HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 11/20/1990 :'777777- 7777777 �a City of Kent �� �� �� City Council Meeting 'r Aa Agenda � e a �m Ne .. .... .... �ai' Mayor Dan Kelleher Council Members Judy Woods, President Leona Orr Steve Dowell Christi Houser Jon Johnson Paul Mann Jim White Novemb er 20, 1990 p.X. Office of the City Clerk .. ....7777 CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 20, 1990 Summary Agenda City of Kent Council Chambers dbn�a� Office of the City Clerk 7:00 p.m. NOTE: An explanation of the agenda format is given on the back of this page. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL 1. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Bible Proclamation B. Presentation - Award for Recycling Emblem ICCI . Presentation - Centennial Birthday Card from the Lions 2 . PbBLIC�HEARINGS A. 1991 Budget - Ordinance 3 : CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes B. Bills C. Surplus Equipment D. Metro Sewer Rate Increase - Ordinance LCll E. Kensington Avenue Storm Project F. Hawkridge Bill of Sale G. Cedar Meadows - Set Meeting Date H. LID 331 - Ordinance Jq5�, I. CDBG Allocation •7. Laser Direct Contract clot 4 . OTHER BUSINESS prYN A. Dover Place Final Plat B. Tax Levy Ordinance C. Utility Extension Ordinance a 3 D. Frager Road Guardrail Transfer of Funds �E. Salary Survey - Department Heads 5. BIDS , P T �d A. Frager Rbad Guardrail 6. CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS 7. REPORTS 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION (approximately 15 minutes) (1) Solid Waste Litigation (2) CETA Grant Funds Litigation 9. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Citizens wishing to address the Council will, at this time, make known the subject of interest, so all may be properly heard. A. Bible Proclamation B. Presentation - Award for Recycling Emblem C. Presentation - Centennial Birthday Card from the Lions .............. �j Kent City Council Meeting Date November 20, 1990 V Category Public Hearings 1. SUBJECT: 1991 BUDGET - ORDINANCE 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: The 1991 Preliminary Budget has been distributed to the Council and has been available to the public since October 16. The first public hearing on the 1991 Preliminary Budget was held on November 6. Tonight's meeting will be the second public hearing prior to Council adoption scheduled for tonight. r� 3 . EXHIBITS: Budget documents will be available at the meeting or can be picked up in the Finance Department prior to the meeting. 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: OPEN HEARING: PUBLIC INPUT• CLOSE HEARING: 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember r seconds the adoption of Ordinancerlokhu approving the Mayor's 1991 Budget with changes as discussed at the November 6 Council Workshop and confirmed at tonight's meeting. DISCUSSION• ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 2A �a MCCARTHY,TONY / KENT70/FN - HPDesk print. ----------------------------------------- Silhject: 1991 BUDGET ORDINANCE C,.ator: Tony MCCARTHY / KENT70/FN Dated: 11/16/90 at 0810. TO: COUNCIL PRESIDENT WOODS AND COUNCILMEMBERS THE ATTACHED LIST OF PENDING POSSIBLE ADDITIONS TO THE 1991 FINAL BUDGET WERE DISCUSSED AT THE WORKSHOP OF NOVEMBER 6TH AND EXCEPT FOR THE IOOF BUILDING PURCHASE HAVE ALL BEEN INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSED 1991 BUDGET ORDINANCE. THE IOOF BUILDING HAS BEEN EXCLUDED SINCE AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1990 BUDGET WILL NEED TO BE MADE IF THE ITEM IS TO BE INCLUDED AS A 1990 ACQUISITION. MORE ABOUT THIS LATER. IN ADDITION TO THE ITEMS ON THE LIST TWO OTHER CHANGES AS DISCUSSED AT THE WORKSHOP ARE INCLUDED IN THE ORDINANCE: (1) TO TRANSFER $300,000 FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT RESERVE TO THE GENERAL FUND RESERVE AS REQUESTED BY THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND (2) TO INCREASE THE GOLF COURSE REVENUE ESTIMATE BY $624, 011 TO COVER BUDGETED EXPENDITURES INCLUDING $20, 000 ON THE ATTACHED LIST FOR IRRIGATION UNDER MEEKER STREET ONLY. PART OF REVENUE IS PROPOSED TO BE RAISED BY INCREASED FEES TO COVER SALES TAX AS PROPOSED BY THE PARK DIRECTOR. THE ADDITIONAL AMOUNT IS BUDGETED TO COME FROM GROWTH IN PARTICIPATION. THE OTHER ADJUSTMENTS SHOWN ON THE ORDINANCE REFLECT THE FINE TUNING OF SOME SALARY AND BENEFIT CALCULATIONS THROUGH OUR NEW SALARY AND BENEFIT PROGRAM AND THE BALANCING OF CAPITAL PROJECTS WITH AMOUNTS TRANSFERED FROM OPERATING FUNDS TO CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS FOR PROPER ACCOUNTING. V 'H RESPECT TO THE IOOF BUILDING PURCHASE, THE ORDINANCE SHOWS $538,222 Rnj�AINING IN ENDING FUND BALANCE IN THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND OF WHICH $450, 000 HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED IN PRIOR BUDGETS AS A CONTINGENCY RESERVE. IF $251, 000 IS USED FOR THE IOOF BUILDING PURCHASE, THE FUND BALANCE WOULD BE REDUCED TO $287,222 . THIS UNDERFUNDING OF $162,778 COULD BE REESTABLISHED IN THE NEXT YEARS BUDGET. J PENDING POSSIBLE ADDITIONS TO 1991 FINAL- BUDGET 11/12/96 GENERAL OTHER FUND FUND FUNDS TYPE RECOMMENDED ADDITIONS MAYORAL ADDITIONS: Arts Commission, downtown summer concert and events 31585 Expenditure $5,886 less $2,300 revenue COUNCIL ADDITIONS: Mayor salary $311 month plus social security 39732 . i Council approved 10/16 Day Care financial feasibility study 7,500 Operations Committee recommended 10/24 by 2/0 vote Joint reservoir equity purchase from WD #111 508,781 WATER Operations Committee recommended 10/24 by 2/0 vote Public Works Committee to discuss on 11/6 Health Services study 7,500 Operations Committee recommended 10/24 by 2/0 vote INADVERTANT ERRORS: Overtime for K-9 being transferred to Patrol for existing staff 14,078 Police word processing needs to be reallocated based on trend 3,360 Public Works word processing decrease based on usage (3,360) Police and Fire health benefits for retirees 98,790 Valley Communication lease lines (Police share) 6,000 Drinking Driver Grant not funded 2nd half 1991 10,527 Increase funding from 14,353 to 24,880 Cost allocation Parks Maintenance to golf (10,200) 2,700 GOLF TOTAL RECOMMENDED ADDITIONS 1413512 511,481 OTHER ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION: Golf irrigation (under Meeker only) 20,000 GOLF IOOF Building Purchase/demolition 3872543 CIP TOTAL OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 79500 407,543 �{�PvcTrTw d (N1ro�am, ltct�,1 ion POLILC — S fMti HNO":D 15000 Samoa r H .r+MC Qrovn.� ►c( 4- O S�r�o�s b,S00 S�� City of Kent, Washington 1991 Budget Ordinance SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 1991 COMBINED OPERATING STATEMENT ~ Change Beginning Ending in Fund Fund Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUND 30,847,372 32,7029704 (1,855,332) 39555,332 1t700g000 Transfer from CIP reserve 3002000 3002000 3009000 Arts Commission downtown 2,300 59885 (3,585) Mayor Salary 39732 (3,732) Day Care Feasibility Study 7,500 (7,500) Health Services Study 7,500 (7,500) K-9 Overtime 14,078 (14,078) Police word processing 3,360 (3,360) Public Works word processing (31360) 39360 Police/Fire health benefits 98,790 (989790) Valley Communication line 6,000 (69000) Drinking Driver Task Force 10,527 (10,527) Cost Allocation-Parks Maint. (10,200) 10,200 Police Hepatitus vaccines 159000 (15,000) Salary & benefit adjustments 25,872 (25,872) Adjust beginning fund balance 1829384 Sub total 302,300 1842684 117,616 1829384 300s000 Total 31,149,672 32,887,388 (1,737,716) 3,737,716 2,000,000 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street 1,126,273 1,1233225 3,048 3172317 320,365 Transfer adjustments (30,000) 309000 302000 Total 1,1269273 1,093,225 33,048 3179317 350,365 Capital Improvement 3,855,763 4,364,945 (509,182) 19347,404 8389222 Transfer to General Fund 300,000 (300,000) (300,000) Total 3,855,763 4,664,945 (809,182) 1,3479404 538,222 Criminal Justice 621,871 915,520 (293,649) 507,910 214,261 Miscellaneous adjustments 1,907 (2,264) 4,171 49171 Total 623,778 913,256 (289,478) 507,910 218,432 Environmental Mitigation 197,634 248,009 (509375) 300,375 250,000 Salary & benefit adjustments (2,223) 2,223 (29223) Total 197,634 245,786 (48,152) 298,152 250,000 City of Kent, Washington 1991 Budget Ordinance SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 1991 COMBINED OPERATING STATEMENT Change Beginning Ending in Fund Fund Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance Housing & Community Dev 219,719 219,719 Other Operating Projects 151$ 85 156,585 (5,000) 51000 0 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted 1,453,875 11909,208 (455$ 33) 565,087 1099754 Councilmanic 21466,230 214669230 Special Assessment 3,171,606 3,087,420 84,186 1,290,795 113742981 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNS Street Projects 831,000 8311000 Transfer adjustments 165,000 165,000 Total 9969000 996,000 0 0 0 Parks Projects 969344 96,344 Transfer adjustments 100,000 1002000 Total 196,344 196,344 0 0 0 Other Projects 533,300 533,300 Transfer adjustments 5952280 595,280 Total 1,1289580 1,128$ 80 PROPRIETARY FUNS ENTERPRISE FINDS Water 8,165,000 6,854,841 19310,159 7,273,978 8$ 84,137 Joint Reservoir Buy Out 508,781 (508,781) (508,781) Miscellanous adjustments 60,400 (939065) 1539465 1539465 Total 8,225,400 7,270,557 954,843 7,273,978 81228,821 Sewerage 11,087,400 9,865,530 1,221,870 3,359,656 49581,526 Salmon enhancement 6,500 (6,500) (6,500) Miscellanous adjustments 12,000 (115,776) 127,776 127,776 Total 11,099,400 9,756,254 1,343,146 39359,656 4,7029802 City of Kent, Washington 1991 Budget Ordinance SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 1991 COMBINED OPERATING STATEMENT Change Beginning Ending in Fund Fund Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance Golf Complex 2,3769062 21437,266 (61,204) 169248 (44,956) Additional Golf revenue 624,011 624,011 624,011 Cost Allocation - Pk Mt. 2,700 (2,700) (29700) Irrigation under Meeker Street 20,000 (20,000) (20,000) Salary & benefit adjustments (3,765) 3,765 39765 Total 3,000,073 2,456,201 543,872 16,248 560,120 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Equipment Rental 1,640t894 1,1619181 479,713 1,182,926 1,662,639 Salary & benefit adjustments (21417) 2,417 29417 Total 1,640s894 1,1589764 482,130 1,1822926 19665,056 Central Services 22085,321 2,143,069 (57,748) 117,756 60,008 Transfer adjustments 634,210 634,210 0 0 Total 29719,531 2,777,279 (57,748) 1172756 609008 Insurance 21923,578 2,9659455 (41,877) 1,956,838 119142961 FIDUCIARY FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Firemen's Pension 185,039 125,700 59,339 1,829,019 1,888,358 Economic Development Corp 28,838 23,347 5,491 65,942 71,433 TOTAL GROSS BUDGET 76,559,812 76,4989243 61,569 23,8719744 23,933,313 LESS: Internal Service Funds 6,260,604 62260,604 Other Transfers 4,760,446 4,760,446 Transfer adjustments 1,214,300 1,214,300 Total 51974,746 53974,746 TOTAL NET BUDGET 64,324,462 64,262,893 61,569 23,8712744 23,933,313 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington relating to budgets and finance; adopting the 1991 Budget. WHEREAS, the tax estimates and budget for the City of Kent, Washington for the year 1991 have been prepared and filed as provided by the laws of the State of Washington, the said budget having been printed for distribution and notice published in the official paper of the City of Kent setting the time and place for hearing on same and said notice stating that all taxpayers calling at the Office of the City Clerk would be furnished a copy of said budget; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Budget. That the budget for the year 1991 as it now stands is hereby adopted in the amounts and for the following purposes to wit: Change Beginning Ending in Fund Fund Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUND 31,149,672 32,8875388 (127375716) 3,737,716 210009000 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street 1,1269273 11093,225 33,048 317,317 3502365 Capital Improvement 31855,763 41664,945 (809,182) 11347,404 5382222 Criminal Justice 623,778 9132256 (289,478) 507,910 218,432 Environmental Mitigation 197,634 245,786 (482152) 298,152 250,000 Housing & Community Dev. 219,719 219,719 Other Operating Projects 151,585 156,585 (51000) 51000 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted 11453,875 11909,208 (455,333) 5657087 109,754 Councilmanic 22466,230 21466,230 Special Assessment 31171,606 37087,420 84,186 11290,795 11374,981 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Street Capital 996,000 9969000 Parks Projects 196,344 196,344 Other Projects 11128,580 111287580 PROPRIETARY FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS . Water 8,225,400 71270,557 9542843 722732978 82228,821 Sewerage 11,099,400 91756,254 1,3432146 39359,656 42702,802 Golf Course 3,000,073 2,4561201 543,872 16,248 560,120 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Equipment Rental 11640,894 11158,764 4822130 12182,926 17665,056 Central Services 217192531 21777,279 (57,748) 117,756 60,008 Insurance 2,9231578 21965,455 (41,877) 11956,838 119147961 FIDUCIARY FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Firemen's Pension 1852039 125,700 59,339 11829,019 11888,358 Economic Development Corp. 282838 23,347 5,491 65,942 71,433 TOTAL GROSS BUDGET 76,559,812 762498,243 617569 231871,744 23,933,313 w-te s s: Internal Service Funds 6,260,604 61260,604 Other Transfers 5,9741746 51974,746 TOTAL NET BUDGET 6433243462 64,2262�893 �61 56923.8� 7 23,933.313 . Section 2. This budget provides a 6.4% cost of living adjustment for nonrepresented employees effective January 1, 1991. Section 3. The City Administrator shall administer the Annual Budget and in doing so may authorize adjustments to the extent that they are consistent with the budget approved herein. