HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 08/20/1996 I'I �G✓ �{, CRYof Kent CRY Council Meeting Agenda z;. CITY OF ` .,._.JBIT Mayor ,...Jirri White Council Members Christi House! , President Jim Bennett Jon Johnson Tim Clark Leona Orr Connie Epperly Judy Woods August 20, 1996 *r; A _ Office of the City Clerk 3 � '. WIN��,� •3. n.,, CITY OF 1 P\1 JS SUMMARY AGENDA �'cptr+y+pN KENT CITY COUNCI:., MEETING August 20, 1996 Council Chambers 7 : 00 p.m. MAYOR: Jim White COUNCILMEMBERS : Christi Houser, President Jim Bennett Tim Clark Connie Epperly Jon Johnson Leona Orr Judy Woods CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL 1. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Regional Justice Center Update B. Regional Transit Authority Briefing 2 . PUBLIC HEARINGS None 3 . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes B. Approval of Bills C. Boeing Recycling Donation - Accept D. Regional Justice Center/Kent. Municipal Parking Fee Remuneration - Accept E. Garrison Creek and Chestnut. Ridge Master Plans - Approval F. Transportation Improvement Board Project Audit - Transfer of Funds G. S. E. 274th Sewer Extension - Charge in Lieu of Assessment H. S. E. 248th Sewer Extension - Charge in Lieu of Assessment I . Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan - Set Hearing Date J. Russell Road Street Vacation Funds - Authorization K. King County Open Space Funds - Acceptance and Budget Change L. King County Open Space Funds - Transfer M. Mill Creek Box Culvert Supply Contract - Acceptance N. N. 4th Avenue Water Main Extension - Bill of Sale 0. Regional Transit Authority - Resolution 4 . OTHER BUPSINSS F"C ti 5 . BIDS A. 100th Avenue SE Overlay between SE 240th and SE 229th 6 . CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS 7 . REPORTS 8 . ADJOURNMENT NOTE: A copy of the full agenda packet is available for perusal in the City Clerk's Office and the Kent Library. An explanation of the agenda format is given on the back of this page. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City in advance for more information. For TDD relay service call 1-800-635-9993 or the City of Kent(206)854-6587 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Citizens wishing to address the Council will, at this time, make known the subject of interest, so all may be properly heard. A. Regional Justice Center Update B. Regional Transit Authority Briefing CONSENT CALENDAR 3 . city council Action: Councilmember -&�" moves, Councilmember 6 Zti seconds that Consent Calendar Items A through O be approved. Discussion Action — 3A. Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of August 6, 1996 . 3B. Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received through July 31 and paid on July 31, 1996; signed and approved in the Finance Department on August 7 , 1996 , after the operations Committee was cancelled. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/31/96 171666-172462 $5 , 447,790.73 Approval of checks issued for payroll for July 1 through July 15 and paid on July 19 , 1996; checks issued for July 16 through July 31 and paid on August 5, 1996: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/19/96 Checks 213003-213407 $ 297 , 376.50 7/19/96 Advices 36280-36774 611 ,476. 32 $ 908 ,852 . 82 8/5/96 Checks 213408-213768 $ 295, 772 . 12 8/5/96 Advices 36775-37233 570 , 435.87 $ 866, 207. 99 Council Agenda Item No. 3 A-B Kent, Washington August 6, 1996 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Bennett, Clark, Epperly, Houser, Johnson, Orr and Woods, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Police Chief Crawford, Finance Director Miller, and Parks Director Hodgson. Approxi- mately 20 people were in attendance at the meeting. PUBLIC Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced COMMUNICATIONS that Sergeant John Pagel of the Patrol Unit of the Police Department has been chosen as Employee of the Month for August . He noted that Sgt. Pagel has served as patrol officer, traffic officer, K-9 officer, field training officer, assisted the accreditation process, and is a team leader for the Emergency Response Team. He said that Sgt. Pagel is extremely hard working and always maintains an excellent attitude. He then presented him with the Employee of the Month plaque. Police Chief Crawford agreed that Sgt. Pagel is an excellent employee and deserves to be Employee of the Month. Pagel said this honor means a great deal to him, as does the City of Kent. Exchange Students. Arthur Martin introduced Dai Wei and Zhao Kexin who are exchange students from Yangzhou, Adam Paul and Cheryl Jones who are exchange students to Yangzhou, and Mrs. Paul. Dai Wei then said his visit to Kent has been a chance to learn and to promote friendship between the two cities. He explained the differences between the cities, and said they are enjoying their visit. Mayor White stated that it is an honor to have the exchange students here. CONSENT HOUSER MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through L be approved. Orr seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of July 16 , 1996. TRAFFIC (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4D) CONTROL (ADDED BY CITY ATTORNEY LUBOVICH) Land Exchange - 277th Street Corridor. Assistant City Attorney Brubaker explained that the City is preparing to commence the earth moving portion of the hillclimb for the 277th corridor project. He noted that a small sliver of land is required and 1 August 6, 1996 TRAFFIC pointed out the location on the map. He said CONTROL that an exchange of land has been negotiated with the property owner, and added that the property owner has asked that his view rights be pre- served. CLARK MOVED to authorize an exchange of surplus City property for private property needed for the 272/277th Street Corridor project, under the terms and conditions described by staff and subject to approval of final terms by the City Attorney. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (BIDS - ITEM 5A) Traffic Signal Hardware for Russell Road and Meeker Street. Bid opening was held on Tuesday, July 23rd with 3 bids received. The low bid was submitted by McCain Traffic Supply of Redmond in the amount of $74 , 421. 04 . The Engineer' s estimate was $80, 425 . 06 . It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the Traffic Signal Hardware for the Meeker Street and Russell Road Signal contract be awarded to McCain Traffic Supply for the bid amount of $74 , 421. 04 . Upon questions from the Mayor and Councilmembers Bennett and Johnson, Wickstrom explained that installation will occur in approximately six months, that there are no plans regarding pedes- trian traffic on Russell Road, and that the signal will be a seven-phase actuated signal. CLARK MOVED that the Traffic Signal Hardware for Meeker Street and Russell Road Signal contract be awarded to McCain Traffic Supply for the bid amount of $74 ,421. 04 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. REZONES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Strawberry Lane Rezone RZ-96-2 . Adoption of Ordinance No. 3307 relating to Strawberry Lane Rezone, rezoning approximately 8 . 33 acres from SR-4 . 5 to SR-6, and from SR-6 to SR-8 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) Benarova 218th Warehouse Rezone RZ-96-3 . Adoption of Ordinance No. 3308 relating to the Benaroya 218th Warehouse Rezone, rezoning approximately 1. 09 acres from GWC to M-3 . 2 August 6 , 1996 PLAT (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) Pacific Terrace Preliminary Plat SU-96-12 . This date has been set to consider the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation for conditional approval of an application by Pacific Industries, Inc. for a 25-lot single family residential preliminary subdivision. The property is located at 10605 , 10707 , and 10717 SE 248th Street in Kent. ORR MOVED to accept the Findings of the Hearing Examiner and to adopt the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation of approval with 23 conditions of the Pacific Terrace Preliminary Plat, a 25-lot single family residential preliminary sub- division. Houser seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) 1997 Preliminary Budget. This date has been set for the first public hearing on the 1997 budget. The next hearing will be held on November 5, 1996 with adoption planned for November. Public input is desired and welcome as the City begins to prepare for the 1997 budget. Mayor White opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience, and HOUSER MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (PUBLIC HEARING - ITEM 2B) 1997-2002 Capital Facilities Plan. This date has been set to receive public input on the 1997-2002 Capital Facilities Plan . The Capital Facilities Plan includes all expenditures for the next six years as described in the City' s Capital Facility portion of the Comprehensive Plan. The plan can be amended each year but must be presented to the Planning Director by September 1. Public input is encouraged as this plan is finalized for the City of Kent' s Capital Facilities and Infrastructure Improvements. Mayor White opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience, and HOUSER MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods seconded and the motion carried. 3 August 6, 1996 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through July 15 and paid on July 15, 1996, after auditing by the Operations Committee on July 17 , 1996 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/15/96 171078-171665 $1, 654 , 052 . 81 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Council Workshop on 1997 Financial Forecast for Budget and Capital Facilities Plan. AUTHORIZA- TION to set August 20 , 1996, for a Council Workshop on the 1997 Financial Forecast for the Budget and the Capital Facilities Plan. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant. ACCEPTANCE of the Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant for inclusion in the Police Department budget. The Kent Drinking Driver Countermeasure Program has again been awarded a grant by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission to help fund this very successful program. The amount of this year's grant is $28, 012 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) K-9 Memorial Fund. ACCEPTANCE of donations to the K-9 Memorial Fund and authorization to expend those funds. Following the death of K-9 Ranger last February, many members of the community expressed a desire to make donations in remembrance of Ranger. A K- 9 Memorial Fund was established and donations have been received in the amount of $633 . These funds will be used to print a baseball-type card which displays the City' s K-9s and can be handed out at community functions as a public relations tool. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) Obstructing Interfering With and Resisting Public Officers. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3309 amending Kent City Code Sections 9 . 02 . 16 and 9 . 02 . 20 increasing the penalty for obstructing, interfering with, and resisting public officers to a gross misdemeanor. 