HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 01/03/1989 City of Kent City Council Meeting Agenda Office of the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 3 , 1989 Summary Agenda City of Kent Council Chambers Office of the City Clerk 7 : 00 p.m. NOTE: Items on the Consent Calendar are either routine or have been previously discussed . Any item may be removed by a Councilmember . The Council may add and act upon other . items not listed on this agenda . CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL 1. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS 0,2 tiA. Employee of the Month, , M � PPUBLIC HEARINGS None 3 . CONSENT CALENDAR tX. Minutes Bills VO. Hehr Annexation - Ordinance $ ri 1988 Water System Plan - Ordinance c:9- sf c4-9 .H`. Bill of Sale - Island Park Bill of Sale - Stonepine Appointments - Planning and Human Service Commissions vH. Street Vacation - Resolution i, Y. Wellness Program [,d. Donation - Drinking Driver Task Force k2C. LID 327 Agreement with State Council Travel PCVV� Ov 4 . OSIER BUSINESS 5 . BIDS Cascade Sewer Interceptor Rehabilitation 6 �,4EPORTS CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS ADJOURNMENT 7 5' PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Citizens wishing to address the Council will, at this time, make known the subject of interest, so all may be properly heard . A. Employee of the Month CONSENT CALENDAR a 3 . City Council Action: � moved., .Guuucil,meutb `� i '- seconde, that Consent Calendar Items A through 4 be approved ? Discussion Action L- f A. Approval of Minutes . v Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of V December 20, 1988 , with the following correction on page 3 : SEWERS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3D) LID 334 Derbyshire Sewer. Improvements. As approved by the Public Works Committee, authorization to transfer $28,000 from the unencumbered funds of the sewerage utility to this project to provide for the extra depth .cost associated with the project. 3B. Approval of Bills . , ' Approval of payment of the bills received through January 9 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8 : 30 a .m. on January 17 . '1 Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 11/28-11/30 67014-67030 12/1-12/9 67471-67491 192 ,072 . 81 12/15/88 67502-67971 1 , 048 , 060, 40 1, 240, 133 . 21 Approval of checks issued for payroll : Date Check Numbers Amount 12/20/88 113056-113662 653 , 674 . 64 Council Agenda Item No . 3 A-B Kent, Washington December 20, 1988 In the absence of Mayor Kelleher, the regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Council President/ Mayor Pro Tem Jim White. Present: Councilmembers Biteman, Dowell, Houser, Johnson, Mann and White, City Administrator McFall, City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Frederiksen and Parks Director Wilson. Councilmember Woods was not in attendance. Approximately 45 people were at the meeting. PRESENTATIONS Employee of the Month. Mayor Pro Tem White announced that Andy Hanscom has been chosen as Employee of the Month for December, and especially commended Hanscom for his work in traffic control during civic functions. Tim Heydon, Public Works Operations Manager, noted that Hanscom has been employed by the City since 1973 and expressed appreciation for his efficiency and courteous manner. Chamber Foundation_ Janie Scarff, President of the Chamber of Commerce Foundation presented a check in the amount of $10,438 . 79 to the City' s Canterbury Faire program. She noted that the Foundation supported arts and education and thanked the City for ongoing support, especially Barney Wilson and Patrice Thorell, supervisor of the City' s Arts and Leisure services. Ms. Scarf noted that Puget Power should be recognized for underwriting the symphony and commended Becky Hanks of the School District for support of the Foundation' s projects. Police Department. Chief Frederiksen introduced, and the Council welcomed David Santos, the Department's new evidence technician. Santos formerly served as a police officer in Honolulu. Introduced, and congratulated were newly promoted officers: Jim Miller, recently promoted to Captain, Lorna Rufener, recently promoted to Sergeant and Al Emerson, recently promoted to Sergeant. PROCLAMATION Council President White read Mayor Kelleher' s 1 PROCLAMATION proclamation declaring December 20th as Jim Hansen Day in Kent. Assistant Administrator Jim Hansen was instrumental in making the UGN campaign an outstanding success this year. CONSENT CALENDAR BITEMAN MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through R be approved, Mann seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the special Council meeting of November 29, 1988 . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received through December 28 , 1938 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8 : 30 a.m. on January 3 , 1989 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 10/26 - 10/31 66147 - 66159 11/2 - 11/7 66587 - 66603 120.050.60 11/15/88 66615 - 66991 1,2B9.826.90 1,409,877.50 11/B - 11/14 66604 - 66614 11/15 - 11/23 66992 - 67013 164,973.74 11/30/86 67031 - 67470 1,252,879.29 1,417, 853.03 Approval of checks issued for payroll: Dare Check Numbers Amount 11/18/88 111723 - 112355 640.380.98 12/05/BB 112356 - 112978 647,979.50 112979 - 113050 40,151.05 1,336,511.53 (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3R) City Funds_ As recommended by the Operations Committee on December 15, adoption of four ordinances, as follows, to update the Code relating to City funds: A) Ordinance No. 2823 increases petty cash fund from $1, 000 to $1, 500. B) Ordinance No. 2824 repeals Fire Department petty cash fund. 2 FINANCE C) Ordinance No. 2825 creates "change" fund. D) Ordinance No. 2826 increases Travel Expense Fund from $4 , 000 to $8, 000. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3C) 1988 Asphalt Overlay Budget. As approved by the Public Works Committee, authorization to carry over the remaining balance of the 1988 Asphalt Overlay Fund of the Street Division and $5, 000 in the Equipment Rental Division 1988 Equipment Replacement Fund to the 1989 Operating Budget for these divisions. 1989 Street Sweeping Services. Bid opening was held December 6th, with two bids received. The Bids low bidder was Gomez Construction, doing business as GCI Services, in the amount of $60 , 848 . Upon the recommendation of the Public Works Director, JOHNSON MOVED to accept the bid of GCI Services for the 1989 Street Sweeping Services in the amount of $60 .848 . Biteman seconded and the motion carried. SEWERS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3D) LID 334 Derbyshire Sewer Improvements. As approved by the Public Works Committee, authorization to transfer $28 , 000 from the unencumbered funds of the sewerage utility to this project to provide for the extra debt cost associated with the project. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3L) Teter Office Building. Acceptance of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for construction of approximately 344 feet of sanitary sewer extension in the vicinity of S .E. 256th Street and 109th Ave. S.E. for the Teter Professional Office Building and release of cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3J) Falcon Crest. Acceptance of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for construction of approximately 1,765 feet of sanitary sewer extension in the vicinity of S.E. 219th Place and 108th Ave. S.E. and 110th Ave. S .E. for the Falcon Crest development and release of cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. 3 SEWERS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3M) LID 322/323 . Accept as complete the contract with R. L. Alia Company for the final contract cost of $662 ,979 .87 for the Westview Terrac-e and Olympic View sanitary sewer improvements and release of retainage after receipt of the releases from the state. 1989 Rate Increase Ordinance Metro has advised their 1989 rates will increase to $10.45 per month per residential equivalent, an increase of 55 cents from the current rate of $9. 90. The Public Works Committee has approved passing this increase along to Kent Sewer Utility customers as has been done in previous years. This increase would bring the single family residential rate to $16 . 45 per month. It was pointed out that this rate increase is across the board and that industrial accounts will also be subject to the Metro sewer rate increase. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 2827 increasing Kent sewer rates to incorporate the Metro increase. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. LID 334 Derbyshire Sewer - Bids Bid opening was held December 5, 1988 with ten bids received. The low bid was submitted by Allied Construction in the amount of $202 , 119 . 16 . Upon the recommendation of the Public Works Director, JOHNSON MOVED to accept the bid of Allied Construction in the amount of $202 , 119 . 16. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. TRAFFIC CONTROL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3E) Transportation - Funding Authorization to appropriate $500 from the Civic Affiliation Fund to support the effort of the King County Citizens , for Improved Transportation to develop legislation during the 1989 Legislative session. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3K) Speed Limit Ordinance As approved by the Public Works Committee, adoption of Ordinance No. 2821 to amend traffic code 10. 08 to change speed limits on certain streets. 4 PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3G) On The Job Training Agreement. Authorization to execute an agreement to provide on the job training in the City's Building Department to an individual currently undergoing rehabilitation following an injury. This person is a client of People Systems, which operates as an agent of the State Department of Labor and Industries. The City will receive the benefit of this person' s time and will work addressing complaints and assisting with various building department functions. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3I) Special Project Engineering Supervisor. As recommended by the Operations and the Public Works Committees, authorization for the Public Works Department to create a position of Special Project Engineering Supervisor and to adjust the 1989 budget accordingly. DRAINAGE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3N) Easement on Drainage Utility Property. As approved by the Public Works Committee, authorization to grant easements for use of drainage utility property in the vicinity of S. 216th Street by developers to meet their fire and zoning code requirements. