HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/04/2001 Kent, Washington September 4, 2001 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Councilmembers present : Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods, Worthing and Yingling. Others present : Interim Chief Administrative Officer Martin, City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief Crawford, Acting Fire Chief Hamilton, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Planning Manager Satterstrom, Finance Director Miller, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Hodgson, Information Technology Director Mulholland, and Employee Services Director Viseth. Approximately 40 people were at the meeting. The Flag salute was led by Boy Scout Troop 474 . CHANGES TO THE AGENDA There were no changes to the agenda from the Council, administration, staff or the public. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced that Financial Project Analyst Barbara Lopez has been selected as Employee of the Month for September. He explained that Ms . Lopez was responsible for determin- ing requirements for the new financial software, testing software, developing reports, providing requirements to technical staff, setting up menus and account codes, identifying security requirements, and training citywide staff. He added that she accom- plished this goal without complaint and with an unswerving positive attitude. Information Technology Director Mulholland commended Ms . Lopez for the excellent job she has done, and Mayor White presented her with the Employee of the Month plaque . Payroll Week. Mayor White read a proclamation declar- ing September 3-7, 2001, as Payroll Week in the City of Kent . He noted that payroll professionals support the American system by paying wages, reporting worker earnings and withholding federal employment taxes, and play a key role in maintaining Kent ' s economic health. He presented the proclamation to Finance Accounting Manager Bonnie Fell, who thanked her staff and expressed appreciation for the recognition. 1 Kent City Council Minutes September 4, 2001 CONSENT CALENDAR ORR MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through J. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of August 21, 2001 . BILL OF SALE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) Park Place Apartments Bill of Sale. ACCEPT the Bill of Sale for Park Place Apartments submitted by Park Place 1998, LLC for continuous operation and maintenance of 453 feet of watermain, 35 feet of sanitary sewer, 796 feet of storm sewer and 706 feet of street improve- ments, as recommended by the Public Works Director. Bonds are to be released after the one-year expiration period. This project is located at 1406 Maple Lane . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) Wendy' s Texaco Bill of Sale. ACCEPT the Bill of Sale for Wendy' s/Texaco submitted by Wendy' s International, Inc. /Trimark LLC, for continuous operation and maintenance of 235 feet of water-main and 410 feet of sanitary sewer, as recommended by the Public Works Director. Bonds are to be released after the one-year expiration period. This project is located at 6331 South 212th Street. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6J) Walgreen's Store No. 6304 Bill Of Sale. AUTHORIZATION to accept the Bill of Sale for Walgreens Store #6304 submitted by Walgreens for continuous operation and maintenance of 665 feet of street improvements . Bonds are to be released after the one-year expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. This project is located at S . 272nd Street & 132nd Avenue Southeast. TRANSPORTATION (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 5A) Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan. This date has been set for the public hearing on the Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan. Public Works Director 2 Kent City Council Minutes September 4, 2001 TRANSPORTATION Wickstrom noted that the Plan is used for grant pur- poses, and displayed where the projects are located throughout the city. He explained which projects have been removed from the plan and which projects have moved forward. Mayor White opened the public hearing. Mel Roberts and Dave Hoffman, 25334 45th Avenue South, both spoke about bike lane improvements in various locations . Bob O'Brien, 1131 Seattle Street, suggested having a full plan by next year which would go from Point A to Point B in a straight line and on a regular schedule, rather than having many small projects in search of a plan. There were no further comments and ORR MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods seconded and the motion carried. CLARK MOVED to pass Resolution No. 1601 adopting the 2002-2007 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan. Woods seconded. Clark pointed out that bicycle lane improvements are on-going, and explained the status of some of the projects . He emphasized that the Public Works Committee has consistently supported the expansion of bicycle lanes throughout the city, and that the Plan is the Growth Management Act in action. Brotherton expressed hope that in the future funding for physical modifications to neighborhoods would