HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 04/15/1997 s 11 55 > s „ / E €£? EllURN' }u # zI S { { s)33: ' � �6 j$ City of Kent jjfj k , iE€j€S2� )+ £2Milli i£EI. oty fEt#; ClCounaI yin t KS£`. Agenda #E s � '�.�.It V ,g gg 'i # k; # CITY OF r � 1 Mill SE xx� `s. #Lij 1 ask f . € :f f; Mayor Jim White S !F£: ZN, Council Members 1,N , Christi Houser, President >"x yf Jim Bennett Jon Johnson <x , £#€ Tim Clark Leona Orr p z€ Connie Epperly Judy Woods ;I .t April 15, 1997 k � Office of the City Clerk 3'#5j.. �#E2 4 fx£f f f€ N 3L y # 3 Y ? E k 3 £ k #1# „£.);'.`£E<£?i< €s i#?: MEMO #:>3ss iz xx>E y E € 3 s £s # [ € S<;. S k s Y<f>(£ 1•.E a i! ii.<A 35 � SUMMARY AGENDA ciTv OF KENI CIT. c.LJNCI:, MEETING April 15, 1997 Council Chambers 7: 00 p.m. MAYOR: Jim White CoUNCILMEMBERS: Christi Houser, President Jim Bennett Tim Clark Connie Epperly Jon Johnson Leona Orr Judy Woods CALL TO ORDER FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL 1. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS iA. Fire Dept. Certificate Presentation - 1996 Officer Development Academy r B. Legislature Update C. Introduction of Mayor's Appointees w D. Proclamation - Kent: Fabulous Place for Familie� J E. Report on ZaturdaT Market 2 . PUBLIC HEARINGS A. LID 348 - 64th Avenue South Street Improvements (S. 226 - S. 216) u B. Meridian Valley Annexation - Ordinance 3 . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes B. Approval of Bills s C. Japanese-American Artwork - Acceptance D. Kent Lions Club Donation - Acceptance E. Bicycle Advisory Board - Reappointments F. City Transit Advisory Board - Reappointments G. Drinking Driver Task Force - Reappointment ' H. SE 274th Hillclimb Grade & Fill - Accept as Complete :' I. McDonald's at 212th and East Valley Highway - Bill of Sale J 1998 CDBG Funding Levels - Set Hearing Date Kent Reporter Contract - Authorization L. Van Doren's Landing Building J Rezone - Set Meeting Date w M. Nancy's Grove, Division I - Bill of Sale N. Nancy's Grove, Division II - Set Meeting Date O. Taylor's Glen - Bill of Sale 4 . OTHER BUSINESS ( A,, Emergency Repair - Storm Sewer 5. BIDS w A. 1997 Sidewalk Rehabilitation (W. Gowe St. & N. State Ave. ) B. Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area - Observation Towers and Pedestrian Bridges C. 1997 Grade and Fill - S. 277th/S.E. 274th Way (Auburn Way North to 116th Ave. S.E. ) D. Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area - Wetland/Upland Planting 6. CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS 7 . REPORTS EXECUTIVE sEssION - Labor Negotiations 8 . ADJOURNMENT NOTE: A copy of the full agenda packet is available for perusal in the City Clerk's Office and the Kent Library. An explanation of the agenda format is given on the back of this page. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City in advance for more information. For TDD relay service call 1-800-635-9993 or the City of Kent(206)854-6587. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Citizens wishing to address the Council will, at this time, make known the subject of interest, so all may be properly heard. A) Fire Dept. Certificate Presentation - 1996 Officer Development Academy B) Legislature Update C) Introduction of Mayor' s Appointees D) Proclamation - Kent: Fabulous Place for Families E) Report on Saturday Market Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15. 1997 Category Public Hearings 1. SUBJECT: LID 348 - 64th AVENUE SOUTH STREET IMPROVEMENTS (S. 226 - S. 216) 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: This date has been set for the public hearing on LID 348, for the improvement of 64th Avenue South from S. 226th St. to S. 216th Street. The Public Works Director will give a brief explanation of the project. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum and vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Council (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS• OPEN HEARING: PUBLIC INPUT: CLOSE HEARING: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember lL � _t),k moves, Councilmember (i,,0 seconds to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance for the formation of LID 348, the improvement of 64th Avenue South. DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 2A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS April 10, 1997 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Don Wicicstrom�l' i RE: LID 348 - 64th Avenue South Street Improvement (S. 226th Street to S. 216th Street) April 15, 1997 has been set for the formation hearing for the above referenced project. BACKGROUND The transportation element of the 1980 Valley Studies program identified 64th Avenue South as a future collector arterial route essential for development of this portion of the valley floor. In 1989 LID 330 was formed to construct and improve 64th Avenue. However that portion between South 226th Street and South 216th Street was deleted and deferred until the Valley Detention and Enhanced Wetland Project (Lagoon Conversion Project) adjacent thereto occurred. With the advent of the Growth Management Act this missing link of 64th Avenue has taken on new importance with respect to meeting the City's transportation concurrence requirement. The completion of this missing link is identified in the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan aiLd is included in the City's financially balanced 6 Year Transportation Capital Improvement Program. With the Vallev Detention and Enhanced Wetland Project nearly complete, completion of this missing link of 64th Avenue can now occur. As such, on February 25, 1997 the Public Works Dept. held an informal meeting with the affected property owners. The meeting was attended by three of the seven owners other than the Citv. Nobody voiced objection to implementing the LID to complete the street. One owner voiced support and is looking forward to the street being completed. :mother knew the project would happen someday but was surprised at the amount of the assessment. The third owner is concerned since his property in undeveloped and appears to contain wetlands so he is uncertain regarding his benefit, especially if his development proposal is rejected. The Resolution of Intent was approved by City Council on March t S. 1997 which set the hearing date for April 15, 1997. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The proposed project is the construction of 64th Avenue South from approximately S. 226th Street to S. 2. 16th Street. The project includes the following improvements: 1. Five lane roadway 58' curb to curb, two lanes each direction with turn lanes. 2. Curb and gutter. 3. Cement concrete sidewalks on both sides. 4. Storm Drainage system 5. Street lighting 6. Street trees and grass planting strips 7. Sanitary sewer; water main extensions; stubs as required S. Channelization and signing 9. Improvements at the intersection of 64th Ave S & Meeker St. PROTECT FUNDING The project is proposed to be funded (100%) by the Local Improvement District (Number 348). The current cost estimate is as follows: Street S 1,806,464.65 Water main 146,208.80 Sanitary Sewer 14,701.26 LID TOTAL 51,967,374.71 Because the Citv of Kent is a property owner within the LID, its share of the assessments is 5961,053.08 or 490,16 of the total project cost. Monies for same have been budgeted in the respective Water and Drainage Capital Improvement Programs. METHOD OF ASSESSNIENTS The costs under each category of assessment are distributed to each property benefiting as follows: I . Street - The assessments are based on square footage within the assessment boundary. The assessment rate decreases vvith 100 foot zones back from the public right-of-way with a maximum of seven zones. The front zone rate is seven times the rear zone; the second zone from the front is six times the rear zone and so on. Property further than -i 00 feet from the edge of the right-of- wav is not used in the assessment calculation 2. Sanitary Sewer - The project consists of installing stubs only. Therefore the cost of the stub or stubs is assessed directly to the property or properties being serviced. No stub means no assessment. Only Assessment No. i is receiving a stub. 3. Water Main - There are two components for water assessments. These components are 12" mainline and stub. Some of the properties along the proposed project portion of 64th Avenue have already installed the 12" mainline and paid their share thereof. Therefore the water main construction is separated out as a separate assessment category and assessed only to those who haven't vet installed their share of the 12" water mainline on 64th Ave. See the enclosed water assessment map for the extent of this work and properties involved. All fronting properties are assessed. The assessments are based on square footage within the assessment boundary with a 300 foot maximum depth zone. The second component is for stubs from the mainline to the property line. As with the sewer, the stub is assessed directly to the property being serviced. Again, only Assessment No. i is receiving a stub. PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENT Upon Council passing the Ordinance confirming the Final Assessment Roll, there is a 30- day period in which any portion or all of the assessment can be paid without interest charges. After the 30-dav period, the balance is paid over a Fifteen-year period wherein each year's payment is one-fifteenth of the principal plus interest on the unpaid balance. The interest will be what the market dictates. SUPPORT FOR LID 348 To defeat an LID proposal, there must be protest trom property owners representing 60 percent or more of the proposed LID assessments. By law, the assessment on City property cannot be included in figuring the protest percentage. As such the total project cost for calculating protest percentage is S 1 ,006,32 1 .63 for which the 60% protest amount would be 5603,7 92.98. As indicated previously at the informal public meeting there appeared to be property owner support for the project. Further of the S 1 ,006,321.63, 31.86% thereof is obligated to participate in this street improvement LID via executed no-protest covenants. The final decision however of whether or not to form the LID up to City Council. Properties that have executed no protest covenants are assessment numbers 23 and 9. EASEMENT AND RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION The construction of the project will require minor property acquisition in some locations to provide the right-of-way. Each property involved will be appraised followed by negotiation between the City and owner. Final settlement can be a direct payment to the owner or can be a credit toward their assessment thereby reducing the amount of their yearly payments. ENVIRONMENTAL The SEPA process for the Green River Natural Resource Enhancement project included the proposed construction. PROTECT SCHEDULE TARGET DATE Propertv Owner Meeting February 25, 1997 Resolution (Approved by City Council) March 18, 1997 Public Hearing (During Council Meeting) April 15, 1997 Project Design Phase Has been initiated Propertv Acquisition May 1997 Advertise for bids Mav 1997 Approve formation Ordinance (City Council) May 6, 1997 Begin Construction June 1997 M 148.9 7 ♦\\♦`` \ �l ' yi101\`i I\ �4 111 lill V 14�Ipi �I`I aryl aJ�\ \ ♦LN MOON `\ 1\V,;•\ log • .%g07\ 110 I ME W O \�C� :♦:ice�ra� awm .aas 1110 � ti . 1 1`\ L.I.D. BOUNDARY S. 216TH ST. N EXISTING 12' W.M. AREA USED TO I CALCULATE I ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT NUMBER k. :i J : .:,::} :.� ?: y 3>s > W I J 1 0 Q 0 > PROPOSED 120 W.M. 8 O !1111 (T_\ V S. 226TH ST. EXISTING 12' W.M. v� w v� w Q m 2 cn F- c to 348 64TH AVE S. IMPROVEMENTS WATER ASSESSMENT S. 228TH ST. r J 2\1ESON BABBITT STITES C;- L,ONIBARD, P.L.L.C. A7roR\EYs AT IAw March 25 , 1997 Mr. Frank D. Spanner Stormwater Engineer City of Kent 220 4th Ave . So . Kent , Washington 98032 Mr . Merrill Vesper Design Engineering Supervisor City of Kent 220 4th Ave . So . Kent , Washington 98032 Re: 64th Ave. South Improvement Proposed LID 348 K & W Holdings/Tax Lot No 112204-9059 Dear Mr . Spanner and Mr . Merrill : This firm represents K & W Holdings , Inc . the owner of the above-referenced tax parcel . I am writing this letter in a combined response to Mr. Vesper' s February 10 , 1997 letter to property owners affected by the subject improvements and proposed LID and Mr. Spanger' s November 14 , 1996 and March 17 , 1997 letters to Mr. King . Given the issues and concerns of K & W Holdings, we feel that it would be most expeditious to address these various issues together. The firs- concern that K & W Holdings has is that the K & W property is evidently being earmarked for assessment for the LID improvements despite the fact that the City of Kent has consistently taken the position that the K & W property is not developable and will not receive permits from the City of Kent . While the owners of K & W hope that this position will change in the future , the City does not seem willing to deviate from that position at this time . This is evidenced by the refusal of the City to even allow a driveway or curb cat onto the K & W property From the roadway. How could this property possibly be benefitted by utility and roadway improvements which L' t is not permitted to access or connect to? It is important that you be aware that K & W will aggressively defend any attempt of the City to assess the property for improvements which, at t. =s stage at least , appear to have no benefit to the property. Y & k may agree to some form of agreement requiring reimbursement or a connection charge if , at a JBSL1/J9999/0000l/JDC/161864.11 999 THIRD A EntE,SU17E 1900 BRICE P_ Baaa= AN.N D_VoE LU,LER ShAT I L,W HISC,Uc 98104 AL.L, DRIP N. Lo VRv& BF_{D L BRJ'..HL11 h11CHE M1 COR'L{(A T EL 206 292 1994 1L»1rER D C'm NA.,cr W PR c F.k�, 206 292 1995 ImL,H i_ HoCH>u? WIEu.a,i D.SMrr E-,bL+tL laNN19jbsl.com HrN>1 C J UIESO� BR. Lrl P.THoRE oN March 25 , 1997 Page 2 later date, the K & W property is able to be fully developed. We also request copies of the appraisals showing the basis for increased value to the K & W property resulting in the estimated assessment . The second concern that K & W has with respect to the proposed improvements relates to the design of the same as they impact the K & W property. As you are aware, the primary issue with respect to the developability of the K & W property relates from the surface water which has been backed up on the property. As you are also aware, it is the opinion of K & W and its engineers that the present drainage pattern being maintained by the City has caused offsite water to drain onto the K & W property which would not otherwise have been so diverted. It is also my client ' s and its' engineer' s position that the proposed design of the regional storm drainage system will increase the drainage on the K & W property once the retention pond reaches a certain. capacity. K & W thus is requesting that the invert elevation of the "temporary" culvert be lowered two (2) feet and that a mechanical valve be placed in the culvert so that storm water from other properties collected in the new detention facility will not back flow onto its property. In light of the possible consequences to K & W which would result if the water were to back up onto its property, we feel this request is reasonable . We hope that the City of Kent will seriously consider the above issues as it proceeds with the proposed LID assessment and improvements . This letter should be considered a formal objectlen and protest by K & W Holdings to the croposed assessment and improvements on the grounds stated above . Please feel free to contact me if you have anv_ auest'_ons or comments with respect to this matters . Very truly yours, JAMESON BABBITT STITES By: Jennifer D. Cobb CC : K & W Holdings (JBSL1/J9999/00001/JDC/161864.11 CITY OF Jim White. Mayor April 9, 1997 John W. King 1762 Sixth Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 RE: LID 348 Assessment 47, and Drainage Concerns Regarding Tax Parcel 112204- 9059 FILE, LID 348: 64th Avenue South Street Improvement, South 226th Street to South 216th Street Dear Mr. King. This letter is a response to the March 25, 1997 letter from Jameson Babbitt Stites & Lombard, P.L.L C. and vour recent series of letters and telephone calls regarding your stated concerns per LID 348, the construction of 64th Avenue South between South 226th Street and South 216th Street. First, the City has never taken the position that you cannot develop your parcel. On the contrary, we have advised you of the process that you must follow in order to receive City approval for development of your parcel. The chief issue as to it's development potential is the extent of the wetlands thereon. The City's Wetland Management Code, Chapter 11.05 of the KCC, has as a primary goal what may be paraphrased as No net loss of Wetland Area, Value or Function." This means that anv fills, or other adverse impacts to wetlands will require appropriate on-site, or off-site mitigation. Because your parcel is clearly shown as being encumbered with wetlands on our Wetland Inventory Maps, prior to any development thereon, a Wetland Delineation Report must be prepared. This wetland delineation must meet with the approval of both the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), and the City of Kent. until we have an approved wetland delineation and mitigation plan (for the purpose of the LID assessment process) we have to assume that any wetlands on your site that may be impacted by the development of your site can be mitigated for, and the property must be assessed accordingly. Please be aware, should you provide such a delineation, and place the wetland and it's buffer into a sensitive area easement or tract which precludes subsequent development thereof, and do so prior .o the City confirming the L.I.D. Final Assessment Role, the City would delete that area in calculating vour final assessment amount. "IL [h VAF.iU. FF\I AAUftIA(.Tr)A' IELFPH()`,F Secondly, until you have submitted a specific development proposal to the City for review and approval, the City has stated that it does not intend to prematurely install a driveway to your site as part of the street improvements installed by LID 348. This fact in no way indicates that the City believes your parcel is not developable. The reasons stated for this decision are: a. A commercial driveway is much more costly to install than standard curb and gutter and planting strip for the same width, and any guessed at location for a driveway will almost certainly be an incorrect guess. b. Subsequent submittal of an application for development will determine where the desired location will be for a driveway to this parcel. C. At the time the desired location is determined, any previously installed driveway will have to be