4 August 6 , 1996 POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Domestic Violence. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3310 amending Kent City Code Section 9 . 02 . 300 and adding a new section relating to interfering with the reporting of an incidence of domestic violence. FIRE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) Disaster Funds. AUTHORIZATION to allocate monies received from the State of Washington for Disasters Nos. 1079-DR-WA and 1100-DR-WA. Emergency Management received a check from the State of Washington in the amount of $6 , 930. 00 for Disaster #1079-DR-WA. These monies were for costs incurred and damage sustained from the December 1995 Windstorm. The monies were deposited into each Department' s Federal and State Revenue accounts . City of Kent Permit Center Receipt #00119934 . Emergency Management received a check from the State of Washington for Disaster #1100-DR-WA. The check in the amount of $70, 907 . 00 was approved by the operations Committee for allocation on July 17 , 1996. A second check was received on July 23 , 1996 from the State of Washington in the amount of $9 , 979 . 00 for Disaster #1100-DR-WA. The above monies were for costs incurred and damage sustained from the February 1996 flooding. These monies were deposited into each Department' s Federal and State Revenue accounts . City of Kent Permit Center Receipts #0019933 and #0020238 . HUMAN RESOURCES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) Fire Facilities Maintenance Position. APPROVAL to upgrade a temporary Fire Facilities Main- tenance position to full time. Fire Administration has reviewed this request with City Administration and the Operations Committee. This is the result of the workload, use of these personnel for emergency and non- emergency functions, and past layoffs which have severely taxed the unit. The Fire Department also reviewed future needs to address use of this unit in an expanded form to help free up fire- fighter productivity time for greater overall productivity and effectiveness. The Operations 5 August 6, 1996 HUMAN RESOURCES Committee unanimously approved this request with the understanding that City and Fire Adminis- tration would work with other city agencies to evaluate the best future alternatives for dealing with the long-term needs as they relate to the department operational needs and the overall City operations. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) Building Inspector Position (Regional Justice Center) . AUTHORIZATION of one (1) building inspector position to accommodate the intensified workload created by the Regional Justice Center in its current and completion stages, as recom- mended by the Operations Committee. This will terminate at completion of the RJC, as will the other RJC inspector position previously author- ized. Costs will be covered by the RJC project fund, established by Council with RJC permit fees, as for the first position. After paying costs for both positions, the remaining fund balance is estimated at $50, 000 at conclusion of the RJC, to be transferred to the General Fund. PARKS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) skate Park Donation & Change Order. The Kent Lions Club is donating $32 , 300. 00 to complete the bowl area for the Skate Park. Parks Planning & Development requests authorization to utilize this donation to complete the Skate Park bowl area by awarding Change Order Number One to contractor T.F. Sahli Construction. The Lions Club will pay in installments, with one-third down in 1996 . They will have up to an additional two years to pay the balance. Funds to cover present costs will be temporarily trans- ferred from the Youth/Teen Program fund and as the Lions Clubs funds are received, the Youth/ Teen funds will be restored. Parks Director Hodgson thanked the Lions Club for their contribution and invited the Council to the groundbreaking ceremony to be held August 7th at 10: 30 a.m. WOODS MOVED to accept and amend the budget for the $32 , 300. 00 donation from the Kent Lions Club for the Skate Park, and to accept Change order No. 1 from T. F. Sahli Construction to complete the Skate Park project. Bennett seconded. 6 August 6, 1996 PARKS Mayor White noted that Cornucopia Days raises funds which service clubs funnel into the community, and that the Skate Park addition will be called The Lions Den . Woods' motion then carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) Senior Center Parking Budget. Parks requests authorization to transfer money originally de- signated for neighborhood park acquisition and apply it towards construction of 24 parking spaces and a new entry to the Senior Center from Kennebeck Street. The construction will be performed by the Walsh Construction Company as part of a larger project to construct the Kent Assisted Living Care Center by project developer, Westmont, Inc. Additionally, as part of this overall project, the City needs to dedicate and vacate public access easements pertaining to ingress/egress and utilities to more appro- priately serve the reconfigured design. Upon Houser' s question, Hodgson explained that final bids are in the $175, 000 range, and that $200, 000 is available in the budget. WOODS MOVED to authorize the transfer of funds from the neighborhood park acquisition fund to construct 24 parking stalls and a new driveway access to the Senior Center, and to authorize the Parks & Recreation Director to sign the necessary documents to dedicate and vacate certain public ingress/egress and utility easements. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. (BIDS - ITEM 5B) Lake Fenwick Trail, Phase II. Bid opening for this project was held on Thursday, August 1, 1996 . One bid was submitted by Ohno Construction in the amount of $269 , 500. 00, excluding Washington State Sales Tax. The Engineer' s estimate was $277 , 058 . The project consists of clearing and grubbing, installation of site amenities, timber boardwalk, crushed rock trail, wood bollards, wood guard rail, and woodland trail . 7 August 6, 1996 PARKS WOODS MOVED to award the construction contract to Ohno Construction in the amount of $269 , 500. 00, excluding Washington State Sales Tax for the Lake Fenwick Trail Phase II Project. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. REPORTS Operations Committee. Johnson announced that the meeting scheduled for August 7 has been cancelled. Public Works Committee. Clark noted that the committee will meet at 3 : 30 on August 7 . Planning Committee. Orr noted that the next meeting of the Committee will be on August 20 at 4 : 00 . She also noted that the Land Use and Planning Board has adopted their bylaws and elected Steve Dowell as the Chair and Brad Bell as Vice-Chair. She announced that they will hold a workshop on August 19 at 7 : 00 p.m. Administrative Reports. McFall distributed to Council copies of the Report on Establishing Kent as an Economic Center for South King County, which relates to one of the six key areas that Council has identified under the heading of "Kent - A Home Town for Families" . He explained that five more reports will follow, and that eventually the six reports will be compiled into one document. He said staff would then like to do some testing at a community forum. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7 : 30 p.m. a cam_ Brenda Ja ober, CMC City Cler 8 Kent City Council Meeting Date August 20, 1996 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: BOEING RECYCLING DONATION - ACCEPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Acceptance of a donation to the Special Populations Program from Boeing Employees Recycling Program in the amount of $3 , 354 . 00 to be used for uniforms. 3 . EXHIBITS: Letter from Boeing Employees Recycling Program and memorandum from Doreen Higgins, Special Populations Program Coordinator 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff and Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3C Boeing Emplovees Recycling Program Date Control number ' c 7— Dear It is a pleasure to inform you that on cl the Board of Trustees of the Boeing Employees Recycling program voted to approve a grant of � to for the following purposes) Team Name Team City Coach L , Please keep in mind that changes to the expenditures are not permitted without prior written permission from the Boeing Employees Recycling Program Board of Trustees. The grant money must be expended for the stated purpose within 90 days. The agency must submit a final expenditure report to verify completion of grant objectives within 120 days. If at that time the unexpended balance exceeds S100.00, the full balance must be return to the Boeing Employees Recycling Program. Please keep in mind that all equipment and uniforms purchased by the Boeing Emp love es Recycling Program are to become the property of the team or the individual athlete. C;t Y OF -�',1 Il - i Jim «-bite. lIa,,or j,vfav lo, 006 Boeing Emplovees Recycling Program P. O. Box 3707 IYIS 74-22 Seattle. W 9812?-2207 Dear Merle Nicholson. Thank you very much for accepting our grant pr000sal for new uniforms and presenting Kent Paris Soecial Populations Program with a C;iec:� for S33 4.00. Our uniIor:ns them in a few weeks. P:c:.ires, along with a team thank are ordered and we should receive you will be sent to the Boeing Emplovees Recycling P_og am as soon as possible. Again. thank you very much. The athletes are goMg to look great: Dore�r. Higgins Soec.al Populations Program Coordinator cc: John Hodgson, Parks Director Cheryl M. Fraser, Resource Center Manager Terry Boyle KC\T Kent City Council Meeting Date August 20. 1996 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: REGIONAL JUSTICE CENTER/KENT MUNICIPAL PARKING FEE REMUNERATION - ACCEPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Acceptance of and authorization to appropriate $27, 650. 00 to the Skate Park budget. On March 4 , 1996, Hensel Phelps Construction agreed by contract to pay the City of Kent for parking at the municipal parking lot at the RJC site during construction. 3 . EXHIBITS: Letter from Wayne Saxerud of Hensel Phelps Construction 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff and Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X _ 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: _ ACTION• _ Council Agenda Item No. 3D c:rr of Z ,I _ Jim White. Mayor March 4, 1996 Mr. Wayne Saxerud, Project Manage_ Hensel Phelps Construction 655 West Smith Street Suite 209 Kent, Washington 980: Dear Mr. Sax--rttd: Thant: you for your tei--phone response to my le-er c f F--�_�� � 9. 1996. Your proposal to pav the Clr­�" oI Kent S6 200.00 for par1i`1? on Kent Mumc:pal Par._'ng Lots di= 'g the period of Sept--.tuber 17, 199, to J=u -ti =1. 19913 is acc,,rtabie. Payne-._ oft .i amount be made to the Ciry of Kent within Fn--_ (5) days oi r t o;our invoice. I have reviewed the information that you provided my s: _ff about the number of park r_g slots your construction crew will require each month during t:.e period of Februar, 1. 1996 through February 28. 