HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 09/05/1989 ............. ............. MI. k` :it Clty of Ken 2 t City Council Meetinak 3��t Agenda ::::.:::::: IN, xxx'5, Mayor Dan Kelleher Council Members Jim White, President xxxx".. Berne Biteman Steve Dowell Christi Houser Jon Johnson Paul Mann Judy Woods September 5, 1989 I:X Office of the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 5, 1989 IN Summary Agenda City of Kent Council Chambers Office of the City Clerk 7 : 00 p.m. NOTE: Items on the Consent Calendar are either routine or have been previously discussed. Any item may be removed by a Councilmember. The Council may add and act upon other items not listed on this agenda. F TO ORDER CALL ��IC COMMUNICATIONS" Employee of the Month B. Proclamation - National D.A.R.E. Day C. Proclamation - Constitution Week D. Letter from Kaibara 2 . PUBLIC HEARINGS C�ont�nuecl Meeks A. LID 334 - Derbyshire No. 7 Sanitary Sewer 3 . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes B. Bills C. Armored Car Service Contract D. State Traffic Safety Project Funding E. Latecomer Agreement - Forest Creek Apartments vJeekS F Environmental Mitigation Fund — rCCOOStdecr in c� Parking and Storage of Commercial Vehicles - Ordinance referred f lny 4 . OTHER BUSINESS JeA ,�Yet (at Ci ViSn A. Lavender Hills Final Plat - �PF C � �' B. Council Absence Request 5. BIDS a- �'eacln,ert-isC'_ A. Multigrader - -Cejec� 6. REPORTS CONTINUA?_ G.�MMUNICATIONS ADJOURNMENT .......... ........ CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 5, 1989 Summary Agenda City of Kent Council Chambers Office of the City Clerk 7: 00 p.m. NOTE: Items on the Consent Calendar are either routine or have been previously discussed. Any item may be removed by a Councilmember. The Council may add and act upon other items not listed on this agenda. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL 1. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Employee of the Month B. Proclamation - National D.A.R.E. Day C. Proclamation - Constitution Week D. Letter from Kaibara 2 . PUBLIC HEARINGS A. LID 334 - Derbyshire No. 7 Sanitary Sewer 3 . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes B. Bills C. Armored Car Service Contract D. State Traffic Safety Project Funding E. Latecomer Agreement - Forest Creek Apartments F. Environmental Mitigation Fund G. Parking and Storage of Commercial Vehicles - Ordinance 4 . OTHER BUSINESS A. Lavender Hills Final Plat B. Council Absence Request 5. BIDS A. Multigrader 6. REPORTS CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Citizens wishing to address the Council will, at this time, make known the subject of interest, so all may be properly heard. A. Employee of the Month B. National DARE Day Proclamation C. Constitution Week Proclamation Z. D. Letter from Kotaro Yasui, Mayor of Kaibara MTRGRITY- PLUS MANAGEMENT, INC. ,fueintsn & Etlnaadal Consultants 1001 Fourth Avenue Plaza, Suite 3730. Seattle, WA 98154 Phone 808-688-8809 [Translation) August 18, 1989 The Honorable Mayor Dan Kellerher City of Kent Kent, WA 98032 near Mr. Kellerher: The ten members of the Kaibara friendship delegation and I, who were participating in the Centennial celebration of Washington state, were deeply impressed with the incredibly warm reception shown by yourself, government officials and many citizens while we were Lr Kent. Please accept our sincerest appreciation from the completed an extrem�.AY meaningfulbottom journey and home safely.have All the facilities you showed us in 'Kent were wonderful. We are certain that we learned a lot from these and it would be very helpful in implementing some of the ideas into our future similar facilities. Especially, I regret very much that while Kent has the Kaibara park, there is no such thing as Kent Park. I will definitely see to it that the Kent Park will be built before long. Furthermore, I would like to renew our pledge that we all will work harder to enhance the sister-city relationship between Kent and Kaibara. I recall that during the luncheon speech at the Kent senior Center you mentioned of your plan to visit Kaibara next year. I hope that you will bring a lot of people with you. And I am looking forward to providing you with the same kind of hospitality shown to us. Before closing, I wish you and your citizens every prosperity and health. once again, thank you very much for your extraordinary courtesies and hospitality extended to our delegates. sincerely yours, Kotaro Yasui "" Mayor of Kaibara Kent City Council Meeting Date September 5 1989 Category Public Hearinas 1. SUBJECT: L. I.D. 334 DERBYSH�RE NO. 7 SANITARY SEWER 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: This date has been set for the Public Hearing on the final assessment roll for L.I.D. 334 . The City Clerk has given the proper notification to the property owners. The Director of Public Works will review the improvements constructed by this project and the manner of assessment. 3 . EXHIBITS: Memorandum from the Director of Public Works 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: OPEN HEARING: PUBLIC INPUT: CLOSE HEARING: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Counc' member seconds the memorandum from the Director Public Works be made a part of the record and that the City torney be directed to prepare an ordinance confirming the fi 1 assessment roll for L.I.D. 334 . DISCUSSION• ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 2A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS August 15, 1989 TO: Mayor Kelleher City Council FROM: Don Wickstrom, RE: LID 334 - Derbyshire #7 Sanitary Sewer 121st Ave. , 122nd Ave. , and 276th St) September 5, 1989 has been set for the Public Hearing on the final assessment roll for LID 334 . BACKGROUND Resolution No. 1167 adopted by City Council on April 19 , 1988 established May 17, 1988 for the public hearing on LID 334 . All of this was the result of a petition received in March 1988 and subsequent contact with property owners which indicated sufficient support. Ordinance No. 2781 was passed on June 7 , 1988 creating the LID. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS Sanitary Sewer Improvements Description: Includes the installation of 8-inch sanitary sewers, 6-inch side sewers and related appurtenances. ON FROM TO 121st Ave. SE SE 276th Street Cul-de-Sac, North of SE 276th St. 122nd Ave. SE SE 274th Street SE 276th St. SE 276th Street 120th Ave. SE 122nd Ave. SE Easement between SE 276th St/122nd Existing manhole Lots 6 and 7 Ave SE Intersection approximately 135 ft southeasterly PROJECT FUNDING This project is to be 100% LID financed except for an extra depth cost to be paid by the City. COST SUMMARY LID CITY TOTAL PRELIMINARY 135, 200 27,210 162 , 410 ($5, 200/Lot) FINAL 156, 610. 48 31, 518 .91 188, 129 . 39 ($6, 023 . 48/Lot) See the attached letter which was sent to the property owners with the hearing notice explaining the increased assessments. It should be noted that a new water system for the area was also included in the contract for LID 334 . The City paid 100% of the watermain cost and the cost of the asphalt overlay for repaving the road. