HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 08/18/1998 ............... City of Kent City Council Meeting Agenda CITY OF p&9�II(�5t� Mayor Jim White Councilmembers Leona Orr, President Sandy Amodt Connie Epperly Tom Brotherton Judy Woods Tim Clark Rico Yingling August 18, 1998 Office of the City Clerk CITY OF J 0\, 1��f V'sxv, SUMMARY AGENDA KENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 18 , 1998 Council Chambers 7 : 00 p.m. MAYOR: Jim White COUNCI MEMBERS : Leona Orr, President Sandy Amodt Tom Brotherton Connie Epperly Rico Yingling Tim Clark Judy Woods CALL TO ORDER FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL 1 . PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Introduction of Visiting Students from Yangzhou, China B. Introduction of Mayor ' s Appointee a . A- -t u� ¢✓o e-y - i J e r5 I 2 . PUBLIC HEARINGS (� A. 1999 Budget 3 . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes B . Approval of Bills C. Council Absences (Orr and Woods) - Approval D. Human Services Appointment - Confirmation E. Code of Ethics Policy - Resolution F . West Valley Highway Storm Drainage - Acceptance G. Pheasant Ridge Short Plat - Bill of Sale H. Fox Ridge Addition No . 1 Final Plat - Set Meeting Date T. 1c191 CJg6 - Se-t hE'arI` n� G1 �� 4 . OTHER BUSINESS None 5 . BIDS A. Construction of Additional Municipal Court Parking Lot B . PC Purchase Request for Quotes C. S . 277th St Interceptor Phase 2 D. 1998 Mill Creek Fish Habitat Improvement Project 6 . CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS 7 . REPORTS EXECUTIVE SESSION - Property Acquisition 8 . ADJOURNMENT NOTE: A copy of the full agenda packet is available for perusal in the City Clerk's Office and the Kent Library. An explanation of the agenda format is given on the.back of this page. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City in advance for more information. For TDD relay service call 1-800-635-9993 or the City of Kent (253) 854-6587. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Citizens wishing to address the Council will, at this time, make known the subject of interest, so all may be properly heard. A) Introduction of Visiting Students from Yangzhou, China B) Introduction of Mayor' s Appointee \w Kent City Council Meeting Date Aucrust 18 . 1998 Category Public Hearings 1 . SUBJECT: 1999 BUDGET 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: This date has been set for the first public hearing on the 1999 Budget . Public input is desired and welcome as the City begins to prepare for the 1999 budget . 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Finance Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT• NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : OPEN HEARING: PUBLIC INPUT : CLOSE HEARING: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember _CW moves, Councilmember seconds to close the public hearing. DISCUSSION: ACTION: rn G Council Agenda Item No. 2A CONSENT CALENDAR 3 . City Council Action: (�,, Councilmember LaJ= moves, Councilmember seconds that Consent Calendar Items A through ,H'be approve . Z Discussion Action 3A. ARBroval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of August 4 , 1998 . 32 . Approval of Bills . Approval of payment of the bills received through July 31 and paid on July 31 , after auditing by the Operations Committee on August 4 , 1998 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 7/31/98 203547-203788 $ 231, 676 . 27 7/31/98 203789-204226 2 , 301 , 459 . 79 $2 , 533 , 136 . 06 Approval of checks issued for pavro 1 for July 16 through July 31, and paid on August 5 , 1998 : Date Check Numbers Amount 8/5/98 Checks 229340-229700 $ 287 , 905 . 61 8/5/98 Advices 68656-69224 748 , 782 . 96 $1 , 036, 688 . 57 Council Agenda Item No. 3 A-B Kent , Washington August 4 , 1998 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White . Present : Councilmembers Amodt , Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods and Yingling, Operations Director/Chief of Staff McFall , City Attorney Lubovich, Fire Chief Angelo, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Finance Director Miller and Parks Director Hodgson. Approximately 50 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC rmoloyee of the Month. Mayor White announced COMMUNICATIONS that Jeanne Alexander, Specialized Recreation Instructor, has been named Employee of the Month for August . He noted that Ms . Alexander is one of the co-founders of the Sunshine Factory Club, a social club for developmentally disabled adults . He stated that her ability to be extraordinarily patient and understanding makes her a perfect choice to work with a diverse group of individ- uals, and thanked her for her contributions . Cheryl Fraser, Recreation Facility Manager, said that Ms . Alexander is very well respected by her co-workers and has made a tremendous difference in the quality of life of many people . She thanked her for her compassion, caring and commitment . Mayor White presented Ms . Alexander with the Employee of the Month plaque, which she said she is honored to receive . Rec onai Justice Center Update• Commander Coleman of the Regional Justice Center distributed copies of a brochure and reported that the RJC has been operating very well and that he is pleased with the progress which has been made . He noted that video court is operating for three municipal courts, that two additional court rooms will open in September, that the Kent School District will provide juvenile education, and that Renton Technical College has begun a janitorial program for inmates and will begin a baking program later. He noted that substance abuse counseling is available and that Catholic Community Services will provide transition services upon release. He noted that over 180 volunteers work with inmates at the center, and expressed appreciation to them. 1 Kent City Council Minutes August 4 , 1998 PUBLIC Commander Coleman noted that 781 of the 896 beds COMMUNICATIONS are full and that two units are available for expansion. He said that the RJC is recognized as a model jail facility and has been toured by representatives from other states and countries . He invited Councilmembers to tour the facility. Upon questions from Yingling and Orr, Coleman said they have received enormous community support and that they do not expect to use the vacant units until next year. He said that double bunking has always been anticipated and that all support facilities were designed to accommodate that population. He pointed out that the RJC has a large meeting room for use by the community. Orr commented on the beautiful artwork in the facility and Coleman noted for Amodt that nutritious meals are prepared for approximately 60 cents each. Commander Coleman invited anyone who would like to tour the facility to contact him and made brochures available . Report from Citizens to Save the South Station Site, Walter Hazen, 11235 137th Avenue SE, noted that they are in the process of gathering funds for any future litigation which may be necessary, and that they will be meeting with members of the Sound Transit staff . He recommended that the Council invite members of the RTA staff to visit both sites . He thanked all who have helped. Jan Redding, 9511 S . 207th Place , Kent, said that invitations have been sent to Sound Transit Bcardmembers to visit both sites on August 13 and encouraged City Councilmembers to attend. She explained that staff has been instructed to revisit the north station site issue . She noted for Orr that a few of the members want to see the site, and that the visit was coordinated with the Chairman of the Sound Transit Board. 2 Kent City Council Minutes August 4 , 1998 PUBLIC Carol Schneider, manager of the St . James Thrift COMMUNIATIONS Shop at 232 S . Railroad Avenue, urged the Council to save the south site for the shop and to stay with the north site for the RTA station. She explained that the shop supports the food bank, suppers at the Lutheran church, Catholic Community Services, and contributed $42 , 000 to charities last year. She questioned whether the merchants have contributed to these charities . She said that if the shop is closed, they would not be able to find another location with reasonable rent and that Kent will lose the funding that they provide to charities . She reiterated that it is her hope that Sound Transit will stay with the north site . CONSENT ORR MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through 0 CALENDAR be approved. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of July 21 , 1998 . WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Water District #111 Easement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the agreement with Water District #111, as recommended by the Public Works/Planning Committee . The Public Works Department has received an Easement Agreement from Water District #111 for the purpose of granting the District an easement to install a waterline through the plat of Seven Oaks . STREET (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) VACATION 32nd Avenue South Street Vacation. ADOPTION of Resolution No . 