in the most rapid time from* possible. We can be engaged on a time and materials, or fixed fee/flied timeline basis; and we always communicate clearly with our clients regarding project dates, milestones, and costs. The rapid rate of change in business and technology has placed additional stress on businesses. Projects need to be accomplished on time,within reasonable resource budgets, and with the client's expectations satisfied. This is the objective of project management. This is also the reason most organizations are still seeking a project management methodology that really works. The reason we need some standard process or method for controlling projects is the some reason we need standard traffic signals. To be productive in a team environment and to guarantee predictable results,we need to have a common communication base for projects. Our methodology provides this base line. ➢ NQI invests the time up front to properly analyze, plan and schedule a project. Detailed planning and ongoing project management may constitute 10%of total project cost; however, thorough planning always contributes to a more successful implementation: > Users receive functionality that is well tuned to the business problem. Based on their up-front participation, project ownership and bury-in is facilitated. ➢ Project delays are minimized based on detailed task analysis and resource allocation. ➢ Scope creep and the resulting cost overruns are minimized due to a thorough understanding of the business requirements by NQI and the client. NQI utilizes critical path planning methods to setknate project duration and provide ongoing status reports to its dients. Projects ore generally updated on a bi-weekly basis, or more often if required by the project. One component of our project ldclaoff typically includes an Interactive planning session. At this session,all team members are identified, tasks are entered, resources are assigned and any availability constraints are noted. We have found that this methodology allows the project team to identify and focus on any required tasks and prevent date slipping by contirwaus communication via status reports. Additionally,task accountability is established for book NQI and client team participants. Aside from our project planning methodology, NQI aensullants generally have ton or more years of complex project management experience in multi-company team environments. Our philosophy is that in each effort, no mailer hew large or small,there are three critical components: People, Process,and TechnaloW;and each of t,feso components must be considered and property utilized to achieve success. To ensure the proper utilization and dovelopm*nt of as three elements,we have estabNshed the following principles,which we use as a compass to maintain the proper focus in each of our asal"ments: > People - Employ consultants with integrity who are intelligent, committed and NovoQuen Inio$ysterns Page 21 of 2_9 Printed 10/27/98 successful; develop and challenge them to continually grow personally and professionally. ➢ Process - Define a methodology; follow it; constantly refine it. ➢ Technology - Use technology as a means to an end, not as the end itself. Our practice is based on a flexible yet rigorous methodology which allows the Project Manager or Consultant to tailor the methodology principles to fit the project. By basing our practices on sound project management methodology principles we provide valuable planning and control which ensures success in the most cost effective manner. Our successful track record of tailoring quality processes to assist a variety of clients in architecting, planning for and transitioning to enterprise architectures to support evolving future business objectives maintains our competitive advantage. The simplicity and taiiarability of this practice methodology ensures we will continually learn from each engagement and as a learning organization bring greater value to our clients. Details of our project methodology are contained separately in a comprehensive document which is available to all NQI resources as a reference guide. for the purpose of brevity and clarity, the following illustrates our practice. > Practice Overview • Concept/Engagement • Identify Opportunity • Qualify Opportunity • Feasibility(Preliminary Assessment/Scope) • Proposal • Review proposal/plan with customer (iterative) • Engagement (Statement of Work signed) ➢ Planning • Confirm Requirements • Assess Environment • Prepare Plan • Review Plan with customer (iterative) • Approve Plan (Project Plan signed) > Execution • Pilot • Manage to Milestones Status