removed and the curb and gutter and planting strip will have to be restored. In addition, the developer must now cut and remove a new section of curb and gutter and planting strip and install a new commercial driveway. d. This process invariably costs much more than installing the driveway in the correct location the first time. The additional costs for this new driveway will be borne entirely by the owner/developer of your site e. If you insist on having our project install a driveway access to your parcel, we will do so, providing you supply us with an approvable location (it must meet the separation criteria contained within the Construction Standards) as requested in Frank Spanjer's letter to you of March 17, 1997. Thirdly, there are your stated drainage concerns for this parcel. This is not simple matter, but I will attempt to explain the City's position on this matter to you one more time. (Please refer to Frank Spanjer's letter of November 14, 1996 for another discussion of this same issue.) Your parcel is currently encumbered with wetlands, and our roadway fill can not be permitted to adversely affect that wetland without mitigation. We are providing the necessary mitigation for the roadway fill areas as part of the Regional Detention/ Wetland Enhancement project. We can not otherwise impact the wetland on your site without mitigation measures approved by the ACOE. Without an approved Wetland Delineation Report which discusses wetland hydrology for your wetland, we are forced to make engineering decisions based upon the best information that we have. To provide this necessary hydrological link, we plan to install an extension to the existing 15 inch concrete pipe easterly to a point that is about 20 feet east of your current west property line. This culvert will be extended at the existing culvert slope and will have an invert elevation of about 19.9 Feet on your parcel. Despite the concerns expressed in the November 14, 1996 letter cited above, we will consider installing a pinch valve on the outlet for this pipe, even though the pinch valve would remain closed (the outlet elevation of this pipe is elevation 17.5 feet) until the water on your site exceeds elevation 20.0 - the designed permanent pool level for the southwest pretreatment basin where this pipe discharges. Lowering the culvert two feet, as you have requested would place the inlet about two feet below existing ground elevation on your parcel, and would not really change the drainage situation at all. Finally, there is your engineer's contention that the proposed design of the Regional Detention/Enhanced Wetland Facility will increase the drainage onto your parcel. The existing 15 inch diameter concrete pipe system was installed with both inlet and outlet elevations at previously existing elevations in the previously existing ditch system. By installing the pinch valve, as you requested, the City will prevent backwater inundation of your property throughout the year The current FEMA Flood elevation for your parcel is elevation 26.0 feet, which means than any buildings would have to be at elevation 27.0 or more to qualify for flood insurance. The City's regional detention facility to which your property will drain is designed to have a permanent pool elevation of 20.0 feet. The pool level will raise to elevation 22.0 for a 6-month design storm; to elevation 22.7 for a 25-year design storm; and to elevation 23.5 for a 100-year design storm. Assuming that your property will be filled to the FEMA elevation means that there should be no adverse drainage impacts after development, and the pinch valve would not necessarily be required to ensure adequate drainage from your site as a result of the construction of the regional detention facility. I hope that this letter answers all of your stated questions on this matter. To reiterate, the ball is still in your court. The City is forced to proceed with the timely design and construction of 64th Avenue South in order to meet the time lines established by our ACOE 404 Permit for this project. Very truly y�purs Doman E. Wickstrom, P.E. Director of Public Works Eric Letter of November 14, 1996 cc Tom Brubaker, Assistant Citv Attornev Jennifer D. Cobb, Jameson Babbitt Stites & Lombard P LL.0 Dan Balmelli, Barghausen Consulting Engineers Frank Spanjer, Stormwater Engineer Merrill Vesper, Design Engineering Supervisor Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15, 1997 Category Public Hearings 1. SUBJECT: MERIDIAN VALLEY ANNEXATION �TT�F 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The City has received a sufficient and valid property owner petition on the proposed Meridian Valley Annexation, and the King County Boundary Review Board approved the annexation proposal on April 4, 1997 . This annexation contains 891 acres and is located on the eastern edge of the City, generally adjacent to the City' s existing boundaries on its west and south margins, and bounded by Soos Creek on the east and the extension of S.E. 235th Street on the north. This annexation is proposed to become effective on July 1, 1997. 3 . EXHIBITS: Staff memo, map and ordinance 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: —. s- OPEN HEARING: PUBLIC INPUT: CLOSE HEARING: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: i Councilmember "L- moves, Councilmember J.( A seconds to adopt Ordinance No. , ) _ ,`, annexing the Meridian Valley annexation area effective July 1, 1997 . DISCUSSION: 'f ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 2B CITY of "JM �1 Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (206) 859-3390TAX (206) 850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director MEMORANDUM April 15, 1997 MEMO TO: MAYOR JIM WHITE AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JAMES H. HARRIS, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: MERIDIAN VALLEY ANNEXATION AN-96-1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ANNEXING THE MERIDIAN VALLEY AREA MEETING DATE: TUESDAY, APREL 15, 1997. I. Background On June 4, 1996 the City Council accepted the 10 percent annexation petition for the Meridian Valley annexation area and authorized the circulation of the 60 percent petition. The 60 percent petition was received by the City on February 20, 1997 the notice of intent was filed with the Boundary review Board on February 19. 1997. II. Location The proposed annexation is located on the eastern edge of the City, east of 132nd Avenue S.E. to 148th Avenue S.E. and between S.E. 235th Street and S.E. 256th Street. The annexation also extends westerly of 132nd Avenue S.E. on the north side of South 248th Street to approximately 128th Street S.E. III. Size of Proposed AtLn_exation The proposed annexation contains approximately 891 acres. The estimated population is 3,500 to 4,000 persons. :1_01ih AVE_So.. /KENT.WASHINGTON 98034-5895/TELEPHONE 2061859-1700 34 Meridian Valley Annexation AN-96-1 April 15, 1997 Page 2 IV. Future Comprehensive Plan and Impl m n 'ng Zoning Upon annexation to the City, the Land Use and Planning Board will hold hearings concerning the application of a Comprehensive Plan designation for the annexed area and zoning designations to implement the plan. The Board's recommendation on the Comprehensive Plan and zoning will be forwarded to the City Council for final action. V. Financial Information The assessed valuation of the Meridian annexation is $269,443,436. The total estimated revenue is $527,218. A separate financial report will be presented to the Council at the April 15th public hearing. VI. Annexation Policies The annexation satisfies the recently Council adopted Annexation Policies (adopted on April, 1, 1997). JPH/mp:a:meridian.val Attachment cc: Fred N. Satterstrom, Planning Manager .P O Z N zOa F F-4 {]! z f.. YV z `\ w hh� z I L r C W 152 AY SE --- �-F 152 AY SE G 3 All 25t 35 Id ?St re 3 36 ld ASI b N 29 AY all htl Phi / .hr L..I G 195 PE SE x e It lqS a'hE//� 3 AV h I 3S Atl AM J J ^ , y A Fry lYJ PY S[ x W a ti ,a..d7 u 94 ]T v 5 7 z 3d S � y4. 35 Itl^ 3S 9 Uhl k +y Cl 0 p'A Atl Ohl ^ 5 AU set 3 x 35 W E Be, i , ee It AV itl^ k \ N 35 i[r. � x>•'Ir p a j 0 r li x xN llr At gCt m 31 htl I It 11, ^ 3S AU 9F1 AM 35 ld SEI ! i t 'A19a tt x. x ^ µ 3S I3 ^ r ^ [ [u h€7 Atl sn xe Re 35 Atl FFI SE w m u eel C x e ZCI N l 66 AY 2C1 x lT ll 1!I ]T l Itl x. I.l .t!! &h / A' • ar •• M 35 c Is 35 Atl SZl N til ^ It9A ix [a ur � � ari Atl -. m 35 ld BZI ^ m+ 35 r AV e21 It v.xi i �\. J s' \tt Ptl Tr 5E m AV 9Z 1 x r }Jt/(\ n i— ry �5E ry N n I' � It, ry ]t AN Ail 3T htl h21 '^ a Z9 AY J2l W AE[A ar x •, / --.� —_� Inn SE 121 FL SE [ It= 20 yE I uI a x N SE ^ S ld 35 ntl 921 ,d 3S 611 v.rt at i u. Memo Date: April 8, 1997 To: Operations Committee From: May Miller, Director of Finance Subject: Meridian Valley & Delmar Annexation Budgets Attached is the Year Three summary budget combining Meridian Valley and Delmar Annexations. As we worked with each department to balance expenditures to annexation revenue, a combined picture was necessary to provide a balance of services. Of the 31 Net FTE positions proposed, 80%, or 24 positions, are Public Safety and Maintenance. Of these, 16 are public safety positions (eight Police, six Fire, and two Court) and eight are in public works, parks and building maintenance. The balance of 20% include one planner and six general government support positions (one PC technician, one employee service technician, one payroll technician, one business license/drainage billing technician, one office technician, and one administrative receptionist). Each annexation on its own did not require an additional position for each activity, but a combination of annexations changed the equation. One example is the payroll position which will be used to support both Meridian Valley and Delmar as well as last year's Meridian Annexation. Both annexations have been prepared and balanced separately to ensure that annexation revenue for each covers annexation expenditures. In both cases, a July 1, 1997, annexation date was assumed, although both can be revised if another date is adopted. The annexation budget is balanced using the assumption that some of the Year One capital equipment will be paid for in the first year by using the CIP fund balance and with repayment to the CIP fund balance in Years Two and Three. 1997 Annexation Budget The first year revenue includes diverted county road tax in lieu of property tax. The property taxes will not be in effect until Year Three, 1999. The first year revenue also includes only the final quarter of state shared revenue and a prorated portion of other revenues. On the expenditure side, some position hiring has been phased over Years One and Two. This will allow the city to pay for one-time-only costs, such as the census, in Year One. Some one-time-only equipment, such as vehicles, desks and computers, are proposed to use the CIP fund balance in Year One with repayment of this in Years Two and Three. The Storm Drainage Fund will need to use the Drainage Fund balance the first year with a potential basin rate adjustment in Year Two. During the second year actual costs will be known and basin rates can be adjusted. i Years Two and Three, 1998 and 1999 Year Two budgets have not been completed but will not differ significantly from the Year Three budget. As mentioned above, this budget will assume a full year of revenue and a full year of expenditures, excluding the one-time-only capital expenditures. You will note the repayment of CIP fund balance in Years Two and Three. This budget also balances the expenditures attributed to the annexation with estimated revenues available from the annexed areas. Summary The budget details include funds for 31 positions as well as the necessary funds for operating, one-time-only expenditures and capital outlay. Each budget is shown separately and includes detail for all costs by year. Departments have worked very hard to prepare these annexation budgets as they did for the Lake Meridian Annexation. Departments will be at the Operations Committee meeting to answer any of the detailed questions. Although both annexations are shown, we are asking for approval to establish the 1997 budget for only the Meridian Valley Annexation budget establishment at this meeting. Council Action: Authorize establishment of a budget for the Meridian Valley Annexation for 1997 as estimated per the attached exhibit. 2 CITY OF KENT MERIDIAN VALLEY / DELMAR ANNEXATION PLAN APRIL 10, 1997 cITY OF KENT MERIDIAN VALLEYIDELMAR ANNEXATION COMBINED MERIDIAN FOR THE YEAR 1999-YEAR THREE VALLEY DELMAR TOTAL - 16,110 665 578 1.243 Total Acres 1,583 594 2,177 25 Total Number Of Pastels 25,5 1,665 1,595 3.260 Total Number Of Res.Units ,363 63 U 4,6 60,380 P 91 4,000 8,691 Total Estimated Population A 269,443,436 114,339,144 393,791,580 ToW Assessed Valuation 4,842�60,082 CRf,VBNAL CITY WIDE GENERAL CIP STREET JUSTICE STORM WATER OTHER REVENUE: BUDGET FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND TOTAL. 1,132,942 Prop.Tax Q 2.84008(1) 12,717.322 A 1,132,942 144,327 144,827 Voted Excess Levy®.36276(I) 1.624,368 A 331,933 Prop.Tax-Ammed Street Q1.73594 248,951 62,982 Sales Tax(2) 14,464,357 O 265,419 Utility Tax(3) 5.398,590 U 265,419 17.604 17.604 Utility Tax-Envu=muntal(3) 270,019 U 44,405 41405 Utility Tax-Youth Teen Center(3) 512.435 U 81,533 81.533 Utility Tax-Street lla(3) 1,708,113 U Special Assessments 1,166,90I 49,970 Real Estate Excise 600,000 A 48,970 Gambling and Leaxbold Taxcs 439,000 92,020 Business Licenses and Permits 1,161.062 A 92,020 Grants 1,023,732 264,997 2,908 440,692 State Shared Rcvenue(4) 3,235,149 P 172.877 115,442 115,442 Local Sales Tax Criminal Justice 902,010 P Fire Insurance Premium Tax 106,380 (366,056) Fire Protection Disrtict 437(5) 2,419,146 A (366,056) JaiVlntergover®ental Revenue 1,884,760 20,000 King County Medical Service Levy 664,517 20,000 60,871 Fines and Forfeitures 919,855 P 60,971 Parks 2,305.916 30,289 Miscellaneous Fees(6) 618,112 O 50.289 Interest Income-General and Others 3,996,511 Water Utility 6,069,981 Sewer Utility 11,455.105 110,975 110,975 Drainage Utility(T) 5,995,627 O 18.811 18,911 Drainage Basin Adjustment Golf 2,596,629 Other Revenues 2,239,625 Estimated Total Revenue 86,294.020 1,677,213 131,952 346,430 I18,350 129,786 206,136 2,610,561 Expenditures: FT RPT 37,386 1",827 469,243 General Govemment(8) 6.722,670 6.00 (0.25) 286,030 119,350 1.004,178 Public Safery 29.498,415 17.00 (1.00) 895,928 92,400 17,604 599,428 Public Works/Street(l l) 7.991,659 4.00 212,994 276,430 4;,405 30I,320 Leisure Services(12) 6,166,115 3.00 0.75 257,115 105246 Planning and Code Enforcement 2391,647 1.00 0.60 105.246 Debt Service 10,903 013 Water Utility 5,T73,410 Sewer Utility 13,779,510 Drainage Utility(I 1) 7.036.052 Golf 2,081,334 276.430 118,350 129,796 206,936 2,478,615 Estimated Total Expenditures 91,233.825 31.00 0.10 1,747.213 276,430 118,350 129,786 206,936 2,479,615 Tranafcr(InKhn 1,747113 Fund Balance-Repayment (70,000) 70.000 131.952 Nn Impact Income(Loss)&Net FIT 31.10 (0) 131,95' 3 P:V\NNE=ELMV99.WBI ID AW-97 Meridian Valley and Delmar Annexations Combined For 1999 - Year 3 General Govt $468,243 18.9% Planning Svcs $105,246 4.2% Leisure Svcs $301,520 12.2% Public Wks Street $599,428 Public Safety $1,004,178 24.2% . ........ ................. 40.5% Total Expenditures: $274787615 y CITY OF KENT MERIDIAN ANNEXATION DELMAR ANNEXATION DEPARTMENT COST SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR 1999-Year Three COMBINED MERIDIAN VALLEY DELMAR FTE FTE FTE DEPARTMENT FT RPT TOTAL FT RPT TOTAL FT RPT TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT Administration Receptionist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Election costs Operating Costs 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Finance Accounting Tech 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Business License Full Tune 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Less Regular Part Tune BL (0.50) (0-50) (0.50) (0.50) Utility Billing Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Less Regular Part-Time UB (0.50) (0.50) (0-50) (0.50) Utility Billing-Operating Costs Debt Service Operating 3.00 (1.00) 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 (1.00) 1.00 Employee Services Employee Services Tech 1.00 1.00 0.60 0.60 1.00 (0.60) 0.40 Civil Service 8 month Operating 1.00 1.00 0.60 0.60 1.00 (0.60) 0.40 Info Services Personal Computer Tech 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Tech I Printing 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Operating 1.00 0.75 1.75- 1.00 0.75 1.75 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 6.00 (025) 5.75 3.00 135 435 3.00 (1.60) 1.40 PUBLIC SAFETY Police .Records Specialists 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Community Service Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5 Police Officers/1 Sergeant 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Operating Valley Communications 8.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 6.00 Pure Administrative Sec 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fire Fighters 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Fire Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Operating Valley Communications 6.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 Municipal Court Court Clerk Full-Tune 20 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Less Two Regular Part-Time (1.00) (1.00) (1.00) (1.00) Court Clerk Full-Tune 20 New 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Clerk Full-Tune Lead Operating 3.00 (1.00) 2.00 3.00 (1.00) 2.00 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 17.00 (1.00) 16.00 6.00 (1.00) 5.00 11.00 11.00 P:IANNEXI0ELMVE9.WB1 10-Apr-97 S CITY OF KENT MERIDIAN ANNEXATION DELMAR ANNEXATION DEPARTMENT COST SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR 1999-YearThm COMBINED MERIDIAN VALLEY DELMAR FTE FTE FTE DEPARTMENT FT RPT TOTAL FT RPT TOTAL FT RPT TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS General Fund-Street hIWII 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sweeping Contraa Operating Traffic Control/Strt Maint Street Lighting Street Operating Reserve For Cap.Imp. Storm Drainage MWII 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Operating Engineering Engineer I 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 operating Environmental 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 LEISURE SERVICES Maintenance Worker3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Worker2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Cashier TPT 2 Eight Month Employees Facilities 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Facilities Maint.Worker3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Operating 2S per Person/Arts Brochures Youth Teen Center TOTAL LEISURE SERVICES 3.00 0.75 3.75 2.00 0.75 2.75 1.00 1.00 PLANNING Office Tech 2 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1%for Human Svcs Operating TOTAL PLANNING 1.00 0.60 1.60 0.60 0.60 1.00 1.00 CITY WIDE 31.00 0.10 31.10 14.00 1.70 15.70 17.00 (1.60) 15.40 PA NNEXIDELMVE9.WB1 to-Ape-97 ,� CITY OF KENT MERIDIAY3 VALLEYIDEIMARANNEXATION COtv03INED FOR THE YEAR 1997-SDC MONTHS MERIDIAN VALLEY DELMAR TOTAL Total Acres 16.110 665 573 1343 Total Number Of Parcels 16.555 1383 594 Z177 Total Number Of Res.Units 25,563 U 1,665 095 3360 Tod Estimated Population 60390 P 4.691 4,000 2,691 Total Asxssed Valuation 4,842360,082 A 269.443,436 114,338,144 383,781380 CRDdNAL CITY WIDE GENERAL. CIP STREET A=CE STOPS( WATER OTHER REVENUE; BUDGET FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND TOTAL Pmg.Tax @ 2.84008(l) 12.717322 A Voted Fxcess Levy @ 36276(1) 1,62436E A Prop.Tax-A=cwd Strect®1.73594 329,074 - 329.074 Sales Tax(2) 14,464357 O 105,130 35,043 140,173 Utility Tax(3) 5398390 U 137,710 132,710 Utility Tax-Eavitottmeonl(3) 270.018 U 3,803 3.303 Utility Tax-Youth Tees Cana(3) SL2,435 U 22.202 22}02 Uuliry Tac-Sttcet lY.