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the day of 1990. APPROVED the day of 1990. PUBLISHED the day of 1990. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK CONSENT CALENDAR 3 . city Council Action: Councilmember wlvyl moves, Councilmember seconds that Consent Calendar Items A through J be $p rov _l VLti Discussion Action 3A. Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of November 6, 1990. lI� N~ 3B. Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received through November 16, M 1990 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 2:00 p.m. on November 27, 1990. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: D to Check Numbers Amount Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Numbers Amount 11/5/90 143857 - 144599 $845,572 . 11 Council Agenda Item No. 3 A-B Kent, Washington November 6, 1990 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Dowell, Houser, Johnson, Mann, Orr and Woods, City Administrator Chow, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Frederiksen, Assistant City Administrator Hansen, Information Services Director Spang, Finance Director McCarthy and City Clerk Jensen. Councilmember White was excused from the meeting. Parks Director Wilson and Personnel Director Olson were not in attendance. Approximately 50 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH. Mayor Kelleher announced COMMUNI- that Jan Storment of the Public Works Department has CATIONS been chosen as Employee of the Month for November. He noted that Jan works as an Accounting Assistant and is praised by her supervisor and co-workers for her dedication to her job. Public works Director Wickstrom explained that when the Public Works Accountant resigned, Jan was assigned her duties, which required a significant increase in responsi- bilities, and that Jan demonstrated an ability to coordinate all these functions and meet the various accounting deadlines. He stated that she is a real asset to the department. HUMAN SERVICES MONTH. Mayor Kelleher read a proclamation declaring November as Human Services Month in the City of Kent. He noted that the population growth in Kent and the increasing pressures impacting families and individuals continue to .present service needs. He urged citizens to recognize and support the human services .programs. RON BANISTER DAY. The Mayor read a proclamation noting that on August 16, 1990, Ron Banister quickly and skillfully administered the Heimlich maneuver on Lynn Gardner, dislodging a foreign object from her throat and quite possibly saving her life. He proclaimed November 6, 1990, as Ron Banister Day in the City of Kent and presented the proclamation to Mr. Banister. CONSENT WOODS MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through N, with the exception of Items 3F and 3G which were removed by Councilmember Dowell, Johnson seconded and the motion carried. - 1 - November 61 1990 MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3A) w Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of October 16, 1990. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) SANITATION Centennial Building, ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement submitted by Kent Centennial Limited Partnership for continuous operation and maintenance of approximately 172 feet of water main extension and 405 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed in the vicinity of Gowe Street and Titus Street for the Centennial Building and release. of cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) Rosemary Glen One. ACCEPTANCE of the bills of sale and warranty agreements submitted by Nova Start Enterprises for continuous operation and maintenance of 406 feet of water main location in the vicinity of 96th Place and S. 228th Street; 1550 feet of off site sanitary sewer extension in the vicinity of 94th Ave. S. 222nd; 2397 feet of water main extension and 2382.9 feet of sanitary sewer main extension in the vicinity of 96th Ave. S. and S. 228th Street and release of cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. WATER (BIDS - ITEM 5A) REITH ROAD AND CA14BRIDGE WATER TANK REPAINTING AND SAFETY IMPROVEMEMS. Bid opening was held on October 30. Seven bids were received with the low bid submitted by Olson Brothers in the amount of $129,366.63. Staff recommended this bid be accepted. WHITE SO MOVED, Orr seconded and the motion carried. STREET (PUBLIC HEARING - ITEM 2B) LID 331 - James Street Improvements. This date has been set for the hearing on the final assessment roll for LID 331. The City Clerk has given the proper legal notification to the property owners. Public Works Director Wickstrom explained the scope of the "project as follows: 1. Five lane roadway, two lanes each direction with center two-way turn lane (58' curb to curb) 2. Curb and gutter 3. Cement concrete sidewalks on both sides 4. Storm drainage system 5. Street lighting 6. Undergrounding of power and telephone lines 7 . Street trees 8. Utility adjustments and relocations 2 - November 6, 1990 STREETS He explained the method of assessment noting that the rate depended upon the zoning of each property. It was noted that a protest received from Mrs. Leber and one from Victoria Johnson of Coldwell Banker on her behalf, were distributed with the agenda along with Wickstrom's response. (LIDS 331 ) The public hearing was opened by Mayor Kelleher. James McGinnis of the Lutheran Church of the Cross read a letter objecting to the assessment against the property used as a recreation field, which was zoned residential. This letter and those noted above have been filed for the record. Mann noted that Mrs. Leber had also objected to the bright street lights shining on her property. Wickstrom was asked to look into the possibility of shields for the lights. Vickie Johnson spoke on behalf of Mrs. Leber opining that James Street is a main arterial and that all using the street should participate in the cost, not just those who lived there. There were no further comments, and WOODS MOVED to close the hearing. HOUSER seconded and the motion carried. Upon Johnson's question, Wickstrom noted that the amount of the final LID assessments, $360,417. 61 is a 33 .37% decrease from the original preliminary roll, although a 19.78% increase over the adjusted preliminary assessment roll. He further clarified that residential properties received the lowest assessments. DOWELL MOVED that the Public Works Director's memo- and response to the protest be made a part of the record, the hearing be closed and the Attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance confirming the final assessment roll for LID 331. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) Latecomer Agreement - Chutoni Estates. AUTHORIZATION for the Public Works staff to prepare a Latecomer Agreement for street improvements con- structed in the vicinity of 42nd Place S. and for the Public Works Director to sign same, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. STREET Kelly's Cafe American Street Vacation STV - 90-4. VACATIONS This date has been set for a public hearing on the request of Kelly's Cafe American to vacate a portion of S. Central Place adjacent to their restaurant. The Planning Department recommends that this request be denied since a Fort Thomas historical marker is - 3 - November 6, 1990 STREET located on the property and they have noted also that VACATIONS this is an ideal place for a City gateway entry sign. The department recommends 5 conditions be imposed should the Council elect to grant this vacation. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Kelleher. Mr. Kelly noted that this small strip could be maintained along with the restaurant property if vacated and that he was willing to accept the conditions as described in the agenda packet. There were no further comments and the hearing was closed. JOHNSON MOVED to approve the street vacation with the conditions as shown and for the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. HOUSER seconded and the motion carried. . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3E) Portion of So 212th Street ADOPTION of Resolution 1264 setting a public hearing for December 4, 1990 on the Pacific Ventures Inc. request for vacation of a portion of So. 212th Street. REZONE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Norman Anderson Rezone No. RZ- 90-7. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2949 approving rezone, without conditions, of approximately 4.85 acres from M1, Industrial Park, to GWC, Gateway commercial, in accordance with Council action on October 16, 1990. ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Overlook Annexation ACCEPTANCE of the petition for annexation of approximately eight acres in the vicinity of 93rd Ave. S. and S. 222nd St. and authorization for the City Engineer to file a Notice of Intent with the King County Boundary Review Board, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. FINAL PLAT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) Dover Place Final Plat SU-89-2. AUTHORIZATION to set November 20, 1990 as the date for a public meeting to consider the Dover Place Final plat. The property is 7.8 acres in size and is located east of 104th Ave. and south of S.E. 224th. HUMAN (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) SERVICES Domestic Violence System. ADOPTION of Resolution 1265 allocating funds for the domestic violence system, as recommended by the Planning Committee. The Committee approved the allocation of a minimum of 11% of our City's law, safety,justice (LSJ) sales tax revenue to fund a community advocate, training and protocol to support their regional domestic violence system. - 4 - November 6, 1990 HUMAN Upon Dowell's question, Finance Director McCarthy SERVICES clarified that these funds will be taken from the 1/10 of 1% sales tax increase effective November 1st, and that it would amount to approximately $46, 000. He stated that that amount has 'been budgeted for the program, and that it has not yet been determined exactly how the system will work. Lin Ball of the Planning Department explained that the community advocate will work out of Kent's local domestic violence office (DAWN) and will coordinate with legal advocates funded by the County. She explained that this is a regional system and it is not known yet which cities will participate. She noted that when that information is available and the program is set up, there will most likely be a contract for these specific services and that it will be paid on a monthly or quarterly basis. She also clarified for Dowell that these funds are in addition to the monies received from the 1% general fund because they are for separate services. She noted that domestic violence impacts the police department .and the court system. DOWELL MOVED for adoption of Resolution 1265. MANN seconded and the motion carried. CITY HALL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3G) REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER DOWELL Laundry Services Contract. Quotations were re- ceived from the following five vendors: Overall Inc. ,$69,567.68 ; Marriott Inc. , $56,864.60; Washington Linen, $54,241.20; American Linen, $46, 512 .44; Aerotex Inc. , $43,817 .80. It is recommended that the contract be awarded to the second low respondent because of a number of issues with the current contractor regarding the quality of service. McCarthy noted for Dowell that these services cover Parks and Public Works uniforms but do not include Police and Fire uniforms. DOWELL MOVED that this item be approved. Woods seconded and the motion carried. COUNCIL (ADDED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3N) Council Absence. APPROVAL of an excused absence from tonight's meeting for Councilmember White, who is out of town. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Drinking Driver Task Force ACKNOWLEDGMENT of a donation to the Drinking Driver Task Force for support of parent education program activities in the amount of $20 from Crestwood Elementary PTA. - 5 - November 6, 1990 PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) RECREATION 1991 City Art Plan. APPROVAL of the 1991 City Art Plan which outlines public art projects in general terms for 1991 through 1995 and lists specific projects for 1991. 