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT Each property serviced is being assessed. Since each lot is a single family residential lot each receiving one service, the berie-`it is -equal for all parcels. Therefore, the cost is evenly spread over all lots within the L. I.D. PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENT Upon Council passing the ordinance confirming the final assessment roll (after completion of the construction) , there is a 30-day period in which any portion or all of the assessment can be paid without interest charges. After theP-dav p� +-he balance is paid over a ten year period wherein each year's payment is 1/10th of the principal plus interest on the unpaid balance. The interest will be what the market dictates: NEED FOR IMPROVEMENT The project location is a developed residential area composed of single family lots which were on septic tanks. For years, it has been known that the septic systems in the general Derbyshire area function poorly or - not at all. However, previous attempts to install sewers have failed. It has been reported that within the Derbyshire area that some residents have made illegal connections to the storm drains to avoid the consequence of a failing septic system. Residents reported that there was raw sewage on the surface of the ground and that septic odor was a real widespread problem. The Seattle-King County Department of Public Health identified various failing septic systems within the general area. These problems were a threat to everybody who lives in the area. Most of the problems were not repairable and were expected to become worse and more widespread. The only economically feasible alternative was to install a public sewer system. It was also our understanding that one house within Derbyshire No. 7 was vacated by order of the Seattle-King County Health Department until sewers became available. It was estimated that for this particular house, the cost of a septic system reconstruction would exceed the cost of the sanitary sewer LID assessment. If the situation had deteriorated further, more people would have probably been removed from their homes. Knowing the severity of the problem, property owners within Derbyshire No. 7 came to the City to request sanitary sewers. A petition was circulated for which 22 signatures out of 26 properties were received. Subsequently, the LID was approved. REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL This LID is outside of the City limits but is within the City' s sewer franchise area. However, final approval of this specific project by the King County Boundary Review Board was required. To satisfy the Review Board, the City is requiring each person applying for a sewer permit to execute a "Petition for Annexation and Declaration of Covenant. " This means that in the case of an annexation attempt the property will be counted as a "yes" vote and once enough covenants have been signed, an annexation could proceed. The covenant procedure is an alternative to requiring actual annexation prior to formation of the LID and expedites the sewer installation. August 14, 1989 RE: LID 334 Derbyshire #7 Sanitary Sewers Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is your final assessment hearing notice. The final assessment amount is greater than the preliminary estimated assessment due primarily to unforeseen conditions which were encountered in the field. These conditions resulted primarily from poor soil conditions which lead to additional costs associated with the road restoration. For the most part, the cost overruns resulted from increased quantities of crushed rock and asphalt used during the project to keep the roadway driveable and to'restore and patch the road prior to the overlay. Please note that these extra costs were split evenly with the water main replacement portion of the project which was 100% City funded. Also the City is funding 100% of the asphalt overlay cost since the County would have constructed the overlay at no cost to the property owners had it not been for the utility project. Also, the property owners are assessed only for the cost to install the sewer deep enough to service the properties within the L. I. D. As originally proposed, the City is paying for the extra depth costs associated with the L. I. D. 334 sewer which resulted from installing the sewer deeper as required for future extension to the West. Should you have any questions, please call me at 859-3384 . Very truly yours, Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Director of Public W rks Merrill Vesper Office Engineer cc: Mayor Kelleher City Council .............. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 . City Council Action: V Councilmember moves, Councilme '� seconds that Consent Calendar Items A throug be lapp d. Discussion Action u� 3A. Approval of Minutes. - Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of August 15, 1989. �3B. Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received through September 5, 1989 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 3 : 00 p.m. on September 15, 1989 . 0 Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 8/11/89 82215 - 82217 $ 3 , 324 .72 8/14 - 8/28 82851 - 82903 689, 056. 05 8/30/89 82904 - 83454 1 , 023 , 791. 64 $1, 716, 172 .41 Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Numbers Amount 8/18/89 123550 - 124225 $ 732 , 303 .75 Council Agenda Item No. 3 A-B k Kent City Council Meeting Date September 5 1989 Category Consent Calendar l 1. SUBJECT: ARMORED CAR SERVICE CONTRACT 2 . S ATEMENT: As discussed with the Operations, r,Committee at their August 15th meetinc #uthorization for the Mayor to sigh a"-c6ntract- with Continental Armored Transporting to provide armored car services to City facilities including the golf course, City Hall, Kent Commons and the Senior Centers -'Q - This proposal was originally discussed as part of the banking services agreement with U.S. Bank, but the item is handled as a separate contract directly with the armored car service. 3 . EXHIBITS• 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: operations Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REOUIRED: included in the banking agreement SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3C Armored Transport Northwest, Inc. Dear Customer, Six (6) years ago this company was operating under the name of Continental Armored Transport, Inc. Armored Transport Northwest, Inc. has since purchased that company. During the turn around, your contract was missed in updating the contract so that the CARRIER will read, "Armored Transport Northwest, Inc." I have taken the initiative to enclose three (3) copies of an updated contract with your company. However your original. date of sczvice does appear on this contract. I would like to as% you, or your contract dcpastsnent to sign a_'.1 t.hrct-. t 3) copies; and return them to the below listed address on this stationery. My office will in turn send all three (3) copies to our corporate office in Los Angeles. our president will sign these copies, retain one copy for his files, send one for my files, ana the other will be sent to your office with a certificate of insurance. Wle here at Armored Transport [Northwest, Inc. , would appreciate the return of these three (3) enclosed copies of the contract back in a timely manner if so possible. Thank you for.your time and cooperation in this matter. If. T can be of any assistance to you .in the future, please call at 322-88n8. Again, thank you. . Sincere , Kathy A. Hof n Secretary Enclosure kah 1401 East Yesler Way Scattic,WA 98122 206322-8848 : ARMORED TRANSPORT NORTHWEST, INC. ARMORED CAR SERVICE AGREEMENT P.O.BOX 15060—LOS ANGELES,CA 90015 IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between ARMORED TRANSPORT NORTHWEST, INC. ... Hereinafter called CARRIER and U.S. BANK OF WASHINGTON NAME M7 RE: KENT COMMONS PO BOX 250 KENT WA 98031. STREET CITY STATE ZIP Hereinafter called CUSTOMER,that SECTION 1. (a) CUSTOMER IAUP sA awl they following location—certain establishment—where armored car service is required. (b) CARRIER maintainsa service for the purpose of protecting property and transporting it to orfrom a bank or other location as designated by CUSTOMER. SECTION II. (a) The word"property'as used in this agreement shall mean currency,coins,precious metals,notes,bonds,securities,and all other things of value. (b) The word"shipment"as used herein shall mean the total property received from or destined to one location,branch,or facility. (c) CARRIER agrees to render service to CUSTOMER as follows: SEE ATTACHMENT(HOLIDAYS EXCLUDED) AUTHORIZED ARMED COLLECTORS WILL CALL AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED LOCATION(S), DELIVER AND/OR RECEIPT FOR A SEALED OR LOCKED PACKAGE OR PACKAGES CONTAINING PROPERTY WHICH WILL BE DELIVERED IN THE SAME CONDITION AS RECEIVED AND SECURE PROPER RECEIPT FOR SAME. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEARS DAY, M.L. KING JR DAY, PRESIDENTS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY. It is understood and agreed that when a holiday falls on a Sunday the following Monday shall constitute the holiday when a holiday falls on a Saturday the preceding Friday,that Saturday,or the following Monday shall constitute the holiday. SECTION III. (a) CARRIER agrees at all times during the life of this agreement to purchase and maintain insurance with a responsible insur- ance company to cover loss or destruction of property handled or protected by CARRIER,its agents or employees,on behalf of CUSTOMER pursuant to this agreement.CARRIER agrees to furnish CUSTOMER with written evidence of compliance with this provision.It is understood and agreed that CARRIER shall not be liable in any capacity for harm to CUSTOMERS property or for damages directly and/or proximately flowing from harm to CUSTOMERS PROPERTY while said property is in the possession of CARRIER,nor shall CARRIERS insurance be required to cover such damages when same are caused by any of the following: 1. Hostile or warlike action in time of peace or war,Including but not limited to,action which hinders,combats or defends against an actual,Impending or expected attack by any government or sovereign power(de Jura or de facto),or by any authority maintaining or using military,naval or air forces',or by military,naval or air forces',or by an agent of any government,power,authority orforce; 2. Any weapon of war employing atomic fission or radioactive force whether In time of peace or war, 3. Any accident or catagtrophe occurring at a government or private facility employing the use of atomic fission or radio active energy whether in time of peace or war, 4. Insurection, rebellion, revolution, civil war, usurped power,or action taken by governmental authority in hindering, combatting or defending against such an occurrence, seizure or destruction under quarantine or customers regulations, confiscation by order of any government or public authority,or risks of contraband or illegal transportation or trade. b Exceppt as hereinabove provided,it is understood and agreed that CARRIER insurance company will be liable up to the sum of SC-FIVE THOUSAND AND 00/100-S PER LOCATION-------------------------- Dollars is 25 000.00 PER LOCATION-------------)per shipment,which sum is the agreed maximum value of any single shipment in that the service and liability obligations assumed by CARRIER and the rates charged by CARRIER are based in part, upon the values of shipments as declared by CUSTOMER,for the safe delivery or return of any shipment of CUSTOMERS in the possession of CARRIER,or In the possession of the agents or employees of CARRIER Pursuant to the terms of this agreement. (c) CARRIER shall not be liable in any capacity for damages, including but not limited to loss of interest,directly and/or proximately flowing from any delay in or failure to make pickups or deliverieson CUSTOMERS behalf pursuant to the terms of this agreement due to strikes,work stoppages,lockouts,epidemics,pestilence,war,rebellion,Insurrection,hostilities,legal process, court action,mechanical failure,misdelivery of CUSTOMER'S property,late delivery of CUSTOMERS property,accidents,fires,acts of God or causes beyond CARRIERS control. It Is understood and agreed that CARRIER is not a guarantor of any pickup or delivery times set forth as a part of this agreement as the parties hereto understand and agree that any such times are mere approximations or estimates. (d) CUSTOMER Understands that time is of the essence to CARRIER'S business, therefore, CUSTOMER agrees that CARRIERS messenger/collector shall have towaitnomorethan a maximumof THREE (3) minutes to make his pickup —1 - REV.3/86 and delivery.if CUSTOM EFTS agent or employee does not assist said messenger/collector in that time period,it is agreed that the messenger/collector may leave and that such departure shall be consistent with,and therefore not a breach of,this agreement CUSTOMER may call and request that a service call be made by CARRIER subsequent to such departure.By requesting same, CUSTOMER agrees to pay for said additional service call at a rate to be established by mutual agreement,such charges to be in addition to regular service charges. SECTION IV. (a) CARRIER agrees to furnish to CUSTOMER the certified signature of each authorized collector,and to give written notice In the event of revocation of such authority.CARRIER assumes no liability for property delivered to any employee or other person except those whose unrevoked signature are on Ille with CUSTOMER. (b) CUSTOMER agrees to cause all shipments to be made by means of placing CUTOMERS property in securely sealed packaes or containers which name and dress of thec clearly he ons gnee.CUSTOMER agreesfurther rrees to clearly and distinctly set forth the val consignor ue ofeach shipmentton the outside of the sealed packages or container. Additionally,CUSTOMER agrees that CARRIER,its agents or employees,shall have the right to refuse to pickup shipments which are not securely sealed and properly marked as set forth above and that CARRIER assumes no liability for any damages or loss which may result as a consequence of such refusal to make a pickup. (c) CARRIER'S possession of CUSTOMER'S shipment begins only after an armed collector employed by CARRIER signs a receipt for and receives said shipment Into his physical custody,thereafter CARRIERS possession of CUSTOMERS property terminates when and as an authorized teller at CUSTOMER'S bank or an authorized agent designated by CUSTOMER receives custody(i.e. physical possession or control) of the shipment or signs CARRIERS route sheet or other receipt acknowledging delivery.It is understood and agreed that CARRIER'S liability for the handling or protection of CUSTOMERS property arises and co- exists solely with CARRIERS possession thereof. (d) (l it is understood and agreed that under no circumstances or theory of liability shall CARRIER and/or CARRIERS insurance company be liable for any Incidental or consequential damages resulting from or occasioned by the loss of or damage to any shipment delivered to CARRIER pursuant to this agreement. III) It is understood and agreed that under no circumstances shall CARRIER and/or CARRIERS insurance company be liable or responsible for any claim for loss Of or damages to CUSTOMERS property which is not submitted in writing to CARRIER within sixty(60)days after the date that said loss or damage purportedly occurred.Within thirty(30)days after the giving of written notice of a claim of loss or damage,(CUSTOMER agrees to furnish CARRIER a detailed written statement of the circumstances surrounding such loss or damage as well as detailed written proof of such loss or damage in form satisfactory to