HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 02/18/1997 ii 0. ■ Colt of Kent City Meeting Agenda CITY OF I Mayor Jim White Council Members Christi Houser, President Jim Bennett Jon Johnson Tim Clark Leona Orr Connie Epperly Judy Woods February 18, 1997 Office of the City Clerk CITY OF SUMMARY AGENDA KENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 18 , 1997 Council Chambers 7 : 00 p.m. MAYOR: Jim White COUNCILMEMBERS : Christi Houser, President Jim Bennett Tim Clark Connie Epperly Jon Johnson Leona Orr Judy Woods CALL TO ORDER FLAG SALUTE - Webelos Pack 404 Flaming Arrows ROLL CALL 1. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Regional Justice Center Update 2 . PUBLIC HEARINGS None 3 . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes B. Approval of Bills C. Blueberry Farm Preliminary Plat SU-96-9 - Set Meeting Date D. LID 345 - S. 218th St. Improvement - Charge in Lieu of Assessment E. Lindental Lot/277th Corridor Lot - Property Exchange F. 277th Corridor Condemnation Authorization - Ordinance G. Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement Extension - Authorization H. Live Burn Simulator Project - Authorization & Budget Change I . Youth Sports Facilities Grant - Acceptance & Budget Change J. Transfer of Funds from Youth/Teen to Skate Park K. TIB Grant Agreement - Authorization L. S.E. 274th Way Hillclimb Ground Improvements - Accept as Complete M. 100th Avenue Overlay - Accept as Complete N. Boxmaker - Corrected Bill of Sale Q. Kent North Corporate Park, Phase II - Bill of Sale 4 . OTHER BUSINESS A. Green River Corridor Zoning Code Amendment ZCA-97-1 - ordinance 5 . BIDS A. Kent ADA Bus Zone Improvements 6 . CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS 7 . REPORTS 8 . ADJOURNMENT NOTE: A copy of the full agenda packet is available for perusal in the City Clerk's Office and the Kent Ill. An explanation of the agenda format is given on the back of this page. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City In advance for more information. For TDG relay service call 1-800-635-9993 cr the City of'Kent(206) 854-6587 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Citizens wishing to address the Council will, at this time, make known the subject of interest, so all may be properly heard. A) Regional Justice Center Update CONSENT CALENDAR 3 . city council Action: _i Councilmember -41i moves, Councilmember seconds that Consent Calendar Items A through be approved. Discussion Action 3A. Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of February 4 , 1997. 3B. Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received through January 31, and paid on January 31, 1997 , after auditing by the Operations Committee on February 5, 1997 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 1/30/97 179130-179510 $1, 102 , 429. 58 1/31/97 179511-179791 1, 178 , 542 . 16 $2,280,971.74 A_nbroval of checks issued for payroll for January 16 through January 31, 1997 and paid on February 5, 1997: Date Check Numbers Amount 2/5/97 Checks 217252-217638 $ 331, 044 . 19 2/5/97 Advices 42526-43070 766 , 104 .71 $1, 097, 148 . 90 Council Agenda Item No. 3 A-B Kent, Washington February 4, 1997 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Clark, Epperly, Houser, Johnson, Orr and Woods, Operations Director/ Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief Crawford, Fire Chief Angelo, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, and Finance Director Miller. Council- member Bennett was excused from the meeting. Approximately 85 people were at the meeting. The flag salute was led by Boy Scouts Den 8 of Pack 403 . PUBLIC Boy Scout Week. Mayor White read a proclamation COMMUNICATIONS noting that the Boy Scouts of America provide community organizations with a comprehensive youth educational program that emphasizes personal growth and service to others, and that they are celebrating their 87th anniversary. He declared February 2-8 , 1997 as Boy Scout Week in the City of Kent, and encouraged all citizens to acknowledge the young men who participate in the scouting program. The proclamation was presented to Den 8 of Pack 403 . Daughters of the American Revolution/American History Month. The Mayor noted that the Lakota Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution has long recognized the need for all of us to reflect and learn from our past exper- iences in order for our nation to continue to thrive. He declared the month of February 1997 as Daughters of the American Revolution/American History Month in the City of Kent and pre- sented the proclamation to Marcella Burkett. Ms. Burkett thanked the Mayor and Council for their support. Introduction of Mayor's Appointee. Mayor White introduced Perry Woodford, his appointee to the Transit Advisory Board. Employees of the Month. The Mayor announced that the Kent City Attorney's Prosecutorial Staff has been selected as Employees of the Month for February. He noted that through their tenacious efforts, domestic violence crimes are prosecuted and even the smallest voice is heard. City Attorney Lubovich introduced the staff members, commended them on their work and offered thanks and congratulations. 1 Kent City Council Minutes February 4 , 1997 PUBLIC Kent Arts Commission 1997 Community Arts Grant COMMUNICATIONS Awards. Mayor White and Carol McPherson, Chair of the Arts Commission, presented awards to Deanna Reitan of The Jazz Cafe, Linda Johnson of the Kent Downtown Partnership, Doreen Higgins of the Kent Parks Special Populations Resource Center, Julie Stangle and Tamara Sevigny of the Kent Parks Youth Teen Program, the N.W. Renaissance Poets, Performers & Publishers, and Amy Sie from the Rainier Chorale, and thanked them for their contribution to the community. Lighthouse steering Committee Report and Presentation. Margaret Harto, Steering Committee Chair, noted that Lighthouse opened at Sequoia Junior High in August 1993 , and that the purpose is to provide adolescents with opportunities for growth, attainment of self-sufficiency and a sense of belonging to the community. She then introduced the members of the steering committee. Melvin Tate noted that there were 1,400 partici- pants at Kent Junior High and Sequoia Junior High in 1996, and 2 , 500 participants at all sites in October 1996. He noted that there are Lighthouse sites in Junior High schools in Kent, Renton and Covington. Tony Silvestrin outlined activities held at the Lighthouse locations which include athletic endeavors, counseling opportunities, homework help, educational games, support groups, leadership opportunities, field trips, and special events. Funding sources were outlined as follows: King County Children & Family Commission, United Way, City of Kent, South King County Community Health & Safety Network, and County Councilmember Chris Vance. It was noted that over $200, 000 a year in goods and services is donated each year by organizations which Lighthouse serves. Sheree Sechrist, Director of Lighthouse, noted that much work is done by volunteers and in-kind staff members. She noted that each site has up to ten teen volunteer leaders who work in a job capacity. She noted that they will have a monthly program called Ask-A-Nurse and a law- related education program which helps teens learn about how the law protects and affects them. She then distributed sweatshirts and water bottles to 2 Kent City Council Minutes February 4, 1997 PUBLIC the Mayor and Councilmembers. Ms. Harto thanked COMMUNICATIONS the Mayor, Council and staff for their support and said that it has made an impact on the lives of youth. CONSENT HOUSER MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through J be approved. Orr seconded and the motion carried unanimously. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the workshop and the regular Council meeting of January 21, 1997 . HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) SANITATION Bosmaker. ACCEPT the bill of sale for Boxmaker, Inc. , submitted by TBI Building, L.L.C. for continuous operation and maintenance of 1, 375 feet of watermain, 60 feet of sanitary sewers, 790 feet of storm sewers and 485 feet of street improvements and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at S. 190th St. and 62nd Ave. South. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Fos Ridge (Aka Lukas Run) . ACCEPT the bill of sale for Fox Ridge (aka) Lukes Run submitted by Lakeridge Development, Inc. for continuous opera- tion and maintenance of 788 feet of watermain, 1, 326 feet of sanitary sewers, 1, 454 feet of storm sewers, and 1, 132 feet of street improve- ments and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 118th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 268th St. WATER (BIDS - ITEM 5A) Guiberson Reservoir Joint Sealing. Bid opening for this project was held on January 29th with seven bids received. The low bid was submitted by Diamaco, Inc. , in the amount of $31, 648 . 50. The Engineer's estimate was $63 , 297 . The project consists of sealing joints and cracks and in- stalling crack monitoring gauges in the Guiberson Water Reservoir. It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the Guiberson Reservoir Joint Sealing contract be awarded to Diamaco, Inc. for the bid amount of $31, 648 . 50. CLARK SO MOVED. Orr seconded and the motion carried. 3 Kent City Council Minutes February 4 , 1997 STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) S 196th Street Corridor (West Lea) . ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3336 authorizing the condemnation of a portion of certain properties adjacent to S. 200th St. as part of the City's proposed S. 196th Street Corridor (West Leg) . The City has been unsuccessful thus far in negotiations with three of the property owners adjacent to the S. 196th Corridor (West Leg) to obtain the right-of-way easements along this Corridor project. The Public Works Committee has recommended condemna- tion on these three properties, should staff fail to reach a settlement with these owners. PUBLIC SAFETY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Disabled Parking. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3335, which increases the penalty amount for unauthorized parking in a disabled parking zone from fifty dollars ($50) to one hundred seventy- five dollars ($175) . This increase is consistent with state law, which was recently amended to provide the same increased penalty. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) LEEP Grant. ACCEPT additional funding allocated from the State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development (LEEP Grant) , as requested by the Police Department. An additional $8, 038 has been allocated from the State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development (LEEP Grant) for Youth Conference follow-up staffing and/or goods and services. This is in addition to the original amount of $21, 317 for fiscal year 96/97 (July-June) granted and approved by Council last fall. FIRE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Medical Physicals Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Medical Examinations Services Contract with Occupational Health Services Valley Medical Center. The Fire Department solicits RFP' s for medical physicals every three (3) years, which enables costs to be kept at a minimum. RFP' s were received from Occupational Health Services Valley Medical Center and Multicare Healthworks for the years 1997 through 1999 . 4 Kent City Council Minutes February 4 , 1997 FIRE After reviewing the RFP' s for services, respon- siveness, flexibility, scheduling, cost and program management, it is recommended that the RFP be awarded to Occupational Health Services Valley Medical Center. The contract has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney' s office as to form. ANNEXATION (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) Del Mar Annexation AN-97-1. This date has been set to meet with the initiators of the Del Mar Annexation, an area of approximately 578 acres which lies generally between South 252nd Street and South 272nd Street and between Military Road and Pacific Highway South. Staff recommends that the Council accept the 10% notice to annex and authorize circulation of the 60% petition subject to the City' s existing indebtedness and subject to the zoning requirements for newly annexed areas established in the City Code. Planning Director Harris distributed a revenue sheet and pointed out the annexation area on a map. He noted that it is in the southwestern section of Kent and is a little less than one square mile in size. Harris noted that Kent has an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Federal Way stating that they will not enter the area north of 272nd, and a verbal commitment from the City of Des Moines that they are not interested in the area. He said the area is in the Potential Annexation Area included in the Comprehensive Plan. Harris noted that approximately 95 people attended a meeting held at the West Hill Fire Station recently. He stated that the City would try to do a Comprehensive Plan and zoning before the area is officially annexed, noting that a 20, 000 sq. ft. zoning designation could be put on. He noted that the assessed valuation is $114 , 000 , 000, total estimated revenue is $1, 241, 000 and expenditures are currently being reviewed with the expectation that they can be met. He stated that current annexation policies are essentially met by this annexation. WOODS MOVED to make the revenue report a part of the record. Houser seconded and the motion carried. 5 Kent City Council Minutes February 4 , 1997 ANNEXATION Kevin Ruoff, Regional Loss Prevention Supervisor for Fred Meyer, 25440 Pacific Highway south, urged the Council to accept the petition and allow circulation of the 60% petition. He opined that their tax base will support entering the city without putting a drain on funds. Mel Kleweno spoke on behalf of a group of investors who own approximately 36 acres between Military Road and I-5, west of I-5 and north of 272nd. He said that apartments have been built all around their property, and it has become wetlands because of the development. He urged that the portion west of I-5 be deleted from the annexa- tion, if it is Kent' s policy to have zero apartment zoning in the area. He stated that the property would become valueless if restricted to single-family residences, and that it is best for apartment zoning since utilities are there. Norris Johnson, a resident of the area, explained that the people who asked for the annexation have commercial interests along Highway 99. He said they have security problems and suggested that the County Police cover the area. He noted that there are approximately 41000 people in the area, and only 95 attended the recent meeting. He suggested delaying a decision for 30-60 days and having at least two more meetings during the day. Tony Cebe, a resident of the area for 40 years, said he feels they are being pushed into this too rapidly and that the reason for the slow response from County Police is because of the confusion on the boundaries. Bob Brown said people in the area have been trying to be annexed for years, and that the City helped tremendously in getting the landfills closed. He said his neighbors near S. 252nd want to be in Kent, as do the people near Fred Meyer. Rick Gildart said he lives in the Del Mar area and would like to be part of the City of Kent. There were no further comments from the audience. ORR MOVED to accept the 10% Notice of Intent to Annex the Del Mar area; to establish the bound- aries for the proposed Del Mar Annexation as presented by staff; to authorize the circulation of the 60o petition for annexation pursuant to RCW 35A. 14 . 120; to require that the area, upon annexation, be subject to its proportionate share of the existing indebtedness of the City of Kent; 6 Kent City Council Minutes February 4 , 1997 ANNEXATION to require that the annexation area be subject to the zoning requirements for newly annexed areas established in the Kent City Code; and to make part of the record a letter received today from Chuck Hamilton of St. Columba' s Episcopal Church. Woods seconded and the motion carried. COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) (ADDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ORR) Excused Absence. APPROVAL of an excused absence for Councilmember Bennett who is out of town due to a family illness. APPOINTMENT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Transit Advisory Board. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor's appointment of Perry Woodford to serve as a member of the Kent City Transit Advisory Board. Mr. Woodford is a Kent resident and has lived on Kent' s West Hill since 1990. He was employed at the Boeing Company Development Center before transferring to the Kent Space Center. Mr. Woodford has had a long interest in mass transit and will be valuable to the Transit board. Mr. Woodford will fill the position formerly held by Claudia Otey and his appointment will continue to 4/30/98. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through January 15 and paid on January 14 and 15, 1997 , after auditing by the Council at the January 21 Council meeting. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 1/14/97 178675-179043 $1, 677, 319. 63 1/15/97 179044-179129 665 , 012 . 20 $2 , 342 , 331. 83 Approval of checks issued for payroll for January 1 through January 15 , 1997 and paid on January 17 , 1997 : Date Check Numbers Amount 1/17/97 Checks 216915-217251 $ 273 , 316 . 04 1/17/97 Advices 42011-42525 679 , 625. 80 $ 952 , 941. 84 7 Kent City Council Minutes February 4, 1997 REPORTS Council President. Houser noted that the Suburban Cities dinner will be held in Kent on February 12th and asked interested Councilmembers to contact Ms. Banister. Operations Committee. Johnson noted that the Committee will meet at 4 : 30 p.m. on February 5. Public Works Committee. Clark noted that the Committee will meet at 3 : 30 p.m. on February 5 . Planning Committee. Orr noted that the Committee will meet at 4 : 00 p.m. on February 18 . Parks Committee. Woods noted that there will be a special Parks Committee meeting on February 18 at 5: 00 p.m. to discuss a Kent Downtown Partnership issue and a Golf Course issue. Administrative Reports. McFall pointed out the Regional Governance & Finance Proposal in the agenda packet and encouraged Councilmembers to review it. He explained the report and noted that there will be a special membership meeting of Suburban Cities on February 26 at Bellevue City Hall where it is anticipated that a vote will be taken. He noted that the recommendation made in the report is a fairly aggressive one, and that the group who worked on the report feels it may be time to address this issue. He offered to answer questions for Councilmembers and encouraged them to attend the meeting in Bellevue. Mayor White noted that this has been studied at Suburban Cities Directors meetings and said it should be looked at as to how it affects governance overall. Upon comments from Clark and Woods, McFall said there is time before the next Council meeting to discuss this at an Operations Committee meeting or at a workshop, and Mayor White said he will work with the Council President and the Operations Committee Chair to set something up. EXECUTIVE At 8: 00 p.m. , the meeting was recessed to an SESSION executive session of approximately twenty minutes to discuss two matters of litigation and a real property transaction. The meeting reconvened at 8 : 20 p.m. 8 Kent City Council Minutes February 4 , 1997 EXECUTIVE CLARK MOVED to authorize the Mayor to execute a SESSION Quit Claim Deed, Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit and related documents in forms substantially similar to those presented by the City Attorney for the purpose of clearing title to an easement along the east property line of Golf Park, and that these proposed documents be made part of the record. Woods seconded and the motion carried. ORR MOVED to authorize the Mayor and the City Attorney to execute the proposed Settlement Agreement and Stipulation and Agreed Order of Dismissal in the matter of Melby vs. City of Kent in a form substantially similar to that pre- sented, subject to final approval by the Planning Director and City Attorney, and that the proposed documents be made a part of the record. Houser seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8 : 20 p.m. Brenda Jacobe , C M C City Cler,� / 9 Kent City Council Meeting Date February 18, 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: BLUEBERRY FARM PRELIMINARY PLAT SU-96-9 - SET MEETING DATE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorization to set March 4, 1997, as the date for a public meeting to consider the Hearing Examiner's recommendation of approval with conditions for a preliminary plat application (SU-96-9) by Eklard Preikschat and James Crozier of RN Parnell Company. The property is located at SE 264th Street (if extended) and 110th Avenue SE (if extended) . 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Hearing Examiner (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3C 111" Kent City Council Meeting Date February 18 , 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: LID 345 - S. 218TH ST. IMPROVEMENT - CHARGE IN LIEU OF ASSESSMENT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for staff to establish a Charge in Lieu of Assessment fee on certain properties to recover City funds associated with providing service stubs. The charge would become due and payable by the property owner upon connection to the service stub. At the time of constructing LID 345, City water and sewer utility funds were used to pay for the initial cost of stubbing said utilities to specific properties which in turn reduced the LID assessments thereon. Final costs for LID 345 are now known. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum, Public Works Committee minutes and vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3D DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS February 5, 1997 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Don Wickstrom0Wit1 RE: LID 345 - S. 218th St. Improvement (East Valley Highway to SR 167) Charge in Lieu of Assessment for Water &Sewer Service The final assessment roll for LID 345 was adopted May 7, 1996. The project was constructed during the Summer and Fall of 1996. As explained during the formation and finalization of the LID, there were utility stubs to be constructed for unserviced property to avoid cutting of the new road at a later date. City water and sewer utility funds were made available to pay for the initial cost of the stub construction, thereby reducing the amount of the LID assessments. However, the property owners will reimburse the City upon connection to the utility. Final costs are now known and it is recommended that the City implement a Charge in Lieu of Assessment. Upon connection, the charge would become due and payable. The charges are shown on the attachment and the properties involved are shown on the attached map. ACTION: Authorize staff to establish a Charge in Lieu of Assessment fee for water and sewer as denoted for Assessment Numbers 1, 5 and 7 in LID 345. LID 345 S. 218TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS (EVH-SR 167) WATER AND SEWER CHARGE IN LIEU OF ASSESSMENT 12/19/96 BASED ON FINAL PAY ESTIMATE WATER ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 2005 SERVICE CONNECTION 3EA 500 1,500 2010 WATER SERVICE LINE, 1" 76LF 1 76 2020 3/4" METER SETTER 3EA 250 750 2030 METER BOX 3EA 40 120 TOTAL 2,446 8.2% SALES TAX 200.57 TOTAL 2,646.57 CHARGEP.ERSERVCCE(-t.EAGH FORASSESSMEI NUMBERS 1,5 & 71 88:L19`; SEWER 3000 PVC SIDE SEWER PIPE, 6" DIA 159LF 30 4,770 4050 GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR FOUNDATION 37 TONS 9 333 4055 BANK RUN GRAVEL,TRENCH BACKFILL 288TONS 9 2,592 4070 PIPE BEDDING 5/8" MINUS 18TONS 9 162 TOTAL 7,857 8.2% SALES TAX (ITEM 3000) 644.27 TOTAL 8,501.27 CHARGE PERSERVICE(1,EACH FOR ASSESSMENTS NO. 1 &7, 2 EACH FOR NG.5) 2,12532 ' W"am ago a a Rana nail ago am am .. } L.I.D. BOUNDARY 3 ui } a j x '' at °D ASSESSMENT NUMBER W 2 v } 0 Z PROJECT LOCATION O ALr Au 4c'j G O ® ® J 3tf:v�'£'?}'<.frc,S.:�l F:1�yy :: .r,.�:fr�: '•h:cfm<;k. f0 'o:`r: ?c:n�-:rS ?': ?JRH;F�: : wr: •jC.::rc T: :i:::�`.it?:;`.:`.f:+,;�:;r.`v'Ay�:wp:/ W�ay.:.i';�:•;.'�.:¢��}:Y,':�n: ::?s��:.}'kf:: '' -�'<::rt<:;:;f.:r::f::'f„„}:��`ni'y;.:�'��::. :?;2.3•:•}:`:t.3:.;�2;''.'i'.iV::r��}:: Q ::::3:t'E-•`:;% :::v�:2;.t:Yy,: �5c ::t%E;:;;t}Y��j;:;.+v.,,x:.:' o?:<o-: � `:;$;.%:fr.3�%':`::i4:::} ..:.: :tC;.fF::r}:S:°f: �`•i•�.'l.,�c;:"�aa:'�Fy�`,,e:?:�?c: 'j�:i::t�:yC -}::f;.;:y:::}::% �:F:°. ?f%�:�::?�::?f•."':f..:-•.st.::r:�s} .�.:'4...:.:;.:�'%�:: ,ro�.Aa:¢::: ..y::.}::::::t}.:::fair--::rr}� or�ftL v:•:?'%{": %��o cJ:.::w,}':^'Gi�-: 6 '`•'^�+�c:?•h:.X... fjCi;rvi'ffY:i l.:f r '�:r.Jt,:":}:r:f:?.{•:.'n..t: � }:v:-:+.r-l}: f .::.rrr}}• O , L.I.D. 345 SOUTH 218TH STREET IMPROVEMENT (EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY TO SR 167) JANUARY 279 1994 REVISED MARCH 27, 1996 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE February 5, 1997 PRESENT: Tim Clark Tom Brubaker Judy Woods Gary Gill Connie Epperly Don Wickstrom Kathy Larson - Representative from the Chamber of Commerce LID 345 S. 218th Street Improvement Charge in Lieu of Assessment Wiclstrom stated that at the time of constructing this LID, the City added utility connnections necessary to specific properties. The City paid for those connections out of the sewer and water utility funds. In order for the City to recouperate those funds, we are asking for authorization to establish a Charge in Lieu of Assessment. The charge will become payable by the property owner at the time of connection to the utility. Wickstrom noted that on the Rust's property, (Parcel #7) they were inadvertently connected before we had this approved however they did pay the Metro charge but they didn't pay these charges. Committee unanimously recommended authorizing staff to establish a Charge in Lieu of Assessment fee for water and sewer as denoted for Assessment Numbers 1 and 5 in LID 345. Lindental Lot/277th Corridor Lot - Property Exchange Wickstrom said when we first started the Corridor project, the plat of Lindental had already platted and as part of preserving the project, we were able to buy Lots 58 and 59 for a detention site. Wickstrom stated we know what we need to do in that area; we actually have one of the lots we don't need but we do have a sewer project out in that same area, Lot 31, which is going to involve another major pump station. Wickstrom said we have negotiated a trade of Lot 58 for Lot 31 because all of our property evaluations show that Lot 31 is actually worth a little more because it is encumbered with utility easements and Lot 58 doesn't have a sewer stub. He said that we are recommending Lot 58 be surplused and used as part of the deal for Lot 31 plus $7000. Committee unanimously recommended authorization to surplus Lot 58 of the Lindental plat for partial payment of Lot 31. 1 Kent City Council Meeting Date February 18 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: LINDENTAL LOT/277TH CORRIDOR LOT - PROPERTY EXCHANGE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorize the surplusing of Lot 58 of the Lindental plat for partial payment of Lot 31 plus $7, 000. The sewer construction fund will be charged for the acquisition and the road corridor fund will be credited. The plat of Lindental was subdivided before the 277th Corridor was established and also before the area was annexed into Kent (Ramstead Annexation) . The City acquired lots 58 and 59 before homes were built in the subdivision to preserve these areas as detention pond sites for the 277th Corridor. Design of the storm drainage detention for the Corridor has been completed and lot 58 is no longer needed. Lot 31 has not been built on and will be needed for contractor access to install a gravity sewer and force main. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works memorandum, Public Works Committee minutes, and vicinity map 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3E DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS January 30, 1997 TO: Public Works Commi ee FROM: Don Wickstrom cc: Jerry McCaughan RE: Lindental Lot Swap The plat of Lindental was subdivided before the 277th corridor route was established and also before the area was annexed into Kent (Ramstead Annexation). The City acquired lots 58 and 59 before homes were built in the subdivision to preserve these areas as detention pond sites for the 277th corridor. Design of the storm drainage detention for the corridor has been completed. Lot 58 is no longer needed and can be surplused. A regional sewer main and pump station enlargement is now in the planning stages on the east edge of the same plat of Lindental. Lot 31 has not been built on and will be needed for contractor access to install the gravity sewer and force main. The plat builder, Lexington Fine Homes has agreed to swapping lots plus pay him $7,000. We believe this is a fair deal as our lot is encumbered with utility easements plus has no side sewer stub to it. The action requested is to authorize the surplusing of Lot 58, to allow it to be used as a partial payment for Lot 31. The sewer construction fund will be charged for the acquisition and the road corridor fund will be credited. ACTION: Recommend authorization to surplus Lot 58 of the Lindental plat for partial payment of Lot 31. oue701e.277 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE February 5, 1997 PRESENT: Tim Clark Tom Brubaker Judy Woods Gary Gill Connie Epperly Don Wickstrom Kathy Larson - Representative from the Chamber of Commerce LID 345 S. 218th Street Improvement Charge in Lieu of Assessment_ Wickstrom stated that at the time of constructing this LID, the City added utility connnections necessary to specific properties. The City paid for those connections out of the sewer and water utility funds. In order for the City to recouperate those funds, we are asking for authorization to establish a Charge in Lieu of Assessment. The charge will become payable by the property owner at the time of connection to the utility. Wickstrom noted that on the Rust's property, (Parcel #7) they were inadvertently connected before we had this approved however they did pay the Metro charge but they didn't pay these charges. Committee unanimously recommended authorizing staff to establish a Charge in Lieu of Assessment fee for water and sewer as denoted for Assessment Numbers 1 and 5 in LID 345. (� Lindental Lot/277th Corridor Lot - Property Exchange `y Wickstrom said when we first started the Corridor project, the plat of Lindental had already platted and as part of preserving the project, we were able to buy Lots 58 and 59 for a detention site. Wickstrom stated we know what we need to do in that area; we actuallv have one of the lots we don't need but we do have a sewer project out in that same area, Lot 31, which is going to involve another major pump station. Wickstrom said we have negotiated a trade of Lot 58 for Lot 31 because all of our property evaluations show that Lot 31 is actually worth a little more because it is encumbered with utilitv easements and Lot 58 doesn't have a sewer stub. He said that we are recommending Lot 58 be surplused and used as part of the deal for Lot 31 plus $7000. Committee unanimously recommended authorization to surplus Lot 58 of the Lindental plat for partial payment of Lot 31. 1 - �� W W Q 3 M U P 0 • I ` N N N co � a N Z CI . LLJ a a tn q N w '3'S '3AV H19II IT9LL1709 HIO(TMHOO H.LLLZ S n n — � Diu ~- 0 -- - na Kent City Council Meeting Date February 18 , 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: 277TH CORRIDOR CONDEMNATION AUTHORIZATION 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adoption of Ordinance No. relating to the 277th Corridor Condemnation. The City has been unsuccessful thus far in negotiations with two of the property owners adjacent to the 277th Corridor to grant right-of-way easements along this corridor project. As such, it has been recommended by the Public Works Committee that the City Attorney be directed to prepare a Condemnation Ordinance and authorize condemnation on these two properties should negotiations continue to fail. 3 . EXHIBITS: Ordinance, Public Works memorandum, and Public Works Committee minutes 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS• 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3F Brenda Jacober, City Clerk CITY OF KENT 220 - 4th Avenue South Kent WA 98032-5894 (206) 859-3300 ORDINANCE NO. Grantor(s): 1. Michael Carpinito 2. Daniel Carpinito D. Carol Carpinito 4. The Trustees of the Geoffrey Raffell Monk Trust Grantee(s): 1. City of Kent 2. J. Legal Description: 1. Abbreviated form: Portion of Sections 30 and 31, TWP 22N, R5E, W.M. in King County Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Number(s): 312205-9019-02; 000040-0001-01 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: Six (6) (INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET AND ALL EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent. Washington, providing for the acquisition of right-of-way easements for any and all street purposes along, across, over ana under certain properties in order to construct, extend, improve, alter and widen Southeast 277th Street between East Valley Highway (Auburn Way North) and the Green River; providing for the payment thereof out of the 272nd Corridor Project Fund (Fund R-87); providing for the condemnation, appropriation,taking and damaging of such property rights as are necessary for that purpose;and directing the City Attorney to prosecute the appropriate legal proceedings and to enter into settlements, stipulations or other agreements; all of said properties located within King County, Washington. THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The public convenience,use and necessity demand that the City of Kent ("City") condemn, appropriate, take and damage portions of certain real property parcels located in King County, Washington, in order to acquire right-of-way, slope and other necessary easements for any and all street and other related purposes. These parcels are legally described in Exhibits A and B, attached and incorporated by this reference (the "Properties"). The purposes for which this condemnation is authorized shall include, without limitation,all acts necessary to complete the construction, extension, improvement,alteration and widening of Southeast 277th Street, including improvements for drainage, curbs and gutters, sidewalks and bicycle paths, landscaping, illumination, signal improvements, electrical facilities, utilities, utility adjustments and relocations, and any other street or I municipal purposes that may become necessary from time to time on the Properties. SECTION2. The City authorizes the acquisition by condemnation of all or a part of the Properties for the construction, extension, improvement,alteration and widening of Southeast 277th Street between East Valley Highway (Auburn Way North) and the Green River. SECTION 3. The City shall condemn the Properties only after just compensation has first been made or paid into court for the owner or owners in the manner prescribed by law. SECTION 4. The City shall pay for the entire cost of the acquisition by condemnation provided for in this Ordinance through the City's "272nd Street Corridor Project Fund," (Fund R-87) or from any of the City's general funds, if necessary, as may be provided by law. SECTION S. The City authorizes and directs the City Attorney to commence those proceedings provided by law that are necessary to condemn the Properties. In commencing these condemnation procedures, the City authorizes the City Attorney to enter into settlements, stipulations or agreements in order to minimize damages, which settlements, stipulations or agreements may include, but not be limited to, the amount of just compensation to be paid, the size and dimensions of the Properties condemned, requiring temporary construction easements and other property interests. SECTION 6. Any acts consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this Ordinance are ratified and confirmed. SECTION 7. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. SECTION 8. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty(30)days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the day of , 1997. APPROVED the_day of 1997. PUBLISHED the_day of 1997. I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent hereon indicated. BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P.\LAMORDINANCTONDEM02 ORD Order No . 273950 A. L . T.A. COMMITMENT Awu-E-o 07 SCHEDULE A Page 2 The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the county of King, state of Washington, and described as follows : That portion of Sections 30 and 31 , Township 22 North, Range 5 East , W.M. , in King County, Washington, described as follows : Commencing at the West quarter ccrner of said Section 30 , Township 22 North, Range 5 East W. M. , in King County, Washington; thence along the East-West centerline of said Section 30 , south 3900112611 east 1, 224 . 49 feet distant to a point on the _=ne of ordinary hiahwater of the Green River; thence continuing along said centerline of Section 30 , south 39001 , 2611 east 773 . 52 feet distant to a point on a line concentric with and 150 feet westerly of the too of the '_eft bank of the Green River, said point lying west 89001 ' 26 " west 488 . 61 feet from the existing King County Survey Monument at the center of said Section 30 ; thence Southerly along said line the fo'_',owLng courses : south 20043119'' west 101 . 57 feet , south 38039 ' 10'' west 478 . 32 feet , south 08032 ' S9'' west 301 . 13 feet , south 26°18 ' 26 east 426 . 94 feet south 47015 , 0311 east 241 . 75 feet , south 43 ,12412211 east 386 . 06 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence south 4302412211 east 126 . 51 feet , south 28005 ' 37'' east 264 . 54 feet , south 1100512811 east 349 . 22 feet , south 2403615311 east 137 . 00 feet , south 48051 ' 53 '' east 163 . 00 feet , south 58026 ' 53 '' east 323 . 00 feet , south 690301301, east 382 . 73 feet , south 51031 ' 53 '' east 157 . 00 feet , south 0303115311 east 247 . 00 feet , south 1400115311 east 211 . 00 feet , south 30001 ' 53 '' east 292 . 00 feet , south 42027 , 341, east 172 . 51 feet , south 46026 ' 33 " east 789 . 44 feet , to a point on the easterly extension of the south line of the R.H . 3eatty C . L . C . Numbers 37 and 44 ; thence north 8910C101'' west along saic __ne a �ilstance of 2 , 255 . 93 feet to the northeast corner cf the Cox D . L . C . , which point is also the southeast corner of said R. .4 . 3eatty D . L. C. ';umbers 37 and 44 and northwest corner of the G . E . King D . L. C . Number 40 ; thence along the east line of said 3eatty D . L . C . north 00035 ' 06 '' east 2 , 638 . 59 feet to the northeast corner of the Beatty D . L . C . ; thence south 88056 ' 30'' east 112 . 35 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. END OF SCHEDULE A EXHIBIT kv. A. L . T .A. CCMM7—V �C �EDU77 A Pace 2 ccmm rh fitment is si_.:ated _n is The land referred to in {; ng, state of Washington, and described as follows : PARCEL A: Government Lot 10 in Secticn 25 , Tcwns::ip 22 Ncrth, Rance _ mast , W .M . in icing County, Wash_ngto^., EXCEPT for county road; _ y AND EXCEPT that portion ccnveyea tO t_he State of Wash_nCtc n _ i-.. way purposes oy Deed rded ep mbe_ 2"_ -96= under Reccraing Vumper 5788897 ; PARCEL 3 : That portion of Government 70t Sect-cr. 30 , Tow^.s::_p 22 _�Tcrt- Range 5 East , W. M . , in filing Count`, , Washington, ly-nC wes____y a line described as follows : 3eg-nning at _ne ..--rtheast corner the 3eat`y Ccna- -' _ No . 37 ; ;.hence along the north line nor--'- 3805 33 " west 735 . 30 loot o the centerline existing drainage cnanne- and to the beginning; `eet= `-ence north 58012146 " west 15 79 _ once north 32016 "9" west 98 . 45 `per thence north 71038 ' 46 " west 61 . 36 feer . -hence north 11_035 ' 29 " east 59 . 25 `eet ; - 'hence nertl, '_0°13 05 " west 42 . 31 feet O a point on a ne erC'_nary _gn water of the ^_-reen River ; EXCEPT that ccrt_cn for 86th Ave^L.:e Sc th established December 13 , ; o or ';clume 33 Paae 23, 1 193E by court ��r„m_ss_ n� s Rec^~ds - PARCEL C : - 3 �� --- All of Rcbert 3eatty Donatio _ ai Vc 7 being a per` _en Sect_or_s 25 30 3_ and 36 , Towns---, Vert Rages 4 and 3 East , W. M . , in Ring C:,unty Washington; EXCEPT the south 49 . 5 'eet thereof AND EXCEPT that portion conveyed to State of Washington for nignway purposes by Deed recorded September 2" 1964 under Recording Number 5788897 ; AND ALSO EXCEPT that portion conveyed tc King Cou.^.ty by Recording Number 8806090822 . END OF SC3EDCL A EXHIBIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS February 5, 1997 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Don Wickstrom41 RE: 277th Street Corridor - Condemnation Authorization We have been negotiating with Mr. Carpinito and Mr. Monk on two separate parcels adjacent to the 277th Street Corridor to grant us right of way easements along this corridor project and we have been unsuccessful in these negotiations. At this time we are seeking authorization to condemn, however we will continue to negotiate with these property owners throughout the condemnation process. ACTION: Recommend that Council authorize condemnation proceedings on the two properties in question adjacent to the 277th Street Corridor project. (� 277th Corridor Condemnation - Authorization Brubaker stated that the City is in the process of commencing construction of portions of this major project. We have negotiated to purchase much of the right of way necessary to complete this project but not all of it. He noted that we still need to purchase additional agricultural land in the valley along 277th. We have been negotiating with two property owners hope to settle this soon. Nevertheless, if we can't reach agreement we need to promptly rush to condemnation so we can get an order of Public Use & Necessity which will allow us the right of entry on the property. If we delay too long in starting the eminent domain proceedings, we may loose our window of opportunity to continue construction this year. Brubaker requested approval to prepare a Condemnation Ordinance to be approved at the next Council meeting so that we can move quickly when and if the time comes to start the eminent domain proceedings and commence condemnation. Connie Epperly asked how close we were with the negotiations. Brubaker stated that we are very close with one of the property owners to at least a short term solution that will allow us to begin construction and not prejudice the City's position in condemnation. With the other parcel, we are seeking a second appraisal of the property to confirm that we are malting a reasonable and appropriate offer and we are hopeful that when that is completed, we will be able to negotiate a purchase rather than have to go to condemnation. Committee unanimously recommended that Council authorize condemnation proceedings on the two properties in question adjacent to the 277th Street Corridor project. Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement Wickstrom explained that we have been working a long time with King County and Auburn on the actual Auburn Mill Creek running south of the river down Peasley Canyon. We have participated in the project which will determine how to address flood control in that basin. Our costs are about 1/3 and right now we are down to a point of finalizing a plan and coming up with a cost recommendation. He said that this work should have been done last year; the money was set aside to do it. It is down to the bottom line; we have looked at all the alternatives and ]tnow what we need to do; it's simply determining now who pays what and what is reasonable for Kent to pay. In response to Clark, Wickstrom said this is a separate agreement relating just to the Auburn-Mill Creek; trying to solve those flooding problems in that basin where, by acreage we contribute about 1/3, Auburn contributes about 1/3 (in terms of flow) and IGng County contributes about 1/3. Originally there was a project on the east side and 2 ;"If Kent City Council Meeting Date February 18. 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: MILL CREEK INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT EXTENSION - AUTHORIZATION 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for the Mayor to sign the Amendment to the Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement. This Agreement was originally adopted in 1992 by King County and the cities of Auburn and Kent. This amendment extends the duration of that agreement. Kent's share of the costs associated therewith is $60,452 for which money presently exists within the respective project budget. 3 . EXHIBITS: Amendment to Mill Creek Interlocal agreement, Public Works Committee minutes, and Public Works Director memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3G DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS February 5, 1997 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Don Wickstrom RE: Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement The Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement was originally adopted on June 30, 1992 by King County and the Cities of Auburn and Kent. This amendment extends the duration of that agreement. Our share of the costs associated therewith is $60,452 for which money presently exists within the respective project budget. As such, we are requesting that the Mayor be authorized to sign this amendment. ACTION: Recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign the Amendment to the Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement. 277th Corridor Condemnation - Authorization Brubaker stated that the City is in the process of commencing construction of portions of this major project. We have negotiated to purchase much of the right of way necessary to complete this project but not all of it. He noted that we still need to purchase additional agricultural land in the valley along 277th. We have been negotiating with two property owners hope to settle this soon. Nevertheless, if we can't reach agreement we need to promptly rush to condemnation so we can get an order of Public Use &Necessity which will allow us the right of entry on the property. If we delay too long in starting the eminent domain proceedings, we may loose our window of opportunity to continue construction this year. Brubaker requested approval to prepare a Condemnation Ordinance to be approved at the next Council meeting so that we can move quickly when and if the time comes to start the eminent domain proceedings and commence condemnation. Connie Epperly asked how close we were with the negotiations. Brubaker stated that we are very close with one of the property owners to at least a short term solution that will allow us to begin construction and not prejudice the Citys position in condemnation. With the other parcel, we are seeking a second appraisal of the property to confirm that we are making a reasonable and appropriate offer and we are hopeful that when that is completed, we will be able to negotiate a purchase rather than have to go to condemnation. Committee unanimously recommended that Council authorize condemnation proceedings on the two properties in question adjacent to the 277th Street Corridor project. Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement `V Wicicstrom explained that we have been working a long time with King County and Auburn on the actual Auburn Mill Creek running south of the river down Peasley Canyon. We have participated in the project which will determine how to address flood control in that basin. Our costs are about 1/3 and right now we are down to a point of finalizing a plan and coming up with a cost recommendation. He said that this work should have been done last year; the money was set aside to do it. It is down to the bottom line; we have looked at all the alternatives and know what we need to do; it's simply determining now who pays what and what is reasonable for Kent to pay. In response to Clark, Wicicstrom said this is a separate agreement relating just to the Auburn-Mill Creek; trying to solve those flooding problems in that basin where, by acreage we contribute about 1/3, Auburn contributes about 1/3 (in terms of flow) and King County contributes about 1/3. Originally there was a project on the east side and 2 one on the west side; the east side project is what we were working on for a long time until everyone pulled out. Auburn wanted to do something so we looked at what we could do to determine what the elements of the project are and what the approximate costs are and refine that to see if there is a financing plan that can be developed amenable to all parties. If not, then we have a "go on your own" issue and no one does anything. Clark asked if there were any growth management requirements involved. Wickstrom noted that this overlaps with the federal SAMPS program (Special Area Management Plan) for the wetland protection and this is the flood control element in that wetland plan. We first determined what we could do with all the restrictions and we are now at the point of determining whether it is cost effective for us to participate at this time. Committee unanimously recommended authorization for the Mayor to sign the Amendment to the Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement. Added item- 272nd/277th Corridor TIB Project Agreement Wickstrom explained that the TIB (Transportation Improvement Board) is giving us a grant for this project. Right not that grant's about $4.8 Million. After we conduct our Value Engineering Studies and they are aware of it, we will be asking for a $2.4 Million increase. We will then be in the neighborhood of a $7 Million grant. Wickstrom said that TIB has reviewed it and essentially approved our deviations in the design (i.e. no sidewalks down the hillside; we are putting in a widened shoulder). They also approved our request for engineering funds and that's essentially what this agreement is. They will give us $1.5 for engineering design and the Mavor's signature is required on this agreement. Committee unanimously recommended authorization for the Mayor to sign the TIB Agreement for the 272nd/277th Street Corridor project. 