1991 projects include a downtown parks project, for "Olde Fishing Hole" park and purchases for the City's portable works collection. Also outlined are plans for seven murals as part of the proposed downtown cultural tourism mural project. If funds are approved, the projects and sites would include First Avenue Plaza, Howard Manufacturing, First Interstate Bank, Rasmussen Building and a tile mural in the downtown area by Martin Sortun Elementary students. SENIOR (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) HOUSING Senior Housing Bond ordinance and Purchase Contract. Bond Counsel has prepared the ordinance to authorize $6,700,000 in UTGO bonds for Senior Housing. These bond proceeds will be used for the construction of 92-units of senior housing. The bonds were authorized by the qualified voters of the City at a special election on February 6, 1990. SENIOR The purchase contract with Lehman Brothers is at net HOUSING interest cost of 7.237 percent and has a gross under- . writing spread of approximately $14.05 per thousand dollar bond. These bonds will be retired through a property tax levy which will be approximately $.20 per thousand dollars assessed valuation. Upon the recommendation of the Finance Director, HOUSER MOVED for adoption of Ordinance 2948 approving the UTGO bonds and to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Lehman Brothers for purchase of the bonds. Woods seconded and the motion carried. BUDGET (PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 2C) 1991 Budget. The 1991 Preliminary Budget has been distributed to the Council and has been available to the public since October 16. Tonight's meeting will be the first official public hearing on the 1991 budget prior to Council adoption scheduled for November 20. Tony McCarthy noted that this $63 million budget is up about $8 million from last year but that no new city taxes were planned. He noted that the Senior Citizens Housing Bond Issue had passed earlier this year and that the county would have an increase in sales tax for criminal justice funding. He pointed out that the new budget included 38 new positions, a 7% increase bringing the total number of employees up to 590. - 6 - November 6, 1990 BUDGET The public hearing was declared open by the Mayor. Rev. Eckfeldt, Director of the Human Services Commission introduced representatives of the twelve agencies approved for funding. Letters were distri- buted and placed on file from the following: Washington Women's Employment & Education, South King County Multi Service Center, Kent Valley Youth Services, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, Community Health Centers, Pregnancy Aid, Valley Cities Mental Health Center, Child & Family Resource & Referral, Catholic Community Services, Community Service Center, Children's Therapy Center and DAWN. Seventeen letters in support of the Arts Commission and the murals program were filed. Dee Moschel of KDA and Joanne Brady of the Arts Commission spoke in favor of the murals. Sandi Weaver asked that the City again budget funds to support the Salmon Enhancement Program. Mark McKay, President of the Chamber of Commerce, and John Naylor noted that the Chamber had made some budget recommendations in a letter of July 13, 1990. These were reiterated and it was noted that the letter is part of the record. There were no further comments and the hearing was closed. It was noted that another hearing would be held at the November 20 Council meeting. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through November 2, 1990 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 4:30 p.m. on November 13, 1990. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 10/16-10/30/90 97719 - 97751 $ 235,061.98 10/31/90 97752 - 98316 $1,487 ,597 . 93 $1,722,659.91 Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Numbers Amount 10/19/90 143127 - 143856 $ 827,865.32 REPORTS Council President. Woods announced that the Suburban Cities Association will meet on November 14th in Auburn. 7 - November 6, 1990 REPORTS Planning Committee. Johnson pointed out that the General Assembly voted to dissolve the Puget Sound Council of Governments and directed the organization to form a substitute agency. He noted that the Sub- regional Council will terminate 12-31-90 and the Puget Sound Council of Governments will terminate 6-30-91 if there is a substitute agency in place. Parks Committee. Dowell noted that artwork for the Fire Station will be dedicated at noon on November 7th at 4th and Crow. He indicated that the artwork is called "Fire at Fred's Place". ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk 241C-05C 8 - ............. ..._.. Kent City Council Meeting O}� Date November 20, 1990 Category Consent Calendar �1. 9B SURPLUS EQUIPMENT, 10 ecommended �6 the lic Works Commi a uthorization to declare as surplus, 18 ve icles as detailed in attached listing and offer same for sale at the 7state auction on December I7A 3 . EXHIBITS: Vehicle lusting 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public )aorks Committee (Committee, Staff, Ex iner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL PERSONNE IMPACT: NO YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Reco ended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS• 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION: 1 { Council Agenda Item No. 3C MEMORANDUM DATE: October 9, 1990 TO: Don Wickstrom, Director of Public Wor THRU: Tim Heydon, Operations Manager FROM: Jack Spencer, Fleet Managetbsolete SUBJECT: Authorization to Surplus Ol Equipment I would like to request authorization to surplus old and obsolete equipment that we no longer have any use for. The following is a list of vehicles, their ages and condition. #2 1980 Ford Fairmont Wagon, License #D28841, Serial No. 195913 This vehicle is 10 years old and has 57,982 miles on it. It has been replaced with a new vehicle and has been used as a line vehicle for two years. #13 1977 GMC Suburban 3/4 ton, License #D24788, Serial No. 526273 This vehicle is 13 years old and has 79,046 miles on it. It has been replaced and then used as a line vehicle. #29 1981 Dodge 1 Ton 4x4, License #D20926, Serial No. 163863 Truck has 83,000 plus miles. Engine uses oil and fouls spark plugs. Needs constant tuning. Truck has been replaced with a new unit and has been used on a regular basis by the Street Department for two years. It is no longer in useable condition and has been deadlined. #31 1980 Dodge Pickup 1/2 Ton, License #D28839, Serial No. 138975 This vehicle is 10 years old and has 73,000 miles on it. It has been replaced with a new unit and used as line vehicle. #45 1981 Dodge 1/2 Ton Pickup, License #D19936, Serial No. 160589 This vehicle is 9 years old and has 85,995 miles on it. It has been replaced with a new vehicle and used as a line vehicle for two years. Appearance is rough. #47 1982 Dodge Pickup, License #D30883, Serial No. 269687 This vehicle is 8 years old and has 74,247 miles on it. This vehicle has been used very little as a line vehicle. #43 1983 Chevrolet Van, License #D33611, Serial No. 165908 This vehicle has had extreme hard use and has 69,000 miles on it. This should be surplused w before major repair is necessary. DATE: October 9, 1990 TO: Don Wickstrom, Director of Public Works THRU: Tim Heydon, Operations Manager FROM: Jack Spencer, Fleet Manager w SUBJECT: Authorization to Surplus Old/Obsolete Equipment Page 2 of 3 #85 1973 5-yard Dump, License #D19886, Serial No. 015914 This truck is 17 years old and has 27,133 miles on it. Parts are becoming impossible to obtain on short notice resulting in long periods of down time. Truck has been replaced with a new truck. #86 1971 Dodge 5-yard Dump, License #D01266, Serial No. 307729 This truck is 19 years old and has 37,000 miles on it. Parts are difficult to obtain. This has been replaced with a new unit. #367 1986 Plymouth Gran Fury,License #D36313, Serial No. 582331 This is a Police car with an excess of 100,000 miles and no longer useable for Police work. This vehicle has been replaced with a new unit. #369 1986 Plymouth Gran Fury, license #D36314, Serial No. 582328 This is a Police car with 80,255 miles on it. The steering and suspension is wom badly. No longer useable for Police work. This has been replaced with a new unit. #372 1987 Chevrolet Caprice, license #01862D, Serial No. 100394 Police car has 85,851 miles on it along with front end and steering problems. This has been replaced with a new unit. #373 1987 Chevrolet Caprice, license #01865D, Serial No. 100397 This Police car.has 98,000 plus miles on it and has been replaced with a new car. #375 1987 Chevrolet Caprice, license #01856D, Serial No. 100340 This Police car has 97,876 miles on it. The transmission is failing. This car has been replaced with a new vehicle. DATE: October 9, 1990 TO: Don Wickstrom, Director of Public Works THRU: Tim Heydon, Operations Manager FROM: Jack Spencer, Fleet Manager SUBJECT: Authorization to Surplus Old/Obsolete Equipment Page 3 of 3 #701 1983 Ford Fairlane, License #D28687, Serial No. 180763 Vehicle is 7 years old and has 49,000 miles on it. It has been used as a line vehicle this year. This vehicle has been replaced with a new unit. Paint is bad and reflects the age of this vehicle. #747 1980 Dodge Aspen, License #D13095, Serial No. 182495 This old Fire car has 80,810 miles on it. The engine and body are rough and would need much repair. This vehicle has been replaced with a new unit. #342 1989 Chevrolet Caprice, License #05632D, Serial No. 83149 K-9 Police car has low mileage but was in an accident and has serious frame and suspension problems. Body and frame shops have inspected it and recommend it be totaled and sold for salvage only. It has been replaced with a new car and purchase price was obtained from the insurance fund. #52 1980 Dodge Pickup, License #D28838, Serial # 137901 Vehicle was involved in a serious accident and damaged beyond repair. This vehicle can be sold only for scrap. Truck has been replaced with a new unit. All of these vehicles have either high mileage or in need of major and costly repairs. From an economic standpoint, this is the best time to surplus these units. JS/map cc: Dianne Sullivan, Administrative Assistant E054CO2 M, t - Kent City Council Meeting Date November 20, 1990 Category Consent Calendar METRO SEWER RATE INCREASE, 2 . As recommended by the Public Works Committe , doption of Ord nance easing e 1 y sewer ra es o incorporate the 1991 Metro sewer rate increase,,,, e 3. EXHIBITS: Letter from Metro 4. RECOMMENDED BY: ,Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO \ YES FISgWPERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION:. 1. Council Agenda Item No. 3D �'METRO Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Exchange Building • 821 Second Ave. • Seattle,WA 98104-1598 clrrOFKENT OCT 1 5 1990 October 12 , 1990 ENGINEERING DEPT. Mr. Don Wickstrom Director of Public Works City of Kent P.O. Box 310 Kent, WA 98031 Dear Mr. Wic rom: As you a e aware, the Metro sewer rate has increased annually since 1980. The 1991 rate, effective January 1, will be $13 .20 per residential customer or residential customer equivalent. The 1990 rate is $11. 60. The Metropolitan Water Pollution Abatement Advisory Committee (MWPAAC) has developed a plan for publicizing the reasons for these increases and the relationship of these rate increases to the region's water quality. MWPAAC has recommended that Metro, with the cooperation of the cities and sewer districts, prepare and distribute pamphlets to all sewer ratepayers in the Metro service area. The general plan developed by MWPAAC is for Metro to produce the pamphlets and for local sewer agencies to mail them to their customers, either as a billing insert or a separate mailing. We would also like to include some "local" text in the pamphlet so that the total sewer rate to a customer can be addressed. If this plan is problematic for you let me know as soon as possible. Otherwise, we need to know the number of pamphlets needed and the "local" text you would like us to add. The planned size of the pamphlet is 3 1/2" x 711 (three panel folded) . We can, however, custom tailor the size to fit your specific situation. As much as one panel could be used for "local" text. Please give this your immediate attention. Timely response will enable distribution that coincides with the rate increase. Feel free to respond by telephone for the sake of expediency. I can be reached at 684-1266. Thanks. v ruly o s, sue+ L t N. i sch Local Agency Affairs Administrator City of Kent, Washington Kent Public Works Committee Date 11/6/90 Category 1. SUBJECT: Metro Sewer Rate Increase 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Metro has advised us their sewer rates will increase from $11. 60 to $13 .20 per month for single family residences and from $11. 60 to $13 . 20 per 900 cubic feet of water for commercial customers. As in previous years, we are proposing to pass this increase along to our customers. This will result in a 9% increase in our rates. Our single family residential rate would increase from $17 . 60 to $19. 20 per month and commercial rates would be $1.98 per 100 cubic feet per month plus a monthly base charge of $1. 