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 30) Garrison Creek Detention System. As approved by the Public Works Committee, authorization for the Mayor to sign an agreement with State for the City's share for right-of-way acquisition for the Garrison Creek Detention System and authorization to transfer $15, 000 from the unencumbered funds of the Sewerage Utility to this project. LICENSES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3Q) Private Security Guards. Authorization to renew the annual contract under which King County licenses private security guard companies for the City. This service includes background checks, licensing and enforcement. 1988 BUDGET (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3P) 1988 Budget Adiustment ordinance. As recommended by the Operations Committee, adoption of ordinance No. 2822 to make adjustments to the 1988 budget. 5 FIRE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3F) Surplus Ecruipment - Fire Department. Authorization to declare as surplus certain equipment which is outdated, worn out or broken and not cost effective to repair. A list of such equipment has been distributed and has been filed for the record. Bids - Aerial Ladder Truck. Upon a recall for bids, three were received on November 15th. A detailed analysis of the bids has been supplied with the packet and it is recommended that the low bid of Sea-Western, Inc. be accepted. BITEMAN MOVED to award the bid to Sea-Western, Inc. in the amount of $419 , 428 for the tillered aerial ladder truck. Mann seconded and the motion carried. PARKS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3H) Lake Fenwick Park Local Grant Share. Authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract with IAC to receive a $120, 000 grant for development of Lake Fenwick Park and authorization for the Finance Department to transfer $23 , 000 of surplus funds from the VanDoren' s Park account into the Lake Fenwick Development account to be part of the required local share. Comprehensive Park Plan Update - Resolution. It was noted that in order to remain eligible for matching grant funds from the IAC the City must have a current Comprehensive Park Plan on file with their office. Jones and Jones has prepared an update to the 1972 Comprehensive Park Plan, which was reviewed at the December 8 Parks Committee meeting. The update will be used in conjunction with the 1972 plan. Dowell moved to approve Resolution No. 1188 adopting a Kent Parks and Recreation Plan Update-1988, which will be used in conjunction with the 1972 Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan. Houser seconded and the motion carried. Update of Rules and Regulations. Upon the recommendation of the Parks Committee, an ordinance has been prepared to update the rules and regulations for Park programs and facilities. A memo from the Mayor was distributed tonight requesting that this item 6 be delayed until the full Parks Committee can review his suggestions regarding the proposed ordinance. BITEMAN MOVED to return the proposed ordinance to the Parks Committee and Houser seconded. Dowell noted that some revisions had been made at the Mayor's request and that the revised ordinance was presented at the last parks meeting, but a quorum was not present. He noted that Mann had some amendments to propose and that these should be heard. Biteman suggested that the Mayor' s request be honored. Dowell noted that the matter had been to the committee twice already but that if the Mayor wished to attend a committee meeting, he had no objections. He suggested that Mann's amendments be considered at the same time. It was determined that the meeting date for the next Parks Committee had not yet been established. The motion carried unanimously. PARKS Bicycle Path. M. V. Peterson of 4235 S . 249th noted that many older people who walk on the bicycle path between James Street and the driving range are endangered by fast moving bicyles. He suggested that bicycles hould be licensed. Mann suggested that the width of the path might be increased to accomodate both walkers and riders. Biteman noted that signs might be considered and there were no objections to his suggestion that this be considered at the next Parks Committee meeting. Golf Complex. Mickey Stray, Golf Pro for the City, noted that he had addressed the Council on November 15th, stating that his contract with the City had been violated and that the problem had not been resolved. Upon questions from the Council, McFall noted that he had met with the City Attorney, Parks Director and Manager of the Golf Complex, and that it had been determined that the City had not breached the contract. He further noted that Barney Wilson had so advised Stray by letter. He concluded that Stray had received an answer, and that if he is not satisfied with the City' s decision, he should be prepared to engage an attorney. Johnson agreed and pointed out that the Council had received Stray's written comments and it was unnecessary to have these repeated at this meeting. Stray stated that he had received Wilson's letter yesterday, but 7 had no way of knowing that it was the result of a meeting with the City Administrator and _ the City Attorney. Biteman suggested that the matter should have been screened through committee with the recommendation of the committee then brought to the Council and he MOVED for the matter to go to the Parks Committee if Stray is not satisfied with going through the City Administrator' s office. Houser seconded. Biteman suggested that much of this was a problem in communication. His motion then carried with Johnson and Dowell voting against it. 1989 Kent City Art Plan. The 1989 Kent City Art Plan outlines art in public places projects for 1989 in detail, and 1990 through 1993 more generally. The Plan has been distributed and approval has been recommended by the Arts Commission. DOWELL MOVED to approve the 1989 City Art Plan, Johnson seconded and the motion carried. HUMAN SERVICES Guidelines for Emergency Requests. The Human Services Commission has adopted operating guidelines to use in considering requests for emergency funding for human services. The Planning Committee reviewed and approved these operating guidelines at its November 29th meeting. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt the Human Services Guidelines for emergency requests for Human Services. Mann seconded and the motion carried. FINAL PLAT Josev Glenn No. SU-88-1. This date has been established for the Council to consider the final plat map for a nine lot single family residential subdivision. The site is approximately two acres in size and is located at the southeast corner of S .E. 232nd and 112th Ave. S .E. The City Council conditionally approved the prelimnary plat on May 17, 1988 and the conditions of the preliminary plat have been met or bonded. There were no questions or comments and JOHNSON MOVED to approve the Josey Glenn Final Plat No. SU-88-1. Houser seconded and the motion carried. 8 SPORTS ARENA White noted that he had suggested that the Mayor be authorized to send a letter to the Sonics suggesting that Kent be considered as the site for the proposed new arena. He pointed out that no City funds or resources were committed nor was a particular site being proposed. Biteman noted that if the Sonics were interested, discussions would be necessary relating to traffic, location, etc. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce distributed tonight, expressing interest and support for this proposal was filed for the record. CITY COUNCIL Bids have been received and held under CHAMBERS advisement for: A) Remodeling of the Council Chambers. B) Improving the sound system for the Chambers. C) Sale of the surplus benches from the Chambers . Bid tabulations and a report from Jim Hansen were included in the agenda packet. HOUSER MOVED to reject all bids on these three items. Dowell seconded and the motion carried. ANNEXATION Hehr Annexation. This date has been set for the public hearing on the Hehr Annexation, consisting of 4 . 6 acres, located at 116th Ave. S .E. and S.E. 228th. The City Clerk has given the proper legal notice and the Boundary Review Board has approved the annexation. Staff recommends that the annexation be approved. The public hearing was declared opened and there were no comments from the audience. JOHNSON MOVED to close the hearing, for the annexation to be approved and for the City Attorney to prepare the required ordinance. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. EAST HILL Jim Orr, 24909 114th Ave. S.E. , noted although DEVELOPMENT it was an unopened right-of-way, lllth Ave. COMPLAINTS S .E. was being used by developers and as many as twenty gravel trucks per day were causing damage to the road as well as to private property. He also referred to the bog on 94th Ave. S. and stated that the city should monitor the developers more closely. Maureen McNamara of 23839 94th Ave. S. stated that the Lavender 9 EAST HILL Hills developer had cut down trees on her DEVELOPMENT property, although she had called the city COMPLAINTS when the developer told her of his plan. It was determined by Wickstrom that one of the conditions for the Lavender Hills plat was that a path be provided and that the developer was responsible for sucuring proper rights-of-way from the property owners. The plans showed that the path would be placed within the existing right-of-way and Wickstrom noted that he had understood that the developer was having a survey made to determine the exact location of the right-of-way. Upon Johnson' s suggestion, it was determined that the City Attorney would investigate as to possible violation of any permits and would advise as to whether a "stop work" order was feasible, with a report to the Council and to McNamara. Orr suggested that the City consider an ordinance to cover this type of situation, and perhaps require a bond from developers. Mann recommended that the City Attorney and the Public Works Committee work to develop a process to prevent these kinds of problems in the future. McNamara was asked to leave her phone number with the Public Works Department. INITIATIVE & Public Hearing. Houser noted that the Council REFERENDUM would conduct a hearing on January 17th to receive input from the public regarding the initiative and referendum processes. LIBRARY Houser noted that the Operations Committee had met at 6: 00 p.m. today and upon the Committee' s recommendation she MOVED to approve the cooperative agreement with King County Public Library System relating to the real property for both the existing library and the site for the new library. Mann seconded and the motion carried. CITY It was noted that this was the last Council ADMINISTRATOR meeting for City Administrator Brent McFall, inasmuch as he will take up the duties of his new position the first of the year. White expressed the City's good wishes to McFall and Hansen noted that a farewell party would be held in the lunchroom on December 21st from 11: 30 a.m. to 1: 00 p.m. 10 WATER Water System Plan. An update of the City' s Com- prehensive Water System Plan has been prepared by the Public Works Department. The plan has been submitted to DOE, King County and DSHS for review and approval . The Public Works Committee recommended adoption of the plan at the November Committee meeting and copies of the plan have been distributed. Johnson MOVED for the City Attorney to be directed to prepare an ordinance to adopt the 1983 Water System Plan for the City . Biteman seconded and the motion carried. REPORTS Retreat. Council President White announced that the Council retreat was scheduled for January 6th and 7th at the Alderbrook Inn. NLC. White noted that the National League of Cities Conference would be held in March in Washington D. C. and that the annual meeting would be held in November in Atlanta. He asked that those who planned to attend advise him so that the Council travel budget could -be planned. Council Committees. White asked to be advised by Councilmembers Hof any .,.: preferences for particular committee assignments for the new year. EXECUTIVE At 8 : 30 p.m. City Administrator McFall SESSION . requested an executive session, to last approximately fifteen minutes, to discuss labor negotiations. ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened at 8 : 50 p.m. and then adjourned. Marie Jen esC' City Clerk 11 e r, Kent City Council Meeting Date January 3, 1989 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: HEHR ANNEXATION ORDINANCE , property known as th4` He r n 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT �abldo t�, Ordinance annexing certain _— nexation to the City of Kent . r' 3 . EXHIBITS: Ordinance i 7 4 . RECOMMENDED /BY: Council December 20 1988 . (Committe,o, Staff , Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . EXPENDIT RE RE UIRED: $ SOURCE Of FUNDS : 6 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No . 3C ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, annexing to the City certain lands contiguous thereto, adjacent to the west side of 116th between South 228th and 229th block, and more particularly described as set out in attached Exhibit A. (The Hehr Annexation) . WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 35A.14 RCW, the owners of not less than 75 percent in value according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of certain lands situated in King County, Washington, and more particularly described hereinafter in this ordinance, filed with the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, their written petitions to have annexed to the City this said described land; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 35A.14 RCW various proceedings were had; and WHEREAS, notice of intention to annex was filed with the King County Boundary Review Board; and WHEREAS, the Boundary Review Board has received no request for jurisdiction and has not itself chosen to invoke jurisdiction and a sixty (60) day period subsequent to filing having elapsed, and the annexation being deemed approved as a matter of law; and WHEREAS, public hearings were held on said annexation pursuant to proper notice before the Kent City Council; and WHEREAS, it appears to the City of Kent, that said annexation meets the requirements specified by law; the procedure for the filing with the City of Kent by the requisite number of property owners of their notice of intention to commence annexation proceedings, to and including the consideration of the passage of this ordinance also meet the requirements specified by law; and the lands sought to be annexed are contiguous to the City of Kent and have not heretofore been incorporated in or as a City or Town; NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there shall be annexed to the City of i Kent, Washington the land situated in the County of King, State of Washington; as set forth in attached Exhibit A. Section 2. That the property hereby annexed shall be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as other property within the City of Kent is assessed and taxed to pay for any outstanding general indebtedness of the City to which the area was annexed and which was contracted prior to or in existence at the effective date of this annexation. Section 3. That the annexation of said property will become effective upon the effective date of this Ordinance, and said property shall become a part of the City of Kent, subject to all the laws and ordinances of the City then and thereafter in effect except as otherwise provided by law. Section 4. Notice is hereby given that as of the effective date of this annexation all franchises or permits heretofore granted to any person, firm or corporation by the State of Washington, or by the governing body of the annexed territory, authorizing or otherwise permitting the operation of any public transportation, garbage collection and/or disposal or other similar public service business or facility within the limits of the annexed territory are cancelled; but the holder of any such franchise or permits herewith cancelled are hereby granted by the City of Kent the franchise to continue such business within the annexed territory for a period of five (5) years from the effective date of the annexation. Section 5. Within thirty (30) days from the passage, approval and publication of this Ordinance as provided by law, the City Clerk of the City of Kent shall under the direction of the Mayor of the City of Kent determine the resident population of the 2 - annexed territory which population determination shall consist of an actual enumeration of the population which shall be made in accordance with the practices and policies and subject to approval of the Planning and Community Affairs Agency of the State of Washington and which population shall be determined as of the effective date of annexation as specified in this Ordinance. Section 6. Within thirty (30) days after the effective date of the annexation referred to in this Ordinance, the City Clerk of the City of Kent shall prepare a certificate signed by the mayor and attested by the City Clerk in such form and containing such information as shall be prescribed by the Office of Financial Management of the State of Washington and said the City Clerk shall thereafter submit said certificate in triplicate to the Office of Financial Management of the State of Washington, along with the population determination of the annexed territory. Section 7. Within ten (10) days after the effective date of the annexation referred to in this ordinance, the City Clerk ofi the City of Kent shall send to the Office of the Clerk of the County Council seven (7) certified copies of this ordinance together with a copy of a letter from the Executive Secretary of i the King County Boundary Review Board which letter contains a copy) of the decision of the Boundary Review Board relating to this annexation. Section 8. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK y� r e- _ 3 Kent City Council Meeting Date January 3 , 1989 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: ^�T�' :+a: 1988 WATER SYSTEM PLAN , 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: *dopt'Ordinance 11 il f setting forth the 1988 Water System Play `n' for the City of Kent . 3 . EXHIBITS : Ordinance 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Council December 20 1988 . (Committee, Staff , Examiner , Commission, etc. ) 5 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 6 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No . 3D I ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to the Comprehensive Water System Plan, adopting the 1988 Water System Plan for the City of Kent. WHEREAS, the City has prepared an update of its Comprehensive Water System Plan in conjunction with the Critical Water Supply Plan for the South King County area; and WHEREAS, the Plan was prepared pursuant to and in accordance with the guidelines and standards developed by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services; and WHEREAS, the Plan has been submitted to the appropriate agencies for review and/or approval, including the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, the Department of �I Ecology, and King County; NOW, THEREFORE, II THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The 1988 Comprehensive Water System Plan, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, is i hereby adopted. j Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: SANDRA DRISCOLL, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED the day of , 1988. APPROVED the day of , 1988. PUBLISHED the day of , 1988. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereo indicated. (SEAL) MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK 6440-240 2 - o, VGA Kent City Council Meeting ` � 1N Date January 3, 1989 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: B-tZGr- ]-F Fs ISLAND PARK AT THE LAKES 2 . S T TEME c ',G — e approximately 3 , 417 feet of Water main extension and 2, 923 of nitary sewer extension^i`�tulie vicinity of So . 228th St . and ussell Road for the Island Park Apartments at the Lakes and rel ase of cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance p riod . 3 . EXHIBITS: Vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff , Examiner , Commission, etc . ) 5 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 6 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3E r i I THE LAKESS � �+ J \ -f � q Z of ,. �\ AT KENT 9 WTH- --- : --S -1-- / QI , i sv LA 15 14 13= 0 KENT S 1 C Y � OCE 5'I C36rn t� r, a a pal I > t r =. `I a % >1 St:O d Q��> JVC' 1. r.n._... "Ar'V r�ldl ice: •4 " i 1 r `'� •u•Nu O .1 i •tco -- t` cr �f t- Er rra .Nf.r.QVf \r•, �A.Pk <I t7 > l• .� 1 /f if 4111 q`�'�F•Sf i� W l' '.a• �Y t.: ♦:V: PAAK �1 Q z r,...vrl- -4 :le.lw S a V n SMITH a Sr c r Q i u .• n.A G•SUY r , ,. 1 Z Czr A :.Cc '�Ir .7 f .• A[ E• G by..,M1 , i f -.�h.�'l�'L-�.. `- •', ... 22 •J 'O .•. ,' > •n �11• ' Slia Efy-� i l 1— `y �G1rir =�n�1 'y : _L- %.-e \ cclbl" 77. •/SV� h i�V.+ I"pJ)it •r f'=�; I—.fI ST . �. � 1. 07 ' ' 1 4 �I � • r I r I1: -,1 ..a.t r ' � I• i. 1 ISLAND PARK APARTMENTS AT THE LAKES VICINITY MAP 1 ' ■ 25601 .................................................................................. . ............... ..... ............ ...................... ... .................. ........... ........ .. ... Kent City Council Meeting Date January 3, 1989 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: STOpNE IN . � d 2 . SUMMARY ATEMENT: Acceptance of the bill of sale and -w7a-rrant,f agreement for construction of approximately 3 , 327 feet of main extension in the vicinity of 103rd Ave . S .E. and S .E. 210th Place for the Stonepine Development and release of cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period . 3 . EXHIBITS: vicinity ma'p l Ji i 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, S aff , Examiner , Commission, etc. ) 5 . EXPENDITURE'RE UIRED: $ SOURCE OFFUNDS: 6 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves , Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No . 3F I 0 C; Ld > � l 1 SE ^' o 0 20A` .,T N Q . i � � - -� � - ° 51 g ST SE 200th ST E 2081h S-T. - a S 210tn vL SITE t� th Sl �11t SE 212 th ST L g, 212tn Sr `' 21 th ST 5.21 ih Sr SE 13th Sri - �SE 213th P� L_ 16T ! S 12 th Plb N W C -1 V) J a O O a a ` L O' O Cr rn v z W m m 1. VICINITY MAP Not To Scale STONEPINE n Kent City Council Meeting Date January 3 , 1989 J Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: APPOINTMENTS - PLANNING COMMISSION AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION, 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Confirmation of the Mayor ' s appointments as follows : Planning Commission Reappointment of Linda Martinez through 12-31-91 Reappointment of Robert Badger through 12-31-91 Reappointment of Raymond Ward through 12-31-91 Human Services Reappointment of Jean Archer through 1-92 as the representative of the business community Reappointment of Bill Carleton through 1-92 as the representative of the religious community Appointment of Peter Mourer through 1-90 as the non-voting representative of a human service provider organization. Mr . Mourer is Director of the South County Planning and Community Development at the United Way South County Office 3 . EXHIBITS : None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor Kelleher (Committee, Staff , , Examiner , Commission, etc . ) 5 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: SOURCE OF FUNDS : 6 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 3G j ^ 4 Kent City Council Meeting A/X-j P Date January 3 , 1989 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: STREET VACATIONS 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adoption of Resolution 0 setting a public hearing date for February 7 , 1989 to consider the application of the Glacier Park Company for vacation of a portion of 80th Place South at South 180th Street . i 3 . EXHIBITS: Resolution 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff , Examiner, Commission, etc . ) i r 5 . EXPENDITURE RE IRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS(: 6 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No . 3H Kent City Council Meeting Date January 3 , 1989 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: WELLNESS PROGRAM J 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: `y Authorization for implementation of a 6- ty-- wide wellness program and for the Mayor to execute agreements for implementation of the program upon review by the City Attorney. Funding of the program is contained within the 1989 budget . 3 . EXHIBITS : Wellness progra packet 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Council Operations Committee, 12/15/88 (Committee, Staff/ Examiner , Commission, etc. ) 5 . EXPENDITURE RE IRED: approximately $10 to $14,000 SOURCE OF FUN : Funding contained within the 1989 Budget 6 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No . 3I MEMORANDUM DATE: December 29 , 1988 TO: Brent McFall, City Administrator FROM: Mi -Webby, Assistant City Administrator SUBJECT: City Wellness Program --------------------------------------------------------------- The purpose of this information packet is to outline the City wide wellness program which has been developed for implementation in 1989 . The packet also contains excerpts of Council Operation's Committee Minutes during which the proposed program was discussed. The Program was reviewed by the Committee at its meetings of November 15 and December 15, 1988 . A copy of the staff report outlines the Program, it components, as well as its anticipated costs are included in this packet. The Council Operations Committee unanimously recommended approval and implementation of the Program at its meeting of December 15, 1989 . The Committee directed staff to place this item on the Consent Calendar Agenda for this City Council meeting, January 3 , 1989 . If you have any questions related to the Program or this packet of information, please contact me prior to Tuesday evening's Council meeting. CITY OF KENT EMPLOYEE WELLNESS PROGRAM NOVEMBER 15, 1988 INTRODUCTION The City has managed a self-funded medical/dental program since January 1 , 1986. The Program is comprehensive in nature and features a flexible design which allows covered employees to design individual coverages which best meet their circumstances as well as their dependent's medical , dental and life insurance needs. The Program is designed with cost containment in mind in an effort to minimize the impact of the ever escalating medical/dental service fees on City and employee premiums. Following almost three years of operation, the Program ,has proven successful in its attempt to control the escalation of medical costs. While we have met with success one component of the Program which is missing is a Comprehensive Wellness Program. With the implementation of a wellness program the City and its employees as well as their dependents could take yet another significant step toward control of our medical/dental benefit program. Moreover, a Comprehensive Wellness Program could provide a valuable opportunity for employees and their dependents to gain better health through healthier lifestyles which should provide direct benefits to all involved and over time should in turn reduce the need for medical/dental services as preventative activities (healthier lifestyles) are incorporated in the lives of our employee family. WELLNESS PROGRAM The Comprehensive Wellness Program which is proposed has been reviewed by our Employee Benefits Consultant, Warren, McVeigh and Griffen; the wellness staff of the Association of Washington Cities, Employee Benefit Section; as well as the Wellness Coordinator of the City of Eugene, Oregon, a national leader in the area of public sector wellness programs. The feedback received from these wellness "experts" has been very positive and supportive with respect to our program design. The outline which follows describes the Wellness Program recommended for employees of the City. The Wellness Program incorporates physical and lifestyle information, programs, as well as activities which will educate and enable employees to develop and maintain more healthful and productive lifestyles. WELLNESS. PR06RAM COMPONENTS Health Risk Appraisal Individual , confidential lifestyle analyses including feedback for improved health. Fitness Testing and Biometrics Includes: Aerobic .capacity, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, target heart rate, blood pressure screening, body composition and fitness prescription. Health Incentives Implementation of a fitness scheme designed to encourage employees to participate in healthy behavior plus additional incentive concepts. Program Review/Evaluation Following the first year participants will be remeasured in areas of cholesterol screening, body.compensation analysis and blood pressure screening. Feedback will be provided to each participant. In addition, the program will provide a number of intervention programs aimed at assisting employees and their dependents improve their overall health and well being. The program could include workshops dealing with topics such as stress management, early detection of significant medical problems, smoking cessation classes, nutrition classes, etc. Wherever possible, these intervention programs will be provided using community based organizations at little or no cost. - 2 - A Health Incentive Program mentioned earlier could also be implemented as part of this wellness program. It would be our intent to implement a program called the "fitness game" The purpose of the game will be to encourage employees to participate in healthier lifestyles including increased exercise, healthier eating, cessation of smoking, as well as others which could help employees find healthier lifestyles. Prizes would be provided to those employees who participate. Hopefully, many of the prizes which would be offered i .e. , t-shirts, athletic equipment, athletic passes, etc. could be provided at reduced or no cost. PROGRAM COST The following is a projection of the cost of the proposed program for our employees. It is further proposed that funding for this comprehensive wellness program be provided from our Pledical/Dental Insurance Trust Fund. The cost of the health risk appraisal , fitness testing and biometrics, as well as program review and evaluation is anticipated to be in a range between $50 and $60 per employee participant during the initial year of implementation. Program costs for active participants following .their initial year of participation should be expected to be reduced significantly. However, we do anticipate that the program, if approved, will generate increased interest over time and active participation should be expected to increase. The actual costs of managing the fitness game and the intervention programs is fairly difficult to project at this time. The cost should be expected to be a function of levels of participation as well as employee requests for specific types of intervention programs. The wellness program outlined above offers a real opportunity for our employees and their families to lead healthy and more productive lives. Further, staff believes that in offering this program we are further incorporating the "Kent Cares" philosophy with respect to the employees of the City. 2351W-32W - 3 - Operation committee Minutes November 15, 1988 Page 2 BUDGET REVIEW The Operations Committee reviewed the budget for Personnel, Finance, Customer Service- Utilities, Central Services, Capital Improvement Fund, Environmental Mitigation, Debt Service, Other Capital Projects, Insurance Fund and Firefighters Pension. The budgets were approved as presented with the following items brought up for additional consideration: * Automatic door opener at Senior Center and to have one included at the new Library when it is built as requested by Councilman Dowell . * Additional Administration printer to be paid for by cutting 10% off council travel as requested by Councilperson Houser. WELLNESS PROGRAM Assistant City Administrator Webby provided the committee with a memo and an overview of a City Wellness Program. There is anticipated to be a entry fee of $50-60 per person, in the initial year of implementation, with the fee reduced significantly the following years. This program will create healthier life styles and help employees change unhealthy habits. For example if the City prohibited smoking in their facilities this program would help employees who smoke to quit. Paul Mann is behind this program 100%, Steve Dowell feels the benefits far outway the costs and Christi Houser would like to read the information on the program first then bring the issue back December 1, 1988 . 