CARRIER, proof of loss shall be substantiated by the books,records and accounts of CUSTOMER and shall be subscribed and sworn to by CUSTOMER)or its duly authorized officer.Fallure of CUSTOMER to comply with the foregoing shall relieve and release CARR IER of any liability to CUSTOMER with respect to such claimed loss or damage. (a) CUSTOMER guarantees and warrants that it maintains a complete and accurate record of all checks placed in any shipment given to CARRIER and in the event of a loss,CUSTOMER agrees to promptly,diligently,and completely cooperate with CARRIER in the identification and replacement of lost,destroyed or stolen checks which had been contained in any such shipment Complete cooperation shall include but not be limited to requests by CUSTOMER to makers of the missing checks to issue duplicates and in the event the makers refuse to do so,then to assert all its legal and equitable rights against said makers.CUSTOMER agrees that CARRIER and CARRIER'S insurance company shall not be liable for damages directly or proximately flowing from CUSTOMER'S breach of this provision. SECTION V. (a) CUSTOMER agrees to pay CARRIER for the services enumerated herein the sum of Dollars SEE ATTACHMENT (g SEE ATTACHMENT )' OCIOBER .19 (b) Services under this agreement shall begin on the qTH day of onth to month until cancelled by either party giving the other party and shall continue fora period of one month and thereafter from m thirty(30)days written notice thereof in writing. (c) This agreement shall become effective only when approved and signed by executive officers of the parties hereto.This agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties, and no representations, inducements, promises or agreements not embodied herein shall be of any force and effect This agreement shall be binding In accordancewith its terms upon the parties hereto and their respective transferees, assigns and successors in Interest; provided, however, this agreement may be assigned by CARRIER to any parent of subsidiary corporation thereof; or to any corporation which it may hereafter acquire or with which it may be merged or consolidated,or to any corporation acquiring the business and assets of CARRIER,but this agreement shall not otherwise be assigned by either party hereto without the priorwritten consent of the other party.This agreement may be altered,amended or superseded solely by means of a writing signed by the parties hereto. (d) In the event of litigation between the parties hereto.which litigation arises out of the terms of this agreement,the prevailing party shall be entitled in addition to any other appropriate relief to an award of reasonable attorneys fees and litigation costs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be entered into and executed this 27TH day of JULY 119 89,by the respective officer thereunto duly authorized. US BANK OF WASHINGiON ARMORED TRANSPORT NORTHWEST, INC. KENT commoN5 By By Title Title ROBERT G. IRVIN, PRESIDENT REV.3185 —2— US BANK OF WASHINGTON KENT COMMONS LOCATION SERVICE DAYS PRICE START DATE KENT COMMONS M-T W-TH-F-S $227.85 10-9-81 KENT CITY HALL M-T-W-TH-F 184.80 10-9-81 477.60 10-9-81 M-T-W-TH-F KENT GOLF COURSE , RIVERBEND GOLF COURSE S-M-T-W-TH-F-S 270.90 6=12-89 Kent City Council Meeting P Date September 5 , 1989 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: STATE TRAFFIC SAFETY PROJECT FUNDING L� f V 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: AcceptaState funding for Kent Police Department Public Education Unit fro^ashington Traffic Safety Commission in the amount of $51, 015 for the period from 7-1-89 to 6-30-90. 3 . EXHIBITS: 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REOUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3D ' EUGENE PETEKSON )lf(CIUf tw STATE Of WASI iINGTON WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION KKX) S. Cherry Sf., NIS/P0-I I • Olympia, Wshinglon 98504 • (200) 75 f-6197 July 12 , 1989 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Local Traffic Safety Task Force Coordinators FROM: Julia terson, Deputy Director Wash' Traffic Safety Commission SUBJECT: State Traffic Safety Project Funding Included hexewith is your state funded traffic safety project in the same dollar amount as authorized fors your 1989 feder- ally funded project which ended on June 30, 1989 . The state funded (PSEA account) project started on July 1, 1989 and ends on June 30, 1990-. The sixteen projects total $611, 264 state dollars which leaves an available balance of $588, 736 ($1. 2 million for the 189-191 biennium) to cover- the same projects for the second year of the biennium. With this shortfall of $22, 528 for the second year (July 1, 1990 - June 30, 1991) staring you in the face, collectively the Alliance for Safe and Sober Driving will have to make some financial decisions or we will have to arbitrarily do it for you next year. One option is for you to collectively underspend your current projects by $22, 528 which would permit us to fund the second year at the current $611, 264 amount. This also gives you some time to obtain local funding support from your sup- port echelon (county/city government, etc. ) for the second year, as appropriate, to cover salary adjustments, inflation, etc. Failing the above, we will probably assign the same percentage reduction to all project amounts in the second year and have you "force" your reimbursement budget into this amount. Consider your situation and recommend that the President of the Alliance perform further contact with the coordinators and give us your position, if you 'can establish one. Traffic safety project report and invoice voucher (reimburse- ment) forms are also included for your use. Note that your jurisdiction' s claims are to be submitted monthly. . If you have further questions, please contact George Meyer at (206) 586-3870. c: Local Traffic Safety Project Directors «K:.�. .3 1 � k Kent City Council Meeting Date September 5. 1989 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: LATECOMER AGREEMENT - FOREST CREEK APARTMENTS 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorization for staff to prepare and for the Director of Public Works to sign a Latecomer Agreement for costs associated with the construction of the utility extensions for the Forest Creek Apartments in the vicinity of 100th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 248th Street. 3 . EXHIBITS: Vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY• (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS- 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3E SE lbTH PL ' , i DI SE 227TH _ "` PARK SE Volg -ST ORCHARD, 229TH S z�TH S H 22eTH w. •..'� - 1 . IK VE Y T ST... z ( 'jtf'iSf �- `+WT711TF ST � .. 22 u u;F ��, S 23 v ST _ , Qi� SE 7J3+D 0 32ND $1 si S 132ND ST .:i:J: st ZMO . ^!E N R2 2 2f N tir kMR D � � o 67 J ¢ 1 y > n r y�Qv 1 �'i N SE -�T lip DOULID 1: ui ST 3Ti' I �, Dl K r ' I r E PO ST tm tat I 1 T ST U ; Ahl. I LT. J._ — -- S 244TH ST >.. t S w w�+rr'.•ti '1 ac > v, cc NTH < z > cc H AGCI ST .• S 25 o S?..... '�.` , s1s :,r� ; ,.::� SE D IT t } •C.Lv1'V�.. ARK: j. dd a •j I a IAOR L ST p rAAw'• ,;, rt':;if' I RT � f1 M T �, I•t,�-...� .: -�: .'iRENi; 1 SE I �/'� yC MA N a i 2 1TH �T.'• dt 1 Si6 > FOREST CREEK APARTMENTS AUTHORIZATION FOR LATECOMER AGREEMENT Kent City Council Meeting �� 1D Date September 5, 1989 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION FUND 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization to adjust the Environmental Mitigation Fund budget to establish the $40, 000 revenue from the County recycling grant and to provide for additional expenditures for the spring cleanup in the amount of $5, 000, the Christmas tree pickup in the amount of $2 , 300, $2 , 000 for additional costs of the recycling program and $20, 000 in set up costs. 