38 . 3 . EXHIBITS: Letter from Metro Proposed Ordinance 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Don Wickstrom 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO x YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended_ 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Kent City Council Meeting Date November 20 1990 %N Category Consent Calendar V1 KENSINGTON AVENUE STORM PROJECT. Accept as complete the contract with Scoccolo Construction for the Kensington Avenue storm improvement and release of retainage after receipt of the necessary state releases. Z 3 . EXHIBITS: M orandum from the Director of Public Works 4. RECOMMENDED BY: S ff / (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. BUDG D FISCAL/PERSO L IMPACT: NO X YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: ec mmended Not Recommended i 6. EXPENDITURE RE UIRE $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7. CITY COUNCIL ION: Councilmemb moves, Co un ilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3E DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS November 14, 1990 TO: Mayor Kelleher nd City Council FROM: Don Wickstrol RE: Kensington Avenue Storm This project upgraded a drainage system in order to eliminate flooding problems occurring at a local residence. Bids were solicited from several contractors and the low bid was submitted by Scoccolo Construction in September of 1990 in the amount of $14, 098 . 40. Final construction costs are $23, 297 .98 . It is recommended the project be accepted as complete. Kent City Council Meeting Date November 20 1990 Category Consent Calendar 3R•.•�= HAWKRIDGE BEDx6O—&- '-v Acceptance of the bill of sale and warranty agreement submitted by Thomas and Hartrice Drangsholt for continuous operation and maintenance of approximately 755 feet of water main extension; 11633 feet of sanitary sewer extension; 1,040 feet of street improvements and 1, 184.5 feet of storm sewer improvement constructed in the vicinity of Woodland Way and So. 262nd Street for the Hawkridge Development and release of cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. 3 . EXHIBITS: cinit/aff 4. RECOMMENDED BY: (Committee, Sta , Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED IS PERSO L IMPA NO YES FISCAL PERSO L NOTE: R commended• Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE UIRED• $ SOURCE OF NDS• 7. CITY COUN L ACTION: Councilm tuber moves, Cou ilmember seconds DISCUSSIO ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3F Sty:-.waiae"n�a�a'�w'ski .ei:4:iYWrr:.+'..r...a,....�s+...:..i•:.�._i. ' _,.t....-_..:..r ,...�v...� .�.Diu,...'.., +v...l�:rvkris.�i.�el:.zw..'. SM�T T _. 0 • 12 3.Z T MAgvL 5T. SV7 s QD { s.-.-u.-iz� • P sT, �> S o NO SG, ALlz-. i HAWKRIDGE u Kent City Council Meeting Date November 20 1990 1uu Category Consent Calendar � V CEDAR MEADOWS NO. SU-90-4 Authorization to set December 4, 1990 for a public meeting to consider the Hearing Examiner's recommenda- tion for conditional approval of an application by J&G Industry for a 15 lot single-family residential preliminary subdivision. The property is located on the west side of 116th Avenue S.E. , approximately 100 feet north of So. 229th Street. 3 EXHIBITS• None 4 . RRECO DED BY: Hearing Examiner. 10 31 0 (Co ittee, Staff, Examiner, Commis on, etc. ) i i 5. UNBUDGETED ISCAL PERSONNEL ACT: NO� YES FISCAL/PERSO EL NOTE: Reco ended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE RE III D: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7. CITY COUNCIL ACT7b Councilmember m ves, Councilmember seconds DISCU ION• AC ON• Council Agenda Item No. 3G 1 Kent City Council Meeting Date November 20. 1990 Category Consent Calendar is=_ 73s LID 331 - JAMES STREET IMPROVEMENTS.. Adoption of Ordinance aqV confirming the final assessment roll for LID 331, for which a public hearing was concluded on November 6, 1990. 3 . EXHIBIT Ordinance 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Council (Committee, St f, Examiner, Commis 'on, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL PERSO L I ACT: NO \ YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: R o ended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REOUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTI Councilmember moves,\Counciber seconds DISCUSS N: ACT Council Agenda Item No. 3H i ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, i Washington, approving and confirming the assessments and the assessment roll of Local Improvement District 331, which has been I( created and established for the purposes of the improvement of S.E. 240th Street Improvement (108th Avenue S.E. to 116th Ave. S.E. ) ; all as provided in Ordinance 2763 ; and the levying and assessing the amount thereof against several lots, tracts, parcels of land, and the properties shown on the roll. i WHEREAS, the assessment roll levying the special assessments against the properties located in Local Improvement ; District No. 331 have been filed with the Clerk of the City of Kent, as provided by law; and WHEREAS, notice of the time and place of hearing thereon and of making objections and protests as to the roll was duly published at and for the time and in the manner provided by law, fixing a time and place of hearing therefor for November 61 1990, at the hour of 7 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall in the City of Kent, Washington, and further notice thereof was duly mailed by the City Clerk to each property owner shown on the roll; and { WHEREAS, the Council held such public hearings and considered all written and verbal testimony before it; and I �I WHEREAS, the Council finds that the lots, tracts, parcels of land, 'and other properties within LID 331 are specially benefited by the improvements in at least the amount charged against the same; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: I Section 1. The assessments and the assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 331 which has been created and established for the purposes of the improvement of S.E. 240th Street Improvement (108th Avenue S.E. to 116th Ave. S.E. ) be and (! the same is hereby in all things and respects approved and confirmed in the total amount of $1, 453 , 417. 611 Section 2 . Findings. Each of the lots, tracts, parcels of land, and other properties shown upon the roll is hereby determined and declared to be specifically benefited by the i improvements in at least the amount charged against the same, and the assessment appearing against the same is in proportion to the !' several assessments appearing on the roll. There is hereby i ( levied and assessed against each lot, tract, parcel of land, and '' other property appearing on the roll the amount finally charged against the same thereon. 11 Section 3 . The assessment roll as approved and confirmed shall be filed with the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting of the City of Kent for collection, and the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting is hereby authorized and directed to publish notice as required by law stating that the roll is in her I ' - 2 - jj M hands for collection and payment of any assessment thereof or any portion of that assessment can be made at any time within thirty (30) days from the date of the first publication of the notice (without penalty, interest or cost, and that thereafter the sum remaining unpaid shall be paid in ten (10) equal installments i j1with interest at an estimated rate _of 9$ per annum with the exact I j interest rate to be fixed in the ordinance authorizing issuance and sale of the LID bonds for LID 331. The first installments of assessments on the assessment roll shall become due and payable Iiduring the thirty (30) days succeeding the date one (1) year after the date of the first publication by the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting of notice that the assessment roll is in her hands for collection and annually thereafter each succeeding installment shall become due and payable in like manner. If the ( whole or any portion of the assessment remains unpaid after the first thirty (30) day period, interest upon the whole unpaid sum shall be charged at the rate as determined above, and each year thereafter one of the installments, together with interest due on the whole unpaid balance, shall be collected. Any installment lnot paid prior to the expiration of the thirty (30) day period 11during which sum installment is due and payable shall thereupon become delinquent. All delinquent installments shall be subject to a charge of interest at the rate as determined above and for an additional charge of 9% percent penalty levied upon both principal and interest due upon such installment or j installments. The collection of such delinquent installments will be enforced in the manner provided by law. I I i - 3 - II jj F Section 4 . Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: II MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY I PASSED the day of , 1990. APPROVED the day of 1990• PUBLISHED the day of , 1990. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK 9030-320 I 4 - Kent City Council Meeting Date November 20. 1990 Category Consent Calendar CDBG HUMAN SERVICES FUNDING Approval of the Planning Committee's recommendation to allocate an additional $3, 145 of public (human) services dollars to the Kent Community Clinic Health Services Project to support their OB/GYN program. X I 3. EXH TS: Memo and Planning Committee mutes, 11/6/90 i 4 . RECOMMENDED B P annin Comm tte (Committee, aff, Examiner, 56mmission, etc. ) i 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL P NO YES_ FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: %N/A ended_W Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REOUIRED:: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7. CITY COUNCIL A ON: Councilmember% moves, Coun Umnember seconds DISIN:� ACT Council Agenda Item No. 3I 13 crryoF'f erd CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206) 859-3390 MEMORANDUM November 14, 1990 MEMO TO: MAYOR DAN KELLEHER AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: LIN BALL, SENIOR PLANNER SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 1991 HUMAN SERVICES FUNDING On September 18, 1990 the City Council adopted Kent' s 1991 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program with total funds available funds of $219,719. In early November the Planning Department received notice from King County that Congress has appropriated more funds to the 1991 CDBG Program than anticipated earlier this year. This results in the City receiving $20, 410 in additional funds for its 1991 Program, bringing the total 1991 Program to $240, 129 . The additional $20,410 is divided into $17, 265 for capital projects, and $3 , 145 for public (human) services projects. The 1991 Program which the City Council adopted in September contained a contingency plan for allocating any extra capital dollars which the City might receive. The additional $17,265 of capital money has been allocated as adopted by the City Council. The City Council was not asked to adopt a contingency plan for allocating extra human services dollars at that time, because the County did not anticipate the receipt of extra human services funds. Now that the increase in the Federal Entitlement has netted the City of Kent some additional human services dollars, it is necessary for the Council to consider where to allocate this extra $3, 145. The Human Services Commission considered this issue and recommends the City Council allocate the extra $3 , 145 to the Community Health Center to support its OB/GYN Program. The Clinic' s original request to the City for this Program was not funded at full level, due to lack of funds. The Planning Committee considered the Commission's recommendation at its November 6 meeting and voted unanimously to endorse the Commission's recommendation. Recommended Action Approval to allocate the additional $3, 145 of public (human) services dollars to the Kent Community Clinic Health Services Project to support its OB/GYN Program. LB:sc Lin:a:CCCDBG11.20 arr of l itnt CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE November 6, 1990 4 : 30 PM Committee Members Present Planning Staff Christi Houser Lauri Anderson Jon Johnson, Chair Lin Ball Leona Orr Jim Harris Margaret Porter Fred Satterstrom Janet Shull Other City Staff Others Present Roger Lubovich Steve Burpee Alana McIalwain Mike Heutmaker Carol Morris Ted Knapp Jack McCullough Greg Wingard HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE UPDATE (L. Ball) Senior Planner Lin Ball did not have an update at this meeting. UTILITY EXTENSION ORDINANCE (L. ANDERSON) There was a brief description from Lauri Anderson per the memo from the agenda packet. The Planning staff recommended that the following additions (in bold type) be made to Ordinance 2767 : 1. 