1510 setting September 15 , 1998 , as the public hearing date for the 32nd Avenue South Street Vacation, as recommended by the Public Works/Planning Committee . 3 Kent City Council Minutes August 4 , 1998 PUBLIC WORKS (BIDS - ITEM 5A) 1998 Asphalt Overlay & Central Avenue Right Turn Lane (Northbound South of S. 228th Street) - Russell Road Asphalt Walkway (James Street to 1,400 ' South) . Bid opening for this project was held on July 30th with four bids received. The low bid was submitted by Lakeside Industries in the amount of $536 , 820 . 20 . The Engineer' s estimate was $564, 004 . 50 . The Public Works Committee has reviewed the project budget and recommends transferring unencumbered monies from another project fund. As such, the Public Works Director recommends that the contract be awarded to the low bidder. CLARK MOVED that the remaining balance in Fund R52 be transferred tc the R11 Fund and the 1998 Asphalt Overlay & Central Avenue Right Turn Lane (Northbound South of S . 228th Street) - Russell Road Asphalt Walkway (James Street to 1 , 400 ' South) contract be awarded to Lakeside Industries in the amount of $536 , 820 . 20 . Brotherton seconded and the motion carried. TRANSPORTATION (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4D) Transportation I=rovement Board Grant, The Public Works Department has received a grant of $1, 320 , 577 from the Transportation Improvement Board for the construction phase of the 196th. Street Corridor project . The Public Works/ Planning Committee has recommended that the Mayor be authorized to sign the grant agreement, direct staff to accept the grant and establish a budget for $1 , 320 , 577 . It was determined that the contract can be executed even though the Mayor serves as a member of this Board. CLARK MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the grant agreement and direct staff to accept the grant of $1 , 320 , 577 from the Transportation Improvement Board, to establish a budget for same and to use the funds for the S . 196th Street Corridor project . Brotherton seconded and the motion carried. 4 Kent City Council Minutes August 4 , 1998 CODES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) 1997 Editions Of Uniform Codes and Fees . ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3415 adopting the 1997 editions of the Uniform Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, Housing, and Abatement of Dangerous Building Codes and adopting the most recent editions of the Washington Energy Code and Washington Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code and ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1511 establishing fee schedules for the Uniform codes, as recommended by the Operations Committee . The ordinance also includes housekeeping provisions to correct inconsistencies in enforcement and appeals procedures . PLANNING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) DEPARTMENT Building Inspector Position, APPROVAL to amend the Planning Department ' s Development Services Division 1998 budget to add one Combination Building Inspector position at a cost of $50 , 400 to include salary, benefits, vehicle, computer, and miscellaneous equipment , and to increase the Division' s overtime budget for 1998 by $20 , 000 for a total budget impact of $70 , 400 , as recommended by the Operations Committee . PLATS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) (REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK) Fox Ridge Addition No i Final Plat, Clark removed this item from the agenda due to the lack of full information. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) Stone Wood Preliminary Plat SU-97-13 This date has been set to consider the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation for conditional approval of a preliminary plat application by BP Land Investments, LLC, for a 17-lot single-family residential subdivision. The property is located on the east side of 96th Avenue S . at approximately S . 231st Street . 5 Kent City Council Minutes August 4 , 1998 PLATS CLARK MOVED to approve the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation of approval with conditions of the Stone Wood preliminary plat . Woods seconded and the motion carried. DIVERSITY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Diversity Advisory Board Establigh ent. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3414 establishing a Diversity Advisory Board. The Mayor' s Multi-Cultural Diversity Task Force has recommended the creation of a Diversity Advisory Board. This ordinance creates such a board of seven members to be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by Council . The Board will advise the Mayor and Council on matters pertaining to diversity in City policies, employment, contracting, and the like . Yingling stated that this is a significant achievement for the City and that an advisory board will be developed to oversee the recommenda- tions made by the Mayor' s Diversity Task Force . The Mayor noted that letters of interest should be mailed to his office by the end of August . LODGING TAX (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) Lodcrina Tax Advisory Committee. Due to changes in state law, the City of Kent now has authority to levy a 1% lodging tax, the proceeds of which must be used for tourism promotion. The first step in consideration of such a tax is the establishment of a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee . The commit- tee will be composed of seven members : three representatives of the lodging industry, three representatives of potential beneficiaries of the tax, and the chair of the Council Operations Committee who shall serve as chair. The committee will review proposals for levying such a tax, and proposed expenditures of such tax, and shall make recommendations to the City Council . McFall noted that City Council has struggled with the issue of whether or not to proceed with a performing arts center, how property for a site 6 Kent City Council Minutes August 4 , 1998 LODGING TAX would be acquired, how to finance construction, and how to deal with any operating deficits which might occur. He explained that the lodging tax could be used to partially address some of these issues . He pointed out that the City Council cannot act on a proposed lodging tax until at least 45 days from the first date that this committee would consider the subject . McFall stated that the proposal is to adopt an ordinance establishing the committee so that this option can be analyzed more thoroughly and a recommendation can be brought back to Council . He noted that the terms of committee members would be for three years, but that initial appointments would be for one, two, and three year terms in order to establish a rotation. McFall noted that there is a sunset clause in the ordinance, in the event that a lodging tax is not implemented by the City Council by January 1, 1999 . He said in that case the ordinance and the lodging tax advisory committee would cease to exist . The City Attorney clarified that it is the duty of the City Council to appoint the committee members . WOODS MOVED to adopt Ordinance No . 3417 creating a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, and to direct staff to prepare a proposal for a 1% lodging tax for submission to the committee . Clark seconded. Woods said that this is an opportunity to examine a possible direction and that until recently it was not possible for the City to consider this as a potential funding source . Upon Amodt ' s question, McFall explained that Kent and other cities in King County are subject to the state sales tax and the county-wide lodging tax. He added that some cities have now adopted the additional 1% . Amodt said she has heard concern from hotel/motel owners in Kent . Woods pointed out that the issue before Council tonight is 7 Kent City Council Minutes August 4 , 1998 LODGING TAX whether to establish a committee and that if action is not taken by the end of the year, the issue will disappear. She added that meetings will be held over several months . Amodt questioned why a committee should be created to look at the tax if citizens are concerned about it and it probably will not be implemented; McFall responded that State law requires it . Barbara Ivanov, Executive Director of the Kent Chamber of Commerce, said they do not have a formal position at this time. She distributed a handout showing comments from local hotel/motel owners, and noted that most of the owners were concerned whether or not a performing arts center would generate overnight stays . She suggested that of the three recipients on the committee, if two are from the performing arts center, the other be someone who could represent other avenues of general tourism. Orr spoke in favor of the motion and said it is a good way to gather information from an objective group of people and find out the impacts . She said it is critical that a good share of the funds be spent to attract people who will stay overnight in Kent . Epperly noted that the current tax is 11 . 