3 . EXHIBITS: An excerpt from the Public Works Committee minutes of August 22 , a memorandum from the Director of Public Works 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: IBC and Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REOUIRED: revenue increase $40 000 expenditure increase $29 , 300 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Utility taxes and County grant 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3F C? DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS August 30, 1989 TO: Mayor Kelleher and City Council FROM: Don Wickstrom RE: Environmental Mitigation Fund The Public Works Committee at their August 22, 1989 meeting recommended approval to adjust the Environmental Mitigation Fund to provide for additional revenue from the King County Recycling Grant and expenditures associated with the planned Fall Cleanup, previous spring cleanup, last year' s Christmas Tree pickup and recycling costs. Since that meeting, the City has established a garbage utility whereby there would be no additional costs to the City for the Fall Cleanup. Therefore, our request for adjustment of the fund has been reduced accordingly. We had requested an adjustment to provide for $40, 000 in additional revenue and $43 , 300 in additional expenditures ($14, 000 Fall Cleanup, $5, 000 spring cleanup, $2 , 000 recycling, $2 , 300 Christmas Tree pickup, $20,000 recycling costs) . Our request now is to adjust the fund to provide for $40, 000 additional revenue from the Recycling Grant and $29 , 300 in additional expenditures. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AUGUST 22 , 1989 ATTENDEES: Jon Johnson Jerry McCaughan Bernie Biteman Bonnie Fell Gary Gill Marty Nizlek Sandra Driscoll John Marchione Jim Hansen Lyle Price Ed Chow Maureen McNamara Chief Berg Gary opened with the discussion of the funding for Fall cleanup noting that it is more of a budget item to look at where the funds will be coming from to continue with the clean up/recycling program as has been approved to date, both being paid for out of the utility tax. Basically we are trying to appropriate the additional funds that would be needed to do the Fall cleanup. Essentially the costs came in at about $14 , 000 for the Spring cleanup where it was anticipated about $9 , 000 in actual budget, so it was exceeded by about $5 , 000 . This would not allow for funding for Fall cleanup or Christmas tree pickup (already completed in January 1989) . We are expecting the cost to be an additional $14 , 000 for Fall clean up. $70 , 000 was budgeted for the recycling program and we are anticipating to exceed that by about $2 , 000 . We are getting more participants in the recycling program than we had originally anticipated. The other funds are costs relating to our recycling grant program. What we wanted to do was to allocate the funds from our utility tax to cover these costs . Jon Johnson states if we go back into the garbage business, this would make this "moot" , assuming that this is one of the provisions of our contract, the hauler would provide the service. Sandra Driscoll states that the ordinance presented before the Council is consistent with last week' s motion to have the same provisions we had prior to going out of the business, which would than require that the Fall and Spring and Christmas tree cleanup and the City pickup all be at no cost to the City and therefore covered by the rate. So that part of this request would be moot. The only item remaining is the recycling contract. Bonnie Fell explains that the first $5000 is for the Spring cleanup which has already been accomplished and the $2300 for the Christmas trees that we already picked up in January. So the only change would be on the $14 , 000 for the Fall cleanup if the Council passes the ordinance. Bernie Biteman states that it might be well to indicate that we have a recycling grant of $60, 000 to start and of this we are requesting that be allocated in the way you have indicated here. Gary explains that this is over a three year period. $20, 000 of that would be for 189 . Bonnie explains that $40, 000 includes a 1988 grant of $20, 000 for set up costs involved with the program during 1988 , which was not finalized until 1989 as well as the 1989 grant of $20, 000 to continue the recycling program as a 50/50 reimbursement during 1989 . Bernie asks that if we wrote it to be at no expense on our recycling etc. , which means it would have to be renegotiated on the rates - Sandra states that would be the Council 's decision as to whether or not they wanted to renegotiate the rates. The proposal tonight would have status quo maintained which we include that the rates would be the same as well. It is totally within the Council authority to order that this be done in the future. Allocation of the funds to cover these costs that would come from that utility tax. We show that we would have an estimated balance at the end of 189 of about $216, 000 with this. It is not building up quite as fast as the Council had originally anticipated but there is still adequate funding there. Biteman moves that this be sent to Council, seconded by Johnson. The next item discussed was the proposed annexation of Pacific Highway between S . 252nd and S . 260th with Gary indicating its location on a map. Citizen concerns relates to lack of feedback from the County over concerns with traffic, and possibly some of the drug problems that could be occurring in some of the multi family areas as well as lack of other services that the County is providing. The Street Dept. did a detailed review on the condition of the roadways in that area and have indicated some significant costs to overlay and upgrade those streets. Jim Hansen states that some months ago the Committee established the priority for two annexation areas indicating area 1 and area 2 on a handout map. Area 2 is in a high priority area and it certainly warrants merit of us examining the feasibility of annexation. In addition, because virtually the same effort has to be put into an annexation regardless of its size, it might make sense if we were to seriously look at this to examine the feasibility of making this larger than the area shown. The area indicated is 57 acres but the rectangle between Pacific Highway and our existing City limits which is Military, area 2 goes down to 272nd being another 12 blocks south and also generally runs over to Star Lake. It may be feasible to go ahead and look at an enlarged area as far south as 272nd since Federal Way just established that as their northern boundary, and examine as a total area between I-5 and Pac Highway east/west 252nd on the north and 272nd on the south as a potential area. John Marchione developed Kent City Council Meeting Date September 5 , 1989 Category Consent Calendar v 1. SUBJECT• ORBI4LA4W�E--RELATF.B-" PARKING AND STORAGE .OF CERTAIN COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIALLY ZONED AREAS. 