9 The owners agree that the annexation areas shall be consistent with applicable subarea land use plans and the City-wide Comprehensive Plan; provided, however, that the owners further agree that until such time as the 1990-1993 Comprehensive Plan Update is complete, consistency with the City' s long-range planning goals shall be determined by Planning Director, and that the City may withhold full implementation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan map designations in its annexation zoning proposals in order to achieve a more orderly physical development pattern and to implement its goals of twenty percent density reduction in multifamily residential areas. 1 Planning Department .... City Council Planning Committee November 6, 1990 1. 10 The owners will state in their petition for annexation the existing King County zoning designation and certify that it is consistent with the City of Kent's plan (as determined by the Planning Director until such time as the 1990-1993 comprehensive Plan Update is complete) . It was MOVED and SECONDED that the Planning Committee endorse these revisions to Ordinance 2767 (in bold type listed above) and to forward this for action to the full City Council. INTERIM WETLAND REGULATIONS (J. HARRIS) The. Planning Department' s recommendation is to refer this item back to the Planning staff so the staff can work with the Attorney's office and the ' Environmental Task Force to revise the guidelines to be implemented through SEPA. The Committee recommended the above and wants this brought back to the Committee when this is finished. Ted Knapp from Union Pacific Realty stated that he is interested in having an input of these guidelines because this would affect peoples property. Greg Wingard from the Mayor' s Environment Task Force stated that these guidelines are considered interim guidelines because they will be redone in January 1991. GROUP HOMES CLASS III - JANET SHULL Councilmember Leona Orr stated she wanted to know how Judy Woods feels about this matter. She also asked about Jim White' s one million dollar bond proposal and City Attorney Roger Lubovich said he doesn't feel it is enforceable. It was brought up at the meeting a concern about community commercial zones that do have dwellings present and perhaps other zones are related. Councilmember Jon Johnson mentioned that maybe 1000 feet is not enough separation. The law department points out that the State is suppose to have policies on how they will work with local communities on location of Group III homes. It was concluded at the meeting that the, law department do research on the citing guidelines and the type of person who can go into a Class III home and to bring this item back to the Committee at the next meeting, which is November 20, 1990 . W 2 Planning Department City Council Planning Committee November 6, 1990 NORTH PARK LOTS (Roger Lubovich) City Attorney Roger Lubovich reviewed four(4) options and each were discussed. The fifth('5) option stated No Action. The Committee decided on, Councilmember Christi Houser made the MOTION, and Councilmember Leona Orr SECONDED to recommend option three(3) as stated in the memo that was passed out by Attorney Lubovich. The MOTION carried. Option 03 is as follows: 3 . Rescission of Lot Line Adjustment Approval. There is no precedent in our ordinances or case law for rescission of a lot line adjustment that was properly approved. Revocation may occur in instances similar to those under which a permit had been wrongfully issued, but these situations arise because of mistakes or misrepresentation. Here, an accurate application was received in the Planning Department for the lot line adjustment, and the Department properly gave •its approval. It has been therefore suggested that an option to explore is an "ad hoc" implementation of a lot line adjustment rescission. The way to initiate this "ad hoc" procedure would be for all owners of property affected by the lot line adjustment to submit a reques'.4 to the Planning Department that the LLA be rescinded. Because " approval of an LLA requires no notice to the public, we would not need to provide notice of the proposed rescission. However, any challenge to the eventual rescission would likely be mounted on due process grounds, so it might be best to provide public notice anyway. This way we would also be apprised of any public welfare or other interest associated with the LLA rescission that we may have overlooked. The Planning Director' s decision rescinding the LLA should cite the specific circumstances surrounding the action, and state that the public interest would be served by the rescission. This will be an easy argument to make, since the surrounding zoning has changed in a manner consistent . with the effect of the rescission. The property owners would be given the original rescission document, and allowed to record it against the property, just as they have done for the original LLA. ADDED ITEM - CDBG HUMAN SERVICES FUNDING - (L. BALL) On September 18, 1990 the City Council adopted Kent' s 1991 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program with a total of CDBG funds available of $219, 719 . 3 Planning Department City Council Planning Committee November 6, 1990 Last week the Planning Department received word from King County that the Federal Entitlement came in higher than expected which results in the City receiving an extra $20, 410 for its 1991 Program. This results in a new total for the City's 1991 CDBG Program of $240, 129 . The extra $20,410 is divided into $17 ,265 for capital projects, and $3 , 145 for public (human) services projects. In the 1991 Program which the City Council adopted in September, a contingency plan was adopted for allocating any extra capital dollars which the City might receive. So the additional $17, 265 of capital money will be allocated as adopted by the City Council. The City Council did not adopt a contingency plan for allocating extra human services dollars, because the County did not anticipate the receipt of extra human services dollars. Now the Council needs to consider where to allocate the extra $3 , 145 of human services dollars. Senior Planner Ball stated that the Human Services Comission recommends that the extra $3 , 145 be allocated to the Community Health Center to support their OB/GYN .Program. The Clinic' s original request to the .City for this Program was not funded at full level, due to lack of funds. Councilmember Leona Orr made the MOTION to allocate the additional $3 , 145 of public (human) services dollars to the Kent Community Clinic Health Services Project to support their OB/GYN Program. Councilmember Christi Houser SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5: 35 p.m. MP:C:PCO1116 .MIN 4 MCCARTHY,TONY / KENT70/FN - HPDesk print. ----------------------------------------- Subject: CDBG HUMAN SERVICES FUNDING - FISCAL NOTE Creator: Tony MCCARTHY / KENT70/FN Dated: 11/16/90 at 0918 . THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN INFORMED THAT THEY WILL BE RECEIVING AN ADDITIONAL $3 , 145 FROM THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. THEY ARE PROPOSING TO ALLOCATE THE FUNDS TO AN EXISTING HEALTH SERVICES PROVIDER, KENT COMMUNITY CLINIC HEALTH SERVICES PROJECT TO SUPPORT THEIR OB/GYN PROGRAM. THE IBC APPROVES THE BUDGET CHANGE FROM THE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED REVENUE SOURCE. 11NI Kent City Council Meeting Date November 20. 1990 Category Consent Calendar '2:"�'9H�3''�' LASER DIRECT CONTRACT As recommended b the Operations 7Committee thorization for -the Mayor to sign a con ract renewal with Laser Direct for the service of printing and mailing utility bills? 3 . EXHIBITS: Mem from Customer Ser46ices Manager 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: OD ations C/Mmittee (Committee, Staff, Exami r, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL PERS L ACT: NO X YES FISCWPERSONNEL NOTE:/R4pommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE RE UIRE $ SOURCE OF FUNDS• 7. CITY COUNCIL A ON: Councilmember moves, Co�icilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION: — Council Agenda Item No. 3J 3� MEMO DATE': November 13 , 1990 TO: Tony McCarthy, Operations Committee, and it Council FROM: Charlie Lindsey, Customer. Services Man er SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT Request Authorization for the Mayor to sign contract renewal with Lazerdirect for the printing and mailing of our utility bills each month. Below is a brief analysis of costs for this service for the past 4 years. LAZERDIRECT ANALYSIS SERVICE 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Single Statement . 102 . 112 . 114 . 114 . 114 Additional Inserts . 002 . 002 . 002 . 004 . 005 Computer Programming/hour 50 50 50 55 75 Computer Processing/hour 100 100 100 110 125 Pickup and Delivery 7 7 8 9 10 Monthly Costs for 1990/91 for approxiamately 12, 000 statements per month: Statements $1, 398 . 00 Inserts 120. 00 Pick/up 10. 00 Postage 2 , 500. 00 Total Monthly Cost $4, 028. 00 The programming and processing costs are incurred periodically when we ask for a change on the printed statement. Kent City Council Meeting Date November 20. 1990 Category Other Business 3 r—$EF1Bd�CT: DOVER PLACE FINAL PLAT SU-89-2 2. This meeting will consider the final plat map for Dover Place Final Plat SU-89-2 . The property is 7.8 acres in size and is located east of 104th Avenue S.E. and south S.E. 224th. 1 tv-e fjeOe A Ue5'1�iDtiS 0f Gommen-f-s Q►�c� J OWISOI MOVED 3 . EXHIBITS: Staff emo and map 4 . RECOMMENDED Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UN UDG D F S PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO_Z YES FISCAL ERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXP ITURE REQUIRE $ N/A SOUR OF FUNDS: 7. CI COUNCIL ACTION: uincilmember moves, Councilmember � seconds C to approve the Staff's approval for Dover Place Final Plat SU-89-2 with conditions (which was approved January 2 , 1990 by the Council) . Woot(5 S econcled Ov cO -J+e inn0H 0n CW( i ed DISCU SION• ACTI N: Z�� C� Council Agenda Item No. 4A crrY of Wry CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0 (206) 859-3390 MEMORANDUM November 14, 1990 MEMO TO: MAYOR DAN KELLEHER AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JAMES P. HARRIS, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DOVER PLACE FINAL PLAT SU-89-2 On January 2 , 1990 the City Council approved the Dover Place Preliminary Subdivision No. SU-89-2, 38-lot residential subdivision, zoning district. The site is located east of 104th Avenue SE and south of SE 224th. A number of conditions were part of the Council ' s approval. The applicant has now complied with these conditions as listed below: 1. As to the Preliminary Plat element of the application: A. Approval of a PUD permit as modified and conditioned in accordance with this recommendation. B. Prior to recordation of the final plat: ' 1. Design private streets to meet City standards regarding pavement structure, concrete curb and sidewalks, street lighting, drainage systems, street name signs and other items consistent with good street construction practices as determined by the City; 2 . Deed a 20 foot right-of-way along 104th Ave SE to the City for street purposes; 3 . Design on-site storm water detention and water release at a non-erosive point and extend storm drain facilities to adjacent property lines with necessary easements as required by the City; 4 . Provide public water systems to meet fire flow and domestic flow requirements with a minimum size of a six-inch diameter; 5. Provide public gravity sewer service to all lots and extend to adjacent property lines as determined by the City; MAYOR DAN KELLEHER AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS NOVEMBER 14, 1990 Page 2 6. Provide a plat notation and necessary implementation measures to assure that no vehicle access to the proposed development will be allowed from 104th Avenue SE. 2 . As to the Planned Unit Development element of the application: A. Reduce the density from that proposed by one dwelling unit in accordance with Section 4 of the Findings and Conclusions; B. Place a notation on the final subdivision plat which clearly identifies the total dimension of the open space and that it be retained as permanent open space without further subdivision; C. Include in the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions for the project the following elements: 1. A maintenance agreement to permanently maintain the open space areas; 2 . A maintenance agreement for all private streets - which has been reviewed and approved by the Fire Marshal and City Traffic Engineer; 3 . Restrictions on removal or destruction of the proposed native vegetation in the areas so designated; 4 . A. requirement that a reminder be delivered to all residents each June and January which states that no parking is allowed on the streets and that the parking in parking areas near the cul-de-sacs is for guests only; 5. A stipulation that the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions containing provisions required by the City of Kent cannot be amended or nullified by a vote of any Homeowner' s Association; 6. Language identical to that of Exhibit 3 (submitted during the public hearing and attached to a letter dated August 30, 1989 from Eric Campbell to Lt. Mike Evans and attached) related to standards, prohibitions, penalties and impoundment of vehicles within the PUD with the addition of a requirement that the parking areas near the cul-de-sacs be clearly posted as parking for guests only. MAYOR DAN KELLEHER AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS NOVEMBER 14, 1990 Page 3 D. No construction practices shall take place within the areas designated to be retained in native vegetation; E. The applicant shall submit to the Planning Department a copy of the final version of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for approval of language related to the above conditions prior to the issuance of any building permits for the site. F. The applicant agrees to sign a no-protest LID agreement for sidewalks from the Brier Lane Plat down 100th Avenue S. and to SE 240th. NOV 1 5 DOVER PLACE KW `"'"� ' ""E"T A POR of N. W. 1/4 of SEC. 17, TWP. 22 N., R N G 5 E., W.M. CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON N.W. COR. SEC. 17-22-5 MON.IS S. 0.54 A W. 0.65 7 a N88'33'54'W - 1270.45 MEAS. OF THEO.POSITION to IT IND, "9.1990 4'CONC S.E. 2241h. it FNO.JW 9.ISW.. 4-COIL MON MON WITH 2'BRASS DISK WITH Z'BUSGS DISC STAMPED STAMPED CITY OF XENT UPPLATTED Cm OF MIT. HELD FOR CENTER LINE OF 10411t AVE BE FNX 1.P. S 03]•W.020 j S88'34'11'E 391.17' I 791.11' i N88'42'17•E S8574'03-E NOTE, f(c E S7.J2' 60.01' Sg7 INSTRUMENTATION FOR THIS SURVEY WAS A SIX 17 10 )7Z' SECOND THEODOLITE AND AN ELECTRONIC DISTANCE �QP 11•4 'A :� ;� A, 7'Sz• £ MEASURING UNIT. PROCEDURES USED IN THIS e ^�7 `7 16 %I• m h7A ,r'D.