'l licenses and keeps the fees received for the service. Councilmember Mann questioned the practice prior to the interlocal agreement. He was told it was a duplicated City/County process. The extension of this agreement was recommended on a vote of 3-0 . 1988 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT ORDINANCE Finance Director McCarthy introduced the 1988 Budget Adjustment Ordinance totaling $2, 685,796. He noted it is a consolidation of all expenditure type items, approved by the Council during the year, in one ordinance. This is recommended to simplify procedures and make it easier for the State Auditor to verify City budget amounts. The major item, not previously before the Council, provides for additional payments to Metro for sewerage treatment due to the impact of growth which has driven the amount above the original budget. The Budget Ordinance was recommended by a vote of 3-0 . PETTY CASH/CHANGE FUND/ADVANCE TRAVEL ORDINANCE ADJUSTMENT Finance Director McCarthy presented these three ordinances which update the amounts available in the petty cash, advance travel and change funds. This increase is due to the growth of the City which is causing an increase in the usage of these funds. The Committee unanimously recommended these ordinances for inclusion on the consent calendar. TCI CABLEVISION RATE INCREASE EFFECTIVE 1/1/89 Assistant City Administrator Webby informed the Committee of the rate increase to $17 . 35 for basic cable in the City. 60 days notice was required before the rate increase and was given by the Cable Company. The item was presented as information only since the City can not establish rates. EMPLOYEE WELLNESS PROGRAM Assistant City Administrator Webby reintroduced the Employee Wellness . Program for which a memo had been distributed after the 11/15 meeting. All 3 Councilmembers recommended in favor of implementing the program. Assistant City Administrator Webby noted as the program evolves, changes and improvements can be made. COUNCIL CHAMBER REMODEL BIDS Assistant City Administrator Hansen informed the Committee that in Tuesdays Council meeting packet the City is recommending all 10 bids on the Council Chamber remodel be rejected because they are over budget. A possible rebid could occur later following a meeting with the Architect on the project budget. NEW POSITION- SPECIAL PROJECT ENGINEERING SUPERVISOR Assistant City Administrator Webby recommended that a Special Project Engineering Supervisor position be added to the 1989 budget. The position will create a cost saving by using City staff as opposed to using outside consulting services. There will be no budget increase because the position would be paid for through adjusting the Engineering Division reimbursement from the projects. . .... ........... Kent City Council Meeting Date January 3, 1989 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: DRINKING DRIVER TASK FORCEOSt� C�rR��� T _ DONATION. 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Acknowledgment of a donation to the Task Force from Pugerude ' s Beauti-Pleat Draperies for the 1989 "Keep a Friend Alive" design contest prizes . 3 . EXHIBITS• None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: (Commietee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . EXPEN ITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURC OF FUNDS : r r r i 6 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: r Councilmember moves , Councilmember seconds i DISCUSSION: ACTIOIN: Council Agenda Item No. 3J Kent City Council Meeting Date January 3 , 1989 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: LID 327 AGREEMENT#,?Tjue�7 2 . JVMMARY STATEMENT: Ijs approved by the Public Works Committee ,p i� May-or authorization for the M to execute an agreement -wiTi `Lfi€ � `j state for their financial participation in the amount of $455 , 000 for the overlay from Meeker Street to So . 212th Street and ; approximately $43 , 333 for the bus pullouts incorporated into the LID 327 project, - 3 . EXHIBITS:Agreement 4 . RECOMMENDED BYPublic Works Committee (Committee, taff , Examiner , Commission, etc. ) i i 5 . EXPENDITU E REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 6 . CITY Cg NCIL ACTION: i Counciimember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No . 3K Alft Washington state VAP Department of Transportatlon M ORGANIZATION AND ADDRESS City of Kent 220 Fourth Ave. South STATE Kent, Washington 98031 PARTICIPATING AGREEMENT WORK BY LOCAL AGENCY SECTION/LOCATION ACTUAL COST Meeker Street to So. 212th Street AGREEMENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF WORK State participating in 8 Resurfacing of existing roadway. City to expand project with L. I.D. funds. STATE ROUTE CONTROL SECTION DISTRICT Grading, surfacing, paving, landscaping, NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER drainage, bus pullouts. 181 1779 1 THIS AGREEMENT,made and entered into this day of 19 between the STATE OF WASHINGTON, Department of Transportation, acting by and through the Secretary of Transportation, hereinafter called the"STATE", and the above named organization, hereinafter called the "LOCAL AGENCY." WHEREAS,the LOCALAGENCY is planning the construction of a project as shown above,and in connection therewith,the STATE has requested that the LOCAL AGENCY perform certain work as herein described, and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interest for the STATE to include specific items of work in the LOCAL AGENCY'S construction contract proposed for the above-noted project, and WHEREAS, the STATE is obligated for the cost of work described herein. NOW THEREFORE,by virtue of Title 39.34 and in consideration of the terms,conditions,covenants,and performances contained herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: i The STATE may,if it desires,furnish an inspectoron the project. Any GENERAL costs for such inspection will be borne solely by the STATE. All contact between said inspectorand the LOCALAGENCY's contrac- The LOCAL AGENCY, as agent acting for and on behalf of the for shall be through the LOCAL AGENCY's representative STATE, agrees to perform the above"Description of Work." The STATE agrees, upon satisfactory completion of the work in- Plans, specifications and cost estimates shall be prepared by the volved,to deliver a letter of acceptance which shall include a release LOCAL AGENCY in accordance with the current State of Washing- and waiver of all future claims or demands of any nature resulting ton Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Con- from the performance of the work under this AGREEMENT. struction and adopted design standards, unless otherwise noted. II The LOCAL AGENCY will incorporate the plans and specifications PAYMENT into the LOCAL AGENCY's project and thereafter advertise the resulting project for bid and, assuming bids are received and a The STATE, in consideration of the faithful performance of the work contract is awarded, administer the contract. to be done by the LOCALAGENCY,agrees to reimburse the LOCAL AGENCY for the actual direct and related indirect cost of the work. The LOCAL AGENCY agrees to submit plans and specifications for the described work as shown on Exhibit"B,"attached hereto and by An itemized estimate of cost for work to be performed by the LOCAL this reference made a part of this AGREEMENT, to the STATE for AGENCY at the STATE's expense is marked Exhibit "A," and is approval prior to advertising the project. attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this AGREE- MENT. Partial payments shall be made by the STATE,upon request of the MENT will be modified by supplemental AGREEMENT covering LOCAL AGENCY,to cover costs incurred. These payments are not said increase. to be more frequent than one(1)per month. It is agreed that any such partial payment will not constitute agreement as to the appro- In the event it is determined that any change from the description of priateness of any item and that, at the time of the final audit, all work contained in this AGREEMENT is required,approval must be required adjustments will be made and reflected in a final payment. the change sthe STATE prior to substant all, writtethe beginning n approval f such work. secured from val m st be Where secured. The LOCAL AGENCY agrees to submit a final bill tothe STATEwithin forty-five(45) days after the LOCAL AGENCY has completed the Reimbursement for increased work and/or a substantial change in work. the description of work shall be limited to costs covered by a written modification, change order or extra work order approved by the III STATE. DELETION OF WORK V In the event the estimate of cost,Exhibit"A",is in excess of$10,000 RIGHT OF ENTRY and the total actual bid prices for the work covered by this AGREE- MENT exceeds the estimate of cost by more than 15 percent, the The STATE hereby grants and conveys to the LOCAL AGENCY the STATE shall have the option of directing the LOCAL AGENCY to right of entry upon all land which the STATE has interest, within or delete all or a portion of the work covered by this AGREEMENT from adjacent to the right of way of the highway, for the purpose of the LOCAL AGENCY's contract. Except,that this provision shall be constructing said improvements. null and void if the STATE's portion of the work exceeds 20 percent Upon completion of the work outlined herein,all future operation and of the actual total contract bid price. maintenance of the STATE's facilities shall be at the sole cost of the The STATE shall have five(5)working days from the date of written STATE and without expense to the LOCAL AGENCY. notification to inform the LOCAL AGENCY to delete the work. Should VI the STATE exercise its option to delete work, the STATE agrees, LEGAL RELATIONS upon billing by the LOCAL AGENCY, to reimburse the LOCAL AGENCY for preliminary engineering costs incurred by the LOCAL AGENCY to include the work covered by this AGREEMENT in the No liability shall attach to the LOCAL AGENCY or the STATE by LOCAL AGENCY's contract. reason of entering intothis agreement except as expressly provided herein. IV EXTRA WORK In the event unforeseen conditions