Reporting IJovuQuest Info$ystems Po"22 0i 29 Printed 10/27/98 • Quality Deliverables ➢ Control • Benchmarking • Acceptance Criteria & Testing • Training ➢ Turnover/Followup • Knowledge Transfer • Support Services Plan/Option • Completion Briefing • Post Project Review (Lessons Learned) • Follow-up (30-60 days) Quarterty Customer Survey Letter or. WovoQuest Inio$ysrems 23 of_? Pnmed 10/27/98 ' i r M 1 N �O SYSTEMS Vif/. Implementation Costs 8.1 REQumm INFoRmATloN Provide information about the cost of the proposed solution. !»dude the following in the cast breakdown: ♦ What Are the System Design Costs? ♦ What are the System Imtplementation Costs? ♦ What are the Optional System Administration Training Costs? ♦ What are the User Traieing Program Costs? ♦ What are the proposed Software Costs? ♦ Costs for hardware associated wak your design ♦ Sales tax which is currently&6 percent 8.2 SYsTEM DEs GN (REQumm) -::; a ..L-: '._. ..Y `' : +.:e'F '� ' ' r ;=}Y}y>F� .��..,R.+�m-•1,.. ,,�.�„u_ t-•�fs� .. T� System Design AssiWance $47,60a00 EXPCHMS Taxes&M $4,093.60 Total Design Costs $51,693.60 8.3 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION (REQurRED) sysmm Raton $13400aoo bipenses Taxes sex $11,69S00 Total Impietnmmion Caul $147,696.00 Nowclu�M+bS wm Pa"24 of 29 8.4 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION TRAINING (OPTIONAL) System Administration Training $1220.00 Expenses Taxes 8.6% 104.92 Total System Administration Training $1324.92 Costs System Administration Training will be contracted to a 31 party. NovaQuest InfoSystems will facilitate times and dates. 8.5 DEVELOP USER TRAINING PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) Training Program Development S7562.00 Expenses - Taxes 650.33 Total User Training Costs S8212.33 Training Program development will provided and as Computer Based Training program run at the City of Kenes convenience. Other methods of training can be explored at the City of Kent's request. No Qwst Infojystems Page 25 of 29 Printed 10/27/98 8.6 SOFrWARE* (OPTIONAL) Microsoft Back Office Server License 1282.00 1282.00 NDS for Exchange "Included *Included NDS for NT 20.50 S16,400.00 Exchange Server Seat License 46.00 S36,800.00 Taxes 8.6% $4,685.45 Total Additional Software Costs $59,167.45 *NDS for Exchange plug-in is included in Novell's NDS for NT per Novell. 8.7 PROPOSED REQUIRED HARDWARE* (OPTIONAL) x y ..� w ti 06 Netserver LH3,PII1400 Dual 512mb Mem 35,825.00 Dual Array controller,Dual LAIC, Incl. Redundant power supply, CD-ROM (7) 18.1 GIG Hard Drive, 70gig DLT Incl. Taxes 8.6% 30,80.95 Total Hardware Costs $38,905.00 * Vendors may provide any of the following for hardware and software pricing. No Pricing. Recommend hardware requirements for the design and recommend Server Software Licensing. Complete Hardware and Software solution..(Please note the City Standard for Servers in Section Z 1.1, Network Infrastructure.) bl Qvest Info$voems Page 26 of 29 Pnmed 10/27/98 F IX. INFO SY 3T E M S Equal Emopwnt Opportunity De+d©mtion CITY OF KEN'T EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY DECLARATION The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such all contractors,subcontractors and suppliers who perform werk for the City shall comply with the regulations of the CWs equal employment opportun ty policies. The following questions specifhcally identify the requirements the City deem necessary for any contractor,subcontractor or supplier to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the followtng questions. The questions are as follows: 1. I have read the attached City of Kent adminietrathime policy number 12. 2. NovaQuest bu foSystems does not and will not discrindule In employment on the basis of sex, race,cobr,national or*n,age,or the presence of any sensory, nwnta4 or physical disability. 3. NovaQuest Infosysterm provides a wr$ten statement to ail new empdoyees and -' subcontractors irdica*W commitment as an equal opportindly a pioyer. 