1997. I have conciuded that the Ci:v cf Kent's agreement with Hensel Pne:p_ s Construction shall be as follows: 1. The Croy of Kent will allow 150 vehicles of Hens--! Phelps Cons«.ction Company and its subcontractors that are associated with the Regional Justice Center Project to pa_r at tine City of Kent Municipal Par_:i _s Faciliry adjacent to the Borden Recreation Field at the corner of James Street end —'.Lh Avenue for 712 days per month fo- th-- period of e'c:�u:��. _. 1996 ihrough Fe'criq=, 28. L9-. 2. Hensel Phelps ConStrllctlon Comp any -will pa the C it cf Kent S1.6.0.00 per month for --ac of the thirteen montr_s of t_he period of 1. 1°96 th-ough F--brua_r =8. 199-. \lonthiy ra_--s are set under this agzeement at the S16J0.00, how-eye- pa_rzent is subject to ite:rs ='. and belcw. This pavment sha11 be made within five (5) days oi of dour receipt of an invoice fro:_: t_:e Cite of Kent_ _ . All other Ciiv of Kent Municipal Parking Facilities are excluded from this agreemeni_ and Hensel Phelps Construction Compa_:- shall insure that its personnel do not park at any city p r: p facility other than uhe one located adiac--nt to the Borden Recreation Field at 'th .A-venue and Jarnes S ireeC. In the event il,ai the Ciro of Kent determines that the number of Hensel Phe'.os Constrac:ior. Company vehicles associated with the Regional Justice Center Project that are parking on the Cir: of Kent Municipal Parking Facility located adjacent to the Borden Recreation Field at 4th Avenue >\c S'1, I. %T \k ASH!', TON uyU. ._nu. ,TE_E?HO�e and James Sleet exceeds 150 vehicles per day, Hensel Phelps shall reimburse the City of Kent a; the rate of SO.50/per vehiclerper day. In the event the City of Kent determines that the n='o--7 of Hensel Phelps Construction Company vehicles associated with the Regional Justice Center Proiect that are parking on the City of Kent Municipal Par' kig Facility located adiacent to the Bo:den Recreation Field at 4th Avenue and James Street is less than 150 vehicles per day, the City of Kent vill invoice Hensel Phelps Construction Company for the lessor number at the rate of SO_5)0%per vehicle.lper day. 6. In the event that the construction period for the Regional Justice Center Project is e-xtended beyond the anticipated completion date ofFebrua:-v 28, 1997, Hensel Phelps Construction Comp_ any shall reimburse the Ciry of Kent at the rate cf SO.5Oipe- ve' ic!�_,p-- day. !. Hensel Phelps Constriction Company snail maintain the M '=icipal Parz--ing Lot at the co-,i-r of 4th Avenue and James Street during the period of this =re meat. W pea the Parks Dire_-Lo- determines that maintenance is need on the faciiirl'_ Hensel shall grade and fill the facili7,- a needed'o�ed on the Pari Director's dete_^zination. At the end of the rental period_ Hensel Phelps shall inSLre that the _Municipal Parking Fac,iiL`: is restc?eQ t0 1.7S OPgiaal COnditl0n. Thank you for your assistance in resolving tnls si-=.Ion. P::: cJuniersign DeIOR jim Write `1 aync S``: : 6 Mayor of Kent I-lensel Phelps CoPst:-.,c-Lion Cor ipany Pr01,. L Manager Kent City Council Meeting Date August 20 , 1996 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: GARRISON CREEK AND CHESTNUT RIDGE MASTER PLANS - APPROVAL 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Parks Committee, authorization to accept the Garrison Creek and Chestnut Ridge Master Plans. Bruce Dees of Bruce Dees & Associates, Landscape Architects was contracted to design master plans for Garrison Creek and Chestnut Ridge Parks . Bruce Dees and staff met on four occasions with an advisory committee comprised of interested local citizens and held two public meetings to create the attached program elements, design criteria and site plans. 3 . EXHIBITS: Prioritized program elements, design criteria and proposed site plans 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff and Parks Committee _ (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES _ 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: SOURCE OF FUNDS: _ 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3E GARRISON CREEK Revised July- 31, 1996 PRIORITIZED PROGRAM ELEMENTS High Priority High Priority Cont. • Sidewalk along South 218th Lockable Gate • Drinking fountain Public Works access to reservoir hatches • Benches • Litter receptacles • Picnic tables • Sisnase Nledium Prioritv • Pedestrian access from NE corner into park • Bike rack • Resurfacing of courts • BBQ s • New play equipment and surface Wa dr.2 loop • HandbalVracquetball courts • Powerlwater (restricted access') • Basketball court (2-half court with Low Prioritv expansion opportunities to full court) Tennis courts (4 minimum) •• Trail Trail plantings tk reek DESIGN CRITERIA Overall Park Plan • Improve the quality of park such that it equals or exceeds ocher Kent Parks. • vlLrrmize maintenance requirements. • Separate different age groups as feasible. Safety/Security • Maximize visual access from courts to plav area. • Maximize visual access from road into park. • Maximize visual access into all areas of park as feasible. • Minimize opportunities for after-hours gathering. • Minimize opportunities for negative behavior. Access • Preserve or enhance Public Works reservoir access. • Improve pedestrian access into park. Reservoir • Protect reservoir hatches from runoff and chemicals. CHESTNUT RIDGE PARK Revised July 31, 1996 PRIORITIZED PROGRAM ELEMENTS High Priority High Prioritv Con't. • Play equipment (pre-school) Temlis court (unhahted) • Benches • Walking loop (paved) • Pedestrian access from south (S. 203rd St.) . Sidewalk along South 200t1h • Limited parking lot • Line: otacles • Drinking fountain • Picnic shelter • BBQ stands • Picnic tables Medium Prioritv • Picnic tables/benches along 100th and near P:eser;e existing trees backstops Powerrwater (restricted) • Bike rack Restroeri-. • Sianage Piav ecuioment (school ages on school • Pickleball/sport court (incorporate into croper tennis court) • Irrigation of some areas DESIGN CRITERIA. Overall Park Plan • Preserve or enhance the site's existing character. • Accommodate the needs of disabled park users. • Minimize maintenance requirements. • Prevent impacts from storm drainage on surrounding grope~:es. • Maximize views. • Blend the park and school without compromising sc';nool Safetv/Security • Maximize the safety and security of both park victors and school children. • Provide appropriate emergency vehicle access. • Design the park to discourage negative impacts to neighbors (school and residences). • Minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts along S 200th Street. Access • Minimize on-site parking as appropriate. • Avoid impacts to school parking areas. • Encourage pedestrian access to and from the park. Recreation • Provide recreational activities for families. Maximize play opportunities for pre-school aged children. • Design the park to compliment, rather than duplicate recreational opportunities at the school. Allow for programming of neighborhood activities • Explore opportunities for education. - -__ ------ --- � i�rg II i � '�S� �� � � �. ..' -� �—Qjl '� } � ij i I � �� I 'ti j 7 I �� � j �-�-_�_ �� � _ -�� ,._ --, i � ' � �� /` 1 ` _ ems' _- �— _ �� �� �._ 1 [- � ��: _ ,,l � � �i _ �,. ,, 1 �� _.�� ��.�1 � i �� A��� i �— � �� __ � . .,Y� �__ — — ,��_ C "` 1 V �� i i �-- � i t i � '� y� I n �;' T �—�, �� � � i ��� 1<_ . �� �� � � � ti �� r_ K 1 �'i it 1 �. \ --- � �` O � � ;i � � __ _ 1 '' � ��� tt � shy _ I _ _ � �.A y � i �-� � r--- �� - \` L �. � ,, y ram,_ 7 -� �� ,, 1 � , �� � � °�, t`�-11' �' � � Ji ? � v � ii ,� r _ '� p��,:e^���� ��� _ _ J ._ ., "- � 1-_ --- - -- ��: L,7 CL jp - ---------- t7 At; AOL Ill- it CL Kent City Council Meeting Date August 20, 1996 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD PROJECT AUDIT - TRANSFER OF FUNDS 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization to establish an Audit Reimbursement fund and the transfer of $33 , 091. 07 from the East Valley Highway (R68) fund into same. The Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) has completed its audit of past TIB Grant Funded City projects with three projects noted as having audit exceptions. The City owes TIB a total of $33 , 091. 07 of which $23 , 058 . 22 pertains to the 240th Street Improvement project. TIB did not want reimbursement until their audit was complete. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Committee minutes, Public Works Director memorandum and TIB audit memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: _ 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3F PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE August 7, 996 PRESENT: Tim Clark Don Wickstrom Judy Woods Gary Gill Connie Epperly Ed White Tom Brubaker Bicycle Advisory Board Representatives Meeker Street Bridge Bicycle Lane Dave Hau$nann of the Bicycle Advisory Board presented a recommendation to complete the bicycle lanes along Meeker Street last month between SR516 and Washington Avenue. He noted that some of the links are complete already; there have been bicycle lanes installed however, they are not continuous and the Board's recommendation is to make them continuous. Mr. Haufmann said this would primarily be a painting project but in the area of the Green River Bridge there is some road deterioration that should be addressed as well. Mr. Haufrnann presented the Committee with a graph showing road deterioration or limited access to the bridge. In response to Judy Woods, Mr. Haufinann said there would be enough width for a bike lane without the sidewalk. The distance from the white line to the edge of the bridge is wide enough but it has been split in half by a foot high curb in the pedestrian sidewalk on the outside edge of the bridge, which leaves a distance of two feet for bicycles. Wickstrom said that in our time frame we will add additional lanes on that bridge. He said we actually will be adding a parallel bridge for the eastbound traffic and at that time we will add a bike lane to the bridge. However, he noted this is all subject to getting a grant and is schedule for the latter part of our 6 Year Plan. He noted that this is a three lane facility pushing 28,000 vehicles per day and this is why it has been rated high by the State for potential grants Wickstrom commented that the graphs submitted by the Board were well done and Public Works will continue to review the situation to determine what can and can't be done. TTB Project Audit Wickstrom said that the Transportation Improvement Board has completed their audit of past Grant Funded City projects. There are three projects identified that we have received grant funds for which particular items were not eligible. One was the 240th St. project from 104th Ave. to 116th Ave. which we had carried on the books for several years knowing that these particular costs were not eligible. Wickstrom said we finally closed out the fund and decided to wait until we were billed, at which time we would clean this up. Wickstrom explained that the other two projects were West Valley Highway Improvement from James to S. 212th; we exceeded the 3% limit on landscaping. The other project was Willis St from Central to 4th Avenue; we overlayed the entire street and had