$• 19 SURVEY WERE FIELD TRAVERSE. MEETING OR a I `w'\n`x $%I Imo•. EXCEEDING STANDARDS SET BY WAC 332-I30-090. n Vi C1V h'i J�J �$N�$m �? Z �o i °j *'LS.1q�'�• i Ja•. 8 v IS o a '. '�. a / Kt 6SWT "a* �•� $ 4>, WITH Mx s,las0 4•cg6c ACN n 1,I + 8 a. y 4s7•< 9. 2 n 10 f WITH r MAss qac STM.Y{D r.1b 0� Z /� 1 29.30' 29.48'\ :\ 5y\ fltt q'ILrt. I W N • �T'7gJ• L*1 9'Sa�K m w4•w•S.'• 1.4•aI•n•• I r 1 �g m 9e�Sas4•W Z•� 'g70 �"D+Nj3,14� • _ ♦ 9 ae T--�..... nm L-1283 0 21 H$o n a ...1••vS y O D-16T19'S0• ,� 89.95 -� m' !� n S88'33'3E'E_ L'2J Z .50' 'n r • i Im.N• C 7 x '¢ saw 8 91.58' PRIVATE CUL-DE-SAC x S 97i b0��• p "._ W r4.4x•a^. = 4 <I i o I $ R-34.50' L-54.37' C o .ri 19 �D-90T 8'10• 047J 22 o H I n.w• ':n+4.w• ew4.x I + S Z S, 3 N H s.w.4.• w4•w�. I N88'S2'07•w 23.27 17.24IS ' 'a�•T $ 12 I $ ( ;. �e Sr F y� e; m 145'�M6. n Jv �+.-$ • 65.80' 7t i �5 R S F Mi i0 + N8832'07'W� 25 fn'" j a'm p 2J S88'S5'28'E 18 1 17 91.58, m I n o" PNX AN.9.IM 4'CONG '� $ $ u' m n 24 �.�1 1a..n• xay.w• < MON.WITH 7 MASS 08.Y 11 I vi n "p• a1.8O' "'4.... r4-u u •i STAMPED CITY OF iO+ .57.43 µ SEC. 17 TWP.22 N. R.S E. W.M. mI v W K cm SEC 17-22-0 N88'S2'07•W YI + w 581.00.00 FN)IP. I N ~ -9,.58' S.0.91.W.oa KING COUNTY.WASHINGTON ti q =7&21' N88'33'26'W 8 10 ' n 58831'36'E / 51 96.50' C 1918Z 30' P 91.58' I o **AC77W / Q/ '^ to i NBB32'07'w vi Y 29 0 " *• 9$ o I . $ I1 u+;, OPEN r/ •``'} n zlz4' PASSYYF p mr $ ,9 i $ S88'51'36'E +a SPACE ' 4916'S0 �737J'10•£ BEN SPACEI' �. Iri I w m 10.40 E J0.3B. a N + 98.50' a3 N883Y07'W N 91.58, 27 I O g 8I g •. 98.50' o I'^ I '!,i,n,PP $'F .*r•4nV4. b 92 �' f oI3 I< w S88'31'36'E o + N8832'07'W i la $ N $m ; �•i ?�V295T` ` 29 vi $_ I•'� x .-0-1 ,yp1 •I I 1 7 $ saw St'36'E 'Pn'i 3S I VT'S•OAS G rn Imo'^ 0 N8852'07'W 91.55 + m R-34.50' L-51.01>a R- 0 2000' 19•w ^ •p�.Y,1 w 1W- �• 0.81' QI -I D-8941'24' L3}4 Izt I ..20.00' $ la. 99.41' b CS vi F o - 29.00' S4646'19'E + S8276'13• n H; p M L.37Alj_ mP.\.� I 29_ D-23'27_O1' . 1 .l- E 1 1 : 0-3379'22• -i.. 62.19' 85.53' w SE. ¢ 0-917' n N < 4'3} S5136']5'W �,R. 6.00 ,N SNC J I9 90.U' 15.1T\' %?9,00. N8832'59'W 157.89' je DO PWDf� ,�.7Je. •j¢ n P t 114.82' 1-20.12'. -.__ 34.5 C?T" 1. n 0 N88-32'S9'w e3. PRIVATE 143.94- STREET •13.95, 0.- 0• _ 0-18MIT 49• t 50' q ** Op. 28J6' a 32.88' 52.04' i 0-5431 40 I..W. m8a. L�5,-43.30' QeI $ �' s re mn; N $ 2 L-s4.zo' .m 117OB'}I ' .nn W a P SIA, r•50 m� rvg m p$n F.r..i.n-ICI n D-90V1'12•,1j &' n.<ry `j7h J •$ 1y J1 onry P V I7RACT N i N m M �S� 1 N887Y59'W'I"-^ $ SB833'33'E i ; 1 m 05 a 0 3 96.53' ffi r 15' 94.45' h ^ a m$ 'pyI 'S m jr og 1 a I g i-�p0, $ uQ SIB-+ is I I•� 30' PRIVATE NPROPERTY 3 0 45.00' 45.00' 45.00' �i+ 96.32' 15 . y+ y{• 96.SO. - 45.00' 50.00' Qdr- o N8832'59•W 231.52' N88'32'59•w 191.50' g kLl p **NAPW OPEN SPACE 6 z 8 **NA77W OPEN SPACE 6 S0r27'01'w Is a "I T629' 231.51' n ^ 191.51' n 57W N88.32 59 W 605.31' "AffTV **' 2e 27 PLAT OF BRIERE m ' 5 LANE 2.3 CITY CONTACT CITY OF K£NT I .- L,. 22 PNO. COPPER NAIL ,TENT PLANK COEPAR7M£NT 25 1031d. AVE. S.E.- n 24 IN LEAD. I SO• FOR DEFMq TOWS I NO1'28'13•E ZJr I I JAN. 9. 1990 HELD FOR CENTERLINE INTERSECTION •... �-Q_ _SE. 228/A ST. I _ • CASfO C6VCREIE MONUMENTS N88'31'47'W-PLAT 313.89 313.84'MEAS. • TO BE 7NSTALL£O BEFORE FND.MON. IN CASE N88.30'48'W-MEAS. PLAT BOND RE2EAS£O +y��y��y JAN. 9. 1990 PASSIVE a-EN SPACE .O.BJ Ac. Ka 1IM SPACE TO A'M7APED AS MON IS A 4'CONC-MON RACE W/AG TRACT A7 POWA AN7 O9Sv 9vcr wuhavT WITH A TAD(IN LEAD Aw T/VE Q^EN SPACE •07 A. fTR7FFF$twfwS ACTIVE Q!'N SPA 0.8CE .OAJ Ae *PUD-89-1 8 •SU-89-2 Sheet 3 of 3 kD ko 0 January 2, 1990 CAM WEST APPEAL Council is at this time considering only the item being appealed by the developer. The motion then carried with Mann voting nay and Orr abstaining. DOVER PLACE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) PRELIMINARY Dover Place Preliminary Subdivision SU-89-2 . On SUBDIVISION December 19 , information was received for the NO. SU-89-2 Council 's consideration of the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation of conditional approval of the Dover Place 39-lot residential subdivision No. SU-89-2 . The property is located north of 103rd Ave. S.E. and S .E. 228th St. intersection abutting a portion of the west side of 104th Ave. S.E. This plat is part of the Dover Place planned unit development also approved by the Hearing Examiner. JOHNSON MOVED to modify the findings of the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation of approval of Dover Place Preliminary Subdivision No. SU-89-2 with seven conditions, by adding condition number eight, providing that the applicant agree to sign a no- protest agreement for their share of an LID for sidewalks from the Brier Lane plat down 100th Ave. S . to S.E. 240th. Woods seconded. Johnson stated that lot size is up to each individual, and is no reason to deny this application. He noted that the school district has voiced concern about the impact on schools, and encouraged the applicant to work with the school district. Johnson also said he feels the traffic problem in the area can be resolved. He said that this project will be of high quality and will be an asset to the community. The motion then carried with Orr abstaining. ANNEXATION (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4E) Overlook Annexation. This date has been set to meet with the petitioners of this proposed annexation, consisting of approximately 35 acres in the vicinity of South 222nd Street and 93rd Avenue South. The City ' s Property Manager has notified the petitioner of this meeting. Upon Dowell ' s question, Wickstrom clarified that the annexation borders 94th Avenue South on the east side, but that 94th Avenue South is not included in the annexation. 7 Kent City Council Meeting Date November 20. 1990 Category Other Business 1. SUBJECT: 1991 PROPERTY TAX LEVY - ORDINANCE 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: The adoption of the property tax levy ordinance for 1991 has been scheduled for tonight's meeting. The deadline for submitting the 1991 property tax levies to the King County Council is November 27, as noted in the attached letter. As of November 15, the precise assessed valuation information needed to compute the levies has not been provided by the King County Assessor's Office. It is anticipated that the information will be available by tonight's meeting in order to meet the deadline without holding a special meeting. Finance Director will make a presentation. 3. EXHIBITS: Letter from the King County Council 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Finance Department (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds the adoption of Ordinance setting the property tax levies for 1991. DISCUSSION• ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 4B King County Council Lois North,Chair > t Gerald Peterson,Council Administrator �1 402 King County Courthouse 0 C i 2 9 1990 w, Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)296-1000 CITY OF KEN T CITY CLERK October 26, 1990 RE: Submission of District 1990 Property Tax Levies to the County i council DEADLINE - November 27 , 1990 To the Board .of Commissioners: The County Council is required by RCW 84 . 52 . 070 to certify annually the amount of property taxes levied in King County to the County Assessor. In order to make this certification, we must know the amount of taxes to be levied for each taxing district. THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING 1991 PROPERTY TAX LEVIES IS November 27 , 1990 In order for your district to receive any property taxes in 1991, we must have your resolution by November 27th. This applies to basic levies provided for by State law as well as excess levies approved by vote of the people. y We will try to allow two weeks between your receiving assessed valuation information and the submission deadline. As usual, forms will be provided for you to use in submitting your levy request. If the certification of assessed valuations is delayed, we will grant an extension of the deadline insofar as possible. If you have any questions, please call the Council Administrator' s ` Office (296-1010) or the Assessor's Office (296-5145) . Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, LOIS NORTH, CHAIR j King County Council cc: Ruthe Ridder, County Assessor LN:JP:pc . ^— Audrey Gruger District I Cynthia Sullivan District 2 Brian Derdowski District 9 Lois North District 4 Ron Sims District 5 Bruce Laing District 6 Paul Barden District 7 Greg Nickels District 6 Kent Pullen District 9 Printed on Recycled Paper ' ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, fixing the tax levy therein for the year 1991. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . Levy. There shall be and there is hereby levied against the property in the (City of Kent, Washington, on an assessed value of a municipal tax for the year 1991 for the purpose and in the sums following, to wit: Levy per $1,000 of Fund assessed valuation Amount For the General Fund, for the purpose of paying the general expenses of municipal government: General Fund For Voted Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, for the purpose of paying debt service on the following projects: Fire Apparatus Public Safety Senior Housing PROVIDED: that the application of the general fund levy shall be consistent with and not result in a tax revenue in excess of the limitation imposed by RCW 84.55.010. Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the day of 1990. APPROVED the day of 1990. PUBLISHED the day of 1990. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK Kent City Council Meeting ' Date November 20 1990 Category Other Business 1. SUBJECT: UTILITY EXTENSION ORDINANCE., 2 . SUMMARY STAT This meet,ng will consider amending Ordinance 2761 and Ordinance 2696, relating to utility extensions, as recommended by the City Council's Planning Committee. 3. EXHIBITS: Staff memo, ordinance and Planning Committee minutes, 11/6/90 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Planning Committee 11/6/90 (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO�_ YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REOUIRED: $ N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember ELZ seconds to approve/ the Planning Committee's ion to revise Ordinances 2767 and 2696 and adoption of Ordinance providing for such changes. DISCUSSION• ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 4C crrr of Xeuut CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206) 859-3390 MEMORANDUM November 14, 1990 MEMO TO: JUDY WOODS, PRESIDENT, AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: LAURI ANDERSON, SENIOR PLANNER SUBJECT: UTILITY EXTENSION ORDINANCE At the Planning Committee meeting on July 3, Committee members agreed to consider a revision to Ordinance 2767 which relates to annexation covenants required of property owners outside the City of Kent who receive utility services from the City. The ordinance presently states that the City of Kent will not extend utility services to properties outside the corporate limits of Kent, unless the owners: " . .agree that the annexation areas shall be consistent with applicable subarea land use plans and the City-wide Comprehensive Plan; provided, however, that the owners further agree that the City may withhold full implementation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan map designations in its annexation zoning proposals in order to achieve a more orderly physical development pattern and to implement its goals of twenty percent density reduction in multifamily residential areas. " and " . . .state in their petition for annexation the existing King County zoning designation and certify that it is consistent with the City of Kent' s plan. As the City's current Comprehensive Plan is out-of-date and some designations are incompatible with more recent city policies, and as the Comprehensive Plan update will not be complete for some time, the Planning Committee agreed that the Planning Director should make the determination of Comprehensive Plan consistency for utility extensions in the interim. The Planning Committee recommended at their November 6 meeting that the following additions (in bold type) be made to the above- referenced wording to achieve this end: Judy Woods and City Council Members November 14, 1990 Page Two 1. 