3 AUBURN CITY CLERK 'HARIES A BOOTH,MAYOR 25 West Main, Auburn,WA 98001 robin Wohlhueter,City Clerk ' City Clerk:(206)931-3039 )ani r '-am,Deputy City Clerk _ Business Registration:(206)931-3007 Fax:(206)931-3053 ramit cell,Reaords/License Clerk January 22, 1997 Mr. Bill Wolinski, Environmental Engineering Supervisor City of Kent Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent,WA 98032 Re: Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement Extension Dear Mr.Wolinski: The City of Auburn adopted Resolution No. 2797 at its January 21, 1997 regular meeting authorizing an Amendment to the Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement between King County and the cities of Auburn and Kent originally adopted on June 30, 1992. The amendment extends the duration of the Interlocal Agreement to expire no later than December 31, 1997. Enclosed are three originals identified as Amendment to the Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement Between King County and the Cities of Auburn and Kent Extending The Duration Of the Interlocal Agreement One Year From the Date of Adoption. It is our understanding the City of Kent will transmit three original Amendment Agreements to Jim Sussex, King County Water and Land Resource Division, 700 5th Avenue, Suite 2200, Seattle, WA 98104 once they have been signed by the City of Kent. By way of this letter a copy of Auburn's Resolution No. 2797 is transmitted to Jim Sussex. Should you have any questions or comments please call Jim Sussex, King County Water and Land Resource Division, at 296-8373. Sincerely, 114, 11 Charles A. Booth Mayor cc: Mr. Jim Sussex King County Water and Land Resource Division 700 5th Avenue, Suite 2200 Seattle,Wa 98104 Dwight Holobaugh, Utilities Engineer RESOLUTION NO. 2 7 9 7 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN 4 AMENDMENT TO THE MILL CREEK INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN KING COUNTY AND THE CITIES OF AUBURN AND KENT EXTENDING THE 5 DURATION OF THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ONE YEAR (1) FROM THE 6 DATE OF ADOPTION. 7 8 WHEREAS, pursuant to City of Auburn Resolution No. 2299 9 the City Council authorized execution of the Mill Creek 10 Interlocal Agreement and identified development of a Mill 11 Creek Basin Flood Control Plan as a primary objective of that 12 Agreement; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the parties agreed to a one-year duration for 15 the 1992 Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement to cover the first 16 phase of work in the overall Mill Creek work program; and 17 WHEREAS, that one-year Mill Creek work program resulted 18 in completion in 1993 of Phase 1 of the Flood Control Plan, 19 20 which is a hydrologic and hydraulic modeling analysis and an 21 outlet benefits study; and 22 WHEREAS, the parties agreed in 1993 to an 18-month 23 extension of the Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement through 24 December 31, 1994 in order to start Phase II of the Flood 25 26 ------------------------- Resolution No. 2797 January 6, 1997 Page 1 1 Control Plan, which is a Feasibility Analysis of flood control 2 alternatives; and 3 4 WHEREAS, City of Auburn Resolution No. 2688, authorized a 5 one-year extension of the Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement 6 through December 4 , 1996, the major product of Phase II to be 7 a Draft Mill Creek Flood Control Plan which identifies a 8 preferred flood control project and high priority individual 9 10 Project elements; and 11 WHEREAS, Phase II is currently in process and is 12 anticipated to be completed in 1997; and 13 WHEREAS, the parties have agreed that it is now pertinent 14 to examine the comprehensive work program for the Mill Creek 15 16 Basin Flood Control Plan and to initiate the next phase of 17 work toward development of that plan; and 18 WHEREAS, Phase III of the Mill Creek Flood Control Plan 19 will begin immediately upon completion of Phase II in 1997 ; 20 and 21 22 WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 39 . 34 entitled the "Interlocal 23 Cooperation Act, " the parties as local governments are 24 25 26 -------------------------- Resolution No. 2797 January 6, 1997 1 authorized to execute agreements to permit them to make the 2 most efficient use of their powers to their mutual advantage . 3 4 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, 5 WASHINGTON, IN A REGULAR MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED, HEREWITH 6 RESOLVES THAT: 7 SECTION 1. The Mayor and City Clerk of ,the City of 8 Auburn, Washington, are herewith authorized to execute an 9 10 Amendment to the Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement between King 11 County and the City of Auburn and the City of Kent extending 12 the duration of the Interlocal Agreement one (1) year from the 13 date of adoption. A copy of said Amendment is attached hereto 14 and denominated as Exhibit "A" . 15 16 Ar-CTTON 2 . The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement 17 such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry 18 out the directives of this legislation. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ------------------------- Resolution No. 2797 January 6, 1997 Page 3 1 2 DATED and SIGNED this 21st of January, 1997 . 3 4 CITY OF AUBURN 5 6 7 m CHARLES A. BOOTH 8 MAYOR ATTEST: 9 10 11 12 Robin Wohlhueter, City Clerk 13 14 15 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 16 17 18 19 Michael J. Reynolds, City Attorney 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 -------------------------- Resolution No. 2797 January 6, 1997 AMENDMENT TO THE N= CREEK INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN KING COUNTY AND THE CITIES OF AUBURN AND KENT EXTENDING THE DURATION OF THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF ADOPTION This amendment extends the duration of the Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement, originally adopted on June 30, 1992 by King County and the Cities of Auburn and Kent (hereinafter referred to as the PARTIES), by one year. The work program and budget associated with the additional work are set forth in Attachments A and B hereto. All changes to the existing agreement are contained in this amendment; elements of the original agreement which are not addressed in this amendment remain as stated in the original document. WHEREAS, on June 30, 1992 the PARTIES adopted the Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement and identified development of a NO Creek Flood Control Plan as a primary objective of that agreement; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES agreed to a one-year duration for the 1992 Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement to cover the first phase of work in the overall Mill Creek work program; and WHEREAS, that one-year Mill Creek work program resulted in completion in 1993 of Phase I of the Flood Control Plan, which is a hydrologic and hydraulic modeling analysis and an outlet benefits study; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES agreed in 1993 to an 18-month extension of the Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement through December 31, 1994 in order to start Phase H of the Flood Control Plan, which is a Feasibility Analysis of flood control alternatives; and WHEREAS, Phase H is currently in progress and is anticipated to be completed in 1997; and WHEREAS, the major product of Phase II will be a Draft Mill Creek Flood Control Plan which identifies a preferred flood control project and high priority individual project elements; and WHEREAS, Phase II work will include an investigation and report on potential financing mechanisms and a recommended organizational structure to complete the preparation of the Flood Control Plan and to implement specific flood control projects and the overall Flood Control Plan; and WHEREAS, Phase III of the Mill Creek Flood Control Plan will use the results of Phase II to conduct environmental review of the Draft Flood Control Plan and revise the Draft to a Final; and Exhibit "A" - Resolution No. 2797 Adopted 1/21/97 -1- WHEREAS, it is desired that the costs of Phase III work and the implementation of specific flood control projects and the overall Flood Control Plan be borne among the PARTIES commensurate with the benefits; and WHEREAS, although the costs to each of the PARTIES for completing Phases I and II have been and will be shared equally, it is assumed that a non-equal and equitable cost-sharing arrangement among the PARTIES will be negotiated at the completion of Phase II and before the initiation of Phase III during 1997; and WHEREAS, any work subsequent to 1996 toward completion of a Mill Creek Flood Control Plan and its eventual implementation in this basin cannot be initiated without an extension of the interlocal agreement or negotiation of a new interlocal agreement to outline a scope of work and cost-share arrangements; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES have agreed that it is now pertinent to examine the work program for the Mill Creek Flood Control Plan and to continue work toward development of that plan; and WHEREAS, major work products, such as a Draft Mils Creek Flood Control Plan, will be brought to the Green River Basin Technical Committee for its review during the term of this interlocal agreement extension: NOW, THEREFORE, the PARTIES mutually agree to the following amendments to the interlocal agreement: Work Program Budget and Schedule The PARTIES approve the work program, budget, and schedule attached as Attachment A hereto and agree to secure adequate funding to provide an equal one-third share of all necessary Phase II Mill Creek work, as part of their jurisdiction's annual budget process. The PARTIES agree, prior to the start of Phase III, to negotiate an equitable cost-sharing arrangement to conduct Phase III work in 1997 based on the results of Phase II, The PARTIES agree, prior to the start of Phase III, to update the work program, budget, and schedule (shown as DRAFT in Attachment B) for Phase III work in 1997 to reflect the negotiated equitable cost-sharing arrangement. Amendment or Termination This agreement may be amended, altered, clarified or extended only by the expressed agreement of all parties to the agreement pursuant to notification of each parties' legislative or executive branch as required by each signatory to this agreement. Amendments to this agreement will address work programs, schedules, and budgeting and will be attached to and incorporated herein as necessary. The next amendment to the Interlocal Exhibit "A" - Resolution No. 2797 -2- Adopted 1/21197 Agreement is anticipated to be negotiated in late 1997 for continuation of work into 1998 and beyond. All amendments will be reviewed by the Green River Basin Technical Committee prior to the expiration of the existing agreement. This agreement may be terminated by any of the PARTIES upon ninety days written notice. In the event of terrination, the PARTIES are each responsible for their one-third share of all costs incurred up to the effective date of termination. Duration The duration of this agreement shall be one year from the amended date of adoption, to expire no later than December 31, 1997. This duration is effective provided that the annual work programs and budgets are approved in accordance with Sections 2 and 6 of the original agreement. Exhibit "A" - Resolution No. 2797 3 Adopted 1/21/97 Effectiveness This agreement shall become effective upon signature by all PARTIES to the agreement. Approved As To Form: King County Prosecuting Attorney King County Executive Date: Attest By: 0 . k-r, City Attorney, City of Auburn Mayor, City of Auburn Date: �' 4 } Attest By: City Attorney, City of Kent Mayor, City of Kent Date: Attest By: TB:acJ30 96-4 Exhibit "A" - Resolution No. 2797 -4- Adopted 1/21/97 "ATTACHMENT A" MILL CREEK BASIN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT EXTENSION (JAN 1 1997-DEC 31 1997 BUDGET AND WORK PROGRAM,MILL CREEK BASIN FLOOD CONTROL PLAN for: COMPLETION OF PHASE H ONLY BUDGET ITEM Staff Salaries and Benefits 41,265 Supervisory and Support Services 11,470 Consulting Services (a) 121,295 Supplies/miscellaneous 7,326 1997 PHASE II TOTAL: $ 181,356 One third of 1997 Phase II Total (b): $ 60,452 apiece NOTES: (a) Estimated 1997 Phase II consulting costs are detailed below. (b) Phase II costs will be shared by King County and the Cities of Auburn and Kent($ 60,452)apiece. WORK PROGRAM ESTIMATED TASK DESCRIPTION WORK PRODUCTS COST CONSULTING SERVICES COMPLETE PHASE II: - Revise Draft Flood Control -Completed Draft Flood Control Plan No new costs Alternatives Report -Approximate modeling of -Determine effectiveness and benefits of 5,575 Alternative E Alternative E -Investigate and describe financing -Recommended funding mechanism(s) 101,320 options and associated organization and organizational structure for Flood structures to implement the Flood Control Plan implementation Control Plan -Field investigations and survey in -Confirmed elevations of hydraulic 14,400 winter 1997 conditions controls and extent of saturated areas 1997 PHASE II CONSULTING COSTS: $ 121,295 KING COUNTY STAFF: Salaries and Benefits -Project Management: Flood Control Plan 261765 -Manage Phase II Consultant Contract -Participate in Mill Creek SAMP process -Respond to requests -Monitor water surface elevations 1 14,500 STAFF COSTS for 1997 PHASE II: $ 41,265 TB:acJmi42 96-4 Exhibit "A" - Resolution No. 2797 Adopted 1/21/97 '*' DRAFT "• "ATTACHMENT B" MILL CREEK BASIN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT EXTENSION (JAN 1. 1997-DEC 31,1997) DRAFT BUDGET AND WORK PROGRAM,MILL CREEK BASIN FLOOD CONTROL PLAN for: INITIATION OF PHASE III BUDGET ITEM Staff Salaries and Benefits 26,530 Supervisory and Support Services 11,470 Consulting Services (a) 105,349 Supplies/miscellaneous 7,326 ESTIMATED 1997 Phase III TOTAL $ 150,910 Cost-share of 1997 Phase III Total ): to be ne otiated Maximum Grand Total for 1997 (c): $322,266 NOTES: (a) Estimated 1997 Phase III consulting costs are detailed below. (b)Phase III costs during 1997 will be shared according to a percent breakdown to be negotiated by July 1, 1997,and based on the results of the Phase which II financial analysis. (c) The maximum Mill Creek budget for 1997 shall not exceed a total of$322,266, is a continuation budget from previous years. This maximum grand total is a sum of the 1997 Phase II total in Attachment A($181,356)and the estimated 1997 Phase III total in Draft Attachment B ($ 150,910). PROGRAM ESTIMATED TASK DESCRIPTION WORK PRODUCTS COST CONSULTING SERVICES: INITIATE PHASE III: -Environmental Review of -Environmental documents in process 90,349 Draft Flood Control Plan -Finalize Flood Control Plan -Final Mill Creek Flood Control Plan 15,000 1997 PHASE III ESTIMATED CONSULTING COSTS $ 105,349 KING COUNTY STAFF: Salaries and Benefits -Project Management: Flood Control Plan -Manage Phase III Consultant Contract -Participate in Mill Creek SANT process -Respond to requests STAFF COSTS for 1997 PHASE III: $ 26,765 TB:acJ43 96-4 Exhibit "A" - Resolution No. 2797 Adopted 1/21/97 Kent City Council Meeting Date February 18 , 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: LIVE BURN SIMULATOR PROJECT - AUTHORIZATION & BUDGET CHANGE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorization to use $73 , 000 from the unallocated CIP funds toward the Live Burn Simulators pro- ject, and authorization for the Mayor to sign the required addendums modifying the original contract to include Fire Administration' s requests. Due to the existing fire training tower structure and the change in technology, the final design of the live burn simulators had to be modified. Fire Administration requests additional funds in the amount of $35, 000 to meet the intent of the project after it had been previously reduced in scope. Additionally, Fire Administration proposes adding back the option which deals with the flash over function on one of the simulators. This function would be less costly to add at this time, yet the overall benefit in flexibility and creating realism warrants this request. Both of these requests would enable the Fire Department to meet basic training needs of personnel and put them in a position to invite other agencies to use the system, which would assist in offsetting operational costs. 3 . EXHIBITS: Executive summary 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Fire Admin. & Operations Committee (3-0) (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $73 , 000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: CIP Unallocated Funds $35 , 000 - option: Unallocated CIP Funds $38 . 