(3) 1,708,113 U 40,767 - 40,767 Special Assessment; 1,166,801 Real Estate Eseise 600.000 A 23.7T7 23777 Gambling and Leasehold Taxes 439,000 Business Licenses and Pesffits 1,161.062 A 46,010 46,0I0 Ormts 1,023.732 State Shared Revem*4) 3,235.149 P 43,238 66. 75 747 110,260 Local Sales Tat Criminal Justice 802,010 P 43.101 49,101 Fare Insurance Premium Tax 106390 Fire Protection District l37(5) 7,419.146 A JulMterIIaverametttal Reroute 1,833,760 King County%Icdical Service Levy 664,317 10.000 10,000 Fmes and Forfeitures 913.855 P 30,436 30,436 Parks 2305916 Slucellaaeous Fees(6) 613,112 O 25.144 25,144 Interest Income-Ce eral and Others 3996.511 Water Uuliry 6,069,831 - Sc«a Uuliry 11,455,I05 Drainage Unlity(7) 5,895,627 O 27,460 27,460 Drainaga Basio Adjustmem Calf 2.596,628 Otha Revenues 2,239,625 Estimated Total Revise 86.284.020 392,66E 53,820 436,116 43,83E 27,460 31,005 994a17 Espenditur=.. FT RPC General Ooverament(8) 6.727,670 6.00 (015) 129,553 20-i00 22343 172396 Public Safety 28,498,415 17.00 (1.00) 253.601 133.232 48,83E 435,691 Public Worlcs/Sueet(I I) 7.891.659 4.00 95,400 16,600 199,174 35,702 9.903 335,679 Lcistne Services(12) 6,166,115 3.00 035 119356 23.000 =.202 163,55E Planning and Code Enforcement 2391.647 1.00 0.60 52,700 53.156 105,856 Debt Service I Oy03,013 Water Uuliry 5,7T3,410 Sown Utility 13.779.510 Drainage Unlity(I I) 7,036.052 Golf 2,081334 Estimated Total Expeaditetras 913.33,825 31.00 0.10 639,6I0 246,488 189.174 49,943 53,035 31.005 1,213,170 Tnasfa(liaOut (246,942) 246942 Fund Balance-Repaymem (187,668) (30385) (218,253) Net Impact Income(Loss)At Net FTE 3I.10 - P-%kNNE=ELMV97.W61 10,W.97 �--7 CITY OF KENT MERIDIAN ANNEXATION DELMAR ANNEXATION DEPARTMENT COST SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR 1997-SDC MONTHS MERIDIAN VALLEY DELMAR COMBINED FTE FTE FTE DEPARTMENT FT RPT TOTAL FT RPT TOTAL FT RPT TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT Adminict Gtt Receptionist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maps Election cost Operating Costs 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 Finance 1.00 Accounting Tech 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Business License Full Time 1.00 1.00 (OSO) (OSO) Less Regular Part-Time BL (0.50) (0.50) 1 00 1.00 Utility swing Clerk 1.00 1.00 (0-50) (0-50) Less Regular Part-TimeUB (0S0) (O.50) Equipment-UB Utility Billing-Operating Costs Debt Service Equipment Operating (I.00) 2.0 0 1.00 1.00 2.00 (1.00) 1.00 3.00 Employee Services Employee Services Tech 1.00 1.00 0.60 0.60 1.00 (0.60) 0.40 Civil Service 8 month Equipment Operating 0.40 100 1•00 0.60 0.60 1.00 (0.60) Info Services 1.00 Personal Computer Tech 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Tech I Printing 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Equipment Operating 1.00 0.75 1.75 1.00 0.75 1.75 1.40 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 6.00 (025) 5.75 3.00 135 435 3.00 (1.60) PUBLIC SAFETY Police 1.00 Records Specialists 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Community Service Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 5 Police OfHcers/l Sergeant 6.00 6.00 6.00 Equipment Operating Valley Communications 8.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 6.00 Fire 1.00 1.00 Administrative Sec 2 1.00 1.00 4.00 00 4.00 4. 4.00 Fire Fighters 1.00 Fire Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 Equipment Operating Valley Communications 6.00 6.0 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 Municipal Court 2.00 Court Clerk Full-Tune 20 2.00 2.00 2.00 Less Two Regular Part-Time (1.00) (1.00) (1.00) Court Clerk Full-Time 20 New 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Clerk Full-Time Lead Equipment Operating 2.00 3.00 (I.00) 2.00 3.00 (1.00) TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 17.00 (1.00) 16.00 6.00 (1.00) 5.00 11.00 11.00 P:VWNEJMELMVUMSI 10-Apr-97 n CITY OF KENT MERIDIAN ANNEXATION DELMAR ANNEXATION DEPARTMENT COST SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR 1997-SIX MONTHS COMBINED MERIDIAN VALLEY DELbIAR F E FrE FIE DEPARTMENT FT RPT TOTAL FT RPT TOTAL FT RPT TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS General Fund-Street MWII 1.00 1.00 1.00 I.00 Signs Operating Street Operating Equipment Reserve For Cap.Imp. Storm Drainage MWII 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Equipment Operating Engineering Engiaeer I 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Operating Equipment Environmental 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 LEISURE SERVICES Maintenance Worker3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Worker2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Cashier TPT 2 Eight Month Employees Facilities 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Facilities Maint.Worker3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Equipment Operating Youth Teen Center TOTAL LEISURE SERVICES 3.00 0.75 3.75 2.00 0.75 2.75 1.00 1.00 PLANNING Office Tech 2 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Census Equipment Operating TOTAL PLANNING 1.00 0.6 11.60 0.60 0.60 1.00 1.00 CITY WIDE 31.00 0.10 31.10 14.00 1.70 15.70 17.00 (1.60) 15.40 P:WNNE=ELMVE7.WB1 16Apt-97 (1 CITY OF KEtiT MERIDWN VALLEY ANNEXATION FOR THE CALENDARYEAR 19974D0 MONTHS Total Ades 16,1I0 665 Total Numbs Of Parcels 16355 1.513 Total Number Of Rea.Units 23363 U 1,665 Total Estimated Popalarim 60330 P 4,691 Total Assessed Valuation 4,E42360,082 A 269,443,436 CRL34NAL CITY WIDE GENERAL CIP STREET JUSTICE STORM WATER OTHER REVENUE BUDGET FUND FUND FUND FUND ELS FUND FUND TOTAL Prop.Tax®2.Ei008(l) M717322 A Voted Excea Levy @ 36276(l) 1,62436E A 233.969 Prop.Tax-A miewd Street @L73594 233,E69 E624 33,396 Sales 7ax(2) 11,4643 � , 57 O •� 72,373 Uoliry Tsv(3) 5398.590 U 72.En 4,496 4,496 Uoliry Tax-Eavrtnameatal(3) 270,01E U 6.246 6,246 Utility Tax-Yowls Teen Cemta(3) 512,435 U 20.321 Uolryi TaxStrect 1%(3) 1,7108J13 U 20.E21 Special Ass--^ ft 1,166,Sol 16,693 Real Estate Excise 600.000 A 16,693 Gambling and Leasehold Tana 439.000 32302 Business Liccrtsm and Permits 1,161,062 A 32302 Grants 1.023.732 397 60,140 Sore Shared P--,emu(4) 3.235,149 P 23.47E 36275 25963 23,%3 Local Sales Tax Criminal Justice E02,010 P Fire In,awarus Prcmium Tax 106380 Fire Proceed=District 137(5) 2,419.146 A lwVtarergovcramcnW Revenue 1.994,760 King Cocmry Mcdcal Service Lsvy 664,517 Fines and Forfeitures 919.855 P Parks 2305916 17,41E 17,413 Miscellanmus Feea(6) 613,112 0 lnterat Income-General and Others 3986311 Water Wiry 6,069.921 Sower Uoliry 11,455.105 S304 5304 Drainage Un-lityM 3.895.627 0 Drvnage Basin Ad)vsrnent Golf 2,596.62E Other Rn trouts 2,239.625 Estimated Total Revenue 86,283,020 171943 25317 290.965 26350 53N4 10,742 530,621 Expenditures: FT RPT 5,479 119.400 General Govertament(8) 6,722,670 3.00 133 93,421 20.500 26350 171.947 Public Safety(9) 23.499.415 6.00 (1.00) 99,297 4630N 33,202 4,4% 203.132 Public Works/Street(IO) 7,E91,639 3.00 30,400 6,600 10E,441 6,746 118,637 Leisure Services(l l) 6,166,115 2.00 0.75 99.441 23.000 51.961 Plarming and Code Enforeemeot(12) 2391.647 0,60 21905 30,056 Debt Service 10,903.013 Water Uoliry 5,773.410 Sewer Uoliry 13.779,510 Drainage Utility(10) 7.036 052 Golf 2,08034 Estimated Total Expmdinaes 91.233,925 14.00 1.70 354.464 126,456 1003,444 26350 33,691 10,742 665,137 ms Tefer(In)Out (192.521) (33377) (134,516) Fund Balance (101.139) Net Imps Income(Low) 15.70 P:VWNEVANNMV97.WEt 50.Apr•97 jD CITY OF KENT JCEIUDLJ N VALLEY ANNEXATION-NOTES FOR THE CALLNDAR YEAR 1997SDC MONTHS 1)PROPERTY TAXES: Assessed Valuation 269.443,436 269.443.436 Less Tax Eaampt Ptopaties Less Senior Reduced Rate Property- LSK1O4 NIA Adjamd Assessed Valuation 267.557.332 269.443.436 V—Levy Assessed Valmaden e.007 Average Per Comity Raeords Regular Levy. Adjusted Assessed Valuation Multiplied By The Regular Levy Ram Divided By 1000. 233,169 Regular Senior Reduced Levy. Senior Assessed Valuation Multiplied By The Senior Levy Rate Divided By 1000. Voted Excess Levy. Excess Levy Assessed Valuation Multiplied By Excess Levy Ram Divided By 1000. Total Property Tax 233.969 2)SALES TAX Estimated Fmv Of Homes Built 200,000 Estimated Number OF Homes Built 30 - Total Value Per Year 6.000.000 Local Sales Tax Ram 0.9415% Sala Tax From Homes Built 21,039 Sales Tax From Annexed Businesses 13,453 SALES TAX 5 MONTHS 34,496 3)LMLITY TAX Estimated 330`/e 3.00Yv 0305: 1.00% Average Bearing Genenl Environmental Teen Street Tod Drainage 44.123 1.344 I32 441 Z117 Electricity 1,263,735 44.231 3,791 IZ637 60,659 Garbage 149.M 5.245 4,496 450 1,499 11.690 Sever NA Telephone 624,375 21,953 1,173 6,244 29.9M Water NA 6 ZOSZ093 72.973 4.4% .246 20,121 IOJ,436 4)STATE SHARED REVEWE: Amount Criminal Per General Sect Justice Total Paean Mobile Trailer And Camper Tax 340 340 0.07 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax 13,646 13.636 2.92 Liquor E_cLw Tax 3R5 3=5 0.69 Liquor Profits Tax - 6=7 6=7 133 Local Vehicle License Fee 9.637 9,697 2.07 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax-Saes - 11,120 18.110 3.96 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax-Atterial 1,46E 1,461 1.11 Criminal Justice Funding 397 397 0.09 23,472 36X5 397 60.140 1212 5)FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 037: Proposed Annexation Assessed Valuation Divided By 1000. Multiplied By County Rate,Multiplied By\mery Percent 6)\USCELLANEOUS FEES: Budget Planning And Engineering Mac.Fro 591,001 General Government Misc.Fees 20,104 613,112 Planning: Proposed Assessed Valuation Divided By Tad Assessed Valuation Multiplied By Budgeted Planing And Engineering bfiscellaneom Revenues 16,637 General Co cent Proposed Population Divided By Tod Population Multiplied By General Goverrrmcat hGseellaaeous Revenues 711 17,419 P.%ANNEXVNNMV97.Yv117t7.Ap 7)DRAL`IAGE unLRY: Residmtisk Residential Units Multiplied By Basm-li-Monthly _ Charge Multiplied By War. Commercial Drainage Chnes Sa04 Total Drainage 5-04 E)GEYERAL GOVER-`IMENT, Ad=ixuszratian FTE Rrr TOTAL START UP NET HIRE DATE JAN98 Receptionist 1.00 Computer Electiod Costs \laps Operaslag Cosa Adminiscation 1.00 FTE Firumcc Payroll Tech 1.00 23,054 23,OSi MY97 CompurmlDesk 7,300 7300 OP��B - 1900 13O0 Fusance 1.00 FTE 1223-s 7,300 2Sy33 Employee Savius Human Services Tech M60 13,410 I3,410 MY97 Civil Savior E Month 7,43E 7,43E SF3T97 Comput=Mc/Advat 6,600 6.6007-900 7•943 Opaatiug -P" Employee Services 0.60 FTE 3633E 6,600 29.71E Info Saviccs 22,610 22,6t0 MY97 Pausal CompmcTech L00 I4309 MY97 Office Tech I Pring Q75 I3,209 Comput=Mmk 6,600 6.600 L900 Operating1,900 Employee Savicam 1.00 0.75 FTE d RPT t3319 6,600 3E,719 Employee Services Nct 1.73 NET FTE Allocahle To UdUties 5,479 3.479 OP—:nE cc= 5.479 3.479 Drainage Other Funds Debt Scvice Tod en a�General Govear 3.00 t35 FTE StRFr 119.400 20.300 9E,900 Total General Goverl®mtNet 435 FTE NET (9)PUBLIC SAFETY: Police 3.767 DEC97 Records Specialist 1.00 3.767 Comer airy Savies OfE= 1.00 21.972 21,972 MY97 Equipment 5,000 5.000 Valley Ccarmrmications 10.000 10,000 Operzttrig Casa 2.117 2.117 Total Police 2.00 FTE 42,E56 5.000 37,E56 Fur Fue Inspector 1.00 37,E32 32,E32 MY97 Opeanng Costs 4y00 4.900 1E,000 1E.000 Vehicle 6,600 6.600 CampurdDesk 7ota1 Fue I.00 FTE 62332 24,600 37,732 Municipal Corot 41373 MY97 Court Clerk FuB-Time 20 2.00 4 L,573 Less Two Regnlaa Part-Time (100) (24,080) (24.090)MY97 207E7 20, MY97 Court Clerk Full-Time 20 1.00 , Court Clerk Fog-Time Load 7.079 7,079 79 MY97 Compura/Dak/Pr=:m3 IQ700 16,700 7 4,700 OperatingOperating . Total Munti ro cipal Cot 3.00 (1.00) FTE dt RPT 66759 I6,700 50,039 Municipal Court Net 2.00 NET FIE 125,637 TOTALPUBLICSAFETY 6.00 (1.00) 171.947 46.300 5.00 NET FTE P."N EXMNNMV97.riB1 16Apr.97 (10)PUBLIC WOPKS: Street-10.90 m9cs General Fund JAN" MW D/B4n 1-00 17,786 17.796 Saect Light E1as:aic Ba 11786 Transta To General Food 1.00 FIE I7,786 Sidcw&3U`Ovalay Mover and Tmila 19,J00 19300 240rh Agreemmt20 yeas 66300444 19�00 9-9" S� FTE 108. 98,944 Tod Sam and GF Transfer 1.00 FM NET 126,230 19.500 106,730 Storm Drainage MW UMCCU JmfacImstrraming LOO 21.09E 21,09E JULY97 OS��g Cost 1 600 0 eJ04 00 Weed Eats Decant Staden 10,000 10,000 Storm Drainage 1.00 FTE BAI0,600 22,602 Engincaing Eager) LOO 22,870 ZZ970 MY97 ��g Cam 6,600 2,870 CompumeDak 4,496 6,600 4.496 Envimmamd 1.4% 7,110 Engineering Gmaal Fund 1.00 FIE 47,1Ip 6,600 37,I10 Tod Public Works 3.00 FTE NET 203.142 36,700 166.442 (11)LUSURE SERVICES: 17.532 17582 AUG97 hl.:�:..,....W,6=2 L00 NUinticnanuWodcer3 1.00 22.913 24, JULY97 Cashier TPT 4,164 164 OCT97 I?,6?'_ 12,622622 AUG97 2 Eight March Employ= 10,208 10" Opaaeng Su"res �16 6.246 Youth Tea Cm 4,691 St00 Pa Priam FarThe Am , Truck/fra7a 23,000 00 Z'i,000 Bioeht¢ca 2.000 Z000 Fadides 0.75 RPT 15a39 15a39 JULY97 Tod Leissae Services 2.00 0.75 IRE d:RPT 118,687 13,000 93.6F7 Tod Leisure Services Na 2-75 FTE NET (12)PLAN LNG-. 14,111 14.111 JMY97 Office Tech 2 0.60 Computcedcsk 6.600 6,600 - 23,456 23.456 C..�.... I%Far Hum-Savior 1,719 L719 4073 6,075 OPcrame Planning 060 RPT 51-%1 30,056 2L.905 TOTAL 14.0O 1.10 RPT ,13 I56,536 81 1570 FTE NEC R. Nb7MNM4V97 al 16Ap•97 13 CITY OF KENT DELMAR ANNEXATION FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1997-SIX MONTHS - Total Acres 16,110 579 Total Norther Of Patecls 16,555 594 Total Number Of Res.Units 25,563 U 1,595 Total Estimated PopuMoa 60380 P 4,000 Total Assessed Valmtim 4,942360,092 A 114338,144 CRIMINAL CITY WIDE GENERAL C1P STREET JUSTICE STORM WATER OTHER REVENUE- BUDGET FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND TOTAL Prop.Tax @ 2.84008(1) 12,717322 A Voted Excess Levy @ 36276(1) 1,62436E A 95,205 95,205 Prop.Tax-Amexed 5trcet @1.73594 7933E 26,419 105.677 Sales Tax(2) 14.464357 0 59.837 Utility Tax(3) 5398.590 U 59,937 4307 4307 Utility Tax-EnvircurIC01210) 270,01E U 15956 15956 Utility Tax-Youth Teen Ceatcr(3) 512,435 U 19.9" I9946 Utility Tax-Street 1%.(S) 1,703,113 U Special Assessments 1.166,301 7.094 7,094 Real Estate Excise 600,000 A Gambling and Leasehold Taxes 439.000 13,708 Business licenses and Permits 1,161.062 A 13,70E Grants 1,023.732 30,000 360 50,120 State Shared Revenue(4) 3,235,149 P 19.760 22,138 22,138 Local Sales Tax Criminal Justice: 802,010 P I=Insurance Premium Tax 106330 Fate Protection District 1137(5) L419,146 A Jul/Intergovemmeatal Revenue 1,984,760 10,000 King County Medical Service Levy 664,517 10•000 30,436 Fees and Forfeiture; 91 g.g55 P 30.436 Parks 2,305916 7,726 MiscellaneousFees(6) 618,112 0 7.726 Interest Income-General and Others 3996.511 Water Utility 6,069,881 Sewer Utility 11,455,105 22,156 22,156 Drainage Unlity(7) 5,895,627 0 Drainage Basin Adjustment Golf 2,596,628 Other Revenues 2,239,625 Estimated Total Revenue 86r84,020 220,725 33,503' 145,151 =499 22,156 20,263 464396 Expenditures: FT RPT 16,964 52996 General Govemment(8) 6,722,670 3.00 (1.60) 36,132 263,734 Public Safery(9) 28,499,415 11.00 134304 86937 22,49E g307 U?J37 Public WorkslStrect(10) 7.891,659 1.00 35,000 10,000 80.730 15956 44.871 Leisure Services(I 1) 6.166,115 1.00 28915 53.395 Planning and Code Eaforccmeat(12) 2381,647 1.00 30,795 23,100 Debt Service 10903,013 Water Utility 5,773,410 Sewer Utility 13,779.510 Drainage Urility(10) 7,036.052 Golf 2,081334 Estimated Total Expenditures 91,233,925 17.00 (1.60) 295,146 120.032 90,730 22.498 19364 20363 348,033 TransCet{itrxTtt (64,421) (963 64,421 29) 2,792 (83,737) Fund Balance Net Impact Income(Loss)&Net FTE 15.40 R..-NNE=ELW37a.W81 IOAW-97 �Z� CITY OF KENT DELMAR ANNEXATION-NOTES FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1997-SIX 16IONTHS I)PROPERTY TAXES: Assessed Valuation 114339,144 114333.144 Less Tax Exempt Properties 4,652,100 4.MIOO Less Senior Reduced Rue Property &W367 WA Adjusted Assessed Valuation 108,885,677 109.686.044 Excess levy Assessed Valuation •.007 Avenge Per Couary Records Regular Levy: Adjusted Assessed Valuation Multiplied By The Regular Levy Rue Divided By 1000. 94,510 Regular Senior Reduced Levy. Senior Assessed Valuation Multiplied By The Senior Levy Rate Divided By 1000. 