billed 1 L them for work that was prior to their authorization. Wickstrom said we would like to establish an Audit Reimbursement fund, transfer funds from our East Valley Highway project and then pay them all back at one time. Committee unanimously recommended establishing an Audit Reimbursement fund and the transfer of$33,091.07 from the East Valley Highway (R68) fund into same. Authorizine Charge in Lieu of Assessment per S. 274th St Sewer Extension Wickstrom explained that some time ago a resident in the vicinity of S. 274th St, west of 124th Ave. had a failed septic system and we authorized extending the sewer line to service that area (Derbyshire) in the new Meridian Annexation area at 124th, south of Kent Kangley. It would have cost the resident $30,000 to connect to sewer which would have been some sort of pump system . He said we extended the sewer line and have it under contract now and this charge in lieu of assessment establishes the means by which we can collect our money back as residents connect to the line. ($10,000 per resident) Committee unanimously recommended authorizing establishing said charge-in-lieu of assessment. S E 248th Street Sewer Extension and Authorization of Charge in Lieu of Assessment Wickstrom stated that as with the Derbyshire extension, we have a similar problem on SE 248th St. west of Benson Highway with a resident having a failed septic system. We had incorporated the sewer extension into a contract we recently released but there wasn't enough money in the Miscellaneous Sewer Fund to do the extension at that time. He said the resident still has a problem. He stated there is sewer to the property at the westerly property line but our concerns are properties to the east. We require a mainline extension to the east property line and then the next property owner would extend it further. Wickstrom said that it would cost the resident $30,000 and we are proposing to do the extension next year when we re-budget more funds in that particular budget item. However, the property owner needs to connect now and as such, we have allowed them to temporarily connect to the end sewer line and they will pay us the equivalent charges ($10,000). Committee unanimously recommended authorizing the sewer extension and associated charge in lieu of assessment for same. In response to Tim Clark, Wickstrom said that all the residents have been contacted regarding this and they know what the costs are. 6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan Wickstrom said that we are behind schedule on having this plan adopted because of our workload and at this time we are asking for authorization to establish a hearing date for September 3rd where Council will have the entire Plan. He noted that this is not the financially balanced Plan, that is the Capital Facilities Plan. He said this is a combination of that and a "wish list" and also shows all of the railroad crossings. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS August 7, 1996 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Don Wickstrorj ) RE: TIB Project Audit The Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) has completed its audit of past TIB Grant Funded City projects (letter attached). Three projects, 240th St. Improvement [104th Ave to 116th Ave], West Valley Highway Improvement [James St to 228th St] and Willis Street Improvement [Central Ave to 4th Ave] were noted as having audit exceptions. As such, the City owes TIB a tots] of 533,091.07. Of that amount, we were aware of $23,058.22 pertaining to the 240th Street project. However, at the time TIB didn't want reimbursement until they completed their audit. After four years of carrying said project on the books, we decided to close out the .fund and wait until TIB billed us. In fact, all these projects and their funds have long since been closed out. The $3,319.33 per the West Valley Highway project relates to our getting reimbursed for costs that exceeded TIB's 3% eligible cost limit for landscaping. The $6,713.52 per the Willis Street project relates to our getting reimbursed for costs that preceded their project approval date. To refund TIB for said monies, we are requesting that an audit reimbursement fund be established and that $33,091.07 be transferred from the remaining monies in the East Valley Highway Project fund (R68). ACTION: Authorize establishing an Audit Reimbursement fund and the transfer of 533,091.07 from the East Valley Highway (R68) fund into same. M851.96 T'�IL- Transporta ion improvement Board FAX TRANSMITTAL DateDate Monday, July 15, 19% 13:29 pm Number of pages including cover sheet 2 If you do not receive all pages, please call (206)705-7300 To Mr. Don Wickstrom, P.E. From Donald E. Hertzog, P.E. Director of Public Works Fm]ect Engineer City of Kent 220 - 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Phone (206)859-3383 Phnne (360)705-7898 Fax Phone (206)859-3559 Fax Phone (360)705-6830 Subject Transportation Improvement Board Request for Audit Meeting Dear Mr. Wickstrom As previously explained to you I am cleaning up some outstanding audits on City of Kent projects completed with the aid of DATA monies. I would like to schedule a meeting with ynu and any of your people you might think appropriate. After that meeting I would like a tour of each project in order to sign off on a field inspection and to take pictures of the `after' condition if we do not already have them. The/projects envolved and the status are indicated below. a iq a 8-1-130(15)-1 212th @ 84th Ave Exceptions, no funds change 0 17-96 I 8-1-130(16)-1 212th @ 42nd Ave Exceptions, ne funds change 018-96 8-1-130(17}-� SR 515 (Smith St) Complete & closed. Letter to Kent 007-°6 5l22198 8-1-130(18)-1 SE 240th St. (LID 331) Exception, Kent owes $23,058.22 327-92 8-1-130(19)-1 West Valley Hwy, S Exception. Kent ewes $3,319.33 022-96 228th St to James (LID 327) 8-1-130(20)-1 SR 516 ONillis St.) Exception, Kent owes W6,713.52 020-96 Post Office Box 40901 4- Olympia, WA 98504-0901 4 Voice (380)705-7300 FAX (360)705-8830 m-i r-iI- r,.o_ Transportation Improvement Board Out Page 2 Don Wickstrcm, P.E. 1 7i, fit_ rill tit, , ! r ni.Yti t/ I rtw�0.. . 1�4,- tK/ '( V� Y ' ttx TY/r.-..-�.� � / ' l l•t 1A r � t (. �y r� may 8-1-130(21)-1 104th Ave. (SR515) Complete & closed. Letter to Kent 012-198 7121°6 8-1-130(22)-1 Central Ave. Complete & closed. Letter to Kent 009-96 5/22/98 8-1-130(23)-1 East Valley Hwy, S 180th Exceptions, no funds change 008-96 - S 192nd St (LID 336) 1 Please advise when we can meet. I can come up there probably any weekday except Wednesday. Two days notice would be appreciated. Please give me a ca4l at 360-705-7898. i hank you and your staff for your assistance during these audits. Sincerely, Donald E. Hertzog, P.E Project Engineer, F IU:.ER%00t8MUOnr3%KCN7\MTOPOGT.DOC ..__._.....� Kent City Council Meeting Date August 20 1996 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: S.E. 274TH SEWER EXTENSION - CHARGE IN LIEU OF ASSESSMENT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for staff to establish a Charge in Lieu of Assessment fee for a sewer extension in the vicinity of S. 274th St. , west of 124th Avenue. The City extended the sewer line as a result of failing septic systems in this area. The City will be reimbursed for the costs upon abutting properties connecting to said sewer. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Committee minutes, Public Works Director memorandum and vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REOUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: — ACTION- Council Agenda Item No. 3G them for work that was prior to their authorization. Wickstrom said we would like to establish an Audit Reimbursement fund, transfer funds from our East Valley Highway project and then pay them all back at one time. Committee unanimously recommended establishing an Audit Reimbursement fund and the transfer of$33,091.07 from the East Valley Highway (R68) fund into same. (� Authorizing Charge in Lieu of Assessment per S. 274th St Sewer Extension Wickstrom explained that some time ago a resident in the vicinity of S. 274th St, west of 124th Ave. had a failed septic system and we authorized extending the sewer line to service that area (Derbyshire) in the new Meridian Annexation area at 124th, south of Kent Kangley. It would have cost the resident $30,000 to connect to sewer which would have been some sort of pump system . He said we extended the sewer line and have it under contract now and this charge in lieu of assessment establishes the means by which we can collect our money_ back as residents connect to the line. ($10,000 per resident) Committee unanimously recommended authorizing establishing said charge-in-lieu of assessment. S E 248th Street Sewer Extension and Authorization of Charge in Lieu of Assessment Wickstrom stated that as with the Derbyshire extension, we have a similar problem on SE 248th St. west of Benson Highway with a resident having a failed septic system. We had incorporated the sewer extension into a contract we recently released but there wasn't enough money in the Miscellaneous Sewer Fund to do the extension at that time. He said the resident still has a problem. He stated there is sewer to the property at the westerly property line but our concerns are properties to the east. We require a mainline extension to the east property line and then the next property owner would extend it further. Wickstrom said that it would cost the resident $30,000 and we are proposing to do the extension next year when we re-budget more funds in that particular budget item. However, the property owner needs to connect now and as such, we have allowed them to temporarily connect to the end sewer line and they will pay us the equivalent charges ($10,000). Committee unanimously recommended authorizing the sewer extension and associated charge in lieu of assessment for same. In response to Tim Clark, Wickstrom said that all the residents have been contacted regarding this and they know what the costs are. 6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan Wickstrom said that we are behind schedule on having this plan adopted because of our workload and at this time we are asking for authorization to establish a hearing date for September 3rd where Council will have the entire Plan. He noted that this is not the financially balanced Plan, that is the Capital Facilities Plan. He said this is a combination of that and a "wish list" and also shows all of the railroad crossings. 