HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 12/08/1992 CITY OF Agenda Kent City Council SPECIAL MEETING December 8 , 1992 Council Chambers 7 : 00 p. m. FLLTO ORDER CALL CALL A. 1993 Property Tax Levy Ordinance B. 1993 Budget Including Capital Improvement Program - Ordinance r' ADJOURNMENT I 220 4th AVE. SO.. /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3359 FAX#859-3983 Kent City Council Meeting Date December 8, 1992 1. SUBJECT: PROPERTY TAX LEVY ORDINANCE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The Council established this date to adopt an ordinance approving the 1993 Property Tax Levy. The Property Tax Levy is calculated with information received from King County based on the 106 percent levy lid law, and new construction and voter approved debt service requirements. The Property Tax Levy totals $12 , 057 , 914 of which $10, 115, 839 is in the General Fund and $1, 942 , 075 funds debt service for the fire apparatus, public safety, and senior housing bond issues. The new construction reported during the period July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992 is $46, 705, 110. The total levy rate is $3 . 06 per $1000 of assessed valuation down from $3 . 19 in 1992 . 3 . EXHIBITS: Ordinance,,Worksheet 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Bud Committee to review on December 7 , 1992 (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember YV moves, Councilmember_ seconds to adopt Ordin ce fixing the tax levy for 1993 . DISCUSSION• ACTION: Council Agenda Item A PROPERTY TAX COMPARISON - CHANGE 1991 1992 1993 FROM ACTUAL ACTUAL CHANGE BUDGET 1992 % A.V. LESS NEW CONSTRUCTION 3,246,057,188 3,399,740,979 153,683,791 3,891,977,069 492,236,090 14.5% NEW CONSTRUCTION 156,082,063 108,386,499 (47,695,564) 46,705,110 (61,681,389) -56.9% TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 3,402,139,251 3,508,127,478 105,988,227 3,938,682,179 430,554,701 12.3% PROPERTY TAX LEVIES: GENERAL FUND 8,639,323 9,425,258 785,935 10,115,839 690,581 7.3% FIRE APPARATUS 56,384 38,226 (18,158) 44,981 6,755 17.7% PUBLIC SAFETY 675,852 1,092,318 416,466 1,198,208 105,890 9.7% SENIOR HCUSING 681,639 653,175 (28,464) 698,SSb 45,711 7.05: - TOTAL 10,053,198 11,208,977 1,155,779 12,057,914 848,937 7.6% LEVY RATES: GENERAL FUND 2.54 2.68 0.14 2.57 * (0.110) -4.1% FIRE APPARATUS 0.02 0.01 (0.01) 0.01 PUBLIC SAFETY 0.20 0.31 0.11 0.30 (0.010) -3.2% SENIOR HOUSING 0.20 0.19 (0-01) 0.18 (0.010) -5.3% TOTAL 2.96 3.19 0.23 3.06 (0.13) -4.1% * The 1993 tax Levy rate is 2.56833, based on 106% Lid + impact of new construction. I ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, fixing the tax levy therein for the year 1993 . i THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS : I i Section 1. Levy. There shall be and there is hereby levied against the property in the City of Kent, Washington, on an assessed value of a municipal tax for the year 1993 for the purposes and in the sums following, to wit: 1 Levy per 51 , 000 of Fund assessed valuation Amount For the General Fund, for the purpose of paying the general expenses of municipal government: f General Fund 2 . 56833 $10, 115, 839 I For Voted Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, for the i purpose of paying debt service on the following projects: Fire Apparatus . 01142 $44 , 981 Public Safety . 30422 $1, 198 , 208 Senior Housing . 