4%, and McFall explained that that is the sales tax and the King County lodging tax. He noted for Orr that that tax is divided among several uses and is not a specific amount . Brotherton spoke in favor of the motion to establish a committee . Amodt noted that one of the 1998 target issues is to reduce taxes, and that although the action tonight is only to establish a committee, it is the first step . McFall noted for Epperly that the County cannot assess any more, as they are at their limit . Yingling spoke in favor of the motion and pointed out that this would bring in revenue from non-Kent residents . He voiced con- cern about the competitive nature of the lodging business and agreed that it would be good to bring in someone from another part of the beneficiary 8 Kent City Council Minutes August 4 , 1998 LODGING TAX community. He pointed out that this is a good opportunity to sell the performing arts center to a broader committee . There were no further comments and the motion to adopt Ordinance No . 3417 then carried, with Amodt and Epperly opposed. PARKS AND (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) RECREATION King County Work Training Program Grant. ACCEPTANCE of a King County Community Services Division grant awarded to the Parks and Recreation Youth/Teen Program Work Training Program in an amount not to exceed $12 , 380 and amendment of the budget . The project is titled Kent Youth Conservation Corps and involves teens cleaning, maintaining and developing parks and rails, and other special projects as assigned. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Ong County Arts Commission Grant. Acceptance " of a $6, 625 grant from the King County Arts Commission 1998 Sustained Support Program to Kent Parks and Recreation Cultural Division, and amend- ment of the budget . Funds will provide artistic services and opportunities for a variety of special event programs, including summer concert series and Kids , Arts Day. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) Kent Rotary Donation. ACCEPTANCE of a donation in the amount of $1 , 489 from the Kent Rotary, and amendment of the budget . The annual Kent Rotary auction donates half of the dollar amount of purchases from each table designated to an organization back to that organization. This year the Kent Parks and Recreation Department table purchased $2 , 978 in auction items, resulting in a Kent Rotary donation of $1 , 489 back to Kent Parks and Recreation to be used for the Meridian Glen Park play equipment purchase . 9 Kent City Council Minutes August 4 , 1998 PARKS AND (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3N) RECREATION Riverbend Drivina Range Netting Project. ACCEPT the Riverbend Driving Range Netting Project as complete and release retainage to Driving Ranges Inc . upon receipt of state releases . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 30) Spr nawood Park Trail Damage Repair. ACCEPT the Springwood Park Trail Damage Repair Project as complete and release retainage to Ohana Nursery upon receipt of state releases . FINANCE (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) 1999-2004 Capital Facilities Plan. This date has been set to receive public input on the 1999-2004 Capital Facilities Plan. The Plan includes all expenditures for the next six years as described in the City' s Capital Facilities portion of the Comprehensive Plan. Each year the CFP is updated before adoption of the City' s budget , in order to incorporate the capital improvements from the updated CFP into the budget . Finance Director Miller displayed a graph showing revenue sources, the largest of which is grants . She noted that the second largest source is utili- ty revenue, and that specific shared money is received from the state . She said that the largest expenditure is for public works projects for transportation. She then explained the timeline for submitting projects . Mayor White opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and WOODS MOVED to close the public hearing. Orr seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 32) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through July 15 and paid on July 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on July 21 , 1998 . 10 Kent City Council Minutes August 4 , 1998 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date check Numbers Amount 7/15/98 202777-203059 $ 651, 749 . 68 7/15/98 203060-203546 3 , 230 , 301 . 93 $3 , 882 , 051 . 61 Approval of checks issued for payroll for July 1 through July 15, and paid on July 20, 1998 : Date Check Numbers Amount 7/20/98 Checks 228977-229339 $ 292 , 553 . 35 7/20/98 Advices 68109-68655 797 , 590 . 97 $1, 090 , 144 . 32 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) LTD 347 & 348 Consolidated Bond Contract. ADOPTION of Ordinance No . 3413 for the issuance of $942 , 617 in CLID 347/348 bonds and authorization for the Mayor to sign the bond purchase contract with Dain Rauscher, Inc . , as recommended by the Operations Committee at their July 21 , 1998 meeting. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) 1998 Budget Adj'_ustraent. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3416 totaling $35 , 703 , 185 for budget adjust- ments made from January 1 through June 30 , 1998 , as recommended by the Operations Committee at their July 21 , 1998 meeting. This ordinance is primarily a housekeeping adjustment, consolidating individual budget items into one adjusting ordinance . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) 1999 Budget, SET August 18 , 1998 , as the date for a public hearing on the 1999 Budget . REPORTS Council President. Orr announced that the Suburban Cities meeting originally scheduled for August 12th has been cancelled. 11 Kent City Council Minutes August 4 , 1998 REPORTS Orr noted that tonight is National Night Out and provided Councilmembers with a list of the Block Watch locations and invited them to attend. (Operations Committee. Woods noted that the next Committee meeting has been changed from August 18 to August 25 at 3 : 30 p.m. Public Safety Committee. Epperly noted that the Committee will meet at 5 : 00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11 . Parks Committee. Woods said the Committee meeting has been changed to August 25 as necessary. EXECUTIVE At 8 : 00 p.m. , McFall reminded Councilmembers of an SESSION Executive Session of approximately 15 minutes . The meeting reconvened at 8 : 25 p .m. PARKS AND Ice Arena, WOODS MOVED to authorize the Mayor to RECREATION execute the proposed Letter of Agreement with Urban Trademark Corporation for development of an ice arena on park land; to authorize the Mayor to negotiate and enter into a lease and related agreements upon terms and conditions similar to those set forth in the Letter of Agreement ; and to make the Letter of Agreement part of the record. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. TRAFFIC Bur inaton Northern Santa Fe Railroad Settlement CONTROL Agreement. CLARK MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the proposed Settlement Agreement between the City and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, subject to approval by the Public Works Director and the City Attorney of the terms and conditions of a Construction and Maintenance Agreement with BNSF for the construction of the 196th Street Corridor above-grade railroad cross- ing by the City Attorney; to further authorize the City Attorney to execute any additional documents 12 Kent City Council Minutes August 4 , 1998 TRAFFIC necessary to fulfill the settlement conditions; CONTROL and to make the proposed Settlement Agreement between the City and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad a part of the record. Woods seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8 :27 p.m. Brenda J o er, CMC City C1 13 Kent City Council Meeting Date Aucrust 18 1998 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: COUNCIL ABSENCES - APPROVAL 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Approval of excused absences from tonight ' s meeting for Council President Leona Orr and Councilmember Woods, who are unable to attend. 