2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS August 7, 1996 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Don Wickstrom c�J"_ RE: Authorizing Charge in Lieu of Assessment per S. 274th St. Sewer Extension As you will recall, sometime back you authorized extending the sewer in the vicinity of S. 274th St., west of 124th Ave to assist a resident whose septic system has failed. The basis therefore was the City would get reimbursed for the costs upon the abutting property connecting to same. The contract to do the work was recently awarded. In order for the City to get reimbursed, Council needs to authorize the charge-in-lieu of assessment. The attached map reflects the affected properties and the respective charges. (a$10,000 per connection). It is the Public Works Department's recommendation that said charge- in-lieu of assessment be authorized. ACTION: Authorize establishing said Charge-in-Lieu of Assessment. M852.96 __!. — .L_--L_-- -- - �'----9 °--970Tk�-9T---- ---- - -- ------------ -----------'IJ IL.. K _ 7, 3 77 -- -� TL 52 ILL m 75 ----- r TL 84 - ---- TL 80 rr / N IL ' III 79 � i 11 0100200010 0320 017o 0160 OO1p 0140 0075 0070 0005 13 14 15 15 31 32 9E 47 50 61 -N --Oslo Oleo 0150 0 0135 0080 0065 f _ 17 30 _ 33 45 48 59 62 001}l _ 45 ---_032-0� I' 0300 0190 003.0 0190 0065 0060 -79 1 12 032U III- _ Is 29 1 _--- 4.x - �_ 49 58 63 -'0015 r 30 ------- 94 029avi -- --�OOLIO i ""72 11», 290 0234, `0 0120._—._0¢50 y ' 0505 0570 -ti 0020 --� 27 42 Ol2p 0095.,r-rr 0050 ` I� 3 c — r' 36 51 0025 � 02e0 0270 0220 0110_----0060 I i .,a 70 25 _ 37 4- z 0115 0100 0045 123¢ �' 0100 r 52 55 ca r es 0030 25 00 i 0 i_ N 1 59 _ 38 I 0110 r-- S.E. 274TH ST. SANITARY SEWER 240 ¢oso = ' 53 54 EXTENSION 211 39 87 68 — — — O =SANITARY SEWER ASSESSMENT NO. pzo¢ 02I _ — 274TH. <T i': 9 z� NEW SAN. SEWER O1 =$30,000.00 ululu�uF# — — �ur W V9 I © =$10,000.00 I 68 =$10,000.00 a�f — - — PROPOSED DERBYSHIRE SANITARY SEWER L.I.D. LE G= 0015 ———— TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 72 —————— ASSESSMENT NUMBER 7 PROPOSED LI.D. BOUNDARY Kent City Council Meeting Date August 20 1996 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: S.E. 248TH SEWER EXTENSION - CHARGE IN LIEU OF ASSESSMENT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for staff to establish a Charge in Lieu of Assessment fee for a sewer extension at 10204 S.E. 248th Street, as a result of a failed septic system. Because of budget constraints, however, the City will not extend the sewer until next year. In the interim, the resident will connect to the existing sewer westerly of his property line upon payment of the Charge in Lieu of Assessment. The City will be reimbursed the balance upon abutting properties connecting to same. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Committee minutes, Public Works Director memorandum and vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES,_, 6 . EXPENDITURE REOUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: _ 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3H them for work that was prior to their authorization. Wickstrom said we would like to establish an Audit Reimbursement fund, transfer funds from our East Valley Highway project and then pay them all back at one time. Committee unanimously recommended establishing an Audit Reimbursement fund and the transfer of$33,091.07 from the East Valley Highway (R68) fund into same. Authorizing Charge in Lieu of Assessment per S 274th St Sewer Extension Wickstrom explained that some time ago a resident in the vicinity of S. 274th St, west of 124th Ave. had a failed septic system and we authorized extending the sewer line to service that area (Derbyshire) in the new Meridian Annexation area at 124th, south of Kent Kanglev. It would have cost the resident $30,000 to connect to sewer which would have been some sort of pump system . He said we extended the sewer line and have it under contract now and this chame in lieu of assessment establishes the means by which we can collect our money back as residents connect to the line. ($10,000 per resident) Committee unanimously recommended authorizing establishing said charge-in-lieu of assessment. S.E. 248th Street Sewer Extension and Authorization of Charge in Lieu of Assessment Wickstrom stated that as with the Derbyshire extension, we have a similar problem on SE 248th St. west of Benson Highway with a resident having a failed septic system. We had incorporated the sewer extension into a contract we recently released but there wasn't enough money in the Miscellaneous Sewer Fund to do the extension at that time. He said the resident still has a problem. He stated there is sewer to the property at the westerly property line but our concerns are properties to the east. We require a mainline extension to the east property line and then the next property owner would extend it further. Wickstrom said that it would cost the resident $30,000 and we are proposing to do the extension next year when we re-budget more finds in that particular budget item. However, the property owner needs to connect now and as such, we have allowed them to temporarily connect to the end sewer line and they will pay us the equivalent charges ($10,000). Committee unanimously recommended authorizing the sewer extension and associated charge in lieu of assessment for same. In response to Tim Clark, Wickstrom said that all the residents have been contacted regarding this and they know what the costs are. 6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan Wickstrom said that we are behind schedule on having this plan adopted because of our workload and at this time we are asking for authorization to establish a hearing date for September 3rd where Council will have the entire Plan. He noted that this is not the financially balanced Plan, that is the Capital Facilities Plan. He said this is a combination of that and a "wish list" and also shows all of the railroad crossings. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS August 7, 1996 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Don Wickstrom .�,D- RE: S.E. 248th Street Sewer Extension and, Authorization of a Charge in Lieu of Assessment In a similar situation of the residence on 274th Street west of 124th Avenue, whose septic system has failed, a residence at 10204 S.E. 248th Street septic system has also failed. While sewer is westerly of his property line, to connect to same would require that the sewer main be extended along his entire property frontage on S. 248th Street in order to potentially service properties easterly thereof. For the resident to do same, it was estimated to cost $30,000.00. To assist hire, we proposed to extend said main to service him at the adjacent easterly properties. Ho\vever, due to budget constraints, we proposed doing this work next year. . In the interim, we would allow him to connect to the existing sewer without extending it, subject however to his paying the estimated charge-in-lieu of assessment. Said estimated charge is $10,000. As such we recommend Council authorize the sewer extension and associated charge-in-lieu of assessment as reflected on the attached map. ACTION: Recommend Council authorize the sewer extension and associated charge in lieu of assessment for same. M850.96 II I I sE_ r17T�qPIL / �• I_ � � 3i - - T —_ EX. SAN.' qWR. I I I I J I ~t t...i f 1 .""`V�-, ' '1 W E R .---• i[{F r�L-D S.E_ 248TH ST. SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION =SANITARY SEWER ASSESSMENT N0. 01 =$10,000.00 �2 =$30,000.00 � 0 =$10,000.Oo �4 =$10,000.00 1 Os =$10,000.00 , Kent City Council Meeting Date August 20 1996 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN - SET HEARING DATE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization to set September 3rd for the public hearing on the City' s Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Committee minutes and Public Works Director memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES_ 6. EXPENDITURE REOUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: _ 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 31 them for work that was prior to their authorization. Wickstrom said we would like to establish an Audit Reimbursement fund, transfer funds from our East Valley Highway project and then pay them all back at one time. Committee unanimously recommended establishing an Audit Reimbursement fund and the transfer of$33,091.07 from the East Valley Highway (R68) fund into same. Authorizing Charge in Lieu of Assessment 12er S 274th St Sewer Extension Wickstrom explained that some time ago a resident in the vicinity of S. 274th St, west of 124th Ave. had a failed septic system and we authorized extending the sewer line to service that area (Derbyshire) in the new Meridian Annexation area at 124th, south of Kent Kangley. It would have cost the resident $30,000 to connect to sewer which would have been some sort of pump system . He said we extended the sewer line and have it under contract now and this charge in lieu of assessment establishes the means by which we can collect our money back as residents connect to the line. ($10,000 per resident) Committee unanimously recommended authorizing establishing said charge-in-lieu of assessment. S.E. 248th Street Sewer Extension and Authorization of Charge in Lieu of Assessment Wickstrom stated that as with the Derbyshire extension, we have a similar problem on SE 248th St. west of Benson Highway with a resident having a failed septic system. We had incorporated the sewer extension into a contract we recently released but there wasn't enough money in the Miscellaneous Sewer Fund to do the extension at that time. He said the resident still has a problem. He stated there is sewer to the property at the westerly property line but our concerns are properties to the east. We require a mainline extension to the east property line and then the next property owner would extend it further. Wickstrom said that it would cost the resident $30,000 and we are proposing to do the extension next year when we re-budget more funds in that particular budget item. However, the property owner needs to connect now and as such, we have allowed them to temporarily connect to the end sewer line and they will pay us the equivalent charges ($10,000). Committee unanimously recommended authorizing the sewer extension and associated charge in lieu of assessment for same. In response to Tim Clark, Wickstrom said that all the residents have been contacted regarding this and they know what the costs are. (� 6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan Wickstrom said that we are behind schedule on having this plan adopted because of our workload and at this time we are asking for authorization to establish a hearing date for September 3rd where Council will have the entire Plan. He noted that this is not the financially balanced Plan, that is the Capital Facilities Plan. He said this is a combination of that and a "wish list" and also shows all of the railroad crossings. 