9 The owners agree that the annexation areas shall be consistent with applicable subarea land use plans and the City-wide Comprehensive Plan; provided, however, that the owners further agree that until such time as the 1990-1993 Comprehensive Plan Update is complete, consistency with the City's long-range planning goals shall be determined by the Planning Director, and that the City may withhold full implementation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan map designations in its annexation zoning proposals in order to achieve a more orderly physical development pattern and to implement its goals of twenty percent density reduction in multifamily residential areas. 1. 10 The owners will state in their petition for annexation the existing King County zoning designation and certify that it is consistent with the City of Kent's plan (as determined by the Planning Director until such time as the 1990-1993 Comprehensive Plan Update is complete) . Full Council action is requested on these ordinance. amendments. A copy of the amending ordinance is attached for your review. LA:slc cc: James P. Harris, Planning Director LA:a\uticoun ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Kent City Code Chapter 4 .22 (Ordinances 2696 and 2767) relating to the City's policies in the provision of utility service outside of its boundaries, by adding additional language relating to the manner in which consistency between the City's Comprehensive Plan and any area contained in an annexation petition will be determined until such time as the 1990-1993 Comprehensive Plan { Update is complete. k WHEREAS, the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 35.67.310 and 35.92 . 170 authorize the City of Kent to extend and allow connection of its sewer and waterwork systems beyond its corporate boundaries upon such terms, conditions and payments as may be prescribed by ordinance; including the requirement of a written agreement between the property owner and the City, which is filed with the county auditor and constitutes a covenant running with the property; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent has enacted such an ordinance (Ordinance 2696, as last amended by Ordinance 2767) , codified at Kent City Code (KCC) Chapter 4 .22 , entitled "City Policy Utility Service Outside the City" ; and WHEREAS KCC § 4 .22 .010 sets forth the conditions under which the City agrees to provide the extension of its utility service outside its boundaries, which includes the requirement I that such services be provided in conjunction with a petition for annexation of the property; and WHEREAS, one of the requirements to be contained in such petition is that the property proposed to be annexed be consistent, with the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City is now undertaking to update its Comprehensive Plan because some of its designations are incompatible with more recent City policies, but the update may not be complete until 1993 ; and WHEREAS, in this interim period of time until issuance ofI the Comprehensive Plan Update, a determination must be made as to ' the consistency of the area proposed to be annexed and the more recent City land use and zoning policies and goals; and i WHEREAS, the Planning Committee decided that the Kent Planning Director should make this determination in the interim; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 2696, as last amended by Ordinance 2767 and codified at KCC 4.22 . 010 is further amended to read as follows: 4 . 22 .010. The City of Kent will not provide utility to properties outside the corporate limits of Kent, but , services within the City of Kent's primary sphere of interest for A - 2 - I' annexation purposes as adopted by Resolution, unless the property owner covenants and agrees as follows: ( (17+) ) A. The owner will petition for annexation of the property to the City of Kent and give notice of intent to .annex at the time their property is included within any area which is being considered for annexation by the City of Kent under terms and conditions established by the City of Kent through the Public Works Department consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance set forth below. ( (171) ) B. The owner understands and agrees that upon annexation the property will be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as property within the City is assessed and taxed, and to pay any outstanding indebtedness of the City contracted prior to or existing at the time of annexation. ( (3:-3) ) C. The owners agree to design and construct all public improvements to meet or exceed City of Kent subdivision and construction standards. The City of Kent Public Works Department reserves its right to withhold providing sanitary sewer and water service until said public improvements have been constructed in accordance with said standards. ( (4-4) ) D. The owners agree to provide the City of Kent with mylar-reproducable as-built construction drawings of said public improvements prior to initiating building construction on any lot within the proposed subdivision of the property. ( (175) ) E. The owners agree that development of the property will create significant impacts on the City including immediate impacts to the City's streets, roads, and traffic 3 - I� I ' V system. The owners agree and covenant that they will participate in the cost of constructing required improvements determined to be necessary by the City of Kent. These actions must be completed to the City of Kent's satisfaction prior to the City providing utility service to the subject property. ( (&-6) ) F. The owner shall agree to pay a proportionate share of all costs associated with the construction of said road and traffic system improvements as determined by the City of Kent. The method for determining the owners' contribution toward the construction of said improvements shall be based upon a formula determined by the Director of the Public Works Department. ( (179) ) G. Covenants and promises contained in such agreements shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all parties and successors in interest having or acquiring any right, title or interest in the property and improvements described in any agreement. ( (+.-e) ) H. The owners agree that should it fail to comply with any of the covenants of any agreements executed with the City of Kent, the City may at its sole discretion terminate the City's utility services. (0. 2696 §1) ( (179) ) I. The owners agree that the annexation areas shall be consistent with applicable subarea land use plans and the City-wide Comprehensive Plan; provided, however, that the owners further agree that until such time as the 1990-1993 Comprehensive Plan Update is complete consistency with the City's long-range planning goals shall be determined by the Planning Director, and that the City may withhold full implementation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan map designations in its annexation 4 - I� �I zoning proposals in order to achieve a more orderly physical . development pattern and to implement its goals of twenty percent density reduction in multifamily residential areas. ( (4-49) ) J. The owners will state in their petition for annexation the existing King County zoning designation and certify that it is consistent with the City of Kent's plan( ( ..-) ) as determined by the Planning Director until such time as the 1990-1993 Comprehensive Plan Update is complete. Section 2 . Effective date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication s provided by law. Section 3 . Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons and circumstances. DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK W. I - 5 - I l APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the day of , 1990. APPROVED the day of , 1990. PUBLISHED the day of , 1990. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as herer�h indicated. (SEAL) MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK 1 09050-320 6 - e f My OF Weld CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE November 6, 1990 4: 30 PM Committee Members Present Planning Staff Christi Houser Lauri Anderson Jon Johnson, Chair Lin Ball Leona Orr Jim Harris Margaret Porter Fred Satterstrom Janet Shull Other City Staff Others Present Roger Lubovich Steve Burpee Alana McIalwain Mike Heutmaker Carol Morris Ted Knapp Jack McCullough Greg Wingard HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE UPDATE (L. Ball) Senior Planner Lin Ball did not have an update at this meeting. UTILITY EXTENSION ORDINANCE (L. ANDERSON) There was a brief description from Lauri Anderson per the memo from the agenda packet. The Planning staff recommended that the following additions (in bold type) be made to Ordinance 2767 : 1. 9 The owners agree that the annexation areas shall be consistent with applicable subarea land use plans and the City-wide Comprehensive Plan; provided, however, that the owners further agree that until such time as the 1990-1993 Comprehensive Plan Update is complete, consistency with the City's long-range planning goals shall be determined by Planning Director, and that the City may withhold full implementation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan map designations in its annexation zoning proposals in order to achieve a more orderly physical development pattern and to implement its goals of twenty percent density reduction in multifamily residential areas. ... 1 Planning Department City Council Planning Committee November 6, 1990 1. 10 The owners will state in their petition for annexation the existing King County zoning designation and certify that it is consistent with the City of Kent' s plan (as determined by the Planning Director until such time as the 1990-1993 comprehensive Plan Update is complete) . It was MOVED and SECONDED that the Planning Committee endorse these revisions to Ordinance 2767 (in bold type listed above) and to forward this for action to the full City Council. INTERIM WETLAND REGULATIONS (J. HARRIS) The. Planning Department' s recommendation is to refer this item back to the Planning staff so the staff can work with the Attorney's office and the Environmental Task Force to revise the guidelines to be implemented through SEPA. The Committee recommended the above and wants this brought back to the Committee when this is finished. Ted Knapp from Union Pacific Realty stated that he is interested in having an input of these guidelines because this would affect peoples property. Greg Wingard from the Mayor' s Environment Task Force stated that thes guidelines are considered interim guidelines because they will be redone iir- January 1991. GROUP HOMES CLASS III - JANET SHULL Councilmember Leona Orr stated she wanted to know how Judy Woods feels about this matter. She also asked about Jim White' s one million dollar bond proposal and City Attorney Roger Lubovich said he doesn't feel it is enforceable. It was brought up at the meeting a concern about community commercial zones that do have dwellings present and perhaps other zones are related. Councilmember Jon Johnson mentioned that maybe 1000 feet is not enough separation. The law department points out that the State is suppose to have policies on how they will work with local communities on location of Group III homes. It was concluded at the meeting that the law department do research on the citing guidelines and the type of person who can go into a Class III home and to bring this item back to the Committee at the next meeting, which is November 20, 1990. 