require an increase in the cost of 25 percent or more from that agreed to on Exhibit"A,"this AGREE- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year first above written. LOCAL AGENCY STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: City of Kent By: Date: FORM 224-067 DOT REVISED 11/88 -2- CITY OF KENT L.I.D. 327 FILE WVHEST 12-Dec-BB WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS MEEKER STREET TO S. 217TH STREET PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SCHEDULE I - STREET ------------------- HOD MOBILIZATION 1 L.S. $300400.00 S300,000.D0 1015 GRAVEL BORROW INCLUDING HAUL 50,000 TONS 8.00 4001000.00 1020 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE 7,000 TONS 12.00 841000.00 1825 CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE 4,000 TONS 12.00 48400.00 1930 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT, CLASS °B° 25,000 TONS 34.00 650,000.00 1035 ASPHALT FOR TACK COAT 25 TONS 300.00 7,500.00 1040 COLD PLANT MIX FOR TEMP. PAVEMENT PATCH 200 TONS 40.00 81000.00 1045 FABRIC REINFORCEMENT 61000 S.Y. 1.50 9,000.00 1050 PLANING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 41000 S.Y. 2.00 81000.00 1055 SAW CUT EXISTING PAVEMENT 22,000 L.F. 2.00 44,000.00 1060 CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 1,500 S.Y. 20.00 30,000.00 1065 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 12,000 S.Y. 15.00 180,000.00 1070 CEMENT CONCRETE RETAINING WALL 40I L.F. 2)525.00 10,D00.00 1075 ALUMINUM HANDRAIL 1089 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 5,450 S.Y. 15.00.00 56,750.00 0.00 1085 REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT 1090 REMOVE EXISTING SIGNAL POLE 9 EACH 5,000.00 45,000.00 1095 REMOVE EXISTING LIGHT STANDARD 6 EACH 500.90 3,000.00 1100 REMOVE MISCELLANEOUS TRAFFIC ITEMS 1 L.S. 10,000.00 10,000.00 1105 ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCLUDING HAUL 2,000 C.Y. 15.00 39,000.00 1110 INSTALL MONUMENT CASE AND COVER 4 EACH 250.00 11000.00 1115 ADJUST MONUMENT CASE E COVER 8 EACH 125.00 1,000.00 1120 ADJUST MANHOLE TO GRADE 60 EACH 2O0.00 12,000.00 1125 ADJUST CATCH BASIN TO GRADE 30 EACH 2O0.00 6,000.00 1139 ADJUST VALVE BOX 30 EACH 125.00 3,750.00 1135 ILLUMINATION SYSTEM 1 L.S. 210,000.00 2101000.00 1140 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM AT MEEKER ST. 1 L.S. 30,000.00 30,000.00 1145 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM AT JAMES ST. 1 L.S. 90,000.00 90,000.00 1150 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM AT S. 228TH ST. 1 L.S. 100,000.00 100,000.09 1155 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INTERCONNECT 1 L.S. 201000.00 20,000.00 1160 PAINT STRIPE 3,200 L.F. 0.15 480.00 1165 PLASTIC STOP BAR 220 L.F. 3.00 660.00 1170 PLASTIC CROSSWALK STRIPE 4,000 L.F. 2.00 8,000.00 1175 PLASTIC TRAFFIC ARROW 110 EACH 50.00 5,500.00 1180 PLASTIC 'ONLY° TRAFFIC LETTERS 3 EACH 250.00 750.00 1185 PLASTIC RAILROAD CROSSING SYMBOL 5 EACH it EACH 300.00 50.00 1J500.00 550.00 1190 PLASTIC BUS LANE MARKER 1195 LANE MARKERS, TYPE '1' 145 HUNDRED 280.00 29,OOO.00 1200 LANE MARKERS, TYPE °2d° 12 HUNDRED 300.00 3,600.00 1205 LANE MARKERS, TYPE "Ze° 12 HUNDRED 309.00 3400.00 1210 PERMANENT SIGNING 1 L.S. 51000.00 5,000.00 1215 PROJECT SIGN 4 EACH 500.00 2,OOO.00 1220 LANDSCAPING AT INTERSECTIONS 1 L.S. 60,000.00 601000.00 ,6 FV 8 rr ,� �sr/GIII rr-7 O/- COST PAC` ' %aqE / o r s GC 8575 CITY OF KENT L.I.D. 327 FILE: WVHEST WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS 12-Dec-88 MEEKER STREET TO S. 212TH STREET PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SCHEDULE 1 - STREET ------------------- 1225 STREET TREE PLANTING AND STAKING 600 EACH 309.00 1801090.00 1230 SEEDING, FERTILIZING AND MULCHING 2�001 C.Y. 61000.00 12.00 261000.00 000.00 1235 TOP SOIL, TYPE °B" 1240 4" DIA. SLEEVES UNDER SIDEWALK 100 EACH 12.00 1#200.00 ------ ----------- SCHEDULE 1 TOTAL $2,931j340.00 SCHEDULE 11 - WATER DISTRIBUTION -------------------------------- 2000 B° CONNECTION TO EXISTING MAIN 5 EACH 500.00 2600.00 2005 80 DUCTILE IRON WATER PIPE 1600 L.F. 20.00 30,000.00 2010 16A CONCRETE CYLINDER WATER PIPE 70 L.F. 50.00 3,500.00 2015 6' GATE VALVE 2 EACH 490.00 800.00 2020 B° GATE VALVE 1 EACH 500.00 500.00 2025 10" GATE VALVE 1 EACH 700.00 700.00 2030 HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 6 EACH 1,600.00 91600.00 2035 2' AIR RELEASE VALVE WITH CHAMBER 1 EACH 1,000.00 11000.00 2040 CONCRETE CLASS °B° FOR BLOCKING 20 C.Y. 100.00 2400.00 2045 CAST IRON FITTINGS 1,500 LB. 1.25 1s875.00 2050 RESETTING EXISTING HYDRANTS 12 EACH 11000.00 12,000.00 2055 RELOCATE WATER METER 20 EACH 2O0.00 41000.00 2060 REPLACE EXIST. VALVE BOX TOP L LID 70 EACH 2O0.00 141000.00 SCHEDULE 11 SUBTOTAL $82,475.00 8.1% SALES TAX 6Y680.48 ------------------ SCHEDULE 11 TOTAL. $89,155.48 SCHEDULE Ill - STORM SEWER 3000 8" DIA. STORM SEWER PIPE IsOOO L.F. 15.00 60j000.00 3005 12' DIA, STORM SEWER PIPE 2jGGO L.F. 20.00 401000.00 301D ION DIA. STORM SEWER PIPE 1,800 L.F. 28.00 501400.00 3015 24D DIA. STORM SEWER PIPE 1PSOO L.F. 50.00 751COG.00 3020 30A DIA. STORM SEWER PIPE IP400 L.F. 60.00 84,000.00 3025 36° DIA. STORM SEWER PIPE 1,500 L.F. 70.00 1051000.00 3030 PIPE BEDDING 12,200 L.F. 2.00 24400.00 Exr��B�r rl"10� O - rsr �i C Parr 8 e5 7 5 �aqe Z o ( 5 CITY OF KENT L.I.D. 327 FILE: WVHEST WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS 12-Dec-88 MEEKER STREET TO S. 212TH STREET PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE 7IM- 5 7ZIR/`( ------------------- 3035 CATCH BASIN, TYPE 1 62 EACH 800.00 471600.00 3040 CATCH BASIN, TYPE 1L 17 EACH 900.00 15,300.00 3045 CATCH BASIN, TYPE Z, 480 32 EACH 1600.00 484110.O0 3050 CATCH BASIN, TYPE 2, 540 2 EACH 2400.00 41000.00 3055 CATCH BASIN, TYPE 21 72' 13 EACH 3,000.00 39,000,00 3060 SOLID C.B. LID INSTALLATION 43 EACH 400.00 17,200.00 3065 REMOVE EXIST. CATCH BASIN 28 EACH 250.00 7,000.00 3070 STORM DROP INLET 10 EACH 600.00 6,000.00 3075 BORED OR JACKED CROSSING, 12' DIA. 9 EACH 9600.00 85,500.00 3085 CONCRETE INLET 6 EACH 550.00 3,300.00 3090 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB 6 GUTTER 201500 L.F. 8.00 164,000.00 3095 CEMENT CONCRETE EXTRUDED CURB 250 L.F. 4.00 11000.00 3100 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB 250 L.F. 5.00 1,250.00 3105 REMOVE CEMENT CURB 4 GUTTER 6,5D0 L.F. 3.00 191500.00 3110 PRECAST CEMENT CONC. BOX CULVERT 1 L.S. 150,000.00 150,000.00 3115 LIGHT LOOSE RIP RAP 200 TONS 35.00 7,0D0.D0 SCHEDULE 111 TOTAL f1,056,450.0O --------- -------- TOTAL SCHEDULES 1, 111 6 111 41076,94S.48 5% CONTINGENCY 203,847.27 TOTAL PROJECT Uj28O,792.75 NOTE: The State and City mutually agreed that the State's participation would be based on the cost of overlay of the existing roadway. This amount was agreed to be an amount up to but not to exceed $455,000. 7 p ray PAGE 3 G 1 O ` 31 FILE : WVHMETRO CITY OF KENT L. I .D . 327 13-Dec-88 WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS MEEKER STREET TO S . 212TH STREET BUS PULLOUTS COST ESTIMATE WSOOT ELIGIBLE PULLOUT LOCATION REVISED 12/12/88---------------- ----------------------------- $31000 . 00 NB a S . 239TH+- 8, 000 . 00 SB @ S . 236TH+- 8, 000 . 00 NS a S . 234TH 8, 000 . 00 SB a S . 228TH 81000 . 00 NB @ S . 228TH 2O, 000 . 00 NB S . 228TH 0 JUMP LANE 14 , D00 . 0D NB @ S . 224TH 8, 000 . 00 SB @ S. 224TH 8, D00 . 00 NB of S . 220TH 17, 000 . 00 SB @ S . 220TH 83000 . 00 NB a S . 216TH 120000 . 00 SB of S . 216TH 8, 000 . 00 SB of S . 212TH ---------------- $130 ) 000 . 00 TOTAL L . I .D . 327 NOTE ABOVE COSTS INCLUDE ENGINEERING AND RIGHT-OF-WAY AOUISITION COSTS. ?COTE: The City and State agreed that the bus-pullout Costs sjould be split equally bettleen the State, City and Metro. Therefore: the State agrees to reimburse the City for 1/3 of the bus-pullout cost up to but not to exceed $43,334. (1/3 x $130,000 = $43,334) . u 4 .. Erffzerr A rlxl Aq e, 4 m /_ s Exhibit "A" ESTIMATE OF COST RECAP �Qye 6- Estimated Construction Costs from page 3 $455,000.00 P Estimated Construction bus-pullout from page 4 43,334.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST TO STATE Cup to but not to exceed) $498,334.00 30/46 GC8575 e(D(Do(Do GG SG a N lit 5)H PI co DO ......tl (TN) -- -------- it w jal,111M A'z 14% -Aj. It t it z it Nj 14 < LM Mi cilm m C)E. IX ��ICM3> Wo • ED Ti T :J t TIA o Oi GG iFooe a 1 0 0 a 1 110 00. 00 ~O 00 I%W-1 MATCNLINE STA. HBO MATCNL/NE STA.N005/SEE SNE SJ/ I , I iI .. 1 ry I WEST _ ME£/f£R_ STREET WEST SM/TN STREET n n n x 1 i of 1 ^^ I rar.avwr '�ti I nrxrwr-tl a o- I 1 1 2 o I e I y o- c ... c � I 1 la 1 WEST . NARRISON STREET — I• I I yy� 1 iA �y I __.� oo + w J Ilk ypfyyohli � V• � N ': I % mOm �tii ^� 'A J, MATCNL/NE STA. 4.80 .V) b o�y IOrBO mm MATCNLIA'E STA. •Sy~Zia I l� I 1 MAT MAW STA. 16N0 i I N£LEN STR£Er MAr6Nd/Nf SrA. /0000 —__-1 i i ,.j. I .. 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XXX Osx - r, fj ook t.1 3E IrA ......r'StOtlrH -2F-ZF4(YsrflEEr (PRIVAre7ZA srw er xAurresrr IMItIl-11 f II KMFrwa,r IM•r.M,si 11 At H. 3711= AIATCNLINE SrA. n W MAMMWE SM. 69.60 93J10 MArCNLINE SrA. S/otC M<lCNL,NE STA. rN JI II �s� •/. a I I I I ff( I � �1 Ili I I I�k I Ixrm..Yr I x..l i II Ia ,vorr roar rAv.,r.. � I nl I IIi 1 � N < I = I n T < I E y i s 1 � a C N a � F GA = I� y _ co I \ aAT IOt[I.pYaIP m II I II e I I I IS "A.M.OJ Lr u+ 1 ,IA.NflJ.,ll iI 1 Z xP1,OLS JIA. Lr Ll ---� ` 1 MATCXL/NE STA 9J440 F a MAICNLINF. STA. .,Go b :gym J S-0 `I.uV p l• Ppp ' � ,c �•g F;sa MArCHLINE SrA 98060 MArCHUNE SrA. 1"460 IL 'k k i lit .5, 4c"r, SOU rH 2isrN SMEE .........T-- rl 'k +19 tq lk 4r 29 ys MArCHLINE 5rA 104"0 MAMMUNE 5rA. 110.60 1-4 4 ° MATCNL/NE STA. N0.60 II • i I I � I I • Norc roar/wor ra. \ pr.IJr J�aI � ^d A g JrA NCII<L f NJd N a trxxnvr xVCNm I I y ^E ,� \ u�� ox uur rtNa n t 4^ �;i g��l •^/ roar � ? e ,.; @^I f < 'ml o'M•.Jotr �' Y ntte/ j yy •rat Ju.e I ��'a •i rrao/wo-U � wY ,-Lr ru.J r. E //JlaO wr E • `�_� _`_ //J•N •(Nw�r[xI[w t 1 Yi 6 R ; Iq N __ � M o 9; O T eizrH j� R srxeer _1 e' -0SWTN o-e�_J _ �t i�._ . . = J /� V a "' o-'Z NJrp srcN LN.a IIIV /-rr/6N Ixrrw2oxxrrr �� � N � rvraNM/-e! a m Q m A J JN : ^ i I b oymf ba �\ i t • :,7 ym J'� Ip y=3H b�Tj G o��ygD o�W j n MATCNLhNE STA. I/H 60 �1 i fo" �1 Kent City Council Meeting gJ\J`1 � Date January 3 , 1989 �r Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: COUNCIL TRAVEL = 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorization fo Council President Jim White to attend the intercity visit ci is leadership event in San Diego, April 15-18 . j, r i' 3 . EXHIBITS : Letter 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: (Committee, Staff , Examiner , Commission, etc . ) 5 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 6 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION- ACTION: Council Agenda Item No . 