000 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3H EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FEBRUARY 18, 1997 TO: COUNCIL PRESIDENT CHRISTI HOUSER COUNCILMEMBERS JON JOHNSON, JIM BENNETT, CONNIE EPPERLY, JUDY WOODS, LEONA ORR AND TIM CLARK JIM WHITE, MAYOR FROM: NORMAN G. ANGELO, FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: LIVE BURN SIMULATORS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bac ground: On July 2, 1996, the Council approved funding from the remaining Public Safety Bond Fund to supply two (2) live burn simulators to provide required live fire training for firefighters. As we moved through final design, it became apparent that the building structural components dictated modification of the preliminary plan. Funding was limited, therefore the scope of the project was scaled down once again. To meet the necessary functional level, we have had to make some revisions to the project. We will be adding outside mounting platforms and modifying additional internal walls. Limitations in Washington Natural Gas Company's grid system required our installation of a larger gas delivery system to ensure minimum operating gas pressure for the burn simulators can be maintained. We have stretched resources as far as we can by doing as much in house work as possible. We are requesting additional funds to meet the minimal functionality of the project, which was previously reduced in scope. We are requesting an additional $35,000 from the un-allocated CIP Funds. On another matter related to the simulators, we would Like to request your consideration to add back one of the system functions that had to be dropped to stay within the original budget. It is the flash over option on one of the props. This simulating option is one that we encounter in field emergencies frequently. To include it would add significant capability for us to create a greater variety of drills with more realism. This option would cost an additional $38,000 from the un- allocated balance of the CIP. I will describe in more detail the purpose of this function at your meeting. It is my belief that this will bring long term training benefits that would justify this expenditure. Recommendation: Fire Administration and personnel assisting with the project recommend that supplemental funding be granted. Significance: This would allow us to address the unforeseeable changes and to provide basic functionality. It will also enable us to provide basic training to our personnel and test the concept of getting other departments to participate in training and assisting to cover operational costs. I BuudzeL Request I $35,000 from un-allocated CIP Funds Request II $38,000 from un-allocated CIP Funds Alternatives: Assume full responsibility for maintenance with significantly reduced warranty coverage. 2 Kent City Council Meeting Date February 18 , 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: YOUTH SPORTS FACILITIES GRANT - ACCEPTANCE & BUDGET CHANGE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept and change budget for the $66,989 . 00 Youth Sports Facilities Grant. By letter dated January 10, 1997 , Parks Planning & Development was awarded a $66, 989 . 00 Youth Sports Facilities Grant (YSFG) from King County Parks and Cultural Resources Department for improvements to Kent Memorial Park Tot Lot. 3 . EXHIBITS: Copy of King County Miscellaneous Services contract and confirmation letter 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff and Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $66 989 SOURCE OF FUNDS: King County Parks and Cultural Resources Department, Youth Sports Facilities Grant 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3I King County Parks and Cultural Resources Department 506 Second Avenue Suite 1108 Seattle,QUA 98104-311 (206)296-7503 (206)296-8686 FAX January 10. 1997 Helen Wickstrom City of Kent Parks and Recreation 220 4th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 Dear Ms. Wickstrom: Enclosed please find a Miscellaneous Services Contract with required attachments for your 1997 Youth Sports Facilities Grant for improvements to Kent Memorial Park. Please return four signed copies, including attachments as outlined on page one of your contract, to the following address: Kevin Brown King County Department of Parks and Recreation 506 2nd. Avenue, Suite 1621 Seattle, WA 98104 Completed contracts will take three to four weeks to process. Please do not incur any costs until your contract has been transmitted and you have been given notice to proceed. Should you have any questions about the contract or grant program, or need assistance, please call me at 296-4289. Sincerely, I Kevin Brown Program Administrator rF✓ Ring County Contract # 223747D Federal Taxpayer I.D. # DEPARTMENT/DIVISION Parks and Recreation CONTRACTOR City of Rent Parks and Recreat on De t. PROJECT TITLE Rent Memorial Park Tot of R storation CONTRACT AMOUNT S 66,989 FUND CODE CONTRACT PERIOD 1/1/97 TO 12 31 97 RING COUNTY MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES CONTRACT - 1996 THIS CONTRACT is entered into by RING COUNTY (the "County") , and (the "Contractor") , City of Rent Parks and Recreation Da t. Whose address is 220 4th. Ave. S. Kent WA 98032 WHEREAS, the County desires to have certain services performed by the Contractor as described in the contract, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of payments, covenants, and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties covenant and do mutually agree as follows: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Contractor shall provide services and comply with the requirements set forth hereinafter and in the following attached exhibits which are incorporated herein by reference: I IScope of Services Attached hereto as Exhibit A I(Personnel Inventory Report lR C C. 12.161 Attached hereto as Exhibit N/A I(Affidavit of Compliance (R C C. 12.161__ Attached hereto as Exhibit N/A I IM�no itv/women's Business (R C.C. 4.181_ Attached hereto as Exhibit waiver I (Assurance of Compliance Section 504 Attached hereto as Exhibit N/A I ICertificate(s) of Insurance Attached hereto as Exhibit B I IRewest for Proposal No. Attached hereto as Exhibit N/A y(Response to Request for Proposal, Dated Attached hereto as Exhibit N/A ; ;Tong Term Use Agreement Attached hereto as Exhibit C Bud et Attached hereto as Exhibit D udit Information Attached hereto as Exhibit E Invoicing Procedures Attached hereto as Exhibit F Addendum Attached hereto as Exhibit G M SERVICES 96 1 10/95 II. DURATION OF CONTRACT This Contract shall commence on the 1st day of January. 1997, and shall terminate on the 31st day of December , 1997, unless extended or terminated earlier, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Contract. III. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT A. The County shall reimburse the Contractor for satisfactory completion of the services and requirements specified in this Contract in an amount not to exceed $ 66.989 in the following manner: Pa able monthl u on submission of required records in accordance with terms and conditions in this contract includin attached exhibits. B. The Contractor shall submit its final invoice and such other documents as are required pursuant to this Contract within ten (10) days of completion of the Scope of Services. Unless waived by the County in writing, failure by the Contractor to submit the final invoice and required documents will relieve the County from any and all liability for payment to the Contractor for the amount set forth in such invoice or any subsequent invoice. C. If the Contractor fails to comply with any terms or conditions of this Contract or to provide in any manner the work or services agreed to herein, the County may withhold any payment due the Contractor until the County is satisfied that corrective action, as specified by the County, has been completed. This right is in addition to and not in lieu of the county's right to terminate this Contract as provided in Section IX below. IV. MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS A. The Contractor shall maintain accounts and records, including personnel, property, financial, programmatic records and other such records as may be deemed necessary by the County to ensure proper accounting for all contract funds and compliance with this Contract. All such records shall sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended and services provided in the performance of this Contract. B. These records shall be maintained for a period of six (6) years after termination hereof unless permission to destroy them is granted by the Office of the Archivist in accordance with RCW Chapter 40.14, or unless a longer retention period is required by law. M SERVICES 96 2 10/95 ;Z� Kent City Council Meeting Date February 18, 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM YOUTH/TEEN TO SKATE PARK 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Transfer of $49,260 from the Youth/Teen budget, and accept and change the budget for the $153 from the sale of plans during Skate Park bidding. Additions to the construction contract with T.F. Sahli Construction included Change Order Number One which added the bowl area, and Change Order Number Two which added sodding, landscaping and sales tax. The $49, 260 is needed to pay off these change orders. 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff and Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: Transfer $49 ,260 from the Youth/Teen Budget and accept the change budget for $153 from plan sales during Skate Park bidding 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3J 1d4 Kent City Council Meeting Date February is, 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: TIB GRANT AGREEMENT - AUTHORIZATION 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for the Mayor to sign the TIB (Transportation Improvement Board) Grant Agreement for engineering design of the 272nd/277th Corridor project. Funds associated with this agreement total $1, 567, 127 . 3 . EXHIBITS: TIB Grant agreement, Public Works Committee minutes and Public Works Director memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3K DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS January 31, 1997 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Don Wickstrom W RE: 272nd/277th Street Corridor TIB Project Agreement This is an added item for the Public Works Committee agenda, February 5th. We are requesting authorization for the Mayor to sign the TIB Agreement with the State for the 272nd/277th Street Corridor project. Funds associated with this agreement total $1,567,127.00. ACTION: Recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the TIB Agreement for the 272nd/277th Street Corridor project. Transportation Improvement Account (TIA) Project Agreement for Design Proposal Lead Agency City of Kent Project Number Authority Number 9P-106(003)-1 9215119P Project Title&Description 272nd/277th Street Auburn Way North to Kent-Kangley Road Total Amount Authorized Authorization to Proceed Effective From $1,567,127 January 24, 1997 IN CONSIDERATION of the allocation by the Transportation Improvement Board of Transportation Improvement Account (TIA) funds to the project and in the amount set out above, the agency hereby agrees that as condition precedent to payment of any TIA funds allocated at any time to the above referenced project, it accepts and will comply with the terms of this agreement, including the terms and conditions set forth in RCW 47.26; the applicable rules and regulations of the Transportation Improvement Board, and all representations made to the Transportation Improvement Board upon which the fund allocation was based; all of which are familiar to and within the knowledge of the agency and incorporated herein and made a part of this agreement, although not attached. The officer of the agency, by the signature below hereby certifies on behalf of the agency that local matching funds and other funds represented to be committed to the project will be available as necessary to implement the projected development of the project as set forth in the DESIGN PROSPECTUS, acknowledges that funds hereby authorized are for the development of the design proposal as defined by Chapter 167, Laws of 1988. Projects in clean air non-attainment areas are subject to air quality conformity requirements as specified in RCW 70.94.The lead agency certifies that the project meets all applicable Clean Air Act requirements. IN CONSIDERATION of the promises and performance of the stated conditions by the agency, the Transportation Improvement Board hereby agrees to reimburse the agency from allocated TIA funds and not otherwise, for its reimbursable costs not to exceed the amount specified. Such obligation to reimburse TIA funds extends only to project costs incurred after the date of the Board's allocation of funds and authorization to proceed with the project LEAD AGENCY TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD Signature of MayorlChairman Date Executive Director Date Forth 190-056 Revised 01197 one on the west side; the east side project is what we were working on for a long time until everyone pulled out. Auburn wanted to do something so we looked at what we could do to determine what the elements of the project are and what the approximate costs are and refine that to see if there is a financing plan that can be developed amenable to all parties. If not, then we have a "go on your own" issue and no one does anything. Clark asked if there were any growth management requirements involved. Wickstrom noted that this overlaps with the federal SAMPS program (Special Area Management Plan) for the wetland protection and this is the flood control element in that wetland plan. We first determined what we could do with all the restrictions and we are now at the point of determining whether it is cost effective for us to participate at this time. Committee unanimously recommended authorization for the Mayor to sign the Amendment to the Mill Creelc Interlocal Agreement. Added item- 272nd/277th Corridor TIB Project Agreement Wickstrom explained that the TIB (Transportation Improvement Board) is giving us a grant for this project. Right not that grant's about $4.8 Million. After we conduct our Value Engineering Studies and they are aware of it, we will be asking for a $2.4 Million increase. We will then be in the neighborhood of a $7 Million grant. Wickstrom said that TIB has reviewed it and essentially approved our deviations in the design (i.e. no sidewalks down the hillside; we are putting in a widened shoulder). They also approved our request for engineering funds and that's essentially what this agreement is. They will give us $1.5 for engineering design and the Mayor's signature is required on this agreement. Committee unanimously recommended authorization for the Mayor to sign the TIB Agreement for the 272nd/277th Street Corridor project. 3 1/"/7 Kent City Council Meeting Date February 18 , 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: S.E. 274TH WAY HILLCLIMB GROUND IMPROVEMENT'S - ACCEPT AS COMPLETE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Director, accept as complete the SE 274th Way Hillclimb project and release retainage to Hayward Baker, Inc. upon standard releases from the state, and release of any liens. The original contract amount was $117 , 500. The final construction cost was $116, 600. 3 . EXHIBITS: Vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3L y 1 / 797X AV 3 BAW BOTH AVE 5 11 i � 1 v EAST VALLEY RD. m \\ o o TM VE 83TM AVE S 3AM �4 ^` \ 6 MAPLE ALANE /�I• \ \ STH m / rLt G STNE i 97TH ►LCc a 000� ter' \ ♦-__-_- /r/ :: 0 a I O/ y 1 r / BOTH L BOTH ►L =r O A V r J 101ST Z y i X33y� 102NO V r j. J H m l O3TH AVE BE u / _ ro m 108TH AVE SE _ o I 1067N AVE SE H ' J ( i 1 = 108TH AVE 3E 09TH AVE SE rn m r4 Lv log 110TH AVE CD ^' CT ` 0 19 to 10TN RVE 110 O S10TH .) x AYE 1 0 �..•�-" $E pi3Atl w1Sit y 11 111TH CT 111TH RYE f CT ` 112TH AVE BE l � MYTH AVE SE SE 274th Way Hillclimb Ground Improvements %f,� Kent City Council Meeting Date February 18 , 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: 100TH AVENUE OVERLAY - ACCEPT AS COMPLETE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Director, accept as complete the 100th Avenue Overlay project and release retainage to Lakeside Industries upon standard releases from the state, and release of any liens. The original contract amount was $199, 305. The final construction cost was $198,765. 33 . 3 . EXHIBITS: Vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3M 2ce Tn SA SE 208TH ST 5 lip ; At W za6 PL -paa 5 m I t7W cc = h a X•'�--J r. N W G GG��rr rL ¢o SE 210TN Q .u� ' n - PL S 211TH ST S 212TH ST T 4 ^ ''rP r+� SE 21 TH SE 212TH 4T PL 11 PL �f SE 212TM /1►�l•S• i 95)H PL 213 S 29TM EE eJ y�.J� 213 PL ro CT 32t 1 sn0 21: 213 FL 213TH SE 213TN PL ST 9i<„ W W }_ 214 W cc �fYJit O1 ¢ x 21 PL tR J�TH ST �^ � c ¢ cI r J x r W = 18TN T am. > y _ o m SE t 2I6TM 31 e > a = 4T e_ a { =i SE rx- m a N 2t6 n o 3 0 0 S oL SE 218TM 4{ 1 m a 1 a 210TH S 210TH ST % L•[ a\T , SE 219T TX PL F I � o / mo, n a SE 218TH P 1 � `r SE 220TN 37 2 219TM P r 222 PL ¢ 6 `-•i O SE x' 220TH T 2 2N0 STo2��� 222N0 ST IL '^ °ii u • l = -222N0 ST w SE 222Ni ST ;I m�NO al r- 2 N SE 22 j� SE 224TX 3T o �I 23PA PL a i 0 2214 PL,• 9?. 225 SE�• - ss ST 0\ D SE 225TH PL W 225 r ,•• 1 t ¢ 2 a Sf 2 226TH ST �+ T m fir N ¢ x o m SE 227Tn o 0 4 228TH --� H,•L 4 221TH ST 226 CT SE 228TH ST 2 TH ST 3E 228TH u i PROJECT a l{ t �o x w �29TH SOB 2 ST f� S 2 A < ( t" 230 ST LOCATION ¢ m u ph~b 1��y m ¢ SE 231 S ::: : 230 PL N~i ` � @ty T �•�t r e 232N0 37�� 12N0 ST a o S 232NO SE 232 T 232N0 ST `1J SE 232N0 FL t ( A o '• CT z 233 PL i 1 �3a IL � e O J 4 PL x. pb SE 238Tn ST ty SE 236TH ►L 236 FL J �61 a W 237TN ST / BOULDRON HAT ►,q pt, 237TN ¢ N• /1/ W fj W FI VI W o 3E 238TH 37` ,,� PL �S, ¢ ¢ ¢ 3 238TH °J ¢ ¢ W a 23e o o r < SE = 239TH ST h r R c� n = ¢ FIfIEM CT 2 m o o m a J S 240TH ST S 2391H PL s PL ., I W fl s 4 2411T ST 1' o m ¢ CE H .8 Sty ¢ S 242HO ST N = N 3 z4ztto ET 100th Avenue Overlay .P CNIL AN TEMPERANCE ST y Q1 m ! a IT r SMITH gT 2VVTH °f /�/1 Kent City Council Meeting Date February 18 . 