4. NovaQuest InfoSystem acthw&considers hiring and proueotion of women and miarttles. S. Tiu requirenmw outlined in this adherence st temoatshall be compiied with prior to the execution of any contract between NovaQuest bnfroSysterns and the City. By signing below,NovaQuest jhfbS)►Mms ape"to f dfQ the f w requirements referenced above. Dated the day o/ 1998 By: For. HevwQuest Ink4yawns Title: Direaw of PrelesWenal Servkes Date. 10/26/" McYotiu,t Inbsr.rm. Fe"28 of 29 1, Lee Kirby, certify that the pricing provided in this proposal will remain in effect For 120 days after the proposal due date. Signed. Date: 10/26/98 Tide: Director of Pro essi nal Services NoroQuut InioSystems Page 27 of 29 Pnnted 10/27/98 shot illomo 1 N PO SYSTEMS X. Aftachmenfs Mo Ou"W SPOWN %p 29 of 29 INFOSYSTEMS CUSTOMER Service Level Agreement 1999 INFOSYSTEMS MANAGEMENT SUMMARY This document provides a clear guideline for the provision of services to CUSTOMER from NovaQuest Infosystems (hereinafter referred to as NovaQuest). The content focuses on three primary areas: • Service Definition • Performance&Measurement • Customer Services The agreement will remain in force for a period of one(1)year from date of signature and will be reviewed quarterly as documented in the Measures and Reporting section. This document,along with the subsequent performance and management review,should form the foundation for a strategic partnership between CUSTOMER and NovaQuest This partnership will be committed to continuous improvement of those processes that allow NovaQuest to deliver top-quality services. This will benefit both parties by enhancing efficiency and increasing productivity, leading, inevitably, to increased value for CUSTOMER DOCUMENT REVISIONS AND DISTRIBUTION This section provides details relating to future modifications of this Service Level Agreement It includes processes for changing the document,a list of individuals to be notified of any potential or actual change and an explanation and history of document revisions. Change Control This document is subject to a change control procedure. Before any changes can be made to the documented services, processes and service levels,the document must be reviewed by a Change Control Group consisting of: Customer. Name of IT Director NovaQuest: Name of Professional Services Director Due to availability constraints that may be present for CUSTOMER,the Chauge Cool Group does not have to meet formally to discuss changes;mput can be sought using e-mail or other convenient medium. Due to the complexity of the agreement,proposals for change will only originate from the Change Control Group. Any changes require unanimous approval by the Change Control Group. Copies of the amended document with an anahmis of changes will be distributed per the distribution list prior to implementation. NovaQuest's Field Service Manager is responsible for managing the amendment and distribution of the document in accordance with the process outlined above. Distribution List The following is the Distribution List for all revisions taping place to this document Anyone interested in adding their name to the Distribution List can be accommodated by obtaining approval from Change Control Group,in which case the document will be amended accordingly and distributed to the revised Distribution List Customer: Name of IT Director Names of other significant players NovaQuest: Name of Professional Services Director Name of Field Services Manager Name of Account Executive CUSTOMER Page 2 Service Level Agreement 1998 Copyright(c) 1998 NovaQuest Infosystems.All Rights Reserved. NovaQuest Confidential h L 0 MEM INF0SYSTEM Revision Summary Below is a history of the revisions to this document,including the date the current version was released and the previous version,which it supersedes. NovaQuest revisions. The Revision Control is only updated upon release to the full distribution list. Current Revision date Previous Revision Reason for Change Revision SERVICE DEFINITION CUSTOMER hours of operation under this agreement are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM,PST,Monday through Friday, except CUSTOMER observed holidays. Technical Sort. NovaQuest will normally be asked to provide senior technical support. These services are available to support the CUSTOMER support staff on complex technical issues or situations requiring resource augmentation. All skill sets are available upon request by the CUSTOMER Liaison or Alternate. The service rates identified in the following matrix apply to the Seattle Metropolitan area(25 mile radius). PRIORITY TYPE OF SERVICE FIELD NETWORK SYSTEMS CODE ENGINEER ENGAGER ENGINEER 1 4 Hour Response TBD TBD TBD 2 8 Hour Response TBD TBD TBD 3 24 Hour Response TBD TBD TBD 4 48 Hour Response TBD TBD TBD 5 5 Day Response JTBD TBD TBD National & Intemational Technical Sg=rtrt NovaQuest will provide technical support as requested by the CUSTOMER Liaison or Alternate for national and international locations. This support is provided on a"best efforts"basis due to the coordination timing required to allocate resources. If a standard priority response service is required a rate schedule will be constructed to accommodate this service. TYPE OF SERVICE FIELD ENGINEER NETWORK SYSTEMS ENGINEER