3L December 29, 1988 TO: MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL FROM• IM WHITE, COUNCIL PRESIDENT SUBJECT: INTERCITY VISIT/SAN DIEGO/SEATTLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE APRIL 15-18--OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL I hereby submit for your approval to attend the annual civic leadership event held in San Diego, California. The cost is $1250. 00. T-HE CHAMBER GREATER SEATTLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE December 16, I988 Mr. James White President Suburban Cities Association 220 Fourth South Kent, WA 98032 Dear Mr. White: Mayor Rover and I have selected San Diego as the destination for our seventh Intercity Visit, which will take place April 15-18, 1989. This annual trip has become a very important event for our civic leadership, and I would like to invite you to join us this year. As you know, our aim is to have the participation of the very top leadership of the public and private sectors as well as individuals with a particular interest and expertise in the policy areas on our agenda. Our preliminary agenda addresses a number of current issues in the greater Seattle area. We will spend some time at Balboa Park and the Zoo learning how the planning finance and governance structures of these facilities may apply to the Seattle Center and the Woodland Park Zoo. Growth is a major issue in San Diego, and we will explore its impact on housing and transportation. San Diego has experienced a dramatic growth in gang and drug activity, and we will learn how they are responding to these challenges. The format of the trip will be much the same as in the past, and the cost should be comparable. As specifics on travel arrangements are finalized we will let you know. Space is limited, however, so I encourage you to respond early. We have been fortunate to have taken a very impressive group of King County citizens on intercity visits of the past, and I hope you will join us to help make this vear's trip a success. If you have any questions or if you would like to inform us of your attendance plans, please contact Michel Luis at the Chamber (461-7262) or Bill Stafford at the City (684-8260) . I look forward to traveling with you. Sincerely, John Ellis Chairman Board of Trustees cc: Mayor Royer 1200 ONE UNIONS011ARE 600 UNIVERSITY STREET SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101-3186 (206)461.7200 FAX:(206)461-7221 i.i............ Kent City Council Meeting Date_ January 3 1989 Category Bids 0 � 1. SUBJECT: CASCADE-KENT SEWER INTERCEPTOR REHABILITATION. reLf.C, �S _ _ _ 1 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Bid opening was Decemb 15 , with eight- bids received . After analysis of the bids) recommended.�C(ie bid submitted by Tri-State Construction for Alternate 1 in the amount of $543 , 306 . 37 be accepted. 1 3 . EXHIBITS: Bid summary and memorandum from the Director of Public Works 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: (Committee, Staff , Exa ner , Commission, etc. ) 5 . EXPENDITURE RE IRED: $ SOURCE OF FUN Budget 6 . CITY CO CIL ACTION: tj movej.) seco n dej Ntthe bid submit-eed by Tri-State Constructiop fo It ate 1 in the amount of $543 , 306 . 37 be accepted . �1 DISCUSSION: Cftr cc/ . ACTION: Council Agenda Item No . 5A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS December 27, 1988 TO: MAYOR KELLEHER AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON WICKSTROM RE: CASCADE KENT SEWER INTERCEPTOR REHABILITATION Bid opening was held December 15, 1988 with eight bids received. The project was advertised with three construction alternatives; one with new main construction; Alternate 1 with Slip Lining of existing main; and Alternate 2 Insituform Lining of the main. After analysis of the bids and the project budget, it was determined to award based on Alternate 1 of the proposal. Tri- State Construction submitted the low bid in the amount of $543 , 306. 37 . It should be noted Tri-State was also the low bidder for the new main construction alternative. The project provides for the rehabilitation of an existing sewer interceptor in the vicinity of Kent Kangley Road and 110th Avenue S.E. The funds for this project are included in the 1987 Miscellaneous Sewer Replacement fund. Construction costs are estimated to be $597, 637 . It is recommended the bid from Tri-State Construction for Alternate 1 in the amount of $543 , 306. 37 be accepted. BID SUMMARY NEW MAIN SLIP INSITUFORM CONSTRUCTION LINING LINING (Alt. 1) (Alt. 2) Tri-State Const. $959 , 023 .89 $543 , 306.37 No Bid Mocan Construction No Bid 561,907.63 No Bid Shoreline Const. No BId 797, 608 .09 No Bid R.L. Alia 1, 370, 653 . 35 984,959.94 No Bid Campbell Const. 1F039, 376. 65 No Bid No Bid Di Orio Const. 1, 097, 883 . 27 No Bid No Bid Gelco Const. No Bid No Bid 1, 137, 196.54 Pape & Sons Const. 1,206, 299 . 53 No Bid No Bid Engineer' s Est. 1, 030, 552 .23 497, 379 . 68 968 , 761. 64 R E P O R T S A. COUNCIL PRESIDENT B. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE C. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE D. PLANNING COMMITTEE E. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE F. PARKS COMMITTEE G. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE DECEMBER 13, 1988 PRESENT: JON JOHNSON GARY GILL BERNE BITEMAN JIM HANSEN JIM WHITE JOHN MARCHIONE DON WICKSTROM JOHN BOND LYLE PRICE L.I.D. _330 - 64th Avenue Improvements Wickstrom reviewed that the project includes improvements of 64th Avenue from Smith Street north to 212th with signals at Meeker, James, 228th and 212th. It is planned for a 5-lane facility with a 17-foot wide landscape median. The majority of the property owners are supportive of the project and have been involved in development of the design. Wickstrom explained he anticipated bringing this before Council for passage of a Resolution in January or early February. Johnson asked when construction would start. Wickstrom explained it is hoped to be under construction in April and would be approximately a year in length. It is planned to hold the hearings on formation, advertise for bids and then hold the hearing on the final assessments before actual construction to eliminate any interim financing on the project. At this time, Wickstrom explained, he is seeking Council concurrence to proceed with the project. The Committee unanimously approved proceeding. Special Project Engineer Wickstrom explained we have hired engineers from a consulting firm to work on the West Valley Highway improvement project. These engineers will not be available to us shortly. In addition to the WVH project, the department also has several other major improvement projects as outlined in his memorandum which must begin in 1989. Existing staff will not be able to manage this workload without the use of consultant services. Our previous approach was to minimize the use Of consultants by hiring the consultant's engineers to work in house with City staff on the development of projects. We have found this approach produces a better project. Inasmuch as we have so many major projects to initiate which could be at least a 3-year workload and to assure continuity within the projects, it is proposed to create the position of Special Project Engineer who will work with City staff in the management and development of the construction projects. Wickstrom explained there wouldn't be an impact on the budget as the engineer position would be charged to the projects and the engineering revenue would be increased to offset the expenditures. Wickstrom added that in addition to those projects he has listed he has just been notified Public Works Committee December 13 , 1988 Page 2 that all five projects submitted to the Centennial Clean Water Fund for grants have been approved. Biteman inquired about the permit process and if this position would help that. Wickstrom explained that an engineer position has been approved in the 1989 budget which was originally submitted for the Water Quality Program but will be initially used to facilitate the permit process. Wickstrom reiterated that the department has an unusual number of large construction projects without adequate staff so we are reviewing staffing needs. The Committee unanimously recommended approval of creation of the special project engineer position. Green River Management Agreement Wickstrom reminded the Committee of the City' s participation with the County and other Valley cities in the Green River Management project of flood control, levee maintenance, and capital improvements associated with the levee work. Wickstrom identified several levee areas in the Kent area requiring capital improvements to raise the freeboard to FEMA requirements which could result in an expenditure to the City of $4 million. Wickstrom continued that _ discussions within the group now are centering on how to distribute the costs. One concept is that each city would be responsible for their share of the project costs. Impoundment Reservoir Biteman stated he thought the impoundment reservoir concept was a good one and inquired about the status of the Tacoma pipeline project. Wickstrom stated Tacoma was about to apply for their Army Corps of Engineers permit to cross the river. This supposedly will trigger any legal protests by the Indian tribe. Once this issue is resolved Tacoma should be able to obtain bonding and begin the project. L.I.D. 334 - Derbyshire Sewer Improvements Wickstrom indicated the bids received were within the engineer's estimate; however, a portion of the installation was required to be extra deep to service areas outside the LID boundary. This resulted in increased costs. As done on previous projects, the City has paid the cost involved in the extra depth requirement. Wickstrom requested the transfer of $28, 000 from the unencumbered sewerage utility fund to this project for this extra-depth cost. The Committee unanimously approved the transfer. Public Works Committee December 13 , 1988 Page 3 Public Works Budget Carryover Wickstrom explained the weather delayed the city contractor from completing the asphalt overlay work which is budgeted in the operating funds of the Street division. If these funds are not carried over to the 1989 budget there will be insufficient monies to pay the contractor. This is true also of approximately $5, 000 in the Equipment Rental fund for a highway broom which won't be delivered until 1989 . Wickstrom requested the funds in the Street Division operating fund for the asphalt overlays and the moneys appropriated for the highway broom in the Equipment Rental operating budget be carried over and project funds established. The Committee unanimously concurred. Johnson asked about doing