17744 $698 , 886 PROVIDED: that the application of the general fund levy shall be consistent with and not result in a tax revenue in excess of the limitation imposed by RCW 84 . 55 . 010. Section 2 . Effective date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its publication as provided by law. DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK i i i APPROVED AS TO FORM: i I ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY j PASSED the day of , 1992 . APPROVED the day of 1992 . ( PUBLISHED the day of 1992 . I I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. , passed by the City Council of the City of � Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as � hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK taxlevy.ord 2 0 . o Kent City Council Meeting Date December 8 , 1992 1. SUBJECT: BUDGET ORDINANCE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The council established this date to adopt the 1993 Budget. An ordinance has been prepared to reflect the Mayor's budget proposal with adjustments as discussed with the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee is scheduled to meet on December 7th to make their final recommendation. The attached material presents their recommendations as of November 30th with administrative adjustments approved in concept. 3 . EXHIBITS: Preliminary Budget Adjustment Ordinance 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Budget Committee to review on December 7 . 1992 (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds to adopt Ordinance approving the 1993 Budget. DISCUSSION: Ct ACTION: L l i C f t; ( t oe,, Council Agenda Item B I V City of Kent, Washington 1993 Final Budget Development POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS TO 1993 PRELIMINARY BUDGET TO ARRIVE AT FINAL BUDGET Inc (Dec) Beginning Ending in Fund Fund Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUND 32,363,703 33,484,982 (1,121,279) 2,310,238 1,188,959 Sales Tax @ 98% of 92 Estimated Actual (140,565) (140,565) (140,565) Delete Business License Increase (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) Decrease Parks Revenues (75,020) (75,020) (75,020) Public Works Plan Check Fees 83,000 83,000 83,000 Delete Department Head Merit Pay + 53,845 Community Events - Delete .5 Position (26,757) 26,757 26,757 1.0 Position to Parks for Saturday Market Suburban Cities Association 8,073 (8,073) (8,073) Library Annexation 292,874 (292,874) (292,874) Library Special Election - 30,000 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance 177,444 177,444 * Property Tax - Final New Construction (46,616) (46,616) (46,616 Building Permit Forecast (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) Utility Tax 100,000 100,000 100,000 Hazardous Operations Permits (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) EMS Levy Increase 15,020 15,020 15,020 * Corrections Revenues - New Contract 33,250 33,250 33,250 National League Of Cities 956 (956) (956) Monitor Fire Alarms 2,000 (2,000) (2,000) Planning Grant Reimbursement (3,854) 3,854 3,854 Police Computer Maintenance 10,629 (10,629) (10,629) Park Expenditures 40,000 (40,000) (40,000) * Salary & Benefit Adjustments (39,167) 39,167 39,167 Office Supplies - Delete Overhead charges (9,245) 9,245 9,245 Equipment Rental - based on actual equipment (6,896) 6,896 6,896 * Building Costs (50,575) 50,575 50,575 * Internal Services - Telephone, WP, DP 42,456 (42,456) (42,456) * Printing / Photocopy Allocation (924) 924 924 * Insurance Allocation 4,174 (4,174) (4,174) * Other Cost Allocations 21,485 (21,485) (21,485) Adjusted General Fund 32,242,772 33,770,211 (1,527,439) 2,487,682 960,243 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS STREET 2,638,551 2,913,866 (275,315) 914,419 639,104 Street Utility Staff 209,914 (209,914) (209,914) Street Utility Staff Allocation (209,914) 209,914 209,914 * Pedestrian Crossing Signal 57,000 (57,000) (57,000) * Salary & Benefit Adjustments (15,669) 15,669 15,669 * Reallocation of Finance (24) 24 24 * Insurance Allocation 22 (22) (22) Adjusted Street Fund 2,638,551 2,955,195 (316,644) 914,419 597,775 CCC 93BADJSC.WQ! Form 2 04-Dec-92 M 0 1 j� V City of Kent, Washington © -- - - 1993 Final Budget Development POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS TO 1993 PRELIMINARY BUDGET TO ARRIVE AT FINAL BUDGET Inc (Dec) Beginning Ending in Fund Fund Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 3,313,165 2,642,516 670,649 203,883 874,532 Sales Tax @ 98% of 92 Estimated Actual (46,854) (46,854) (46,854) Residual from Library Project 230,242 230,242 230,242 Reserve for Fire Vehicles 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) Delete Parking Garage Plan (75,000) 75,000 75,000 Change "Downtown Sidewalks" to "City Sidewalks" Additional Sidewalks 75,000 (75,000) (75,000) Estimated Beginning Fund Balance 42,721 42,721 Adjusted Capital Improvement Fund 3,496,553 2,842,516 654,037 246,604 900,641 CRIMINAL JUSTICE 804,317 934,709 (130,392) 305,383 174,991 Firearms Training Simulator (55,000) 55,000 55,000 Landtrack GIS Interface (52,000) 52,000 52,000 Undercover Surveillance Vehicle (79,000) 79,000 79,000 Digital Imaging Project 76,000 (76,000) (76,000) Corrections Laundry System 10,000 (10,000) (10,000) Estimated Beginning Fund Balance (43,928) (43,928) Sales Taxes (19,834) (19,834) (4,207) (24,041) Motor Vehicle Registration (44,553) (44,553) (39,721) (84,274) Domestic Violence (2,182) 2,182 2,182 * Delete Accounting Position (34,449) 34,449 34,449 * Add RPT for Accreditation 15,000 (15,000) (15,000) * Salary & Benefit Adjustments (9,989) 9,989 9,989 * Drug Task Force Sal & Bene Adis (346) (346) * Drnkg Drvr Cntmsr Sal & Bene Adis (85) (85) * Add Other Supplies for Accreditation 19,4499 (19,4499) (19,44$) Insurance Allocation ) ( ) Adjusted Criminal Justice Fund 739,499 822,245 (82,746) 217,527 134,781 ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION 230,669 366,167 (135,498) 174,653 39,155 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance 190,303 190,303 * Insurance Allocation 23 (23) (23) Adjusted Environmental Mitigation Fund 230,669 366,190 (135,521) 364,956 229,435 HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEV 279,509 279,509 * Salary & Benefit Adjustments (14,319) 14,319 14,319 * Office Supplies - Delete Overhead charges 210 (210) (210) * Equipment Rental - actual equipment 3,034 (3,034) (3,034) * Block Grant Reallocation 11,075 (11,075) (11,075) Adjusted Housing & Community Developme 279,509 279,509 CCC 93BADJSC.WQ1 Form 2 04-Dec-92 D a City of Kent Washing I ton D IV 1993 Final Budget Development POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS TO 1993 PRELIMINARY BUDGET TO ARRIVE AT FINAL BUDGET Inc (Dec) Beginning