be added to the Plan. Clark' s motion then carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) Local Improvement District (LID) 351 Segregation, Assessment No. 162 . PASSAGE of Resolution No. 1603 authorizing the segregation of Assessment #162 in LID 351 (277th Corridor) into five parcels for the purpose of selling said parcels, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . ANNEXATION ZONING (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) DeMarco Annexation Zoning. On August 21, 2001, the City Council held the second of two public hearings on 3 Kent City Council Minutes September 4, 2001 ANNEXATION ZONING the DeMarco Annexation area initial zoning and compre- hensive plan amendment . The Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing on the annexation zoning map amendments and the comprehensive plan amendments on May 21, 2001 . The City Council will now consider the recommendation of the Land Use and Planning Board. Mayor White stated that since there have been three public hearings on this matter, there will not be any additional public input tonight . Charlene Anderson of the Planning Services Office displayed a map showing the Land Use and Planning Board recommendation, outlined the boundaries, and explained the zoning designations . BROTHERTON expressed concern about the traffic situation and MOVED to modify the Land Use and Planning Board recommendation for Alternative One to zone the southwest corner as SR-6 rather than NCC and the property adjacent to the east as SR-6 rather than MRT-16, and to establish a compre- hensive plan designation of single family 6 units per acre for both of those parcels, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the ordinance. Orr seconded. Upon Orr ' s question, Brotherton noted that it is his inten- tion to accept Alternative One and modify only those two parcels . Yingling voiced opposition, noting that the landowner of the current commercial property went through the process of rezoning and to now make the property non- conforming is not good public policy. Clark agreed. Satterstrom noted for Orr that businesses are now allowed to rebuild their operation in case of a fire. He added that prior to the County changing the zoning to multifamily in 1992 or 1993, it had been single family. Brotherton explained that the neighborhood, roads and school cannot take the increased traffic volume. Clark expressed concern about wiping out a business which has been at that location for twenty years . Orr said zoning that site single family does not harm the existing business in any way, and that she cannot support a commercial center at that corner. Woods reminded Council members that in the past the cutoff for multifamily development on East Hill was 112th Avenue . 4 Kent City Council Minutes September 4, 2001 ANNEXATION ZONING Yingling said there is no chance that commercial buildings will be built and then not have occupants . Clark emphasized that he is not endorsing commercial on the site, but is concerned about consistency. Brotherton' s motion then carried with Clark and Yingling opposed, and Worthing abstaining. AGRICULTURAL LANDS MORATORIUM (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 5B) Agricultural Lands Moratorium. On July 17, 2001, the City Council passed Resolution No. 1599 imposing a moratorium on the acceptance of applications for any land use permit or approval for subdivisions, short plats, or any other similar application (including rezones) , that increased the number of lots and/or density on property located within the currently zoned agricultural lands (A-1 or AG designation) . This date has been set for a public hearing on the matter. The City Attorney noted that the hearing is strictly on the moratorium, and explained what the moratorium would cover. The Mayor opened the public hearing. Mike Carpinito, 1148 N. Central, said that any restrictions to agricul- tural zones will inhibit agricultural programs, and suggested that the Council and Land Use and Planning Board talk to farmers before making a decision. He added that he would not like to see anything which mirrors King County' s agricultural program, as it is too restrictive . Elaine Spencer, of Graham & Dunn, 1420 5th Avenue, Seattle, attorney for Carpinito Brothers, said that models other than King County are available, and that Carpinito Brothers needs the City' s help to remain a major commercial farmer. She stated that flexibility is required and that King County' s approach, which is apparently to preserve open space, is extraordinarily expensive . She added that they do not object to the continuation of the moratorium and that they look forward to working with the city to develop a system which will allow farming to continue. 