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: BOXMAKER - CORRECTED BILL OF SALE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorization to delete 60 feet of san of ovements from 1Boxmaker, Inc. billfoftsalesacceptance,torm sewer lasr the recommended by the Public Works Director. At the February 4th Council meeting the bill of sale for Boxmaker, Inc. located at S. 290th St. & 62nd Ave. South was accepted in full which included 60 feet of sanitary sewers and 7490 feet of storm sewers. It has since been determined that these sewer improvements were private construction and as such, this portion of the bill of sale needs to be amended. 3 . EXHIBITS: vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS' 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3N 1 \\\ 1 I 181ST ST I I \\\ 1 1 tf rl /r Rr YERStOf\\\� �/ •S I82ND g r _�- °' OR e' i 1 PROJECT LOCATION 9 IBBTH 9 ecc CY / I, 14 S 188TH ST VI 1 GLACIER ST W S 190TH ST C � S I H ST iT 11 N y lu II 4 -- : ------- b b f (O 'Vv ¢ % / S 194TH ST Q� Q / 8 198TN ST j / ? IrRtn �; of~r Pp S 196TH ST ? / / n / v I 1\ TB1 yov S 200TH STcc � J s 202ND ;TH ST N Lei i i "�•" Pa. S 204TN ST C i/ 's 1 r E+ II m; 20` ST I1 W; \\ 1 1 1 S 2097N \1 JT5. v II LL 11 > / 1 . I ' i r� — % 1 %� ao /� BOXMAKER //,/I Kent City Council Meeting Date February 18. 1997 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: KENT NORTH CORPORATE PARK, PHASE II - BILL OF SALE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Director, authorization to accept the bill of sale for Kent North Corporate Park, Phase II submitted by Pacific Northwest eration and maintenance of 2, 164 feet Group A, for continuous op of water main and 417 feet of sanitary sewer improvements and release of bonds after the expiration period. The project is located at S. 184th Ave. & Both Ave. So. 3 . EXHIBITS: Vicinity map 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT:_ NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 30 (SW 43RD ST) S 180TH ST W ``. I I 161lT ST ¢ \ o OP \ i i S 182ND •+;� Tt r YFRSIDE r i •+Ses a r�+ .?: ,y ►3` a�, W ToaD > _ � W at 219 o w PRO ECT f s q e1 LOC 10 �' w 3 188TH ST v w a R ST 4+ „44ii 3 188TH ST / a S Z S 190TH 3T S 190TH ST �1PEE N s, S 192N0 ST 3 1947X 3T ' 1 S 197 ST l W coa ul co —.� r r S 200TM ST k; d o m 3 9 202N0 V 3T � : S. O1 202N0 J x x1 > y o� y.; S 204TM ST JA; o x zc m. 0 a W S a PL 206TM ST M: 3 206TH ST t VI pa• _ i � NTs• \ 3 208TH 3T 14 �aB iH 9 S 20STM W S 212TH ST •1 ..}I I• l 95TR P. N - Kent North Corporate Park Phase II 3 218TM ST i 5 216TH ST 141 Kent City Council Meeting Date February 18 . 1997 Category Other Business 1. SUBJECT: GREEN RIVER CORRIDOR ZONING CODE AMENDMENT ZCA-97-1 - ORDINANCE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The Land Use and Planning Board recom- mends approval to amend Kent Zoning Code Section 15. 08 .260. This proposed amendment would modify certain regulations in the Green River Corridor Special Interest District. This action was initiated through a regulatory review request. 3 . EXHIBITS: Staff report dated 2/10/97; Land Use and Planning Board minutes of 2/10/97; ordinance; and memo 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Land Use and Planning Board (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO ✓ YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember !f: ' moves, Councilmember KIIJIL seconds to adopt Ordinance No. modifying certain regulations in the Green River Corridor Special Interest Districts DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 4A CITY OF IMBIT Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (206) 859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P. Harris,Planning Director CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM February 10, 1997 MEMO TO: STEVE DOWELL,CHAIR AND LAND USE&PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS FROM: MATTHEWS JACKSON, PLANNER/GIS COORDINATOR SUBJECT: 4ZCA-97-1 - GREEN RIVER CORRIDOR REGULATIONS - REGULATORY REQUEST (VOLCHOK) INTRODUCTION On February 23, 1981, the Kent City Council approved the Valley Studies which created the Green River Corridor Special Interest District. Definitions, regulations and standards for the district were established by Ordinance #2544 on March 19, 1985. The purpose of the district is to protect, conserve and manage areas generally located on both sides of the Green River, and to ensure that urban development within the district is compatible with the open natural configuration of the Green River and its adjacent lands. The Green River Corridor Special Interest District can be generally described as the land located within one thousand (1,000) feet from the ordinary high water line of the Green River, provided that the shoreline master program shall govern development within the first two hundred (200) feet. Various aspects of development in the special district including building length, building height, parking facilities, loading doors, and landscaping are regulated in Section 15.08.260 of the Kent Zoning Code. The Planning Department received a request for a regulatory review of the Green River Corridor Special Interest District regulation relating to the maximum length of exterior walls of buildings. Section 15.08.260 D(7) of the Kent Zoning Code states that "no building on any riverfront lot shall have an exterior wall parallel to, or within forty-five (45) degrees of parallel to, the river which exceeds two hundred (200) feet in length." The primary goal of this regulation is to preserve the aesthetic quality of the corridor by protecting views from both Frager and Russell Roads, which are classified as scenic and recreational roads/drives. Without this standard, there was the potential for the river to sit in a "canyon" of large industrial buildings and public access to any open space, trails, or park land along the river could be blocked. The request for regulatory review proposes that the limitation on the length of exterior walls of buildings be removed based on the fact that conditions 220 4[h AVE.SO. /KENT WASHINOTON 98032-5895 i TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX 0 859-1334 Green River Corridor Regulations - #ZCA-97-1 February 10, 1997 Page 2 have changed significantly since the Green River Corridor Special Interest District was established in 1981. The City has implemented regulations controlling development on properties which contain delineated wetlands. The policy by which the City is operating generally requires no net loss of wetland area and usually results in protection of wetlands and creation of twenty-five (25) or fifty (50) foot buffers. These regulations, established since 1981, have limited development on several riverfront properties. In addition,the City has purchased approximately 292 acres of land on the east side of the river between South 212th Street and South 228th Street. The Kent Lagoons are a regional stormwater management facility which includes both natural and created wetlands as well as enhanced wildlife habitat. This large area of land, which has industrial zoning, will be protected from development in the future. This project, in conjunction with the wetland regulations, have resulted in a large area of permanent open space located adjacent to the Green River. Properties located on the west side of the river are zoned for agricultural uses and have not seen significant development since 1981, nor is significant future development forseen in the City's Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION Staff concurs with the proposed change and recommends the following amendments to Section 15.08.260, Green River Corridor Special Interest District regulations: 15.08.260 (D)(7). Exterior walls of buildings. No building on any riverfront lot shall have an exterior wall parallel to, or within forty-five(45) degrees of parallel to, the river which exceeds two hundred (200) feet in length, except as provided below in subsection a. a. Buildings on riverfront lots in the MA Ml MI-C M2. and M3 zoning districts may have exterior walls parallel to or within forty-five (45) degrees of parallel to the river which exceed two hundred (200) feet in length provided they are screened by a by vegetative buffer per Section 15.08.260 (D)(9) c. 15.08.260 (D)(9). Vegetation buffer. c. Buildings on riverfront lots in industrial zoning districts which have exterior walls exceeding two hundred (200) feet in length parallel to or within forty-five (45) degrees of parallel to the river, must be screened by a vegetation buffer. This vegetative buffer shall be located along the length of the property line located parallel to or within forty-five (45) degrees of parallel to the river. for 2 Green River Corridor Special Interest District -4 ZCA-97-1 February 10, 1997 Page 3 a minimum depth of twenty(20) feet in accordance with Tyne III.Visual Buffer landscape standards (Section 15 07 050 Q. In addition an earth berm of a minimum of forty eight (48) inches in height must be provided for. Staff feels that circumstances have changed significantly since the inception of the Green River Corridor Special Interest District, and the proposed amendments will not harm the public interest, health, safety, or welfare. The river has been protected from a wall of development, and very few undeveloped industrial riverfront lots remain. A large portion of undeveloped property has been acquired by the City and will be preserved as open space through the Kent Lagoons project. The proposed vegetative buffer requirements will enhance the aesthetic quality of the Green River corridor. Planning Department staff will be available at the February 10th hearing to further explain the recommended zoning code amendments. If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please contact me at 859-4152. MJ/tbp:/public/zca97-l.mem cc: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager J CITY OF _Q���JS�J ZS a Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (206) 859-3390/FAX(206) 850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing February 10, 1997 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair Steve Dowell at 7:00 p.m. on February 10, 1997, in Chambers West of Kent City Hall. LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Dowell, Chair Brad Bell, Vice Chair Tom Brotherton Jerry Daman Ron Harmon David Malik Sharon Woodford LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Matthews Jackson, Planner/GIS Coordinator Teresa Beener, Administrative Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board member Sharon Woodford identified an error in the minutes. The date in the opening paragraph should be November 25, 1996 not May 29, 1996. Board member Ron Harmon MOVED to approve the minutes from the November 25, 1996 meeting with the correction as noted above and Board member David Malik SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None. COMMUNICATIONS None. 4ZCA-97-1 Green River Corridor Special Interest District Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 10, 1997 Page 2 NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Planning Director Jim Harris informed the Board that the next meeting will be a public hearing held on February 24, 1997, in City Council Chambers West at 7:00 p.m. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER Chair Steve Dowell introduced the new Land Use and Planning Board member Sharon Woodford. Chair Dowell requested that a letter of appreciation be written to past Board member Gloria LaBore for her hard work and dedication. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chair Steve Dowell opened the floor for nominations for chair and vice chair. Planning Director Jim Harris explained that offices can be reelected for a second term. Board member David Malik nominated Steve Dowell as chair and Brad Bell for vice chair and Board member Ron Harmon seconded the nomination. Ron Harmon MOVED and Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to close the nominations. Motion carried. Steve Dowell and Brad Bell were elected chair and vice chair. 4ZCA-97-1 GREEN RIVER CORRIDOR REGULATIONS (M. Jackson) Planner Matt Jackson explained that the planning department received a request for a regulatory review from Gary Volchok on behalf of the Benaroya Company. The request was to review section 15.08.260 of the Kent Zoning Code which relates to the Green River Corridor Special Interest District Regulations. The Green River Corridor Special Interest District is generally described as two strips of land within 1000 feet of the high water mark of the Green River on either side. Mr. Jackson explained that the regulatory review process was created by the City Council to give the public an opportunity to be involved in the regulatory process. The public can present suggestions for changes, deletions, or additions to the code. If the Council decides that the suggestion warrants merit they can refer the item to the Land Use & Planning Board for a public hearing; hence tonight's hearing. The staff reviewed Section 15.08.260 of the Kent Zoning Code that relates to the exterior walls of buildings on riverfront lots. At this time, the regulations limit the length of exterior walls that are parallel to or forty-five degrees (45°) of parallel to the river to a maximum length of 200 feet. The applicant has suggested that this regulation is no longer relevant based on significant changes in circumstances since the establishment of the Green River Corridor. The specific regulations for development in the corridor were established by Ordinance in 1985. The Corridor was established through the Valley Studies which were passed in 1981. The general intent 4ZC4-97-1 Green River Corridor Special Interest District Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 10, 1997 Page 3 of the regulations in the Corridor were to protect the environment of the areas near the Green River, to ensure that urban development that happened within that area was compatible with the natural characteristics of the Green River, and to protect any type of recreational land (parks, open space, etc.) that is located adjacent to the river. Mr. Jackson explained that since the regulations were enacted the City of Kent purchased approximately 292 acres of land. The City has established the area which is now known as the Kent Lagoons Project. The Kent Lagoons is a regional storm water, wetlands, and habitat area. Jackson. stated that this area is a substantial piece of property which will be permanently protected for open space and habitat. The City has established development standards for properties which contain wetlands. Jackson stated that there is a general policy of no net loss of wetlands. The City tries to protect any significant wetland and creates buffers of 25 to 50 feet around the wetland perimeter to protect their function as a wetland. The zoning on the west side of the river is agricultural. There has been no significant development in that area since these regulations went into place. The zoning and the Comprehensive Plan which the City Council passed in 1995 does not project any significant development in that area. Mr. Jackson explained that the general intent of the Corridor has been met. He stated that there are only a few undeveloped properties left in the Corridor and allowing for an adjustment in our standards is merited at this time. There are environmental constraints on some of the properties in this area which limits the way you can place the buildings on the lots. Staff recommends adding the following language as subsection(a) to the Kent Zoning Code Section 15.08.260 (D)(7): Buildings on riverfront lots in the MA, AIL MI-C :W2, and M3 zoning districts may have exterior walls parallel to, or within forty-five (45) degrees of parallel to, the river which exceed two hundred(200)feet in length,provided they are screened by a by vegetative buffer per Section 15.08.260 (D)(9)c; and adding the following language as subsection (c) to Section 15.08.260 (D)(9): Buildings on riverfront lots in industrial zoning districts which have exterior walls exceeding two hundred(200)feet in length parallel to, or within forty-five (45) degrees of parallel to, the river, must be screened by a vegetation buffer. This vegetative buffer shall be located along the length of the property line located parallel to, or within forty-five (45) degrees of 4ZCA-97-1 Green River Corridor Special Interest District Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 10, 1997 Page 4 parallel to, the river,for a minimum depth of twenty (20)feet in accordance with Type III, Visual Buffer landscape standards (Section 15.07.050 Q. In addition, an earth berm of a minimum of forty-eight (48) inches