3 . EXHIBITS: Memoranda 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT• NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3C MEMORANDUM TO: JIM WHITE, MAYOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: LEONA ORR, CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT v;h DATE: AUGUST 11, 1998 SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL EXCUSED ABSENCE I would like to request an excused absence from the August 18, 1998, City Council meeting. I will be unable to attend. Thank you for your consideration. "" LO:jb MEMORANDUM TO: JIM WHITE, MAYOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JUDY WOODS, CITY COUNCILMEMBE DATE: AUGUST 10, 1998 J SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL EXCUSED ABSENCE I would like to request an excused absence from the August 18, 1998, City Council meeting. I will be unable to attend. Thank you for your consideration. JW:jb Kent City Council Meeting Date August 18 1998 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: HUMAN SERVICES APPOINTMENT - CONFIRMATION 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Confirmation of the Mayor ' s appointment of Reverend John Jendresen to serve as a member of the Kent Human Services Commission. Rev. Jendresen is the minister at Kent Christian Center. In addition to his ministerial duties, he is involved with a program to feed and clothe the homeless, works with single parent families, and is involved with a program that provides gospel concerts for the community. He and his family will represent the religious community and will replace Pastor Johnny Williams who resigned. His term will continue until 1/1/99 . 3 . EXHIBITS: Memo 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor White (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUnGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT• NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No . 3D MEMORANDUM TO: LEONA ORR, CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: MAYOR JIM WHITF,,o DATE: AUGUST 12, 1998 SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT TO KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION I have appointed Reverend John Jendresen to serve as a member of the Kent Human Services Commission. Rev. Jendresen is the minister at Kent Christian Center. In addition to his ministerial duties, he is involved with a program to feed and clothe the homeless, works with single parent families, and is involved with a program that provides gospel concerts for the community. He and his family moved here from Salem, Oregon, and he has traveled extensively, visiting 30 different countries. Rev. Jendresen will represent the religious community and will replace Pastor Johnny Williams who resigned. His term will continue until 1/l/99. I submit this for your confirmation. JW:jb Kent City Council Meeting Date August 18 1998 Category consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: CODE OF ETHICS POLICY - RESOLUTION 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Operations Committee, adoption of Resolution No. relating to a Code of Ethics for City Councilmembers, expressing the Council ' s commitment to operate and conduct itself in an open and impartial manner and to a standard that ensures public confidence in the conduct of its members . 3 . EXHIBITS: Resolution 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Operations Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT• NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No . 3E RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington,relating to a Code of Ethics for City council members, expressing its commitment to operate within a Code of Ethics to protect the public mist and ensure public confidence in the conduct of its members. WHEREAS, the City Council Members are elected to exercise their discretionary powers pursuant to the laws and the Constitution which may often involve honest disagreement on policy matters; and WHEREAS, in the exercise of these powers, council members should operate within a framework that will protect the public trust and ensure public confidence in the conduct of elected officials; and WHEREAS, good government should operate and conduct itself in an open and impartial manner, and to a standard that ensures an efficient, fair, and accountable system; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that promoting and operating within a code of ethics would enhance the goals of protecting the public trust and ensuring public confidence in the conduct of its members; I Code of Ethics WHEREAS, there are numerous statutory provisions relating to the duties and responsibilities, as well as the conduct of Council Members as public officials; and WHEREAS, although the City Council is bound by these statutory provisions, the City Council believes it is important to recognize, become fully informed of and operate within the confines of these laws and to avoid improprieties or even the appearance of improprieties while performing duties as a City Council Member and further to be committed to the purposes for which these laws were enacted;NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: The City of Kent is committed to conducting its business in a fair, open, efficient, and accountable manner. Council members, as Public Officials, shall conduct their public and private actions and financial dealings in a manner that shall present no apparent or actual conflict of interest between the public trust and that private interest. Each council member is assumed and expected to act in accordance with all laws and codes of ethics that may apply to his or her position, as well as striving to avoid even an appearance of impropriety in the conduct of his or her office or business. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this day of , 1998. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this day of 1998. JIM WHITE, MAYOR Code of Ethics ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the day of 11998. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P:%LA W\RE50LU71\ethim3.dx Code of Ethics Kent City Council Meeting Date August 18 1998 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY STORM DRAINAGE - ACCEPTANCE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works/ Planning Committee, accept as complete the West Valley Highway Storm Drainage Repair project and release retainage to RJC, Inc . upon standard releases from the State and release of any liens . The original contract amount was $76, 734 . 59 . The final construction cost was $86, 884 .23 (13 .23% over) . The contract exceeded the bid amount because a section of pipe had to be re- laid due to unforeseen poor soil conditions . Adequate funds exist within the project budget to cover this overage . 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum and Public Works/ Planning Committee minutes 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works/Planning Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT• NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3F DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS August 3, 1998 TO: Public Work-VP lan ing Committee FROM: Don Wickstro RE: West Valley Highway Storm Drainage Repair Accept as Complete This project consisted of replacing an existing storm drain that provided flood relief for that section of West Valley Highway from the State maintenance facility to Smith Brothers Dairy. The contract was awarded to RJC, Inc. for the bid amount of $76,734.59. The final construction cost was $86,884.232 (13.23% over) The contract exceeded the bid amount because a section of pipe had to be re-laid due to unforeseen poor soil conditions. Adequate funds exist within the project budget to cover this overage. MOTION: Recommend that the West Valley Highway Storm Drainage project be accepted as complete. PUBLIC WORKS/PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES August 3, 1998 Present: Tim Clark, Chair Don Wickstrom Rico Yingling John Hodgson Tom Brotherton Fred Satterstrom Ed White PARKING SIGNS AT LAKE MERIDIAN Mr. Brotherton explained that parking is limited at Lake Meridian City Park with overflow parking occurring in the adjacent neighborhoods. Mr. Brotherton stated that the parking is obstructing mailboxes and littering has increased, necessitating frequent clean up by City crews. A711elton, 27020 150th Place Southeast, Kent, WA stated that he has been a resident of Kent for 18 years. He explained that their street is a dead-end road with 24 single-family residences. Mr. Helton stated that on the weekends, overflow parking from the park does not leave room for residential parking and restricts access to emergency vehicles. Mr. Helton said parking obstructs fire hydrants, driveways and mailboxes and noise volumes have increased as a result of car alarms being triggered. Mr. Helton said that beer and liquor bottles are strewn throughout the neighborhood creating safety hazards. He voiced his concern for the increased potential for