Ending in Fund Fund Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance OTHER OPERATING PROJECTS 535,354 600,547 (65,193) 65,193 Planning Grant Reimbursement (3,854) (3,854) Downtown Partnership 7,062 7,062 Growth Mgt Sal & Bene Adis (3,939) (3,939) Adjusted Other Operating Projects 534,623 599,816 (65,193) 65,193 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS VOTED 1,952,575 1,893,526 59,049 40,951 100,000 COUNCILMANIC 2,090,888 2,090,888 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT 3,027,116 3,491,950 (464,834) 2,490,074 2,025,240 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS STREET PROJECTS 2,561,000 2,561,000 * Pedestrian Crossing Signal 57,000 57,000 Adjusted Street Projects 2,618,000 2,618,000 PARKS PROJECTS 35,585 42,419 (6,834) 6,834 OTHER PROJECTS 221,736 245,000 (23,264) 23,264 PROPRIETARY FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER 7,765,562 10,581,168 (2,815,606) 9,278,861 6,463,255 * Salary & Benefit Adjustments (3,635) 3,635 3,635 * Office Supplies - Delete Overhead charges (19) 19 19 * Health Permit - New Item 16,640 (16,640) (16,640) * Printing / Photocopy Allocation 74 (74) ( ) * Equipment Rental - based on actual equipment 2,764 (2,764) (2,764 * Internal Services - Telephone, WP, DP (104) 104 104 * Reallocation of Finance (2,262) 2,262 2,262 * Insurance Allocation 1,319 (1,319) (1,319) * Other Cost Allocations (3,169) 3,169 3,169 Adjusted Water Fund 7,765,562 10,592,776 (2,827,214) 9,278,861 6,451,647 MMI V CCC 93BADJSC.WQ! Form 2 04-Dec-92 ng City of Kent, Washington M ` - V 1993 Final Budget Development POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS TO 1993 PRELIMINARY BUDGET TO ARRIVE AT FINAL BUDGET Inc (Dec) Beginning Ending in Fund Fund Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance SEWERAGE 17,450,475 16,253,566 1,196,909 2,435,511 3,632,420 * Salary & Benefit Adjustments (170) 170 170 * Office Supplies - Delete Overhead charges (6) 6 6 * Printing / Photocopy Allocation 90 (90) (90) * Equipment Rental - based on actual equipment 28,709 (28,709) (28,709) * Internal Services - Telephone, WP, DP (45) 45 45 * Reallocation of Finance (268) 268 2,268 * Other Cost Allocations (2,293) 2,293 293 * Insurance Allocation 1,712 (1,712) (1,712) Adjusted Sewer Fund 17,450,475 16,281,295 1,169,180 2,435,511 3,604,691 GOLF COMPLEX 3,081,065 2,857,917 223,148 475,903 699,051 Decrease Revenues (170,328) (170,328) (170,328) * Office Supplies - Delete Overhead charges (310) 310 310 * Printing / Photocopy Allocation (68) 68 68 * Equipment Rental - based on actual equipment (21,356) 21,356 21,156 * Internal Services - Telephone, WP, DP (157) 157 * Reallocation of Finance (170) 170 170 * Insurance Allocation (12,069) 12,069 12,069 Adjusted Golf Complex 2,910,737 2,823,787 86,950 475,903 562,853 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,292,844 1,053,926 238,918 2,224,769 2,463,687 Add Back 5 vehicles (Depts Reallocate 6,902 6,902 6,902 Balance Fuel Revenues Vs Dept Exp 4,344 4,344 4,344 * Equipment Rental - based on actual equipment (350) 350 350 * Internal Services - Telephone, WP, DP 1,188 (1,188) (1,188) * Insurance Allocation (229) 229 229 * Other Cost Allocations 2,576 (2,576) (2,576) Adjusted Equipment Rental 1,304,090 1,057,111 246,979 2,224,769 2,471,748 CENTRAL SERVICES 1,903,108 1,842,843 60,265 24,185 84,450 * Office Supplies - Delete Overhead charges (1,179) 1,179 1,179 Police Computer Maintenance 10,629 10,629 * Equipment Rental - based on actual equipment 255 (255) (255) * Building Costs 1,027,805 1,090,396 (62,591) (62,591) * Reallocation of Finance (2,341) 2,341 2,341 * Internal Services - Telephone, WP, DP 50,338 50,338 50,338 * Insurance Allocation (1,812) 1,812 1,812 * Other Cost Allocations (9,387) 9,387 9,387 Adjusted Central Services Fund 2,991,880 2,929,404 62,476 24,185 86,661 CCC 93BADJSC.WQ! Form 2 04-Dec-92 M I I V M I V City of Kent, Washington 1993 Final Budget Development POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS TO 1993 PRELIMINARY BUDGET TO ARRIVE AT FINAL BUDGET Inc (Dec) Beginning Ending in Fund Fund Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance INSURANCE 4,604,551 4,852,175 (247,624) 1,548,960 1,301,336 * New Medical / Dental Plan 114,276 (184,498) 298,774 (59,729) 239,045 Adjusted Insurance Fund 4,718,827 4,667,677 51,150 1,489,231 1,540,381 FIDUCIARY FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS FIREMEN'S PENSION 205,150 156,847 48,303 2,068,549 2,116,852 * Medical Insurance (2,077) 2,077 2,077 Adjusted Firemen's Pension Fund 205,150 154,770 50,380 2,068,549 2,118,929 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP 22,973 18,225 4,748 27,507 32,255 OTHER TRUST & AGENCY (5,000) (5,000) 5,000 TOTAL GROSS BUDGET 87,472,770 90,542,510 (3,069,740) 24,887,020 21,817,280 LESS: Internal Service Funds 3,247,252 3,247,252 Other Transfers 5,920,131 5,920,131 TOTAL BUDGET 78,305,387 81,375,127 (3,069,740) 24,887,020 21,817,280 CCC 93BADJSC.WQ! Form 2 04-Dec-92 AF..,n,. T� '� ILO . Tj G:_Immittee From: Jim JI-I i apologize for ❑'eiril_1. unali"_'+le G[c� �.-.�. ,.end the bUdgeL 1_iJmillit'tCe - .�� -i \ �. I_ ^:. -.y "r'' __ 4 i�l 1 _II':1(I l.i ._ ,� ime Ul-1QGst _III'_ meating Ian . IJ�1'• ember ._.�J� 1•�'_� Ihi_ - is i= _ L . tii CGfi51Lle1' tl_ 1'1e1p til al =tilC'� :-11t .y ._�1u step �.1 Freeze 5L�= 111['r BdaL- Enl_„urage early 'retirement Elirlinate all unfilled positions Ea ilrlinatr=' all _ Ilm�.nity e.erl ,=1=.i _ il_•i 1!S -t11_I I��i1� I t 4'1 (_ L .f_ r e:a 1 �1 I I�.1 LI 1 1 it. 1 cis t I! t.1 I L IJ r 1 Vat ':_:�-_1_'l�I IJ f Mrs I i._. par i._ de F:�l i.. (T'I:=1 1•. a 't I ---,a mIV�. i i LE- ''rll:.�' I (.I I Fil:o Long �.�I m empl_lym•_n ? l -..> - 'I 1 1 ' 1 1 c-onsAN, at 1"i 1 '_ I i 1 I Cf _a l 1 1 i- ")'tom j_Colo. POSITIONS ELIGIBLE FOR STEP INCREASES IN 1993 INCLUDES FILLED POSITIONS ONLY, SALARY + PERS+ LEOFF+ SOCIAL SECURITY 1993 PRELIMINARY BUDGET DATA USED GENERAL FUND OTHER FUNDS TOTAL FUNDS UNION # $ 5% # S 5% # $ 5% AFSCME 4.0 102,025 5,101 3.0 71,463 3,573 7.0 173,488 8,674 CLERK 6.0 175,380 8,769 6.0 175,380 8,769 FIRE 17.0 781,156 39,058 17.0 781,156 39,058 CORRECTIONS 9.0 316,547 15,827 9.0 316,547 15,827 POLICE 9.0 388,257 19,413 9.0 388,257 19,413 TEAMSTERS 7.5 235,536 11,777 13.5 468,331 23,416 21.0 703,866 35,193 UNION SUBTOTAL 52.5 1,998,901 99,945 16.5 539,794 26,989 69.0 2,538,694 126,934 NONREPS 53.0 2,160,514 108,026 15.0 452,133 22,607 68.0 2,612,647 130,633 TOTAL 105.5 4,159,415 207,971 31.5 991,927 49,596 137.0 5,151,341 257,567 CCC STEPS002.WQ! 04-Dec-92 D1993 Preliminary Budget City of Kent, Washington Position AnayLsis Total *FTE's Percentage Authorized 1992 1992 Total of Vacant Under Deleted Laid Off Staff Staff Positions 1991 Budget Positions