695 Voted Esters Levy,. Excess Levy Assessed Valuation Multiplied By Excess Levy Rue Divided By 1000. NA Tool Property Tact 95305 2)SALES TAX Estimated Fmv Of Coasauctinn 400,000 Estimated Number But1t 3 Total Value Per Year 1,200.000 Local Sales Tax:Rue 0.8415% - Sala Tice From Construction 10,098 Sala Tu From Annexed Businesses 95379 105,677 3)UTILITY TAX Estimated 3.W%, 3.00% 0.SOY. 1.00% Average Billing General Eaviro®ental Teen Server Total Drainage 42363 1,268 339 423 2.029 Elaoiciry 1,210.605 36319 9,685 12.106 58.109 Garbage 143.550 4307 4307 1.148 1,436 11.198 Saver NA Telephone 598.125 17944 4.795 3"1 21,710 - Water NA 1994.548 59.337 4307 15956 19,946 100.046 4)STATE SHARED REVENUE: 'mount Criminal Per General Satxt Justice Total Person Mobile Trailer And Campcx Tax 230 230 0.02 ?.term Vehicle Excise Tu I I360 11360 0.71 Liquor Excise Tax 2,U0 2,980 0.18 Liquor Pro6tsTu 5240 5.240 033 Local Vehicle License Fee 8380 8380 0J2 Stator Vehicle Fuel Tax-Seect 14.300 14,900 093 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax-Arterial 6920 6920 0.43 Criminal Justice Fwdmg 360 360 0-02 19.760 30.000 360 50.120 3.13 5)FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 239. Proposed Annexation Assessed Valuation Divided By 1000. Multiplied By County Rue,Multiplied By N.wery Pert 6)MISCELLANEOUS FEES: Budget Plamting And Engineering Mix.Fees 593,003 General Govaament hGse For 20.104 619.112 Planning: Proposed Assessed Valuation Divided By Total Assessed Valuation Multiplied By Budgeted Ptamting And Engineering hfiueilaaeau Revenue 7.060 General Govenunear Proposed Population Divided By Total Population Multiplied By General Govemmmt btiscelUaeous Revenues 666 7,726 P-."NE=ELMA97E.WB 1 10,W.97 7)DRACIAGE UTILITY- Residential: Ressdeodal Units Multiplied By Bam'H'Mombly Charge Multiplied By Site Commercial Drainage Charges 22,156 Total Drainage 2Z156 6)GENERAL GOVE LNUENT: Allocable To Utilities FIE RFT TOTAL START UP NET HIRE DATE Utility Bt7ling 1 rxo 22,920 2ULY97 Reg Part Time (1) (15.656) (15,656)JMY97 CempuUmVesk 3.650 3,650 Operating Cc= 5950 5-M Drainage 1 (1) FIE&RFT 16,661 3,650 13214 Drainage Net I FIE NET Allocable To Fmmtx Business Liecase FuUTsme 1 23,111 23,111 JULY97 Less Regular Pm-T=e (1) (I2.7M ()2.M JULY97 ComputcdDok 3.650 3,630 Cperaang Costs 4352 4352 Finance 1 (1) FfE&RPf I6326 3.650 14.676 Fumnce Net I FfE NET AIIocahle To Employee Serricea Human Resource Tech 1 (1) FIE&RPT 9.606 9.606 MY97 Employee Scrvica Net 0 FTE NET 9,606 9,606 Allocable to Maximisnadon MAPS 2.500 2,500 Publication 2.500 2,500 Election Costa 3200 3200 8200 2.500 5,700 Other Foods Debt Service Total General Goverment 3 R) FTE&RPT 52,996 9.800 43.196 - Total General Goremr:cm.Net 1 FIE NET (9)PUBLIC SAFETY- Police 5 Police OlEcerv'l Segemt 6 116.606 116,606 TWOIULY97,TWOSEFT97&TWONOV97 Operating/Irainiag 11.169 11,169 Startup Cosa 22200 22200 Valley Communication Gents 17.500 17,500 Equipment 11,660 11,660 Equipment Defeted Until Year 2 38312 Total Police 6 FTE 179,135 72,172 145275 Fire Fire Fighters 4 3AN99 Operating Coen Start Up CostsfUnifermwRadios ALminis five Sect I 27,127 22.127 2ULY97 Valley Communication Costs 7,500 7,500 Operating 1.900 1.900 Computer 3.100 3,100 Total Fire 5 FTE 34,627 3,100 31327 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY II 213.762 75Xn 176.WZ PWtNEVA)EL MA976.WB1 IG AV-97 (lo)PLrBUC wows: Sawa General Fund Sweeping Carona 2.500 2.500 Hai Cosb 5,000 5,000 TnfSc Coc=vSigoal Maint 7,500 7J00 Signs 10,000 I0,000 Smvt Ugbting 20,000 20,000 _ Transfer to Gatasl Fmd 45,000 10,000 35,000 Sawa 30,730 90,730 Raavw for Cap.Imp. 80,730 go,730 Sawa Tod Saes And GF Trmea 125,T30 10.000 115.730 Storm Dramgw 1AN98 MWu 1 opawing Costs 2,500 2,500 Raave for Cap.IMP. 1 FTE 2,500 2.500 . Eavim=enW `�� 4-107 Operating Cosa Ru c for Cap.Imp. 4,307 - 4�07 Tod Public Woks 1 FTE 132 iYl 10,000 122.537 (11)LEISURE SERVICES: Facilitiell4aiateaa000w Work=M 1 22915 22915 MY9r7 _ ODawtixg Cost 15956 15956 52.00 Pa Pasco For The Am 4,000 4.000 etodb 2.000 2.000 Tod Leisarw Sam l FTE 44.971 44,871 (12)PLA.YNING Ptama 27,088 27.08E JULY97 1 Ccns= 20,000 20,000 1%For Ht Savior 07 2,207 � OpRsmg C°m 1.500 1,500 Equipmaa 3.100 3,100 I FTE 53A95 23.100 30.795 OVERALL ���FiEdt RFT 4 1 . 1 OVERALLNET ----IT-FrE NET P."NE=ELMA97G.NBt 10lW.97 !� / Brenda Jacober, City Clerk CITY OF KENT 220 - 4th Avenue South Kent WA 98032-5894 (206) 859-3300 ORDINANCE NO. Grantor(s): N/A Grantee(s): N/A This document is an annexation of territory from unincorporated King County to the Citv of Kent. Legal Description: 1. Abbreviated form: Portions of Sections 15. 16, 21. 22, 23, and 27 of Twp 22 N, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington 2. Additional legal description is Exhibit A of the document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Number(s): N/A TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET AND ALL EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS) i ORDINANCE NO. i AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, annexing to the City certain contiguous lands, comprising approximately 891 acres, generally bounded on the south and east by the City's existing corporate limits, on the north by the extension of SE 235th Street, and on the east by Soos Creek, all generally referred to as the "Meridian Valley Annexation"; making the property annexed subject to the City's proportionate share of its existing indebtedness and to its interim zoning regulations for newly annexed lands; adjusting the City's 1997 annual budget to accommodate changes in revenues and expenditures related to the annexation; making July 1. 1997 the effective date of the annexation; and authorizing the City Clerk to determine the resident population within the annexation area and to deliver required annexation information to the State Office of Financial Management and to the Metropolitan King Counrt Council. WHEREAS. in accordance with Chapter 35A.14 RCW, the owners of not less than 60 percent of the assessed valuation for general taxation of certain real property. the "Meridian Valley Annexation" area, which is more particularly described in Exhibit A to this ordinance (map attached as Exhibit B), have petitioned the Kent Citv Council to annex the Meridian Valley Annexation Area to the City of Kent; and WHEREAS, the City has determined the Meridian Valley Annexation area petition to be sufficient in all respects; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 35A.14 RCW various proceedings were had; and WHEREAS, the City tiled a Notice of Intention document with the Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County ("BRB") on February 1S. 1997; and WHEREAS, on April 4. 1997, the BRB approved the City's notice of intervention and annexation proposal; and WHEREAS, the City has published and posted notice of a public hearing Ion the proposed Meridian Valley Annexation in accordance with RCW 35A.14.130 so that interested persons could voice their approval or disapproval of the annexation: and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent held a public hearing on the Meridian Valley Annexation in the City Council Chambers at a regularly scheduled j meeting of the Kent City Council at 7:00 p.m. on April 15. 1997; and WHEREAS, it appears to the City of Kent that the Meridian Valley Annexation meets all requirements specified b- law. that the land to be annexed is contiguous to the City of Kent. and that the annexation area has not heretofore been I incorporated in or as a city or town: NOW THEREFORE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT. WASHINGTON. DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The foregoing recital> are incorporated by this reference and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. Effective July 1. 1997, there shalll be annexed to the Citv of I Kent. Washington, certain property situated in King County, Washington. commonly known as the "Meridian Vallev Annexation" area. which property is legally described in 2 Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, and having the boundaries indicated in the map attached hereto as Exhibit B, which is incorporated by this reference. SECTIONS. In accordance with the Meridian Valley Annexation property owner's petition, the property hereby annexed shall be subject to its proportionate share of the City's existing indebtedness and shall be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis that other property within the City of Kent is assessed and taxed to pay for any outstanding general indebtedness of the City. if that indebtedness has been approved by the voters, contracted for, or incurred prior to. or existing at the effective date of this annexation. SECTION4. Until the City completes its final zoning determi nation for the annexation area. the Meridian Annexation area shall be subject to the interim zoning regulations for newly annexed areas established in Title 15 of the Kent City Code, as now enacted or hereafter amended. SECTION S. This annexation will become effective July 1. 1997, and on that date. the annexation area shall become a part of the City of Kent. subject to all the laws and ordinances of the City except as otherwise prm.ided by law. SECTION 6. Based on the additional revenue and expenditures that this annexation is anticipated to generate. the City's 1907 budget is adjusted to establish a Meridian Valley Annextion budget as shown on f xhibit C, attached and incorporated bw this reference. SECTION 7. Within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this annexation as provided by law, the City Clerk of the Citv of Kent shall. under the direction of the Mayor of the City of Kent, determine the resident population of the annexed territory, which population determination shall consist of an actual enumeration of the iI 3 population that shall be made in accordance with the practices and policies and subject to approval of the State of Washington's Office of Financial Management and which population shall be determined as of the effective date of this annexation as specified in this ordinance. SECTIONS. The City Clerk of the City of Kent, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.700. shall prepare a certificate signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk in such form and containing such information as shall be prescribed by the State Office of Financial Management. and the City Clerk shall thereafter submit that certificate in triplicate to the Office of Financial Management together with the population determination i of the annexed territory. SECTION 9. Upon passage of this annexation ordinance. the City Clerk of the City of Kent. pursuant to RCW 35A.14.140. shall send to the Office of the Clerk of the County Council a certified copy of this ordinance together with a copy of a letter from the BRB's Executive Secretary of the King Count} Boundary Review Board that declares the BRB's decision relating to this annexation. SECTION 10. If anv one or more sections. subsections. or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid. such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 11. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days after publication of the attached summary the general form of which is hereby approved. I JIN1 WHITE. MAYOR 4 ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORNI: I I jROGER A. LUBOVICH. CITY ATTORNEY I PASSED: day of 11997. APPROVED: day of , 1997. PUBLISHED: day of , 1997. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the Citv Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. i (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK s SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. of the City of Kent. Washington i On the_day of 1997. the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, passed Ordinance No. A summary of the content of this ordinance, consisting of its title, provides as follows: An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Kent. Washington, annexing to the City certain contiguous lands, comprising approximately 891 acres, generally bounded on the south and east by the City's existing corporate limits, on the north by the extension of SE 235th Street, and on the east by Soos Creek, all generally referred to as the "Meridian Valley Annexation"; making the property annexed subject to the City's proportionate share of its existing indebtedness and to its interim zoning regulations for newly annexed lands; adjusting the City's 1997 annual budget to accommodate changes in revenues and expenditures related to the annexation; making July 1, 1997 the effective date of the annexation; and authorizing the City Clerk to determine the resident population within the annexation area and to deliver required annexation information to the State i Office of Financial Management and to the Metropolitan King County Council. The full text of this Ordinance will he mailed upon request. DATED this day of 1997. 'I BRENDA J:ACOBER. CITY CLERK I P`LAWORDINANC`.MERIDIAN ORD b MERIDIAN YALLEY COUNTRY CLUB ANNEXATION y Exhibit "A" Those portions of Sections 15, 16, 21, 22, 23 and 27 all in Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, including any recorded plats and unrecorded plats and any rights-of-way lying therein, described as follows: The Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King Countv, Washington, TOGETHER WITH 132nd Avenue S.E. and S.E. 240th Street lying adjacent thereto; AND ALSO the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 16, EXCEPT the West 25 acres thereof, TOGETHER WITH S.E. 240th Street lying adjacent thereto; AND ALSO the South half of the Southwest quarter of Section 15, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, TOGETHER WITH with 132nd Avenue S.E., S.E. 240th Street and 140th Avenue S.E. lying adjacent thereto; AND ALSO that portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 15, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 15, said point being THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence North 01°15'07" East a distance of 400.00 feet; thence North 63°27'09" West a distance of 179.75 feet, thence North 43°35'13" West a distance of 113.91 feet; thence North Sl°00'39" West a distance of 200.00 feet; thence North 12'19'03" West a distance of 261.92 feet; thence North 63'1746" West a distance of 247.00 feet; thence North 22°09'13" West a distance of 413.21 feet to the North line of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 15; thence North S8147117" West along the North line thereof a distance of 431.08 feet to the Northwest comer of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 15; thence South 0I'l6'2:" West a distance of 1.321.62 feet along the West line of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 15, to the Southwest comer of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 15; thence South 88°35'44" East a distance of 1,322 2 7 feet to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNINGtAND ALSO all of the Northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King Countv, Washington, TOGETHER WITH 132nd Avenue S.E. and S.E. 240th Street lying adjacent thereto; AND ALSO the West half of the Northeast quarter of said Section 22, TOGETHER WITH that portion of S.E. 240th Street lying adjacent thereto; AND ALSO the East half of the Northeast quarter of said Section 22, EXCEPT that. portion lying Northerly of the �t/a fN•�%y 4;�iv margin of S.E. 240th Street; AND ALSO all of the Southwest quarter of said Section 22, together with 132nd Avenue S.E. and S.E. 256th Street lying adjacent thereto; AND ALSO all of the Southeast quarter of said Section 22, TOGETHER WITH that portion of S.E. 256th Street lying adjacent thereto, t�ND ASS0 ar SE z dory Sf .- l�r i '441, SF `7 �l p MVCC k S,E c -s� -¢w Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT�� i 1 ; AND ALSO the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, together with S.E. 240th Street and 132nd Avenue S.E. lying adjacent thereto, E:�CEPT that portion of said East half of the Northeast quarter lying within Kent Citv Limits established under Ordinance No. 3 24 1; AND ALSO the North 3 0.00 feet of the East 495.00 feet of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 21; AND ALSO all of S.E. 132nd Avenue S.E. lying in the Southeast quarter of said Section 21; AND ALSO that portion of the West half of the Northwest quarter of Section 231 Township 22 North. Range 3 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying A&lz`4 of the druv4 margin of 148th Place S.E.AAND ALSO those portions of S.E. 256th Street lying in the North half of �� W. in King County, Washington. Section 2 71 , Township _� North, Range 5 East, � � zG �Nz L.(/e •�E'� s C eu� �o.ao �� o y� 71/ Subject to revision upon e: anination of record titl �- A�c/D RLsa � .�e�� .�o•oo �""� � � s�¢ ���,¢e�".�ow z 3 Legal description prepared 5/8/96. NfVCCA Page 2 of z o O f I C — C —'3S"1STS 152 8Y SE 1S2 NY SE ] AY CS1 3s 1J 291 n ^\ E 11 test o d {\ rt / Sry m n 'Af YO 78 AV en / + JS Ad 9nr \1 v A.NI V nl ( R if 1J ftl N If( +f P+ NLNI �6 3 AV nn /�'��� 35 AV ilpl 4, y ft, m jr 113 of It Y W It 11 3t tl;;I, �t b he' ]s m Y < +6 O j ?� AV Oel ^ i r 3 odI cc S AV 6C1 IT r I''•�• N n In '�e_ x�\ a 9S1 u R" 41 n '•' " 3S AY l6 ld 5(1 ar E 9Ci "AIYJ Ir1 91 'AIYd i r 3S 1J 11( o R( AV[tl *tA S'i'a 3S AV CCI St AA 2t[ rt ^ 11 18 AY 2L1 t )[ It Itl )[ 1 1[1 iAt 1 'Y J' At �� N N t 3S IS / N� d" lJ fizz E SS N t ul a A. ILKI fir" rt • 3S AV 621 n )s m 3s ld ezl ) R AV RI nvn, m 1 1 36 AV S21 / Y A, e it AY etlN 39 AY hat ry ` � I E r lI 8B A9 m e21 / rt 1 ,a1 iil eE It ^ tt « it SE � ' ♦ 1 E 5[ 1 alu is +n tezl is 1J I 61 A. rXHIBIT. CITY OF KENT MERIDIAN VALLEY ANNEXATION FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1997-SIX MONTHS 110 665 Total Acres 16. 1.583 Tula]Number Of Parcels 16,555 Total Number Of Res.Units 25,563 U 1,665 Total Estimated Population 60,390 P 4,691 Total Assessed Valuation 4,842,360,082 A '.69,443.436 CRIMINAL CITY WIDE GENERAL CIP STREET NCE SD WATER OTHER REVENUE: BUDGET FUND FUND �D � FUND F TOTAL Prop.Tax @ 2.840090) 12,717.322 A Voted Excess Levy Q.36276(l) 1,624.369 A 233,969 Prop.Tax-Annexed Street Q1.73594 233,869 34,1% SalesTW2) 14,464,357 O 25,872 8,624 72,373 Utility Tax(3) 5,399,590 U 72,873 4,4% 1496 Utility Tax-Environmental(3) 270,019 U 6,246 6.246 Utility Tax-Youth Tern Center(3) 512435 U 20.821 -10,821 Utility Tax-Street l%,(3) 1,708,113 U Special Assessments 1.166,801 16.693 Real Estate Excise 600.000 A 16.693 Gambling and Leasehold Tuts 439,000 32,302 Business Licenses and Permits 1.161,062 A 32.302 Grants 1,023,732 60.140 State Shared Revenue(4) 3,235,149 P 23.478 36,275 387�5%3 '-5.963 Local Sales TaxCriminal Justice 802,010 P File Insurance Premium Tax 106.380 Fire Protection District 037(5) 2419,146 A _ Jai Vintergovrn assmal Revenue 1.994.760 King Comm y Medical Service Levy 664,517 Fines and Forfeitures 919,855 P Packs 2,305.9t6 17,418 Misr llmww Fees(6) 619.112 O 17,418 Interest Income-Gmeml and Others 3,986.511 Water Utiliry 6,069,881 Sewer Utility 11,455.105 5a04 5,304 Drainage Utility(7) 5,895.627 O Drainage Basin Adjustment Golf 2,596,629 Other Revenues 2,239,625 Estimated Total Revenue 86.284 020 171,943 25.317 290,965 26,350 5,304 10,742 530.621 Expenditures: FT RPT - 119,400 6.722.670 3 00 1.35 93.421 '-0,300 5,479 General Gery(9) t(8) 26,350 171.9a7 Public Safery(9) 28.398415 600 (1.00) 50,400 16.600 33.202 4496 203,142 Public Works/Street(IQ) 7,891.659 3.00 50,400 6.600 108.444 6.246 118.687 Leisure Services(I 1) 6.166,115 2.00 0.75 99,441 23.000 51,961 Planning and Code Enforement(12) 2.381647 0.60 21.905 30,056 Debt Service 10,903 013 Water Unlity 5,773410 Sewer Unlity 13779 510 Drainage Utiliry(10) 7 036 052 Golf 2,081.334 Estimated Total Expenditures - 91.233,825 14.00 1.70 353,464 126456 108444 26.350 38,691 10.742 665,137 Transfer(In)Out (18152 1) 182.521 (IO1,139) (33.377) (134,516) Fund Balance Net Impact Income(Lou) 15.TO EXHIBITS 11 r} L1 P VWNEV ANNAW97 WH7 10-Apr-97 CITY OF KENT MERIDIAN VALLEY ANNEXATION-NOTES FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1997-SLX MONTHS 1)PROPERTY TAXES: Asscsscd Valuation 269,443.436 '_69,443.436 Las Tax Exempt Pmpetia Las Senior Reduced Rare Property 1.886,104 N/A Adjusted Assessed Valuation 67,557,332 269.413,436 E<ccss Levy Assessed Valuation •.007 Avenge Per County Records Regular Levy: Adjusted Assessed Valuation Multiplied By The Regular Levy Rau Divided By 1000. 