burglary. Mr. Helton stated that larger volumes of people are looking for the boat ramp, increasing traffic congestion in the neighborhood. He stated that current signage is inadequate and needs to be addressed by the City. He suggested creating more parking or limiting access to the lake. Janice Buchmann, 14905 271" Place Southeast, Kent, WA stated that her property lies adjacent to the property entrance. Ms. Buchmann explained that people are jumping their chain link fence and cutting through their property to reach their cars. They are leaving litter behind. She expressed her concern over cars parking at the entrance to the park after hours in the dark, with the police rarely canvassing the area. She commented on the increased noise in the area as well as the potential for burglary. Robert Elston, 27006 1501h Place Southeast, Kent, WA reiterated concerns with the lack of police security and increased vandalism. He stated that parking congestion had increased with cars double parking. He further stated that cars with boat trailers were recklessly speeding on the streets and creating congestion by having to back their vehicles out of the neighborhood while looking for the boat launch. He stated that the congested parking creates does not leave parking available for residents to invite guests over Parks and Recreation Director, John Hodgson stated that they are working in conjunction with Public Works to address overflow parking. He suggested that perhaps a higher fence could be erected in addition to the planting of vegetation, as a method to dissuade fence jumping. He stated that if parking was increased at the park, it would increase the park capacity and parking would continue to overflow into adjoining neighborhoods. Mr. Hodgson explained that Parks and Recreation works continually at cleaning up debris and they work closely with the Police Public Works/Planning Committee Minutes August 3, 1998 Page 2 Department to curb illegal activities occurring within Lake Meridian Park as well as vandalism within all City parks. He stated that the Parks department would work with Public Works in preparing appropriate signage to direct people off of 152d with the signage visibly displayed on Kent Kangley east of 152"d Tom Brotherton stated that he personally spoke with Lake Meridian visitors who stated that they did not wish to park in front of people's residences. He stated that visitors suggested locating a map near the park's entrance identifying alternate parking locations. Discussion continued between the committee members on possible alternate parking locations such as Soos Creek Trial Head and a fire department substation. Mr. Brotherton suggested negotiating with local businesses as well as Puget Power substation for the use of their lots for parking. Janice Buchmann explained that when the lake was expanded 152"d was joined to 148`s. She stated that most of that area is vacant and suggested possible side or diagonal parking to offset some of the overflow parking. Mr. Hodgson explained that parking is allowed on the park side ofrhe road, with the other side of the road used as a pedestrian corridor. Transportation Engineer, Ed White explained that the City developed an ordinance two years ago that allowed for parking permit issuance. Seattle's program was evaluated and the draft ordinance patterned after Seattle. Seattle limits rather than prohibits parking. Parking permits are issued to residents for all day parking, with parking hours limited in the area to non-residents. Mr. White explained that criteria needs to be established and a process outlined to implement an ordinance addressing overflow parking. He stated that drive through traffic could be difficult to control. Mr. White spoke at length on ways the City could improve signage in the neighborhoods surrounding Lake Meridian. Mr. White explained that the Public Works department was in the process of hiring a Neighborhood Traffic Control Program Coordinator who would initially work on the Lake Meridian issue. Mr. White explained that the new staff person would work closely with the community in creating a process for the adoption and implementation of a parking ordinance. Mr. White said that after the ordinance is approved various strategies would be employed as early as spring of next year and enforced by summer time. Committee Chair Tim Clark questioned what could be done about the sign located 900 to Kent Kangley indicating "No Access to Lake Meridian". He stated that the position of the sign is not visually noticeable. Mr. White stated that the sign could be reoriented for greater visibility or replaced with a larger sign temporarily illuminated to draw drivers' attention. Mr. Clark requested that signage be erected immediately, on a temporary basis, due to the nature of heavy traffic during the current peak season. Mr. White concurred with Mr. Clark's request. Mr. Yingling questioned the legality of Kent Commons and Kent Junior High using signage to limit public access for parking during events. Mr. White explained that he understood parking could not be prohibited on a public right-of-way to exclude any specific group of people. He stated parking could be restricted by time or by day. Signage either allows for parking in an area or prohibits parking entirely. Mr. Clark requested that Mr. White determine if a parking exclusion could become part of the parking solution for Lake Meridian. Public Works/Planning Committee Minutes August 3, 1998 Page 3 Mr. Helton discussed with the Committee the significance of having signage visibly placed for all drivers to see. He stated that signage needs to contain accurate information guiding drivers to the park entrance, the boat launch and parking availability. Tim Clark stated that the residents could be assured the Parks and Public Works departments are taking steps to correct signage and neighborhood parking. Chair Clark asked that the Parks and Public Works departments bring there recommendations back to the Public Works/Planning Committee meeting of August 17. Mr. Yingling asked Mr. Hodgson if it were possible to create additional parking to successfully eliminate the need for overflow parking. Mr. Hodgson stated that creating more parking would be only a partial solution to the overflow-parking problem and would attract more people to Lake Meridian. He said the lake's boat capacity is limited so boat parking is limited in the park. Committee member, Tom Brotherton asked John Hodgson if it would be less costly to use the Cily's existing shuttle bus contract to include service to the lake during peak activity periods instead of seeking alternate parking locations. Rico Yingling asked Don Wickstrom if there was a way to design neighborhood streets that would discourage people from parking. Mr. Wickstrom stated that people will park wherever they desire and further explained that Planned Unit Developments have been created with narrow 22 foot wide streets which did not deter people from parking. Rico Yingling stated that if a sign was posted on both ends of Kent Kangley saying "turn at 152nd" this could potentially reduce the number of boats being towed through the neighborhood. Tom Brotherton stated that he would handle public safety issues and advised the residents to set up a block watch program with the Police Department for security purposes. UPDATE ON NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC CONTROL PROGRAM Ed White stated that the Public Works department approached the Mayor's office with a request to hire an individual whose focus will be to concentrate on citizen requests such as speeding, parking, general pedestrian safety and property cut-through. Mr. White explained that the intent of the program is to provide public outreach in the areas of education and engineering. He stated that the new program coordinator will develop a program by using the methodology and criteria of established programs of Seattle, Tacoma and Bellevue as well as working closely with City staff and citizens in Kent. Mr. White responded to Tom Brotherton's concerns on emergency vehicle access versus pedestrian safety issues. Mr. White explained that Public Works is concerned with the type of emergency vehicle apparatus used and the ability for medical or fire service personnel to respond quickly to the site of an emergency. Mr. White said that several types of traffic calming devices or speed bumps have been used throughout the community to effectively decrease speeding. He spoke at length regarding safety and legal liability issues relating to traffic calming devices. He indicated that traffic buttons are an option that work well in conjunction with small traffic islands allowing emergency vehicles to navigate over the buttons when responding to an emergency. y Public Works/Planning Committee Minutes August 3, 1998 Page 4 Mr. Clark