ENGINEER NationWide Service TBD JTBD TBD International Services TBD TBD TBD CUSTOMER Page 3 Service Level Agreement 1998 Copyright(c) 1998 NovaQuest Infosystems.All Rights Reserved. NovaQuest Confidential INFOSYSTEMS Warranty Support NovaQuest will provide Warranty support as requested by the CUSTOMER Liaison or Alternate. This activity covets parts only warranty work and warranty work that the customer requires it to be conducted off-hours. TYPE OF SERVICE FIELD ENGINEER NETWORK SYSTEMS ENGINEER ENGINEER Warranty/off hours TBD TBD TBD Telephone Support NovaQuest will provide telephone support as requested by the CUSTOMER Liaison or Alternate. These services are provided to support the CUSTOMER support staff on complex technical issues or situations requiring resource augmentation. The telephone support is invoked by calling the NovaQuest Services primary telephone number and requesting this service. TYPE OF SERVICE FIELD ENGINEER NETWORK SYSTEMS ENGINEER ENGINEER 1 Hour Response TBD TBD TBD 4 Hour Response TBD TBD TBD On-Call Support NovaQuest will provide On-Call support as reqtiested by the CUSTOMER Liaison or Alternate. This service is provided to augment the CUSTOMER support staff on complex technical issues or situations requiring resource augmentation. This service may be invoked at any time by written or email request for a minimum period of three months. It is important to note the cost associated with providing this level of support is substantial and is only offered to premier customers. It is also prudent to understand that this service may initiate charges for the initial telephone response as well as the technical support provided on site_ The rates of the on-site technical support are based on.the priority code(response time)assigned by the CUSTOMER Liaison or Alternate and detailed prices defined in the Technical Support section above. TYPE OF SERVICE FIELD ENGINEER NETWORK SYSTEMS ENGINEER ENGINEER 24 hour pager/Oncall TBD TBD TBD Telephone Response TBD TBD TBD On-Site Support NovaQuest will provide On-site support as requested by the CUSTOMER Liaison or Alternate. These services are provided to support the CUSTOMER support staff for situations requiring resource augmentation. These services may be invoked at any time by written or email request for a minimum period of three months. Pricing for service is dependent upon duration and may be negotiated upon request. CUSTOMER Page 4 Service Level Agreement 1998 Copyright(c) 1998 NovaQuest Infosystems.All Rights Reserved. NovaQuest Confidential • eLio4L !!Q 1 N F 0 S Y S T E M S Proiect Sumort NovaQuest will provide project management,consulting support and technical resources to meet project needs. This service is managed on a project by project basis with a clear project definition developed by CUSTOMER for NovaQuest. NovaQuest will develop a clear Statement of Work. The charges for these services will be outlined in each new statement of work. SERVICE LEVELS Priority Descriptions 1 Business 4 hour 4 hour on-site response. Normally impact; no reserved for mission critical, multiple work user impact. May be called upon to around assist where needed. 2 Business 8 hour 8 hour on-site response. Normally impact; no reserved for break and fix calls, mission work critical work stations, printing problems around and software problems with escalation 3 Work 24 hour 24 hour response. Normally reserved around for network patches. IP addressing and exists software support calls requiring data transfer or re-installation. 4 Service 48 hour Normally reserved for new installations. Request 5 Service 5 days Software and hardware installation Request resolutions, system installs with data transfer. 6 Service User Normally given to cases where Request Specified resolution has been provided, but coil Date has been resolved using a loaner system or is under observation by a technician. ' CUSTOMER page 5 Service Level Agreement 1998 Copyright(c) 1998 NovaQuest Infosystems.All Rights Reserved. NovaQuest Con, idendd r,fk L �60 :.�. I N F 0 S Y S T E M S MEASURES AND REPORTING NovaQuest(Field Service Manager)will provide monthly reports of support activity via email to the distribution list To manage quality of service,NovaQuest will track and measure by the following metrics. Customer Satisfaction 3 rating & above ??% 98% Average Customer Satisfaction Score ?? 9 Phone Survey Scoring ??? 