something on an interim basis at the railroad crossings until the rubberized crossings are installed. Wickstrom explained the City has no authority to make any repairs within one foot of the outside portion of the tracks. If we were to make any repairs inside the tracks the City would be assuming liability for any accident that may occur. Johnson also mentioned the intersection of EVH and 212th where the crown of EVH is higher than 212th. Wickstrom stated it would be a while before this is scheduled for an overlay but the crown could be corrected when it is overlayed. Biteman mentioned this problem was true also of the driveway into Kent Commons. Reith Road Sight Distance John Bond displayed the planned improvements of left turn pockets on Reith Road at 253rd both north and south, a right turn pocket on Reith at 253rd and a flashing light lower on Reith Road which would be activated by vehicles on 253rd. The cost for these improvements is estimated to be $6, 300. Wickstrom indicated there were remaining funds in the Reith Road Improvement project. The Committee unanimously approved proceeding with these improvements. Agreement-with State - Garrison Creek Detention System Wickstrom explained the State has requested the City to enter into an agreement for participation in the right of way acquisition for the construction of the detention facility in the Garrison Creek area in the vicinity of 104th. The City' s share of the acquisition costs is estimated to be $37, 000. Wickstrom stated we had originally planned to ',develop the area for erosion control but the Public Works Committee December 13, 1988 Page 4 State wants to develop it as storm water detention associated with the State's project. There is currently $25, 000 in the project fund and we had anticipated the balance of our share for the acquisition and construction to be funded via a revenue bond issue coupled with a drainage utility rate increase. Wickstrom proposed transferring $15, 000 from the unencumbered sewerage utility fund to provide for these immediate expenditures. The Committee unanimously approved transferring the funds and executing the agreement. Kincr County Citizens for Improved Transportation Hansen updated the Committee on the request from this group for a $1, 000 contribution. Hansen suggested that based upon the fact their legislative package wasn't complete at this time the City contribute $500 now and the remainder when the package is more fully developed. Hansen stated that the support is probably not measured so much by the dollar figure as by the fact that the City is supportive of their effort. White added this group is the "umbrella" group trying to coordinate the activities of all the transportation groups in the area to put together a legislative package. The Committee concurred with the procedure of contributing $500 now and the remainder when the legislative package is written. It was determined the funds would come from the Civic Affiliations fund. Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program John Bond demonstrated the 22 areas which have expressed some interest in the program. Seven of these neighborhoods are actively pursuing the program. The program will be initiated on 114th Way after the holidays as well. Biteman suggested John also review this program for the Safety Committee. Granting Easement - Drainage Utility Property Wickstrom explained that two developers have requested use of drainage utility property in the vicinity of S. 216th Street between the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and the City's abandoned sewerage lagoon. This usage would allow them to meet the Fire and Zoning Code requirements for their proposed developments. In return for these easements, the developers would construct the drainage channel and respective maintenance road in accordance with the City's requirements for the overflow channel. Wickstrom Public Works Committee December 13 , 1988 Page 5 requested authorization to grant the easements. The Committee unanimously recommended approval. Request for Sidewalks S E 236th Place and 104th Avenue S.E. Wickstrom reviewed the citizen request for sidewalks for the Committee. The property owners have not been supportive of constructing the project on their own. Wickstrom stated while we can require them to do the work it is his recommendation not to pursue the project. Biteman concurred. Wickstrom explained that when the vacant property abutting this area develops we can require them to construct the sidewalks. The Committee unanimously agreed not to pursue construction of the sidewalks at this time. Town Hall Meeting Communications Johnson asked the Committee how they wished to respond to those citizens who made comments about traffic issues at the Town Hall meeting. It was determined a Committee meeting would be held after the first of the year to discuss these issues and the citizens invited to attend. / v n OPERATION COMMITTEE MINUTES December 15, 1988 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Paul Mann Steve Dowell STAFF PRESENT: Mike Webby r Jim Hansen Tony McCarthy�-�tl Sandra Driscoll Jim Harris Don Wickstrom Ron Spang Helen Wickstrom May Miller Charlie Lindsey Alana McIalwain Teri Mertes OTHERS PRESENT: Lyle Price, Kent News Journal Steve Caputo, Kent Disposal Gary Ewing, Kent Disposal Jim Orr, Kent Citizen Leona Orr, Kent Citizen APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending December 15, 1988, in the amount of $ 1, 240, 133 . 21 were approved for payment. The payment of $12 , 239 . 17 to Kent Disposal will go out with a protest letter from the City Attorney based on City ordinances which say that garbage service to the City should have been free of charge. INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM PROCESS City Attorney Driscoll asked the Committee if they had any questions concerning the memorandum she distributed about the initiative and referendum process allowing the citizens to place a proposal on the ballot to establish a policy or to repeal a City action. Councilmember Steve Dowell was concerned there was not enough public input to make a decision if it is what the citizens want. The 3 Councilmembers decided the first step is to get the facts of the initiative and referendum process out to the citizens. The means used to do this are newspapers (not just Kents local paper) and City Attorney Driscoll will prepare a letter to be sent with the City' s utility billings. On a 3-0 vote the Committee recommended that a Public Hearing be held at the Council meeting of January 17, 1989 . PRIVATE SECURITY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT REAUTHORIZATION Finance Director McCarthy explained to the Committee that the contract was a reauthorization of an existing agreement with the County to license private security firms. The County issues the licenses and keeps the fees received for the service. Councilmember Mann questioned the practice prior to the interlocal agreement. He was told it was a duplicated City/County process. The extension of this agreement was recommended on a vote of 3-0. 1988 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT ORDINANCE Finance Director McCarthy introduced the 1988 Budget Adjustment Ordinance totaling $2 , 685,796. He noted it is a consolidation of all expenditure type items, approved by the Council during the year, in one ordinance. This is recommended to simplify procedures and make it easier for the State Auditor to verify City budget amounts. The major item, not previously before the Council, provides for additional payments to Metro for sewerage treatment due to the impact of growth which has driven the amount above the original budget. The Budget Ordinance was recommended by a vote of 3-0. PETTY CASH/CHANGE FUND/ADVANCE TRAVEL ORDINANCE ADJUSTMENT Finance Director McCarthy presented these three ordinances which update the amounts available in the petty cash, advance travel and change funds. This increase is due to the growth of the City which is causing an increase in the usage of these funds. The Committee unanimously recommended these ordinances for inclusion on the consent calendar. TCI CABLEVISION RATE INCREASE EFFECTIVE 1/1/89 Assistant City Administrator Webby informed the Committee of the rate increase to $17 . 35 for basic cable in the City. 60 days notice was required before the rate increase and was given by the Cable Company. The item was presented as information only since the City can not establish rates. EMPLOYEE WELLNESS PROGRAM Assistant City Administrator Webby reintroduced the Employee Wellness . Program for which a memo had been distributed after the 11/15 meeting. All 3 Councilmembers recommended in favor of implementing the program. Assistant City Administrator Webby noted as the program evolves, changes and improvements can be made. COUNCIL CHAMBER REMODEL BIDS Assistant City Administrator Hansen informed the Committee that in Tuesdays Council meeting packet the City is recommending all 10 bids on the Council Chamber remodel be rejected because they are over budget. A possible rebid could occur later following a meeting with the Architect on the project budget. NEW POSITION- SPECIAL PROJECT ENGINEERING SUPERVISOR Assistant City Administrator Webby recommended that a Special Project Engineering Supervisor position be added to the 1989 budget. The position will create a cost saving by using City staff as opposed to using outside consulting services. There will be no budget increase because the position would be paid for through adjusting the Engineering Division reimbursement from the projects. The new position has already been approved by the Public Works Committee. The Operations Committee also recommended it at a vote of 3-0 with the stipulation that in approximately 6 months the Committee would like to see a review showing the actual cost saving. FALL/SPRING CLEAN UP Mayor Dan Kelleher requested that the Committee review this issue. There has been no fall clean up or public notice if there will be any future clean ups performed by the City. The problem is that Kent's City Code requires this service be provided by those having a .license to collect garbage, but this ability may be pre-empted by the WUTC. The Councilmembers decided to face the Christmas Tree pick up issue currently and take the Spring Clean up service to the Public Works Committee. The Committee agreed that the City should pay for the service of picking up the Christmas trees and the issue will go to Council December 20, 1988. At that time City Attorney Sandra Driscoll will make legal determination if the City can pay for this service and the cost to the City. Then, public notice of this service will go out with the next utility billing to the community.