asked Mr. White to evaluate the community needs and bring this information back to the Committee on August 17, 1998 WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY STORM DRAINAGE REPAIR—ACCEPTANCE Public Works Director, Don Wickstrom explained that the Public Works department had placed a bid to repair an existing storm drain that provided flood relief for that section of West Valley Highway from the State maintenance facility to Smith Brothers Dairy. A 1,500 section of the storm drain system had to be re-laid due to unforeseen poor soil conditions. The contract was awarded to RJC, Inc. for the bid amount of $76,734.59. The final construction cost was $86,884.232 (13.23% over bid). Adequate funds exist within the project budget to cover this overage. Committee unanimously recommended that the West Valley Highway Storm Drainage Repair project be accepted as complete. TkANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD (T.I.B.) GRANT—192/196/200 STREET Don Wickstrom explained that Public Works received a grant received from the Transportation Improvement Board for the construction phase of a portion of the 196th Street Corridor project from Green River Bridge to West Valley Highway (SR 181). The Council has authorized the Mayor to award this project. Mr. Wickstrom is requesting authorization for staff to accept the grant, establish a budget for $1,320,577 and spend the funds on said project. Due to time constraints, this item has been placed on the August 4th Council agenda under Other Business. The Committee unanimously recommended authorizing staff to accept the grant, establish a budget for$1,320,577 and authorize spending the funds on the S. 196th Street Corridor project. TRANSFER OF FUNDS—EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY ST. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Mr. Wickstrom explained that Public Works completed the East Valley Highway street improvement project in 1997 with funds left over in the amount of$47,000. He stated that staff was requesting authorization to transfer funds from the project (R52) to the Asphalt Overlay project (R11). Mr. Wickstrom explained that transferring funds would enable Public Works to award the 1998 Overlay project to the low bidder "Lakeside". The 1998 overlay project will include Central Avenue improvements and a pedestrian walkway along the golf course. Mr. Wickstrom anticipates this project to be completed no later than October 1998. This item is on the Council agenda for August 4th. The Committee unanimously recommended authorization for the Council to direct staff to transfer funds from the East Valley Highway Street Improvement project (R52) to the Asphalt Overlay project(R11). Meeting adjourned: 4:40 p.m. .............. Kent City Council Meeting Date August 18 , 1998 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: PHEASANT RIDGE SHORT PLAT - BILL OF SALE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Director, accept the bill of sale for Pheasant Ridge Short Plat submitted by Kenneth Walker for continuous operation and maintenance of 240 feet of sanitary sewer, 241 . 63 feet of curb, gutter and sidewalk, and 163 . 10 feet of storm sewer improvements and release of bonds after the expiration period. 3 . EXHIBITS : Vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT• NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3G - FL r � N o paq V C ( SE 251ST ST x I uI a+ ZS ` 5 S 252NO ST F = � - W x '^ 252N0 PLuA E.. 252N W c 7 259 PL ¢ W W 54TH ST '¢ 254TH PL x z = � SE 256TH ST \ PL \ 4' 25E °og9 �•� 'IleW �'\ n \ 2587N SE 200TH ST \ \ PL SE\260TH PL \ '0 281 A 9 262NO PL ` : 1 des 2 PL St W C R r ,' w :m SE 264TH ST 11 ¢ '' 264TH ST \ xEh ~, SE a to N.l•S. '.� 2811TX PL\, r '��+.� x �•. p. � N `Vl�r 2By m S 265iX ••PL w 265 P •.�. '•, T �'ty,_ J !' w I ¢ s ^ 255 PL / o W SE 26 TM i T E 267TH ST r SE 267 CT ` �- k � - > SE 268TH ST .., 268T I v.\ x ^ n SE ST68co \ \ O 259 ST SE ^ 270TH ST ST ^� o � z SE 271ST r o w ST w _ N co m SE 272NO 6T \ ^¢ ¢ SE -� 272NO ST SE 272NO PL W 274 9T / PROJECT LOCATION SE 279TH ST i s m 275 ST .SE 2747H ST SE 276TH ST F - ol 275TH zr 2777H PL PL277SL Ir I I J 1 I I c SE 279TH N � I 1 r N PI 1 - i I SE 280TH ST 2g0TN ct / p 1 / \1 I m� itSE 281ST ST N �6o, `rl SE 262N0 ST 1 1 a .I W a Gp 2 283R0 S SE 264TH ST �� 1 0 264TH ST ` \ I Kent City Council Meeting Date Aucrust 18 1998 Category consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: FOX RIDGE ADDITION NO. 1 FINAL PLAT FSU-96-14 - SET MEETING DATE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Set September 1, 1998, as the date for a public meeting to consider the final plat application submitted by DMP, Inc . , for the Fox Ridge Addition No. 1 Final Plat . The City Council approved the preliminary plat with conditions on November 18, 1997 . 3 . EXHIBITS• None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 _ UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT• NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No . 3H Kent City Council Meeting Date: August 18, 1998 Category: Consent SUBJECT: 1999 PROPOSED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SUMMARY STATEMENT: Set September 1, 1998 as the date for a public hearing to consider the 1999 proposed Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) Program. EXHIBITS: None RECOMMENDATION OF: Public Works/Planniniz Committee (Planning Committee, Staff, H. E., Commission etc.) EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Council member seconds Discussion: Action: set September 1, 1998 as the public hearing date to consider the 1999 proposed Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) Program. Blusht&18.doc ................. Kent City Council Meeting Date August 18 1998 Category Bids 1 . SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONAL MUNICIPAL COURT PARKING LOT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As a condition of the City' s lease with King County, the City agreed to construct approximately 21 additional parking spaces at Aukeen Court . Bids were solicited and Mer-Con, Inc . submitted the lowest base bid and Alternate No. 1 at $207, 388, plus Washington State Sales Tax. The Architect ' s estimate is $240, 000 . 3 . EXHIBITS: Bid tab 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $207 388 00 SOURCE OF FUNDS : C'IP 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember_Ct" moves, Councilmember seconds to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with Mer-Con, Inc . to construct additional parking at the Aukeen Court parking lot for the bid amount of $207 , 388 . DISCUSSION: G ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 5A BID RESULTS FOR PARKING EXPANSION TYDICO, INC. $3409000.00 ALTERNATE $15,000.00 ( Planting Materials) WESTWATER CONS. $2699655.00 ALTERNATE $26,000.00 (Planting Materials) MER-CON $152,772.00 ALTERNATE $54,616.00 (Planting Materials) BIDRESULT PARK EXP 8/7/98 . ............... Kent City Council Meeting Date August 18 . 199E Category Bids 1 . SUBJECT: PC PURCHASE REQUEST FOR QUOTES 2 . Grnur =Y STATEMENT: This purchase replaces 75 of the older 486-class personal computers in the City. The Operations Committee authorized the final Request For Quotes process on August 4 , but due to the change in the schedule of the Operations Committee, the quote result will be presented to the full City Council at tonight ' s meeting. Twelve quotes were received from eight different vendors . Staff recommends award of the contract to Technology Express for their quote of $159 , 886 . 50 . lA } t r F a 3 . EXHIBITS: Cover letter, call for quotes summary, copy of winning quote and copy of RFQ 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT• NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $159 , 886 . 50 SOURCE of FUNDS : Technology Plan 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves , Councilmember seconds to authorize the purchase of 75 specified Hewlett-Packard personal computers from Technology Express in the total amount of $159, 886 . 