233,8459 Regular Senior Reduced Levy. Senior Assessed Valuation Multiplied By The Stan"Levy Rate Divided By 1000, Voted Excess Levy Excess Levy Assessed Valuation Multiplied By Excess Levy Rate Divided By 1000. Total Property Tax 233,869 2)SALES TAX: Estimated Fmv Of Homes Built 200.000 Estimated Number Of Homes Built 30 Total Value Per Year 6,000.000 Local Sales Tax.Rate 0.9415% Salts Tax From Homes Built 21,038 Sala Tax From Ammed Businesses 13.458 SALES TAX 5 MONTHS 34.496 3)UTILITY TAX: Estimated 3.501/6 3 00% 0.30% 1.00% Avenge Billing Central Envwummnl Teen Street Tod Drainage U,123 1.544 132 441 2.117 Electricity 1,263,735 44,231 3,791 12.637 60,639 Garbage 149,830 5,245 4,496 450 1,499 11,690 Sewer NA Telephone 624,375 21,853 1,873 6.244 29,970 Water NA 1092.093 71973 4.495 6,246 20.821 104.436 Amount 4)STATE SHARED REVENUE: Par Cnmmul Central Street Justice ToW Perim Mobile Trailer And Camper Tax - 340 340 0,07 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax 13.686 13,686 2.92 69225 0, Liquor Excise Tax 3,'_25 3,Liquor Profits Tax 6,L'7 6,2217 1.33 Local VeWde License Fee 9.687 9,681 2.07 86 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax-Seeet 18.(20 13,469 1.31 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax-Amnal 3,468 8'387 18I 08 Criminal Justice Funding 387 387 2.32 23.478 36,275 387 60,140 IZ.32 5)FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 437: Proposed Animation Assessed Valuation Divided By 1000, Multiplied By County Rare.Multiplied By Ninety Peremt 6)MISCELLANEOUS FEES: Budget Planning And Engineering Misc.Fees 598,009 General Government Misc.Fees 20.104 618,112 Planning: Proposed Assessed Valuation Divided By Tod Assessed Valuation Multiplied By Budgeted Planning And Engineering Miscellaneous Revenues. 16,637 General Government Proposed Population Divided By Total Population Multiplied By General Government Miscellaneous Revenues. 781 17 719 P'UNNEXbANNMVWW5110-AW-97 i- 1 1 t�� •11 � !l 7)DRAINAGE UTILITY: Residential: Residential Units Multiplied By BasidH'Monthly Charge Multiplied By Sic Commercial Drayage Charges 5.304 Total Drainage 5.304 8)GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Administration FTE RPT TOTAL START UP NET HIRE DATE Receptionist 100 JAN98 Computer Election Cosa Maps Operating Costs Administration 1.00 F7E Finance Payton Tech 1.00 23,054 23,054 JULY97 Computer/Desk 7,300 7,300 Operating 1,900 1.900 Fan mce 1.00 FTE 3=4 7.300 24.954 Employee Services Human Services Tech 0.60 14,410 14,410 JULY97 Civil Service 8 Month 7,439 7.438 SEPT97 CompuwiDesk/Advat 6.600 6,600 Operaung 7900 7,900 Employee Services 0.60 FTE 36.348 6.600 29.748 Info Services Personal Computer Tech - 1.00 =610 1-1 610 JULY97 Office Tech 1 Printing 0.75 14,209 14,209 RJLY97 Computer/Desk 6.600 6,600 oper awe 1900 1,900 Employee Services 1,00 0.75 FTE&RPT 45.319 6.600 38,719 Employee Services Net L75 NET FTE Allocable To Utilities Operating Costs 5.479 5,479 Drainage 5,479 5,479 Other Funds Debt Seance Total General Government 3.00 1.35 FIE&RPT 119,400 20.300 99,900 Total General Government Net 4.35 FTE NET (9)PUBLIC SAFETY: Police Records Specialist 1.00 3,767 3.767 DEC97 Community Seance Officer I_DO '-1.9T- 21,971 JULY97 Equipment 5,000 5,000 Valley Communication 10,000 10,000 Operating Costs 2.117 2.117 Total Police 2.00 FTE 42.856 5.000 37.856 Fire Fire Impeaor 100 32,832 32,932 ,JULY97 Operamg Costs 4.900 4,900 Vehicle 18,000 18,000 ComputaMesk 6.600 6.600 Total Fire 1.00 FTE 67 332 24.600 37.732 Municipal Court Court Clerk Full-Time 20 100 41,573 41,573 JULY97 Less Two Regular Part-Tune (1.00) (24 08M (24,080) JULY97 Court Clerk Full-Time 20 1,00 20.787 20,787 MY97 Court Clerk Full-Time Lead 7,079 7,079 JULY97 ComputeriDesk/Prime s 16,7D0 16,700 operating 4.700 4,700 Total Municipal Court 3,00 (1.00) FTE&RPT 66.759 16.700 50.059 Municipal Court Net 2.00 NET FTE TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 6.00 (1,00) 171,947 46,300 125,647 5,00 YET FTE P'ANNEXNNNM V 97.VJB 1 10-AW-97 (10)PUBLIC WORKS: Strcct-10.90 miles General fund MW IVBen 1.00 )AN93 Street Light Elmtnc Bill 17,796 17.796 Transfer To General Fund 100 FTE 17,786 17.796 SidewaWOveday =444 2-14" Mower and Trailer 19,500 19,500 240th Agreement 20 yeas 66,500 66.500 Street FTE 109.444 19,500 89,944 Total Stiee[and OF Transfer 1.00 FTE NET 126.230 19.500 106,730 Storm Dmmge MW 11lBett/UniformslTrainiug 1 00 21.t)98 21.504 MY97 Operning Costs 1.304 I.504 Weed Ewer 600 600 cheat Station 10.000 10.000 Storm Drainage 1.00 FTE 33,202 10,600 22.602 Engineering EngNecr 1 1.00 29.744 29,744 MY97 Opening Costs 2,870 2,970 ComputerfDesk 6,600 6.600 Envwrtmental 4.496 4.496 Engineeriag Cxneral Fund 1.00 FTE 43,710 6,600 37,110 Total Public Works 3.00 FTE NET -103.142 36,700 166.442 (11)LEISURE SERVICES: Maintenance Worker2 I.00 17,582 17,582 AUG97 Maintenanoe Worker3 1.00 22.915 22.915 MY97 Cashier TPT 4,164 4,164 OCT97 2 Eight Month Employees 12,622 12.622 AUG97 Opemung Supplies 10,209 10,209 Youth Tern Center 6.246 6,246 S2.00 Per Person For The Am 4,691 4,691 Truck/TmIer 23,000 23,000 Brochures 2000. ^000 Facilities 0.75 RPT 15.259 15,259 MY97 Total Leisure Services 2.00 0.75 FTE&RPT 119.697 00 95.697 Total Leisure Services Net 5 3 0FTE NET (12)PLANNING: Office Toch2 0.60 14,111 14,111 JULY97 Computer/desk 6,600 6.600 Consm 3,456 23.456 1%For Human Scrviccs t,719 1,719 Owing 6.075 6,075 Planning 0.60 RPT 51.961 30.056 21.903 TOTAL 14.00 1.70 FTE&RPT 6b .131 156.3 6 308.591 15.70 FTE NET P9 NNE NNMV97 WSI 10-AX-97 CONSENT CALENDAR 3 . city Council Action: Councilmember moves, Councilmember l � seconds that Consent Calendar Items A through O be approved. Discussion Action 3A. Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of April 1, 1997 . 3B. Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received through March 31 and paid on March 31, 1997 ; to be audited by the Operations Committee on April 14 , 1997 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 3/28/97 181957-182314 $ 802 ,498 . 47 3/31/97 182315-182687 1, 959 , 147 . 48 $2 , 761, 645. 95 Approval of checks issued for payroll for March 16 through March 31 and paid on April 4 , 1997 : Date Check Numbers Amount 4/4/97 Checks 218702-219024 $ 240, 653 . 61 4/4/97 Advices 44441-44917 629 , 634 .81 $ 870, 288.42 Council Agenda Item No. 3 A-B Kent, Washington April 1, 1997 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Bennett, Clark, Epperly, Houser, Orr and Woods, Operations Director/Chief of Staff McFall, Assistant City Attorney Brubaker, Police Chief Crawford, Assistant Fire Chief Aldridge, Public Works Director Wickstrom, and Planning Director Harris. Councilmember Johnson was excused from the meeting. Approximately 60 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced COMMUNICATIONS that Jim McDonald, Cultural Arts Coordinator, has been selected as April Employee of the Month. He noted that McDonald plays a key role in coordina- ting aspects of City-wide special events such as the popular Balloon Classic, Canterbury Faire and Kids, Arts Day, and that his management of the City Art Program provided the opportunity to shape the award-winning "Reclamation Art Project" which pairs teens with a professional artist. He then presented the Employee of the Month plaque to Mr. McDonald. Mayor's Appointees. The Mayor announced his appointees and reappointees to the Drinking Driver Task Force, John Bond, Ford Kiene and Sally Johnson, and his reappointee to the Bicycle Advisory Board, Bob Schneider, and introduced those who were in attendance. Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month. Mayor White read a proclamation noting that the loss of life and property can be greatly reduced if appropriate disaster preparedness measures are taken before, during and after a damaging disaster, and that the measures presented in the "Prepare Because You Care" campaign should increase public awareness regarding proper pro- cedures to follow during a disaster. He then proclaimed the month of April 1997 as Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month in the City of Kent and encouraged all citizens to enhance their knowledge and awareness of proper safety measures to follow. The proclamation was presented to Assistant Fire Chief Aldridge. CONSENT HOUSER MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through R be approved. Woods seconded and the motion carried. 1 Kent City Council Minutes April 1, 1997 MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of March 18, 1997, and the workshops of February 25 and March 18, 1997 . PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) Emergency Sewer System Repairs. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1489 certifying that an emergency existed requiring immediate repairs to a portion of the City's sewer system and ratifying all prior acts related to the system's repair, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. On January 17th a failed side sewer system was discovered on Railroad Avenue at the Kent Cold Storage. Because sewerage was reportedly spilling on the ground and the failure appeared to be caused by City watermain construction work, the Public Works Director felt this was an emergency that needed to be addressed. The final bill received is $60, 000, however, it is being reviewed and the actual final cost may be con- siderably less. Monies for same will come from the Downtown Watermain fund and the Miscellaneous Sewer Improvement fund. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) Waterline Easement - Soos Creek Well. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3343 relating to the Soos Creek Well Improvements project. The Public Works Department has been unsuccessful thus far in negotiations with Ms. Karen Rehkop to grant the City a right of way easement for a waterline on her property located in the vicinity of Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) and 116th Avenue S. E. The Public Works Committee has recommended adoption of an ordinance and authorization to condemn this property should negotiations continue to fail. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) Traffic Signal Hardware (Meeker and Russell) . ACCEPT the Traffic Signal Hardware for the Meeker & Russell Road signal installation as complete, and release retainage to McCain Traffic Supply upon standard releases from the state and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original contract amount was $74 , 421. 04 . The final construction cost was $74 , 421. 04 . 2 Kent City Council Minutes April 1, 1997 PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) Mill Creek/SR 167 Drainage Tunnel. ACCEPT the Mill Creek/SR 167 Drainage Tunnel as complete and release retainage to Northwest Boring upon standard releases from the state and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original contract amount was $246, 760 . The final construction cost was $285, 956. 40. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area. ACCEPT the Green River Natural Resource Enhancement Area project as complete and release retainage to Kiewit Pacific upon standard releases from the state and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original contract amount was $9 , 399 , 334 which includes the Council approved $700, 000 Change Order. The final construction cost was $91460, 180. 06. PUBLIC SAFETY (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) Personal Watercraft (Jet Ski) Ordinance. This date has been set for a hearing on a proposed ordinance regulating the operation of personal watercraft on Lake Meridian. Lake Meridian provides recreational activities to both local residents and members of the public including swimming, water skiing, fishing and other similar water dependent activities. During the last few years, recreational uses and more specifically vessel traffic on the lake have increased dramatically. The increased popularity of personal watercraft has resulted in increasing conflicts with other uses on the lake such as water skiing, creating concern for public safety. The purpose of the regulations would be to restrict the times when personal watercraft may operate to give all users an opportunity to utilize the lake and reduce potential conflicts in uses and enhance public safety. The regula- tions would restrict operation of personal watercraft at speeds in excess of eight (8) mph to the hours of noon to 6: 00 P.M. on even numbered days from May 16 through and including September 15 of any year. 3 Kent City Council Minutes April 1, 1997 PUBLIC SAFETY Mayor White declared the public hearing open. Tom Brotherton, President of the Lake Meridian Community Association, 26805 148th Avenue SE, said the Association was formed in 1991 to solve the overcrowding problem on the lake. He explained that at that time there were 60 boats at a time on the lake, but that now there are approximately 20 because there are too many personal watercraft. He said that personal watercraft are an intrusive problem for water skiers and that they create safety hazards for themselves and boats. He noted that a community meeting was held in November at which they determined that the problem is personal water- craft and that the problem is greatly ameliorated when the Police boat is on the lake. He pointed out that the Police boat is active approximately 30-40 hours a week. Brotherton noted that many states are considering legislation to restrict personal watercraft in one way or another, or to do education. He noted that there are many young, inexperienced oper- ators who are not careful, and that there is no education or license requirement in Washington. He said there is an age requirement of 14 years of age to operate personal watercraft. He noted that personal watercraft are much more likely to be involved in accidents than are other kinds of boats. He said personal watercraft should not be treated the same as other boats, as they are much more dangerous. He said the purpose of the regulation as written was to provide adult supervision for personal watercraft and to time the hours so that the Police boat could be in the lake at the same time personal watercraft are. Jack Welinski, 13835 SE 260th, said that Mr. Brotherton does not represent all homeowners on the lake. He agreed that the lake is overcrowded, and suggested limiting the parking spaces that are available. He said this would limit the number of boats, and that a launch fee could be charged which could be used for water safety education. He stated that because of the time zones proposed, working people would only be able to use the lake in the evenings or weekends. He pointed out that owners of boats, jet skis and sail boats all have to pay a tax. 4 Kent City Council Minutes April 1, 1997 PUBLIC SAFETY Mary Olsen, 14400 SE 270 Place SE, said he is a certified safety and health specialist and that he has never seen such a disrespectful, dis- courteous, unmannerly display of watercraft in his life as he has seen for the last five years. He said it is chaotic, noisy and unsafe. He said the proposed ordinance is a good compromise, and that if a solution is not arrived at, the State will come forward with a law to govern all bodies of water in the state. He said that by having something in place beforehand they will not have to go by State law. He noted that the State of Vermont has made a ruling that any body of water under 300 acres does not allow any personal watercraft. He noted that Lake Meridian is 100 acres. He provided a list showing that over half of the states in the United States have some kind of legislation pending for personal watercraft. Carol Voss, 14610 SE 266th, reiterated that this ordinance is a very good compromise. She said that people using jet skis need to be monitored, because they do very dangerous things. She noted that parking has already been limited when King County remade Lake Meridian Park. She said that because of the limited number of spaces, people park in other parts of the neighborhood and that limiting parking is not limiting jet skis. She said there is no rescue apparatus and encouraged the Council to seriously consider this ordinance. Tom Ryan, 14605 SE 266th, said years ago he worked to open the lake up to boats with motors, which he now regrets. He said that jet skis encourage reckless operation, that they are noisy, and that they create huge waves and wakes. He said Lake Meridian is not large enough for this type of watercraft, and that Minnesota is acting to control them in small bodies of water. He noted that the timing is intended to provide quiet time for fishing. Susan Bielinski, said that the Lake Meridian Community Association does not represent the community as a unit and does not fairly represent the residents opinion. She said that restricting the use of personal watercraft to even-numbered days takes traffic from the odd-numbered days and congests the even-numbered days, making them even more hazardous than before. She proposed charg- ing a fee for a vehicle with a trailer, which 5 Kent City Council Minutes April 1, 1997 PUBLIC SAFETY would not penalize lakeside residents since they could park their trailers on their own property. She said this would restrict out-of-area visitors from congesting their lake, and that the fees could be used to maintain the lake and pay for law enforcement. She suggested that non-lake residents living in the City of Kent could apply for a seasonal permit, and that safety information could be provided with the permit. Bielinski pointed out that she was not told when paying taxes for the jet skis that they could only be used half the time. She said that jet skis are no noisier than lawn mowers and that a decibel rating could be set for all boats. Georgine Goldberg, 26706 138th Place SE, said that if the speed limit were returned to 23 mph, there would be no jet skiers or water skiers. She said it is impossible to use canoes or sail boats on the lake now. Bruce Bell, 14313 SE 266th, spoke in support of the proposed ordi- nance, and said the overwhelming opinion is against jet skis. He said boats and jet skis are very noisy and that he enjoys the quiet time before and after. He said self regulation does not work, and that he likes the idea of limiting the number of parking places and thereby the number of craft on the lake. He said he would like to see no parking on both sides of the road. Tony Bjornson, 28029 131st Avenue SE, said that people who do not live on the lake have just as much right to use the lake and to have input on any changes in the rules. He said limiting the use of jet skis is not a compromise because the opposing view is not involved in the process. He agreed that personal watercraft add to the overcrowding, but reiterated that people who use them and who do not live on the lake should be involved in making the rules. He said if that were the case, he would favor any decision that was arrived at. Pat Healy, 32115 105th Place SE, Auburn, said he owns a jet ski and likes the idea of limiting spaces. He pointed out that there is a $100 fine for doing anything dangerous and commended the police for pulling people