2 Committee unanimously recommended that Sept 3rd be set for the public hearing on the City's 6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan. In response to Tim Clark, Wickstrom explained that this is essentially the Plan in last year's program; we had to delete some projects due to financial limits. However some needed to be added due to the new issues related to the additional rail traffic in the area. It is the same Plan previously presented and is based on the Comp Plan that was developed plus, the Meridian Annexation. Russell Road Street Vacation Funds Wickstrom said that the Lakes Development had requested a vacation of Russell Road from Lakeside Boulevard West to S. 228th Street. We had valued that vacation to be approximately $20,000. Wickstrom requested placing that money into the School Pedestrian Walkway Fund (R36) so we can continue to address the school pedestrian facilities issues. Committee unanimously recommended authorizing the monies received from the vacation of Russell Rd. be placed into the School Pedestrian Walkway Fund (R36) ADDED ITEMS: 196th Condemnation Ordinance (Tom Brubaker) Tom requested authority to prepare a condemnation ordinance to allow us to commence condemnation proceedings on those portions of the 196th Corridor between East Valley Highway and West Valley Highway that will need to be condemned. Tom explained the approximate location of the Corridor project and noted that we are moving forward on the bridge design portion of this project as well as the general roadway design. In order to construct this road, we need to purchase some additional right of way affecting various property owners. He said we have been negotiating with most of the affected property owners and we have been able to enter into purchase agreements for most of the parcels however, some we have not. Brubaker stated that we hope to be able to come to an agreement on these parcels. He said that we need the authority and leverage to commence condemnation proceedings if necessary. Committee unanimously recommended that the City Attorney prepare a condemnation ordinance for those properties, where an amicable agreement cannot be reached between the City and specific property owners along the 196th Corridor project. Resolution for the Regional Transit Authority (Tom Brubaker) Brubaker has received a request from the Mayor's office that this Committee consider approval of a resolution that generically endorses the upcoming RTA issue in the Fall election. He noted that we had passed a similar resolution about a year ago and this would simply up-date that resolution for this next election. Committee unanimously recommended authorizing the City Attorney to prepare a resolution endorsing the RTA issue in the Fall election. 3 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS August 7, 1996 TO: Public Works Com�mlit�e FROM: Don Wickstrom 4�� RE: 6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan Every year the City is required to update its 6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan. While many of the elements of this plan are incorporated into the City's Capital Facility Plan, this 6 Year Plan is not necessarily financially balanced. Each year a public hearing is held on same and a plan is adopted by Council resolution. The City is required to adopt said Plan by July 1 st however, due to worldoad we are behind schedule. At this point we are requesting that a public hearing date be set for September 3rd, at the next City Council meeting. 1 ACTION: Authorize at the next Council meeting, setting September 3rd for the public hearing on the Citys 6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan. M853.96 Kent City Council Meeting Date_ August 20 1996 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: RUSSELL ROAD STREET VACATION FUNDS - AUTHORIZATION 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for staff to receipt funds from the Russell Road Street Vacation into the School Pedestrian Walkway Fund (R36) to address school pedestrian facilities issues. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Committee minutes and Public Works Director memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ _— SOURCE OF FUNDS• _ 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION• - Council Agenda Item No. 3J Committee unanimously recommended that Sept 3rd be set for the public hearing on the City's 6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan. In response to Tim Clark, Wickstrom explained that this is essentially the Plan in last year's program; we had to delete some projects due to financial limits. However some needed to be added due to the new issues related to the additional rail traffic in the area. It is the same Plan previously presented and is based on the Comp Plan that was developed plus, the Meridian Annexation. Russell Road Street Vacation Funds Wickstrom said that the Lakes Development had requested a vacation of Russell Road from Lakeside Boulevard West to S. 228th Street. We had valued that vacation to be approximately $20,000. Wickstrom requested placing that money into the School Pedestrian Walkway Fund (R36) so we can continue to address the school pedestrian facilities issues. Committee unanimously recommended authorizing the monies received from the vacation of Russell Rd. be placed into the School Pedestrian Walkway Fund (R36) ADDED ITEMS: 196th Condemnation Ordinance (Tom Brubaker) Tom requested authority to prepare a condemnation ordinance to allow us to commence condemnation proceedings on those portions of the 196th Corridor between East Valley Highway and West Valley Highway that will need to be condemned. Tom explained the approximate location of the Corridor project and noted that we are moving forward on the bridge design portion of this project as well as the general roadway design. In order to construct this road, we need to purchase some additional right of way affecting various property owners. He said we have been negotiating with most of the affected property owners and we have been able to enter into purchase agreements for most of the parcels however, some we have not. Brubaker stated that we hope to be able to come to an agreement on these parcels. He said that we need the authority and leverage to commence condemnation proceedings if necessary. Committee unanimously recommended that the City Attorney prepare a condemnation ordinance for those properties, where an amicable agreement cannot be reached between the City and specific property owners along the 196th Corridor project. Resolution for the Regional Transit Authority (Tom Brubaker) Brubaker has received a request from the Mayor's office that this Committee consider approval of a resolution that generically endorses the upcoming RTA issue in the Fall election. He noted that we had passed a similar resolution about a year ago and this would simply up-date that resolution for this next election. Committee unanimously recommended authorizing the City Attorney to prepare a resolution endorsing the RTA issue in the Fall election. 3 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC: WORKS August 7, 1996 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Don Wickstrom RE: Russell Road Street Vacation Funds As you recall Council recently approved vacating Russell Rd. from Lakeside Boulevard West to S. 228th Street (the Lakes Development). A condition of said approval was to reimburse the City in accordance with State law, for the value of the right-of-way. Said value has been established at S20,000. Normally the monies for same would go into the Street Operating Budget as revenue. We are requesting that said monies go instead, into the School Pedestrian Walkway Fund (R36). 4 ACTION: Authorize the monies received from the vacation of Russell Rd. go into the School Pedestrian Walkway Fund (R36). M854.96 Kent City Council Meeting Date August 20 1996 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: KING COUNTY OPEN SPACE FUNDS - ACCEPTANCE AND BUDGET CHANGE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Parks requests acceptance and authorization to spend the $443 , 500 . 00 which is being transferred by King County from the Clark Lake 1989 Open Space Bond Project to the East Hill Park Expansion Project (Morrill Property) . 3 . EXHIBITS: Memo from Helen Wickstrom 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff and Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REOUIRED: $ -- SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: — Council Agenda Item No. 3K CITY OF KENT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor White and City Council FROM: Helen Wickstrom, Superintendent Park Development SUBJECT: King County Open Space Funds Acceptance and Budget Change DATE: August 14, 1996 The combined City of Kent and King County 1989 Open Space Bond project to acquire property at Clark Lake has been completed and King County has authorized the fund balance to be transferred into a newly created City of Kent East Hill Park Expansion project. The Expansion project is the property acquired on a 10 year contract from Mary Morrill. This reallocation of funds will allow the City to pay off the contract with Mrs. Morrill. HW copy: John Hodgson, Director Kent City Council Meeting Date August 20 , 1996 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: KING COUNTY OPEN SPACE FUNDS - TRANSFER 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorization to request that King County transfer the balance of approximately $87, 000. 00 from the completed Green River Trail 1989 Open Space Bond Project to the Lake Fenwick Trail 1989 Open Space Bond Project and upon their approval, to accept the transfer and authorize expenditure through the appropriate budget change. 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff and Parks Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: —. 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3L Kent City Council Meeting Date Aucrust 20 1996 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: MILL CREEK BOX CULVERT SUPPLY CONTRACT - ACCEPTANCE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Director, accept as complete the contract with PIPE, Inc. for the Mill Creek Box Culverts Supply Contract and release of retainage after State releases. The original bid amount was $237 , 100. 00 and the final contract amount was $237, 100. 00. 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3M Kent City Council Meeting Date August 20 1996 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: N. 4TH AVENUE WATER MAIN EXTENSION - BILL OF SALE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Director, authorization to accept the Bill of Sale for 4th Avenue North Watermain Extension submitted by Paul Morford for continuous operation and maintenance of 140 feet of watermain extension and release of bonds after expiration period. This project is located in the 900 block of 4th Avenue North. 3 . EXHIBITS: Vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES _ 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ _— SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: - Council Agenda Item No. 3N W > 2 s- 5 222NG ST S 224TH ST I '{ x CO m (O w W > oz S 227TH PL ro )• - / j a S 228TH ST s z2lTH i ST I ¢ I 0 N w z lT ai G NAY ¢ I� 4CVRC LN Q' t 5 234TH ST `� r j` PROJECT LOCATION -- -- -� s T j d i n_i' sr cQ I ¢ G ¢ BOULDtR N Mq((fr w N CLOUDY ST �� 1 III a S 2387H ST S _ mCLOU ST f� z GEORGE o! ST S i 240TH IST�I I JAMES ST wl x CE R ' ¢ san sr t � n l o PIONEER 51 a '� ! � ' O' l J zl J '- CMI LIRN t TEMP RNCE ST �I{t M zl y SMITH ST = III 1l SMITH ST SMITH STD i i'` ¢_ -- E- z WI + ¢',NRST HR y o d R RISON ST �� ST tiJ Cam. v o qI i h�2 MEEKER ST (S 246TH ST) -- ° j t I'r �° o ti' ,. NE! GOWIE 5-1 TACOMA w 111 i lKfryas(q o CH Fy ' > z w ¢ w ¢ > { o � TITUS 3TI -,:A DEAN ST z' HRL .�. MF7CLYN ST 'QG Ii 'a IN `^9c�� yo a l —' 'SRRR N ST i l ¢Q ��\ o p GU IBEft$ON 5T ¢ \ s SR 516 3 "' _ - u ?