8 QUARTERLY MEETINGS The quarterly review meeting will consist of a discussion of the reports and measurements and may include the items listed below. The quarterly meeting will consider the activities and accomplishments determined to be the most critical by CUSTOMER's staff.. In addition,this meeting will serve as a forum for potential addstchanges/deletions to the current SLA document The attendees will,at a mininniza_+.be the distribution list in this document • Performance Metrics Summary • Customer Support Center-Total Calls,Call Breakdown,SLA Compliance • Customer.Satisfaction Breakdown-Avg.by Category,_Ovemil Avg.,%3's+,%1&2's • Summary Service Billing CUSTOMER SERVICE Communications and Escalation Process To ensure that the CUSTOMER service relationship is managed effectively and efficiently,a wide range of communications points have been set up within NovaQuest Our extensive team offers CUSTOMER multiple contact points to ensure that it is possible to communicate at all times at a level suited to the issue at hand from warranty repair activity to strategic relationship development The escalation procedure is in order as listed below. New programs for customer communications will also be developed as required. These programs will be the joint responsibility of CUSTOMER and NovaQuest The following people are key points of contact for NovaQuest and listed in the order of escalation Each person carves out a unique role,but will also be capable of facilitating communication with proper support personnel as required. Additional description of roles and responsibilities can be found in the Roles and Responsibilities section of this document The following is a table of the people responsible for servicing CUSTOMER CUSTOMER Page 6 Service Level Agreement 1998 Copyright(c) 1998 NovaQuest Infosystems.All Rights Reserved NovaQuest Con UendW . ............. MZQINFOSYSTEMS Name Feld Service Manager (800) 590-9273 Name Professional Services Director (800) 590-9273 Name Area Director (800) 590-9273 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES NovaQuest Account Man aeer- responsible for managing all aspects of procurement for NovaQuest. NovaQuest Field Service Manager-responsible for CUSTOMER service operations. NovaQuest Area Director,Enterprise Services-responsible for regional service offerings, quality of service and business development. Authorizes this service level agreement on behalf of NovaQuest. CUSTOMER Alternate-responsible for the CUSTOMER,NovaQuest interface. Authorized to engage services per the guidelines in this agreement. CUSTOMER Liaison-responsible for the CUSTOMER,NovaQuest interface. Authorized to engage services per the guidelines m this agreement. CUSTOMER Manager-responsible for the CUSTOMER information service operations. Authorized to engage services per the guidelines in this agreement. Authorizes this service level agreement on behalf of CUSTOMER SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement to be in effect from the date of signature for one year. In the spirit of partnership and seamless support,CUSTOMER and NovaQuest agree to the terms,conditions and content of this Service Level Agreement. CUSTOMER NovaQuest InfoSystems By By Date Date Name Name Title Area Director Address 2800 156'Avenue SE City, State Zip Bellevue,WA 98007 CUSTOMER Page 7 Service Level Agreement 1998 Copyright(c) 1998 NovaQuest Infosystems.All Rights Reserved. NovaQuest Confidential .................... Kent City Council Meeting Date January 5 , 1999 Category Bids 1 . SUBJECT: WEST HILL SKATE PARK 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Five bids were received on December 16, 1998, for construction of the West Hill Skate Park. T. F . Sahli Construction was the lowest bidder at $94 , 480 plus tax and was under the engineer ' s estimate of $98 , 543 . Staff recommends entering into an agreement with the low bidder. 3 . EXHIBITS: Bid tabulation sheet 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) S . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $94, 480 . 00 plus WSST SOURCE OF FUNDS : Capital Improvement Funds - Youth/Teen Tax 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember—&42 moves, Councilmember seconds to enter into an agreement with T.F. Sahli Construction for the West Hill Skate park project in the amount of $94 , 480 , plus Washington State Sales Tax. DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 8A BID TABULATION FORM KENT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON PROJECT: West Hill Skate Park LOCATION: 42nd Avenue and Reith Road, Kent, WA BIDS DUE: 12/16/98 BIDS OPENED: 10:15 a.m. BIDDER : BASE BID: 1 Sahli Construction $ 94,480.00 2 Lombardi Construction $ 97,120.00 3 Harborside Inc $ 134,000.00 4 Golf Landscaping, Inc $ 136,700.00 5 Landel Corporation $ 168,700.00 6 $ 7. $ 8 $ 9 $ 10. $ 11 $ 12 $ 13 $ 14 $ 15 $ 16 $ 17 $ 1g $ ENGiNEERS ESTIWXTE BASE BID:: Wq' 4100: ............