50 and to authorize the Mayor to sign the documents necessary to complete the purchase . DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 5B MEMORANDUM Date: August 12, 1998 To: City Council From: Marty Mulholland, Director of Information Services Re: Purchase of Personal Computers Background: As part of the Technology Plan, the City made a commitment to replacing most of the older personal computers in the City. This particular purchase represents the first major purchase toward that goal, with a second purchase of this nature expected to take place by the end of 1998. With this purchase we will be replacing 75 of the 486-class machines throughout the City. On July 21s`at the Council Operations committee we made a brief presentation and we identified our intent to continue to purchase Hewlett-Packard personal computers rather than consider other brands. On August 4d' at the Council Operations committee we presented the request for quotes as it went out in its final form. Due to the change in schedule of the Council Operations Committee, we were unable to return to the Operations Committee with the results of this request. Therefore the quote results will be presented to the full City Council at the August 18d' meeting. Quote Results: We received 12 quotes from 8 different companies. The lowest quote did not entirely meet our specification, so we are recommending approval of the 2nd to lowest quote. Please note that the recommended purchase of$159,886.50 is within the Technology Plan budget. We had estimated that each personal computer would cost approximately $2,200 at the time of the budget preparation for the Technology Plan, and therefore the Technology Plan funds allocated for this purchase were $165,000. Motion: Accept the quote of$159,886.50 from Technology Express for the purchase of seventy- five Hewlett-Packard Pentium I I computers, and authorize the mayor to execute the necessary documents to complete the purchase. City of Kent Results of the Call for Quotes for 75 HP Personal Computers On July 30, 1998 the Information Services Department sent out quote specifications for HP Personal Computers. We received 12 quotes from 8 different companies. The quotes ranged from a low of$154,637.25 to a high of $191,278.81. We are recommending awarding a contract to Technology Express for their quote of$159,886.50. Technology Express was also the low bidder at $154,637.25, however for that quoted model they could not guarantee our 2"d and 3rd delivery would have the same specific model. This was one of the requirements for a successful quote. Please see the attached for a detailed breakdown of the quotes. City of Kent Results of Call for Quotes w For Seventy-Five HP Personal Computers And related Product Warranty Company Model Total Price Comments Technology Vectra VL7 266 154,637.25 Express Advance Vectra VL7 266 170,925.00 Technology Entex Vectra VL8 350 172,572.55 RDI Vectra VL7 266 173,948.69 CompUSA Vectra VL8 350 174,233.19 GE Capital IT Vectra VL7 300 175,728.00 Solutions Unisoft Vectra VL 350 177,405.54 1 See note1 below Advance Vectra VL7 300 177,750.00 Technology RDI Vectra VL7 300 187,875.01 Inacom Northwest Vectra VL8 350 190,831.65 See note2 below RDI Vectra VL8 350 191,278.81 Note1: Original quote did not include price of 17" monitors or the tax. Note2: Transposition error. Original quote was for 57 PC's and not 75. QUOTE SPECIFICATIONS QUOTE FOR HP PERSONAL COMPUTERS The City intends to purchase seventy-five identical HP Pentium II computers from an authorized Hewlett-Packard reseller. Supplier must have authorized HP warranty repair facility in the greater Seattle-Tacoma area. The City will purchase seventy-five(75)identical HP computers. Four different HP models are listed, however supplier's quote must be for seventy-five(75) identical machines; i.e., all seventy-five(75) machines must be the same model. Multiple quotes will be accepted from suppliers. Should any supplier elect to provide quotes for seventy-five(75) machines of a different model, each quote should be delivered separately to the City. The City will receive the 75 machines in three shipments of 25 machines each,with dates to be provided by the City. The City will take delivery of the first twenty-five(25) machines on September 1, 1998. Schedule of Events: Request for Quotes Issued: July 30, 1998 Request for Quotes Due: August 11, 1998 Notification to Apparently Successful Supplier: August 13, 1998 Approval by Kent City Council: August 18, 1998 Formal Acceptance of Quote: August 19, 1998 Delivery of First 25 Personal Computers September 1, 1998 Delivery of remaining computers To be determined by City -by approximately October 31, 1998 Please provide quote for the following: Seventy-five(75) Hewlett-Packard Pentium II Personal Computers with 17 monitors that conform, at a minimum,to the following specifications: All components must be original equipment manufacturer or HP OEM components. Minimum Confiauration: Hewlett-Packard Pentium II Computers (as packaged by HP, models listed below) 64 MB HP RAM 4.3 Gb UATA Hard Drive 24x IDE CD ROM Drive HP 17"monitor(D2837A or subsequent model) Network Card: 3Com 10/100 Base T Three year parts and labor warranty, 1 year onsite (HP warranty) Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 Operating System (either is acceptable) Acceptable Models for Quote: ALL MODELS ARE DESKTOP MODELS • Kayak XA 266 Mhz Workstation, (or) • Vectra VL 266 Mhz Personal Computer, (or) • Kayak XA 300 Mhz Workstation, (or) • Vectra VL 300 Mhz Personal Computer(or) • Vectra VL 350 Mhz Personal Computer Jul-30-98 02:39P Information Services 206 859-4018 P.04 QUOTE FOR HP PERSONAL COMPUTERS, page 2 The City reserves the absolute right to accept or reject any equivalent product offered for any reason, with or without cause,by a supplier. Quotes for such product shall include delivery to the City. Suppliers shall be responsible for all goods until delivered to and accepted by the Clty. pleas@ submit quotes in the following format Additional matertals may be attached. Company ftme: SS Company Address: Contact Name and Phone Number. Location of HP warranty Repair Facility: /I 7 i/ Nwn4 Cam-eJ /0 Y Do you have an 800 number for product or support questions?: / FO 0- g7 j-3-77 Item: HP Model for this quote: Total Cost 75 HP Pentium II computers 2 and monitors as specified V1, 7 0 u in above,warranty as specified above,and Washington State sales tax of.086%: THERE ARE FOUR REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS: 1_ Please attach a price guarantee guaranteeing the above price through August 29,1998. 2. Please attach a letter verifying status as an authorized HP reseller. 3. Please attach a letter verifying status as an authorzed HP warranty service center. 4. Please attach a letter describing the procedure that the City would take a)in the event of a P.C.hardware problem in the first year of ownership, and b)in the event of a P.C.hardware problem in the 2 and 3d years of ownership. Please attach any additional information with regard to the product or delivery of the product here:e , O • C 2 ; ) 3l ° (32 75 • TECHNOLOGY11711 North Creek Parkway South suite 108 Fax (42, 80 98011 282 (fr) (425)806-8888 Fax(425)806-8282 August 10, 1998 City of Kent To Whom it May Concern: Prices quoted on page 2 of quote for"HP Personal Computers" are guaranteed to reamain at the quoted price through August 29, 1998. If you have any questions you may contact me at (425) 806-8888 Ext.35. Thank you for this business opportunity. Sincerely, , ris Louden Technology Express Am io—oge 0:38 P'02 ® HLrWLGTT• PACKARO Hewbtt•PackordCompow MQAg&dre jMG 8819N 3ceet PO Hax 901156 Hone ve.Washwoon 98008.1L98 Be evur.WA 98009-01.RA a2"43 4000 •• Fax 42-@J&V4-H744 August 10, 1998 To Whom It May Concem: Technology BSPIOs, Inc. is an Authorized Reseller for Hewlat �s full ltne of pm mnal cmmpufnng and peripheral products. They are an Service Provider and are canmtiy in compliance with BP's certitic afim requirements. R�ee/prft Dave Treadway U District PSG Sales Manager iyrlcs TOTrL P.02 TECHNOLOGY11711 North Creek Parkway South Suite 8(425)806-8888 Fax(425)80 6-8282 August 10, 1998 City of Kent To Whom it may Concern: In the event of a P.C. hardware problem in the first year of ownership Technology Express will provide the City of Kent with a number to call. Provide the serial #,contact name, and address. On-Site service will then be scheduled at no cost. Technology Express will also replace D.O.A. machines within 30 days at no cost to City of Kent. In the event of a P.C. hardware problem in the 2"d and 3 d year of ownership Hewlett Packard provides parts only depot service for years 2 and 3 of their warranty. Technology Express will enhance this warranty and provide free labor assuming machine in question is delivered to Technology Express. If you have any questions you may contact me at (425) 806-8888 Ext.35. Thank you for this business opportunity. Sincerely,1 (,Chris Louden Technology Express i City of Kent Call for Quotes For Seventy-five (75) BP Personal Computers, And related Product Warranty Issued: July 30, 1998 Date Due: August 11, 1998 Time Due: 12:00 noon, Pacific Standard Time Address Responses to: City Clerk CITY OF Quote for HP Personal Computers 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 `^•rtt' Mayor Jim White i CALL FOR QUOTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Kent, Washington, will receive sealed quotes at the Office of the City Clerk through August 11, 1998 to 12:00 noon, as shown on the clock adjacent to the City Clerk's Office on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Quotes will be clearly marked "QUOTE