over. He said it is not fair to limit watercraft to even or odd numbered days, but not to limit boats because they all make noise. He said more thought needs to be put into this and more notice given. He concluded by saying that if all sides got together, a solution could be worked out. 6 Kent City Council Minutes April 1, 1997 PUBLIC SAFETY June Pozzi, 14639 SE 267, said her main concern is the noise, which is unbearable. She said the jet skis are noisier than boats and that a jet ski' s exhaust is out of the water 50% of the time. She noted that the jet skis are dangerous because they come so close to water skiers, and said that they do not follow the rules for boats. She provided photos of the posted rules. Dave Foss, 14232 SE 270th Place, spoke in support of the ordinance, noting that it is a good com- promise. He said that people representing personal watercraft were in attendance at the meeting held by the Lake Meridian Community Association on this matter and that this is the compromise they came up with. He said that he will not water ski on days that jet skis are on the lake. Steven May, 18315 9th Street East, Auburn, a nationally certified riding safety instructor, said that every seventh driver on the road is legally drunk but that all cars are not being banned. He said there is a density pro- blem, a water safety problem and a noise problem on the lake, and that each issue should be addressed separately. He noted that Pierce County suggests that watercraft not be operated recklessly and that the penalty be up to 90 days in jail and/or a $1, 000 fine. He suggested taking the bad element out so that others can enjoy the facilities. Robin Rausch, 26430 136th Avenue SE, said she has seen drastic changes and that safety has been compromised by the addition of personal watercraft. She said the problem is their maneuverability and speed. She noted that operators have no experience or education on how to use them, and that not all operators comply with the law. She pointed out that jet skis go in and out of traffic and do not follow the traffic pattern. She said limiting the number of people who can launch at the public launch will not solve the problem because personal watercraft can be launched from a yard. She urged the Council to adopt the ordinance. Steven Crowell, 26709 148th Avenue SE, agreed with Mrs. Pozzi regarding unbearable noise level. He said that residents cannot open their windows, or use their lawns, decks or patios. He said that there are nests of bald eagles in the area and that bald 7 Kent City Council Minutes April 1, 1997 PUBLIC SAFETY eagles are very sensitive to noise. He said the level of noise on the lake should be compatible with the flora and fauna, as well as the residen- tial use of the land around the lake. Lance Backey, 26427 164 Avenue SE, said that bald eagles are not sound sensitive, and that adding another law will not benefit anyone. He said enforcement should be increased. Bill Rausch, 26430 136th Avenue SE, spoke in support of the ordinance, saying it is an excellent compromise. He emphasized that the Police boat coverage is limited because marine officers have to spend their time at other jobs with the park. He said limiting the time personal watercraft can be on the lake will make the Police boat's job easier and they can be present at critical times to police the lake. He said 99% of the problems on the lake are from personal watercraft that come from off the lake. He urged the Council to adopt the ordinance. Nancy McElheran, 25931 138th Avenue SE, said the lake is not safe because of the boats and per- sonal watercraft. She voiced support of the ordinance and said jet skis stay in one spot and go around and around, which is very noisy. HOUSER MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Mayor White thanked the residents for attending and showing an interest in their community. In an effort to ensure that all user groups are fairly treated, BENNETT MOVED to Send the ordinance back to the Public Safety Committee at 5: 00 p.m. on April 15th. Orr seconded and the motion carried. ORR MOVED that all materials received this evening and the material sent by Mr. Brotherton be made a part of the public record. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Boating Regulations. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3342 amending Chapter 4 . 06 of the Kent City Code entitled "Boating Regulations" relating to recreational vessel operation and related activi- ties within the City of Kent, adopting certain provisions of the Revised Code of Washington and the Washington Administrative Code and making other related amendments, as recommended by the Public Safety Committee. 8 Kent City Council Minutes April 1, 1997 PLANNING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Home occupation Standards 2CA-96-8. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3340 amending Section 15 . 08. 040 of the Kent City Code to make certain modifications to the home occupation regulations by providing for a special home occupation permit for in-house music and dance schools and/or studios, art lessons, and academic tutoring, as approved by the Planning Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3R) (ADDED BY OPERATIONS DIRECTOR) Meridian Valley Annexation AN-96-1. SET April 15, 1997, as the date for a public hearing on the Meridian Valley Annexation. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Building Inspector. AUTHORIZATION to retain the RJC building inspector position following com- pletion of the Regional Justice Center; and to amend the General Fund budget by the addition of $42 , 200 to both Development Services expenditures and permit and plan review fee revenues, as recommended by the Operations Committee. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) Mixed Use Zoning 2CA-96-5. The Planning Committee reviewed the recommendations of the Land Use and Planning Board with regard to the Mixed Use Zoning Amendment on February 4, February 28, and March 18 , 1997 , and voted to pass on the Board' s recommendation with amendments. The proposed zoning amendments will allow mixed use development, under certain circumstances, in portions of the General Commercial (GC) , Community Commercial (CC) , and Professional and Office (0) zoning districts. Kevin O'Neill of the Planning Department ex- plained that there are several areas that the Comprehensive Plan designates for mixed use developments, which combines residential and commercial uses together. He outlined the proposed amendments as follows: 1. Revise the definition of mixed use develop- ment to ensure that at least 25% of the gross floor area of any development be in commer- cial use, and that the residential component of a mixed use development cannot be per- mitted or occupied prior to the commercial component. 9 Kent City Council Minutes April 1, 1997 PLANNING 2 . Delete the existing zoning provisions that allow multi-family residential uses in the CC and Office zones as a part of the use development in favor of what the Land Use Board is now recommending. 3 . For certain development standards, require that 25% of the floor area be in residential use or commercial use. 4 . Expand the proposed mixed use overlay boundary that the Land Use Board brought forward to include a particular parcel on Kent-Kangley Road. 5. Clarify that the Planning Department would work with the City Attorney' s Office to develop procedures and criteria for amending the overlay area over time. ORR MOVED to adopt the Zoning Code Amendments (ZCA-96-5) in the GC, CC and 0 zoning districts related to mixed use development, as recommended by the Planning Committee on March 18, 1997 , and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. Bennett seconded. Clark pointed out that although this is a real change, this type of development currently exists on West Meeker and on East Hill. O'Neill noted that Bellevue, Kirkland, Seattle and Redmond have adopted mixed use zoning ordinances. Mark Hinshaw, consultant, said Lions Gate in Redmond is a good example, which has a ground level portion facing the sidewalk for commercial with two floors of residential above. He said that along Lake Washington Boulevard in Kirkland there are new buildings which combine residential and commercial within them. He explained horizontal mixed use as where commercial space is toward the street and residential is behind it, sharing parking, access or open space. He said the idea is to get a mix of activities, allowing people to live and shop without necessarily using a car. Clark said it is a great opportunity in terms of choice. Orr' s motion then carried. 10 Kent City Council Minutes April 1, 1997 PLANNING (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) Annexation Policy. The Planning Committee has recommended a new Annexation Policy. They held meetings on this issue on December 10, 1996, January 21, 1997 and March 18, 1997 . Planning Director Harris showed a map of the Potential Annexation Area and explained that the Del Mar Annexation and the Meridian Valley Annexation are currently under way. He said that after those areas are annexed, there will be approximately nine square miles left to annex. Harris noted that the 1987 annexation policies have been reviewed, updated and presented to the Planning Committee. He explained that some of the proposed policies include assisting citizens who have expressed a desire to annex to the City, continuing the current high level of service, giving equal priority to all areas of the Potential Annexation Area for annexing to the City but having only one annexation take place at a time. Harris noted that the next large area for annexation is in the vicinity of Kentridge High School and Panther Lake, and that there are approximately 20, 000 residents and a large commercial component. He said that these policies will bring the City up to date and that when all annexations in the Potential Annexation Area have been completed, the City will be approximately 36 square miles in size and will have a population of about 90 , 000 . ORR MOVED to approve the Annexation Policy as recommended by the Planning Committee. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) Contract for Zoning Code Update. The 1997 Kent Capital Improvement Plan set aside $75 , 000 for consultant services to update and modernize the City' s Zoning Code. The Planning Department has interviewed several consulting firms and seeks authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract with McConnell/Burke consultants. 11 Kent City Council Minutes April 1, 1997 PLANNING ORR MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign a contract with McConnell/Burke consultants to complete the Zoning Code Revision project with terms and in a form substantially similar to the proposed contract. Houser seconded and the motion carried. FIRE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) King County Medics Lease Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Fire Chief to sign lease agreements between King County EMS and the City of Kent for housing Medic Units at Fire Stations 76 (Valley Industrial Area) and 75 (Soos Creek Station) . These agreements are based upon the need to add a paramedic unit to the Valley area (Station 76) and to maintain the current medic unit near Soos Creek (Station 75) . The agreement is similar to the previous agreement that Fire District #37 had to house medics at the Soos Creek Station and has received approval from the City Attorney' s office. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) Surplus of Fire Apparatus and Selling of _Apparatus on Consignment. AUTHORIZATION to sur- plus and sell the 1981 Aerial Ladder (Apparatus 750) and the 1974 Ford Pumper (Apparatus 735) , and for the Fire Chief to sign the agreement to sell the apparatus by using a consignment vendor. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Ambulance/Emergency Medical Service. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3341 adding a new chapter to the Kent City Code, Chapter 5 . 11, entitled "Ambulances" regulating the operation of ambulance services and requiring a business license for ambulance companies to operate within the City of Kent, as approved by the Public Safety Committee. PARKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3N) Lake Penwick Trail Project. ACCEPTANCE of the Lake Fenwick Trail Project as complete and release of retainage to the contractor, Ohno Construction, upon releases from the State of Washington. 12 Kent City Council Minutes April 1, 1997 FACILITIES (BIDS - ITEM 5A) Senior Center Re-Roof Project. Two bids were received for Option 2 of the bid request as follows: Meyer Brothers Roofing Inc. - $219 , 737 ; Snyder Roofing - $216, 000. Both bids were over the estimate and staff recommends that they be rejected. WOODS MOVED that all bids on the Senior Center Re-roof Project be rejected. Orr seconded and the motion carried. COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3Q) Council Absence. APPROVAL of an excused absence from tonight' s meeting for Councilmember Jon Johnson. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 30) Drinking Driver Task Force. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of John Bond, Signal Engineer in the Transportation Department, to serve as a member of the Drinking Driver Task Force. Mr. Bond is a Kent resident and a long time City employee. He serves as a member of the Fatal Accident Investigation Team, teaches traffic control flagging, and serves as a Safety Officer with Ken Chatwin, Risk Manager. Additionally, he is very active with Boy Scouts of America and is a veteran volunteer with the Kent Fire Department. Mr. Bond will replace Kristin Langley, whose term expired, and his appointment will continue until l/l/2000. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s reappointment of Mr. Ford Kiene and Ms. Sally Johnson to continue serving as members of the Drinking Driver Task Force. Their new appointments will continue until 1/1/2000. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3P) Bicycle Advisory Board. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s reappointment of Mr. Bob Schneider to continue serving as a member of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board. His new appointment will con- tinue until 12/31/98 . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through February 28 and paid on February 28 , 1997 , after auditing by the Operations Committee on March 14 , 1997 . 13 Kent City Council Minutes April 1, 1997 FINANCE APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through March 14 and paid on March 14, 1997 , after auditing by the Operations Committee on March 19, 1997 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 2/27/97 180861-181062 $ 688, 862 . 94 2/28/97 181063-181413 1, 367 , 586. 57 $2 , 056, 449 . 51 3/13/97 181414-181595 $ 902 , 153 . 22 3/14/97 181596-181956 1 , 523 , 072 . 23 $2 , 425, 225. 45 $4 , 481, 674 . 96 Approval of checks issued for payroll for March 1 through March 15, 1997 , and paid on March 20, 1997: Date Check Numbers Amount 3/20/97 Checks 218287-218701 $ 274 , 679 . 80 3/20/97 Advices 43992-44440 616 , 102 . 83 $ 890, 782 . 63 REPORTS Council President. Houser announced that the Suburban Cities dinner will be held on April 9 and asked that Councilmembers contact Ms. Banister as to whether they plan to attend. Public Works Committee. Clark noted that the Committee meeting scheduled for tomorrow has been cancelled. Planning Committee. Orr noted that the next Committee meeting will be held on April 15 at 4 : 00 p.m. Orr noted that at a previous Council meeting she had asked for information on golf course maintenance costs. She said she has not yet received it and asked for it as soon as possible. Public Safety Committee. Bennett noted that the next Committee meeting will be held on April 15 at 5: 00 p.m. 14 Kent City Council Minutes April 1, 1997 REPORTS Administrative Reports. McFall reminded Council of a brief executive session to discuss negotia- tions for property acquisition. Dena Laurent, Government Affairs Manager, gave a brief update on Legislative matters including the Legislative warehouse tax exemption, the intangibles tax Update exemption, the gambling tax bill, and the manu- facturing tax exemption. She offered to answer questions on welfare reform if Councilmembers have any. Laurent also reported on parks grants, GMA reform and the gas tax package. EXECUTIVE The meeting recessed to Executive Session at SESSION 8 : 25 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting reconvened and adjourned at 8 : 50 p.m. Brenda Jacobe MC City Clerk 15 Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: JAPANESE-AMERICAN ARTWORK - ACCEPTANCE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorization to contract with artist Stuart Nakamura to create his proposed Japanese-American art piece to be located at the Bereiter House. $50, 000 was budgeted for public artwork in the 1997 City Art Plan to honor the rich history and culture of the local Japanese-American community. Artist Stuart Nakamura was chosen by a juried panel in March and his finished art piece will be located at the Bereiter House for viewing. 