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The parking of commercial trucks, vans, trailers and semi-trailers on City streets in residentially zoned areas poses a risk and hazard to the public's health, safety and welfare including noise disturbance and obstruction to vehicular traffic. Therefore, an ordinance has been prepared to prohibit the parking of commercial trucks, vehicles, vans, trailers or semi-trailers on any City street in residentially zoned areas except for such vehicles engaging in loading or unloading during business hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 3 . EXHIBITS: Ordinance 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Qouncilmember seconds to adopt Ordinance No. ,1� j � r gulating the parking of commercial vehicles in residenally zoned areas. DISCUSSION• ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 3G `II II i Ali IIORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, amending KCC 15.08.090 and KCC 10.06.100 relating to parking and storage of i certain commercial vehicles in residentially +I zoned areas. WHEREAS, the City maintains certain zoning regulations king of vehicles in residentially prescribing conditions for par zoned areas of the city; and � WHEREAS, the parking of commercial trucks, vans, trailers li and semi-trailers upon City streets in residentially zoned areas i the public's health, safety and welfare„ pose a risk and hazard to1 i including, but not limited to, view obstruction, the decorum of residential neighborhoods, noise disturbance and obstruction to vehicular traffic; and THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: i Section 1. The City Council finds that the parking of commercial trucks, vans, tractor trailers, and semi-trailers with a maximum gross vehicle weight exceeding 8,000 pounds present II unacceptable risks and hazards to residentially zoned areas where such vehicles are parked or stored on City streets at times when i such vehicles are not engaged in business or commercial it activities. The city Council further finds that the parking of 1 II such vehicles not only obstruct traffic, but are not compatible j with residential uses in R1-20, R1-12, R1-9.6, R1-7.2, MR-D, MR-G,i MR-M, MR-H,- MHP, and PUD zoning district uses under Chapters 15.04, 15.05, and 15.08 of the Kent City Code. 11 II i i I�I i 11 i I ,I I I I II Section 2. KCC 15.08.090 is amended as follows: �I 15.08.090. PARKING AND STORAGE OF VEHICLES. No more than one (1) vehicle of any kind in inoperable condition shall be I stored or parked on any residentially zoned property for more than thirty (30) days. No commercial truck vehicle van trailer, or ', semi trailer whether licensed or unlicensed exceeding 8.000 pounds as defined by RCW 46 44 036 46 44 037 or 46.44.041 may be stored or parked upon any City. street in residential zones except II that such vehicle may engage in loading or unloading during business hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. � I Section 3. 10.06.100 is amended as follows: i 10.06.100. A. Trailer or Semi-Trailer Parking. Except for I� �I provision in KCC 15.08.090in KCC , no trailer or semi-trailer shall be parked upon any City street unless the trailer or semi-trailer is � �i attached to a vehicle by which it may be propelled or drawn; provided, that in case of accident such trailer or semi-trailer may be moved to the side of the street; and, if a good and sufficient red signal be displayed at both ends thereof during the ! hours of darkness, such trailer or semi-trailer may be permitted or allowed to remain for a period not exceeding twenty-four hours !; of pending removal except that such trailer or semi-trailer shallll not remain upon any portion of a City street where standing or j, parking is limited or prohibited for a period longer than is necessary to effect its removal. II Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. I I I II i DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: II I MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK - 2 - i I 'I I I � Kent City Council Meeting Date September 5 , 1989 _i Category Other Business 1. SUBJECT: LAVENDER HILLS FINAL PLAT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: A public meeting on the Lavender Hills Final Plat is scheduled for this date. The preliminary plat was approved by the Council on November 3 , 1987 with conditions. The conditions have been complied with and staff recommends approval of the plat. 3 . EXHIBITS: 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION• Council Agenda Item No. 4A KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT August 30, 1989 MEMO TO: Mayor Dan Kelleher and City Council Members FROM: James P. Harris, Planning Director SUBJECT: Lavender Hills Final Plat The Lavender Hills final plat is scheduled for the Council 's consideration on September 5, 1989. The preliminary plat for Lavender Hills was approved by the Council on November 3, 1987 with the following conditions: 1. Sanitary sewer, water service and fire protection shall be provided to all lots. In so doing, the developer shall: a. Provide to the Engineering Department for review and approval detailed plans for water and sewer improvements. b. Loop the water system through Kentview if necessary for adequate fire protection. C. Inspect and obtain approval foe needed off-site systems from Kentview Plat prior to design, and d. Provide fire sprinklering for all occupied buildings if any portion of the proposed S. 237th Street exceeds a 12 percent gradient. 2 . The developer shall provide a detailed analysis of on-site and off-site conditions affecting the final design of the storm drainage system for the plat. The developer shall provide adequate drainageway across the subject property to accommodate upstream runoff together with necessary public easements for access and maintenance. Detailed plans for handling storm water runoff for the site as well as upstream tributaries shall be submitted to the Engineering Department for review and approval. 3 . The developer shall improve the western half of 94th Avenue S. for the entire frontage thereon with 18 feet of asphalt paving (as measured from the centerline of existing pavement) , curb and gutter, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, underground utilities and related appurtenances. The engineering design for the structured roadway section shall take into account site specific soil conditions and traffic volume projections from the City' s Traffic Section. Memo To: Mayor Dan Kelleher and City Council Members RE: Lavender Hill #SU-87-3 August 30, 1989 All other streets within the subject property shall have minimum pavement widths of 28 feet (as measured from the curb face) , curb and gutter, sidewalks, street lighting, storm water drainage facilities, underground utilities and related appurtenances in accordance with the City's Subdivision Code. All of the above conditions have been complied with and the staff recommends approval of this final plat. JPH:ch Enclosure ZA VXNP.XJC Tff A r/i'. -S- . a w v ti m N S 13 /2 7 �r 8 9 �o A� C Kent City Council Meeting Date September 5, 1989 Category other Business 1. SUBJECT: COUNCIL ABSENCE REQUEST 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Councilmember Biteman has requested authorization to be excused from the next five regular Council meetings, since he will be out of town. 3 . EXHIBITS: Letter from Berne Biteman 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION• ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 4B CITY OF ��� VINCTA August 22, 1989 Dear City Councilmembers, Personal business demands require that -I be out of town for a couple of months. Therefore, I request authority from you to be absent from the next five regular Council meetings. Sincerely, Berne Biteman Councilmember BB:jb CA tt �II� t t f t wt I N� Kent City Council Meeting Date September 5 . 