FOR HP PERSONAL COMPUTERS"on the outside of the envelope, addressed to the City Clerk, 220 41"Avenue S., Kent, WA 98032. No facsimiles will be considered. The City is seeking quotes for seventy-five (75) Hewlett-Packard Pentium II computers from authorized HP resellers. Supplier must have authorized HP warranty service center in the greater Seattle-Tacoma area. Acceptable models are listed in the specification. Specifications can be obtained by contacting the City of Kent Information Services Department at 253- 859-3382. Quotes must be submitted in the format of the Specifications Document. No plea of mistake in the quote shall be available to the supplier as a defense to any action based upon the neglect or refusal to execute a contract. No supplier may withdraw his/her quote for a period of 30 days after the date the quote is due. The City of Kent reserves the right to reject any and all quotes, or waive any informalities in the process. The City of Kent will award this contract to the lowest and best responsible supplier, based on that supplier's quote, and shall be the sole judge thereof. Dated this 30th day of July, 1998 QUOTE SPECIFICATIONS QUOTE FOR HP PERSONAL COMPUTERS The City intends to purchase seventy-five identical HP Pentium II computers from an authorized Hewlett-Packard reseller. Supplier must have authorized HP warranty repair facility in the greater Seattle-Tacoma area. The City will purchase seventy-five (75)identical HP computers. Four different HP models are listed, however supplier's quote must be for seventy-five (75) identical machines; i.e., all seventy-five (75) machines must be the same model. Multiple quotes will be accepted from suppliers. Should any supplier elect to provide quotes for seventy-five (75) machines of a different model, each quote should be delivered separately to the City. The City will receive the 75 machines in three shipments of 25 machines each, with dates to be provided by the City. The City will take delivery of the first twenty-five (25) machines on September 1, 1998. Schedule of Events: Request for Quotes Issued: July 30, 1998 Request for Quotes Due: August 11, 1998 Notification to Apparently Successful Supplier: August 13, 1998 Approval by Kent City Council: August 18, 1998 Formal Acceptance of Quote: August 19, 1998 Delivery of First 25 Personal Computers September 1, 1998 Delivery of remaining computers To be determined by City -by approximately October 31, 1998 Please provide quote for the following: Seventy-five (75) Hewlett-Packard Pentium 11 Personal Computers with 17" monitors that conform, at a minimum,to the following specifications: All components must be original equipment manufacturer or HP OEM components. Minimum Configuration: Hewlett-Packard Pentium II Computers (as packaged by HP, models listed below) 64 MB HP RAM 4.3 Gb UATA Hard Drive 24x IDE CD ROM Drive HP 17"monitor(02837A or subsequent model) Network Card: 3Com 10/100 Base T Three year parts and labor warranty, 1 year onsite (HP warranty) Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 Operating System (either is acceptable) Acceptable Models for Quote: ALL MODELS ARE DESKTOP MODELS • Kayak XA 266 Mhz Workstation, (or) • Vectra VL 266 Mhz Personal Computer, (or) • Kayak XA 300 Mhz Workstation, (or) • Vectra VL 300 Mhz Personal Computer(or) • Vectra VL 350 Mhz Personal Computer QUOTE FOR HP PERSONAL COMPUTERS, page 2 The City reserves the absolute right to accept or reject any equivalent product offered for any reason, with or without cause, by a supplier. Quotes for each product shall include delivery to the City. Suppliers shall be responsible for all goods until delivered to and accepted by the City. Please submit quotes in the following format. Additional materials may be attached. Company Name: Company Address: Contact Name and Phone Number: Location of HP Warranty Repair Facility: Do you have an 800 number for product or support questions?: Item: HP Model for this quote: Total Cost 75 HP Pentium II computers and monitors as specified above, warranty as specified above, and Washington State sales tax of.086%: THERE ARE FOUR REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS: 1. Please attach a price guarantee guaranteeing the above price through August 29, 1998. 2. Please attach a letter verifying status as an authorized HP reseller. 3. Please attach a letter verifying status as an authorized HP warranty service center. 4. Please attach a letter describing the procedure that the City would take a) in the event of a P.C. hardware problem in the first year of ownership, and b) in the event of a P.C. hardware problem in the 2nd and 3`d years of ownership. Please attach any additional information with regard to the product or delivery of the product here: Kent City Council Meeting Date August 18 1998 Category Bids 1 . SUBJECT: S . 277TH STREET INTERCEPTOR PHASE 2 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The bid opening for this project was held on August 12th with eight bids received. The apparent low bid was submitted by Robison Construction, Inc . in the amount of $939, 694 . 08 . The Engineer ' s estimate was $1, 139, 982 . 89 . The Public Works Director recommends that upon his concurrence, the Mayor be authorized to either award the contract to the most satisfactory responsible bidder or to reject all bids . 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff , Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT• NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $939 694 . 08 SOURCE OF FUNDS : Reimbursement Agreement with King County (Metro) and (D40) East Hill Interceptor Fund 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: �f', n Councilmember moves , Councilmember ' &LaA Seconds that upon the Public Works Director ' s concurrence, the Mayor be authorized to either award the contract to the most satisfactory responsible bidder or to reject all bids . DISCUSSION: ^ ACTION: Council Agenda Item No . 5C DEPARTMENT OF: PUBLIC 'WORM A,ugusl 1 '4" 1498 TO: Mayor FROM: Do,-! RE: Souff, ":,I, ............___. ....... ...... ................... Bid opening for this project was rield ::)r August w th H bids received The apparent low bid was submitted :ay Robison" $939,694 08 The Engineers estimate was The Public WorKS D11'eC1::)1 -rence the Mayor be cocicut authorized to either awa,W i­! responsible bidder' or reject all bids I'Jer iti: 4 F i e t t::i H, t' KL.B F aW S�T, MOTIONCouncilmember: (seconds that upon .......................... . .......... ........ concurrence by the Pi.�-O:' r)e a,.&'r:ri7.ed Io eltner award the SoUti­1 ')7, I 7W Street sfa-to,y �.)irioei or reject all Z. bids %YDWC,:3 Kent City Council Meeting Date August 18 1998 1�✓ Category Bids 1 . SUBJECT: 1998 MILL CREEK FIJSH HABITAT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The ,lbid opening for this project was held on Monday, August 1 Due to time constraints, the bid information is not inclu Zed in the Council packets . The Public Works Director will makq a recommendation at this time . 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY': Pub is Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED ,FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE Off' FUNDS : D18` 1998 Mill Creek Fish Habitat Improvements 7 . CITY C I 6UNCIL ACTION: Councalmember _-moves , Councilmember seconds DISCQ,�3SION: _ ACTION: _— Council Agenda Item No . 5D DVPAR I INI FN I' ll 4 N Hl 11 IAORK,�, TO Mayor ;vtJ ( it FROM Don Vvl-,:ks 'i'l! RE: Mill Creek U,isli flaboal ................... ... ................. ........-............. Bid opening 6or this ptoju(,i xijs I 'hc ow bid was submitted by Subdivision Manageinew lo' I he Engineer'; Estimate was S 13 5,71,4 16 The differ en, ., -hi,! -e the low 1 J J, cliTnent.,- Were bid adjusted for SaIlIv, Subdivision NlliiiiIl A.- I Ltinclsc�lpllu il� , 1) I i 11'4111uei ',; I ,I I ,.i I , The Public Works Dii ee toi I I Ill I t.I It 1 1)1, 1 1 1 d Schedules 1, 111 and IV of the conti act in the an ioLi i iiI�al'.'1Cft,) award Scheduled %/I in the an touni u It e r,t!, I I I ned by the Public Works Difect,,)j MOTION': Co ti n cil III ell]be ttiseconds that the Mayor be authorized to award Schedolel, 1 ill .1w.1 pi (,,I ill: Milli I il.1, Fish lLlhilat Improvement Project to Subdivision Management juki lit, 1,141-014:1 uudlllq'IYOA 10 receipt of the llPA permit in a timely manner, xi ll 'I v I Ill I I ivJ h%, I il S,pu N jc ci igi it cc r I e hit I d in II •I I ................. CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A. .................... R E P O R T S A. COUNCIL PRESIDENT B. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE i C. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE D. PUBLIC WORKS/PLANNING COMMITTEE E. PARKS COMMITTEE F . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS EXECUTIVE SESSION - Property Acquisition