5 Kent City Council Minutes September 4, 2001 AGRICULTURAL LANDS MORATORIUM There were no further comments and ORR MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Mayor White said the City would welcome suggestions from Mr. Carpinito and Ms . Spencer on how to communicate with farmers . Orr added that the Land Use and Planning Board will hold public hearings on this issue. Clark noted that there will be a meeting of the Growth Management Policy Committee at 4 : 00 p.m. on September 26th at the Puget Sound Regional Council headquarters at which time the motion before the committee will be to assign agricultural lands as a project for King County. Clark said he is opposed to having King County act as caretaker of agricultural lands . He urged citizens to contact King County and to testify at the meeting. Mayor White expressed concern that King County wants to supercede local zoning authorities and take away City' s abilities to annex agricultural lands . BROTHERTON MOVED to pass Resolution No. 1602 adopting Findings of Fact and continuing the moratorium established pursuant to Resolution No. 1599 on the acceptance of applications for any land use permit or approval for subdivisions, short plats, or any other similar application (including rezones) , that increased the number of lots and/or density on property located within the currently zoned agricultural lands (A-1 and AG designations) in the City of Kent . Woods seconded and the motion carried. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) Lam Enforcement Education Partnership Grant. ACCEPT Law Enforcement Education Partnership Grant (LEEP) grant funds and establish budget . The Kent Drinking Driver Task Force will utilize the funds to provide drug education and violence prevention services to youth in the South King County. Junior high and senior youth from eight South King County school districts will attend the annual Youth Conference as a result of this funding. 6 Kent City Council Minutes September 4, 2001 POLICE Funding Authority: State of Washington Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) . Contract period: 7/1/2001 to 6/30/2002, the second year of a two-year grant application process . LEEP grant funds $ 26, 528 . 00 City' s Matching funds 92, 346 . 00 Total Grant $118, 874 . 00 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) FY2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEGB) . ACCEPT the FY2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) award, approve the City match amount and establish budget . Plans are to allocate this funding to support the accreditation of the City of Kent Corrections Facility (CKCF) through the American Correctional Association. The Police Department total award amounts to $81, 310 . 00, with a City match of $9, 034 . The City match will be taken from the existing police department budget. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) 2002 Budget. SET September 18, 2001 as the first public hearing on the 2002 Budget . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) 2002-2007 Capital Improvement Plan. SET September 18, 2001 as the second public hearing date for the 2002 Capital Improvement Plan. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through August 15 and paid on August 15, after auditing by the Operations Committee on August 21, 2001 . 7 Kent City Council Minutes September 4, 2001 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 8/15/01 Wire 1017-1026 $1, 091, 347 . 17 Transfers 8/15/01 Prepays 521015-521190 1, 634, 214 . 81 8/15/01 Regular 521191-521593 1, 345, 347 . 43 8/15/01 Void 521028 (7, 206 . 36) $4, 063, 703 . 05 Approval of checks issued for payroll for August 1 through August 15 and paid on August 20, 2001 : Date Check Numbers Amount 8/20/01 Checks 254210-254575 $ 336, 457 . 19 8/20/01 Advices 115708-116359 1, 064, 869. 85 $1, 401, 327 . 04 REPORTS Council President. Orr welcomed Mr. Worthing to his first official Council meeting. Public Safety Committee. Epperly noted that the next meeting will be held at 5 : 00 p.m. on September 12 . Parks Committee. Woods noted that the next meeting will be on September 11 at 4 : 00 p.m. Administrative Reports. Martin reminded Councilmembers of an Executive Session of approximately 15 minutes having to do with land acquisition, land sale and potential litigation, with potential action on the first two items . EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 8 : 10 p.m. and reconvened at 8 : 30 p.m. CITY PROPERTY Property Acquisition. CLARK MOVED to concur with the acquisition of the property known as the Bayside Automotive Storage property for the future extension of 72nd Avenue South at a price not to exceed $425, 000 . Epperly seconded. Clark explained that this is part of 8 Kent City Council Minutes September 4, 2001 CITY PROPERTY carrying out the eventual linkage of 72nd Avenue as an arterial which would go from 180th to Willis . The motion then carried. Property Sale. CLARK MOVED to authorize the Mayor to execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement for Tax Lot No. 192, subject to concurrence with the terms and conditions therein by the Public Works Director and the City Attorney. Woods seconded and the motion carried. UTILITIES Electrical Rate Increases. CLARK MOVED to authorize Administration to join other affected cities in the State of Washington to file a petition with WUTC on the City' s behalf in opposition to Puget Sound Energy' s proposed electrical rate increases . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT ORR MOVED to adjourn at 8 : 31 p.m. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Brenda Jaco r, CMC City Clerk 9