1989 Category Bids 1. SUBJECT: MULTIGRADER 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Bids were opened July 21 and three bids were received. The low bidder specified equipment that did not meet the bid specifications. The bid by the second low bidder, while offering compensating differences, still did not meet bid specifications, and the third bid exceeded the budget for the equipment. The Director of Public Works will review the bids and make a recommendation as to award at the Council meeting. 3 . EXHIBITS: Bid summary 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES FISCAL/PERSONNEL NOTE: Recommended Not Recommended 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds that the recommendation of the Public Works Director be accepted. %�. C DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 5A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS August 30, 1989 TO: Mayor Kelleher and City Council FROM: Don Wickstrom RE: Multigrader Bids were opened July 21 with three bids received. The low bid was based on equipment that did not meet the bid specifications. The second low bid, likewise, did not meet the bid specifications and the third bid exceeded the budget. Funding in the amount of $45, 000 has been approved in the 1989 Drainage Operation budget and $900 in Equipment Rental for this equipment. The Director of Public Works will make a recommendation as to award. BID SUMMARY Utility Equipment Company $42, 699. 50 Fray Equipment Company $47, 217 . 00 Craig Taylor Equipment Co. $49, 852.48 R E P O R T S COUNCIL PRESIDENT B OPERATIONS COMMITTEE C. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE D.., PLANNING COMMITTEE F,.. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE F. PARKS COMMITTEE %G ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES August 15, 1989 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Steve Dowell Paul Mann Bernie Biteman STAFF PRESENT: Ed Chow Jim Hansen Mike Webby Sandra Driscoll Rod Frederiksen Tony McCarthy Jim Harris Don Wickstrom Fred Satterstrom Dan Stroh May Miller Priscilla Shea Alana McIalwain Teri Mertes Mary Ann Kern GUESTS ' PRESENT: Tom Phillips, Consultant John Buckley, Consultant Don Graf, Consultant Gary Ewing, Kent Disposal Steve Caputo, Kent Disposal Leona Orr, Citizen Sharon Atkin, Citizen Patricia West, Citizen Dee Moshel, Citizen APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending August 15, 1989 in the amount of $1,463 ,834 . 39 were approved for payment. UPDATE ON WESTERN PROCESSING CLEANUP Included in verbatim minutes attached. (On Request) UPDATE ON CLEANUP ACTIVITIES AT MIDWAY AND HIGHLANDS LANDFILLS Included in verbatim minutes attached. (On Request) PROPOSAL FOR VOTER APPROVED SENIOR HOUSING BOND ISSUE Senior Planner Dan Stroh informed the Committee of the Mayors Assisted Housing Committee and their examination of the City's need for low income senior housing. A recommendation of a $6.7 million voter-approved bond issue to be placed on the November ballot was introduced. The proposed bonds would be repaid over 20 years through an increase in property taxes. Depending upon assessed valuation and interest rates at the time of the bond sale, the annual increase in property taxes on a $1o0,000 home would be in the $24 range. The funds would be used to build a minimum of 92 units of senior housing. This would meet roughly 25% of the identified need of 350 units of senior housing as displayed in a survey performed. Councilmember Mann moved the Committee support the proposed ordinance allowing the bond issue be placed on the November ballot and recommend endorsement to Council. The Committee approved this recommendation to the Council as Other Business by a vote of 3-0. DRUG REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY FORFEITURE- ATTORNEY FEES City Attorney Driscoll explained to the Committee that the recent police work related to drug trafficking and money laundering in Kent and Auburn has had a dramatic impact on the Law department. Driscoll then requested a $15, 000 budget extension for hiring an outside attorney to handle this matter to be reimbursed at a later date, once certain personal property is forfeited, to cover these fees. Finance Director McCarthy proposed setting up a separate fund to place the costs incurred in this project by Law and Police until the reimbursement is available. This will allow the City to accumulate and monitor the costs reducing the interim impact on the general fund. The Committee recommended to the Council the temporary budget extension of $15, 000 to hire an outside attorney by a vote of 3-0. ARMOR CAR SERVICE CONTRACT Finance Director McCarthy informed the Committee of the need to update our contract with Continental Armored Transport, Inc. as they have changed names to Armored Transport Northwest, Inc. The contract renewal was previously approved in the Banking Services Agreement and the Mayors signature on the revised contract is all that is needed at this time. The Committee recommended this request to Council for the 9/5/89 Consent Calendar. CIVIL SERVICE CONTRACT City Attorney Driscoll presented to the Committee an Ordinance to provide for coverage of non-uniform police personnel by Civil Service. The Committee recommended this Ordinance to Council under Other Business by a vote of 3-0. WUTC GARBAGE HAULING RULING Councilmember Mann informed the Committee of his dissatisfaction with the recent garbage rulings by WUTC allowing Tri-Star to franchise the entire City of Kent and Kent Disposal limited only to Kent's core area. The rulings also denied the City the ability to require these garbage companies perform such services as free fall/spring pick up and senior citizen discount rates. The City can recommend these extras be performed but not require them. Counc i lmember Mann then presented a list of options to be presented to the Council. The Committee recommended these issues be discussed as an additional item at Council meeting on August 15, 1989 by a vote of 2-1. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AUGUST 22 , 1989 ATTENDEES: Jon Johnson Jerry McCaughan Bernie Biteman Bonnie Fell Gary Gill Marty Nizlek Sandra Driscoll John Marchione Jim Hansen Lyle Price Ed Chow Maureen McNamara Chief Berg Gary opened with the discussion of the funding for Fall cleanup noting that it is more of a budget item to look at where the funds will be coming from to continue with the clean up/recycling program as has been approved to date, both being paid for out of the utility tax. Basically we are trying to appropriate the additional funds that would be needed to do the Fall cleanup. Essentially the costs came in at about $14 , 000 for the Spring cleanup where it was anticipated about $9 , 000 in actual budget, so it was exceeded by about $5, 000 . This would not allow for funding for Fall cleanup or Christmas tree pickup (already completed in January 1989) . We are expecting the cost to be an additional $14 , 000 for Fall clean up. $70, 000 was budgeted for the recycling program and we are anticipating to exceed that by about $2 , 000. We are getting more participants in the recycling program than we had originally anticipated. The other funds are costs relating to our recycling grant program. What we wanted to do was to allocate the funds from our utility tax to cover these costs . Jon Johnson states if we go back into the garbage business, this would make this "moot" , assuming that this is one of the provisions of our contract, the hauler would provide the service. Sandra Driscoll states that the ordinance presented before the Council is consistent with last week' s motion to have the same provisions we had prior to going out of the business, which would than require that the Fall and Spring and Christmas tree cleanup and the City pickup all be at no cost to the City and therefore covered by the rate. So that part of this request