2 Planning Department ,-.Aty Council Planning Committee November 6, 1990 NORTH PARK LOTS (Roger Lubovich) City Attorney Roger Lubovich reviewed four(4) options and each were discussed. The fifth(5) option stated No Action. The Committee decided on, Councilmember Christi Houser made the MOTION, and Councilmember Leona Orr SECONDED to recommend option three(3) as stated in the memo that was passed out by Attorney Lubovich. The MOTION carried. Option #3 is as follows: 3 . Rescission of Lot Line Adjustment Approval. There is no precedent in our ordinances or case law for rescission of a lot line adjustment that was properly approved. Revocation may occur in instances similar to those under which a permit had been wrongfully issued, but these situations arise because of mistakes or misrepresentation. Here, an accurate application was received in the Planning Department for the lot line adjustment, and the Department properly gave its approval. It has been therefore suggested that an option to explore is an "ad hoc" implementation of a lot line adjustment rescission. The way to initiate this "ad hoc" procedure would be for all owners of property affected by the lot line adjustment to submit a request to the Planning Department that the LLA be rescinded. Because approval of an LLA requires no notice to the public, we would not need to provide notice of the proposed rescission. However, any challenge to the eventual rescission would likely be mounted on due process grounds, so it might be best to provide public notice anyway. This way we would also be apprised of any public welfare or other interest associated with the LLA rescission that we may have overlooked. The Planning Director' s decision rescinding the LLA should cite the specific circumstances surrounding the action, and state that the public interest would be served by the rescission. This will be an easy argument to make, since the surrounding zoning has changed in a manner consistent with the effect of the rescission. The property owners would be given the original rescission document, and allowed to record it against the property, just as they have done for the original LLA. ADDED ITEM - CDBG HUMAN SERVICES FUNDING - (L. BALL) On September 18, 1990 the City Council adopted Kent' s 1991 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program with a total of CDBG funds available of $219,719 . „. 3 Planning Department City Council Planning Committee ~� November 6, 1990 Last week the Planning Department received word from King County that the Federal Entitlement came in higher than expected which results in the City receiving an extra $20,410 for its 1991 Program. This results in a new total for the City's 1991 CDBG Program of $240, 129 . The extra $20,410 is divided into $17,265 for capital projects, and $3 , 145 for public (human) services projects. In the 1991 Program which the City Council adopted in September, a contingency plan was adopted for allocating any extra capital dollars which the City might receive. So the additional $17, 265 of capital money will be allocated as adopted by the City Council. The City Council did not adopt a contingency plan for allocating extra human services dollars, because the County did not anticipate the receipt of extra human services dollars. Now the Council needs to consider where to allocate the extra $3 , 145 of human services dollars. Senior Planner Ball stated that the Human Services Comission recommends that the extra $3, 145 be allocated to the Community Health Center to support their OB/GYN Program. The Clinic' s original request to the City for this Program was not funded at full level, due to lack of funds. Councilmember Leona Orr made the MOTION to allocate the additional $3 , 145 of- public (human) services dollars to the Kent Community Clinic Health Services Project to support their OB/GYN Program. Councilmember Christi Houser SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5 : 35 p.m. MP:C:PCO1116.MIN 4 Kent City Council Meeting Date November 20. 1990 Category Other Business 1. SUBJECT: FRAGER ROAD GUARDRAIL - TRANSFER OF FUNDS 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee and by IBC, authorization to transfer $35,000 from the Asphalt Overlay Fund to the Frager Road Guardrail Project. c et � -�-h- a F� t -t--��is i�e { inPd Pc>Y-CLA or ��� r � s o�' �-f�e_ Fl cn rn 1 �e e i'lt1 t�1cz - t ' e-- T- e 5S E'v1ce rl ce- 4—h e_ Cv a I'l c I I m e F i n� . (k)H I TCl L 3 . EXHIBITS: IBC note and IBC fiscal note 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner ommission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL PZOL IMPACT: NO YES_> FISCAL PERSONNEL Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE UIRED: $ SOURCE OF DS• 7. CITY tgUNCIL ACTION. co cilmember k+ moves, Councilmember seconds that $35, 000 be transferred from the Asphalt Overlay Fund to the Frager Road Guardrail Project. C%Cr s ec c,nd r-a nod t h e- DISCUSSION• ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 4D MCCARTHY,TONY / KENT70/FN - HPDesk print. ----------------------------------------- E!•-hject: FRAGER ROAD GUARDRAIL - FISCAL NOTE o,._,.ator: Tony MCCARTHY / KENT70/FN Dated: 11/16/90 at 0938. THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT IS REQUESTING THE TRANSFER OF $35, 000 FROM THE ASPHALT OVERLAY PROJECT TO THE FRAGER ROAD GUARDRAIL PROJECT. BOTH THESE PROJECTS ARE PART OF THE STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND. THE TRANSFER IS REQUESTED SO THAT THE LOW BID ON THE GUARDRAIL PROJECT CAN BE ACCEPTED. IF NOT ACCEPTED AT THIS MEETING THE PROJECT WILL HAVE TO BE REBID AND IF NOT ACCEPTED AT ALL THE CITY WOULD LOOSE A FEDERAL GRANT OF $59,500. THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ALSO FEELS THAT THE TRANSFER WILL NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT THE ASPHALT OVERLAY PROGRAM. BASED ON THIS INPUT THE IBC APPROVES THE REQUEST. City of Kent, Washington Kent City Council Date 11/20/90 Category Other Business 1. SUBJECT: FRAGER ROAD GUARDRAIL 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Bids were requested for the Frager Road Guardrail project resulting in the low bid submitted in the amount of $68, 001.50. We have received a federal grant of Hazard Elimination Funds in the amount of $59,500 for this project. Based on this bid, project costs are estimated to total $98, 019. 38. In reconciling the Asphalt Overlay Fund, we estimate there will be a remaining balance in that fund after completion of the overlays sufficient to cover the anticipated increased costs of the Guardrail project. We are proposing to transfer $35, 000 from the Asphalt Overlay project to the Frager Road Guardrail project. 3 . EXHIBITS • 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Don Wickstrom 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES x FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $35, 000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Asphalt Overlay project 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION: � f 16 1990 �� y•� Kent City Council Meeting CITY OF' KENT Date NOVEMBER O y OTHER BUSINESS CITY CLERK Categor ! &--I 1. SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT HEAD SALARY SURVEY 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: THE CITY RETAINED THE KENNY CONSULTING GROUP TO CONDUCT A DEPARTMENT HEAD SALARY SURVEY. THEIR FINDINGS AND FINAL REPORT DATED OCTOBER 1990 WAS SUBMITTED TO I.P.C. AND FORWARDED TO OPERATIONS COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDER- ATION WHERE IT WAS APPROVED AND RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION. ACCEPTANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REPORT WILL ESTABLISH NEW AND INCREASED SALARY RANGES ' �NOT ACTUAL SALARY LEVELS) FOR ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS AT COMPETITIVE LEVELS ACCORDING TO A MARKET SURVEY. 3 . EXHIBITS: KENNY REPORT, OCTOBER 1990 DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING MINUTES OPERATION'S COMMITTEE MINUTES FISCAL NOTE COVER LETTERS FROM DON OLSON AND MARTIN KENNY Y 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: OPERATION'S COMMITTEE AND I.P.C. (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ NONE SOURCE OF FUNDS: - 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds TO ACCEPT AND IMPLEMENT THE DEPARTMENT HEAD SALARY RANGES RECOMMENDED BY THE KENNY REPORT DISCUSSION• ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. q_Z ' II City of Kent, Washington . Kent City Council Meeting Date NnvamhPr 90- 1990 Category nthpC Ruci nPss 1. SUBJECT: Budget transfer. of $2,200 from 1990 unexpended Kent Arts Commission Budget to Kent Cultural. Center Study Fund. 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Transfer $2,200 from unexpended 1990• City of Kent Arts Commission Budget Account 001 -732-6711-4180 to- the Cultural Center Study Fund as unanimously approved at the October 23, 1990 Commission Meeting. The Cultural Center Study Fund was created to collect public donations solicited by the City of Kent Performing Arts Center Task Force chaired by Patricia Curran for the purpose of completing a Comprehensive Cultural Plan and Cultural Center Feasibility Study. 3 . EXHIBITS : Attachment A - City of Kent Arts Commission Top Priority Issues 1990-1991 . Attachment B - Cultural Center Study Revenue Number 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Parks Committee City of Kent Arts Commission 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: Transfer, $2,200 from unexpended 1990 City of SOURCE OF FUNDS : Kent Arts Commission Budget from Account 001- 732-6711-4180 to Kent Cultural Study Revenue Number 6700-12. See Attachment B regarding fund creation. 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: ATTACHMENT A CITY OF KENT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT KENT ARTS COMMISSION TOP PRIORITY ISSUES 1990-1991 Nurture Local Artists and Arts Organizations We recommend the City continue to take a leadership role in developing strategies to support and assist local artists and arts organizations. Where appropriate, we advise the City develop policies that encourage or provide incentives that will attract and keep local artists and arts organizations in our community. City of Kent Cultural Center Study/Cultural Plan _.. We recommend that the City continue to take a leadership role in conducting a community-wide cultural facility needs assessment and cultural plan. We encourage continued participation by the public and private sectors and the arts community. We believe that cultural planning is crucial to the preservation of valuable resources and to the development of future cultural opportunities. -6- Enhancement of Landmarks and Historical Sites We recommend that the City recognize the need to identify and preserve Kent's multi-cultural heritage and traditions. Kent's Centennial year provides an opportunity for Kent citizens to ensure the future of Kent's past. The result will be to increase civic pride and aesthetic enhancement of the environment. Cultural Awareness and Education We recommend that the City play an important role in furthering arts education, that it advocate for stronger arts education programs and support efforts to provide arts education to all members of the community, especially youth. -7- ATTACHMENT B CITY OF KEI4T MEMO: December 27, 1989 TO: Patricia Thorell , Cultural/Leisure Services FROM: John H11Imar ,, SUBJECT: New Account Nuttber The following project and revenue nunber has been set up for the Cultural Center Study: AFFROF INDX TITLE N15 CULTURAL CENTER STUDY REVE14UE NUMBER 6700 12 CULTURAL CE14TER C014TRIBUTIO14 TRANS AFF FRG ORG SUBSOURCE CODE IDX IDX IDX Contributions to this project should be coded to: 175 N15 000 1310 6700 12 i.G Alana McIalwain May Miller Laurie Murray Cheryl Osness Kent City Council Meeting ' Date November 20 1990 Category Bids FRAGER ROAD GUARDRAIL • 2. Bid opening was November 1 with two bids received. The low bid was submitted by Peterson � Brothers Inc. in the amount of $68,001.50. it is recommended this bid be accepted. 04 WRtTL' so MOVE-D , 00-015 seCar.,deco a. ►� 3 . EXHIBI Memorandum from Director of Publ ' Works and a bid summary 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, St ff, Examiner, Co ission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL PERSO IMPACT: NO�_ YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: %ommmended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7. /bidbmitted ION: moves, Counci ember seconds d by Peterson Brothers In in the amount of the Frager Road GuardraillP ject be accepted. DISACT Council Agenda Item No. 5A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS November 14, 1990 TO: Mayor Kelleher and City Council FROM: Don Wickstro RE: Frager Road Guardrail Bid opening was November 1 with two bids received. Petersen Brothers, Inc. submitted the low bid of $68 , 001.50. The project will install guardrail along Frager Road from Meeker Street to S. 212th Street. The City has received a Hazard Elimination Grant for the project in the amount of $59,500. Based on the bids received, project costs are estimated to be $98, 019. 39 . In order to award the project, we are recommending that $35, 000 be transferred from the Asphalt Overlay Project fund. With the transfer, we are recommending the bid of $68, 001. 50 from Petersen Brothers, Inc. be accepted. BID SUMMARY Peterson Brothers $68, 001.50 Coral Construction Company $73 ,740. 00 Engineer' s Estimate $48, 030. 00 CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A. ..... . .... R E P O R T S A. COUNCIL PRESIDENT B. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE ,::::::,, C. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE D. PLANNING COMMITTEE E. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE / F. PARKS COMMITTEE ISTRATIVE REPORTS0 tlr� Y�may`