Positions Reduction Reduction a 12/01/92 GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Executive/Adninist rat ion 7.5 1.5 1.5 20.0% 1.0 City Clerk 3.5 1.5 1.5 42.9% Civil Service 1.0 0.0 0.0% Lau 7.5 1.0 1.0 13.3% Hunan Resources 6.5 1.0 1.0 15.4% Finance/Public office Buildings 21.5 2.0 2.0 11.8% is 1.0 Planning 19.5 1.0 1.5 2.5 12.8% 1.0 Police 128.5 8.5 0.5 9.0 7.0% 2.5 Fire & Code Enforcement 152.5 9.0 2.0 11.0 7.2% 2.0 Public Works 61.6 7.5 1.0 8.5 13.8% 2.0 Parks, Recreation & Culture 62.5 2.3 J 4.0 6.3 11.1% a Total 472.0 35.3 9.0 44.3 9.4% 9.5 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Criminal Justice Lau 2.0 2.0 Police 8.3 Environmental Fire 1.0 Public Works 1.0 HCD - Planning 1.5 (0.5)J (0.5) Street Utility - Public Works 2.5 Total 16.3 (0.5) (0.5) 2.0 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Utility Billing - Finance 6.5 0.5 0.5 .0 Utility operations - Public Works 45.0 4.0 Golf Complex - Parks 17.0 2.0 + Total 68.5 0.5 0.5 10.0 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 1.0 Equipment Rental 6.5 Central Services Information Services 15.0 2.5 2. 16.7% 1.0 Finance 10.0 2.0 2.00 Total 31.5 4.5 4.5 16.7% 2.0 TOTAL POSITIONS 588.3 39.8 9.0 + 48.8 8.3% 23.5 * FTE's are full time equivalents, full time equals 1, part time equals .5 a Percentage shown combines impact of all staff reductions. D J Includes two part time positions added for 1992. D 0 + Laid off positions in golf complex also shown as vacant because the funds were not deleted. Total does not double count positions. City of Kent, Washington November, 1992 * Police, Non Line 1991 Deleted Fire & Police, Vacant Additional Budgeted & Laid off Corrections Fire & Target Positions Vacancies Positions Positions Officers ALL Others a 18.1%./ a 12/01 Needed GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Executive/Administration 7.5 1.5 6.0 1.1 1.0 0.1 City Clerk 3.5 1.5 a 2.0 0.4 0.4 Civil Service 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.2 Lau 7.5 1.0 6.5 1.2 1.2 Human Resources 6.5 1.0 5.5 1.0 1.0 Finance/Public Office Buildings 31.5 4.0 27.5 5.0 1.0 4.0 Planning 19.5 2.5 17.0 3.1 1.0 2.1 Police 128.5 9.0 85.0 34.5 6.2 2.5 3.7 Fire & Code Enforcement 152.5 11.0 87.0 54.5 9.9 2.0 7.9 Public Works 68.1 8.5 59.6 10.8 3.0 7.8 Parks, Recreation & Culture 62.5 6.3 a 56.2 10.2 10.2 Information Services 15.0 2.5 12.5 2.3 1.0 1.3 Total 503.5 48.8 172.0 282.7 51.2 11.5 39.7 OTHER FUNDS Special Revenue Funds Criminal Justice Law 2.0 2.0 Police 8.3 6.0 2.3 2.0 Environmental Fire 1.0 1.0 Public Works 1.0 1.0 H&CD Planning 1.5 (0.5)a 2.0 Street Utility-Public Works 2.5 2.5 Total 16.3 (0.5) 6.0 10.8 2.0 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Utility Sitting-Finance 6.5 0.5 6.0 Utility Operations-Public Works 45.0 45.0 6.0 Golf Complex-Parks 17.0 2.0 } 17.0 4.0 Total 68.5 0.5 68.0 10.0 TOTAL POSITIONS 588.3 48.8 178.0 361.5 23.5 * Excludes Police Chief, Captains & Lieutenants Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chiefs, Battalion Chiefs, Fire Marshall, Assistant Fire Marshall & Lieutenants To arrive at deletion of 100 permanent governmental employees iJ Includes 1 deleted full time position and 2 added part time positions adopted in the 1992 budget. } Laid off positions in golf complex also shown as vacant because the funds were not deleted. Total does not double count positions. M M I � V