_ Kent City Council Meeting Date January 5 , 1999 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: RUSSELL ROAD PARK BLEACHERS 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Two written bids were received for the purchase and installation of nine bleacher units at Russell Road Park. The lowest bid by M.V. P . was under the staff estimate of $40 , 000 . Materials Materials & Installation M.V. P. Inc . $38 , 150 . 00 $49, 570 . 00 SiteLines, inc . $48 , 757 . 00 $54 , 807 . 00 Staff recommends entering into an agreement with the low bidder. 3 . EXHIBITS: Bid proposal sheets 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $49, 570 . 00 plus W. S. S .T. SOURCE OF FUNDS : Councilmanic Bonds approved on 12/8/98 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember_ 14� moves, Councilmember seconds to enter into an agreement with M.V. P. Inc . for the Russell Road Park Bleachers project in the amount of $49, 570, plus Washington State Sales Tax. DISCUSSION: 'yam ACTION: 0/ 1C Council Agenda Item No. 8B Outdoor Aluminum M.V.P. Inc. P.O. BOX 118; GENEVA,AL 36340 23628 116M AVE. SE;KENT, WA 98031 TELEPHONE(800)225.4249 TELEPHONE(253)8594223 FAX(334)684-2231 FAX(253)859-9533 E-MML MMdOO& MAWF4CTliRER REPRESENTA77VE PROPOSAL Proposal To: Date: 11/16/98 Project: ALUMIN1 i i BLEACHERS CITY OF KENT Ni M JOE HANSON KEPT,WA 98032 From: Brad Martin Number Of Pages In This Proposal: 1 We are pleased to offer the following: Destination: KENT, WA (RUSSELL ROAD COMPLEX) 8 EA. DLW5-27 5 ROW X 27' LONG BLEACHER UNIT 1 EA DLW10-27 10 ROWS X 27' LONG BLEACHER UNITS WELDED ALUMINUM ANGLE UNDERSTRUCTURE FIRST SEAT 17" ABOVE GRADE 8 " RISE /24" TREAD DEPTH 2 X 10 ANODIZED ALUMINUM SEATS DOUBLE2 X 10MIILL ALUMINUM FOOTBOARDS —ALL ROWS 1 Y 6 RISER—ALL ROWS 2 X 10 RISER LAST ROW ONLY i EA. VERTJC,% 4J E 60"W/CLZaU HAND AEL & AISLE FILLER GUARDRAIL SYSTEM—2/3 LINED ALUMINUM RAIL W/ 9 GA ALUMINIZED CHAIN LINK FABRIC; REAR AND SIDES TO ROW 3 THERE IS NO PROVISION FOR HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY TOTAL MATERIALS ONLY—DELIVERED: S 339150.00 TOTAL.MATERIALS DELIVERED AND INT.LED: S 49,570.00 Note: Pricing good for 30 days and does not include any provision for takes, pernits,bonds, engineered drawings, or any other extraneous fees. Bleacher designed in accordance with Uniform Building Code, 1997 edition requirements. Shipment can be made 4-6 weeks after acceptance of order by Outdoor Alun inum, Inc. -A0 Purrhase Orders, Contracts,and Payments shall be issued to"OUTDOOR ALUNE WU'M INC." SiteLines PARK AND PLAYGROUND PRODUCTS INC QUOTATION DATE: 11/12/98 PROJECT NAME: KENT PARKS BLEACHERS ITEM # QTY DESCRIPTION EACH TOTAL NL30527ADLX 8 5 KOW X 27' LONG ALUMINUM FRAME BLEACHERS -NON-ELEVATED WITH 74 SEATS PER UNIT -2 X 10 ANODIZED SEAT PLANKS -DOUBLE FOOT50AKDS, WITH KISERS AS NEEDED -(1) 60"VERTICAL AISLE WITH MID-AISLE HANDRAIL -CHAINLINK GUARDRAIL SYSTEM -"DESIGNED IN COMPLIANCE WITH 1997 UBC CODE REQUIREMENTS N131027AVLX 2 10 KOW X 27'ALUMINUM FRAME BLEACHERS -NON ELEVATED, 144 SEATS PEK UNIT -ALL FEATURES SAME AS ABOVE MATERIALS ONLY, DELIVERED $48,757 `r OPTIONAL ASSEMBLY OF MATERIALS ABOVE $6,050 i *We vrW`e pleased to honor this quote umd(12/30193). Ceders mceivea after this date are subject to pacing increase. *All prices ate FOB:JOBSITE, and do not iaclude insa6adon or sales tax. *Estimssed deHvery time from receipt of order. 45-N DAYS *Terms are NET 30,on approval of credit. *?urchase onims/coutacts asrrc be rode oat t0:SITElXQM WA CONTR.#SITELPPOS?.dt7 Prep br- SiteLines! � Titanic you for considering GAR7OIA;L Estimator Date ACCEPTED BY (printed): lTrLE: SIGNATURE: DATE: riiGNE: �_ FAMM (-- ) P.O. #/JOB #: TAX EXEMPT #, (IF APPL.ICABT 117): eS/a th St SW#104A ' Evevtt DNA 58204 '800/235-2440 ' 425/30-505 ' fax 4i51.-u1-.v056 . ................... REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES AND STAFF A. COUNCIL PRESIDENT I,ggl- C a� B. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 3 : 30 iq C. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 9&,*, D. PUBLIC WORKS/PLANNING COMMITTEE Cam- a-,, we d aavi z o kt" h ko-�J !,y �5" ccta-4 atv-Z4. rL E. PARKS COMMITTEE 1z),itJ F. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS -rRQ� -� 20 ca, g C� ................. REPORTS FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEES ---_ .................. ._.._ . ........ ...................... ,1i61 CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A. .. .... .............. 11111 EXECUTIVE SESSION A) Property Acquisition B) Labor Negotiations