� E SERTTIE zi "t w WI IS ---__` ST f � W a SER7TLE S�_ CROW a \ _{, N w� 'w i q = E CMICRGO ST r .y T v�j I} { I'm a �c a 9,`( CLERRV IEN, c w CM LAUREL LAUREL ST HEMLOCK ST I I CO mj > " i CARTER 4T u FILBERT ST W - NRRION ST MRfl ION P o x mE WALNUT 1` 4th Avenue North Watermain Extension Kent city Council Meeting Date August 20, 1996 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY - RESOLUTION 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, adoption of Resolution No. endorsing the Regional Transit Authority proposal to be submitted to the voters. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Committee minutes and resolution 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ _— SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION. - Council Agenda Item No. 30 Committee unanimously recommended that Sept 3rd be set for the public hearing on the City's 6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan. In response to Tim Clark, Wickstrom explained that this is essentially the Plan in last year's program; we had to delete some projects due to financial limits. However some needed to be added due to the new issues related to the additional rail traffic in the area. It is the same Plan previously presented and is based on the Comp Plan that was developed plus, the Meridian Annexation. Russell Road Street Vacation Funds Wickstrom said that the Lakes Development had requested a vacation of Russell Road from Lakeside Boulevard West to S. 228th Street. We had valued that vacation to be approximately $20,000. Wickstrom requested placing that money into the School Pedestrian Walkway Fund (R36) so we can continue to address the school pedestrian facilities issues Committee unanimously recommended authorizing the monies received from the vacation of Russell Rd. be placed into the School Pedestrian Walkway Fund (R36) ADDED ITEMS: 196th Condemnation Ordinance (Tom Brubaker) Tom requested authority to prepare a condemnation ordinance to allow us to commence condemnation proceedings on those portions of the 196th Corridor between East Valley Highway and West Valley Highway that will need to be condemned. Tom explained the approximate location of the Corridor project and noted that we are moving forward on the bridge design portion of this project as well as the general roadway design. In order to construct this road, we need to purchase some additional right of way affecting various property owners. He said we have been negotiating with most of the affected property owners and we have been able to enter into purchase agreements for most of the parcels however, some we have not. Brubaker stated that we hope to be able to come to an agreement on these parcels. He said that we need the authority and leverage to commence condemnation proceedings if necessary. Committee unanimously recommended that the City Attorney prepare a condemnation ordinance for those properties, where an amicable agreement cannot be reached between the City and specific property owners along the 196th Corridor project. Resolution for the Regional Transit Authority (Tom Brubaker) Brubaker has received a request from the Mayor's office that this Committee consider approval of a resolution that generically endorses the upcoming RTA issue in the Fall election. He noted that we had passed a similar resolution about a year ago and this would simply up-date that resolution for this next election. Committee unanimously recommended authorizing the City Attorney to prepare a resolution endorsing the RTA issue in the Fall election. 3 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, supporting and endorsing the proposed Regional Transit Authority ballot measure. WHEREAS, the Regional Transit Authority ("RTA") has, after conducting extensive studies and other important review, developed a regional mass transit plan intended to reduce reliance on the use of single occupancy vehicles in the urbanized portions of Snohomish, King and Pierce counties; and WHEREAS, this plan includes a "heavy rail" element that will utilize either the Union Pacific Railroad mainline or the Burlington Northern Santa Fe mainline; and WHEREAS, this plan also proposes a station stop in the downtown Kent area as part of the proposed heavy rail line; and WHEREAS, the current plan, which has been revised from an earlier proposal, constitutes a reasoned, economic program that will improve the quality of life and the overall health, safety and welfare of all the citizens in the state NOW, THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1 . The above-listed findings and recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. 1 Section 2. The proposed RTA program is a well-reasoned plan that will improve the quality of life and the overall health, safety and welfare of all the citizens in the state. Section 3. The City of Kent supports this RTA plan and its submission to the voters for in the fall of 1996, or as soon thereafter as possible, for final approval. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this day of 1996. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, thi, day of 1996. JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY 2 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, on the day of 1996. (SEAL) CITY CLERK RTARES.adm 3 Kent City Council Meeting Date August 20 , 1996 Category Bids 1. SUBJECT: 100TH AVENUE SE OVERLAY BETWEEN SE 240TH AND SE 229TH 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Bid opening was held on Wednesday, August 14th with 4 bids received. The low bid was submitted by Lakeside Industries in the amount of $199 , 305. 00. The Engineer's estimate was $220, 060. 00 . It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the contract be awarded to Lakeside Industries for the bid amount of $199, 305 . 00 . 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6. EXPENDITURE REOUIRED: $199 , 305. 00 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Garrison Creek (D37) Sidewalks (R33) and School Pedestrian Walkways (R36) 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: I f, ,' Councilmember moves, Councilmember Cti H°0 seconds that the 100th Avenue S.E. Overlay (S.E. 240th Street and S.E. 229th Street) contract be awarded to Lakeside Industries for the bid amount of $199 , 305 . 00. DISCUSSION: ACTION: — Council Agenda Item No. 5A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS August 21 , 1996 TO: Mayor &City Council FROM: Don Wickstrom-� RE: 100th Avenue SE Overlav (240th St &,- 229th PI) Bid opening for this project was held on August 14th with four bids received. The low bid was submitted by Lakeside Industries in the amount of $199,305.00. The Engineer's estimate is S220,060.00. It is the recommendation of the Public Worlcs Director that the 100th Avenue SE Overlay (240th St C 229th PI) contract be awarded to Lakeside Industries for the bid amount of $199,305.00. BID SUMMARY Lakeside Industries S 199,305.00 Watson Asphalt Paving S 199,364.00 Lakeridge Paving Co. S218,485.00 D.A.Zuluaga Construction S239,060.00 Engineer's Estimate S220,060.00 MOTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds that the 100th Avenue SE Overlay (240th St &- 229th PI) contract be awarded to Lakeside Industries for the bid amount of S 199,305.00. CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A. R E P O R T S A. COUNCIL PRESIDENT B. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE " C. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE )a D. PLANNING COMMITTEE (` L Ll E. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE F. PARKS COMMITTEE U G. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Ur I � ` BRENDA JACOBER (please put in COuncii CITY of ���. agenda packet) Jim White, Mayor CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES July 16, 1996 Planning Committee Members Citv Attornev's Office Leona Orr, Chair Roger Lubovich Connie Epperly (standing in for Jon Johnson) Tom Brubaker Tim Clark, absent Planning Staff Jim Harris Margaret Porter Brian Swanberg Other Paul Mann (former City Council member) COMPARISON OF KENT'S JUNK AND JUNK VEHICLE REGULATIONS WITH FEDERAL WAY AND WASHINGTON STATE (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris explained that Federal Way had recently revised their zoning code in order to get a better handle on junk. Mr. Harris reviewed the pertinent code sections from Washington state, Kent and Federal Way. He states that Kent's code is more comprehensive referring to section 8.01 as an example of Kent's detail. Mr. Harris indicated that the state has the ability to remove an "abandoned junk vehicle" after 1; du}s whereas Kent processes violations through the Hearing Examiner with an unspecific timeframe. Assistant City Attorney Tom Brubaker stated that the Kent's code was in compliance with the state's statutes at the time the code was written. However. the State has since relaxed the standard for defining a "junk vehicle." The state also eliminated the requirement that a vehicle had to be without a valid, current registration plate in order to be considered a "-junk vehicle." Code Enforcement Officer Brian Swanberg explained the current process for identifying and enforcing the City's code involving "junk vehicles." Swanberg stated that Kent's code does not include a definition for "inoperable" vehicles. He also identified a need to add additional verbiage to Kent's code to address issues involving commercial vehicles parked in residential areas,residential tractor trailer parked in yards, and how long an inoperable vehicle can be stored. Comparison of Kent's Junk and Junk Vehicle Regulations with Federal Way and Washington State 2201th AVE SO.. /KENT-WASHIVGTON 98032-5895 1 TELEPHONE (''06)859-31001 FAX#859-3334 City Council Planning Committee Minutes July 16, 1996 Page 2 Mr. Paul Mann (former City Council member) encouraged the Committee to consider this issue and recommend an amendment to bring Kent's code in compliance with the state regulations, as well as, consider the language used in the Federal Way Ordinance. Mr. Mann also voiced his concern regarding the clarity for the penalty invoked. Chair Leona Orr questioned whether the City had the ability to actually confiscate these vehicles if a problem arises. Swanberg explained that there could be an issue regarding inadequate staff to comply with a shorter resolution. Mr. Harris questioned whether this issue should be brought before the City Council Safety Committee. Ms. Orr indicated that she would bring this item to their attention at the next safety meeting. Mr. Brubaker stated that under the State law the City has the right to impose the cost of reclaiming the vehicle or towing the vehicle and storing or destroying it against either the registered owner or the private property land owner that the vehicle was discovered or removed from. He explained that this is not always possible when the violator doesn't have the means to pay. Chair Leona Orr requested that the planning staff get the appropriate departments involved in this issue and put together a proposal. She asked for the proposal to include recommended changes to the code, any budgetary figures for any costs that would be incurred, and any recommendation for additional staff to enforce the code changes. Harris pointed out that the subject would be brought back, at least for the begining of action, on the 20th of August. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m. C:\USERS\DOC\PCOM\MINUTES\PCO0716.MIN Comparison of Kent's Junk and Junk Vehicle Regulations with Federal Way and Washington State PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE August 7, 996 PRESENT: Tim Clark Don Wickstrom Judy Woods Gary Gill Connie Epperly Ed White Tom Brubaker Bicycle Advisory Board Representatives Meeker Street Bridge Bicycle Lane Dave Haufmann of the Bicycle Advisory Board presented a recommendation to complete the bicycle lanes along Meeker Street last month between SR516 and Washington Avenue. He noted that some of the links are complete already; there have been bicycle lanes installed however, they are not continuous and the Board's recommendation is to make them continuous. Mr. Haufmann said this would primarily be a painting project but in the area of the Green River Bridge there is some road deterioration that should be addressed as well. Mr. Haufmann presented the Committee with a graph showing road deterioration or limited access to the bridge. In response to Judy Woods, Mr. Haufinann said there would be enough width for a bike lane without the sidewalk. The distance from the white he to the edge of the bridge is wide enough but it has been split in half by a foot high curb in the pedestrian sidewalk on the outside edge of the bridge, which leaves a distance of two feet for bicycles. Wickstrom said that in our time frame we will add additional lanes on that bridge. He said we actually will be adding a parallel bridge for the eastbound traffic and at that time we will add a bike lane to the bridge. However, he noted this is all subject to getting a grant and is schedule for the latter part of our 6 Year Plan. He noted that this is a three lane facility pushing 28,000 vehicles per day and this is why it has been rated high by the State for potential grants Wickstrom commented that the graphs submitted by the Board were well done and Public Works will continue to review the situation to determine what can and can't be done. TIB Project Audit Wickstrom said that the Transportation Improvement Board has completed their audit of past Grant Funded City projects. There are three projects identified that we have received grant funds for which particular items were not eligible. One was the 240th St project from 104th Ave. to 116th Ave. which we had carried on the books for several years knowing that these particular costs were not eligible. Wickstrom said we finally closed out the fund and decided to wait until we were billed, at which time we would clean this up. Wickstrom explained that the other two projects were West Valley Highway Improvement from James to S. 212th; we exceeded the 3% limit on landscaping. The other project was Willis St from Central to 4th Avenue-, we overlayed the entire street and had billed I them for work that was prior to their authorization. Wickstrom said we would like to establish an Audit Reimbursement fund, transfer funds from our East Valley Highway project and then pay them all back at one time. Committee unanimously recommended establishing an Audit Reimbursement fund and the transfer of$33,091.07 from the East Valley Highway (R68) fund into same. Authorizing Charge in Lieu of Ass 55ment per S 274th St, Sewer Extension Wickstrom explained that some time ago a resident in the vicinity of S. 274th St, west of 124th Ave. had a failed septic system and we authorized extending the sewer he to service that area (Derbyshire) in the new Meridian Annexation area at 124th, south of Kent Kangley. It would have cost the resident $30,000 to connect to sewer which would have been some sort of pump system . He said we extended the sewer line and have it under contract now and this charge in lieu of assessment establishes the means by which we can collect our money back as residents connect to the line. ($10,000 per resident) Committee unanimously recommended authorizing establishing said charge-in-lieu of assessment. S.E. 248th Street Sewer Extension and Authorization of Charge in Lieu of Assessment Wickstrom stated that as with the Derbyshire extension, we have a similar problem on SE 248th St. west of Benson Highway with a resident having a failed septic system. We had incorporated the sewer extension into a contract we recently released but there wasn't enough money in the Miscellaneous Sewer Fund to do the extension at that time. He said the resident still has a problem. He stated there is sewer to the property at the westerly property line but our concerns are properties to the east. We require a mainline extension to the east property line and then the next property owner would extend it further. Wickstrom said that it would cost the resident $30,000 and we are proposing to do the extension next year when we re-budget more funds in that particular budget item. However, the property owner needs to connect now and as such, we have allowed them to temporarily connect to the end sewer line and they will pay us the equivalent charges ($10,000). Comrrrittee unanimously recommended authorizing the sewer extension and associated charge in lieu of assessment for same. In response to Tim Clark, Wickstrom said that all the residents have been contacted regarding this and they know what the costs are. 6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan Wickstrom said that we are behind schedule on having this plan adopted because of our workload and at this time we are asking for authorization to establish a hearing date for September 3rd where Council will have the entire Plan. He noted that this is not the financially balanced Plan, that is the Capital Facilities Plan. He said this is a combination of that and a "wish list" and also shows all of the railroad crossings. 2 Committee unanimously recommended that Sept 3rd be set for the public hearing on the City's 6 Year Transportation Improvement Plan. In response to Tim Clark, Wickstrom explained that this is essentially the Plan in last year's program; we had to delete some projects due to financial limits. However some needed to be added due to the new issues related to the additional rail traffic in the area. It is the same Plan previously presented and is based on the Comp Plan that was developed plus, the Meridian Annexation. Russell Road Street Vacation Funds Wickstrom said that the Lakes Development had requested a vacation of Russell Road from Lakeside Boulevard West to S. 228th Street. We had valued that vacation to be approximately $20,000. Wickstrom requested placing that money into the School Pedestrian Walkway Fund (R36) so we can continue to address the school pedestrian facilities issues Comrnittee unanimously recommended authorizing the monies received from the vacation of Russell Rd. be placed into the School Pedestrian Walkway Fund (R36) ADDED ITEMS: 196th Condemnation Ordinance (Tom Brubaker) Tom requested authority to prepare a condemnation ordinance to allow us to commence condemnation proceedings on those portions of the 196th Corridor between East Valley Highway and West Valley Highway that will need to be condemned. Tom explained the approximate location of the Corridor project and noted that we are moving forward on the bridge design portion of this project as well as the general roadway design. In order to construct this road, we need to purchase some additional right of way affecting various property owners. He said we have been negotiating with most of the affected property owners and we have been able to enter into purchase agreements for most of the parcels however, some we have not. Brubaker stated that we hope to be able to come to an agreement on these parcels. He said that we need the authority and leverage to commence condemnation proceedings if necessary. Committee unanimously recommended that the City Attorney prepare a condemnation ordinance for those properties, where an amicable agreement cannot be reached between the City and specific property owners along the 196th Corridor project. Resolution for the Regional Transit Authority (Tom Brubaker) Brubaker has received a request from the Mayor's office that this Committee consider approval of a resolution that generically endorses the upcoming RTA issue in the Fall election. He noted that we had passed a similar resolution about a year ago and this would simply up-date that resolution for this next election. Committee unanimously recommended authorizing the City Attorney to prepare a resolution endorsing the RTA issue in the Fall election. 3 Clark requested that a representative from the RTA Board make a presentation at the next full Council (August 20th) to explain the RTA issue. 236th & 108th Avenues (Judy Woods) Woods has received citizen concerns regarding tenants in the Arbor Apts. parking their 30' long semi-trucks along 108th and some are parking their "beater" cars along the side street in front of residential homes. Woods stated that the citizen informed her that a petition will be forthcoming to request some kind of Council action to help them preserve the residential nature of their neighborhood. Brubaker stated that he will prepare a draft ordinance for residential parking permits for the Committee's review at the August 21st meeting. He said this may help to alleviate some of the problem. Woods noted that the second issue of concern was public safety since the fence around the Arbor Apts. is down. Clark stated that at the very least we need to see that fence restored. Brubaker stated that the City does not have the authority to enforce an agreement between two private parties which is what this would be. Wickstrom added that this should be brought before the Public Safety Committee since they will be enforcing it. Woods suggested that the appropriate Committee be notified of this public safety issue. "Jake Break" Ordinance (Larry Nelson, West Hill Resident) Mr. Nelson stated that the residents along Military Road have requested that some restrictions be placed on fake breaking (compression breaking) from large trucks. Mr. Nelson said he is specifically concerned with the area from Kent DesMoines Road to Reith Road. Wickstrom noted that both sides of Military Rd., in that vicinity, are not entirely within the city limits. Brubaker said that he is aware of the issue. He said his legal staff has pulled some of the jake break ordinances from other communities; they are not uncommon; they are very straightforward basically stating that "no one can use compression breaking within the city limits except for emergency vehicles." Brubaker stated that at the Committee's requests, he would prepare an ordinance and present it to the Public Safety Committee which is the more appropriate venue for this issue. Mr. Nelson also requested that "No Parking" signs be posted along the west side of Military Rd between 254th and 259th Streets. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. 4