in height must be provided for. Jackson remarked that these changes would preserve the original intent of the Corridor and also allow for the flexibility that is necessary to develop the last few properties. Board member Ron Harmon questioned the area effected by this change. Jackson explained that the original request made by Mr.Volchok was more site specific. He clarified that the regulatory review is not a project specific review, it is a review of a regulation based on changes that have occurred since the regulation was enacted. Jackson remarked that there are other regulations which are a part of the Green River Corridor Special Interest District. At this time, staff is only proposing to amend this one condition. Board member Tom Brotherton asked staff to provide some history behind the original regulation. Mr. Jackson explained that this was a combination of issues to protect the river from encroachment by a wall of industrial buildings. He explained that the shoreline management acts and our shoreline standards in the City of Kent regulate properties within 200 feet of the ordinary high water mark of the river. No buildings may be placed within 200 feet of the river. There was a potential for a corridor of industrial buildings and the main intent of the regulations were to place buildings in the most desirable sense in an east west configuration as opposed to a north south direction. This was to provide open areas between buildings to protect the aesthetic quality of the river and provide access to open space. Chair Steve Dowell queried whether there was a maximum building length proposed. Jackson explained that staff is not proposing to limit the length. The buildings can be greater than 200 feet in length if they provide the vegetation buffer. They would have to provide that vegetation buffer to mitigate for the additional building length. Vice chair Brad Bell questioned what the maximum building size could be based on the size of the property. Jackson stated that Mr. Volchok could better address that question. He clarified that the change is merited with or without the applicant's project. Chair Steve Dowell questioned whether there were other regulations which restricted the activity of the warehouse such as the location of parking or loading docks which side faces the river, etc. Mr. Jackson explained that there is a regulation that prevents the dock high loading doors from facing the river and staff is not recommending any changes to that requirement at this time. 4ZCA-97-1 Green River Corridor Special Interest District Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 10, 1997 Page 5 Brotherton questioned whether the screening requirement was adequate to provide a visual screen for the facility from the meandering river viewpoints. Mr. Jackson explained that landscaping of a minimum of twenty (20) feet in depth in conjunction with the forty-eight inch (48") berm is an adequate visual screen. Mr. Harris added that the regulation would require all of the property line from the building to the river to be buffered and each building would require an individual landscape buffer. Mr. Jackson explained that the intent is not to have a 100% site obscuring screen but rather to provide a visual relief. Chair Steve Dowell opened the public hearing. Mr. Gary Volchok, 1420 Fifth Avenue#1700, Seattle, WA 98101. Mr. Volchok explained that he is representing the Benaroya Company who is attempting to attain approximately 58 acres from the 292 acres the City presently owns. He explained that the majority of this land is being used for flood control, storm water retention, wetlands, and the like. He stated that out of the 58 acres being acquired 33 acres are net usable. The other 25 acres are the buffer zones and the existing wetlands. He explained that Benaroya is not encroaching, moving, or attempting to fill any of the existing wetlands. Mr. Volchok related that he was an active participate in the development of the Valley Studies. He explained that at the time the study was written UP had owned the majority of this property. The City limited the building length to no greater than 200 feet along the river to prevent a wall effect along the Green River. Volchok stated that the wetlands regulation came into effect and basically wiped out the ability to develop properties in these areas. The City then purchased 292 acres. The Benaroya company worked with the City to come up with a plan to purchase and develop 58 acres. Mr. Volchok explained that the Benaroya company is proposing to first class development. The buildings would be heavily landscaped and the road being proposed is a full four lane with a landscaped median. Chair Steve Dowell questioned the building layout. Mr. Volchok identified the parking for building "C" would be located in back and on the north and south. He stated that the dock high doors were located on the west side of the building. Vice Chair Brad Bell clarified that the plans being proposed have not been approved and the Board is not taking any specific action on these individual plans. 4WA-97-1 Green River Corridor Special Interest District Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 10, 1997 Page 6 Mr.Volchok explained that the Benaroya company wants to work with the City. They want to move forward on the construction and already have received a fill and grade permit for the property. Board member Jerry Daman questioned what the color of the building would be. Mr. Volchok explained that Mr. Benaroya likes to go with natural tones. Daman commented that he is concerned with the location of the doors. Mr. Harris explained that the plans will be reviewed and those issues addressed administratively. The plans could be changed a number of times yet and the Board is not deciding based on this project; but rather amending the regulation. Board member David Malik questioned whether the loading docks or parking would be facing the Green River. Mr. Volchok stated that the loading docks would be on the side of the river 200 feet back from the river. Mr. Harris again stated that the issue would be addressed administratively or through a variance procedure before the Hearing Examiner. Harmon MOVED and Daman SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing. Motion carried. Harmon questioned the staff reasoning for expanding the area effected from the original request. Mr. Harris explained that regulations are developed to be good for the whole and limiting an exception to one specific project is not the intent. Vice Chair Brad Bell MOVED and Malik SECONDED a motion to recommend approval of staff s recommendation as detailed above. Motion carried. Board member Ron Hannon MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED a motion to adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, (jecording es P. Harris Secretary C.\USERS\DOC\LAN D U S E\M IN UTES\PCM[NO5.29 4ZCA-97-1 Green River Corridor Special Interest District ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Chapter 15 of the Kent City Code to revise development standards of the Green River Corridor Special Interest District relating to building length on riverfront lots. WHEREAS, in 1981 the Kent City Council approved the Valley Studies Program creating the Green River Corridor Special Interest District to protect, conserve and manage areas generally located on both sides of the Green River, and to ensure that urban development within the district is compatible with the open natural configuration of the Green River and its adjacent lands; and WHEREAS, the Kent City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2544 on March 19, 1985 in order to provide definitions, regulations, and standards for the Green River Corridor Special Interest District; and WHEREAS, one of the regulations adopted by Ordinance No. 2544 states that no building on any riverfront lot shall have an exterior wall parallel to or within forty- five degrees of parallel to the river which exceeds two hundred (200) feet; and WHEREAS, since 1985 significant changes to development regulations on environmentally sensitive lands and the creation of the Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area have resulted in the protection of a substantial portion of the east side of the Green River Corridor Special Interest District from future urban development; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Green River Corridor Special Interest District has been met by a land use pattern which is compatible with the open natural configuration of the Green River and its adjacent lands and few undeveloped industrial properties remain within the Green River Corridor: and WHEREAS, the Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing on February 10, 1997 and moved to recommend revisions to the Green River Corridor Special Interest District regulations to the Kent City Council; and WHEREAS, the Kent City Council concurs with the Land Use and Planning Board and finds amendments to the Green River Corridor Special Interest District regulations would assist the City and the public by allowing more flexibility in site design for the few remaining industrial sites near the Green River; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 15.08.260 of the Kent City Code entitled "Green River Corridor Special Interest District Regulations" is hereby amended by amending subsection (D)7 and by adding new subsection (D)7(a), and by amending subsection (D)9 by adding new subsection (D)9(c) as follows: Sec. 15.08.260 Green River Corridor special interest district regulations A. Purpose. The Green River Corridor special interest district is hereby created to protect, conserve and manage areas generally located on both sides of the Green River, and to ensure that urban development within the district is compatible with the open natural configuration of the Green River and its adjacent lands. B. Location. 1. The Green River Corridor special interest district is that area of the city one thousand (1,000) feet from the ordinary high-water line of the Green River; provided that the shoreline master program shall govern development within the first two hundred (200) feet of the ordinary high-water line of the river. The district is more particularly described as follows: Two (2) strips of land each eight hundred (800.00) feet in width which begin at the north city limit line, on March 4, 1985, and end at the south city limit line, which south line ends in Section 30, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. Each strip shall be measured from each side of the Green River and the measurement shall be two hundred (200) feet from the ordinary high-water line of the river, all in King County, Washington; except any portions thereof lying outside of the city limits. This district shall also include unique and fragile areas beyond the one-thousand-foot corridor. The strips of land described in this subsection and the unique and fragile areas are illustrated on the hazard area development limitations map, attached to the ordinance from which this section is derived as exhibit A and by this reference incorporated in this section. 2. Property exemption. Property platted in accordance with the city subdivision code, Ordinance No. 1840, before March 2, 1981 (adoption of the Valley Studies), shall be exempt from the provisions of this section. C. Unique and fragile overlay zone. 1. Created. There is hereby created a unique and fragile overlay zone. The location and boundaries of the zone, to be known as unique and fragile areas, class I, and unique and fragile areas, class 11, are more particularly described on the hazard area development 3 limitations map, referred to in subsection B. of this section as Exhibit A. 2. Purpose. The purpose of the overlay zone is to implement the adopted policies of the Valley Studies Program. 3. Development limitations. a. Unique and fragile areas, class L Uses within the unique and fragile areas, class I, shall be limited to agricultural uses permitted in the A-1 (agricultural) zone, as set out in section 15.04.005. b. Unique and fragile areas, class H. Unique and fragile areas, class II, lie within a flood control district and are specifically designated floodways or floodway fringe areas. There shall be no disruption or destruction of areas identified as unique and fragile areas, class II, except new dikes and levees constructed for public safety reasons. Such improvements shall be designed so as not to intrude within unique and fragile areas, class II. Where class II areas are not surrounded by class I areas, a one-hundred-foot buffer shall be provided between the class II area and the allowed use. D. Development standards. 1. Green River access. No building or lot within the district shall be constructed or created without providing access to the Green River via public sidewalks or a private trail system. Such sidewalks or private trail systems shall connect to riverside public trails or scenic drives at intervals of one thousand (1,000) feet or less in industrial developments, and intervals of five hundred (500) feet or less in residential developments. 2. Pedestrian access in residential development. In residential 4 developments, pedestrian access to the Green River shall be accomplished without crossing streets or roads, except scenic and recreational roads, unless clearly shown to be infeasible. 3. Parking facilities. Parking facilities for access to the Green River shall be located as near as practicable to riverfront parks or historic sites and shall be clustered in lots not exceeding thirty (30) cars. Every public parking area shall be visible from a street accessible to the public and be situated so that the public can clearly see riverfront open space and gain access to the public portion of that open space. 4. Payment in lieu of parking facilities. The city may accept or require payment in lieu of providing parking facilities which are required as a condition of the issuance of development permits. 5. Loading dock location. Loading docks shall not be constructed on river-facing sides of buildings located on riverfront lots. 6. Building height. Buildings located outside the two-hundred-foot shoreline management zone but within the district shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height. 7. Exterior walls of buildings. No building on any riverfront lot shall have an exterior wall parallel to, or within forty-five (45) degrees of parallel to, the river which exceeds two hundred (200) feet in length, except as follows: buildings on riverfront lots in the MA. M1 M1-C M2 and M3 zoning districts may have exterior walls parallel to or within foM-five (45) degrees of parallel to the river which exceed two hundred (200) feet in length provided they are screened by a vegetative buffer per Section 15 08 260 (D)9(c). 8. Lots. a. Each riverfront lot within a subdivision shall contain area sufficient to comply with minimum lot size requirements of chapter 15.04 and provide a public access easement and building setback line as required by this section. b. No subdivision of professional and office (0), general commercial (GC), industrial agricultural (MA), industrial park (Ml) and limited industrial (M2) zoned land shall be approved unless each lot within the subdivision has an upland boundary at least five hundred (500) feet from the ordinary high-water line of the river. 9. Vegetation buffer. a. A permanent vegetation buffer, in accordance with subsection 15.07.050 C. pertaining to landscaping type III, shall be maintained or established for each building or use within the district. Any materials storage yard, truck maneuvering area, equipment parking area,junkyard, refuse storage or similar use within the district shall install such a permanent vegetative buffer between the use and the Green River within two (2) years of the effective date of the ordinance from which this section is derived. b. Landscape screening and buffer strips shall be planted in order to be harmonious with those already planted on adjacent properties and consistent with the city landscaping requirements as set out in chapter 15.07. C. Buildings on riverfront lots in industrial zoning_districts which have exterior walls exceedin2 two hundred (200) feet in length parallel to or within forty-five (45) degrees of parallel to the river must be screened by a vegetation buffer. This vegetative buffer shall be located along the length of the property line located parallel to, or within forty-five (45) degrees of parallel to, the river, for a 6 minimum depot of twenty_(20) feet in accordance with Type III Visual Buffer landscape standards pursuant to Section 15 07 050(c) In addition an earth berm of a minimum of forty-eight (48) inches in height must be provided for 10. Rail lines. No rail lines shall be permitted within five hundred (500) feet of the Green River; provided, however, rail lines shall be permitted to within three hundred (300) feet of the Green River in those locations specified on exhibit B attached to the ordinance from which this section is derived and by this reference incorporated in this section, such locations having been found to be best suited to rail. 11. Road access. All new lots and buildings shall be designed with primary street access to streets other than scenic and recreational roads, unless no other access is available. 