would be moot. The only item remaining is the recycling contract. Bonnie Fell explains that the first $5000 is for the Spring cleanup which has already been accomplished and the $2300 for the Christmas trees that we already picked up in January. So the only change would be on the $14 , 000 for the Fall cleanup if the Council passes the ordinance. Bernie Biteman states that it might be well to indicate that we have a recycling grant of $60, 000 to start and of this we are requesting that be allocated in the way you have indicated here. Gary explains that this is over a three year period. $20, 000 of that would be for 189 . Bonnie explains that $40, 000 includes a 1988 grant of $20, 000 for set up costs involved with the program during 1988, which was not finalized until 1989 as well as the 1989 grant of $20, 000 to continue the recycling program as a 50/50 reimbursement during 1989 . Bernie asks that if we wrote it to be at no expense on our recycling etc. , which means it would have to be renegotiated on the rates - Sandra states that would be the Council 's decision as to whether or not they wanted to renegotiate the rates. The proposal tonight would have status quo maintained which we include that the rates would be the same as well . It is totally within the Council authority to order that this be done in the future. Allocation of the funds to cover these costs that would come from that utility tax. We show that we would have an estimated balance at the end of ' 89 of about $216, 000 with this. It is not building up quite as fast as the Council had originally anticipated but there is still adequate funding there. Biteman moves that this be sent to Council , seconded by Johnson. The next item discussed was the proposed annexation of Pacific Highway between S . 252nd and S . 260th with Gary indicating its location on a map. Citizen concerns relates to lack of feedback from the County over concerns with traffic, and possibly some of the drug problems that could be occurring in some of the multi family areas as well as lack of other services that the County is providing. The Street Dept. did a detailed review. on the condition of the roadways in that area and have indicated some significant costs to overlay and upgrade those streets . Jim Hansen states that some months ago the Committee established the priority for two annexation areas indicating area 1 and area 2 on a handout map. Area 2 is in a high priority area and it certainly warrants merit of us examining the feasibility of annexation. In addition, because virtually the same effort has to be put into an annexation regardless of its size, it might make sense if we were to seriously look at this to examine the feasibility of making this larger than the area shown. The area indicated is 57 acres but the rectangle between Pacific Highway and our existing City limits which is Military, area 2 goes down to 272nd being another 12 blocks south and also generally runs over to Star Lake. It may be feasible to go ahead and look at an enlarged area as far south as 272nd since Federal Way just established that as their northern boundary, and examine as a total area between I-5 and Pac Highway east/west 252nd on the north and 272nd on the south as a potential area. John Marchione developed a model to examine pluses and minuses in dollars. It is a national model that has been modified somewhat to fit Kent and we would want to use that to the degree that we could to get a sense of how much it might cost the City to provide the services to this area against potential revenue over time. commercial areas generate a great deal of revenue and single family areas generate less. Once we compile this information it would be appropriate if we came back to the Committee with a recommendation on whether the area should be larger or smaller. We want to follow the Council 's policy that area #2 was the second highest priority and if there is a willing property owner who is very enthusiastic on this, there may be a number of others . We are developing a brochure to meet with neighborhoods to provide as much information as we can as to the services we have available. It is good timing in that Kent is building a fire station and police precinct very close by. Biteman states that in the meetings with the 272nd groups, he recalls the support for an approach for annexation demonstrated. The next item discussed was a draft ordinance prepared by the Legal Dept. at Bernie Biteman' s request to assist in responding to complaints regarding the commercial trucks being parked on residential streets . Biteman states that over the past 3 - 4 years the truck drivers have taken liberty to park either on Military Rd. or the cut off in front of 38th unaware of the fact that this is our main entrance and exit on the hill . It is heavily traveled and with the trucks parked on one or both sides of the street it is a dangerous area. It was found that a loophole was in the ordinance which limited trailers to be parked but did not say anything about the cab. Referring to the draft ordinance, Marty Nizlek indicates that on page 1, Section 1 reference is made to 8000 lbs, that is not carried over to Section 2 KC 15 . 08 . 090 on page 2 and that would be helpful . Also noted that where it states, no commercial truck, vehicle, van, trailer or semi-trailer "greater than 8 , 000 lbs. " should be added her-e as well . Sandra stated this correction will be made. Jon Johnson suggests that it should be taken to Council on Sept 5th and prior to that time, the departments that want to comment on the ordinance can do so. Bernie Biteman moves that this Ordinance be taken to Council under Other Business, on Sept 5th and seconded by Jon Johnson. Gary comments on the removal of the stripe on 94th to be removed in front of Maureen McNamara ' s house and will get with the Street Dept. as to it' s schedule of handling this. At a previous Council meeting, McNamara had inquired as to the program with regard to damage caused to private citizens by developers. Upon the Mayor' s suggestion at the July 5th Council meeting, the City Attorney agreed to look into the types of requirements which cities could put on private contractors and report back to the Public Works Committee. Sandra stated at this time that she had reported directly back to McNamara on her inquiry. Gary states that we have now a set of standards circulating within the City for comments from other departments. It may not however, address very clearly the types of concerns that we are going to have on substandard streets that arose as part of the Lavender Hills project. When you get into areas of sub-standard streets, then you ' re dealing with off-site improvements and those are a little more difficult to deal with. Biteman would like an emphasis on including at least sidewalks on the one side of streets. Jon states a sidewalk plan would be a good idea especially in those areas where children are walking to and from school to avoid accidents. The Traffic Division has been in contact with the School Districts to try to identify which schools had walking areas and what routes were used primarily from the residential communities. It is now at the data collecting stage. Biteman recalls that funds had been allocated for that issue last year. McNamara feels that decisions are being made to change the character of citizens neighborhood from rural to urban with sidewalks. Johnson explains that he refers to a complete subdivision with all houses and have no sidewalks and those people have demanded that we put sidewalks in. Biteman explains that the demands are coming from parents of school children.