3 . EXHIBITS: Artist's written proposal and resume 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3C Stuart Nakamura Japanese-American Commemorative Art Rent Arts Commission My first reaction to the commemorative piece for the Japanese-American com- munity of the White River Valley was that it should have the following attri- butes: a) the work should offer visitors an opportunity to reflect upon the past, present, and future, b) there should be a symbolic link between the generations of Japanese-Americans, c) the occupational roots of the Issei should be repre- sented, and d) Issei/Nisei- and community-created artwork and text should be in- cluded to enhance the impact of the installation and reflect upon the diversity of the region. To address these concerns, I am proposing the use of the southeast corner of the Bereiter house property as the site for the work. This location was cho- sen because it offers the visitors of the Historical Society a comfortable view of the Saito family house, and during the late Spring, Summer, and early Fall seasons, some protection from the sun is possible due to the location of the ex- isting trees. Upon this site, I am placing a staggered concrete pavement design reminiscent of sacred cut paper motifs, which in turn, provides a base for a curvilinear, cast-in-place concrete, stepped bench. To reach this bench wheelchair users will follow a newly created five foot wide pathway which begins near the entrance to the proposed ramp on the east side of the house. A stone pathway of a traditional Japanese pattern for ambu- latory visitors offers a second route to the bench, and this originates at the very southeast corner of the existing pathway surrounding the house. Once there the visitor will see that the curvilinear bench is capped with a speckled ebony granite surface which runs the length of the seating area, and that on one end of the bench and blending into it, is a three-foot high, faceted rock, and at the other end is a geometric, cast concrete pillar about four feet in height. The viewer may suppose that the rock represents the Issei and the pillar, the ensuing generations. Surrounding the rock and on the surface of the pavement is a terrazzo inlay of a nasu, eggplant, crest design in a rotational symmetry pattern, which reminds the viewer of the agricultural heritage of the first generation of Japanese-Amer- icans in the White River Valley region. The base of the geometric pillar is al- Nakamura, p.2 so adorned with a terrazzo crest design, only this time it is a circular ab- straction of bamboo and leaves, perhaps symbolizing the resiliency and strength of the cultural heritage of the Japanese-American community. At this point in time, the viewer will notice that the dark granite cap of the bench has a large-scale, sand-blasted image of a straw rope, the very style which is used in Japan to represent purity and protection, and in this case, the "rope" also symbolizes the tie between the rock and the pillar, the Issei and the later generations. After feeling the texture of the lightly sand-blasted granite seating sur- face, the visitor realizes, upon sitting on the bench, that he or she now has a perspective view of the Bereiter house. And when in the company of others or, if alone, the visitor may find that the topic of conversation, or his or her thoughts, may turn to memories of what it was like living in the White River Val- ley decades ago. If a child is present, the elder visitor may be trying to ex- plain to the child what it was like to live as a "stranger" in a new land. The older visitor, perhaps a Nisea, would like to point out that his/her life was much like the image they now see on a cast, bronze artwork which is inlaid upon the vertical sides of the bench, and that, of all things, the older visitor ac- tually knows the person whose name signs the plaque. They notice that the bench has more of the bronze inlays, which travels the length of the bench, leading their eyes from the rock to the pillar, and that the artwork contains many per- sonal images relevant to the lives of the Japanese-American community who once lived in the White River Valley. Now that they are standing, the visitors may catch glints of silver on the very fringes of the staggered pavement, and as they walk over they realize that what attracted their attention were 12" wide bands of stainless steel placed into the pavement; each of which contains etched textual quotes briefly denoting memories of sights, sounds, and emotions remembered by mixed-generations of Ja- panese-Americans and community members of the area. And thus, by taking in the visual images of the bronze plaques and textual quotations, the visitors reflect upon the past, present, and future, and how the diversity of the community was affected by the Issei. Stuart Nakamura Japanese-American Commemorative Art Rent Arts Commission Budget--Proposal stage Item Fabricator Estimated cost Staggered pavement, Juraszak Concrete, 10,700 cast bench, footing, Des Moines excavation, compaction, surface finishing, etc. Granite seating cap, Cacallori Marble 4,200 cutting, installation Seattle Sand-blasting of image, Quiring Monuments, 3,700 delivery Seattle Bronze casting, instal- TBA 1 ,500 lation Stainless steel bands, TBA 6,000 etching Pigmented inlays TBA 1,900 Wheelchair access pav- Juraszak Concrete 2,500 ing Stone pavers TBA 2,000 Rock/footing Marenakos 2,500 Security Fence TBA 300 Plantings TBA 500 600 Insurance Sales tax 8 2% 4,100 Retainer/Artist fee 5% 2,500 Artist fee 7,000 Total 50,000 STUART S. NAKAMURA / 4607 First Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105 / (206) 634-3563 Public Art Commissions 1996 Seattle Chinatown-International District Public Development Agency, Village Square project, finalist, exterior work 1995 Washington State Arts Commission AIPP program, LEAD project semi-final- ist 1995 City of Auburn Arts Commission, AIPP program, semi-finalist 1995 ?vashington State Arts Cor=ission AIPP program, Skvview Junior High School exterior sculpture, "Galactic Carden," steel and concrete 3udget: S20,500 10011 Pi no Cou.. Arts Commission Perccrt r_-qr , inr-7-'or scal r e _c y _4t : .. ture; wood, carpet, glass Site 1: Northshore Public Health Center, "Painted Fisheses" Budget: S9,000 Site 2: Eastgate Public Health Center. "Tropical Maze" Budget: S11,000 1993 King Countv Arts Commission Community arts Program, exterior playground installation, colored concrete and ceramic tiles, "Bryant Dragon" Budget: $4,000 WORKS IN PUBLIC PLACES 1996 Green River Community College, "Dreaming of the Rain," diptych, acrylic on canvas, 36" x 96" 1995 Harbor Heights Elementary, painting , WA State Arts Commission AIPP "The Yellow Hat," diptych, acrylic on canvas, 36" x 96" 1995 Muir Elementary, paintings, WA State Arts Commission aIPP "The Red Window, " diptych, acrylic on canvas, 36" x 96" "Jus' Trespassin, " acrylic on canvas, 46" x 64" 1991 Seattle Junior League collection, traveling exhibit, wood sculpture, "In The Watch Of The Eiders" 1991 Voyageur Elementary, painted wood sculpture, wall-mounted, WA State Arts Commission AIPP "Going To The Water," 30" x 69" x 7" 1991 Centennial Elementary, painted wood sculpture, wall-mounted, WA State Arts Commission AIPP "Ashes To Ashes," 32" x 36" x 8" 1988 Christ The King Catholic Community, painted wood sculpture, wall-mounted "Creation," 36" x 96" x 8" 1980 North King County Multi-Service Center, watercolor drawing 1982 Mercer Island High School, mixed-media assemblage Exhibitions 1997 Seattle Urban League Art Show, WA State Trade & Convention Center 1996 Bellevue Arts Commission Sculpture Exhibit, group show 1991 Pacific Arts Center, Seattle, WA, group show 3� STUART S. NAKAMURA/ 4607 First Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105 / (206) 634-3563 1991 Heritage Art Exhibit, State Capitol Building, Olympia, WA, Group show 1989 King County Arts Commission Gallery, Seattle, WA, solo show 1987 Seattle Pacific University Art Center Gallery, Seattle, WA, solo show 1983 Jackson Street Gallery, Seattle, WA, two-person show 1982 Seattle Art Museum Rental Gallery, Seattle, WA, group show 1981 Wing Luke Museum, Seattle, WA, group show 1981 Urban League Art Exhibit, Seattle, t1A, group show 1980 Wing Luke Museum, Seattle, WA, group show Education California College of Arts and Crafts, B.F.A. , Oakland, CA, 1976 Kent City Council Meeting Date Anril 15 , 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: KENT LIONS CLUB DONATION - ACCEPTANCE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept and amend the Kent Senior Center budget for the $5, 000 donation from the Kent Lions Club to be used for the senior hot meal program. For the third year in a row, the Kent Lions Club Board of Directors is supporting the Kent Senior Center, Mill Creek Cafe, by donating $5, 000 to the senior hot meal program. 3 . EXHIBITS: Letter from Kent Lions Club 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3D KENT LIONS CLUB P.O. Box 5094 Kent, WA 98064 (206) 852-LION 1-29-97 Lea Bishop Facilitv Manager Kent Senior Activitv Center 600 East Smith Street Kent, WA 98031 859-3342 Dear Lea, The Kent Lions Club Board of Directors has received and reviewed your request for additional monev to support the Kent Senior Center Mill Creek Cafe. Even though the 1994\95 BOD voted to grant S5,000 per year based only on a two vear commitment as a temporary measure to start up the Mill Creek Cafe, the Kent Lions Club is pleased to announce a one time only extension grant for a third year to the Mill Creek Cate of $5,000 bringing our total and final commitment to S15,000. The Kent Lions Club is proud to help numerous programs in the Greater Kent Area get their initial start as a program. As an organization whose existence supports nearly 250 non- profit or charitable organizations with the hard work and dedication of the manv member and non-member volunteers, we hope that vour senior hot meal program will again benefit from this grant. e Madsen President, Kent Lions Club cc: John Hodgson, Director of Parks Lori Hogan, Supt. of Recreation& Cultural Services enclosed: Check for S5.000.00. 44633 ^-I-V w9715w Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15, 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD - REAPPOINTMENTS 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Confirmation of the Mayor's reappoint- ments of Mr. Steve Babbitt, Mr. Robert Brehm, and Mr. Dave Hoffman to continue serving as members of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board. Their new appointments will continue until 12/31/98 . 3 . EXHIBITS: Memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor White (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION- ACTION: - Council Agenda Item No. 3E MEMORANDUM TO: CHRISTI HOUSER, CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JIM WHITE, MAYOR ,;?,..rj DATE: APRIL 8, 1997 SUBJECT: REAPPOINTMENTS TO THE KENT BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD I have reappointed Mr. Steve Babbitt, Mr. Robert Brehm, and Mr. Dave Hoffman to continue serving as members of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board. Their new appointments will continue until 12/31/98. I submit this for your confirmation. JW:jb Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15. 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: CITY TRANSIT ADVISORY BOARD - REAPPOINTMENTS 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Confirmation of the Mayor' s reappoint- ments of Mr. Robert Whalen, Mr. Dudley Jackson, and Mr. Frank Wiemes to continue serving as members of the Kent City Transit Advisory Board. Their new appointments will continue until 4/30/99. 3 . EXHIBITS: Memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor White (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3F MEMORANDUM TO: CHRISTI HOUSER, CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JIM WHITE, MAYOR DATE: APRIL 9, 1997 SUBJECT: REAPPOINTMENTS TO THE KENT CITY TRANSIT ADVISORY BOARD I have reappointed Mr. Robert Whalen, Mr. Dudley Jackson, and Mr. Frank Wiemes to continue serving as members of the Kent City Transit Advisory Board. Their new appointments will continue until 4/30/99. I submit this for your confirmation. JW:jb Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15. 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: DRINKING DRIVER TASK FORCE - REAPPOINTMENT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: confirmation of the Mayor' s reappoint- ment of Ms. Gwen Dupree to continue serving as a member of the Kent Drinking Driver Task Force. Her new appointment will continue until 1/1/2000. 3 . EXHIBITS: Memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor White - (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3G MEMORANDUM TO: CHRISTI HOUSER, CITY COUNCIL, PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JIM WHITE, MAYOR DATE: APRIL 8, 1997 SUBJECT: REAPPOINTMENT TO THE KENT DRINKING DRIVER TASK FORCE I have reappointed Ms. Gwen Dupree to continue serving as a member of the Kent Drinking Driver Task force. Her new appointment will continue until I/1/2-000. I submit this for your confirmation. JW:jb Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15. 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: SE 274TH HILLCLIMB GRADE & FILL - ACCEPT AS COMPLETE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the SE 274th Hillclimb Grade & Fill project as complete and release retainage to City Transfer of Kent upon standard releases from the state, and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original contract amount was $995, 994 . The final construction cost was $1, 128,860. 04 . The cost overage on this project was due to additional erosion control work as a result of heavy rains. This erosion problem needed to be addressed to avoid State Water Quality issues. Adequate funds exist within the project budget to cover this overage. 3 . EXHIBITS: Vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (telephone concurrence (3-0) (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS• 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION• _ Council Agenda Item No. 3H DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS April 2, 1997 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Don Wickstrom,,,Nj RE: SE 274th Hillclimb Grade & Fill (Green River Rd to 180th Ave) Accept as Complete This project was the beginning phase of the S.E. 27 7th Street Corridor project and was essentially earthwork oniv. It was a pre-load contract to be completed in advance of the main roadwav work. The contract was awarded to City Transfer of Kent for the bid amount of S995,994.00. The final construct cost was S 1 ,128,860.04. While we onlv moved half the material we wanted, the rains shut the project down. Further, the rains attributed to a significant erosion problem that we had to address to avoid State Water Qualitv fines. It was this additional erosion control work that resulted in the project exceeding the original contract bid. Adequate funds exist within the project budget to cover this overage. ACTION: Recommend the SE 274th Hillclimb Grade & Fill project (Green River Rd to l 80th Ave) be accepted as complete. N i ti M 3 13 N16I I H1811'v� S i~3Atl H1F I 1 w1 N l mN 35 r .�✓ b Y b H18i1 �._ d H181I �Oo! N �' 35 3Ab H1L11 -ld Hll 3Ab N i N Nl�t b W 3S 3Atl H1911 3S 3A8 N1911 m � ' 3Atl SII --' 3S 3Ab Hlhll 3S 3A8 Hlhli dl Nt Nlr O/ 35 3Atl H1EIl � ! tit 1 4�2 13 35 3Atl11ZIf `� \ � - I i �'� � 11/1t�PVE yJ N11It / 3Atl Q Hlhll � ^'. ^ � ,_ F 35 3Ab H11i1 �,� � : OIIj3�y ��, U_- ---. ! H101 . ry!. Olf 3Atl M101 L'I�---�- � CO E- ''601 m h J tr �- x 3s any xisol .Ab H1601 N m ]O 1 d H1901 m ci 35 3Atl H190T z 1 `` N 3A8 ON20; Ab 3Ab Hl i��i_.�� 4 w ^•\•s,.:.' f�'-. / S �\ — NH7 ry co N! Q i P � r / r r / PPS I � �•--���� , NOpp� �1 '� F.N / •r 11tl3BN I1✓ ' �� �' 000M316dw S N31136 Id 61113 i � 1 /l w� of W tl3Ntl081-tltl7 11 r , r• 3N 15 0 1 -3N0161 3Ab IS3WO ld tl31dbJ Y / �30 Nbn 199 Aq d0O r \ 3Ntl1 3•1dtlX 1H o� I "' S 3Atl H158 i NNIM �I 274th Way Hillclimb Grade & Fill Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15, 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: MCDONALD'S AT 212TH AND EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY - BILL OF SALE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the bill of sale for McDonald's at 212th St. & 84th Ave. S. submitted by McDonald' s Corporation for continuous operation and maintenance of 408 feet of sanitary sewer improvements, and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 8320 S. 212th Street. 3 . EXHIBITS: Vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3I N F: I `n 206TH ST S 206TH 'ST ..� Co ; I � !'1 S 200TH ST w Zoe 5 S 209THcc I (� � I � I , 12TH_ST__ 212TH ST 21 J� PROJECT LOCATION 7 a� S 216TH 5T S 216TH ST 7 I 1 Fi --- 218TH_5j 210TH STT__ 0 i S I / 220TN ST m W W a > / m 222ND S 222N0 ST ; 6 j 5 224iH ST E- •� N TS• F � m m t W i Ni i 5 227TH PL 1 S 228TH ST S 224TH ST w ' N 0 I! N •� N x � NOVRC LN j m S J 4 Z �4 N S 234TH ST w o Nz OLE ST a > )Po N CLOUBT 5T / BOULDRON NR4237THS 238TH 'T [Lou sr p< I PL I¢ i 5 238TH x i r N XMES ST f d McDONALD'S >L m� c- + x w Kent City Council Meeting Date Anril 15. 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: 1998 CDBG FUNDING LEVELS - SET HEARING DATE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Set May 6, 1997, as the date for a public hearing to consider the 1998 Community Development Block Grant Funding Levels. 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REOUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3J k Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15 . 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: KENT REPORTER CONTRACT - AUTHORIZATION 2 , SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract with the Kent Reporter. A new direct-mail tabloid newspaper, the Kent Reporter, recently approached the City of Kent about producing a monthly newsletter in their publication. Given the City Council's interest in enhancing citizen involve- ment, staff proposes an eight month trial contract with the Kent Reporter to produce the City of Kent's newsletter, Kent Connections, as part of their publication on a monthly basis. The 1997 contract with the Kent Reporter would not exceed $45, 000. Including graphics and material costs for in-house design, the total project budget would not exceed $49, 000. The entire project cost can be covered in the Administration budget with no additional allocation, due in large part to salary savings realized from the Government Affairs Manager position vacancy. 3 . EXHIBITS: Staff Memo and contract 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $45 , 000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1997 Administration Budget 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3K CITY OF KENT MEMORANDUM April 8, 1997 TO: Brent McFall, Director of Operations FROM: Dena Laurent, Government Affairs Manager SUBJECT: Kent Reporter Contract A new direct-mail tabloid newspaper, the Kent Reporter, recently approached the City of Kent about producing a monthly newsletter in their publication. Their proposal was modeled after the very successful relationship the Renton Reporter has with the City of Renton. Given the City Council's interest in enhancing citizen involvement and outreach and Renton's positive experience, we propose an eight month trial contract with the Kent reporter to produce the City of Kent's newsletter, Kent Connections, as part of their publication on a monthly basis. The 1997 contract with the Kent Reporter would not exceed $45,000. Including graphics and material costs for in-house design, the total project budget would not exceed $49,000. The entire project cost can be covered in the Administration budget with no additional allocation, due in large part to salary savings realized from the Government Affairs Manager position vacancy. With your approval, I would like to offer this item for consideration before the City Council's Operations Committee on April 14. Pending the Committee's approval, I would like to schedule the item for full City Council consideration on April 15. The short time frame would allow Kent Connections to be included in the May 1 issue of the Kent Reporter. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. City of Dent &. Dent Reporter 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032-5895 723 S.W. 10th St., Renton, WA 98055 The City of Kent agrees to purchase display advertising in the Kent Reporter for the purpose of producing a City newsletter (Kent Connections) for the citizens of Kent, at a minimum frequency of once each month.