12. Street connections. Development shall include no street connections to scenic and recreational roads, unless no other access is available. 13. Utilities. Utilities shall be installed in accordance with chapter 7.10. 14. Surface drainage facilities. Surface drainage facilities such as drainage channels and retention areas shall be designed to applicable city standards and shall be integral parts, if possible, of any common trail and open space system connections to the riverfront. E. Performance standards. 1. Fish and game requirements. The applicant shall comply with applicable requirements of the state department of fisheries and state department of game for preventing and mitigating adverse impacts on fish and wildlife resources and enhancing wildlife habitat. 2. Flood control works. If city funds are used in the construction of flood control works such as dikes. levees or floodwalls, public rights of access to such works shall be dedicated prior to construction, where practicable. SECTION 2. - Severahility. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shdi'i not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - E fective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from the time of its final approval and passage as provided by law. JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of 1997. APPROVED: day of 11997. PUBLISHED: day of 11997. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent. Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P-U.A W\ORDINANCIGRI V ER.ORD 8 CITY Of JL�.Luj n4T Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (206) 859-3390/FAX (206) 850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director MEMORANDUM February 18, 1997 MEMO TO: MAYOR JIM WHITE AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: JAMES P. HARRIS, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: GREEN RIVER CORRIDOR SPECIAL INTEREST DISTRICT REGULATIONS #ZCA-97-1 Attached is the Land Use and Planning Board's recommendation on proposed revisions to the Green River Corridor Special Interest District regulations(#ZCA-97-1). The Green River Corridor Special Interest District regulations regulate development within one thousand(1,000) feet of the high water mark of the Green River. The Planning Department received a request for regulatory review which proposed amending the development standards of Section 15.08.260 of the Kent Zoning Code in order to allow exterior walls of buildings on riverfront lots beyond the current two hundred (200) foot maximum. A workshop was held on January 27, 1997, at which time staff was able to familiarize the Land Use and Planning Board with the proposal. The Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing on February 10, 1997 and was able to make their recommendation at the conclusion of that meeting (see attached minutes). Section 15.08.260,Green River Corridor Special Interest District regulations currently limits exterior walls of buildings on riverfront lots which are parallel to, or within forty-five(45) degrees of parallel to, the river to a maximum length of two hundred (200) feet. The Land Use and Planning Board's recommendation would amend Section 15.08.260 allowing buildings to exceed two hundred (200) feet in length within industrial zoning districts if a vegetative buffer of a minimum of twenty (20) feet in depth is provided in conjunction with an earth berm of a minimum of forty-eight (48) inches in height. Planning Department staff will be available at the February 18, 1997 City Council meeting to further explain the recommended zoning amendment and to answer any questions. MJ/mp/c/cc97-1.mem Attachments cc: Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Matthews Jackson, Planner/GIS Coordinator 3104th AVE.SO. /KENT WASHINGTON 980.31-5895 1 TELEPHONE 2061859-3300/FAX a 859-3334 /X/f Kent City Council Meeting Date February 18 , 1997 Category Bids 1. SUBJECT: KENT ADA BUS ZONE IMPROVEMENTS 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Bid opening for this project was held on February loth with three bids received. The low bid was submitted by T.F. Sahli Construction of Seahurst, Washington, in the amount of $69, 820.92 . The Engineer' s estimate was $54, 968 .31. The project consists of improving several bus zones within the City to meet the current ADA standards. It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director to award the Kent ADA Bus Zone Improvements contract to T.F. Sahli Construction for the bid amount of $69,820.92 . 3 . EXHIBITS: Memo 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNZL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $69 , 820.92 SOURCE OF FUNDS: City Sidewalk Fund (R33) -- King county Transit & State CPSPTA-Grant Funds 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember + � moves, Councilmember tx- seconds that the Kent ADA Bus Zone Improvements contract be awarded to T.F. Sahli Construction for the bid amount of $69, 820.92 . DISCUSSION• ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 5A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS February 13, 1997 TO: Mayor &-City Counci FROM: Don Wickstrom RE: ADA Bus Zone Improvements Bid opening for this project was held on February 1 Oth with 3 bids received. The low bid was submitted by T.F. Sahli Construction in the amount of $69,820.92. The Engineer's estimate was $54,968.31. It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the ADA Bus Zone Improvements contract be awarded to T.F. Sahli Construction for the bid amount of $69,820.92. Bid Summary T.F. Sahli Construction 69,820.92 West Coast Construction 71,517.50 Kodo Construction 77,166.08 Engineer's Estimate 54,968.31 MOTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds that the ADA Bus Zone Improvements contract be awarded to T.F. Sahli Construction for the bid amount of $69,820.92. CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A. R E P O R T S A. COUNCIL PRESIDENT B. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE C. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE D. PLANNING COMMITTEE E. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE F. PARKS COMMITTEE G. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE February 5, 1997 PRESENT: Tim Clark Tom Brubaker Judy Woods Gary Gill Connie Epperly Don Wickstrom Kathy Larson - Representative from the Chamber of Commerce LID 345 S. 218th Street Improvement Charge in Lieu of Assessment Wickstrom stated that at the time of constructing this LID, the City added utility connections necessary to specific properties. The City paid for those connections out of the sewer and water utility funds. In order for the City to recouperate those funds, we are asking for authorization to establish a Charge in Lieu of Assessment. The charge will become payable by the property owner at the time of connection to the utility. Wickstrom noted that on the Rust's property, (Parcel #7) they were inadvertently connected before we had this approved however they did pay the Metro charge but they didn't pay these charges. Committee unanimously recommended authorizing staff to establish a Charge in Lieu of Assessment fee for water and sewer as denoted for Assessment Numbers 1 and 5 in LID 345. I indental Lot/277th Corridor Lot - Property Exc_ hang Wickstrom said when we first started the Corridor project, the plat of Lindental had already platted and as part of preserving the project, we were able to buy Lots 58 and 59 for a detention site. Wickstrom stated we know what we need to do in that area; we actually have one of the lots we don't need but we do have a sewer project out in that same area, Lot 31, which is going to involve another major pump station. Wickstrom said we have negotiated a trade of Lot 58 for Lot 31 because all of our property evaluations show that Lot 31 is actually worth a little more because it is encumbered with utility easements and Lot 58 doesn't have a sewer stub. He said that we are recommending Lot 58 be surplused and used as part of the deal for Lot 31 plus $7000. Committee unanimously recommended authorization to surplus Lot 58 of the Lindental plat for partial payment of Lot 31 . 1 b0/10'd TLb# oS:ol VT-Zo`L66T 6SSZ 6SB 30Z ONI2�33NION3 1N3X d0 A-L13: WOdd 277th Corridor Condemnation - Authorization Brubaker stated that the City is in the process of commencing construction of portions of this major project. We have negotiated to purchase much of the right of way necessary to complete this project but not all of it. He noted that we still need to purchase additional agricultural land in the valley along 277th. We have been negotiating with two property owners hope to settle this soon. Nevertheless, if we can't reach agreement we need to promptly rush to condemnation so we can get an order of Public Use &_Necessity which will allow us the right of entry on the property. If we delay too long in starting the eminent domain proceedings, we may loose our window of opportunity to continue construction this year. Brubaker requested approval to prepare a Condemnation Ordinance to be approved at the next Council meeting so that we can move quickly when and if the time comes to start the eminent domain proceedings and commence condemnation. Connie Epperly asked how close we were with the negotiations. Brubaker stated that we are very close with one of the property owners to at least a short term solution that will allow us to begin construction and not prejudice the City's position in condemnation. With the other parcel, we are seeking a second appraisal of the property to confirm that we are malting a reasonable and appropriate offer and we are hopeful that when that is completed, we will be able to negotiate a purchase rather than have to go to condemnation. Committee unanimously recommended that Council authorize condemnation proceedings on the two properties in question adjacent to the 277th Street Corridor project. Mill Creek Interlocal Agreement Wicicstrom explained that we have been working a long time with King County and Auburn on the actual Auburn Mill Creek running south of the river down Peasley Canyon. We have participated in the project which will determine how to address flood control in that basin. Our costs are about 1/3 and right now we are down to a point of finalizing a plan and coming up with a cost recommendation. He said that this work. should have been done last year; the money was set aside to do it. It is down to the bottom line; we have looked at all the alternatives and know what we need to do; it's simply determining now who pays what and what is reasonable for Kent to pay. In response to Clark, Wicltstrom said this is a separate agreement relating just to the Auburn-Mill Creek; trying to solve those flooding problems in that basin where, by acreage we contribute about 1/3, Auburn contributes about 1/3 (in terms of flow) and King County contributes about 1/3. Originally there was a project on the east side and 2 b0/ZO'd TLt7# TS:OT bT-ZOIL661 65S£ 6S6 30E ON1633NICN3 1N3M dC 4110: WGcld one on the west side; the east side project is what we were working on for a long time until everyone pulled out. Auburn wanted to do something so we looked at what we could do to determine what the elements of the project are and what the approximate costs are and refine that to see if there is a financing plan that can be developed amenable to all parties. If not, then we have a "go on your own" issue and no one does anything. Clark asked if there were any growth management requirements involved. Wickstrom noted that this overlaps with the federal SAMPS program (Special Area Management Plan) for the wetland protection and this is the flood control element in that wetland plan. We first determined what we could do with all the restrictions and we are now at the point of determining whether it is cost effective for us to participate at this time. Committee unanimously recommended authorization for the Mayor to sign the Amendment to the Mill Creels Interlocal Agreement. School IrnR&Q EC0 >]raina9e Clark noted that the Chamber of Commerce is seeking a way to reduce the district costs and therefore the school impacts as a problem in terms of additional housing costs. Wickstrom said that we are doing some analysis based on what our standards are and how they impact other developments. We have a simple form and a more complicated form; most of them are taking the simple approach where there is so many cubic feet of storage per acre versus doing an analysis approach which is more of an engineering analysis. The simple approach is conservative but it is quick and easy. Because everyone is taking the simple approach, we are seeing if that analysis is giving them any break which would accommodate more of the open space issues. Wickstrom further said that as far as our standards go, we know that in order to solve our drainage problems today and into the future, there aren't any places to build additional retention facilities. Our only solution was to build the facilities we have i.e., the Lagoon, the Upper Mill Creels Detention Basin, Earthworks Park and Upper Garrison; maximize those facilities and that with a combination of these construction standards, would help curb any future problems we would potentially have with build-out in the city. He said right now we are doing fine because we have these facilities but with future build-out, it goes back up the other way and we will be back with the flooding again. He said we know we already had a problem on our hillside standard; based on the engineering analysis that was done it should have been more severe. But because much of the basins are still in King County, we felt it was inappropriate to penalize our citizens with a higher standard while the County has a much lesser standard. Wickstrom noted that if we reduce our standards it will eventually result in Inore flooding and someone has to make up the difference. 3 bO/£0'd TLV# TS:OT bT-Z0`L66T 65S£ 65B SOZ ONIa=NIONS 1N3X d0 J..1I0 WOBS Wickstrom explained that the other issue is that several years back the Dept of Fisheries was involved in this and is still very active on endangered species, i.e. certain types of salmon. The Dept of Fisheries has taken jurisdiction over drainage permit issuance throughout the basin as a result of that. Fisheries position is that our standards have to comply with those developed by the Dept of Ecology, which we do except for one area and that's in the case of redevelopment of an existing site. Wickstrom said that the Dept of Ecology is saying that to redevelop, it is necessary to retrofit it entirely and our position is, we don't want that; we are saying to add more impervious area they have to address that. We are trying to work this out with them; Fisheries can take an exception to this and can say we haven't any more authority to issue permits for drainage. Widcstrom noted that this is a more significant issue that would have to be addressed. Wickstrom again said that we are reviewing the differences to see of someone took an analytical approach versus the simple approach that being a certain cubic feet of storage per site. On the school in the valley, that was already anticipated as part of the valley detention basin so they have no storage, no water quality treatment so, no problem. All they need to do is get their drainage to the street system. Kathy Larson noted that the Chamber would be pleased to know that the City is looking further into details of construction to see if there is anyway at all that some of the requirements could be changed or mitigated. Kathy said that the Chamber's recommendations were not specific; they were just in general asking the City and others to look at the ways the school districts were being asked to follow the rules and regulations. Added item: 272 77t ridor TIB Prjoiert Agreement Wickstrom explained that the TIB (Transportation Improvement Board) is giving us a grant for this project. Right not that grant's about $4.8 Million. After we conduct our Value Engineering Studies and they are aware of it, we will be asking for a $2.4 Million increase_ We will then be in the neighborhood of a $7 Million grant. Wickstrom said that TIB has reviewed it and essentially approved our deviations in the design (i.e. no sidewalks down the hillside; we are putting in a widened shoulder). They also approved our request for engineering funds and that's essentially what this agreement is. They will give us $1.5 for engineering design and the Mayor's signature is required on this agreement. Committee unanimously recommended authorization for the Mayor to sign the TIB Agreement for the 272nd/277th Street Corridor project. Meeting adjourned: 4:15 p.m. 4 b0/b0'd TLb# 75o01 bT-c0'L66T GSS£ GSB 30E ONI633NION3 1N3X dG A1I3c WGJd