- and, the Kent Reporter agrees to publish and distribute at least one edition each month during the period from: May 1997 through December 1997 The City of Kent will purchase two full pages(equivalent to 160 column inches) at a monthly rate of$2,400. This price will include printing in black ink plus one extra spot color,the color to be determined by the Kent Reporter, in coordination with the City of Kent. Additional colors may be purchased for use in the ad at a cost of$75 per color, per issue. The pages shall be placed as facing pages in the center fold of the editions in which the City newsletter appears, unless an alternate location is agreed to by both the City of Kent and the Kent Reporter. The City of Kent will have full control over the name, editorial content, and layout of the City newsletter, and will provide the Kent Reporter with camera ready copy of the Newsletter for production purposes. In each edition of the Kent Reporter that includes the City newsletter, the Kent Reporter will provide the City of Kent with a front page teaser indicating to the community that the City newsletter is included inside the newspaper. The City of Kent and the Kent Reporter will mutually review and determine postal carrier routes for the publication's delivery. This review shall ensure that the entire incorporated boundary of the City of Kent receives the publication. These codes may be updated monthly as needed to accommodate changes in the City's incorporated boundaries. The City of Kent will provide the Kent Reporter with pictures that are to be included in the City newsletter and the Kent Reporter will provide any scanning of half tones that may be needed. The Kent Reporter agrees to direct mail 28,000 copies of the Kent Reporter to residents within the Kent city limits. Additional copies will be produced and mailed at a marginal cost of$215 per 1.000 copies. Five- hundred additional copies will be delivered to the City of Kent for the City's use at no extra cost. The Kent Reporter also agrees to provide the City of Kent with certification from the post office verifying the number of copies mailed when requested by city officials. Signed by: Mayor Jim White, City of Kent Denis W.Law,Puget Sound Publishing DBA Kent Reporter Attest: Kent City Clerk Date Approved as to legal form: Roger Lubovich, City Attorney. City of Kent Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15. 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: VAN DOREN'S LANDING BUILDING J REZONE - SET MEETING DATE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Set May 6, 1997 , as the date for a public meeting to consider the Hearing Examiner's recommendation of approval of a rezone application (RZ-96-5) by MBK Northwest. The property is located at 22815 West Valley Highway. 3 . EXHIBITS• None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Hearing Examiner (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3L Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15. 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: NANCY'S GROVE, DIVISION I - BILL OF SALE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the bill of sale for Nancy's Grove Division I submitted by Stafford Construction for con- tinuous operation and maintenance of 1, 864 feet of street improvements and 2 , 115 feet of storm sewers, and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 149th Ave. S.E. & S.E. 278th St. 3 . EXHIBITS: Vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS• 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3M pd i T3AH WI-991 15UTH RVE SEJ 7 36W s �-v —:15 0 T—HP L 149 PL le Hlbbi 3s 149 AYE Z7 BS 3PIt! H1811 I al AVE—, s 3Ab =124���oig j A \ KW 145 AVE 3AU Hibbl 9AU Hibbi 3S 3AU OWEhl 3E 3AU Whl 39 3Ab Itil 3s 3Ab ISM T9­Wb—ISlhl 0 140 LN 35 3AU Ohl tr CL AVE -1.1 7M7 ­Z L 8;7ii :AVE- Lp 35 CQ 131 PL Iss AVE i 3Ab 9F I A,4F 3�U Iss scl NI 35 3Ab HiSET CD m Zj cli 73 2Ab i klhcl j WWI 3 S aAV G XZC I Pl� otl H16?1 1291H 1H AVE AVE Y6 W 3S 3AU H1621 35 3W HIL27 Th PL ?k I 4,z�? Set/ 3AU HIS21 �11 J H lt.F I Ab H I S —------- ss aAV H1*21 Air of A" w F G1 .2 4 J�o twN , NANCY 'S GROVE DIVISION I Z Ism 1, 3Ab 16121 Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15. 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: NANCY'S GROVE, DIVISION II (FSU-96-10) - SET MEETING DATE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Set May 6, 1997, as the date for a public meeting to consider a final plat application by ESM, Inc. The preliminary subdivision was approved by King County and the final plat came under Kent' s jurisdiction at the time of the Meridian annexation. This plat is 18 acres in size, consists of 30 lots, and is located east of 144th Avenue S.E. and south of S.E. 278th Street. 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3N Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15. 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: TAYLOR' S GLEN - BILL OF SALE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the bill of sale for Taylor's Glen submitted by Stafford Construction for continuous opera- tion and maintenance of 1, 345 feet of street improvements and 1, 132 feet of storm sewers, and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 144th Ave. S.E. & S.E. 278th St. 3 . EXHIBITS: vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 30 3AU H19S I ISUIH FIVE SEi PVT t HS!aAY (IN29T !X, IIITI I'l 15C AVE 1d H I Sb S 149 AVE —3—Ab--H—1 .3 ao 1!J7 AVE 147 3Ab 146 Hip AVE y 13 SiT lk 145 AVE 14 Av f E 3S ;AU Hitlhl —36 3AU HItItil Vof 35 ;Au OWFW,vy WtO 3; 3M� ItIT 3S 3A6 ISM w 2S 3AU Ohl 140 LN Ip2— PE , ` 0 ;ZLU�p A , \� z 96 LN 3S Id 7nrr ClAVE 2, 13, P" 195 AYE 3A (\2 13At� iss w Sci W; 3E 3Afj HiSET m 35 3ke HIKI SS aAV CINZCT PL I,j 141 E I ICI ld 6 z I oc r .1 .1 kiGel 1291H RVE SE 3S H,621 1"26 Jf VI) 35 3AIJ HIL21 lo 92 P L IZOTH 3Ab IS21 wlhZr! 3AU WISZI as aAV HLtZT j I I �l I J TAYLOR'S GLEN 0', -1ci ISIZI 3A�IUI r._ Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15 1997 Category Other Business 1. SUBJECT: EMERGENCY REPAIR - STORM SEWER - RESOLUTION 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: A side sewer failure occurred in the vicinity of 76th Avenue South, north of S. 228th Street. During the attempted repair of this side sewer, it was discovered that a joint in the City' s 66-inch storm sewer had failed, causing the side sewer failure, and creating a sink hole. The Public Works Director felt it necessary to take immediate action, and because it is believed the repair cost may be over the $35, 000 bid limit, staff is requesting that Council declare this repair an emergency. Monies, therefore, would come from the Miscellaneous Storm Improvement Fund. [NOTE: Due to the emergency nature of this matter, the City Attorney will provide the resolution declaring this emergency at or before the Council meeting. ] 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds that Resolution No. be passed authorizing the emergency repair of the 66-inch storm sewer and side sewer in the vicinity of 76th Avenue South, north of S. 228th Street. DISCUSSION• ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 4A Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15. 1997 Category Bids 1. SUBJECT: 1997 SIDEWALK REHABILITATION (W. GOWE ST. & N. STATE AVE. ) 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The bid opening for this project was held on April 9th with three bids received. The low bid was submitted by Gary Merlino Construction in the amount of $525,711. 25. The Engineer's estimate was $646, 094 .22. However, at this time the Public Works Director requests Council award Schedules I and II only in the amount of $376, 571. This portion of the project includes replacing the sidewalk on the north side of Gowe Street from 4th Avenue to 1st Avenue and on the east side of State Street from Smith to Ward Street. The Public Works Director recommends award of Schedules I and II of the 1997 Sidewalk Rehabilitation (W. Gowe St. & N. State Ave. ) to Gary Merlino Construction in the amount of $376, 571. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum and vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $376, 571 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Misc. Water Sewer & Storm & Sidewalk Funds 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember _`.L ,t n, moves, Councilmember seconds that Schedules I and II of the 1997 Sidewalk Rehabilitation (W. Gowe Street & N. State Avenue) be awarded to Gary Merlino Construction in the amount of $376, 571. DISCUSSION: ,7 ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 5A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS April 10, 1997 TO: Mayor &City Council FROM: Don Wickstrom RE: 1997 Sidewalk Rehab (W Gowe St & N State St) Bid opening for this project was held on April 9th with 3 bids received. The low bid was submitted by Gary Merlino Construction .in the amount of $525,71 1.25. The Engineer's estimate was $646,094.22. However, it is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that Schedules I and II only of the 1997 Sidewalk Rehab (W Gowe St &N State Ave) contract be awarded to Gary Merlino Construction for the bid amount of 5376,571 .00 BID SUMMARY - SCHEDULES I &II Gary Merlino Construction 376,571.25 GMT, Inc. 423,551 .00 Dennis Craig Construction 632,62&50 Engineer's Estimate 461 ,395.33 MOTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds that Schedules I & II only of the 1997 Sidewalk Rehabilitation (W Gowe St &N State Ave) contract be awarded to Gary Merlino Construction for the bid amount of S3 7 6,5 7 1 .25. Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15 1997 Category Bids 1. SUBJECT: GREEN RIVER NATURAL RESOURCES ENHANCEMENT AREA - OBSERVATION TOWERS AND PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The bid opening for this project was held on April 9, 1997, with six bids received. The low bid was submitted by S.L. Larsen Construction of Seattle in the amount of $505,815. 36. The Engineer' s estimate was $477, 149. 30. The project consists of the construction of three observation towers, a foot bridge, a pedestrian bridge, and gravel surfac- ing of a trail system throughout the project area. The Public Works Director recommends award of the Green River Natural Resource Enhancement Area Observation Towers & Pedestrian Bridges to S.L. Larsen Construction for the bid amount of $505, 815. 36. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum and vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $505, 815. 36 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Green River Natural Resource Enhancement Area Proiect Budget 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember :_ �( .),,i /' moves, Councilmember seconds that the Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area Observation Towers & Pedestrian Bridges contract be awarded to S.L. Larsen Construction for the bid amount of $505,815. 36. DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 5B DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS April 10, 1997 TO: Mavor & City Council FROM: Don Wickstrom JDQ RE: Green River Natural Resource Enhancement Area Observation Towers &Pedestrian Bridge Bid opening for this project was held on April 9th with 6 bids received. The low bid was submitted by S. L. Larsen Construction in the amount of $505,815.36. The Engineer's estimate was S4 717,149.30. It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the Green River Natural Resource Enhancement Area Observation Towers & Pedestrian Bridge contract be awarded to S. L. Larsen Construction. for the bid amount of S505,815.36. BID SUMMARY S. L. Larsen Construction 505,815.36 C. A. Carey Corp. 531,879.36 Porter Brothers Construction 537,812. 18 Western Engineering 552,152.81 Wespac Construction Inc. 597,368.49 Pacific Concrete Technology 600,969.07 Engineer's Estimate 477,149.30 MOTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds that the Green River Natural Resource Enhancement Area Observation Towers & Pedestrian Bridge contract be awarded to S. L. Larsen Construction for the bid amount of S505,813.36. - ... Bfl,r,SN COLUMe,A wASHfNGrON z 111 f a WASHINGTON c STATE Spokane O r x Seefne u 7 0 > Oa YMID a Q r " fN PROJECT = cro SITE Porr,and O VICINITY MAP J I� ( / p _��.. ----------. ................ ------- ----- ........ ..-. ..... ..r ....... 9� ... � � W O U N eoeNG ofru. 1 S ?�2TH 5' - � S f 1 212TH ST PROJE=CT W i BOUNDAI Y� " z C CENT , . - SEATAC n .j KEN NT �� 228TH - H 1 A it 00 I t � Zf > Q f OO I a1 516rna � iALIES ST 7 JAMES � ST : O n 0 z 11 z �� / m \% � �I S > Z 0 Q � _ __ �I Q w I SMITH ST O � -F. P., PLhNNIidG - S > �IIY Z w MEEKER ST cdr 2A6TH ST 2A6TH GONE 5 VIC:q� GREEN RIVER AREA PURPOSE: KENT IS 1/2 SEC 11, T22N, RAEI Green River Natural Resources o 1UNTY Of: KING STATE: WA Enhancement Area SINPLICATION BY: City or Kent DATUM: NGVD 1929 •� TECHNICAL ASSISP�Ic works Department ^a CONMOLWE:%AOX a-.uo-gas+ CH2M HILL SHEE-T 1 OF 11 ,�Jr041 qr Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15 1997 Category Bids 1. SUBJECT: 1997 GRADE AND FILL - S. 277TH/S.E. 274TH WAY (AUBURN WAY NORTH TO 116TH AVE. S.E. ) 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The bid opening for this project was held April 9, 1997, with six bids received. The low bid was submitted by Scarsella Brothers, Inc. of Seattle in the amount of $2, 120, 042 . 30. The Engineer' s estimate was $2, 968,426. This project includes the balance of the earthworks for the 277th Corridor project and will complete the work started last year. The Public Works Director recommends award of the 1997 Grade & Fill - S. 277th/SE 274th Way (Auburn Way North to 116th Ave. S.E. ) contract to Scarsella Brothers, Inc. for the bid amount of $2 , 120, 042 . 30. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director and vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $2 , 120 , 042 . 30 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 277th Corridor Proiect and also Corridor Improvement Fund 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: r �Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds that the 1997 Grade & Fill - S. 277th/S. E. 274th Way (Auburn Way North to 116th Ave. S.E. ) contract be awarded to Scarsella Brothers, Inc. for the bid amount of $2 , 120, 042 . 30. DISCUSSION: ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 5C DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS April 10, 1997 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Don Wickstrom RE: 1997 Grade & Fill - S. 27 7th/SE 274th Way (Auburn Wav North to I I6th Ave S.E.) Bid opening for this project was held on April 9th with 6 bids received. The low bid was submitted by Scarsella Bros., Inc in the amount of $2,120,042.30. The Engineer's estimate was 52,968,426.00. It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the 1997 Grade & Fill - S. 2 7 7th/SE 274th Way contract be awarded to Scarsella Bros., Inc. for the bid amount of 52,120,042.30. BID SUMMARY Scarsella Bros, Inc. 2,120,042.30 Continental Dirt Contractors 9,549,619.08 L & H Grading, Inc. 2,609,988.00 Wilder Construction Co. 2,652,3 1 S.00 Northwest Construction Inc 2,344,042.00 ICiewit Pacific Co. 3,216,326.00 Engineer's Estimate 2,968,426.00 MOTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds that the 1997 Grade & Fill - S 277th/SE 274th Wav (Auburn Wav North to 1 16th Ave. SE) contract be awarded to Scarsella Bros., Inc. for the bid amount. of 52,120,042.30. ld N18f1 y 3Atl H18I1 --• w ;v� d Hie I1 N >, �d uiL N181t 3dy ry 'ry0 N', 3S 3Atl HUT _ t I m J N J N 3Atl N19ii 3S Atl H1�9(I .' J Z � N 3Atl 9t[ IVNOfI( -- � N— U� N • N I hII u _ 3S 3Atl H1h1I 39 3Atl Hlhlt r m 3S 3Atl Hl£t t %0 N O 3S 3Atl H121I 111TH�AVE 3Atl HlTii 1] Plitt vrt t0V ---� 3S 3Atl H1111 / Q — '( o OI 1.3AtlE- , OIf 3Atl N10[GI�^"� ,.., E, fp _ LO {N O m U1 y0~ '. N ryI60t N NI Gtr '� mf Ulf 3S 3AV iAtl H1601 " a.taOT 02 � ;_ _ter1-- �l:•?::, � �! ..i w 35 3Atl H190[ y I � t IIC l ♦ ;-.. ml w� I 1 m 7 �♦.:. �RIY: N - 3Atl UN201 ,4u •-`'•. '.'- 4 �; •;,:.. yy-., wi V� .._..:•.\S:i`;.].. _ ld Hiss ld N166 '^! 4:,}p id Nlc6 P 000M318bw S a[ •�, __ ' is N31I3d ' f / 83Ntl0 -tltl7 / i F 3N 1S 9 I 'i Ad-. TUT OJ / - i 30 'd. _ S 3Atl 38 IAb��p �. 3Ntll ildtlNZZ aIIN 1 NN1N o' S 3Atl Hl$8 I 'l''� I N 274th Way Hillclimb Grade & Fill w Kent City Council Meeting Date April 15 1997 Category Bids 1. SUBJECT: GREEN RIVER NATURAL RESOURCES ENHANCEMENT AREA - WETLAND/UPLAND PLANTING 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The bid opening for this project was April 9th with three bids received. The lowest bid submittal was received from Ohno Construction of Seattle, in the amount of $873 , 281.92 . The Engineer's estimate was $548, 430. The project consists of establishing 45 acres of wetlands, grasslands, shrublands, and forest within the project area. Due to the difference of $324 , 851. 92 between the low bid received and the Engineer's estimate, it is the recommendation of the Public Works Director to reject all bids received at this time and that this project be modified and rebid at a later date. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember `,!, K, moves, Councilmember .br seconds that all bids received on the Green River Natural Resource Enhancement Area Wetland/Upland Plantings be rejected and that the project be modified and rebid at a later date. DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 5D DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS April 10, 1997 TO: Mayor &City Council FROM: Don Wickstrom ,\J 'U RE: Green River Natural Resouce Enchancement Area Wetland/Upland Plantings Bid opening for this project was held on April 9th ,,tiZth 3 bids received. The low bid was submitted by Ohno Construction in the amount of $873,281.92. The Engineer's estimate was 5548,430.00. However, due to the difference between the low bid and the Engineer's estimate, it is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that all bids be rejected and that the project be rebid at a later date. BID SUMMARY Ohno Construction 873,281.92 BUCIdev Nursery 874,7 96.89 Paul Brothers 982,830.00 Engineer's Estimate 548,430.00 MOTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds that all bids received on the Green River Natural Resource Enhancement Area Wetland/Upland Plantings be rejected and also, recommend that the project be modified and rebid at a later date. CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A. R E P O R T S A. COUNCIL PRESIDENT B. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE C. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE D. PLANNING COMMITTEE E. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE F. PARKS COMMITTEE G. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Al EXECUTIVE SESSION - Labor Negotiations